
`Contents lists available at
`Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
`journal homepage:
`Specificity of anti—prostate cancer CYPl7Al inhibitors on androgen
`- CrossMark
`Sameer S. Udhane '
`, Bernhard Dick
`, Qingzhong Hu '
`, Rolf W. Hartmann '
`Amit V. Pandey '
`a Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetalogy and Metabolism, Department of Pediatrics, University Children's Hospital Bern, 3010 Bern, Switzerland
`'3 Department of Clinical Research, University of Bern, 3010 Bern, Switzerland
`° Department of Nephrology. Hypertension and Clinical Phannacology, University Hospital of Bern, Bem, Switzerland
`‘l Pltarmaceuncal and Medicinal Chemistry. Sanrland University. Campus C23, Saarbriicken. Germany
`9 Helmholtz institute for Pliannaceutical Research Saarland (HIPS). Campus E 8.l, E6123 Soarbriicken, Germany
`Article history:
`Received 26 June 2016
`Accepted 4 July 2016
`Available online 6 July 2016
`Premature adrenatche
`Castration resistant prostate cancer
`The orteronel. abiraterone and galeterone. which were developed to treat castration resistant prostate
`cancer. inhibit 17,20 lyase activity but little is known about their effects on adrenal androgen biosyn-
`thesis. We studied the effect of several inhibitors and found that orteronel was selective towards 17.20
`lyase activity than abiraterone and galeterone. Gene expression analysis showed that galeterone altered
`the expression of HSD3B2 but orteronel did not change the expression of HSDSBZ. CYPl7Al and Al(Rl C3.
`The CYPIEIAI activity was not inhibited except by compound [V which lowered activity by 23%. Sur-
`prisingly abiraterone caused complete blockade of O(P2lA2 activity. Analysis of steroid metabolome by
`gas chromatography — mass spectrometry revealed changes in steroid levels caused by different in-
`hibitors. We can conclude that orteronel is a highly specific inhibitor of 17.20 lyase activity. The discovery
`of these specific drug actions on steroidogenic enzyme activities would be valuable for understanding
`the regulation of androgens.
`to 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
`1. Introduction
`Androgens are essential for sexual differentiation and repro-
`duction in both male and female. Androgen production in humans
`occurs mainly in the testis, ovaries and the adrenal glands. The
`initial steps of steroidogenesis in both the adrenal and the gonads
`are same and use similar enzymes for steroid biosynthesis path-
`. Both the adrenal and the ovary produce dehydroepian-
`drosterone (DHEA) as
`the key precursor of androgens and
`estrogens. Premature adrenatche and polycystic ovary syndrome
`(PCOS) are common hyperandtogenic disorders. During adrenatche
`(functional activation of adrenal zona reticularis) production of
`adrenal androgens (D1-IEA and DHEA sulfate) is at a higher level
`* Corresponding author. Pediatric Endocrinology, Diabetology & Metabolism.
`l(|I<L C837, University Children's Hospital Bern. Freiburgstrasse 15. Cl-l-3010 Bern.
`(A.V. Pandey).
`E—mail address:
`' Current address: Department of Chemistry. University of Cambridge, Lensfield
`Road, Cambridge. CB2 IEW‘ U.K.
`0006-291 Xl© 2015 Elseviet Inc. All rights reserved.
`In case of premature adrenatche. the concentration of circulating
`adrenal androgens increases at an earlier age. Several studies link
`premature adrenatche with post pubertal adrenal and ovarian
`. Premature adrenatche is also linked to the
`hyperandrogenism in PCOS
`_. in hyperandrogenic women with
`PCOS, androgen production from both the ovaries and the adrenals
`is higher
`in cytochrome P450 l7Al {P450cl7.
