`Patent Owner
`Patent 8,603,514 B2
`Patent 8,017,150 B21

`1 Petitioner attests that the word-for-word identical paper is filed in each proceeding
`identified in the heading.
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
`IPR2016-00282 Exhibit 1050
`Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. v. Monosol RX, LLC
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`I, Eleanor Yost, hereby declare:
`I am an attorney at the law firm of Goodwin Procter LLP, counsel of
`record for Petitioner Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Inc. I make this Declaration in
`support of Petitioner’s Motion to Correct the Filing Date of IPR2016-00281 and
`IPR2016-00282 from December 4, 2015 to December 3, 2015. This Declaration is
`based on my own personal knowledge and, if called as a witness, I could and
`would testify competently to the facts in this Declaration.
`Teva had been served with a complaint asserting infringement of the
`patents that are the subject of these three IPRs on December 3, 2014.
`As laid out below, on the evening of December 3, 2015, Petitioner’s
`counsel filed three IPR petitions concerning U.S. Patent Nos. 8,475,832,
`8,603,514, and 8,017,150, which will be referred to herein as the “’280 petition,”
`“’281 petition,” and “’282 petition.”
`During the course of the evening, we experienced severe technical
`difficulties with the USPTO’s Patent Trial and Appeal Board Patent Review
`Processing System (“PRPS”) that prevented us from submitting the petitions in
`’281 and ’282 proceedings by midnight EST, despite our best efforts to
`troubleshoot and rectify the problems throughout the course of the evening.
`Cognizant that there were numerous exhibits to be filed in support of
`each of the petitions, I instructed my assistant, Linda Rogers, to begin the filing
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`process, and she began at approximately 9:45pm EST, starting by uploading the
`documents for the ’280 petition (including the petition, exhibits, and ancillary
`documents). See Declaration of Linda Rogers (“Rogers Decl.”), submitted
`herewith (’281 IPR Exhibit 1042, ’282 IPR Exhibit 1051).
`I understand that she undertook the process in the customary way,
`which involves: (1) logging into PRPS under an authorized account (in this case,
`the account of Elizabeth Holland, who is lead counsel in these proceedings); (2)
`filling out forms requesting bibliographic information about the case, the patent
`at issue, and the attorneys of record; (3) providing payment information (e.g.,
`credit card and/or deposit account information); and (4) uploading the petition
`and related documents to the PRPS server. Rogers Dec. at ¶ 4.
`During the process of uploading documents filed in connection with
`the ’280 petition to the PRPS server, Ms. Rogers observed that PRPS was
`functioning highly unusually. Id. at ¶ 5.
`The PRPS system repeatedly froze during the ’280 petition upload
`process. See id. at ¶ 5. Specifically, after Ms. Rogers selected certain exhibits for
`upload, the browser would show a spinning circle. This circle usually appears
`only for a few seconds while the selected document is uploading. On December
`3rd, however, the circle appeared for much longer than usual in connection with
`several exhibits and when this happened, PRPS eventually stopped functioning
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`altogether. Id. at ¶ 6.
`By way of background, to upload a document to the PRPS server, a
`user browses to and selects the desired document from the local computer or
`network, and once chosen, the server then automatically uploads the document to
`PRPS (during which time a “spinning wheel” appears on the screen and users can
`take no action). If uploaded successfully, the system then presents the user a
`menu that requires the user to input certain information about the document,
`including by selecting its “type” (e.g., motion, petition, notice, exhibit) and name.
`The user can then click “submit” to file the document.
`10. However, on December 3rd, when filing several exhibits, Ms. Rogers
`observed that the “spinning wheel” spun significantly longer than usual, and then
`eventually stopped spinning and remained frozen on the screen. PRPS would
`then cease functioning entirely. Id. at ¶ 6.
`11. When this occurred, Ms. Rogers was unable to take any action
`whatsoever (including actions such as selecting another option on PRPS, closing
`the browser window or opening new windows). Id. at ¶ 7. The computer itself
`and other programs, however, remained functional. (That evening, Ms. Rogers
`and I were both using reliable computers that were connected to the Internet via
`high-speed connections. We accessed the PRPS system via Internet Explorer.)
` When PRPS malfunctions in this way, the only remedy I am aware
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`of is to force-close the Internet Explorer browser (i.e., selecting CTRL-ALT-DEL
`and shutting down the browser through the task menu), re-open the browser, re-
`login to PRPS, and attempt to resume the filing. This PRPS “rebooting” process
`took several minutes each time.
