`[11] Patent Number:
`Hendel et al.
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Jun. 27, 2000
`Inventors: Ariel Hendel, Cupertino; Leo A.
`Hejza; Shree Murthy, both of
`Sunnyvale, all of Calif.
`[73] Assignee: Sun Microsystems, Inc., Mountain
`View, Calif.
`[21] Appl. No.: 08/885,559
`Jun. 30, 1997
`Int. Cl.7 ........................... .. H04L 12/28; H04L 12/56
`[52] U.S. Cl.
`............. ..
`. 370/389; 370/412; 370/428
`[58] Field of Search ................................... .. 370/389, 392,
`370/400, 401, 402, 432, 469, 412, 413-419,
`428,429; 340/825.52; 395/200.1, 200.2
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`Primary Examiner—Ajit Patel
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Blakely Sokoloff Taylor &
`A multi-layer network element for forwarding received
`packets from an input port to one or more output ports. The
`packet is examined to look for different types of forwarding
`information. An associative memory is searched once for
`each type of information. The results from the two searches
`are combined to forward the packet to the appropriate one or
`more output ports. The packet may be examined for other
`information as well to make the forwarding decisions. In one
`embodiment, the invention examines the packet for layer 2
`information as the first type and layer 3, and perhaps some
`layer 4, information as the second type. The results are
`merged to determine the most appropriate combination of
`layer 2 or layer 3 forwarding decisions for the packet.
`29 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets
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`F I
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`Sheet 6 of 7
`tom2:F83n8BomWNSn«on xWSN 0E:2031Woo.aom
`to packet for-
`The present invention relates in general
`warding within a network and, in particular, to a system and
`method for forwarding packets using multi-layer informa-
`Communication between computers has become an
`important aspect of everyday life in both private and busi-
`ness environments. Networks provide a medium for this
`communication and further for communication between
`various types of elements connected to the network such as
`servers, personal computers, workstations, memory storage
`systems, or any other component capable of receiving or
`transmitting data to or from the network. The elements
`communicate with each other using defined protocols that
`define the orderly transmission and receipt of information.
`In general, the elements view the network as a cloud to
`which they are attached and for the most part do not need to
`know the details of the network architecture such as how the
`network operates or how it is implemented. Ideally, any
`network architecture should support a wide range of appli-
`cations and allow a wide range of underlying technologies.
`The network architecture should also work well for very
`large networks, be efficient for small networks, and adapt to
`changing network conditions.
`Networks can be generally be differentiated based on their
`size. At the lower end, a local area network (LAN) describes
`a network having characteristics including multiple systems
`attached to a shared medium, high total bandwidth,
`low error
`rates, broadcast capability,
`geography, and a limited number of stations, and are gen-
`erally not subject to post, telegraph, and telephone regula-
`tion. At
`the upper end, an enterprise network describes
`connections of wide area networks and LANs connecting
`diverse business units within a geographically diverse busi-
`ness organization.
`To facilitate communication within larger networks, the
`networks are typically partitioned into subnetworks, each
`sharing some common characteristic such as geographical
`location or functional purpose, for example. The partitioning
`serves two main purposes: to break the whole network down
`into manageable parts and to logically (or physically) group
`users of the network. Network addressing schemes may take
`such partitioning into account and thus an address may
`contain information about how the network is partitioned
`and where the address fits into the network hierarchy.
`For descriptive and implementive purposes, a network
`may be described as having multiple layers with end devices
`attached to it, communicating with each other using peer-
`to-peer protocols. The well-known Open Systems Intercon-
`nection (OSI) Reference Model provides a generalized way
`to view a network using seven layers and is a convenient
`reference for mapping the functionality of other models and
`actual implementations. The distinctions between the layers
`in any given model is clear, but the implementation of any
`given model or mapping of layers between different models
`is not. For example, the standard promulgated by the Insti-
`tute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in its 802
`protocols defines standards for LANs and its definitions
`overlap the bottom two layers of the OSI model.
`In any such model, a given layer communicates either
`with the same layer of a peer end station across the network,
`or with the same layer of a network element within the
`network itself. Alayer implements a set of functions that are
`usually logically related and enable the operation of the
`layer above it.