`CYPl7Al) activities could explain the increase in androgen secre-
`tion that causes hyperandrogenic disorders
`The CYP17Al plays a vital role in regulating adrenal androgen
`production (
`). CYPl7Al
`is localized in the endoplasmic
`reticulum and responsible for 17:1-hydroxylase and 17,20 lyase re-
`actions. The 17,20 lyase activity regulates androgen production and
`is dependent on cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR)
`, cyto-
`chrome b5 (CYB5)
`and phosphorylation
`. Treatment of
`androgen dependent prostate cancer is by androgen deprivation
`therapy. androgen receptor (AR) antagonists or anti androgen
`agents and CYPl7Al inhibitors that block androgen production
`therapy such as using a gonadotrophin hormonal
`analogue for treatment of hyperandrogenic disorders may not be


`5,5. Urlhane et ai. / Biocheinitai and Biophysical Research Communications 477 (2016) 1005 -1010
`the extra-gonadal and the gonadal
`specific enough to control
`androgen production. Drugs targeting androgen production are
`being used for treatment of prostate cancer and to decrease the
`androgen levels in hyperandrogenic women
`. But anti
`androgen treatment can have side effects on sexuality of women
`with hyperandrogenism
`. One example is flutamide. a non-
`steroidal anti androgen drug used to treat hyperandrogenic
`women 1
`§. Flutamide has many side effects like diarrhea,
`gynecomastia, muscle cramps, hematological alterations, and
`the treatment of the
`CYP17A1 inhibitors are designed for
`androgen dependent prostate cancer patients ( 2
`). Abir-
`aterone prolonged the survival of castration-resistant prostate
`cancer (CRPC) patients in phase III clinical trials
`. Abiraterone
`also has modest affinity towards the androgen receptor
`. In the
`hyperandrogenic disorders like premature or exaggerated adre-
`narche and PCOS, use of total CYP17A1 inhibitors will also block the
`1’/‘oc—hydroxylase activity. New inhibitors of CYP1”/‘A1. orteronel and
`galeterone were also designed for treatment of castration-resistant
`prostate cancer '
`. Effect of abiraterone, orteronel and gale-
`terone on adrenal androgen production is not clear.
`Here we are reporting the effects of CYP17A1 inhibitors on the
`adrenal androgen production. We compared CYP17A1 inhibitors
`orteronel, galeterone. abiraterone and recently reported com-
`pounds I and IV and studied the specificity of their action. We found
`that orteronel is a potent inhibitor of 17,20 lyase activity with no
`impact on other cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in steroid
`hormone biosynthesis. We also analyzed the impact of these in-
`hibitors on the steroid rnetabolome, focusing on C19 steroids. Use
`of specific 17,20 lyase inhibitors can be a treatment option for
`hyperandrogenic disorders for the control of androgen production.
`2. Materials and methods
`2.1. Cell culture and treatment
`Human adrenocortical NCl—H295R cells obtained from American
`Type Culture Collection (ATCC; CRL—2128) were cultivated in
`DMEM,'Ham’s F-12 medium with additives
`as described in
`. Orteronel, galeterone and abiraterone
`were purchased from the Selleckchem (Houston, TX, USA).
`CYP17A1 inhibitors compound I and IV were described earlier
`2.2. Steroid profiling
`Steroid profiling was performed with the cells grown on 6 well
`plates by adding 100,000 cpm [3H] pregnenolone (preg) to the
`culture medium for 90 min. To study specific CYPT/A1 enzyme
`activities. cells were first treated with 1 1.1M or 2 |.lM CYP17A1 in-
`hibitors. After 24 h of inhibitor treatment, cells were treated with
`1 l.llVl trilostane (a specific blocker of HSD3B) for 90 min before
`adding [3H] preg. For CYP21 A2 activity, cells were treated with
`1 uM of different inhibitors for 24 h and then labeled with [3H] 170:-
`hydroxyprogesterone (17—OH Prog) for 60 min to monitor the
`conversion of 11 -deoxycortisol. Steroids were extracted from cell
`supernatants and separated by thin layer chromatography (TLC) as
`previously described =
`1. Steroid conversion was calculated as
`percentage of
`radioactivity incorporated into specific
`2.4. CYP19/ll enzyme activity using titrated water release assay
`Human Placental JEG3 cells were grown on 12 well plates and
`treated with CYPl7A1 inhibitors for 24 h before aromatase activity
`was assayed. Aromatase activity was assayed with 3H labeled an-
`drostenedione ([1B-3H(N)]-androstene-3,17-dione: —100.000 cpmi
`well). Androstenedione was added to the treated cells for 6 h.
