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` ------------------------------------x
` Petitioners,
` vs.
` Patent Owner.
` Case IPR2016-00286
` Patent No. 8,822,438 B2
` ------------------------------------x
` New York, New York
` Wednesday, November 30, 2016
` 9:01 a.m.
`Reported by:
`Jennifer Ocampo-Guzman, CRR, CLR
`JOB NO. 17600
`Amerigen Exhibit 1148
`Amerigen v. Janssen IPR2016-00286
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` November 30, 2016
` 9:01 a.m.
` Deposition of
` GERALD CHODAK, M.D., held at the
` offices of Sidley Austin LLP, 787
` Seventh Avenue, New York, New York,
` pursuant to notice, before Jennifer
` Ocampo-Guzman, a Certified Real-Time
` Shorthand Reporter and Notary Public of
` the State of New York.
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`A P P E A R A N C E S:
` Attorneys for Petitioner
` 12 Roszel Road, Suite C104
` Princeton, New Jersey 08540
` (347) 400-1154
` Attorneys for Patent Owner
` 787 Seventh Avenue
` New York, New York 10019
` (212) 839-5300
`2 3
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`APPEARANCES (Continued):
` Attorneys for BTG
` 16 Old Bailey
` London EC4M 7EG
` United Kingdom
` +44 (0)20 7864 2800
` TIM TRACY (Johnson & Johnson)
`2 3
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`G E R A L D C H O D A K, M. D., called
`as a witness, having been duly sworn, was
`examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Dr. Chodak, my name is Bill Hare,
` and I represent the petitioner Amerigen
` Pharmaceuticals Limited in this IPR
` proceeding. Do you understand why you are
` here today?
` A. I do.
` Q. Okay. I would like to hand to you
` your notice of deposition.
` (AMG Exhibit 1076, Petitioners'
` Notice of Deposition of Gerald Walter
` Chodak, M.D., marked for identification,
` this date.)
` Q. Can you please take a look at this
` document and confirm that it's the deposition
` notice for today's proceeding?
` A. Okay, yes.
` Q. Okay.
` MS. MONSEN: Counsel, before we
` begin, I just want to note that Dr.
` Chodak has a copy of his declaration
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` already with him.
` MR. HARE: Okay.
` MS. MONSEN: Previously marked as
` Janssen Exhibit 2042.
` MR. HARE: Okay. I would like to
` now hand you the patent in this
` proceeding that's been previously marked
` as Amerigen 1001.
` Q. Do you recognize this document?
` A. Yes.
` Q. It's the U.S. Patent number
` 8,22,438 patent at issue in this proceeding?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And does this appear to be the, a
` correct copy of the patent from reviewing it
` in the past?
` A. Well, I actually haven't reviewed
` the patent.
` Q. Okay. But this is the patent at
` issue in the proceeding, correct?
` A. If you tell me it is.
` Q. Okay. So if I reference this
` patent I would just like to refer to the last
` three numbers, the '438 patent, will you
` understand it to be this document?
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` A. I think so.
` Q. Amerigen Exhibit 1001, okay.
` MR. HARE: So I now would like to
` hand out a copy of the declaration in
` this proceeding. It's Janssen
` Exhibit 2042, but you already have a
` copy.
` Do you have any notes in that?
` MR. HARE: So let me give you guys
` a couple copies.
` Q. And is it -- do you want to -- I
` guess just make sure it's the same one that
` we're all looking at, is it the same one that
` your counsel has?
` A. Okay.
` Q. And that's your signature on the
` back page or the last page of text?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. So first I would like to go
` over some of what we call the ground rules of
` a deposition, if you don't mind.
` So first, you know, please ask me
` if anything that I explain to you is unclear,
` so don't hesitate to ask. Do you understand
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` that when you answer my questions, your
` answer must be complete and truthful because
` you are under oath?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Do you understand that you
` are to respond to my questions regardless of
` your counsel's stated objection, unless your
` counsel expressly instructs you not to answer
` the question?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And if for any reason you
` don't understand a question, do you
` understand that you should raise that issue,
` the lack of understanding to that question,
` before answering that question?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And if you need to take a
` break, please let me know. This is not a
` marathon, but I would strongly prefer that if
` you want to take a break, you take it, if
` it's in the middle of a question, you wait
` until you answer the question before taking
` the break.
` Is there anything unclear in what I
` just said?
