Rev. November 7, 2016
`New Mexico Medical License 88-155
`September 22, 1953
`Redwood City, California
`Albuquerque VA Medical Center
`Medical Service 111
`1501 San Pedro Blvd., S.E.
`Phone: 505-265-1711, extension 4514 or 4552
`FAX: 505-256-2877
`Digital pager: 505-251-0331
`Cell Phone: 505 681 4380
`Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine
`Diplomate, ABIM Subspecialty Boards, Endocrinology and
`Wesleyan University, Middletown, Connecticut, B.A., 1975
`(graduate magna cum laude)
`University of California at Los Angeles, School of Medicine,
`M.D., 1979
`Clinical and molecular biology of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, numerical
`approaches to hormone secretion analysis, steroid/thyroid hormone action, G-protein
`signaling and RasD1 related G proteins, neuropeptide gene expression.
`July 2000-present
`Professor, Departments of Medicine and
`Biochemistry/Molecular Biology,
`University of New Mexico School of Medicine
`Albuquerque, NM
`Amerigen Exhibit 1094
`Amerigen v. Janssen IPR2016-00286

`July 1994-June1999
`July 1988 – June 1994
`July 1988 – June 2010
`July 1987 – June 1988
`July 1986 – June 1987
`July 1985 – June 1987
`July 1984 – June 1987
`July 1980 – June 1982
`Rev. November 7, 2016
`Associate Professor, Departments of Medicine and
`Biochemistry/Molecular Biology,
`University of New Mexico School of Medicine
`Albuquerque, NM
`Assistant Professor, Depts Medicine and Biochemistry
`University of New Mexico School of Medicine
`Albuquerque, NM
`Chief, Endocrine Section, Veterans Affairs Medical Center,
`Albuquerque, NM
`Visiting Scholar, Departments of Medicine and Medical
`Chemistry, University of Kyoto School of Medicine, Kyoto,
`(with H. Imura and S. Numa)
`Daland Fellow, American Philosophical Society
`Recipient, National Research Service Award
`Endocrine Fellow, Stanford University, Stanford, CA
`(Advisers: L.M. Crapo, A.R. Hoffman, J.H. Eberwine )
`Resident, Internal Medicine, Santa Clara Valley Medical
`Center, San Jose, CA
`July 1979 – June 1980
`Intern, Internal Medicine, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center,
`San Jose, CA
`Member, American Federation of Medical Research
`Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
`Member, Western Society for Clinical Investigation
`Member, U.S. Endocrine Society
`Member, American Diabetes Association
`Member, Western Association of Physicians

`University of New Mexico Department of Medicine Young Faculty
`Research Award, 9/91
`George Magid Lectureship Award and First Annual Greg Blondell Lecture,
`Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, 4/91
`Daland Fellow, American Philosophical Society, 1/86-12/87
`NIH National Research Service Award, "Regulation of corticotroph activity
`in cell culture", 1/85-12/87
`Graduate magna cum laude, Wesleyan University, 1975
`Rev. November 7, 2016
`Member, NMVAHCS IRB, 2015-present
`Chief, Section of Endocrinology & Metabolism, New Mexico VA Health
`Care System (VAMC), 1988-2010
`Chairman, Animal Research Subcommittee (VAMC), 1999-2007
`Member, Animal Research Subcommittee (VAMC), 2008-2010
`Member, Human Research Review Committee (UNM/VA), 2005-2014
`Chairman, Medical Records Committee (VAMC), 2006-2010
`Member, Clinical Translational Science Center Scholars Advisory
`Committee, 2011-present
`Member, Research Committee (VAMC), 1992
`Chairman, Research Committee (VAMC), 1993-95
`Member, Research Allocations Committee (UNM-HCS), 1995-1999
`UNM School of Medicine Representative to American Federation of
`Medical Research (1995-7)
`UNM representative to Association of Program Directors in
`Endocrinology & Metabolism (1993-1999)
`Reviewer, Annals of Internal Medicine
`Reviewer, Digestive Diseases and Sciences
`Reviewer, Molecular Endocrinology
`Reviewer, Hormone and Metabolic Research
`Reviewer, Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
`Reviewer, Diabetes
`Reviewer: American Journal of Medicine
`Reviewer, European Journal of Endocrinology
`Reviewer: Annals of Internal Medicine
`Reviewer, Life Sciences
`Reviewer, Journal of Endocrinology
`Reviewer, Quarterly Review of Biology
`Reviewer, Oncogene

