`New International
`. Utilizing all the experience and resources of more than
`one hundred years of Merriam- Webster® dictionaries
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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language,
`unabridged: a Merriam-Webster/editor in· chief, Philip Babcock Gove
`and the Merriam-Webster editorial staff.
`ISBN 0-87779-201-1 (blue sturdite).-ISBN 0-87779-202-X
`(carrying case).-ISBN 0~87779-206-2 (imperial buckram).
`1. English language-Dictionaries. I. Gove, Philip Babcock,
`II. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
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`ZIMMER 1045
`Page 2
`pie: as a: one with a full crown and a u Q
`2canyon also cafion \ "\ vb -ED/-ING/-s vt : to make a canyon
`in : pierce with canyons ,_, vi : to enter or flow into a canyon
`(as of a stream) :narrow into a canyon (as of a valley)
`canyon gooseberry n 1 : the globose bristly fruit of a low
`shrub (Ribes menziesii) of the western U.S. 2: the shrub
`yielding the canyon gooseberry
`canyon grape n : a grape (Vi tis arizonica) of Texas and
`Arizona yielding inferior black fruit
`canyon live oak or canyon oak n : a California evergreen oak
`(Quercus chrysolepis) with oblong leathery often spiny-edged
`leaves covered on the under side with a yellow tomentum~
`called also iron oak, maul oak
`canyon mouse n : a white~footed mouse (Peromyscus crinitus)
`widely distributed in rocky areas of the western U.S.
`can. yon-side\':::::::,::::\ n: the steeply sloping side of a canyon
`canyon wren n: a common wren (Catherpes mexicanus) having
`a white breast and rusty belly and occurring in several local
`races in the southwestern U.S.
`canzo var of CA~so
`canzon n -s [It canzone] archaic : SONG
`can.zo.ne \kan'zOnC, kant'sO(,)nli\ also can.zo .. na \-On;::~\
`n, pl canzo-ne \-O(,)nli\ also canzonas \-On:n\ or canzo-ni
`\-O(,)nC\ or canzones \~Onez, -O(,)naz\ [It, fr. L cantion-,
`cantio song, fr. cantus (past part. of canere to sing) + -ion-, -io
`-ion- more at CHANT] 1 a: a medieval Italian or Proven;al
`lync poem in stanzaic form b : an elaborately constructed
`ode suited to musical setting 2 a : the melody of a canzone
`b: a setting of a canzone in polyphonic style resembling that of
`the madrigal c : an instrumental composition in similar style
`can.zo.net \:kanzd:net\ also can.zo.net-ta \,kanzd'ned·:?\
`n, pl canzonets \-ets\ alw canzonettas \~ed-n\ or canzo(cid:173)
`net.te \-ed-C\ [It can:::.or.etta, dim. of canzone] 1 :a short
`canzone : a part-song resembling but less ela 1Jorate than a
`madrigai 2 : a light and graceful song
`CAO abbr chief administrative officer
`ca.o-ba \ka'Ob:J\ n -s [Sp, fr. Taino caoban] 1: MAHOGANY 3a
`cao dai \(')kau;di\ n, pl cao dai cap C&D [Vietnamese]
`cao-da-ism \(')kau:dl)z:Jm\ n -s cap [Vietnamese Cao Dai,
`lit., great palace + E -ism]: an Indo-Chinese religion originat(cid:173)
`ing in Cochin China in 1926, consisting of an amalgamation of
`elements from Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Christianity,
`and spiritualism, and having its clergy headed by a pope who
`as the direct representative of its supreme deity exercises both
`spiritual and temporal power
`cao-da-ist \-l~st\ n ~s usu cap: an adherent of CaOdaism
`caoine \ 'kCn\ n -s [IrGael) Irish : 5 KEEN
`caou-tchouc \(')kau:chlik, ~Uk, k:J'ch-, Fk<liichii\ n -s [F, fr.
`obs. Sp cauchuc (now caucho), fr. Quechua cauchu. caucho,
`cauchuc] : 1RL:BBER 2a
`caoutchouc tree n : PAR.t\ RUBBER
`1cap \'kap\ n ·Soften attrib [ME cappe, fr. OE c<eppe. fr. LL
`cappa head covering, cloak, perh. irreg.