`13. When this happened on the night of December 3rd, Ms. Rogers was
`forced to engage in the force-close process several times. Id. at ¶¶ 8-9. Once
`logged back into the PRPS system, though, the petition filing itself was
`administratively “locked” from access. In other words, when the PRPS session
`was re-started, the screen displayed a large graphic of a “padlock” and an error
`message that prevented any further work on the filing. Ultimately, a menu option
`to “unlock” the session was located to resume filing, but this additional step of
`“unlocking” the locked filing session further added additional time to the overall
`14. Once unlocked, the filing was able to be resumed, but the document
`associated with the attempted upload was gone. So, Ms. Rogers was required to
`re-trace all of the uploading steps for each document for which the error
`occurred. Id. at ¶ 10.
`15. This “freezing”, re-starting, locking, and unlocking of PRPS on
`several occasions added a significant amount of time to each filing. As discussed
`below, I personally experienced the same errors in connection with several
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. v. Monosol RX, LLC
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`different documents (and sometimes more than once for the same document).
`16. Upon realizing that the ’280 petition filing was taking an unusually
`long time, I and others began to troubleshoot the problem.
`17. First, to determine if the PRPS technical difficulties were limited to
`the one PRPS account or the computer used by Ms. Rogers, I logged into my own
`personal PRPS account on a different computer, and initiated filing the
`documents associated with the ’281 petition myself. Ms. Rogers, in parallel,
`continued filing the ’280 petition through the first PRPS account.
`18. Second, the firm’s Office Services vendor, which was printing hard-
`copies of the documents associated with the three proceedings for service, was
`directed to exit any and all PDFs associated with the proceedings until the filings
`were complete, in the event that their accessing of the PDFs was exacerbating the
`upload times. (The PDF documents associated with the filings were located on a
`network storage drive.)
`19. Unfortunately, as discussed in detail below, during the course of
`filing the ’281 petition documents, I experienced the same unexpected and
`unusual PRPS upload delays in connection with filing the exhibits to the petition
`as Ms. Rogers experienced during the course of filing the ’280 petition. PRPS’s
`“spinning wheel” that appears during the document upload process froze on my
`screen on several occasions, and in some cases, more than once per document.
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`20. On such occasions, the PRPS system completely stopped
`responding. This necessitated force-closing the browser, re-opening the browser,
`logging back into the PRPS system, and proceeding through the “lock/unlock”
`error process described above. These technical difficulties made the overall
`filing process take significantly longer than usual.
`I expect that the PRPS metadata will substantiate that my PRPS
`account was locked and unlocked several times during the course of the filings on
`December 3rd. I also believe that the metadata will further substantiate the length
`of time the three filings took overall.
`In my case, when the PRPS server would crash more than once in
`connection with a particular document, I tried to re-upload it. On at least one
`occasion, when repeatedly unsuccessful, I skipped the document to upload the
`next document, in order of exhibit number. I expect that the metadata will show
`that the exhibit numbers were filed sequentially, as per the usual practice.
`Certain documents, however, may be shown as uploaded out of sequential order.
`For these documents in particular, PRPS repeatedly crashed during the upload
`process. They were eventually filed in new PRPS sessions.
`In my experience, the PRPS difficulties we encountered during the
`course of the filing of the three petitions were highly unusual. Both Ms. Rogers
`and I have previously completed PRPS filings using the same computers running
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`the same Internet Explorer browser without these difficulties. In fact, in the past,
`similar documents were uploaded from my computer using the same Internet
`browser and connected through the same system to PRPS in a matter of seconds.
`In my experience, a complete filing with a similar number of exhibits
`to that of the ’280 and ’281 petitions typically takes 20 minutes or less each. In
`all, the total time to upload the complete the filings in the three proceedings took
`hours—significantly longer than expected and experienced in other, similar PRPS
`filings. The ’280 filing, for example, took approximately an hour and a half,
`nearly an hour and ten minutes longer than usual.
`I believe that the repeated crashes and restarts were caused by the
`malfunctioning of the PRPS system.
`26. Ms. Rogers ultimately uploaded the complete set of ’280 petition
`documents and paid the required fee before midnight on December 3rd. Rogers
`Decl. at ¶ 15. PRPS generated a notice of the successful filing at approximately
`11:11PM (see ’281 IPR Exhibit 1043, ’282 IPR Exhibit 1052), and Ms. Rogers
`was instructed to immediately begin the filing what would become the ’282
`petition, while I continued to upload the required documents in connection with
`the ’281 petition.