`The relevant layers for describing this invention include
`OSI Layers 1 through 4. Layer 1, the physical layer, provides
`functions to send and receive unstructured bit patterns over
`a physical link. The physical layer concerns itself with such
`issues as the size and shape of connectors, conversion of bits
`to electrical signals, and bit-level synchronization. More
`than one type of physical layer may exist within a network.
`Two common types of Layer 1 are found within IEEE
`Standard 802.3 and FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interface).
`Layer 2, the data link layer, provides support for framing,
`error detecting, accessing the transport media, and address-
`ing between end stations interconnected at or below layer 2.
`The data link layer is typically designed to carry packets of
`information across a single hop, i.e., from one end station to
`another within the same subnet, or LAN.
`Layer 3, the network layer, provides support for such
`functions as end to end addressing, network topological
`information, routing, and packet fragmentation. This layer
`may be configured to send packets along the best “route”
`from its source to its final destination. An additional feature
`of this layer is the capability to relay information about
`network congestion to the source or destination if conditions
`the transport layer, provides application pro-
`Layer 4,
`grams such as an electronic mail program with a “port
`address” which the application can use to interface with the
`data link layer. Akey difference between the transport layer
`and the lower layers is that an application on a source end
`station can carry out a conversation with a similar applica-
`tion on a destination end station anywhere in the network;
`whereas the lower layers carry on conversations with end
`stations which are its immediate neighbors in the network.
`Layer 4 protocols also support reliable connection oriented
`services, an example Layer 4 protocol providing such ser-
`vices is the Transport Control Protocol (TCP).
`Different building blocks exist for implementing net-
`works that operate at these layers. End stations are the end
`points of a network and can function as sources, destinations
`and network elements or any other intermediate point for
`forwarding data received from a source to a destination.
`At the simplest level are repeaters which are physical
`layer relays which simply forward bits at Layer 1.
`Bridges represent the next level above repeaters and are
`data link layer entities which forward packets within a single
`LAN using look-up tables. They do not modify packets, but
`just forward packets based on a destination. Most bridges are
`learning bridges. In these bridges, if the bridge has previ-
`ously learned a source, it already knows to which port to
`forward the packet. If the bridge has not yet forwarded a
`packet from the destination, the bridge does not know the
`port location of the destination, and forwards the packet to
`all unblocked output ports, excluding the port of arrival.
`Other than acquiring a knowledge of which ports sources are
`transmitting packets to, the bridge has no knowledge of the
`network topology. Many LANs can be implemented using
`bridges only.
`Routers are network layer entities which can forward
`packets between LANs. They have the potential to use the
`best path that exists between sources and destinations based
`on information exchanged with other routers that allow the
`routers to have knowledge of the topology of the network.
`Factors contributing to the “best” path might include cost,
`speed, traffic, and bandwidth, as well as others.
`Brouters are routers which can also perform as bridges.
`For those layer 3 protocols of which the brouter knows, it
`uses its software to determine how to forward the packet.
`For all other packets, the brouter acts as a bridge.
`Switches are generalized network elements for forward-
`ing packets wherein the composition of the switch and
`whether it implements layer 2 or layer 3 is not relevant.
`Typically, bridges forward packets in a flat network
`without any cooperation by the end stations, because the
`LAN contains no topological hierarchy.
`If a LAN, for
`example, is designed to support layer 3 functionality, then
`routers are used to interconnect and forward packcts within
`the LAN.
`Bridges cannot use hierarchical routing addresses because
`they base their forwarding decisions on media access control
`(MAC) addresses which contain no topological significance.
`Typically MAC addresses are assigned to a device at its time
`of manufacture. The number of stations that can be inter-
`connected through bridges is limited because traffic
`isolation, bandwidth, fault detecting, and management
`aspects become too difficult or burdensome as the number of
`end stations increases.
`Learning bridges self-configure, allowing them to be
`“plug and play” entities requiring virtually no human inter-
`action for setup. Routers, however,
`require intensive
`configuration, and may even require configuration activities
`at the end nodes. For example, when a network utilizes the
`Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP),
`each end node must manually receive its address and subnet
`mask from an operator, and such information must be input
`to the router.