`Rev. November 7, 2016
`Reviewer, International Immunology
`Reviewer, Neuroscience Letters
`Reviewer, American Journal Medical Sciences
`Reviewer, Experimental Cell Research
`Reviewer, Nature
` Reviewer, Digestive Diseases and Sciences
`Reviewer, Case Reports in Endocrinology
`Reviewer, Endocrinology, Diabetes, and Metabolism Case Reports
`Director, medical student and postgraduate teaching program in
`Endocrinology and Metabolism, VA Medical Center (includes Endocrine
`consult service, General Medicine training, and Endocrinology Clinic
`teaching for students, residents, and fellows)
`UNM, Phase II Renal-Endocrinology block (1988-present)
`Undergraduate Biomedical Science Research Advisor
`Medical Student Research Advisor
`Graduate student research advisor
`Medical Resident Research Advisor
`Doctoral thesis advisor (S. Malkoski), UNM Biomedical Sciences graduate
`studies program (PhD awarded with honors, September 1998)
`Post-doctoral research advisor, Internal Medicine Research Residency (T.
`Graham, M.D.)
`GCRC Fellowship Research Advisor (S. Vela, B. Schnierow, M)
`Endocrinology and Metabolism Fellowship Research Advisor
`VA Merit Review 1 I01 CX000424-01; Reina Villareal (PI)
`“CYP19A1 gene and pharmacogenetics of response to testosterone therapy”
`The main goal of this project is to determine the effect of polymorphisms in the
`CYP19A1 gene on the skeletal response and susceptibility to side effects from
`testosterone therapy.
`Role: Overall project Principal Investigator Villareal, Reina
`Role: Co-investigator (R. Dorin)
` 1. Roth KA, Wilson DM, Eberwine J, Dorin RI, Kovacs K, Bensch KG and Hoffman AR.
`(1986) Acromegaly and pheochromocytoma: a multiple endocrine syndrome caused by
`a plurihormonal adrenal medullary tumor. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and
`Metabolism 63:1421.

`Rev. November 7, 2016
` 2. Dorin RI and Crapo LM. (1987) Hypokalemic respiratory arrest in diabetic
`ketoacidosis. Journal of the American Medical Association 257:1517.
` 3. Kalinyak JE, Dorin RI, Hoffman AR and Perlman AJ. (1987) Tissue specific
`regulation of glucocorticoid receptor mRNA by dexamethasone. Journal of Biological
`Chemistry 262:10441.
` 4. Dorin RI and Kearns PJ. (1988) High output circulatory failure in acute adrenal
`insufficiency. Critical Care Medicine 16:296.
` 5. Roth KA, Newell DC, Dorin RI, Eberwine JH and Hoffman AR. (1988) Aberrant
`production and regulation of proopiomelanocortin-derived peptides in ectopic Cushing's
`syndrome. Hormone and Metabolic Research 20:225-229.
` 6. Dorin RI, Takahashi H, Nakai Y, Fukata J, Naitoh Y and Imura H. (1989) Regulation
`of human corticotropin releasing hormone gene expression by 3', 5'-cyclic adenosine
`monophosphate in a transformed mouse corticotroph cell lines. Molecular
`Endocrinology 3:1537-1544.
` 7. Arrington ER, Eisenberg B, Hartshorne MF, Vela S and Dorin RI. (1989) Nuclear
`medicine imaging of systemic mastocytosis. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 30:2046-
`8. Vela BS, Dorin RI and Hartshorne MF. (1990) Neo-osseous porosis in polyglandular
`autoimmune (Schmidt's) syndrome. Skeletal Radiology 19:468-471.
`9. Vela BS and Dorin RI. (1991) T3 intoxication with hypothyroxinemia. American
`Journal of Medicine 90:132-134.
` 10. Elliott MW, Eisenberg B, Dorin MH, Vela S, Dorin RI, Murata GH and Tsamaloukas
`AT. (1992) Pitfalls of bone mineral density: Evaluation by dual photon absorptiometry.
`Clinical Nuclear Medicine 17:714-720.
` 11. Lisansky J, Hauger R, Strassman R, Dorin RI, Mieckle AW, Brazies M, Qualls C,
`and Turkin A. (1993) Beta endorphin response to a low dosage of human corticotropin
`releasing hormone during metyrapone administration in depression. Endocrine
`Research 18:241-260.
` 12. Zager PG, Dorin RI, Shah VO, Kaplan DL, Mann PL, Frey HJ, and Kellner T.
`(1993) Aldose reductase expression and prostaglandin E2 production are coordinately
`regulated in cultured rat mesangial cells. Metabolism 42:269-281.
` 13. Dorin RI, Zlock DW and Kilpatrick K. (1993) Transcriptional regulation of human
`corticotropin releasing factor gene expression by cyclic adenosine 3',5'-