`Aromatase activity was then assessed by the titrated water release
`assay as previously described 1
`2.5. GC—MS measurement of steroid metabolites
`The measurement of steroid hormone metabolites in human
`adrenal H295R cells was performed by gas chromatography — mass
`spectrometry (CC-MS) as previously described
`. The cells were
`grown in 10 cm plates in normal growth medium for 24 h, then
`medium was replaced, and cells were treated with 1 uM ofCYP17A1
`inhibitors in medium without NU-I serum for 24 h. After 12 h of
`treatment, 1 pM of pregnenolone was added. At the end, superna-
`tant was collected and concentrated samples were used for steroid
`analysis by GC—MS. All measurements were performed in the
`steroid laboratory of the Department of Nephrology. Hypertension
`and Clinical Pharmacology at the University Hospital of Bern,
`3. Results and discussion
`3.1. CYP17/11 inhibitors modulate the adrenal androgen production
`CYP1'/‘A1 is required for androgen production in humans and
`control of its enzyme activity is essential for treatment of hyper-
`androgenic disorders. Abiraterone, galeterone and orteronel are
`inhibitors of CYP17A1 (
`). Abiraterone is an effective
`active site-directed inhibitor, designed for the treatment of CRPC
`patients to suppress the androgen production by inhibition of
`CYP17A1 activities -
`. The galeterone and orteronel were
`designed to selectively inhibit 17.20 lyase activity of CYP17A1 for
`the treatment of CRPC
`'. There have been suggestions that
`galeterone is more specific towards the 17.20 lyase activity of
`CYP17A1 than abiraterone but this effect is not clear -
`. Func-
`in viva (cynomolgus
`tional studies on the effects of orteronel
`monkey) and in vitro (human adrenal tumor cells) showed that
`orteronel is a potent inhibitor of 17.20 lyase activity =
`.In addition
`to these well-known inhibitors, Hartmann group synthesized
`inhibitors of steroid biosynthesis
`. They observed
`compound IV was a more potent inhibitor of 17,20 lyase activity
`compared to its effects on 1'/‘oi-hydroxylase activity
`. However,
`the effect of these drugs on adrenal androgen production remains
`We used the steroidogenic human adrenal cortex H295R cells to
`study the effect of CYP1‘/‘A1
`inhibitors (orteronel, galeterone,
`compound l and IV and abiraterone). We found that orteronel and
`galeterone drastically decreased the DHEA and androstenedione
`production (
`A). Compounds 1 and IV decreased DHEA.
`androstendione and 11-DOC,i11-deoxycortisol production.
`in the
`cells treated with abiraterone. we only observed the conversion of
`preg to prog and other products in the pathway were completely
`blocked (
`-B). This suggests that abiraterone inhibits CYP17A1
`and possibly other enzymes that are involved in steroidogenesis.
`2.3. Quantitative real time PCR (qRT-PCR)
`The H295R cells were treated with inhibitors for 72 h. After the
`3.2. Orteronel is a specific inhibitor of the CYP17/11 17,20 lyase
`treatment, total RNA was isolated and qRT-PCR was done as pre-
`viously described
`. Details are in
`We studied the effect of CYP17A1 inhibitors in more detail for
`the specificity of the inhibition of CYP17A1 enzyme activities. Cells


`5.5. Udhone at of. / Bfoeheuriicol and Biophysical Research Communications 477 (2016) lI‘J05—l'I‘Jl‘0
`E 40
`“ -E
`§ 25
`M .
`17—OH Prog
`17-OH Preg
`1 1 oeoxycortisol Q
`El ouso
`I 1pM Compound I
`I 1pM Compound [V
`D tulvi Ablraterone
`. .
`,_ k
`E 4
`E 3

`'5 29
`_. G
`“ '
`M I
`‘17—C>H Prog
`17‘-OH Preg
`[3 DMSO
`I 1 “M Orleronel
`n 1 an Galeterone
`17-OH 11-deoxycortisol
`°°'“"°""° '
`Compound IV

`Fig. 1. Effect of the CYP‘l7Al inhibitors on adrenal steroid profile. For the steroid profiling H29SR cells were treated with 1 pm orteronel, galeterone. compound I and [V and
`abiraterone for 24 h. Steroid production was labeled with [3H] preg for 90 min. Steroids were extracted and resolved by TLC, A) Steroid profiling of adrenal HZEJSR cells treated with
`DMSO and 1 uM of orteronel or galeterone B) Steroid profiling of adrenal l-{29SR cells treated with 1 pm of compound I, compound IV and abiraterone. Representative TLCs are
`depicted on the left. summaries and quantifications of the results are given on the right. Prog. progesterone; A-1A, androstenedione; Preg, pregnenolone; DHEA. dehytlroepian—
`drosterone; 17-OH Preg. ‘l7m-hydroxypregnenolone: 17—0H Prog_ 17o.—hydroxy progesterone: Data are presented as mean ¢ SD of three independent experiments. *p < 0.05,
`“p < 0.01.