`fr. L caput head- more at HEAD] 1 :a
`ruffled edge gathered on or held by a
`ribbon band and worn formerly by
`women b: one of fabric, yarn, rubber,
`or leather, without brim. with or \vithout
`visor, chin strap, or earflaps, and with a
`crown ranging from shallow to deep find
`from soft to stiff
`PIECE d : a man's or boy's cap typically
`with a visor of some stiffness e : one
`without a brim, fitting close to the crown
`of the head, made usu. of fabric, often
`caps 3, A
`elaborately trimmed, and worn by women
`2 :something that covers naturally : a
`natural cover or top: as a: an overlying rock layer or stra(cid:173)
`tum usu. hard to penetrate; as (1): an impervious layer im(cid:173)
`mediatc~y over the oil-producing or gas-producing formation
`in an o;l pool (2) :dense usu. limestone or anhydrite rock
`(3) or cap rock
`immediately above the salt in a salt dome
`:a bed of resistant rock. boulders, or gravel at the summit of a
`mesa, hill, or cliff b (1)! PILr,lJS (2)! CALYPTRA C: KNEE(cid:173)
`f (1)
`: the whole top of a bird's bead from the base of the bill to the
`nape of the neck (2) :a patch of distinctively colored feathers
`on the head of many birds
`g : the wax covering for the
`individual cell made by bees in sealing up honey or pupae
`in the comb h Northeast: CORNHUSK 3 : something that
`serves as a cover or protection esp. for a tip, knob, or end
`: something designed to cover and to protect, preserve, or
`close (as over a camera 1ens, fountain pen, automobile hub, or
`narrow-mouthed bottle): a :the separate piece of leather
`commonly attached to the vamp at the toe of a shoe as a cover(cid:173)
`ing~ called also tip b: a fitting for closing the end of a tube
`(as a water pipe or electric conduit); esp : an internally
`threaded cup-shaped part that screws on c : a covering of
`tarred canvas for the end of a rope d : a readily removable
`protective cover or plate over a lock (as on a door) or latch
`e : the part of an electrical attachment plug or cord connector
`to which a flexible conductor is attached f: a paper covering
`placed over the gold edges of fine books until they are bound
`g : a sheet-steel cone placed over the end of a log to facilitate
`its being skidded esp. by steam power h : a layer of new
`rubber fused onto the worn surface of a pneumatic tire i: a
`blunt nose that is fitted onto an armor~piercing projectile
`4 archaic : a respectful doffing of one's cap
`(as a shell)
`._, and make a leg in thanks -Thomas
`(he that win give a
`Fuller) 5 : a cap as a token or symbol: as a : a cardinal's
`biretta b : a cap worn ~y students and officers of schools,
`colleges~ and univer~ities typically tight-fitting and having a
`flat proJecting square top with a tassel -
`c Brit (l \ : :1 cap awarded to an athlete (as a soccer player) in
`r~cognitioH·Of membership on a national or other representa(cid:173)
`tive team (he gained his county .......... ) (2) :a player awarded a
`cap (a new ...._, \Vas brougl:t in to replace the halfback) d: a
`white cap worn by graduate nurses or by student nurses after a
`probationary perwd 6 ! an overlaying or covering structure
`:something that is placed or constructed above (the galleried
`.,....__ of the old water tower is somdimes open to visitors):
`a: the uppermost of any assemblage of architectur~ll parts esp.
`of a column, door, or molding (as a capital, lintel, cornice, or
`coping) b (l) :a horizontal support typically of heavy tim(cid:173)
`ber for the roof of a mine working (2) : the narrowing of an
`ore vein bY .. contraction at it~ upper part c : CAPSHEAF
`7 :a device 'fqr joining together masts or sp.:J.rs consisting
`either of a Lhick:,\vood block with two large holes or of a metal
`collar- sec SHIP illustration 8 a: a paper or metal container
`holding .:1n explosive charge : such a device used to detonate
`another ch.:1rge b : a firearm primer C : a minute explosive
`charge scaled between the layers of a paper strip for use in a
`toy gun d : a BB or CB cap 9 : a blue tip on a safety-lamp
`fla!l}e that shows the presence of firedamp 10 Brit: the col(cid:173)
`lectiOn taken at a fox hunt esp. from nonsubscribers- cap in
`2cap \"\ rb capped; capped; capping: caps [ME cappen, fr.
