Case 1:10-cv-01376-TWP-DKL Document 325 Filed 09/27/13 Page 1 of 124 PageID #: 7182
`Vol. 5-861
` Cause No. )
` Plaintiff, 1:10-CV-01376-TWP-DKL )
` Indianapolis, Indiana )
` vs.
` August 23, 2013 )
` 9:06 a.m. )
` )
` Defendants.
`V O L U M E V
`Before the Honorable
`David W. Moxley, RMR, CRR, CMRS
`United States District Court
`46 East Ohio Street, Room 340
`Indianapolis, Indiana 46204
`Court Reporter:
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0001


`Case 1:10-cv-01376-TWP-DKL Document 325 Filed 09/27/13 Page 2 of 124 PageID #: 7183
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`For Plaintiff:
`For Defendants:
`Adam L. Perlman, Esq.
`David M. Krinsky, Esq.
`Bruce R. Genderson, Esq.
`Megan A. Hughes, Esq.
`Andrew V. Trask, Esq.
`Williams & Connolly, LLP
`725 Twelfth Street, N.W.
`Washington, DC 20005
`Jan M. Carroll, Esq.
`Barnes & Thornburg, LLP
`11 South Meridian Street
`Indianapolis, IN 46204-3535
`James P. Leeds, Esq.
`Eli Lilly and Company
`Lilly Corporate Center
`Indianapolis, IN 46285
`Daryl L. Wiesen, Esq.
`Goodwin Procter, LLP
`53 State Street
`Boston, MA 02109
`Michael B. Cottler, Esq.
`Emily L. Rapalino, Esq.
`Elaine Herrmann Blais, Esq.
`Natasha E. Daughtrey, Esq.
`Brian J. Prew, Esq.
`Goodwin Procter, LLP
`620 Eighth Avenue
`New York, NY 10018
`Kandi Kilkelly Hidde, Esq.
`Bingham McHale LLP
`2700 Market Tower
`10 West Market Street
`Indianapolis, IN 46204-4900
`Ali I. Ahmed, Esq.
`APP Pharmaceuticals, LLC
`Three Corporate Drive
`Lake Zurich, IL 60047
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0002


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`I N D E X
`Cross-examination by Mr. Wiesen ...............866
`Redirect examination by Mr. Genderson .........959
`(By video deposition)..........................982
`I N D E X O F E X H I B I T S
`2158 ..........................................865
`22 ............................................866
`60 ............................................866
`64 ............................................866
`74 ............................................866
`80 ............................................866
`312 ...........................................866
`313 ...........................................866
`314 ...........................................866
`326 ...........................................866
`327 ...........................................866
`393 ...........................................866
`394 ...........................................866
`913 ...........................................866
`1463 ..........................................866
`Revised 2158 ..................................866
`2100 ..........................................866
`2102 ..........................................866
`2110 ..........................................866
`2120 ..........................................866
`2123 ..........................................866
`2058 ..........................................866
`2257 ..........................................866
`2262 ..........................................866
`3011 ..........................................866
`386 ...........................................980
`391 ...........................................980
`333 ...........................................980
`392 ...........................................980
`1385 ..........................................980
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0003


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` 1
` 2
`(In open court.)
`THE COURT: If you would remain standing and raise
` 3
`your right hand, I will swear you in for the day.
` 4
` 5
`(The witness is sworn.)
`THE COURT: You may have a seat. And we are back on
` 6
`the record. This is Eli Lilly versus Teva Parenteral.
` 7
` 8
`And, Mr. Genderson, I see you're ready.
`MR. GENDERSON: Just some housekeeping, Your Honor,
` 9
`from yesterday.
`THE COURT: You may.
`MR. GENDERSON: We had agreed that Exhibit 2158,
`which was that long PowerPoint, we would only have in the
`exhibit the slides that we actually used. There were the
`three slides. So, we've done that. I've given a copy to
`counsel, and if you would like a copy of them.
`MR. WIESEN: And, Your Honor, we discussed yesterday
`whether it would be demonstrative or whether it would be
`actually an exhibit just because I'm not sure we set the
`business record foundation, but either way, you're going to
`have it, so I'm not sure it makes a big deal to us. If you
`want to just take it into the record, that's fine.
`THE COURT: Okay. Let's take it into the record.
`MR. WIESEN: And I will say, just for the record,
`that the third slide was the one that Mr. Genderson
`represented was from the ASCO abstract in 2002, and he did
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0004


