(12) Umted States Patent
`um Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,106,333 B1
`Sep. 12, 2006
`Inventor‘. Tomislav F. Milinusic. Decatur. GA
`(58) Field o1'(.'lassification Search
`345M741 3433143, 159. 154, 152, 153. 155;
`See appliealion file for eornplele search history.
`(73) Assignee: Vistaseape Security Systems Corp._.
`-’\‘1fl'1‘a- GA (US)
`R07‘-‘l’9fl‘-TS Cit‘-‘d
`( "‘ ) Notiee:
`Suhjeel In any disclaimer. the lerm 0l‘1his
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. l54(b) by 507 days.
`(21) Appl‘ Nu: 1"m79‘639
`5-"3000 Scale)’ El Ill.
`5.059.655 A "’
`s cilcd by examine],
`'_1' fzhrarriiner Kimbinh T. Nguyen
`(74) /lrIome_11 Agem‘. or Firm Morris. Manning & Marlin.
`Related U-S- APP““"’fi"“ Data
`§3%‘;l5i0fl«1l_ _3F"l"]@'33fi'3I1_'l 510-
`it-"'3:5 all
`on e .
`.prov1s1ona app Ieallnn.-"0.
`16. 2001. and provisional application No. 60.-’269.6?6. filod
`on [:e1,_ 15. 20.31‘
`Int’ ('1'
`G067 13/00
`(52) U.S. Cl.
`3451474‘. 345F473; 343N521
`348K153; 348K154‘. 348.I’l55
`A system is provided for oollocling surveillance data from
`one or more sensor unils and incorporating the surveillance
`dam Him a Suweillance dmab.aSe' The ‘yS‘‘°’.’‘‘ 15 Configured
`to retrieve surveillance‘ data trom_the surveillatlce database
`and perfomi predetermined analytical lunc:l1ons on lhe dala.
`The syslem is also eonfigured to present surveillance data
`and the results ofdata analysis in one or more predetermined
`21 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`i 451
`1- - -
`452 '
`; -
`r ------------------- —-—.
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`RPX Exhibit 1003
`RPX Exhibit 1003
`RPX v. MD Security
`RPX V. MD Security
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 12,2006
`Sheet 1 of4
`Us 7,106,333 B1
` s_m5>mozammoomm—mm<m§<n_
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 12, 2006
`Sheet 2 of 4
`US 7,106,333 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`US 7,106,333 B1
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`U.S. Patent
`Sep. 12,2006
`Sheet 4 of4
`Us 7,106,333 B1
` %mm._._oEzoommpwqz
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`US 7,106,333 B1
`not necessarily to scale. emphasis instead being placed upon
`clearly illustrating the principles of the present invention.
`Moreover. in the drawings. like reference numerals desig-
`nate corresponding pans throughout the several views.
`is a block diagram illustrating a surveillance
`system 100;
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram funher illustrating the structure
`of surveillance system 100:
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram illustrating an embodiment of
`surveillance server 210; and
`FIG. 4 is a block diagram illustrating a further embodi-
`ment of surveillance system ltlll.
`is a block diagram representative of ai1 embodi-
`ment of a surveillance system 100. The surveillance system
`100 is structured to include a sensor system 102, a process-
`ing system ltI4. a network server 106 and a command and
`control system 112.
`Sensor system 102 may include any type of detection or
`sensing device. Sensor system 102 may include one or more
`detection or sensing devices. Some examples of detection!
`sensing devices are: cameras. such as video or digital
`czuneras: position sensors. such as global satellite position-
`ing system [(iPS) compliant receivers or transceivers, laser
`measurement devices and triangulation based positioning
`systems; radar. temperature detectors and the like. Further
`examples ol‘detectionJ'sensing devices include audio devices
`responsive to sound. These devices may be configured to
`capture audio data. The detection devices of sensor system
`102 may be configured to capture and record captured data
`or to capture and transmit captured data to an intended
`receiving system or device.