`cappe, n.] o·t 1 :to proviUc. with a cap :put a cap on: cover,
`protect, or close \vith or J.S If with a cap : cover the top or end
`of (Corinthian columns capped by Grecian sp:ms of Bedford
`limestone --Amcr. Guide Series: Texas): as a: to give a cap
`to as a symbol of honor or r::mk: (1) Scot : to confer a univer(cid:173)
`sity degree on (2) :to invest (a student nurse) with o. cap as an
`indication of completion of a probationary period of study
`b : to cover (a diseased or exposed part of a tooth) with a pro~
`tective subst:mcc (::ts a paste) c: to seal off (an oil or gas
`well) by clamping a cap over the end of a casing d : to seal
`('!-cell of a honeycomb) with wax e (1) :to put a cap on the
`nrpple of (a percussion lock) (2) : to seat a cap or primer in
`2. archaic :to
`the recess in the base of (a cartridge case)
`saiute. b):' tipping one's cap to (you would not r--../ the pope's
`commiSSIOner --Alfred Tennyson) 3 dial ! SURPRISE, PUZZLE,
`PERPLEX 4 ! to form a cap over ! CRO\VN, COVER, OVERLAY
`(limestone ledges a few feet in thickness,......, the hills -Amer.
`Guide Series: La.) (the mountains were capped with mist
`-John Buchan) 5 a: to follow with something more notice-
`able or more significant : proffer as better or more extreme
`: OUTDO, SURPASS, EXCEL (capped the comment with a remark
`sti11 more immodest -Dorothy Sayers) b
`to provide
`with a high point. zenith, or acme : CLIMAX {suppose he ..._,s
`his studies by marrying one of the doctor's daughters ~William
`Black) (St. Thomas r--../s his ethical system with a doctrine of
`salvation -Frank Thilly) c : to reply to in order with
`an appropriate answer or quotation according to set rules (as
`calling for a verse beginning with the initial or final letter of
`what has been previously offered) (I'll ,...._, verses· with him
`-John Dryden) (a group of farmers capping ailiterative
`sentences with one another -F.M.Stenton) 6 :to take the
`cap off or away from (,.....,__ a bottle)<......_, a comb of honey),_, vi
`: to take off one's cap in respectful salute (they ......_, when they
`cap the climax : to exceed a plausible
`pass the dean) -
`climax : pass the limits of what might be expected
`3cap vt capped; capped; capping; caps [pro b. fr. ONF caper
`to seize, prob. fr. cape cloak with hood, fr. LL cappa head
`covering. cloak·- more at CAP (head covering)] obs : ARREST,
`4cap \'kap\ n -s [alter. of earlier Sc cop, fr. ME, cup, bowl, fr.