`:3 DMSO
`I1 pM Orteronel
`I1 uM Galeierone
`-1pM Orteronel
`-1uM Galeterone
`“LOH preg
`E 80
`#1 pM Compound I
`I 1 uM Compound IV E 50-
`1 urn Abiraterone
`E 40
`L ,
`k \

`" “ ..
`17-OH preg
`“'0” 9'99
`gt ‘ ‘E80
`3 an
`"" 0
`*5 S60
`E 40

`as 20
`17-OH preg i
`Compound I
`Compound IV —
`Abiraterone -
`Fig. 2. Effects of I'.'YP17A1 inhibitors on NC!-H295 cells. A and B . Effect of inhibitors on EYPWA1 enzyme activity. The enzyme activities of CYP17A1 were checked in HZQSR
`cells treated with control [DMSO) and 1 plvl oforteronel. galeterone, compound I, compound IV and abiraterone. CYP17Al activities were assessed by the conversion of [3H] preg to
`17-OH preg for l7:t—hydroxylase activity and 17-OH preg to DHEA for 17.20 lyase activity. Representative TLCs are depicted on the left, summaries and quantifications of the results
`are given on the right. Data are given as mean 3 SD of three independent experiments. Preg. pregnenolone; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone: ll’-OH Preg.170:-hydroxypregnenolone.
`‘p < 0.05,‘*p < 0.01. C. Impact of CYPITM inhibitors on genes involved in androgen hiosynthesis. I-l295R cells were treated with control (DMSO) or 1 pM ortetonel and
`galeterone for 72 h and then RNA was isolated and transcribed to CDNA, Results of qRTvPCR validation of l-lSD3B2, CYPl7Al and AKRIC3 genes relative to the housekeeping gene
`cyclophilin A. Expression of the genes was analyzed by SYBR Green real—time PCR. Analysis of relative gene expression was determined by the TM” method. *p < 0.05.


`5.5. Udhone er al. /Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 477 {20l‘6) 10054010
`E. 10
`E 80
`E 60
`Aromatase activity
`Galeterone Abiraterone Compoundlcornpound IV
`21 -Hydroxylasa activity
`1'.’vOH Prcig
`. 11-deoxycortisol
`were treated with inhibitors and then with 1 uM trilostane (a
`specific blocker of HSD3B) for 90 min before labeling with [3H]
`preg. We found that the orteronel decreased only DHEA production,
`suggesting selectivity of inhibition towards the 17.20 lyase activity
`of CYPl7Al (
`A). Treatments of galeterone. abiraterone, com-
`pound I and IV showed a decrease in the conversion from preg to
`17-OH preg and to DHEA which suggests these compounds
`inhibited both the hydroxylase as well as lyase activity of CYPi7A1
`A—B). These data indicate that orteronel is a specific inhibitor
`of 17,20 lyase activity, as observed in previous studies i
`3.3. Effect of CYPI7/‘ll inhibitors on genes involved in androgen
`Abiraterone and galeterone are steroidal structures that also act
`as androgen receptor (AR) antagonist. Orteronel is a non-steroidal
`inhibitor. Abiraterone has been reported to alter the
`androgen regulated gene expression in prostate cancer cells
`through the AR—mediated signaling
`. Since. both the orteronel
`and galeterone have shown potential as potent CYPl7Al inhibitors.
`we conducted further experiments to find out if these inhibitors
`have any impact on gene transcription. The H295R cells were
`treated with control (DMSO) or 1 uM orteronel and galeterone for
`72 h. Gene expressions were studied by relative quantification PCR
`(qRT-PCR). We studied the expression of three key genes CYPi7A1,
`HSD3B2 and Al<Rl C3 that are involved in androgen biosynthesis.