`'l" captured data may be
`transmitted along with position data. such as ground coor-
`dinate data. as well as time data that may also be generated
`by the detection devices of the sensor system 102.
`Processing system 104 includes systems for receiving.
`compiling and storing data received from sensor system 102.
`includes processing unit 108 and database 110.
`Processing system 104 is also configured to retrieve data and
`distribute it according to input from command and control
`system 112.
`Network server 106 may be configured to receive data
`from sensor system I02.
`It may also be configured to
`distribute data from processing system 104 in accordance
`with instructionsfcommands received from command and
`("_l..A[M ()1-' PRIORITY
`This application claims priority to co—pending U.S. pro-
`visional application entitled. “SCANNING CAMIERAANI)
`SIJRVl}ll[,I.ANCl5. SYSTI-EM,” having Ser. No. 602969.434.
`and filed Feb.
`16, 2001: U.S. provisional application
`Ser. No. 601269.676, and filed on Feb. 16. 200]‘; and U.S.
`provisional application entitled. “SURV’lEl[.I.ANCli
`SYS'l‘l'.iM,” having Ser. No. 608 I 7.635. ad filed on Sep. 6.
`2001. the disclosures of which are all entirely incorporated
`herein by reference.
`The present invention is generally related to a surveillance
`system and more particularly. to a system for collection.
`analysis and distribution of surveillance data.
`Systems designed to monitor predetermined areas. places
`or objects are known. These systems ofien incorporate video
`cameras l.hat provide a continuous Feed of video data that is
`eitl1er displayed in real time on a display device andfor
`recorded to a recording device. such as a video tape recorder.
`While these systems provide for capture and recordation of
`video data depicting the conditions andfor occurrences
`within the monitored area. they do not provide a means of
`easily determining when and where an occurrence or con-
`dition has taken place. Nor do they provide for any means
`of analyzing the information depicted by the video data.
`Further. as video data requires substantial recording
`media space for storage, it is common [or video data to be
`recorded and archived for only a very limited period oftime.
`Thus, once the period of archiving has expired, the video
`data is either recorded over or otherwise erased from the
`recording media. Further. known systems do not provide for
`any type of analysis ol‘ video data that would allow for a
`determination of, for example, how lo11g an intrtider has
`been in a monitored area; whether the intruder is alone; how
`the intruder got into the monitored area: where the intruder
`has previously been: what the intentions of the intruder
`might be or. where the intruder may be going to next.
`The present invention provides a system for collecting
`and distributing surveillance data collected via one or more
`sensor units. Brielly described_. in architecture, one embodi-
`ment of the system can be implemented as follows. Memory
`is provided. A surveillance database is provided that is stored
`on the memory. The surveillance database includes surveil-
`lance data collected by a surveillance sensor unit. A surveil-
`lance server is provided that is associated with the memory
`and is configured to receive surveillance data from a sur-
`veillance sensor unit that is configured to detect predeter-
`mined conditions and to generate surveillance data repre-
`sentative of the detected conditions.
`Other features and advantages of the present invention
`will become apparent to one with skill
`in the art upon
`examination of the following drawings and detailed descrip-
`is intended that all such additional features and
`advantages be included herein within the scope of the
`present invention.
`BRIEF l)[.4lS(.‘RIP’l"l()N OI-' Tllli l)I{./\WIN(‘rS
`The invention can be better understood with reference to
`control system 112.
`Command and control system 112 is configured to pro-
`vide for control and management of surveillance system
`100. Command and control system I12 may be conligured
`to initiate retrieval of data from processing system 104 and
`to present data as. for example. representative 3-D visual-
`izations based upon data received from processing system
`104. It may also provide for presentation of video or audio
`data in a streaming fomiat. l"°urther. it may be cortligured to
`generate predetermined reports.
`FIG. 2 is a block diagram illustrating a further embodi-
`ment ofa surveillance system 100 according to the present
`invention. The surveillance system Illtl may include a sur-
`veillance server 210 that‘ is connected to a network 230.