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` 1
`show that to me this morning, so it is included.
` 2
`THE COURT: Okay. All right. Exhibit 2158 is
` 3
`admitted into the record without objection.
` 4
` 5
` 6
` (Trial Exhibit 2158 was
` received in evidence.)
`MR. GENDERSON: And, Your Honor, then just for the
` 7
`record, I have a list of exhibits to move in from the
` 8
`examination, and I've shared the list with counsel, and these
` 9
`are all -- there's no objection to any of these.
`THE COURT: You may.
`MR. GENDERSON: Exhibits 22, 60, 64, 74, 80, 312,
`313, 314, 326, 327, 393, 394, 913, 1463, the revised 2058
`(sic) that we just discussed, 2100, 2102, 2110, 2120, 2123 --
`I'm sorry, I apologize. 2058 is -- was not the one we
`discussed. That one is -- is not objected. It's 2158, not
`2058, is the one that was shortened, I apologize.
`THE COURT: Okay. So the revised 21 --
`MR. GENDERSON: -- 58. And 2058 is -- we move in,
`as well. And then 2257, 2263 (sic), and 3011.
`THE COURT: Do you agree?
`MR. WIESEN: We do. We checked it ahead of time,
`because it's a long list.
`THE COURT: It is a long list. Okay, and those
`exhibits that have just been read into the record are admitted
`without objection.
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0005


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` 1
` 2
` 3
`MR. GENDERSON: Thank you, Your Honor.
` (Trial Exhibits 22, 60, 64, 74, 80,
` 312, 313, 314, 326, 327, 393,
` 4
` 394, 913, 1463, Revised 2158,
` 5
` 2100, 2102, 2110, 2120, 2123,
` 6
` 2058, 2257, and 3011 were
` 7
` 8
` 9
` received in evidence.)
`MR. GENDERSON: Did I say 2262 or 63?
`THE COURT: You said 2263.
`MR. GENDERSON: I apologize, Your Honor.
`Mr. Krinsky caught that for me. I meant to say 2262.
`THE COURT: 2262. So there is no 2263, correct?
`MR. GENDERSON: Correct. I apologize.
`THE COURT: That correction is noted.
` (Trial Exhibit 2262 was
` received in evidence.)
`MR. GENDERSON: Thank you, Your Honor.
`THE COURT: Counsel, you may cross-examine the
`MR. WIESEN: Thank you, Your Honor.
`Q. Good morning, Dr. Niyikiza.
`A. Good morning.
`Q. Dr. Niyikiza, I want to go back to some of the testimony
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0006


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` 1
`you provided yesterday during the December 1999 period. Do
` 2
`you remember talking about that?
` 3
`A. Yes.
` 4
`Q. And you discussed with Mr. Genderson the sort of hectic
` 5
`and rushed nature of getting out the letter to the FDA on
` 6
`December 22nd, 1999, right?
` 7
`A. Yes.
` 8
`Q. I think, and you can check it in your binder if you want,
` 9
`but it was Trial Exhibit 2262, right? We've got it up on the
`screen, as well.
`A. Okay.
`Q. This was that December 22nd letter, right?
`A. Yes.
`Q. If we turn to the second page, the long paragraph in the
`middle, "Lilly consulted a number of oncology experts." Do
`you remember that?
`A. Yeah.
`Q. And you went through this in a little detail with
`Mr. Genderson and talked about the specific statement, "These
`experts felt that supplementation with low levels of folic
`acid would not adversely affect efficacy with pemetrexed,"
`A. Yes.
`Q. You explained that this letter was actually signed, if we
`look at the next page, by G.G. Enas, not who was a
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0007


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`statistician, I think you said, right?
` 2
`A. That's what the record says.
` 3
`Q. Well, you knew Mr. Enas, right?
` 4
`A. Yes, I know him.
` 5
`Q. Did he work in the regulatory group, as well?
` 6
`A. Yes, he was in the regulatory group.
` 7
`Q. So he worked for Mr. Brophy?
` 8
`A. I believe so.
` 9
`Q. Do you know if he regularly signed letters to the FDA?
`A. I don't know. I was not in that department, so I didn't
`know the rules there.
`Q. Okay. And you think Mr. Enas wasn't on the call with the
`experts, right?
`A. No. It's not that I don't think. I believe he was not
`Q. But you're not sure he wasn't on the call?
`A. Well, unless he was silent on the call.
`Q. He didn't identify himself as on the call?
`A. Not that I know of.
`Q. Was there anybody from regulatory on the call with the
`A. I believe John Worzalla was on the call, who was the
`regulatory person for the pemetrexed program.
`Q. But John Worzalla didn't sign the letter? Now I think you
`testified that, although this was December 22nd, you didn't
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0008


