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` ------------------------------------x
` Petitioners,
` vs.
` Patent Owner.
` Case IPR2016-00286
` Patent No. 8,822,438 B2
` ------------------------------------x
` New York, New York
` Tuesday, November 22, 2016
` 9:15 a.m.
`Reported by:
`Jennifer Ocampo-Guzman, CRR, CLR
`JOB NO. 17564
`Amerigen Exhibit 1189
`Amerigen v. Janssen IPR2016-00286
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` November 22, 2016
` 9:15 a.m.
` Deposition of MATTHEW RETTIG,
` M.D., held at the offices of Sidley
` Austin LLP, 787 Seventh Avenue, New
` York, New York, pursuant to notice,
` before Jennifer Ocampo-Guzman, a
` Certified Real-Time Shorthand Reporter
` and Notary Public of the State of New
` York.
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`Page 3
` A P P E A R A N C E S:
` Attorneys for Petitioner
` 12 Roszel Road, Suite C104
` Princeton, New Jersey 08540
` (347) 400-1154
` Attorneys for Patent Owner
` 787 Seventh Avenue
` New York, New York 10019
` (212) 839-5300
` AMANDA POTTER (Admission pending)
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` APPEARANCES (Continued):
`Page 4
` Attorneys for BTG
` 901 New York Avenue, NW
` Washington, DC 20001
` (202) 408-4150
`2 3
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`Page 5
` (AMG Exhibit 1073, Petitioners'
` Notice of Deposition of Matthew Rettig,
` M.D., marked for identification, this
` date.)
` M A T T H E W R E T T I G , M D,
` called as a witness, having been duly sworn,
` was examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, doctor.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. My name is Gabriela Materassi. I
` represent the petitioner, Amerigen, in this
` proceeding.
` The first question is, do you
` understand why you are here today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I am going to hand to you what
` we've previously marked as AMG-1073.
` I am going to ask you to please
` take a look at AMG-1073 and confirm for me
` that that is your deposition notice for
` today's testimony in this proceeding.
` A. Yes, I understand this to be the
` notice of deposition.
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`Page 6
` Q. And now, I am going to also hand to
` you an exhibit that I think you've seen
` before. So this is marked Amerigen 1001.
` So do you recognize this document?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. So let me just confirm that this is
` a copy of U.S. Patent number 8,822,438.
` Is that correct, doctor?
` A. Yes, yes.
` Q. And so this is the patent at issue
` in this proceeding, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is that your understanding?
` I am going to try to refer to this
` patent by the shorthand the '438 patent. If
` I do that during the deposition, will you
` understand I'm talking about this patent?
` A. Yes, I will, yes.
` MS. DONOVAN: Gabriela, I would
` like to note for the record that Dr.
` Rettig also has a copy of his
` declaration with him. You are welcome
` to look at it, but I just want you to be
` clear he did bring it in with him.
` Q. Oh, you did bring it in, okay. So
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` we don't need to burden you with another copy
`Page 7
` of your declaration.
` A. No, thanks.
` Q. So I'll just ask you to refer to
` it. Thank you.
` So Dr. Rettig, I'm going to be
` asking you some questions today in connection
` with your written testimony, which you have
` in front of you, on behalf the patent owner
` Janssen in this proceeding.
` Do you understand?
` A. Yes.
` MS. DONOVAN: Objection.
` Q. I'm going to first cover some
` ground rules, and please ask me, if anything
` that I'm going to explain to you right now is
` unclear.
` Do you understand that when you
` answer my questions, your answer must be
` full, complete and truthful, because you are
` under oath?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Do you understand that you are to
` respond to my questions regardless of your
` counsel's stated objection, unless your
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`Page 8
` counsel expressly instructs you not to
` respond to any of my questions?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. If for any reason you do not
` understand a question, do you understand that
` you should raise the issue of your lack of
` understanding before answering that question?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Please let me know if you need to
` take a break. I would strongly prefer if we
` take the break after you answer a question,
` if you request taking a break in the middle
` of a question.
` Anything unclear --
` A. No.
` Q. -- about what I said? Okay.
` Dr. Rettig, can you please state
` your full name for the record?
` A. My name is Matthew Benjamin Rettig.
` Q. And Dr. Rettig, can you state your
` full residential address for the record?
` A. My full residential address is
` 1842, 1842, Edgecliffe Drive, Los Angeles,
` California, 90026, United States.