`Surveillance server 210 is associated with a database 220. A
`surveillance client 240 is provided and is coimected to the
`. network 230. A sensor unit 250. a sensor unit 260 and a
`sensor unit 270 are also provided. liach of sensor units 250,
`260 and 270 are connected to the network 230. liach ofthe
`the following drawings. The components in the drawings are
`Page 6 of 9
`Page 6 of 9

`US 7,106,333 B1
`based upon predetermined distribution criteria. Further. sur-
`veillance server 210 may be configured to determine such
`things as l1ow long a detected occurrence or condition has
`existed, whether there are other similar occurrences or
`conditions that exist. as well as what preceded the detected
`occurrence or condition. It may also be configured to predict
`future conditions or occurrences based upon detected con-
`ditions or occurrences. The surveillance server 210 may be
`configured to generate and display a l.l1.l'ee dimensional
`model of an area under monitor based upon the data stored
`in database 220. This model can then be used to analyze
`detected conditions or occurrences within the monitored
`In this embodiment. surveillance server 210 includes a
`central processing unit 360, storage memory 365 for storing
`data 368 andfor software 367. An inputfoutput (U0) proces-
`sor 375 is provided for interfacing with associated input and
`output devices. A local interface 370 is provided for trans-
`ferring data between the CPU 360. memory 365 andfor I.r’()
`processor 375. A graphics processor 385 is provided for
`processing graphical data. Associated input and output
`devices may include keyboard device 320. mousefpointing
`device 326 andfor a network 130.
`CPU 360 is preferably configured to operate in accor-
`dance with software 367 stored on memory 365. CPU 360
`is preferably configured to control the operation of server
`210 so that surveillance data may be received from the
`various sensor units 250. 260 and 270 (FIG. 2) a11d incor-
`porated into the surveillance database 220 (FIG. 2). It is also
`preferably configured to retrieve and distribute surveillance
`data to a requesting surveillance client 240 or based upon
`predetermined distribution criteria. Further_. it may also be
`configured to determine duration of detected occurrences
`and preceding conditions or occurrences.
`It may also be
`configured to predict future conditions or occurrences based
`upon detected conditions or occurrences represented by
`surveillance data stored in the surveillance database 220.
`sensor units 250. 260 and 270 are configured to collect
`surveillance data. More particularly. the sensor units are
`configured to detect predetermined conditions or occur-
`rences and generate surveillance data representative of the
`detected conditions or occurrences.
`Database 220 may be stored on a memory device that is
`directly cor1.l'1ected to tl1e surveillance server 210 as shown.
`Altematively_. database 220 may be stored on a memory
`device that is connected to the network 230 and accessible
`to the surveillance server 210 via network 230. Database 230
`may be configured t'o include surveillance data received
`from. for example. sensor units 250. 260 andfor 270. Sur-
`veillance data may include. video data. still
`image data.
`audio data. position or location data. radar data. temperature
`data. as well as time data representative of. for example, the
`time at which strrveillance data was collected by a respective
`sensor unit.
`Network 230 may be a wide area network (WAN). such
`as. for example, the Internet. or a local area network (LAN).
`Iiaeh of the sensor units 250. 260 or 2'.r"[| may be connected
`to the network 230 via an interface (not shown )_. such as a
`wireless or wired interface. Some examples of suitable
`wireless interfaces include. but are not
`limited to. radio
`frequency (RF) wireless interfaces or infrared (IR) inter-
`faces. Other suitable interfaces may include data acquisition
`units (DA Units) such as those described in co-pending U .S.
`patent application entitled “DATA ACQUISITION
`SYSTEM.“ filed on Mar. 13. 2001 and accorded Ser. No.
`09i’805.229. the disclosure of which is hereby incorporated
`herein in its entirety.
`Surveillance client 240 may be implemented.
