Neptune Generics v. Eli Lilly
` 10/31/2016
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` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` Case IPR2016-00237
` Patent 7,772,209 B2
` Telephone hearing before Administrative
`commencing on October 31, 2016 at 2:00 p.m. in the
`above-entitled cause pursuant to the applicable rules.
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` A P P E A R A N C E S:
` NBC Tower
` 455 Cityfront Plaza Drive
` Chicago, Illinois 60611
` (312) 321-4200
` appeared on behalf of Sandoz;
` 620 Eighth Avenue
` New York, New York 10018
` (212) 459-7295
` appeared on behalf of Fresenius;
` 2200 Ross Avenue
` Suite 4800W
` Dallas, Texas 75201
` (214) 978-6600
` appeared on behalf of Neptune;
` 225 South 6th Street
` Minneapolis, Minnesota 55402
` (612) 436-9600
` appeared on behalf of Teva;
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` 725 Twelfth Street, N.W.
` Washington, DC 20005
` (202) 434-5338
` appeared on behalf of Eli Lilly;
` 405 Lexington Avenue
` New York, New York 10174
` (212) 885-5290
` appeared on behalf of Emcure and
` Glenmark;
` 90 Park Avenue
` 15th Floor
` New York, New York 10016
` (212) 210-9529
` appeared on behalf of Mylan;
` 6 West Hubbard Street
` Suite 500
` Chicago, Illinois 60654
` (312) 527-2157
` appeared on behalf of Apotex.
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` JUDGE TIERNEY: This is Judge Tierney. Welcome to
`the conference call. The cases we are talking about are
`IPR 2016-00237 and 00240, as well as IPR 2016-00318. The
`parties that will be speaking today it's my understanding
`will be Neptune, Sandoz, and Lilly. If another party,
`for example, one who has joined needs to speak, let me
`know, otherwise, I'll direct all conversation to Neptune,
`Sandoz, and Lilly.
` Are there any questions before we begin?
` Not hearing any questions, we'll begin. My
`understanding is that the petitioners, Neptune and
`Sandoz, wanted to request additional discovery. I'll
`turn it over -- I'll begin with Neptune, then I'll turn
`it over to Sandoz, afterwards I'll turn it over to Lilly.
`But beginning with Neptune, if you could please give the
`board a sense of what discovery issue we need to look at
` MS. SPIRES: Good afternoon, your Honor. This is
`Sarah Spires speaking on behalf of Neptune. In all three
`petitions, so the Sandoz ones and the Lilly ones --
`Sandoz and Neptune ones, Lilly has relied on Exhibit 2116
`in its patent owner response, and that exhibit is the
`trial testimony from the district court litigation of
`Dr. Clet Niyikiza, and because Lilly has relied, I'll say
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`fairly extensively, I think we counted 9 or so cites and
`about 36 or so pages cited at the trial testimony, both
`Sandoz and Neptune would like the opportunity to depose
`Dr. Niyikiza under 37 CFR, 42.51(b)(2).
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Do you have anything else to add
`before I turn it over to Sandoz?
` MS. SPIRES: I'll just mention that we've looked
`around at the case law, and it seems that the board has
`ruled repeatedly that when patent owner relies on
`testimony that's in a prior proceeding or different
`proceeding, that the board has still ruled that that is
`affidavit testimony within the meaning of 37 CFR
`42.51(b)(1)(2), and instances of that -- April of this
`year the board ruled that way in PGR 2015-00011, paper
`29, the board ruled similarly in 2014 in IPR 2013-00253
`on paper 20.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Before I turn it over to Sandoz, I
`did have a question. If Sandoz wants to jump in, they
`can. Have the petitioners contacted the patent owner and
`come to any agreement, or has this issue already been
`attempted to be resolved and no issue was forthcoming?
` MS. SPIRES: We have attempted to resolve this
`issue, your Honor. While the parties were able to
`resolve several other discovery disputes, this one the
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`parties are not able to come to a resolution.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Okay. Anything else before I turn
`it to Sandoz?
` MS. SPIRES: No, your Honor.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Okay. Sandoz, do you have anything
`to add to the petitioner's side, in particular your -- is
`it also your request to have discovery of Dr. Niyikiza?
` MS. LYDIGSEN: Yes, it is also our position we would
`like to take Dr. Niyikiza's deposition, and we agree with
`everything that Neptune has said.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Do you have anything to add before I
`turn it over to party Lilly?