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` 1
`get a chance to read this letter until after you got back from
` 2
`Canada; is that right?
` 3
`A. Yes. After the new year, actually.
` 4
`Q. So sometime in early January, you read this letter?
` 5
`A. No. The letter was already sent out, and as part of the
` 6
`preparation for the FDA meeting, we received all the documents
` 7
`that pertained to that preparation, and this comes as what is
` 8
`part of that file. So, I saw it.
` 9
`Q. So, do you remember when you saw this letter?
`A. Oh, it would be probably sometime around February when we
`were preparing for the meeting.
`Q. I see. And at the time you reviewed this letter, did you
`note that there was a mistake back on page 2 in the statement
`that the experts agreed that the low levels of folic acid
`would not adversely affect efficacy?
`A. That's not what -- I didn't see the need to review it at
`that time. I was just following to the next step of preparing
`to discuss with the agency. I did not review the letter for
`its accuracy, because I didn't write it. And usually when
`they write, they don't really ask me to review the whole
`thing. They asked me to review documents related to the
`analysis that I would have performed.
`Q. Okay. So in February when you got a copy of this letter,
`January or February, whenever it was, did you review the whole
`letter or not?
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0009


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` 1
`A. I read the documents, but I reviewed things pertaining to
` 2
`what I have contributed to as the author, and this was not one
` 3
`of them.
` 4
`Q. So you read the letter, but you didn't review it?
` 5
`A. I didn't review it because that was not the purpose of
` 6
`getting that document.
` 7
`Q. Okay. Well, when you read it, did you notice that this
` 8
`was a mistake?
` 9
`A. I did not notice at that time, but it was pointed out
`because that was part of the discussion eventually we had with
`the agency later on.
`Q. It was pointed out to the agency that this was a mistake?
`A. During the discussion with the FDA, it was pointed out
`that there was still concern for efficacy that we also had and
`had no evidence for until we corrected the data.
`Q. And that was during the March 2000 meeting with the FDA?
`A. That would be March 1st, the meeting we had.
`Q. Okay. If you look at Exhibit 2100, that was, I think, the
`next exhibit you went to with Mr. Genderson, right? This was
`the letter from -- the fax from the FDA, January 6th?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Did you get a copy of this on or about January 6, 2000?
`A. I did see the copy when we were asked to start preparing
`for the meeting with the FDA, yes.
`Q. So, it was sometime after January 6th?
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0010


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` 1
`A. Yes.
` 2
`Q. Late January, early February, any idea when?
` 3
`A. I really don't recall, yeah.
` 4
`Q. And this one is actually addressed, if we look at the two,
` 5
`to John Worzalla, right?
` 6
`A. Yes. But that would be customary because when the FDA
` 7
`addresses the sponsor, they send the letter to the
` 8
`representative of the company within the regulatory for that
` 9
`program, and it was John Worzalla who was in that role.
`Q. And he had switched jobs from having been in the
`preclinical group at Eli Lilly later to being in the
`regulatory group, right?
`A. I know he was in discovery. I know he was at this time
`in the regulatory. Whether he had another job in between, I
`don't know. But he was the regulatory person for the program
`during this time.
`Q. Now, the job of the FDA here is to require companies to
`prove the safety and efficacy of a drug before they approve
`it, right?
`A. I don't know if it's to prove, because the requirement is
`to show that the risk -- the risk is outweighed by the
`benefit. I don't think that word "proved" is ever used
`because it's a balance between what kind of safety you have
`versus the benefit for the patient in terms of efficacy. So,
`I really never had the agency or heard them use the word
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0011