`OE copp cup; akin to OHG kopf cup, ON koppr; all fr. a pre(cid:173)
`historic NGmc~WGmc word borrowed fr. LL cuppa - more
`at CUP] Scot: a shailow wooden bowl often with two handles
`scap \'kap\ n -soften attrib [by shortening]: a capital letter
`(the names of places written in ,.....,__s)
`•cap \ "\ vt capped; capped; capping; caps [by shortening]
`7cap \ "\ n -s [by shortening] : a handicap race
`scap \ "\ n -s [by shortening] :a capsule esp. of heroi:n
`cap abbr 1 capacity 2 \'kap\ capital 3 capitulum 4 captain
`5 caput
`ca-pa \'kapa\ n -s [Sp, fr. LL cappa hooded cloak- more at
`CAP (head covering)] 1 a : a circular mantle or cloak b : a
`bullfighter's cape 2 [AmerSp, fr. Sp, cloak]: a fine grade of
`Cuban tobacco used largely for wrappers
`ca.pa.bil·i·tY \,kapd'bildd·e, -;:~te, -i\ n -ES (LL capabilis + E
`-ity] 1 :the quality or state of being capable physicaily, in(cid:173)
`tellectually, morally, or legally :CAPACITY, ABILITY (participat(cid:173)
`ing in sports according to their capabilities) {developed the
`capabilities that made him a nationally known mining engineer)
`2 :a feature or faculty capable of devCJopment or likely to
`improve: a latent usu. valuable characteristic: POTENTIALITY
`(there were great capabilities in the scenery ~ T .L.Peacock)
`3 : the quaiity or state of being susceptible to action or treat(cid:173)
`ment as indicated (the r--../ of a metal to be fused)
`ca.pa-ble \ 'kJp;Jb<1L rapid -pb-\ adj, sometimes-ER/-EST [MF or
`LL; MF capable, fr. LL capabilis, irreg. fr. L capere to take,
`contain- more at HEAVE] 1 archaic a: able to take in, con(cid:173)
`tain. receive, or accommodate (a room ,.....,__ of 20 people) {a
`harbor ,.....,__ of the largest ships) b : able to perceive or com(cid:173)
`prehend (an ear r--../ of faint sounds) (when he became r-...~ of
`ordinary occurrences she detailed all -James Stephens)
`2 :constituted, situated, or characterized as susceptible or
`open to being affected- used pos.tpositively v.:ith following of
`(such as we, not r--../ of death or pam ·~John M1lton) (an order
`,..._, of execution) (a passage ,......, of misinterpretation) (a formal
`doctrine ,.....,__ of being expressed in a few catchwords ~Lewis
`Mumford) 3 obs : INCLUSIVE, COMPREHENSIVE (a ,......, and wide
`revenge -Shak.) 4: having sufficient power, prowess, in(cid:173)
`telligence, resources, strength, or other needed attributes to
`perform or accomplish- usu. used postpositively with of fol(cid:173)
`lowed by a gerund or actional noun (a highly intelligent man.
`,..._ of close application of mind -·-Charles Dickens) (children
`are not ,...._, of looking after their own interests -Bertrand
`Russell) (ships ,.....,__ of facing the heavy seas ~J.A.r:roude)
`5 :marked by or possessed of a predisposition to :having
`characteristics or personality traits conducive to or admitting
`of- used postpositively with of (all who are ,...... of absorption
`in an inward passion -Bertrand Russell) (this woman is r-..· of
`murder by violence--· Rohcrt Graves) (a grace and dexterity
`of which no common maid is,...._, -Lafcadio Hearn) 6 : pos(cid:173)
`sessed of or marked by general efficiency and ability and by
`adequate resourcefulness, skill, and reliability (,......,pilots) (the
`,.....,__ direction of the play) (the ,..._, fashioning fingers of lhc
`artist--W.S.\1augham) (~till composed. still,.......,, .still mistress of
`herself and any emergency~ Ellen Glasgo\v) 7 obs: having
`legal qualification or righl to own, enjoy, or perform (of my
`land ... to make thee ,-...--Shak.) syn see ABLE
`ca.pa.ble-ness \-bdln~s\ n ~Es : CAPABILITY
`ca~pa.bly \-blC, -i\ adv: in a capable manner
`ca.pa.cious \k;)'pashds\ adj [L capac-, capax capacious (fr.