`I eventually successfully uploaded the petition and exhibits
`associated with the ’281 proceeding to the PRPS server, prior to midnight EST.
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`After uploading all of the documents, I then attempted to submit payment for the
`filings prior to midnight, which, in PRPS, must be entered, submitted and
`actually “clear” before users are provided the opportunity to click “submit” and
`complete the overall filing.
`I attempted to use several different firm American Express credit
`cards to submit payment. In one case, the PRPS system immediately produced a
`red “x” next to the credit card number when entered and the system would not
`process the transaction. In another case, the credit card information was
`processed, but then formally “declined”. For example, in one case, I submitted
`payment via a credit card (ending in -1104) and was sent an email notification by
`the PRPS server indicating that payment was attempted prior to midnight, but
`“[u]nfortunately, the Patent Review Processing System was unable to complete
`the transaction.” See screenshot below (also filed as ’281 IPR Exhibit 1044, ’282
`IPR Exhibit 1053). At the time I was inputting these different payment methods,
`I did not know the reasons why the payments were declined.
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. v. Monosol RX, LLC
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`29. With the midnight filing deadline rapidly approaching, I eventually
`entered and submitted my own, personal credit card (credit card ending in -3027) and
`received a notification, at the stroke of midnight, that the credit card payment was
`finally accepted. The notification is shown below (also filed as ’281 IPR Exhibit
`1045, ’282 IPR Exhibit 1054):
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`30. The successful filing notification for the overall submission of the ’281
`petition arrived one minute later. See ’281 IPR Exhibit 1046, ’282 IPR Exhibit 1055.
`In uploading documents and payment information in connection with the
`’282 petition, Ms. Rogers experienced some of the same system and payment
`problems described above. See Rogers Decl. at ¶ 16.
`32. Ms. Rogers believes that all of the required documents in connection
`with the ’282 petition filing were uploaded prior to midnight EST. See id. at ¶ 17.
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`Payment was also attempted, but denied, prior to midnight EST. Payment was
`eventually successfully made, and the entire filing successfully confirmed at 12:09
`AM EST. See Rogers Decl. at ¶ 18; ’281 IPR Exhibit 1047 (confirming payment
`attempt on December 3, 2015), Exhibits 1048-52; ’282 IPR Exhibit 1056 (confirming
`payment attempt on December 3, 2015), Exhibits 1057-61.
`33. Both the ’281 and ’282 filings took approximately an hour each to
`complete, nearly forty minutes longer than usual.
`Immediately following the submission of the ’282 petition, I prepared
`and transmitted an email to the Board identifying the technical issues we experienced
`when filing the petitions, and requested that the Board correct the provisional filing
`date accorded to the ’281 and ’282 petitions:
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`Also filed as ’281 IPR Exhibit 1053, ’282 IPR Exhibit 1062.
`35. After this time, the firm’s Office Services vendor was instructed to
`resume printing. The hard-copies of the petitions and supporting documents were
`tendered to FedEx® at 3:02 am on Friday, December 4, 2015. ’281 IPR Exhibit 1054,
`’282 IPR Exhibit 1063. In the aftermath of the filing issues, I neglected to appreciate
`that the Certificates of Service attached to the documents uploaded on December 3
`still said December 3, and needed to be updated to reflect that the documents were not
`tendered to FedEx® until December 4th.
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
`IPR2016-00282 Exhibit 1050
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`36. FedEx® tracking indicates that Patent Owner’s counsel received the
`delivery on Monday, December 7, 2015. ’281 IPR Exhibit 1054, ’282 IPR Exhibit
`37. On December 4th, I received an email from Paralegal Operations
`Manager Maria Vignone (’281 IPR Exhibit 1055, ’282 IPR Exhibit 1064), stating
`“we do not yet have a panel for these cases. Please wait a couple of weeks and
`resend your request.”
`38. On December 9th I called the Board’s direct line seeking additional
`information regarding when a panel would be assigned and was sent to voicemail. I
`then responded directly to Ms. Vignone’s email of December 4th, and asked
`whether there is a rough estimate as to when a panel would be assigned.