`Interestingly, we found a slight increase in HSD3B2 gene expression
`upon treatment with galeterone (
`C). In presence of orteronel
`no significant changes in gene expression were observed (
`£117-OH Frog
`32 20
`U B
`E" an
`S E
`influence of Cl/Pl7Al inhibitors on aromatose activity
`Control Orteronel Galeterond Abi‘
`rcompounld Cornpolund
`To further study the specificity of the CYPl'/‘Al inhibitors, we
`determined their impact on other related steroidogenic enzyme
`activities. First, we studied the effect of inhibitors on aromatase
`(CYPIQA1) activity. The activity and expression of aromatase differs
`between different cell types depending on the need of cells for
`estrogens. Aromatase is localized in endoplasmic reticulum and
`catalyzes the last step of estrogen biosynthesis from androgens
`{converts androstenedione to estrone and testosterone to estra-
`diol). The orteronel. galeterone. compound I and abiraterone
`showed no effect of on aromatase activity (
`A). Compound IV
`treatment resulted in a decrease of aromatase activity by 23%
`A), which was in accordance with its reported modest inhi-
`bition of aromatase in vitro (lC5g r 228 nM)
`3.5. Abiraterone severely inhibits 2I—hydroxylose (CYPZIAZ)
`We then studied the effect of these inhibitors on the 21-
`hydroxylase (CYP2lA2) enzyme activity. The 21-hydroxylase plays
`a role in producing glucocorticoids (cortisol) and mineralocorticoid
`(aldosterone). Cortisol helps maintain blood sugar levels. protects
`the body from stress and suppresses inflammation. Maintaining the
`cortisol level is required for the gonadal function. as disruption in
`cortisol production may affect
`fertility by the regulation of
`hypothalamic—pituitary—adrenal (HPA) and gonadal (HPG] axis ;
`CYPZIA2 activities were assessed by checking the conversion of
`[3H] 17—OH Prog to l1—deoxycortisol. Orteronel. galeterone, com-
`pound l and 1V treatment did not change ll-deoxycortisol pro-
`duction. suggesting no effect on CYP2lA2 activity. Surprisingly.
`abiraterone was found to completely inhibit the CYP2‘I A2 activity
`B). This suggests that abiraterone is not a specific inhibitor of
`CYPl7Al and can also inhibit CYP2lA2 activity. Protein sequence
`comparison of CYPl7Al and CYPZIA2 shows an identity of around
`Fig. 3. Influence of CYPITAI inhibitors on other steroid metabolizing cytochrome
`P450 activity. The effect of inhibitors on P450 arornatase (CYPIQAI) and 21-
`hydroxylase (CYP2lA2). A) Effect of inhibitors on aromatase. Effect of inhibitors
`was studied on arornatase activity in human placental JEC.-3 cells. Cells were treated
`with control (DMSO) and 1 uM of orteronel, galeterone, abiraterone, compound I and
`IV for 24 h before aromatase activity was tested. Aromatase activity was assayed with
`androstenedione using 2 uM cold substrate and 31-! labeled androstenedione [[113-
`-100,000 cpmfwell) as
`radioactive tracer. Andro-
`stenedione was added to the treated cells for 6 h. Aromatase activity was measured by
`observing the conversion of 3H—androstenedione to estrone using the titrated water
`release assay. Data are presented as mean 3 SEM of two independent experiments. B)
`Effect on EYPZIM activity. The 21-hydroxylase activity was checked in HZQSR cells
`treated with control (DMSO) and 1 uM of orteronel, gaieterone, abiraterone, compound
`I and compound [V for 24 h. CYP2lA2 activities were measured by observing the
`conversion of[3H] 17‘—OH prog to ll-deoxycortisol. Representative TLCs are depicted in
`the upper panel, summaries and quantilications of the results are given in the lower
`panel, Data are presented as mean 3; SD of three independent experiments. “[3 < (101.
`28% but structures of CYPl7A1 and CYP21A2 have many similarities
`and may retain similar binding sites. The inhibition of CYP2‘lA2
`could be a serious problem since using this drug inhibits whole
`adrenal androgen biosynthesis. Use of abiraterone for androgen
`lowering effects. where inhibition of CYP2lA2 is not desired. will
`create additional complications.