`Rev. November 7, 2016
`monophosphate: Differential effects at proximal and distal promoter elements.
`Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 96:99-111.
` 14. Groenhout EG and Dorin RI.(1994) Severe generalized thyroid hormone
`resistance due to a sporadic mutation in the c-erbAß gene producing a truncated T3
`receptor protein. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 99:81-88.
` 15. Dorin RI, Shah VO, Kaplan DL, Vela BS, and Zager PG. (1995) Regulation of
`aldose reductase gene expression in renal cortex and medulla of rats. Diabetalogia
`16. Dorin RI, Field JC, Boyle PJ, Eaton RP, Icenogle MV. (1995) Insulin resistance
`limits glucose utilization and exercise tolerance in myophosphorylase deficiency
`(McArdle’s disease). Journal of Applied Physiology 81:1273-1278.
`17. Dorin RI, Ferries LM, Roberts B, Veldhuis JD, Lisanksy JE. (1996) Assessment of
`stimulated and spontaneous ACTH secretory dynamics identifies distinct components
`of cortisol feedback inhibition in healthy humans . Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and
`Endocrinology 81:3883-91.
`18. Malkoski SP, Handanos CM, Dorin RI. (1997) Localization of a negative
`glucocorticoid response element of human corticotropin releasing hormone. Molecular
`and Cellular Endocrinology 127: 189-199.
`19. Shah VO, Dorin RI, Sun Y, Braun M, Zager PG. (1997) Aldose reductase gene
` expression is increased in diabetic nephropathy. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and
` Metabolism 82: 2294-98.
`20. Colleran KM, Burge MR, Crooks LA, Dorin RI (1997) Small cell carcinoma of the
`vagina causing Cushing’s syndrome by ectopic secretion of ACTH: a case report.
`Gynecological Oncology 65: 526-529.
`21. Myoshi Y, Nakamura H, Tagami T, Sasaki S, Dorin RI, Taniyama M, Nakao K
`(1998) Comparison of the functional properties of three different truncated thyroid
`hormone receptors identified in subjects with resistance to thyroid hormone. Molecular
`and Cellular Endocrinology 137: 169-76.
`22. Eaton RP, Sibbitt W, Shah VO, Dorin RI, Zager P.G., Bicknell J. (1998). A
`commentary on ten years of aldose reductase inhibition for limited joint mobility in
`diabetes. Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications 12:34-38.
`23. Shah VO, Scavini M, Nikolic J, Sun Y, Vai S, Griffith JK, Dorin RI, Stidley C,
`Yacoub M, Vander Jagt DL, Eaton RP, and Zager PG. (1998) Z-2 microsatellilte allele is

`Rev. November 7, 2016
`linked to increased expression of the aldose reductase gene in diabetic nephropathy.
`Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 83: 2886-2891.
`24. . Malkoski SP and Dorin RI (1999) Composite glucocorticoid regulation at a
`functionally defined negative glucocorticoid response element of the human
`corticotropin releasing hormone gene. Molecular Endocrinology 13:1629-44.
`25. Waters DL, Qualls CR, Dorin R, Veldhuis JD, and Baumgartner RN. (2001)
`Increased Pulsatility, Process Irregularity, and Nocturnal Trough Concentrations of
`Growth Hormone in Amenorrheic Compared to Eumenorrheic Athletes. J. Clin.
`Endocrinol. Metab. 2001 86: 1013-1019.
`26. Graham TE, Key TA, Kilpatrick K, Dorin RI. (2001) Dexras-/AGS-1, a steroid
`hormone-induced guanosine triphosphate-binding protein, inhibits 3’,5’-cyclic adenosine
`monophosphate-stimulated secretion in AtT-20 corticotroph cells. Endocrinology 241:
`27. Graham, T.E., Prossnitz, E.R., Dorin, R.I. (2002) Dexras/AGS-1 inhibits signal
`transduction form the Gi-coupled formyl peptide receptor to Erk-1/2 MAP kinases. J.
`Biol. Chem. 277(13):10876-82.
`28. Krakow BJ, Melendrez D, Warner TD, Dorin RI, Harper R, Hollifield M. (2002) To
`Breathe, Perchance to Sleep: Sleep-Disordered Breathing and Chronic Insomnia
`among Trauma Survivors. Sleep Breath. 6(4):189-202.
`29. Waters D:. Qualls CR, Dorin RI, Ruby BC, Roberts RA, and Baumgartner RN.
`(2002) Short-term estradiol effects on growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor 1, and
`associated binding proteins in amenorrheic athletes. Canadian Journal of Physiology
`28(1): 64-78.
`30. Dorin RI, Qualls CR, Crapo LM (2003) The diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency.
`Annals of Internal Medicine. 139(3):194-204.
`31. Dorin RI, Qiao Z, Graham TE (2004) Dexras1 inhits adenylyl cyclase: Evidence for
`a role of Gia. Biochem Biophys Res. Comm. 316:307-312.
`32. Krakow B, Melendrez D, Warner TD, Clark JO, Sisley BN, Dorin R, Harper RM,
`Leahigh LK, Lee SA, Sklar D, Hollifield M (2006) Signs and symptoms of sleep-
`disordered breathing in trauma survivors: a matched comparison with classic sleep
`apnea patients. J Nerv Ment Dis. 2006 194(6):433-9.
`33. Waters DL, Qualls CR, Dorin RI, Veldhuis JD, Baumgartner RN (2008) Altered
`Growth Hormone, Cortisol, and Leptin Secretion in Healthy Elderly with Sarcopenia and
`Mixed Body Composition Phenotypes. J Gerontol A Biol Med Sci 63(5):536-41.