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` A. Not yet.
` Q. I'm sure that will come with time.
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. Will you please state
` your full name for the record?
` A. Gerald Walter Chodak.
` Q. And would you please state your
` full residential address for the record?
` A. 2901 South Ocean Boulevard,
` apartment 601, Highland Beach, Florida 33487.
` Q. And can you tell me if you are on
` any medication today that might affect your
` testimony?
` A. None.
` Q. Are you suffering from any malady
` that might affect your testimony today?
` A. None.
` Q. Do you understand that you are not
` to confer or consult with your counsel
` regarding any questions that I ask or any of
` your response to questions that I ask during
` the break?
` A. I understand, yes.
` Q. And am I correct that you are here
` today on behalf of Janssen Oncology Inc.,
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` Johnson & Johnson, and BTG International
` Limited?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can we use the shorthand "Janssen"
` when referring to the patent owner in this
` case?
` A. Sure.
` Q. Okay. When were you first
` approached by counsel regarding
` representation of Janssen in this matter?
` A. I think it was over the summer.
` Q. Over the summer. And are you being
` compensated for your testimony in this
` proceeding?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can you go over your compensation
` and how it works?
` A. My compensation is $325 an hour.
` Q. Okay. Do you get anything if your
` law firm is successful?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you do anything to prepare for
` today's deposition?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Can you explain what you did?
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` MS. MONSEN: Objection.
` Attorney/client privilege. I caution
` the witness not to reveal any
` attorney/client privileged
` communications.
` Q. So without reviewing any
` attorney/client privileged communications,
` can you please describe what you did to
` prepare for today's deposition?
` A. I read a number of papers.
` Q. Papers, okay.
` And can you give me an idea about
` how many papers you read?
` A. Well, I suppose over the course of
` my review, maybe ten.
` Q. And were those articles?
` A. Some.
` Q. Were they also, were any of them
` declarations of Janssen witnesses?
` A. No.
` Q. Were they the declarations of the
` Amerigen witnesses?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. So approximately how much
` time did you spend preparing for your
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` deposition?
` A. Probably, well, it could be 20,
` 25 hours.
` Q. Twenty, 25 hours, okay.
` And how much of that time did you
` spend with your counsel?
` A. About eight.
` Q. Okay. And did you speak or consult
` with anyone at Janssen during the course of
` your preparation for today's deposition?
` A. No.
` Q. What about, did you speak or
` consult with anyone at Johnson & Johnson in
` preparation for today's deposition?
` A. No.
` Q. Same question, did you speak or
` consult with anyone at BTG?
` A. Excuse me. When you say at, you
` mean contact someone from the home offices?
` Q. Yes, or -- yes.
` A. No.
` Q. And no one at BTG also?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Did you speak or consult
` with anyone else during the course of
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` preparation for today's deposition?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you speak then with Dr. Gerber
` about this deposition?
` A. No.
` Q. What about your declaration, did
` you speak to Mr. Gerber?
` A. No.
` Q. So referring now to your
` declaration, Janssen Exhibit 2042, about how
` much time did you spend preparing that
` declaration?
` A. Oh, I don't remember. Maybe a few
` hours.
` Q. Between, can you give me an
` estimate of a range, between five and ten?
` A. Oh, I said about maybe two hours.
` Q. Oh, two. I thought I heard a few.
` Just two hours to prepare, okay.
` Did you conduct your own literature
` search for the articles that you cite in your
` declaration?
` A. No.
` Q. Did your counsel provide you with
` the articles that you cited in your
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` declaration?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did they provide you all of the
` articles that you cited in your declaration?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection.
` A. When you say provided, you mean
` what? Did they give me a copy of them?
` Q. Were you aware of articles before
` they came into your possession --
` A. Some of them.
` Q. -- from counsel? Okay.
` And did you review documents in
` preparation for this deposition?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form.
` A. What kind of documents?
` Q. Articles?
` A. We already established that.
` Q. Okay. That you did review -- can
` you give me the number again? Was it
` approximately five articles or a few?
` A. I thought I said ten. I don't
` remember. We can ask.
` Q. Okay. Sorry. Okay.
` Did you review the deposition
` testimony of Dr. Scott Serels?
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` A. No.
` Q. No? Did you review the declaration
` of Dr. Serels?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you review -- do you know who
` Scott Serels is in this case?