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` 1
`"proof." They require to show the benefit that outweighed the
` 2
`risk, because every medicine has a risk.
` 3
`Q. When the FDA looks at a product or a file for review,
` 4
`they're considering whether to approve the drug based on that
` 5
`risk/benefit analysis, right?
` 6
`A. I don't work with the FDA. I never worked with the FDA,
` 7
`but that is what I understood the agency does. But whether
` 8
`that is what they do, that's a decision of the agency, and I
` 9
`don't know how they make that decision, except that as a
`matter of standards, you have to demonstrate that there is a
`benefit that is outweighing the risk for a drug to be
`Q. Well, put it this way: At least for the FDA, just
`demonstrating some therapeutic benefit for a drug is not
`enough to get approval, right?
`A. You're asking me a question I can't answer because I don't
`work for the FDA. I don't know the rules they use to decide.
`I know what the guidance says, which provides evidence that
`there is a benefit that is outweighing the risk, but I don't
`have any way of assessing how they actually measure that
`benefit versus risk. That's an FDA rule that I couldn't speak
`to, because I don't know.
`Q. The FDA looks at both sides of the balance, the benefit
`and the risk, when they decide whether or not to approve a
`drug, don't they?
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0012


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` 1
`A. That's what the guideline says, yeah.
` 2
`Q. Thank you, Dr. Niyikiza. Now, after this letter, I think
` 3
`you were saying that there was going to be a meeting in March,
` 4
`and a briefing book was sent in February, right? That was --
` 5
`we looked -- you looked at the cover letter yesterday? That
` 6
`was Trial Exhibit 913; is that right?
` 7
`A. Yes.
` 8
`Q. And this exhibit is actually just two pages. It's just
` 9
`the cover letter for that briefing book, right?
`A. Right.
`Q. The briefing book itself is Trial Exhibit 76 if you want
`it. It was also in your binder.
`A. Yeah, I can see it here.
`Q. My question, Dr. Niyikiza, is simply, you know that Lilly
`didn't provide any correction to that statement from the
`December 22nd, 1999, letter in the briefing book that they
`provided in February of 2000, right?
`A. I don't know if they needed to make a correction or not.
`All I know is that I did not agree with that statement. But I
`don't speak for the company; they may have seen that that's
`still okay to make that statement. I just happen to disagree
`because my data was showing that -- and from what I knew from
`the discussion on the call was that this was not what the
`experts told us. But as to whether Lilly would decide to make
`the correction or not, that's not really my call.
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0013


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` 1
`Q. Now, to get that March 1st, 2000, meeting --
` 2
`A. Yes.
` 3
`Q. -- Lilly had to make a specific request, right?
` 4
`A. Yes. You have to. At least you have to describe what you
` 5
`would like to discuss with them so that the agency has the
` 6
`right experts in the room on the issues you want discussed.
` 7
`Q. And Lilly made a specific request to the FDA, right?
` 8
`A. What request now?
` 9
`Q. To have a meeting concerning the subject of vitamin
`A. Yes. In fact, the previous exhibit that counsel just
`showed me specifies the three points that Lilly wanted to
`discuss, and that would be the case.
`Q. Let me show you what's been marked as Trial Exhibit 333.
`A. Thank you.
`Q. I'm showing you Exhibit -- Trial Exhibit 333. It's a
`letter from Lilly to the FDA dated January 25th, 2000, and
`it's specifically entitled a "Type A Meeting Request," right?
`A. Yes.
`Q. This is actually the formal request for the meeting that
`ends up happening on March 1st, correct?
`A. Yes. I would expect that to be the case. But, this
`request was certainly made without my knowledge or
`consultation, so this is the process. So, it would be
`something that the regulatory people know how to do.
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0014