`capere to take, contain) + E -ious- more at HEAVE] 1 obs
`:having size or scope enough to contain- used with of or an
`infinitive (a jar"'""' of six gallons) 2 a : able to contain a great
`deal :.affording much space: LARGE, COPIOUS (his,......, pockets
`contamed a pruning knife and twine -John Buchan) (a
`colonial fireplace .,....__ enough to roast an ox -Amer. Guide
`Series: Pa.) b : not narrow or constricted : marked by ample
`scope : INCLUSIVE (the rule did not tie men of quick and ,.....,__
`minds ~R.W.Southern) 3 archaic: fitted or disposed to
`receive or entertain (a mind,.....,__ of such interests) syn see AMPLE
`ca.pa.cioUS•lY \-siC, -i\ adv: in a capacious manner
`ca.pa.cious.ness \-sn~s\ n -Es : the quality or state of being
`ca.pac·i·tance \k::,'pas:Jtdn(t)s, -;:,d.~n-\ n -s [1capacity +
`-ance) 1 : the property of an electric nonconductor that per(cid:173)
`mits the storage of energy as a result of electric displacement
`when opposite surfaces of the nonconductor are maintained at
`a difference of potential (as in a capacitor), its measure being
`the ratio of the charge on {'ither surbce to the potential dif(cid:173)
`ference between the surfaces and its value for a capacitor being
`the sum of the combined values of its several dielectric plates
`-called also capacity 2: a part of a circuit or network that
`possesses capacitance
`ca-pac-i-tate \k~'pas~.tat\ vt -EDI~ING/-s [lcapacity -J- -ate]
`: to make capable: QUALIFY (by this instruction we may be
`capacitated to observe those errors --John Dryden)
`ca.pac·i·ta.tion \k0,paso't3:shdn\ n -s : the act of capacjtat(cid:173)
`ca-pac-i-tive \k..J'pas;:,d-iv\ also ca-pac-i-ta-tive \-sd,t3:d-iv\
`adj [capacitive fr. 1capocit;v
`-ive; capacitative fr. capacitate
`+ -i1·e]: of or relating to capacitance- ca.pac·i·tive-ly adv
`capacitive coupling n : a coupling in which the two .;ircuits
`have a common capacitor
`capacitive reactance n : reactance due to the presence of
`capacitance in an alternating-current circuit
`ca .. paC•i•tiV•i•tY \k:J,pasJ'tivgd.C\ ll -ES: DIELECTRIC CONSTANT
`ca.pac.i-tor \ko'pasod.;:~(r), -dto-\ n -s [1capacity ~1- -or]: a
`device giving large cap::1citance or
`desired values of capacitance
`usu. consisting of conducting
`plates or foils separated by thin
`layers of dielectric (as air. paraf(cid:173)
`fin paper, or mica), the plates on
`opposite sides of the dielectric
`layers being oPpositely charged
`by a source of voltage and the
`electrical energy of the charged
`system being stored in the polar-
`ized dielectric with the capacitance proportional to the area
`and dielectric constant of the dielectric layer and inversely
`proportional to its thickness -called also condenser
`capacitor motor n :a singlc~phase alternating-current motor
`having a main v.rinJing that receives energy directly from the
`power line anU a second usu. auxiliary winding tlwt receives
`energy through a capacitor. the currents in the two windings
`differing in phase and producing torque
`1ca.pac·i·tY \k0'pas:Jd.e, -s(;:,)tC, -'aa~, -i\ n -ES [ME capacite,
`fr. MF capacitC, fr. L capacitat-, capacitas, fr_ capac~, capax
`capacious, capable + -itat~, ~itas -ity- more at CAPACIOus]
`1 a : the power or ability to hold, receive, or accommodate
`(had cur great palace the ,..,.__, to camp this host, \Ve all would
`sup together ---Shak.) b ohs: an empty space: a hollowed-out
`area: CAVITY c: a containing space: a mec.sure of content
`for gas, liquid, or solid : the amount held : the measured
`ability to contai11 : VOLUME (a tank with a ,...._ of :20 gallon-;)
`(the air,...._, of a normal lung) (one modern cement elevator has
`a storage,..._, of 114,000 barrels ·-·Amer. Guide Series. lvfinn.)