` A. No.
` Q. Is it --
` MS. MONSEN: I'm sorry. Objection
` to form.
` Q. Is it fair to say that you didn't
` review the references a cited in his
` declaration?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form.
` A. I don't know when what references
` are in his declaration.
` Q. Okay. Is it also fair to state
` that you didn't review Dr. Deforest McDuff's
` declaration in this case?
` A. Who?
` Q. Dr. Deforest McDuff?
` A. I haven't heard that name.
` Q. Did you review any of the
` references you cite in your declaration,
` Janssen Exhibit 2042?
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` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form.
` A. If you want to be specific?
` MS. MONSEN: If you would just
` allow me --
` THE WITNESS: Yes, sorry.
` MS. MONSEN: Thank you.
` A. Can you specifically identify which
` ones you're referring to?
` Q. At the end of your declaration,
` there is an appendix A with about ten or
` eleven references.
` Did you review these in preparation
` or in the process of preparing your
` declaration?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form.
` A. Not really. Not review them in
` detail.
` Q. Okay. Did you review them for
` today's, in preparation for today's
` deposition?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form. And
` I caution the witness to not answer that
` question on the basis of attorney/client
` privilege and work product.
` MR. HARE: So I'm just asking if
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` you reviewed these articles for, in
` preparation for today's deposition.
` MS. MONSEN: And I'm objecting that
` the content of his preparation for
` today's deposition is privileged and
` under the attorney/client privilege and
` work product.
` MR. HARE: So all of the
` preparation he did for today's
` declaration is privileged?
` MS. MONSEN: If you would like to
` ask a better question, the preparation
` he did with counsel is attorney/client
` privileged.
` Q. What about the preparation you did
` on your own, did you review these articles?
` A. No.
` Q. So is it fair to say you only
` reviewed these articles with your counsel?
` MS. MONSEN: Again, attorney/client
` privilege. I'm going to instruct him
` not to answer.
` MR. HARE: I think he should be
` able to answer this question.
` MS. MONSEN: Again, if you would
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` like to rephrase it, the content of our
` discussions in preparation for this
` deposition with counsel is privileged
` under the attorney/client privilege and
` work product.
` Q. Without telling me the content of
` your discussions with counsel, can you tell
` me whether you reviewed these articles in the
` presence of your counsel?
` MS. MONSEN: Again, attorney/client
` privilege. I'm going to instruct the
` witness not to answer for the same
` reasons I've articulated already.
` MR. HARE: We will move on, but we
` disagree with your position.
` Let's see.
` Q. So is it fair to say that the
` documents in appendix A are the only
` references, the only documents that you
` reviewed in preparation for today's
` deposition?
` MS. MONSEN: Again, objection,
` attorney/client privilege. I'm going to
` instruct the witness not to answer.
` MR. HARE: I don't understand how
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` that is attorney/client privilege. I'm
` just asking which documents he reviewed,
` if these are the only documents he
` reviewed in preparation for today's
` deposition.
` MS. MONSEN: Again, if you would
` like to rephrase the question. But I'm
` going to maintain that any documents
` that he reviewed with counsel in
` preparation for today's deposition is
` attorney/client privileged and work
` product.
` If you would like to ask about the
` preparation -- strike that.
` MR. HARE: Well, we will move on.
` We disagree with your position on this
` but we will move on.
` Q. Dr. Chodak, have you ever been
` deposed before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In what type of case were you
` deposed?
` A. Medical malpractice.
` Q. Approximately how many cases?
` A. For depositions?
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` Q. Yes.
` A. An estimate might be a dozen.
` That's an estimate.
` Q. Did these cases relate to prostate
` cancer?
` A. Most of them.
` Q. Have you ever testified at a trial
` before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And what was the nature of the
` cases that you've testified in at trial?
` A. I can't remember the details
` specifically.
` Q. Were they medical malpractice again
` then?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is it fair to say you have never
` been involved in a patent case in either at a
` deposition or at trial?
` A. Yes.
` MS. MONSEN: Objection to form.
` Q. Do you mind going over your
` educational background for us?
` A. Okay.
` Q. Maybe start with college, medical
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` school and your residencies.
` A. If I may review just the dating of
` things.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Okay. So I went to University of
` Rochester from 1965 to 1969. After that I
` did a master's degree at the State University
` of Buffalo.
` Q. And what was your subject, that you
` studied?