` Q. Dr. Rettig, can you tell me if you
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` are on any medication today that might affect
`Page 9
` your testimony?
` A. No, I'm not.
` Q. Are you suffering from any malady
` that might affect your testimony today?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you understand that you are not
` to confer or consult with your counsel
` regarding any questions that I will ask you,
` or any of your responses to any questions
` that I will ask you, at any time during a
` break in this proceeding?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Am I correct that you are here
` today on behalf of Janssen Oncology Inc.,
` Johnson & Johnson and BTG International Ltd.?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Can we use the shorthand Janssen,
` in referring to the patent owner in this
` proceeding?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can you identify for me your
` counsel?
` A. Bindu Donovan, sitting to my right.
` Q. Dr. Rettig, when were you first
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`Page 10
` approached by counsel regarding your
` representation of Janssen in this matter?
` A. Earlier this year, the first part
` of 2016.
` Q. Do you remember when in the first
` part of 2016, doctor?
` A. Approximately March or April. I
` don't know the exact date.
` Q. Dr. Rettig, are you being
` compensated for your testimony in this
` proceeding?
` A. Yes, I am.
` Q. Can you describe the terms of your
` compensation?
` A. Yes --
` MS. DONOVAN: If I may just caution
` the witness not to disclose any
` privileged communications. You may
` answer the question generally.
` THE WITNESS: Thank you.
` A. Yes, I'm being compensated for my
` work, and the details are in my declaration.
` I'm being compensated at a rate of $900 per
` hour, as well as additional fee for travel.
` Q. With respect to your deposition
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` here today, Dr. Rettig, how much time,
` approximately, did you spend preparing?
` A. I don't know the exact number, but
` many hours reviewing documents.
` Q. Would it be more than 20 hours
` reviewing documents?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Could it be more than 40 hours
` reviewing documents?
` A. It could be.
` Q. Could it be more than 60 hours
` reviewing documents?
` A. I suspect not.
` Q. So is it fair to say that somewhere
` between 40 and 60 hours of time was spent by
` you reviewing documents in preparation for
` this deposition?
` MS. DONOVAN: Objection.
` A. That would be --
` MS. DONOVAN: You may answer.
` A. That would be a fair statement.
` Q. Now, how much of this time that
` you've just described did you spend with
` counsel?
` A. Could you please clarify that, what
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`Page 12
` you mean by "with counsel."
` Q. Between 40 and 60 hours of time
` that you spent reviewing documents, how much,
` if any, of that time was spent reviewing
` documents with counsel?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to form.
` A. So again, I'm not clear on the
` question.
` Are you talking about in person,
` when you say "with counsel," or by phone?
` Q. By phone, in person?
` A. Yeah --
` MS. DONOVAN: Before you respond
` again, I would like to just caution the
` witness not to disclose the substance of
` any communications with counsel. You
` may just answer the specific question
` that's asked.
` A. I've spent a number of hours with
` counsel. I don't know the exact number. It
` represents a number of hours. I don't know
` the exact number.
` Q. A number of hours?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Would it be more than 10 hours?
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Would it be more than 20 hours,
` doctor?
` A. Possibly, but in that range.
` Q. In the range of about 20 hours?
` A. Approximately, yeah.
` Q. Did you speak with or consult with
` anyone at Janssen, in the course of preparing
` for your deposition today?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you speak or consult with
` anyone at BTG, in the course of preparing for
` your deposition today?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you speak or consult with
` anyone at Cougar, in the course of preparing
` for your deposition today?
` A. No.
` Q. So Dr. Rettig, I'm going to ask
` you, please, and you already have a copy of
` your declaration, but I'm going to ask you to
` please turn to your declaration, which has
` been marked Janssen Exhibit 2038.
` MS. MATERASSI: And counsel, do you
` have a copy of Dr. Rettig's --
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` MS. DONOVAN: I do not.
` MS. MATERASSI: We have one for
` you.
` MS. DONOVAN: Why don't you give me
` the form that you have it in, actually.
` Q. So my first question, doctor, is
` I'm going to ask you, please -- actually, I
` haven't handed it to you, but usually I hand
` the exhibit and I confirm that this is your
` declaration. So we're just going have to
` have you maybe compare with your counsel and
` confirm that the copy of your declaration
` that counsel has is the same as the
` declaration that you prepared in this
` proceeding.