`Generally, as the size and complexity of a network
`the network requires more functionality at the
`higher layers. For example, a relatively small LAN can be
`implemented by using Layer 1 elements such as repeaters or
`bridges, while a very large network uses up to and including
`Layer 3 elements such as routers.
`Asingle LAN is typically insufficient to meet the require-
`ments of an organization because of the inherent limitations:
`(1) on the number of end stations that can be attached to a
`physical layer segment; (2) the physical layer segment size;
`and (3) the amount of traffic, which is limited because the
`bandwidth of the segment must be shared among all the
`connected end stations.
`In order
`to overcome these
`constraints, other network building blocks are required.
`As briefly described above, when the number of end
`stations in a network increases, the network may be parti-
`tioned into subnetworks. A typical address in a partitioned
`network includes two parts: a first part indicating the sub-
`network; and a second part indicating an address within the
`subnetwork. These types of addresses convey topological
`information because the first part of the address defines
`geographical or logical portions of the network and the
`second part defines an end station within the subnetwork
`portion. Routing with hierarchial addressing involves two
`steps: first packets are routed to the destination’s subnet-
`work; and second packets are forwarded to the destination
`within the subnetwork.
`An end station receives a unique data link address—the
`MAC address—at the time of manufacture, allowing the end
`station to attach to any LAN within a bridged network
`without worrying about duplicate addresses. Data link
`addresses therefore cannot convey any topological informa-
`tion. Bridges, unlike routers, forward packets based on data
`link addresses and thus cannot
`interpret hierarchical
`The current Internet is being forced to deal with increas-
`ing numbers of users and increasing demands of multimedia
`applications. Future networks will be required to support
`even higher bandwidth, larger numbers of users, and trafiic
`classification requirements by the network. Statistical stud-
`ies show that the network domain as well as the number of
`workstations connected to the network will grow at a faster
`rate in future. The trend is also to support multiple traffic
`types with varied characteristics on a same physical link.
`This calls for more network bandwidth and efficient usage of
`resources. To meet the bandwidth requirement, the speed on
`the networks is on the upward trend, reaching to gigabit
`Network designers frequently use one particular combi-
`nation of OSI Layer 2 and Layer 3 because of the success of
`the Internet and the increasing number of products and
`networks using the Internet. Specifically,
`in a typical
`Internet-associated network, designers combine an imple-
`mentation in accordance with the IEEE 802 Standard (which
`overlaps OSI Layer 1 and Layer 2) with the Internet Protocol
`(IP) network layer. This combination is also becoming
`popular within enterprise networks such as intranets.
`Supporting this combination by building networks out of
`layer 2 network elements provides fast packet forwarding
`but has little flexibility in terms of traflic isolation, redundant
`topologies, and end-to-end policies for queuing and admin-
`istration (access control). Building such networks out of
`layer 3 elements alone sacrifices performance and is imprac-
`tical from the hierarchical point of view because of the
`overhead associated with having to parse the layer 3 header
`and modify the packet if necessary. Furthermore, using
`solely layer 3 elements forces an addressing model with one
`end station per subnet, and no layer 2 connectivity between
`the end stations.
`Nctworks built out of a combination of layer 2 and layer
`3 devices are used today, but suffer from performance and
`flexibility shortcomings. Specifically, with increasing varia-
`tion in traffic distribution (the role of the “server” has
`multiplied with browser-based applications),
`the need to
`traverse routers at high speed is crucial.
`The choice between bridges and routers typically results
`in significant tradeoffs (in functionality when using bridges,
`and in speed when using routers). Furthermore, the service
`characteristics, such as priority, within a network are gen-
`erally no longer homogeneous, despite whether traffic pat-
`terns involve routers. In these networks, differing trafiic
`types exists and require different service characteristics such
`as bandwidth, delay, and etc.
`To meet
`the traffic requirements of applications,
`bridging devices should operate at line speeds, i.e., they
`operate at or faster than the speed at which packets arrive at
`the device, but they also must be able to forward packets
`across domains/subnetworks. Even through current hybrid
`bridge/router designs are able to achieve correct network
`delivery functions, they are not able to meet today’s increas-
`ing speed requirements.