` A. Immunochemistry.
` Q. Immunochemistry.
` A. I received a master's degree, went
` to medical school, graduated from the
` University of Buffalo in 1975. Thereafter --
` you want me to continue beyond that for
` further education?
` Q. Your residencies?
` A. So then residency started for a
` year in Buffalo, a year at UCLA, two years at
` Harvard, two years at University of Chicago,
` and then a fellowship between University of
` Chicago and Harvard.
` Q. So these residencies and the
` fellowship, can you describe briefly what the
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` fellowship ran, for example, were they all
` urology or prostate cancer?
` A. So the first year of internship is
` in general surgery. The second year was in
` general surgery. The third year was in
` urology. The fourth year was in research.
` The fifth and sixth years were in urology.
` The seventh and eighth years were research in
` and related to urology.
` Q. When you say "urology," would that
` have included prostate cancer?
` A. The research or --
` MS. MONSEN: Objection to form.
` A. Clarify what you mean, which point
` in time?
` Q. Well, work backwards. So the
` fellowship I believe was the last period that
` you mentioned.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that was urology?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And was that related to prostate
` cancer?
` A. And bladder cancer.
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` Q. And bladder cancer, and the
` residency before that? I don't remember
` where that was, I think University of
` Chicago?
` A. University of Chicago was urology.
` Q. And did that also involve prostate
` cancer?
` A. Of course.
` Q. And bladder cancer also?
` A. Every aspect of urology.
` Q. Okay. Turning back to Amerigen
` Exhibit 1001, the '438 patent, am I correct
` that Arie Belldegrum and Alan Auerbach are
` listed as the two inventors of this patent?
` A. That was outside my review so I
` really did not spend any time looking at
` that.
` Q. Do you have the patent in front of
` you?
` A. I do.
` Q. Do you see where the inventors are
` listed on the left-hand column towards the
` top?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection, outside the
` scope of his direct testimony.
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` You may answer.
` MS. MONSEN: You may answer.
` A. Do I see their names, yes.
` Q. Do you know either of these
` inventors?
` A. I know Dr. Belldegrum.
` Q. Had you ever collaborated
` professionally with either of the inventors
` of the '438 patent?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection to form.
` A. What do you mean, collaborate?
` Q. Maybe a clinical, perhaps working
` on a clinical study with them?
` A. That's possible but I can't
` remember.
` Q. Okay. Have you --
` A. It's possible that we both
` participated in a study, but I didn't work
` directly with him in any way.
` Q. Okay. And have you ever
` participated as an investigator in a clinical
` study or a clinical trial?
` A. Any kind of clinical trial?
` Q. Yes.
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` A. Yes.
` Q. Approximately how many?
` A. During my career, clinical trials,
` perhaps -- well, let me ask you to clarify.
` Are you talking about studies sponsored by
` companies? Or you're asking me about
` investigations I did on my own? What are you
` asking me?
` Q. Well, we could divide that up.
` So what about clinical studies
` sponsored by a company, a pharmaceutical
` company, a medical device company, for
` example?
` A. So perhaps in the range of 20, but
` I can't be exactly sure.
` Q. Could you divide them up between
` medical devices and pharmaceuticals?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form.
` A. Well, more of them would have been
` pharmaceuticals, but there were several in,
` in technical things.
` Q. Okay. What about the
` investigations that you led yourself or that
` you've been involved in yourself, can you
` estimate how many of those you've worked on?
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` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form.
` A. Well, I have an extensive
` publication list, and many of those
` publications are related to work that was
` some kind of clinical report, not necessarily
` a study, but clinical report.
` Q. For example, a retrospective study?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have the clinical studies and
` clinical trials and investigations that
` you've worked on been primarily directed
` towards prostate cancer?
` A. The majority, yes.
` Q. Do you still do any clinical
` research?
` A. No.
` Q. Are you practicing any more?
` A. I do consultations through the
` internet.
` Q. Okay.
` So it's fair to say that you
` treated patients with the prostate cancer,
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And approximately how long have you
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` treated patients with the prostate cancer?
` A. I started practicing in 1982. I
` was treating patients obviously as a
` resident. I stopped my clinical practice in
` my office in 2008, and as I said, I still do
` some consultations.
` Q. And is treating patients with
` prostate cancer --
` MR. HARE: Well, let me rephrase
` that.