`39. On December 10th, Ms. Vignone responded “a couple of weeks.” ’281
`IPR Exhibit 1057, ’282 IPR Exhibit 1066.
`40. On December 15th, Teva received the Notice of Filing Date Accorded
`to Petition in each of the three proceedings. See IPR2016-00280, Paper 3;
`IPR2016-00281, Paper 3; IPR2016-00282, Paper 3. The Notices required certain
`corrections to exhibits and the Certificates of Service. In particular, the Notice
`required that we affirmatively state in the Certificates of Service that the exhibits
`were served with the petitions.
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. v. Monosol RX, LLC
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`41. On December 17th, I coordinated the filing and service of the corrected
`exhibits and Certificates of Service. I did not correct the date of service from
`December 3rd to December 4th in the Certificates at that time because I believed I
`needed authorization from the Board to do so, and a panel had not been appointed
`from which I could seek authorization.
`42. On December 18th, the Board issued a Notice of Accepting Corrected
`Petition in each of the cases and sent e-mail notifications that the Petitions have
`been verified and accorded a filing date. See IPR2016-00280, Paper 5; IPR2016-
`00281, Paper 6; IPR2016-00282, Paper 5.
`43. On December 18th, counsel for patent owner Monosol RX, LLC
`(“Monosol”) appeared in the ’281 and ’282 proceedings.
`44. On December 23rd, counsel for patent owner Monosol RX sent an
`email to Petitioner requesting a meet and confer regarding service and filing of the
`petitions, and identifying alleged service deficiencies, including identifying
`documents that were allegedly missing from the service copies.
`45. On December 24th, Petitioner served counsel for Monosol with
`electronic and hard copies of the following documents:
`IPR2016-00282 (8,017,150): (1) IPR Petition for the 8,017,150 patent;
`(2) Exhibit 1003 (Declaration of Nandita Das, PhD.); and (3) Exhibit
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`IPR2016-00281 (8,603,514): (1) Exhibit 1003 (Expert Declaration of
`Jayanth Panyam, Ph.D.); and (2) endorsed copies of Exhibits 37-39.
`46. On December 28th, the parties conducted a meet and confer. I
`understand that counsel for petitioner advised Monosol that the documents were
`tendered to FedEx® on December 4, 2015.
`47. On December 29th, counsel for patent Owner Indivior UK appeared in
`the ’280 proceeding.
`48. On January 6th, Ms. Rogers called the Board’s direct line seeking
`additional information regarding when a panel would be assigned and Eric
`Hawthorne informed her that no panels had yet been assigned, and that we could
`continue to call back once a week to check on the status.
`49. On January 7th, counsel for Petitioner and Patent Owners attended a
`meet and confer concerning the filing dates and alleged service issues.
`50. On January 8th, counsel for Patent Owner Monosol sent an email to the
`Board requesting a conference call in connection with these issues. That same day,
`Ms. Vignone responded that no panel had yet been assigned, and directing counsel
`to check back in another week or so.
`51. On January 15th, Ms. Rogers again called the Board seeking additional
`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
`IPR2016-00282 Exhibit 1050
`Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. v. Monosol RX, LLC
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`information regarding when panels would be assigned and Mr. Hawthorne informed
`her that no panels had yet been assigned and that we could call back once a week to
`check on the status.
`52. On January 22nd, I received an email from Ms. Vignone asking
`whether the filing date issue identified in my December 4th email (’281 IPR Exhibit
`1056; ’282 IPR Exhibit 1065) had been resolved. I called Ms. Vignone directly and
`informed her that the issues were not yet resolved. She stated that panels had been
`assigned and that Petitioner’s request would be forwarded to the panels.
`53. On February 1st, the parties received two e-mails from Ms. Vignone
`with instructions to meet-and-confer regarding the filing date issues, and to respond
`to the Board in a joint email regarding whether patent owners oppose any changes
`in the filing dates.
`54. Pursuant to the Board’s instructions the parties held another meet-and-
`confer on February 3rd and were unable to reach agreement.

`IPR2016-00281 Exhibit 1041
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`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge
`are true and that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be
`true, and further that these statements were made with the knowledge that willful
`false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or
`both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the United States Code.
`Dated: February 29, 2016
`/Z ,-
`Eleanor Yost
`L ’ 7, ‘N.
`IPR20l6—00281 Exhibit 1041
`IPR2016—00282 Exhibit 1050
`Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. V. Monosol RX, LLC
`Page| 18

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