`Rev. November 7, 2016
`34. Dorin RI, Pai HK, Ho JT, Lewis JG, Torpy DJ, Urban FK, Qualls CR (2009)
`Validation of a simple method of estimating plasma free cortisol: role of cortisol binding
`to albumin. Clin Biochem 42(1-2):64-71.
`35. Dorin RI, Qiao Z, Qualls CR, and Urban FK (2012) Estimation of maximal cortisol
`secretion rate in healthy humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2012; 97(4):1285-1293.
`36. Thevenot T, Dorin R, Monnet E, Qualls CR, et al. (2012) High serum levels of free
`cortisol indicate severity of cirrhosis in hemodynamically stable patients. High serum
`levels of free cortisol indicate severity of cirrhosis in hemodynamically stable patients. J.
`Gastroenterology Hepatology 27(10):1596-601.
`37. Tzamaloukas AH, Sun Y, Konstantinov K, Ing TS, Dorin RI, Malhotra D, Murata
`GH, and Shapiro JI (2013) Principles of Quantitative Fluid and Cation Replacement in
`Extreme Hyperglycemia. Cureus (March 26, 2013 online publication).
`38. Regmi A, Konstantinov NK, Agaba EI, Rohrscheib M, Dorin RI, Tzamaloukas AH
`(2014) Respiratory failure in the course of treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis. Clin
`Diabetes 32(1):28-31.
`39. Vigil D, Ganta K, Sun Y, Dorin RI, Tzamaloukas AH, Servilla KS (2015) Prolonged
`hypernatremia triggered by hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state with coma: A case
`report. World J Nephrology4(2):319-323.
`40. Konstantinov NK, Rohrscheib M, Agaba EI, Dorin RI, Murata GH, Tzamaloukas AH
`(2015) Respiratory failure in diabetic ketoacidosis. World J Diabetes 6(8):1009-1023.
`41. Degand T, Monnet E, Durand F, Grandclement E, Ichai P, Borot S. Qualls CR,
`Agin A, Louvet A, Dumortier J, Francoz C, Dumoulin G. Di Martino V, Dorin R,
`Thevenot T (2015) Assessment of adrenal function in patients with acute hepatitis using
`serum free and total cortisol. Dig Liver Dis 47:783-789.
`42. Dorin RI, Qualls CR, Torpy DJ, Schrader RM, and Urban FK III (2015) Reversible
`increase in maximal cortisol secretion rate in septic shock. Critical Care Medicine
`Dorin RI, Qualls CR, and Crapo LM. Response to “High-dose and low-dose cosyntropin
`test for diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency”. Annals of Internal Medicine 140(4):313-314.