`impact of CYPl‘7AI inhibitors on the metabolomics of C19
`steroids by GC-MS
`inhibitors orteronel, galeterone and abiraterone
`The CYPl7Al
`showed significant decrease in potent androgens like testosterone
`and dihydrotestosterone (
`). Galeterone lowered all classical
`and backdoor pathway metabolites of androgens in human adrenal
`cells. However, orteronel and abiraterone treatment lead to an in-
`crease of androgen metabolite androsterone, which is involved in


`5.5. Uclhane et al. / Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 477 (20:16) 1005 1010
`Table 1
`The table shows the GC—MS measurement of secreted steroid metabolites in the human adrenal H295R cells in the untreated vs the treated condition. The change in me-
`tabolites are indicated based on untreated levels which are set as hundred percent compared to CYl"l7Al inhibitor treatments. *nd: Not determined; +: increased metabolite.
` Metabolites Untreated Drteroncl Galeterone Abiraterone
`Androgen metabolites
`5:1 androstendiol
`Sat androstenetriol
`Estrogen metabolites
`17-0 Estradiol
`Progesterone metabolites
`Corticosterone metabolites
`the backdoor pathway of dihydrotestosterone biosynthesis. One
`possible explanation is that abiraterone can influence backdoor
`pathway by elevating CYP17A1 expression and induce progesterone
`. The progesterone accumulation can compete
`against abiraterone for binding to CYP17A1 leading to induction of
`androgen metabolites involved in backdoor pathway
`. Otter-
`onel seems to be more specific for inhibiting the 17.20 lyase activity
`in the classical androgen biosynthesis pathway and might not in-
`fluence the androgen metabolism via backdoor pathway. Addi-
`tionally, we found that orteronel and abiraterone treatment also
`lead to an increase in other androgen metabolites like etiochola-
`nolone and 11B-hydroxy-etiocholanolone. For the first time the
`data here show the effect of CYP17A1 inhibitors on the human
`steroid metabolome especially on androgen metabolites, in adrenal
`H295R cells. These data indicate that orteronel, galeterone and
`abiraterone can influence or alter different steroid metabolites in
`human adrenal cells apart from blocking the CYP17A1 activity.
`Based on our results. we can conclude that orteronel is a more
`specific inhibitor for CYP17A1 17,20 lyase activity compared to other
`inhibitors tested here. Orteronel had no effect on other tested en-
`zymes that are involved in steroid hormone biosynthesis. Hence, it
`can be considered as a treatment option for hyperandrogenic dis-
`orders like polycystic ovary syndrome. Using abiraterone for
`lowering androgen production in hyperanclrogenic disorders may
`create additional undesired complications in patients because of its
`inhibitory effect on CYP21A2 activities. For the first
`time we
`showed the effect of CYP17A1 inhibitors abiraterone, orteronel and
`galeterone on steroid metabolome in human adrenal H295R cells.
`Our data provide evidence for the significantly altered steroids
`metabolites by CYP17A1 inhibitors. The steroid metabolome model
`may be used as an efficient diagnostic tool for further studies on
`urine or serum samples of hyperandrogenic patients treated with
`CYP17A1 inhibitors. Our observations that abiraterone is also a very
`potent inhibitor of CYP21A2, suggests that abiraterone should not
`be used to treat hyperandrogenic disorders when inhibition of
`CYP21 A2 is an undesirable side effect. Orteronel may be tried for a
`more specific inhibition of CYP17A1 activities without affecting
`other steroid metabolizing enzymes.
`This work was supported by grants to AVP from the Swiss Na-
`tional Science Foundation (31003A-134926). We thank Dr. Nasser
`Dhayat from the Department of Nephrology, Hypertension and
`Clinical Pharmacology. University Hospital of Bern. Bern,
`Switzerland for help with the steroid pathway figure.
`Appendix A. Supplementary data
`Supplementary data related to this article can be found at
`Transparency document
`Transparency document related to this article can be found
`online at


`5.5. Udhcme er al. /Biochemical and Biophysical Research Cammunicatiuns 477 (2016) 1005-1010
`B. Montgomery. M.A. Eisenberger. M.B. Rettig, F. Chu, R. Pili, j.j_ Stephenson.
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