`example._ as a general-purpose computer or personal com-
`puter. Further, it may be implemented as a personal digital
`assistant (PDA) such as the Palm Pilot. Surveillance client
`240 is preferably configured to allow a user to retrieve
`sttrveillance data or specilied reports by issuing a request to
`surveillance server 210. Surveillance client 240 may also be
`configured to control or adjust specified sensor units via
`issuing requests to surveillance server 210 that are then
`transmitted to the specified sensor unit.
`Sensor units 250. 260 and 270 are configured to collect
`surveillance data by detecting predetermined conditions or
`occurrences and generating and outputting surveillance data
`representative of the detected conditions or occurrences.
`Surveillance data may be transmitted to. for example. the
`stlrveillance server 210 via the network 230. The sensor
`units 250. 260 and 270 may be, for example. cameras, such
`as for example. a digital camera. or video camera configured
`to be responsive to, for example. the visible light spectrum
`or infrared radiation (IR). Further. sensor units 250. 260 and
`270 may also be configured as position sensing devices, such
`as. for example. global positioning satellite (GPS) receiver
`or GPS transceiver: a radar receiver, sonar receiver. tem-
`perature detector. motion detector andfor distance detection
`devices. They may also be audio detection devices such as
`microphones or the like.
`that are capable of capturing
`FIG. 3 is a block diagram of an embodiment of a
`surveillance server 210 according to the present invention.
`Surveillance server 210 is preferably configured to receive
`surveillance data from the various sensor units 250. 260 and
`270 (FIG. 2) and to incorporate collected surveillance data
`into the database 220 (FIG. 2). It is also preferably config-
`ured to retrieve and distribute surveillance data to a request-
`ing surveillance client. It may also be configured to analyze
`andfor distribute surveillance data to a surveillance client
`The processor 385 andfor CPU 360 of the present inven-
`tion can be implemented in hardware. software. firmware. or
`a combination thereof In the preferred embodiment(s). the
`processor 385 is implemented in software or firmware that
`is stored in a memory and that is executed by a suitable
`instruction execution system. If implemented in hardware.
`as in an alternative embodiment. the processor 385 E:lJ1(.l.:f('ll'
`(‘PU 360 can implemented with any or a combination of the
`following technologies. which are all well known in the art:
`a discrete logic circuit(s) having logic gates for imple1nent—
`ing logic functions upon data signals. an application specific
`integrated circuit having appropriate logic gates. a program-
`rnable gate array(s) (1-’("rA). a fully programmable gate array
`(FPGA). etc. Processor 385 may be implemented as a
`general—purpose processor. such as. for example the Intel”
`PentiumT'“ IV central processing unit. Furtl1er_. processor
`385 may be implemented as a graphics processor or a digital
`signal processor (l)Sl-’).
`The processor 385 may be configured to incorporate or
`otherwise carry out the filnctions ofCPU 360. CPU 360 may
`also be configured to incorporate or otherwise carry out the
`functions of processor 385.
`The software 367 comprises a listing of executable
`instructions for implementing logical functions. and can be
`embodied in any computer—readable medium for use by or in
`connection with an instruction execution system, apparatus.
`or device. such as a computer—based system. processor-
`containing system. or other system that can fetch the instruc-
`tions from the instruction execution system. apparatus. or
`Page 7 of 9
`Page 7 of 9

`US 7,106,333 B1
`systems or position detection systems that use multiple
`sensor units of known location to calculate the location of
`the detected changefmovement via triangulation techniques.
`l"urther, suitable PSI‘) devices include those disclosed and
`described in co-pending U.S. patent application e11titled
`“AN IMMERSIVE CAMERA SYSTEM." filed on Apr. 18.
`2001 and accorded Ser. No. 09f8?-7.916; and co—pending
`U patent application entitled “A SCANNING CAMERA
`filed on Apr. 18, 200] and accorded Ser. No.
`09i’8?-7,915. the disclosures of which are both hereby incor-
`porated herein in their entirety.