` A. Yes, it seems to be the same.
` MS. DONOVAN: I mean, Gabriela, I'm
` comfortable, if you would like him to
` use your version.
` MS. MATERASSI: Whatever your
` preference is. I just want to confirm
` for the record that the copy of the
` declaration that he has is exactly as
` what's filed under seal. So that's
` enough. I mean if you're comfortable
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` with your copy, doctor, please go ahead.
` Q. Dr. Rettig, how much time did you
` spend preparing your declaration which has
` been marked Janssen Exhibit 2038?
` MS. DONOVAN: Again, I caution the
` witness not to disclose privileged
` communications.
` You may answer the question
` generally.
` A. Several hours.
` Q. Would it be, again, more than
` 20 hours?
` A. No.
` Q. Would it be less than 10 hours?
` A. Possibly.
` Q. Could it be less than five hours?
` A. No.
` Q. So is it fair to say that between
` five and 10 hours of your time was spent
` preparing the exhibit marked JSN-2038?
` MS. DONOVAN: Objection to form.
` A. No, I'm not sure exactly.
` As I stated to your previous
` question, it's approximately ten. It could
` be more or less than that.
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` Q. Okay, fine. Thank you.
` Dr. Rettig, did you conduct your
` own literature -- I'm sorry, literature
` search for articles that you cite in your
` declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you, did counsel provide you
` with all of the articles and materials that
` you cite in your declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can you generally describe what
` documents you reviewed before coming to this
` deposed?
` MS. DONOVAN: I object, and I
` instruct the witness not to answer. I
` object on the grounds of attorney/client
` privilege.
` MS. MATERASSI: We can take that up
` later.
` MS. DONOVAN: And work product.
` MS. MATERASSI: We don't agree that
` that is an attorney privileged question,
` but we can take that up later with the
` MS. DONOVAN: Also work product.
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`Page 17
` MS. MATERASSI: Again, we disagree,
` but we can take it up with the PTAB at a
` later time.
` MS. ROSCETTI: And I will state for
` the record, to the extent that Ms.
` Donovan objects, it's also on behalf of
` BTG, so I don't have to keep saying
` "Same objection."
` MS. MATERASSI: So we will have one
` counsel objecting on behalf of Janssen
` and BTG and of course J&J.
` MS. ROSCETTI: And unless there is
` an objection that I want to make, but
` I'm not going to sit here and say "Same
` objection."
` MS. DONOVAN: We're trying to make
` it easier.
` MS. MATERASSI: Thank you so much,
` because my throat...
` Q. So the good news, Dr. Rettig, is
` that I really cannot go on very long today,
` because my throat won't last that long today.
` A. I'm sorry to hear that.
` Q. But we will have you, hopefully
` before the holiday crush starts, at the
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`Page 18
` airport.
` So Dr. Rettig, my next question is:
` Did you review testimony from any of the
` other witnesses for Janssen, in the course of
` preparing for your deposition today?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. Whose testimony did you review?
` A. I reviewed testimony from Dr.
` Auchus, A-U-C-H-U-S, and Dr. Chodak,
` C-H-O-D-A-K.
` Q. Did you review testimony from any
` of the witnesses for the petitioner?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. Whose testimony did you review,
` doctor?
` A. Dr. Serels.
` Q. It's actually pronounced Serels,
` and he's always chiding us for it. I can
` almost hear him.
` A. I'm sorry, Dr. Serels.
` Q. Did you review any of the
` references cited by Dr. Serels in his
` declaration?
` A. I can't recall.
` Q. Did you review -- did you review
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` Dr. McDuff's declaration?
` A. I don't remember a declaration that
` was specifically linked to McDuff, that I
` reviewed.
` Q. Did you review Dr. McDuff's
` deposition testimony?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you review any of the
` references cited by Dr. McDuff in his
` declaration?
` A. Given that I don't think I reviewed
` the declaration, I don't think I would have
` known to review the references.
` Q. Did you review any of the
` references you cite in your declaration? And
` again, that's JSN-2038.
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review any of the
` references cited by any other of the
` witnesses for Janssen?
` A. I don't recall. I believe I did,
` but I couldn't tell you which ones.
` Q. Okay. Do you have any notes with
` you today?
` A. No.
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` Q. Have you ever been deposed before,
`Page 20
` Dr. Rettig?