`d : the ability to absorb (the ,...._, of warm air for moisture)
`variable capacitor
`cape bulb
`e: the abilit.y to accommodate people :the size or number of
`accommodatiOns : the condition of maximum service with all
`accommodations used (an auditorium with a seating ,...._, of
`5000) (taxing the capacities of nearby hospita Is) (the stadium
`was filled to,......,) f: the ability to store, process, treat, manu(cid:173)
`facture, or produce : an instrumentality or facility for produc(cid:173)
`tion :maximum processing, production, or output (a flood of
`war orders that strained the .,....__ of factories long idle -Oscar
`Handlin) (the largest spruce mill in the world, with a "" of
`400,009 board feet every eight hours -Amer:. Guide Series:
`Oregon} <steel mills operating at,......,) (a gencratmg,....., measured
`in kilovolt amperes) g: the ability to yield and to sustain
`(ranchers considering the carrying ,...._, of the range lands)
`h (l) :CAPACITANCE (2) :the quantity of electricity that a
`battery can deliver under specified conditions i: the ability of
`a stream to transport detritus as measured by the quantity car~
`ried past a point in a certain time -
`compare COMPETE~CE
`j : potentiality for production or use : maximum potentiality
`: facilities for production or service 2 : legal qualification,
`competency, power. or fitness 3 a: ABILITY, CALIBER, STATURE
`b: mental power, capability, and acumen blended to enable
`one to grasp ideas, to analyze and judge, and to cope with
`problems: maximum potential mental ability (inexpressibly
`ordinary, yet giving an impression of ,..._, ~G. K.Chcsterton)
`(not a philosophical treatise but a work intended for the,..._, of
`the popular mind -S.F.Mason) c: blended power. strength,
`and ability (encourage physical activity to the limit of the
`child's ,..._, -Morris Fishbein) (the capacities of present-day
`rockets ~Time) d: capability or faculty for executing, con·
`sidering, appreciating, or experiencing -
`used \vith for or an
`infinitive (with all her ~ for violence, Lola possessed also a
`strong,__, for affection ~Margaret Mead) (a,...._, for delicate dis(cid:173)
`crimination -·-j.L.Lowe'>) (the.,....__ of American idealism to sur(cid:173)
`vive a m::1jor disillusionment --Archibald MacLeish) 4 a
`archaic: a situation enabling or making capable (a ship in a
`,.....,__ to begin the battle) b : a position, character, or role either
`duly assigned or assumed without sanction (in his . ......, as legal
`adviser) (served the government in several capacities) ·- at
`capacity: in service or p;-oduction with all facilities utilized
`: at maximum production
`"lcapacity \ "\ adj: attaining to or equaling maximum capacity
`(a,....._, crowd) <,.....,__production of electricity)
`capacity COUpling n ! CAPACITIVE COUPLING
`capacity factor n :the ratio of the average load carried
`power station or system for a given period to the rated
`of the station or system for the same period~
`cap-and-ball adj: having a lock that utilizes a percussion cap
`to fire a sepan1tely load!.!d charge
`cap and bells n. pl caps and bells 1 :a cap with bells attached
`worn by a court fool or professional jester 2 :a fool's bauble
`cap and gown n, pl caps al.ld gowns : the cap and gown that
`together constitute academic costume
`capape ohs var of CAP-A-PIE
`cap-a-pie or cap-3.-pie \:kap;J;pe\ adv [MF (de) cap a pi! from
`head to foot, fr. OProv de cap ape] :from head to foot: at all
`points (he was armed cap~a~pie ~-W.H.Prescott)
`ca~pa pri-eto \k8:pjpre'ITJ·(.)O\ n. pl capa prietos [AmerSp
`capd prieta, lit., black cap<l (tree of the genus Cordia)]: SPANISH
`lca.par~i .. son \k;)'par~s;::,n. -dZdn also -'e-\ n -s [MF caparar;on,
`fr. OSp caparaz6n] 1 a
`: an on~amental cover(cid:173)
`ing for a horse b : dec(cid:173)
`trappings and
`harness 2 : rich cloth·
`ing ! ADORNMENT, DEC(cid:173)
`2caparison \ "\ vt -ED/
`1 :to cover ·
`with a caparison : deck
`out with. ornamental
`trappings 2 :to dress
`richly : \DOR ~ (the
`trees stood majestically
`r-..·ed. with thdr innu~
`mer able leaves gilt -
`Virginia Woolf)
`capas pl of CAP A
`ca.pa-taz \;kapo;Wz\
`~~s~l g;p~~~~~~S\\-.t<;a\
`pd'ta,sas\ [Sp car}{Itaz,
`irreg. fr. L caput head- more at HEAD] ! BOSS, FOREMAN, OVER(cid:173)
`SEER (behaved very \V<,.'ll under their ...._,-·Joseph Conrad)
`cap board n : paperboard used in circular stoppers of bottles
`cap bOlt n: TAP BOLT
`capcase n -s [perh. fr. leap + case] 1 abs: a small traveling
`case or bag 2 obs : CHFST 1
`cap cloud n :a small cloud surmounting a mountain peak
`lcape \'k5:p\ n -soften attrib [ME cap, fr. llv1F. fr. OProv, fr. L
`caput head~ more at HEAD] 1 :a point or extension of land
`jutting out into water either as a peninsula (Cape Cod) or as a
`projecting point (Cape Hatteras) ~ compare HEADLAND,
`2 usu cap ( fr. Cape of Good Hope] a ! a
`product of the C::tpe of Good Hope Province or of another
`part of So. Africa (a Cape diamond) b : katbcr produced
`from a So. African hair sheepskin; broadly : a sheepskin or
`lambskin glove or garment leather with natural t;rain retained
`-compare CAPESKIN C :a triangular postage stamp issued
`by the Cape of Good Hope Corony from 1853 to I8G4
`2cape \ "\n -s[ pro b. fr. Spco.pacloak. fr. I.Lcappa head covering.