`Each of the sensor units 250, 260 and 270 may be
`configured to include one or more detection devices. Detec-
`tion devices may be of the same type or dilferent types. For
`example, sensor unit 250 may be configured to include a
`digital camera sensitive to IR and a camera sensitive to the
`visible light spectrum. It may also be configured to include
`a position sensing device for detecting the position of a
`detected occurrence or condition.
`Image data generated and output by the cameras units 250
`and 260 may include position data representative of the
`position of the camera. the position of the area and.:"or the
`position of an object or objects within the area. as well as
`detected changes within the area. Position data may be
`generated by a position-sensing device (PS1)) associated
`with the sensor unit 250 or 260.
`Surveillance data is preferably output from the cameras
`451, 452 and 461 and transmitted to data acquisition units
`(DA) 472, 474 and 476 that are provided for each camera
`45], 452 and 461, respectively. In turn. surveillance data is
`transferred over the network 130 to surveillance server 210,
`which in turn causes the surveillance data to be incorporated
`into database 220.
`device and execute the instructions. In the context of this
`document. a “computer—readable medium" can be any
`means that can contain, store, communicate, propagate, or
`transport tl1e program for use by or in connection with the
`instmction execution system. apparatus, or device. The
`computer—readable medium can be. for example. but not
`limited to, an electronic, magnetic, optical, electromagnetic,
`infrared. or semiconductor system. apparatus. device. or
`propagation medium. More specific examples [a nonexhaus-
`tive list) of the computer—readable medium would include
`the following: an electrical connection (electronic) having
`one or more wires, a portable computer diskette (magnetic),
`a random access memory (RAM) [magnetic]. a read-only
`memory (ROM)
`a11 erasable programmable
`read—only memory (EPROM or Flash memory) (magnetic),
`an optical
`fiber (optical). and a portable compact disc
`read-o11ly memory ((.'l)R()M)
`(optical). Note that
`computer-readable medium could even be paper or anothe1'
`suitable medium upon which the program is printed. as the
`program can be electronically captured, via for instance,
`optical scanning of the paper or other medium.
`compiled. interpreted or otherwise processed in a suitable
`manner if necessary. and then stored in a computer memory.
`l"'I(:i. 4 is diagram illustrating a further embodiment of
`system 100 ir1 which sensor units 250 and 260 are cameras
`and sensor unit 270 includes a temperature detection device.
`Sensor unit 250 is configured, as a visual spectrum sensitive
`camera 451 and an infrared radiation (IR) sensitive camera
`452. The cameras 451 and 452 each preferably incorporate
`wide—ang]e optics (lens 458 and 459) to allow for viewing
`andi"or capture of a wide field of view. The IR camera 45]
`includes an imager 456 that is preferably sensitive to IR. The
`visual spectrum camera 452 includes an imager 457 that is
`preferably sensitive to the visible light spectnim.
`Sensor unit 260 is configured as an IR sensitive camera
`461. The camera 461 preferably incorporates telephoto
`optics to allow for close—up monitoring andfor capture of an
`area or objects within an area, from a greater distance. The
`IR camera 46] includes an imager 466 that is preferably
`sensitive to IR. It will be recogrli‘/Jed that sensor unit 260
`may also be configured as a visual spectrum sensitive
`camera. Similarly. it may be configured to include both IR
`and visual spectrum cameras.
`Sensor unit 270 is configured as a temperature detection
`device. Sensor unit 270 may include a thermometer as well
`as smoke or carbon monoxide detection sensors.
`in this example, imagers 456, 457 and 466 are preferably
`photo multiplier tubes [I-’MT). Ilowever. other types of
`ilnagers may also be used depending on the particular
`application at hand, including, but not limited to, charged
`coupled device (CCD) imagers or complementary metal
`oxide (('.‘M()S] imagers.