` MS. LYDIGSEN: We do not.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Okay. Patent owner Lilly, if you
`could -- if you'd take the floor and give us your side of
`the story on this.
` MR. KRINSKY: My apologies for cutting you off
`there. This is David Krinsky for Lilly.
` I think it's important to give the board a
`little bit more color as to what we're talking about here
`and why we're talking about it. This is a case where the
`validity of the same patent-in-suit was previously
`litigated through a full trial in district court, and in
`that trial the inventor Dr. Clet Niyikiza testified about
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`-- testified about a number of things, but he testified
`as relevant here about skepticism of the invention, and,
`you know, we put in a body -- fairly voluminous body of
`documents about skepticism of the invention as well as
`his trial testimony sort of contextualizing that and
`discussing that.
` In that prior proceeding Teva, and the party
`now known as Fresenius who are joinder petitioners here,
`had every opportunity to depose him, did so, and
`cross-examined him at trial on exactly these same issues,
`and our position is that because these are literally the
`same issues all over again, notwithstanding any slight
`differences in the grounds raised, none of that bears on
`skepticism of the invention. So there's already been an
`extensive record here, which we have at the request of
`Sandoz and Neptune either provided them or about to
`provide them, that's some of the discovery that, you
`know, has been mentioned by one of the -- one of my
`opponents, in terms of what we've agreed to.
` Our view is that, you know, they sort of having
`gotten all that, then they also want more, they want
`their own attempt at a deposition of Dr. Niyikiza, but we
`don't think that's appropriate here at all in light of
`the limited discovery availability in our proceedings,
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`and in light of the discovery they're talking about.
` I heard a little bit of confusion from Neptune
`at least about whether we're talking here about routine
`discovery or whether we're talking about additional
`discovery. You know, the rules are very clear, and I
`think the petitioners now concede this is not routine
`discovery under 42.51(b)(1)(2), because this is not
`cross-examination as to an affidavit prepared for the
`proceedings. The rules are quite clear on that.
`Instead, they need to meet the standards for additional
`discovery, and they also need to meet the standard for
`compelled testimony under 42.51(b)(2) and 42.52. I
`really haven't heard anything anchoring any of this to
`the Garmin factors.
` I don't quite understand -- notwithstanding our
`prior meet and confers, I don't quite understand why
`there is more than a mere possibility or allegation that
`they get something different from a new deposition that
`wasn't already explored fully by Teva's counsel in the
`prior deposition and/or explored fully as a
`cross-examination at trial.
` And, moreover, at the end of the day, this
`testimony is largely authenticating and contextualizing
`the documentary record, all of which we are also
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`providing. To the extent we haven't provided the
`documents by putting them in the record ourselves, we've
`also agreed in the meet and confers to date to give them
`the full set of trial exhibits from below, as well as the
`materials that were used in his deposition, and as well
`as the materials that were used on cross-examination and
`not admitted.
` So, you know, they have this vast body of,
`frankly, everything that we think is conceivably relevant
`to the issues on which we cited Dr. Niyikiza's testimony,
`and in light of that, and in light of the fact that he is
`not a Lilly employee, and so he's a third party, he's a
`busy pharmaceutical executive, you know, who we'd have to
`go and have to take his time to do this, we don't think
`they have even tried to meet the standards for additional
`discovery under Garmin.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: I do have a question. So, is it --
`maybe the board will need additional briefing on this.
`What -- Just walk me through briefly what is the
`timeframe if we allowed for briefing, how soon do we need
`to make a decision on this issue and try and keep on
`track, on schedule?
` MS. SPIRES: The petitioners have to file their
`replies on December 22nd, so we would say sometime --
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`we'd want to schedule the deposition no later than kind
`of early December. So roughly a month before we'd need
`to do that.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: So while I'm doing this, I'm pulling
`up my calendar. Basically this is -- it sounds like it's
`going to get to be a fact intensive issue if the parties
`are unable to resolve.
` Is that a fair statement going to petitioners?
` MS. SPIRES: Speaking for Neptune, yes, I believe
`that's a fair statement.
` MR. KRINSKY: I think it's -- I don't think I agree,
`your Honor, for the simple reason that, you know, I
`haven't even heard any articulation of what they want
`that they don't already have. Obviously --
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Well, if we'd stop here, that's why
`briefing would be done, otherwise, we could be here for
`hours to go through, read off the equivalent of a brief
`on the call, but, I mean, if that's what you want to do
`right now, we can do go through and spend the next 15
`minutes listening to them articulate reasons and you'd
`spend another 15 trying to come up with reasons why it
`would not be appropriate, and we have a reply from them
`that goes on for another 10 minutes. I think the best
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`way to go forward is with briefing where everyone can see
`exactly what's being said, we can go and pull the
`references as we go, but --
` MR. KRINSKY: That's fine with Lilly, your Honor.