` Q. Was treating patients with prostate
` cancer the majority of your practice?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And have you treated patients with
` metastatic castration-resistant prostate
` cancer?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever prescribed
` abiraterone acetate to a patient with
` prostate cancer?
` A. No.
` Q. Have you ever prescribed docetaxel
` to a patient with prostate cancer?
` A. No.
` Q. What about cabazitaxel?
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` A. No.
` Q. Okay. Have you ever prescribed
` ketoconazole to a patient with prostate
` cancer?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And have ever prescribed
` ketoconazole in combination with a
` corticosteroid to a patient with prostate
` cancer?
` A. Yes. Prednisone.
` Q. Okay. Approximately how many
` patients have you prescribed ketoconazole to
` a patient with prostate cancer that is?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form.
` A. I can't answer that exactly. There
` have been two papers I have been coauthored
` on, and I think the latter paper had about
` 30-some-odd patients. More likely than not,
` there were more patients during the course of
` my career.
` Q. Okay.
` Did you ever prescribe ketoconazole
` to a patient with prostate cancer without
` also prescribing prednisone or a
` corticosteroid to the patient?
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` A. We already gave prednisone for fear
` of adrenal insufficiency.
` Q. Did you ever prescribe a different
` corticosteroid --
` A. Other than -- I'm sorry.
` Q. Did you ever prescribe a different
` corticosteroid other than prednisone?
` A. I don't believe so.
` Q. Okay.
` THE WITNESS: We're done? Just
` kidding.
` MR. HARE: It's good to have a
` sense of human in these.
` What time do you fly out today?
` You will make your flight, I'm sure.
` THE WITNESS: I'm sure I will.
` I think it's 11:00.
` MR. HARE: Okay. We will go really
` fast then.
` Your hands are going to be
` exhausted by the end of this, Jennifer.
` I would like to hand you a document
` marked as Amerigen Exhibit 1004, already
` previously marked.
` Q. This is an article titled,
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` "Prostate Specific Antigen For Assessing
` Response to Ketoconazole and Prednisone in
` Patients With Hormone Refractory Metastatic
` Prostate Cancer." It's published in the
` Journal of Urology in 1990.
` Do you recognize this article?
` A. I do.
` Q. And what is it?
` A. It's an article that I published
` with Dr. Gerber.
` Q. And you and Dr. Gerber are listed
` as the only two authors of this article,
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is there anyone else you believe
` should have been included as an author on
` this article?
` A. No.
` Q. And who is Dr. Glenn Gerber?
` A. He was a resident in our program at
` the University of Chicago.
` Q. So in a residency program is a
` resident assigned to one physician?
` A. No.
` Q. Okay. So did Dr. Gerber propose
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` this study or did you propose this study?
` A. I did.
` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form.
` Q. You proposed this study. Okay.
` And did you prepare this article
` with Dr. Gerber?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Were you the principal author on
` this article?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review this article before
` it was submitted for publication?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did Dr. Gerber review this
` article before it was submitted for
` publication?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did you make any changes to
` this article before it was submitted for
` publication?
` A. Multiple.
` Q. Multiple changes.
` Do you disagree --
` MR. HARE: Sorry, strike that.
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` Q. Did you disagree with anything in
` this article before it went out for
` publication?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection.
` A. Can you be specific or are you
` asking in general?
` Q. Just in general, when you sent the
` article to the Journal of --
` A. Urology.
` Q. -- Urology, did you disagree with
` anything in the article when you sent it to
` them?
` A. No.
` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I'm too fast. Sorry.
` MS. MONSEN: Give me a minute to
` object.
` MR. HARE: Wish I could help by
` going like that to pause.
` THE WITNESS: I will count to
` three.
` MR. HARE: That's the way to do it.
` Q. I would like to point your
` attention to the first paragraph of the
` article. Do you see that first paragraph?
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`Page 33
` A. I do.
` Q. It starts with "Ketoconazole was
` originally developed as an antifungal agent."
` Is it correct that the first paragraph of
` this article summarizes the literature
` reporting the use of ketoconazole to treat
` prostate cancer?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form.
` A. I'm sorry. Can you explain that?
` Q. Yeah.
` Would you -- is it correct to say
` that the first paragraph of this article
` summarized the, summarizes the literature?
` MS. MONSEN: Objection, form.
` A. That's too broad.

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