` A. No.
` Q. Congratulations.
` A. Thank you.
` Q. Have you ever testified at trial
` before, Dr. Rettig?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever been involved in a
` case, outside of this one, that involved an
` opinion pertaining to the validity of a
` patent claim?
` A. No.
` Q. Can you go over your educational
` background, Dr. Rettig?
` A. Where would you like me to start?
` Q. Maybe with your medical educational
` background.
` A. Sure.
` I went to medical school at Duke
` University in Durham, North Carolina.
` Subsequent to that I did an internal medicine
` training, first year at USC and the latter
` two years -- USC is University of Southern
` California, Los Angeles, and the second two
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`Page 21
` years was at the University of Washington in
` Seattle, Washington.
` That was followed by a fellowship
` in hematology and oncology, medical oncology
` at UCLA and that was completed in 1996. So I
` was a fellow, as you recall, from 1993 to
` 1996.
` Q. At UCLA?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Dr. Rettig, how long have you
` treated patients with prostate cancer?
` A. If one goes back to internship and
` residency, we're talking about over 25 years.
` Q. How long have you treated patients
` with metastatic castration-resistant prostate
` cancer?
` A. A similar amount of time.
` Q. Do you know any of the -- and
` actually let me refer you back to AMG or
` Amerigen 1001, which you've confirmed is the
` '438 patent. I'm going to ask you to take a
` look at the face of that patent.
` Do you know either of the named
` inventors of the '438 patent?
` A. Yes.
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` Q. Whom do you know?
` A. Arie Belldegrum.
` Q. How do you know Dr. Belldegrum?
` A. He's a urologist at UCLA.
` Q. Have you ever collaborated with Dr.
` Belldegrum on any research?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever coauthored any
` publications with Dr. Belldegrum?
` A. No, not that I'm aware of.
` Q. Have you ever participated as an
` investigator in any clinical trials that Dr.
` Belldegrum also was an investigator for?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to form.
` A. I do not recall. To my
` recollection, I did not.
` Q. What about Dr. Auerbach, do you
` know him?
` A. No.
` Q. Dr. Rettig, have you ever
` prescribed abiraterone to a patient with
` prostate cancer?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to form.
` A. I have -- I have prescribed the
` combination of abiraterone acetate and
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`Page 23
` prednisone to patients with prostate cancer.
` Q. So you've never prescribed
` abiraterone alone to a patient with prostate
` cancer?
` A. Let me just clarify.
` When we're talking about
` abiraterone, are you talking about its
` acetate form or are you talking about
` abiraterone --
` Q. The acetate. So just to make the
` record clear, we will be -- if it's okay with
` you, I will be using the shorthand
` abiraterone to describe abiraterone acetate,
` which is the active ingredient in the drug
` product ZYTIGA, correct?
` A. No, that's not correct.
` Q. Oh, that's not correct.
` What is the active ingredient?
` A. It's abiraterone.
` Q. Just abiraterone?
` A. But the drug is abiraterone
` acetate.
` Q. Okay.
` What is the difference, what
` accounts for the difference?
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` A. The abiraterone acetate is in
` acetylated form of abiraterone and -- there's
` a difference. It's sort of a prodrug,
` meaning that abiraterone acetate is converted
` into abiraterone, the active drug.
` Q. So the abiraterone acetate is
` converted into abiraterone when or after
` administration to a patient?
` A. Correct.
` Q. So when the abiraterone is
` prepared, right, is marketed, it's in the
` form of abiraterone acetate, correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And so once the abiraterone acetate
` is administered to a patient, the drug is
` metabolized to abiraterone, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. So I guess I will be referring to,
` I will try actually to, to use abiraterone
` acetate throughout the deposition to make it
` clear that it's primarily abiraterone acetate
` that I will be asking you questions about.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Now you indicated that you have
` never prescribed abiraterone without also
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`Page 25
` prescribing prednisone, correct.
` A. Again, are you talking about the
` abiraterone or abiraterone acetate?
` Q. Abiraterone -- Well, it would be in
` the form of abiraterone acetate in the tablet
` form, right?
` A. Yes. As I stated previously, I've
` never prescribed abiraterone acetate as a
` monotherapy.
` Q. Have you ever prescribed docetaxel
` to a patient with prostate cancer, doctor?