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` 1
`Q. And when you got the materials to prepare for the
` 2
`March 1st meeting, this is another document you would have
` 3
`gotten in the regulatory file; is that right?
` 4
`A. Typically, not for a letter to request a meeting, but I
` 5
`certainly would have probably saw that in the material. But,
` 6
`it didn't represent something that required my expertise,
` 7
`because these are procedural documents from the regulatory
` 8
` 9
`Q. And if we look on the very first page of this -- the Bates
`No. is ELAP13452 -- it actually in the first paragraph
`references that December 22nd, 1999, letter, correct?
`A. Yes.
`Q. If we turn to -- the first few pages are just the forms
`that go in front of this for an FDA filing to make sure the
`agency kills as many trees as possible, I guess, right? And
`then the formal meeting request starts on 13458?
`A. Yes.
`Q. And I want to turn to the next page, 13459.
`A. Yes.
`Q. And in your experience, Lilly would be careful with a
`formal meeting request that was going from the head of the
`regulatory group to the FDA, right?
`A. That's certainly always the intent. You have to be -- to
`provide the information you have to the best of your ability.
`Q. Right.
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` 1
`A. That's what I would expect.
` 2
`Q. And when you reviewed things for Lilly that were going to
` 3
`the agency, you were certainly careful to make sure that
` 4
`everything was as accurate as possible, right?
` 5
`A. For those that I was asked to review with my expertise,
` 6
`yes. But, the document contains material that come from
` 7
`completely different experts, and I certainly am not an expert
` 8
`in every aspect of it. So that would not be expected to be me
` 9
`reviewing them. Some of the aspects related to mathematical,
`statistics, analysis, and interpretation of what those numbers
`are saying; yes, they would consult me.
`Q. And in this request for a meeting, if we look at the
`second page of the specific meeting request, ELAP13459, the
`second full paragraph --
`A. Yes.
`Q. -- Lilly repeats the point that the expert consultants all
`agreed that adding the folic acid shouldn't impact efficacy,
`A. They do.
`Q. They write, "External consultants, including an expert in
`folate metabolism, were in agreement that this amount of folic
`acid should be effective in reducing homocysteine levels, but
`these low levels should not be detrimental to efficacy,"
`A. That's what the documents say. Again, I'm in disagreement
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` 1
`here, as I did yesterday. This seems to me something that was
` 2
`a cut and paste from the various documents. But, certainly
` 3
`what I understood and what I actually was tasked to do is to
` 4
`make sure that we follow up and don't have adverse impact on
` 5
`the efficacy.
` 6
`So, this is a document prepared by the regulatory
` 7
`people, and they may have pasted things here and there, but I
` 8
`certainly still had the concern, although the risk was very
` 9
`low, and the experts also had the concern, but they reached a
`point that the risk of losing patients outweighed the risk of
`losing efficacy and that it was important to take the chance.
`But, to my best recollection, they always had that concern,
`and I was instructed to follow up.
`Q. When you said that this was a cut and paste, do you mean
`it was actually taken from the prior letter and sort of just
`put right back in this next letter?
`A. That's my guess of what I think is happening, because this
`statement is similar to what was done before. I certainly was
`not in agreement that that was indeed what took place in the
`discussion with the experts.
`Q. There's an additional statement in here that was -- that's
`on the same subject but different than the prior one, right,
`if we go about four lines further down, the sentence that
`begins "since," if we could highlight that?
`Right? In this letter, they also add a
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` 1
`second point, which says, "Since the amount of folic acid that
` 2
`will be administered is low, patients who have normal levels
` 3
`of homocysteine should not be affected by the addition of this
` 4
`low level of folic acid. 400 micrograms folic acid is the
` 5
`usual amount found in multivitamins in the U.S."
` 6
`Do you see that?
` 7
`A. Yes.
` 8
`Q. That wasn't in the December 22nd letter, right?
` 9
`A. It looks like it was expanded, but again, Counsel, the
`issue, at least from where I stand here, is not that I get to
`decide on what Lilly writes in communications with the agency
`and certainly don't make the decision on finally what
`ultimately end up there. That's the decision above my pay
`grade, for sure. So, there was heads of clinical
`investigations, discovery researchers who made those
`What I do know is that the data I had suggested that
`we needed to intervene in the manner that I had proposed for
`nearly three years at that time, which was done already. What
`I also do know is that the expert had tilted to now the worry
`that we just lost patients from the trial and we needed to do
`something, that the safety of Alimta was no longer as it was
`before and that this is a big risk. But, they also expressed
`that we still need to follow up to see if we have not affected
`efficacy. And actually, when you track back further, you will
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` 1
`see that that was what I was doing all along, to try to see if
` 2
`that was indeed the case, that we had affected the efficacy.
` 3
`Q. Now, you, yourself, had no concerns that adding the
` 4
`vitamin B12 and folic acid would affect efficacy, right?
` 5
`A. Personally, I had always been of the position that because
` 6
`these markers, as they were appearing to influence the safety,
` 7
`were typically within the normal range. Although you had some
` 8
`markers that were high for some patients who experienced
` 9
`toxicity, the intervention that I was proposing in my
`invention, that really would be no more than just folate
`dietary supplementation that you see in regular food, should
`not affect the efficacy. And in my mind all along, the
`argument was that if you have intervention that restore good,
`normal nutritional status of the cancer patient and you still
`have a problem with the efficacy, knowing that patients will
`eat normally, hopefully, as we go, and if a drug is affected
`by that kind of intervention, you don't have a drug anyway.
`So, all along I had believed that this kind of intervention
`was the right way to go, but I was just a lone wolf for three
`years or so.
`Q. But you, yourself, just to make sure it's clear, were
`never concerned that adding the low levels of folic acid and
`B12 as you just described would have a negative effect on the
`efficacy of pemetrexed, right?
`A. I was never concerned. Maybe it's the naiveté that I was
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0019