`You called for the reactions.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: I mean, if you want to go without
`briefing, it's possible to make a decision where all the
`issues weren't quite as detailed as it should be, that's
`why I'm inclined to do briefing. But your comment as to
`briefing, disagree or not agree to have a briefing
` MR. KRINSKY: We're fine with briefing, your Honor.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Okay. Then the question becomes
`what would be the timeframe for briefing, and I'll start
`with party Lilly.
` What do you suggest for a briefing schedule?
` MR. KRINSKY: Well, your Honor, I think in all
`likelihood it would make sense for petitioners to go
`first on this.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: I'm just wondering what timeframe
`are you looking at. Because you're going to have to come
`back and brief it yourself, and response, and if we grant
`the discovery, there's a question of whether we could get
`the deposition scheduled early December is what they're
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`asking for. So with the holidays coming up I thought I'd
`talk to you first.
` MR. KRINSKY: Your Honor, I think we have a fair
`amount of flexibility on that on our end, certainly
`getting the briefing done, you know, so it doesn't go
`ruin anyone's Thanksgiving is in everyone's interest,
`whether that's a week, or little longer. I can pull up
`my calendar. I haven't given it any thought.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: No problem. Let's assume for sake
`of argument we're going to allow briefing on this issue.
`Do the parties want to work that out themselves a
`briefing schedule and do that offline and get back to us,
`or do they want to work it out today? What would be
` MR. KRINSKY: Speaking for Lilly, I would imagine
`the parties would be able to work something out. If your
`Honor could give us some guidance about what you're
`interested in in terms of the scope of the briefing,
`length-wise and the like, I'm sure we can work out a
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Okay. Let's start there. Let's go
`back to the petitioner.
` Petitioner, starting with Neptune, assuming we
`allow briefing, and we're going to talk in terms of pages
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`instead of word count, let's make it easier for myself,
`how many pages do you require to explain why you need
`this particular discovery?
` MS. SPIRES: Speaking for Neptune, I would think
`that -- if we're looking at double-spaced pages, 15 pages
`would be good.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Sandoz, how many pages do you
`believe are necessary?
` MS. LYDIGSEN: I think we can probably do it in less
`pages than that. For Sandoz, we would target 10 pages.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: That sounds even better to me.
` MS. SPIRES: That's fine with Neptune as well.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Going back. Lilly, assuming we're
`talking briefing, is there a number of pages you think
`would be appropriate? Obviously they've said 10 pages
`per request, I'm assuming that -- how many pages would
`you want in opposition? Would it be 10, or how many do
`you look at needing?
` MR. KRINSKY: I guess, your Honor, one question is
`is there really a need for separate briefing as to Sandoz
`and Neptune here? As I understand it, we had
`consolidated meetings for cross both petitioners, and I
`know we have three IPRs, but --
` JUDGE TIERNEY: We can have a consolidated briefing
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`that goes in each file, that's fine, but right now I just
`need to know what are we looking for in page length for
`opposition. Are you looking at 10 pages, or are you
`going to need something more?
` MR. KRINSKY: I think if there's ten pages of
`consolidated briefing, we get the same amount in
`response, I think that's just fine. I mean, I think my
`inclination is that shorter is adequate here as long as
`we have sufficient space to respond to both of their
` The reason I raise it, your Honor, is if there
`are separate briefs, obviously we'd like a little more so
`that we can respond to different arguments that are in
`one versus the other, whether it's ten and ten in each
`proceeding or whether it's, you know, ten and some
`slightly larger consolidated count for us. I just don't
`want to have less than they do essentially.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Understood.
` So I'm turning back to petitioners, Neptune and
`Sandoz. I was going to go ahead and have this be a
`consolidated briefing where both parties, Neptune and
`Sandoz, are submitting the same essentially brief in the
`two different IPRs. Is there any objection to that
`though, starting first with Sandoz?
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` MS. LYDIGSEN: No objection.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Neptune, any objection?
` MS. SPIRES: Sarah Spires for Neptune, no objection.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Okay. I'm going to go ahead, and
`I've consulted Judge Hulse, we agree. We are going to
`have a consolidated briefing. I'm going to type this up.