`Sensor units 250 and 260 are preferably configured to
`monitor a predetermined area. The cameras 451. 452 and
`461 are configured to capture an image of the area and
`objects within the area and to generate and output image data
`representative of the areafobjects. Image capture may be set
`to occur at predetermined times or upon the occurrence of
`predetermined occurrences. such as the detection of move-
`ment within the area being monitored by the sensor urI.its 250
`or 260. Sensor units 250 and 260 may be configured so as
`to be associated with a p-osition—sensii1g device (PSD) that
`determines the position of, for example, the sensor unit. or
`an object or occurrence within the area being monitored by
`the sensor unit. The PS1) will generate position data repre-
`sentative of the determined position of the object or occur-
`Sensor units 250 and 260 may be supported and posi-
`tioned by associated gimbals 453 and 463. respectively. One
`. gimbal is preferably provided for each camera 451, 452 and
`461. Altematively, one gimbal may be provided for each
`sensor unit 250 and 260. In l’[("r. 4, gimbal 453 is associated
`with sensor unit 250 and gimbal 463 is associated with
`sensor unit 260. Each gimbal 453 and 463 is preferably
`mounted to a support device of some type, such as, for
`example. a tripod, concrete wall. building or other structure
`capable of providing support. liach gimbal 453 and 463 is
`adjustable about two axes of rotation {X—axis and Y—axis)
`and is preferably responsive to a control signal from a
`control device such as gimbal controller 485. By controlling
`the gimbal. the position of the sensor unit 250 or 260 may
`be moved about the x—axis and y—axis.
`Surveillance data may include pixel data representative of
`the image captured by the camera. This pixel data may be
`stored into database 220. The database 220 may be config-
`ured to include pixel data representative of the captured
`image, as well as, position data representative ofthe position
`(x. y and 2) of the areafobject represented by, the pixel data.
`the database 220 may be configured to
`include a time stamp indicative o f the time at which the pixel
`‘ data was captured, stored andfor changed. This time data
`may be generated by. for example, the sensor unit 250 or
`260. or via master controller 480. It may also be generated
`by surveillance server 210.
`The database 220 may be configured to include reference
`data representative of_. for example. a base image represen-
`tative of a predetennined view of the area being monitored.
`This predetermined view might be. for example. an image of
`the area in a typical state. For example. where the area is that
`of a warehouse interior area, the base image might be an
`image of the warehouse interior during non—business hours
`when no personnel are present and no activities are taking
`Suitable I-’Sl)'s may include global satellite positioning
`(UPS) receivers or transceivers.
`laser distance detection
`no changes in the area are occurring).
`Page 8 of 9
`Page 8 of 9

`US 7,106,333 B1
`As an example of the operation of t.he present invention,
`consider the following. The sensor unit 250 is configured to
`monitor a predetermined area. such as for example, a
`railroad—switchir1g yard. The sensor unit 250 is further
`configured to detect any changes in the area and capture an
`image of the changes within the area. These changes will
`typically represent movement of objects within the area
`being monitored. Once these changes are detected image
`data representing an image of the areafobjects are output via
`the DA unit 474 and subsequently recorded to the database
`the location of the detected changes!
`movements is determined by sensor unit 250. This may be
`done via. for example, a laser distance detection system or
`via triangulation tech.niques wherein multiple sensor units of
`known location are used to calculate the location of the
`In one embodiment, master
`detected changefmovement.
`controller 480 is configured to carry out calculations for
`determining the position of the detected changefmovement
`in the monitored railroad yard based upon input Trorn
`relevant position sensing devices (not shown) associated
`with the sensor unit 250.