`Rev. November 7, 2016
`Dorin RI. (1991) Clinical application and interpretation of thyroid function tests. In
`Eisenberg B. (Ed.): Imaging of the Thyroid and Parathyroid Glands: A Practical Guide,
`Churchill-Livingstone, Inc. 1991, New York, NY.
`Dorin RI and Ferries LM (1996) Glucocorticoid Therapy. In Rubin RH , Voss C,
`Derksen DJ, Gateley A, and Quenzer RW (ed.): Primary Care Medicine, W.B. Saunders
`Company, New York, NY, 1996.
`Dorin RI and Crapo LM (1997) ACTH: normal physiology. In Wierman ME (ed).
`Pituitary Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment. Humana Press, Inc.
`Roberts B, Graeber DA, Dorin RI, and Lisansky EJ (1997) Gender differences in
`Neuroendocrinology. In Dickstein L (Ed.): Gender Differences in Psychotherapy.
`American Psychiatric Press, New York, NY.
`Dorin RI and Crapo LM (2004) Testing for adrenal insufficiency. In Sox H. and Garber
`A. (Eds.): Common Diagnostic Tests.
`Hoffman AR and Kraemer FB, (Associate editors). Endocrinology/Metabolism/Bone Section.
`PocketMedicine/Internal Medicine. Bruce F. Scharschmidt, M.D. (editor). Philadelphia;
`, Inc., 2002.
`Dorin RI. Diagnosis and Treatment of Pheochromocytoma
`Dorin RI. Diagnosis and Treatment of Adrenocortical Tumors
`Dorin RI. Diagnosis and treatment of mineralocorticoid disorders
`Dorin RI. Diagnosis and treatment of Cushing’s syndrome.
`Hoffman AR and Kraemer FB, (Associate editors). Endocrinology/Metabolism/Bone Section.
`PocketMedicine/Internal Medicine. Bruce F. Scharschmidt, M.D. (editor). Philadelphia;
`, Inc., 2006.
`Dorin RI. Diagnosis and Treatment of Pheochromocytoma
`Dorin RI. Diagnosis and Treatment of Adrenocortical Tumors
`Dorin RI. Diagnosis and treatment of mineralocorticoid disorders
`Dorin RI. Diagnosis and treatment of Cushing’s syndrome.
`Hoffman AR and Kraemer FB, (Associate editors). Endocrinology/Metabolism/Bone Section.
`PocketMedicine/Internal Medicine. Bruce F. Scharschmidt, M.D. (editor). Philadelphia;
`, Inc., 2009.
`Dorin RI. Diagnosis and Treatment of Pheochromocytoma
`Dorin RI. Diagnosis and Treatment of Adrenocortical Tumors
`Dorin RI. Diagnosis and treatment of mineralocorticoid disorders
`Dorin RI. Diagnosis and treatment of Cushing’s syndrome.

`Rev. November 7, 2016
`Dorin RI (2000) Review of “Skeletal Muscle Metabolism in Exercise and Diabetes”
`(Volume 441 of Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology), for The Quartlery
`Review of Biology.
` 1. Kalinyak JE, Dorin RI, Hoffman AR and Perlman AJ. Tissue specific regulation of
`receptor mRNA by glucocorticoids. The Endocrine Society 69th Annual Meeting;
`Indianapolis, IN, June 1987.
` 2. Dorin RI, Nakai Y, Fukata J, Takahashi H, Numa S and Imura H. Expression and
`regulation of human corticotropin-releasing factor gene in a transformed mouse
`corticotroph cell line. Western Regional Meeting of American Federation of Clinical
`Research; Carmel, CA, February 1988.
` 3. Dorin RI, Nakai Y, Takahashi H, Naitoh Y, Fukata J, Numa S and Imura H.
`Expression and regulation of human corticotropin-releasing factor gene in a
`transformed mouse corticotroph cell line. Eighth International Congress of
`Endocrinology; Kyoto, Japan, August 1989.
` 4. Snyder CS, Vela S, Eaton RP and Dorin RI. Genetic heterogeneity of human aldose
`reductase gene and relationship to diabetic neuropathy. Western Regional Meeting of
`American Federation of Clinical Research; Carmel, CA, February 1989.
` 5. Vela S, Kilpatrick K, Eaton RP and Dorin RI. Characterization of aldose reductase
`messenger RNA in rat tissues. Western Regional Meeting of American Federation of
`Clinical Research; Carmel, CA, February 1989.
` 6. Vela S, Kilpatrick K, Eaton RP, Dorin RI. Regulation of renal aldose reductase
`mRNA in the galactose fed rat. Western Regional Meeting of American Federation of
`Clinical Research; Carmel, CA, February 1990.
` 7. Groenhout EG, Zlock DW, Kilpatrick K and Dorin RI. Characterization of nuclear
`protein binding domains of the human corticotropin releasing hormone gene. Western
`Regional Meeting of American Federation of Clinical Research; Carmel, CA, February
` 8. Clark D, Dorin RI and Kilpatrick K. Ethanol decreases interleukin-3 mRNA
`extractable from pokeweed mitogen stimulated spleen cells. Western Regional Meeting
`of American Federation of Clinical Research; Carmel, CA, February 1990.