`Ten pages of briefing and opposition from Lilly will also
`be ten pages of briefing. The briefs will be filed in
`each of the three IPRs. That would be the 237, 240 and
`318 IPRs.
` Any questions? I'll start with Lilly.
` MR. KRINSKY: No, your Honor, that's fine.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Neptune, Sandoz, any questions on
` MS. SPIRES: No questions for Neptune.
` MS. LYDIGSEN: Is there a reply, or is it just an
`opening and then a opposition?
` JUDGE TIERNEY: At this point if there's a reply
`needed, the board will authorize it, but at this time we
`do not authorize it. We would rather decide it on the
`briefing and the motion and opposition. Again, if a
`reply is needed, we'll contact the parties.
` MS. LYDIGSEN: Got it. Thank you.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Now, on that question, we'll go to
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`next would be timing, and I believe patent owners has
`indicated they're willing to work with the petitioners to
`determine a time for the filing of the briefs.
` I'm going to turn petitioners and have them
`state, would it be possible to have you work it out with
`the patent owner as the time for briefing, or do you need
`to have a decision from the board to intervene today and
`decide the specific schedule?
` MS. LYDIGSEN: I think we can work it out with
` MS. SPIRES: Neptune agrees with that.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Okay. My understanding then is the
`parties, Neptune, Sandoz, will file a consolidated
`briefing of ten pages in each of the three files on a
`schedule that will be worked out in conjunction with the
`patent owner. Patent owner will file its opposition,
`again on a schedule that's been worked out with Neptune
`and Sandoz, and it will be also limited to ten pages.
` Going back to petitioner. Is there anything
`else that we need to take care of today? Starting with
` MS. SPIRES: No, your Honor.
` MS. LYDIGSEN: No, your Honor.
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` MR. KRINSKY: No, your Honor.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Okay. So we -- this is confirmed.
`So there's no misunderstanding, the board is going to put
`an order or basically -- would you rather have a separate
`order, or is the conference call transcript sufficient?
` MR. KRINSKY: Speaking for Lilly, I think the
`transcript is sufficient, your Honor.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Okay. Petitioners, Neptune, is the
`transcript sufficient, or would you rather have a
`specific order in addition to the transcript?
` MS. SPIRES: The transcript is sufficient for
` MS. LYDIGSEN: Same for Sandoz.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: There will be no separate order put
`out on this. We'll go with the transcript.
` If I may, I believe, Sandoz, you requested the
` MS. LYDIGSEN: Yes, we did.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: Okay. If you could file a copy of
`the transcript in at least 318 as an exhibit, and,
`Neptune, if you can get a copy from Sandoz and file it as
`an exhibit in the 237 and 240 IPRs, I'd appreciate it.
` MS. SPIRES: Yes.
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` JUDGE TIERNEY: So, with that, my understanding, ten
`pages Neptune and Sandoz, opposition will be from Lilly,
`also ten pages on a schedule to be worked out by the
`parties; the transcript will be sufficient, no further
`written memorandum of the phone call will be done by the
`board. And that should be the end, but let's just double
` We'll start with patent owner. We'll give you
`-- my colleague has also pointed out -- my colleague
`agrees to all this.
` I'll start with patent owner. Was there
`anything else we need to discuss today?
` MR. KRINSKY: Nothing further, your Honor. Thank
`you for your time today, and Happy Halloween.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: I appreciate that. Happy Halloween.
` Petitioner, I checked earlier, but just
`confirm, is there anything you thought of before we
` MS. SPIRES: Nothing else from Neptune, your Honor.
` MS. LYDIGSEN: Same for Sandoz.
` JUDGE TIERNEY: All right. Happy Halloween,
`everyone. Thank you for the call.
` (Off the record)
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` ) SS:
` CAROL CONNOLLY, being first duly sworn, deposes
`and says that she is a Certified Shorthand Reporter in
`Cook County, Illinois, and reporting proceedings in the
`Courts in said County;
` That she reported in shorthand and thereafter
`transcribed the foregoing proceedings;
` That the within and foregoing transcript is
`true, accurate and complete and contains all the evidence
`which was received and the proceedings had upon the
`within cause.
` __________________________________
` CSR No. 084-003113
` 105 West Adams Street
` Suite 1200
` Chicago, Illinois 60603
` Phone: (312) 386-2000
`Subscribed and sworn to before me this
`_______ day of________________, A.D., ______.
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`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1062-0019

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