`Once the location of the changefmovement has been
`telephoto camera 461 may be engaged to
`“mom-in” on the detected changes to obtain a closer view
`ofthe cliangesfmovements at the determined location. (Tam-
`era 46l may also be configured to capture an image of the
`areafobjects at the location of the detected changes within
`the monitored railroad yard and to output image data rep-
`resentative olithe areafobjects. Subsequently, this image data
`can be recorded to the database 220. along with position data
`indicative of the location of the detected changes and time
`data representative of the time of the image capture of the
`11 should be emphasized that the above-described embodi-
`ments of the present invention, particularly. any “preferred”
`embodiments. are merely possible examples of
`implementations. merely set forth for a clear understanding
`of the principles of the invention. Many variations and
`modifications may be made to the above-described
`embodiment(s) ofthe invention without departing substan-
`tially from the spirit and principles ofthe invention. All such
`modifications and variations are intended to be included
`herein within the scope of the present invention and pro-
`tected by the following claims.
`Therefore. having thus described the invention. at least
`the following is claimed:
`1. A surveillance management system for controlling at
`least one position-controllable surveillance device in
`response to processed surveillance data. comprising:
`a sensor system including the at
`least one position-
`controllable surveillance device and configured to
`detect predetennined conditions and generate surveil-
`lance data in response thereto. said surveillance data
`including position data;
`a processing systeln configured to receive said surveil-
`lance data and incorporate said surveillance data into a
`surveillance database:
`a control and command system operative to retrieve
`predetermined position data from said surveillance data
`in said surveillance database and to generate a position
`control signal in accordance with said position data.
`a position-controllable surveillance device responsive to
`said control signal for adjusting the position of the
`surveillance device.
`2. The system of claim 1, wherein said control and
`command system is further configured to generate and
`output reports based upon said surveillance data.
`3. The system of claim 1. wherein said control and
`command system is further configured to distribute said
`surveillance data over a network.
`4. The system of claim 1. wherein said control and
`command system is Further conligured to generate graphical
`representations for display on a display device. based upon
`said surveillance data.
`5. The system of claim 1. wherein said sensor system
`ClJ]'l']pl'l5C1'i E1 S€['lS()l'
`6. The system ol‘ claim 5, wherein said sensor unit is
`configured to detect predetermined conditions and to gen-
`erate surveillance data representative of the detected condi-
`7. The system of claim 6. wherein said surveillance data
`comprises data indicative of the time said conditions where
`8. The system of claim 6. wherein said surveillance data
`comprises data indicative of the location of said detected
`9. A surveillance management system for providing a
`position control signal usable by a position-controllable
`surveillance device comprising:
`a memory:
`a surveillance database stored on said memory;
`said surveillance database operative for storing surveil-
`lance data collected by a surveillance sensor unit, said
`surveillance data including position data; and
`a surveillance server associated with said memory and
`configured to receive surveillance data including said
`position data from a surveillance sensor unit configured
`to detect predetermined conditions, to generate surveil-
`lance data representative of the detected conditions,
`and to generate a position control signal for utilization
`by said position-controllable surveillance device.
`10. The system of claim 9, wherein said surveillance
`server is further configured to incorporate surveillance data
`received from said surveillance sensor unit into said sur-
`veillance database.
`11. The system ofclaim 10. wherein said surveillance data
`comprises data indicative ol‘ the time said predetennined
`conditions were detected.
`12. The system ofclaim ll , wherein said surveillance data
`comprises data indicative of the location where said prede-
`termined conditions were detected.
`13. The system of claim 1 2, wherein said surveillance data
`comprises data representative ol‘ said detected conditions.
`14. The system ofclaim 12. wherein said surveillance data
`comprises video data representative of said detected condi-
`15. The system of claim 9, wherein said surveillance
`sensor unit comprises a detection device.
`16. The system of claim 9, wherein said surveillance
`sensor unit comprises a plurality of detect ion devices.
`17. The system oliclaim 15, wherein said detection device
`comprises a cam era.
`18. The system of claim 17. wherein said camera is
`responsive to the visible light spectrum.
`19. The system of claim 17. wherein said camera is
`responsive to infrared radiation (ll{).
`20. The system of claim 17. wherein said camera com-
`prises a video camera.
`21. The system ofclaim 15, wherein said dejection device
`comprises a position detection device.
`Page 9 of 9
`Page 9 of 9

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