`Rev. November 7, 2016
` 9. Vela S, Eaton RP and Dorin RI. Regulation of renal aldose reductase mRNA in the
`galactose fed rat. American Diabetes Association Meeting; Atlanta, GA, June 1990.
` 10. Zlock DW, Groenhout E, Kilpatrick K and Dorin RI. Cyclic adenosine
`monophosphate regulates human CRH gene expression by a transcriptional
`mechanism and does not require new protein synthesis. U.S. Endocrine Society;
`Atlanta, GA, June 1990.
` 11. Groenhout EG, Zlock DW and Dorin RI. Inhibition of protein synthesis increases
`human corticotropin releasing hormone gene expression by a transcription-dependent
`mechanism. U.S. Endocrine Society; Washington, D.C., June 1991.
` 12. Vela S, Icenogle MV, Eaton RP, Zlock DW and Dorin RI. Altered ratios of high-
`energy phosphates in skeletal muscle of human hypothyroid subjects using in vivo 31-
`phosphorous magnetic resonance spectroscopy. U.S. Endocrine Society; Washington,
`D.C., June 1991.
` 13. Shah VO, Zager P, Dorin RI, Kaplan D, Mann P, Frey H. Increased expression of
`aldose reductase gene expression in mesangial cells is associated with sustained
`increase in prostaglandin E2 production. American Society of Neprhology; Baltimore,
`MD, November 1991.
` 14. Vela S, Icenogle MV, Hudson T and Dorin RI. In vivo 31-phosphorous magnetic
`resonance spectroscopy: A new technique for evaluation of thyroid hormone effect on
`skeletal muscle. Western Regional Meeting of American Federation of Clinical
`Research; Carmel, CA, February 1992.
` 15. Hart BL, Orrison W, Dorin RI and Willis B. The imaging spectrum of pituitary
`apoplexy: Radiologic findings, pathologic correlation, and implications for imaging.
`Annual Congress of Neurological Surgeons; Anaheim, CA, February 1992.
` 16. Groenhout EG and Dorin RI. Severe generalized thyroid hormone resistance due
`to a sporadic mutation in the c-erbAß gene producing a truncated T3 receptor protein.
`U.S. Endocrine Society; San Antonio, TX, June 1992
` 17. Kilpatrick K and Dorin RI. Transcriptional regulation of human corticotropin
`releasing factor gene expression by cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate: differential
`effects at proximal and distal promoter elements. Ninth International Congress of
`Endocrinology; Nice, France, August 1992
` 18. Shah VO, Zager P, Dorin RI, Kaplan D, and Mann P. Aldose recutase gene
`expression and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) production are coordinately regulated in
`mesangial cells. American Society of Nephrology, Baltimore, MD, November 1992.

`Rev. November 7, 2016
` 19. Field J, Icenogle MV, Boyle PJ, and Dorin RI. Evaluation of exercise performance
`in McArdle's syndrome by 31-phosphorous magnetic resonance spectroscopy: role of
`insulin-dependent glucose utilization. Western Regional Meeting of American
`Federation of Clinical Research; Carmel, CA, February 19, 1993.
` 20. Handanos CM and Dorin RI. Glucocorticoid-dependent suppression of human
`corticotropin releasing factor (hCRF) gene expression in the transfected mouse anterior
`pituitary cell line (AtT-20). U.S. Endocrine Society; Las Vegas, NV, June 11, 1993.
` 21. Zager PG, Dorin RI, Shah VO, Vela S, Eaton RP. Regulation of aldose reductase
`gene expression in renal cortex. 12th International Congress of Nephrology. Jerusalem,
`Israel. June 13-18, 1993.
` 22. Shah V, Dorin RI, Kaplan D, and Zager P. Polyol-dependent regulation of aldose
`reductase gene expression in renal cortex and medulla. American Society of
`Nephrology, Boston, MA, November 14-17, 1993.
` 23. Nishikubo C, Crooks L, and Dorin RI. Evaluation of a candidate hormone,
`parathyroid hormone releated peptide (PTH-RP), in tumor associated osteomalacia.
`New Mexico Affiliate of the American College of Physicians Meeting, December 1993.
` 24. Zager P, Shah V, Dorin RI, Kaplan D. Aldose reductase gene expression in renal
`cortex. International Symposium on the Pathogenesis and Treatment of Diabetic
`Nephropathy. Beijing, China, September 18-20, 1993.
` 25. Shah V, Zager P, Dorin RI. Differential expression of aldose reductase gene in
`peripheral blood mononuclear cells: relationship to development of nephropathy in type
`I diabetes. American Society of Nephrology, Washington, D.C., November 1994.
` 26. Lisansky EJ, Dorin RI, Ferries LM, Roberts B, Brion R, Burg L. ACTH response to
`CRH and naloxone in normal controls. International Society for
`Psychoneuroendocrinology, Seattle, WA, August 14-17, 1994.
` 27. Ferries L, Lisansky J, Dorin RI. ACTH response to glucocorticoid withdrawal:
`relationship to CRH and naloxone tests. Western Section American Federation of
`Clinical Research. Carmel, CA, February 7-10, 1995.
` 28. Ferries LM, Lisansky J, Qualls CW, Dorin RI. ACTH response to serial infusions of
`hCRH and naloxone in normal human subjects. U.S. Endocrine Society. Washington,
`D.C., June 14-18, 1995.