`cloak-- more at CAP (heaJ covering)] 1 a : a sleeveless outer
`garment of fabric or fur that fits .::losely at the neck, hangs
`loosely from the shoulders. and is made in J.Jl lengths b: an
`attached collarlike port of a garment 2 : the short feathers
`covering the shoulders of a fo\vl below the hackle~- see COCK
`illu~tration 3 : the pelt from the head. neck, and forepart of
`the shoulJ..::r~ of an animal esp. for mounting as a trophy 4: a
`red cioo.k used by a bullfighter or capcaJor to attract a buil
`and direct its charge
`3cape \ '·\ l·t -ED/-ING/-s [trans. of Sp capear] :to attract and
`direct the charge of (a bull) by flourishing a cape
`ca.pe-ador \k:."tp:!J.'!hl>r\ n, pi capeadors \~i.h6rz\ or cape(cid:173)
`ado-res \-f.b3r:Is\ [Sp, fr. capear to play tricks on the bull
`with one'<; cloak, fr. capa cloak - more at CAPE] :a bull·
`fighter's :tide \vho uses a capa to distract or excite the bull
`cape aloe n, usu cap C [fr. Cape of Good Hope, l..l nion of
`South Africa]: a much-branched southern African plant
`(Aloe ]croxl \Vith reddish prickly succulent leaves
`cape anteater n, usu cap C (fr. Cape of Good Hope]: AARD-
`cape armadillo n, usu cap C [fr. Cape of Good Hope]: ~he
`scaly anteater (r\fanis t~Jmminckii) of southern Africa that ltke
`the true armadillo rolls into a ball when abrmcd - compare
`cape ashn,
`African tree
`2 :the tough
`cape asparagus n, usu cap
`of Good Hope] : LAT-
`cape baboon n, usu cap C [fr. Cape of Good Hope]: CHACMA
`cape beech n, usu cap C [fr. Cape of Good Hope] 1 :a
`southern African hardwood tree (Myrsine mtlanophleos) 2
`: the wood of the Cape beech
`cape bladder senna n. usu cap C [fr. Cape of Good Hope] :a
`scarlet-flowered southern African shrub (Sutherlandia Jru(cid:173)
`tescens) cultivated in California
`cape bonnet n [Zcapc] :a bonnet with a projecting front edge
`:md a deep ruffle on the bottom
`cape box or cape boxwood n, usu cap C [fr. Cape of Good
`Hope]: a southern African timber tree (Buxus macov.'ani)
`cape buffalo n, Will cap C [fr. Cape of Good Hope): a iargc
`powerful often
`savage buffalo
`(S'yncerus cajjer) of
`southern Africa
`the horns joined at the bases to form a
`heavy frontal
`Cape of Good Hope J : any of vari(cid:173)
`cape bulb n,
`from southern Africa esp. of the
`ous bulhs or
`genus lxia or
`compare DUTCH BULB
`Hope] l :a southern
`the fam:Iy :Mcliaccae
`caparison la, 13th century
`ZIMMER 1045
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