`Case 1:10-cv-01376-TWP-DKL Document 325 Filed 09/27/13 Page 20 of 124 PageID #: 7201
`Vol. 5-880
` 1
`a mathematician in a field that is not really where I was
` 2
`trained, but it did beat the logic of common sense that if you
` 3
`give a patient with -- intervention in dietary folate supply
` 4
`and B12, you have a problem with the drug, then I think the
` 5
`issue is the drug, because patients, normally well cared for
` 6
`and who are hopefully functioning well despite the cancer,
` 7
`should have that kind of level in their diet anyway.
` 8
`So, my argument was -- maybe from a mathematician's
` 9
`perspective, but my argument was if you intervene in a manner
`that I had identified, you should be just protecting patients
`through what normally is the way patients receive this daily
`folate support. So, I was not concerned. But, everybody
`around me was, and that was puzzling all along.
`Q. And your view was that basically the amount of folic acid
`and vitamin B12 you were proposing was the amount somebody
`would get if they were healthy and ate a normal, standard
`diet, so if that was going to make the drug ineffective, then
`Lilly was going to have a problem anyway, right?
`A. Yeah, but with an added difference, a fundamental
`difference. The fundamental difference is that the trouble on
`the nutritional status of the patient was there; it was just
`subclinical. So, the clinicians wouldn't pick it up. That
`was the whole puzzle all along. And even when you had these
`folates being depleted, it was not to the point where the
`patient is folate deficient. So, to me, and I think to those
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0020


`Case 1:10-cv-01376-TWP-DKL Document 325 Filed 09/27/13 Page 21 of 124 PageID #: 7202
`Vol. 5-881
` 1
`who were involved in that whole saga of trying to rescue the
` 2
`patients and the drug, the pinch link was the observation that
` 3
`these markers were implicated. Otherwise, it would have been
` 4
`very difficult to be able to tell which patient is coming and
` 5
`having problem, which was essentially the problem all along.
` 6
`So, it's important to keep in mind the fact that we
` 7
`were able to correct the information and the fact that I was
` 8
`able to pin down the role of these markers is the one that led
` 9
`me to the observation, contrary to the mainstream thinking at
`that time of the experts, that the way to go about this is to
`just act so that you restore the normal folate pools.
`Q. Dr. Niyikiza, let's go back to Trial Exhibit 333 for a
`A. Yes.
`Q. This was the type A meeting request, right?
`A. Right, uh-huh.
`Q. And I want to actually look for a minute at the form.
`MR. WIESEN: So let's look at the fourth page,
`13455. If we could pull out the signature block at the bottom
`and then the text underneath it, so the whole bottom third.
`Q. This document was signed by Greg Brophy, Ph.D., director,
`U.S. Regulatory Affairs, right?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Submitted by Eli Lilly, right?
`Sandoz Inc. IPR2016-00318
`Sandoz v. Eli Lilly, Exhibit 1135-0021


`Case 1:10-cv-01376-TWP-DKL Document 325 Filed 09/27/13 Page 22 of 124 PageID #: 7203
`Vol. 5-882
` 1
`A. Yes.
` 2
`Q. It's dated January 25th, 2000, correct?
` 3
`A. Correct.
` 4
`Q. And there's a specific warning under there, "Warning: A
` 5
`willfully false statement is a criminal offense," and it cites
` 6
`the U.S. Code, right?
` 7
`A. Yes. I can read that, yes.
` 8
`Q. Let's talk for a minute, Dr. Niyikiza, about what your
` 9
`training and experience is. I think you said yesterday you're
`a statistician, right?
`A. I'm a mathematician with focus in mathematical statistics.
`Q. Thank you.
`A. More precisely, actually

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