`Rev. November 7, 2016
` 29. Vela BS, Harris P, Brion R, Dorin RI. Role of endogenous opioids in acquired
`secondary hypogonadism of aging in men. U.S. Endocrine Society. Washington, D.C.,
`June 14-18, 1995.
`30. Shah V, Dorin RI, Brown M, Sun Y, Zager P. Aldose reductase (AR) gene
`expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) is increased in patients with
`diabetic nephropathy (DN): role of leukocyte aldose reductase in development of
`diabetic nephropathy. J. American Society of Nephrology 6(3): 455, 1995.
`31. Malkoski SP, Handanos CM, Dorin RI. Localization of a negative glucocorticoid
`regulatory element of the human corticotropin releasing hormone gene. Western
`Section AFCR, Carmel, CA, February 14-18, 1996.
`32. Das A, Shah V, Dorin RI, Zager P. Increase in aldose reductase gene expression in
`patients with diabetic retinopathy. Investigative Opthalmology and Visual Science
`3:S105, 1996 (Abstract #499).
`33. Malksoki SP, Handanos CM, Dorin RI. Localization of a negative glucocorticoid
`regulatory element of the human corticotropin releasing hormone gene. Tenth
`International Congress of Endocrinology, San Francisco, CA, June 11-15, 1996.
`34. Dorin RI. Shah VO, Zager PG. Renal aldose reductase gene expression and
`genetics of diabetic nephropathy. VISN 18 Research Conference, Tucson, AZ,
`December 1996.
`35. Dorin RI, Graeber DA, Lisansky EJ, Qualls CR, Veldhuis JD. Cortisol dependent
`regulation of ACTH secretory dynamics in healthy humans. UNM GCRC site visit
`(January 1997).
`36. Colleran KM and Dorin RI. Inhibition of dexamethasone induced
`phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase transcription using mutant glucocorticoid
`receptors. Western Section AFCR, Carmel, CA, February 6-8, 1997. (Selected for
`presentation at Presidential Plenary Session).
`37. Malkoski SP and Dorin RI. Glucocorticoid-mediated repression of of corticotropin
`releasing hormone gene expresion: the role of glucocorticoid receptor DNA binding.
`Western Section AFCR, Carmel, CA, February 6-8, 1997.
`38. Sun Y, Shah VO, Griffith J, Dorin RI, and Zager PG. The Z-2 microsatellite allele
`upregulates aldose reductase (ALR2) gene expression and increases the risk for
`diabetic nephropathy. J. of the American Society of Nephrology, (1997) 8(9), 119A
`39. Shah VO, Sun Y, Griffith J, Nikolic J, Dorin RI, and Zager P. Structural and
`functional variabilty of the aldose reductase gene odulates the risk for diabetic