` A. I have never prescribed -- yes, I
` have prescribed docetaxel.
` Q. Have you ever prescribed docetaxel
` to a patient with prostate cancer, without
` also prescribing prednisone to that patient?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How often, if you recall, have you
` prescribed docetaxel to a patient with
` prostate cancer, when you have also not or
` when you have not prescribed prednisone to
` that patient?
` A. I don't use docetaxel too
` frequently anymore.
` I don't recall the exact frequency
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`Page 26
` with which I have prescribed docetaxel
` without prednisone, but it is being done by
` me with increasing frequency.
` Q. I'm sorry, what is being done --
` A. Prescribing docetaxel by itself,
` without prednisone.
` Q. And why are you doing that?
` A. There is a trend amongst medical
` oncologists who specialize in GU oncology
` that the prednisone is not needed. And in
` fact, as an example of that, phase 3 clinical
` trials leave the usage of prednisone in
` addition to the docetaxel as an option left
` up to the investigator.
` Q. Do you know what the intended
` purpose of the coadministration of prednisone
` with docetaxel is?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to form.
` You may answer.
` A. It would be my speculation. I do
` not see any, and have never seen any clear
` explanation as to why prednisone has been
` added to docetaxel.
` Q. Do you know that docetaxel was
` approved in combination with prednisone to
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` treat metastatic castrate-resistant prostate
`Page 27
` cancer?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. Could the fact that docetaxel was
` approved in combination with prednisone
` account for the use of docetaxel with
` prednisone --
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to form.
` Q. -- to treat patients with prostate
` cancer?
` MS. DONOVAN: Object to form.
` A. I'm sorry, could you repeat the
` question?
` Q. Yes. So we've established that
` docetaxel was approved by FDA in combination
` with prednisone to treat metastatic
` castrate-resistant prostate cancer, correct?
` A. Uh-huh.
` Q. So my question is: Could the fact
` that approval for the indication to treat
` metastatic castrate-resistant patients of
` docetaxel, could the fact that that approval
` was in combination with prednisone, could
` that account for the use of prednisone in
` combination with docetaxel?
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`Page 28
` A. I can't speculate as to why
` someone, in general, would use the
` combination.
` Q. But in your practice, you are more
` frequently prescribing docetaxel without also
` prescribing prednisone to treat a patient
` with prostate cancer?
` A. Yes, yes.
` Q. Why are you doing that?
` A. As I said, the general feeling in
` the realm of GU oncology, so specialists of
` prostate cancer, is that --
` Q. I'm sorry, you mentioned GU?
` A. I'm sorry, genitourinary.
` Q. Okay, thank you.
` A. -- genitourinary oncologists is
` that it's, it's not necessary to coadminister
` prednisone with docetaxel.
` MS. DONOVAN: Before you continue,
` Gabriela, I would just like to object to
` this line of questioning as outside the
` scope of the direct testimony that Dr.
` Rettig has provided.
` MS. MATERASSI: That's fine. We
` disagree. We think it is well within
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`Page 29
` the scope.
` MS. DONOVAN: And I have a running
` objection to all of these questions
` related to docetaxel --
` MS. MATERASSI: Related to
` docetaxel.
` MS. DONOVAN: -- administration,
` yes.
` Q. But you do reference docetaxel in
` your declaration, correct?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. So we will get to those portions,
` and we think that it is well within the scope
` of what you described in your declaration
` regarding the use of docetaxel. But again,
` this is just between lawyers, and we'll take
` it up with the PTAB. There's a lot to take
` up with the PTAB.
` Dr. Rettig, have you ever
` prescribed mitoxantrone to a patient with
` prostate cancer?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you recall how often you have
` prescribed mitoxantrone to patients with
` prostate cancer?
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`Page 30
` A. I have not prescribed that drug in
` approximately 10 years.
` Q. When you did prescribe mitoxantrone
` to treat a patient with prostate cancer, did
` you prescribe the mitoxantrone in combination
` with prednisone?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. And again, you indicated that you
` have not prescribed mitoxantrone in
` approximately 10 years, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Why is that the case, doctor?
` A. Mitoxantrone has not been shown to
` improve survival, whereas other therapies
` since mitoxantrone's approval have been shown
` to improve survival.
` Q. Have you ever prescribed
` cabazitaxel to a patient with prostate
` cancer?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How often, if you recall, have you

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