`is needed is a switch or network element
`forwards both layer 2 and layer 3 packets quickly and
`efiiciently both within a subnetwork and to other networks.
`Further, a network element is needed that can forward layer
`3 packets at wire-speed, i.e., as fast as packets enter the
`network element. Additionally, a network element is needed
`that allows layer 2 forwarding within a subnetwork to have
`the additional features available in layer 3 routing and to
`provide certain quality of service for applications within the
`subnetwork, such as priority and bandwidth reservation.
`The present invention enables the above problems to be
`substantially overcome by providing a system and method
`for a multi-layer network element for forwarding received
`packets to one or more appropriate output ports.
`An embodiment of the present
`invention includes a
`method of forwarding a packet entering from an input port
`to one or more appropriate output ports based on a single
`search of an associative memory for each layer.
`Apacket is received on an input port, and from the packet
`both first and second packet information are determined. An
`associative memory lookup is performed for the first packet
`information which results in two potential forwarding deci-
`sions. If the destination address in the first packet informa-
`tion is known, i.e., a matching entry is found in the asso-
`ciative memory, then the potential output port or ports are
`those associated with the destination address as found in the
`associative memory. If the destination address does not
`match any entry in the associative memory, then all ports
`except the port of arrival are candidates for the potential
`output port or ports.
`An associative memory lookup is also performed for the
`second information. Various actions may be taken as a result
`of the second information,
`including quality of service
`issues. The results of the first search and the second search
`are combined to determine which of the potential output port
`or ports as proffered by the two searches is more appropriate
`for this packet. The packet is then forwarded to the appro-
`priate output port or ports.
`The multi-layer network element according to the present
`invention forwards both layer 2 and layer 3 packets quickly
`and efficiently both within a subnetwork and to other net-
`works. The network element recognizes packets at both
`layer 2 and layer 3 and makes forwarding decisions for both.
`In some instances, the multi-layer network element also uses
`information from layer 4.
`The associative memory allows forwarding decisions at
`both layer 2 and layer 3 to be made at the hardware level.
`Having layer 3 forwarding decisions made at the hardware
`level allows layer 3 forwarding at wire-speed, i.e., as fast as
`packets enter the network element. Software normally asso-
`ciated with layer 3 forwarding is used when learning new
`layer 3 flows or routes.
`The invention according to the present invention also
`includes mechanisms for defining default actions for layer 2
`traffic. The default actions may define, among other things,
`QoS so that
`the network element provides QoS when
`forwarding at layer 2. Examples of QoS that can be provided
`include priority and bandwidth reservation.
`Still other embodiments of the present invention will
`become readily apparent to those skilled in the art from the
`following detailed description, which is shown and
`described by way of illustration of the best modes contem-
`plated for carrying out the invention. As will be realized, the
`invention is capable of other and different embodiments and
`several of its details are capable of modification in various
`obvious respects, all without departing from the spirit and
`scope of the present invention. Accordingly, the drawings
`and detailed description are to be regarded as illustrative in
`nature and not as restrictive.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a system incorporating a multi-layer
`network element according to the invention.
`FIG. 2 illustrates the multi-layer networking element of
`FIG. 1.
`FIG. 3 illustrates the switching element of the multi-layer
`network element in more detail.
`FIG. 4 illustrates the forwarding logic of the switching
`element in more detail.
`FIG. 5 illustrates the class logic of FIG. 4 in more detail.
`FIG. 6 illustrates the process used in determining which
`information dictates a packet’s path through the multi-layer
`network element.
`FIG. 7 illustrates the information dependency in deter-
`mining how to forward a packet out of the network element.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a system incorporating a multi-layer
`network element according to the present invention. The
`system includes the multi-layer network element, various
`networks, end stations, routers, and bridges. By way of
`example and as broadly embodied and described herein, a
`system 10 incorporating a multi-layer network element 12
`according to the present invention includes networks 14 and
`16, end stations 18, router 24, bridge 26, and local area
`networks (LAN) 28.
`The bridge 26 connects some of the LANs 28 and end
`stations 18 to the network 14 and to each other. The bridge
`26 may be a conventional learning