`Rev. November 7, 2016
`nephropathy. 14th United States-Japan Aldose Reductase Workshop, Kona, Hawaii,
`Feb 1997.
`40. Malkoski SP and Dorin RI. Glucocorticoid-mediated repression of of corticotropin
`releasing hormone gene expresion: the role of glucocorticoid receptor DNA binding.
`U.S. Endocrine Society, Minneapolis, MN, June 11-14, 1997.
`41. Colleran KM and Dorin RI. Use of glucocorticoid receptor mutants as antagonists of
`glucocorticoid-dependent transcriptional activation of PEPCK and MMTV promoters:
`evaluation of functional domains and comparison with ligand glucocorticoid antagonist.
`U.S. Endocrine Society, Minneapolis, MN, June 11-14, 1997.
`42. Schnierow B, Veldhuis JD, Lisansky EJ, Dorin RI. Melatonin secretory dynamics in
`healthy elderly: evidence of variation in pulse amplitude but not frequency. U.S.
`Endocrine Society, New Orleans, LA, June 24-27, 1998. (Recipient of Glenn
`Foundation Award for excellence in Endocrinology and Aging research).
`43. Graham, T.E., Key, T.A., Kilpatrick, K., and Dorin, R.I. Regulation of cAMP-
`Stimulated secretion in AtT20 corticotroph cells by Dexras-1, an intermediate molecular
`weight GTPase. U.S. Endocrine Society, Toronto, Canada (June 20-24, 2000).
`44. Graham, T.E., Key, T.A., Kilpatrick, K., and Dorin, R.I. Regulation of Stimulated
`Secretion in AtT20 Corticotroph Cells by Dexras-1, an Intermediate Molecular Weight
`GTPase. U.S. Endocrine Society, Denver, CO (June 20-24, 2001).
`45. Prenylated RAB acceptor 1 interacts with Dexras-1. Behrend EN, Graham TE,
`Dorin RI, and Kemppainen RJ. U.S. Endocrine Society, Denver, CO (June 20-24,
`46. Perez V. and Dorin RI. An unusual case of adrenocortical carincoma. Western
`Section American Federation of Medical Research, Carmel, CA (Februrary 5-9, 2002).
`47. Graham TE, Qiao Z., and Dorin RI. Dexras1 inhibits adenylyl cyclase: involvement
`-19, 2002).
`48. Perez VO, Graham TE, and Dorin RI. DEXRAS-1 inhibits Gi-coupled bradykinin
`signaling to Erk in human bronchial epithelial A549 cells. American Federation of
`Medical Research, Carmel CA (January 29 to February 1, 2003).
`49. Perez VO, Graham TE, and Dorin RI. DEXRAS-1 INHIBITS Gi-COUPLED
`CELLS. Endocrine Society, Philadelphia, PA.

`Rev. November 7, 2016
`50. Panja S, Hartshorne M, Crooks L, Dorin RI. Focally positive octreotide scan in the
`setting of multinodular goiter. American Federation of Medical Research, Carmel CA
`(January 28 to January 31, 2004).
`51. Pai H, Qualls CR, Urban FK III, Lewis JG, Ho JT, Torpy DJ, Dorin RI. Equilibrium
`solution of free cortisol in sepsis: role of altered serum binding protein concentration
`and reversible changes in cortisol affinity for albumin in relative adrenal insufficiency
`associated with septic shock. 88th Annual Endocrine Society, Boston MA, June 23-26,
`52. Pai HK, Qualls CR, Urban FK III, Ho JT, Torpy DJ, Lewis JG, Dorin RI. Numerical
`solution for cortisol equilibrium and maximal cortisol secretion rates in septic shock and
`in healthy human control subjects. Western AFMR meeting, Carmel, CA, January 31-
`February 4, 2007.
`53. Chynoweth J, Dorin, RI, Qualls CR, Waters D, Scariano J. Comparison of
`quadratic (Coolens’) and cubic equilibrium solutions of free cortisol for prediction of
`salivary cortisol in healthy elderly human subjects of variable body composition.
`Western AFMR meeting, Carmel, CA, January 31-February 4, 2007.
`54. Qiao Z and Dorin RI. Hypoglycemia in a patient with anti-insulin receptor antibodies
`associated with systemic lupus erythematosis (SLE). Western AFMR meeting, Carmel,
`CA, January 30-February 1, 2008.
`55. Qiao Z, Qualls CR, Urban FK III, and Dorin RI. Assessment of maximal cortisol
`secretion rates in secondary adrenal insufficiency (AI) patients and in healthy controls
`using advanced numerical modeling methods. Western AFMR meeting, Carmel, CA,
`January 28-31, 2009.
`56. Qiao Z, Qualls, CR, Urbank FK III, and Dorin RI. Validation of a simple model for
`determination of maximal cortisol production rates during 250 mcg cosyntropin
`stimulation in healthy human subjects. 92nd Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society,
`Washington DC, June 10-13, 2009.
`57. Dorin RI, Qualls CR, Borot S, Di Martino V, Monnet E, Thevenot T. Assessment of
`adrenal function in cirrhotic patients using a cubic equilibrium estimation of serum free
`cortisol. Journees Francophones d’Hepato-Gastroenerologie e

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