United States Patent [19]
`Chow et al.
`[11] Patent Number:
`[45] Date of Patent:
`Feb. 22, 2000
`0651330A2 5/1995 European Pat. Off. ........ .. G06F 9/46
`WO82/02784 8/1982 WIPO .................. ..
`.. G06F 11/00
`WO94/00816 1/1994 WIPO ........................... .. G06F 13/00
`[75] Inventors: Yen-Whei Chow, San Jose; Frederick
`A. Hayes-Roth, Atherton; Neil A.
`J acobstein, Palo Alto; James E.
`Manley San Jose. Christopher B_
`McMahan, cuper?no, an of Calif
`[73] Assignee; Teknowledge Corporation, Palo Alto,
`[21] Appl. No.: 08/664,323
`Jun‘ 7’ 1996
`Related US. Application Data
`Provisional application No. 60/005,896, Oct. 26, 1995.
`Int. Cl.7 .................................................... .. G06F 17/30
`[52] US. Cl. ........................ .. 707/104; 707/200; 707/201;
`707/203; 707/10; 709/202; 709/203
`[58] Field of Search ................................ .. 707/104, 1, 10,
`707/200, 201, 203; 395/200.33, 200.32,
`200.34, 200.35; 709/202, 203, 219
`References Clted
`4,558,413 12/1985 Schmidt et al. ...................... .. 364/300
`8/1987 Ng ................... ..
`4/1991 Grif?n et al. .
`.. 364/200
`9/1991 Berger et a1‘
`n 364000
`570607185 10/1991 Naito et aL
`7/1992 Risch __________ __
`5,155,845 10/1992 Beal et a1_
`5,157,663 10/1992 Major et al. .... ..
`5/1994 Sugiyama et al-
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`5/1994 Matheny et a1~ ~~
`8/1994 Yamada ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
`' ' ' " 371/82
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`Thomas Ball et al., “An Internet Difference Engine and its
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`for the Information Superhighway, 41st IEEE Computer
`Society Int’l Conference, IEEE, Feb. 1996, pp.p71—76, Feb.
`Swarup Acharya and Stanley B. Zdonik, “An Ef?cient
`Scheme for Dynamic Data Replication,” Sep. 1993 Techni
`cal paper CS—93—43, Department of Computer Science,
`Brown University, Providence, RI —2912 (25 pages).
`List continued on next a e.
`p g )
`Primary Examiner_paul V_ Kulik
`Attorney) Agent) or Firm—ArnQ1d White & Durkee
`An intelligent network agent intercepts transactions between
`clients and servers to perform Distributed Information
`Lo istics Services DILS functions such as automaticall
`retrgieving updated ?les frlm remote servers and delivering
`them to local client programs. For example, HTTP clients
`and HTTPD servers are connectionless and stateless, thus
`there is no way for a server to update a browser automati
`cally when an HTML document is changed. The invention
`provides a method to'update any number of clients from any
`number of servers without making any changes to currently
`existing HTTP clients or HTTPD servers. Furthermore, the
`invention can provide various other DILS services for
`clients to reduce latency and communication costs for mem
`bers of a group with interests in similar objects. For
`example, the intelligent network agent maintains a cache of
`objects of interest to the group of clients, a log of changes
`to the objects, a list of the clients interested in the objects,
`a list of signi?cant change detection methods for the objects,
`a list of search speci?cations for the objects, lists of client
`noti?cation methods, and lists of general interest speci?ca
`tions for the Clients
`0384339A2 8/1990 European Pat. Off. ........ .. G06F 9/46
`0479660A2 4/1992 European Pat. Off. ........ .. G06F 9/46
`96 Claims, 43 Drawing Sheets
`Plaid Technologies Inc.
`Ex. 1015
`Ex. 1015 Page 1

`Page 2
`8/1995 Yanai et al. ........................... .. 395/489
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`5,471,629 11/1995 Risch .......... ..
`2/1996 Douglas et al.
`1/1997 Starkey . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . . . . .. 707/1
`1/1997 Filepp et al. ..
`3/1998 Barrett et al. ........................... .. 395/12
`4/1998 Reilly et al. ............................ .. 705/14
`5/1998 Janssen ........... ..
`8/1998 Cardinal et al. ...................... .. 707/104
`Chris Dodge, Beate Marx, Hans Pfeiffenberger, “Web Cata
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`Consistency Maintenance,” The Third International
`World—Wide Web Conference, Apr. 10—14 1995, Darmstadt,
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`Paul Klark and Udi Manber, “Developing a Personal Inter
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`Anawat Chankhunthod, Peter B. DanZig, Chuck Neerdaels,
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`First Floor Software Press Release regarding announced
`shipping of Netscape SmartMarks, containing a date Oct.
`30, 1995, and residing at one time at http://www.?rst?oor
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`First Floor Software Press Release, “First Floor Announces
`Smart Bookmarks 1.0 Availability,” containing a date Jan. 8,
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`Richard Karpinski, “Smart Bookmarks,” Interactive Age,
`vol. 2, No. 22, Aug. 28, 1995 (2 pages).
`“Netscape Announces Add—on Product Suite for Popular
`Netscape Navigator Software,” containing the date Oct. 25,
`1995, Netscape Communications Corp., Mountain View,
`newsrelease57.html (4 pp.).
`Specter, Inc. announcement, “ebWatch 1.0 released,” con
`taining a date May 12, 1995, residing at one time at
`Excerpt from a Sur?ogic corporate information page on the
`WWW (one page).
`Sur?ogic corporate information page as of Oct. 10, 1998 at
`http://www.sur?, “WebWatch 1.1” at hhtp://sur
`?ogic. com/ww.1x/products.html, “WebWatch 1.1 dta sheet”
`at http:// sur?, “WebWatch
`1.1 online documentation” at http://sur?
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`AZer Bestavros et al., “Application—Level Document Cach
`ing in the Internet,” Boston University Computer Science
`Dept. Technical Report 95—002, containing a date Feb. 15,
`1995 and residing at (20
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`for the World—Wide Web,” Boston University Computer
`Science Dept. technical report 95—003, containing a date
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`and Service Time on the WWW,” Boston University Com
`puter Science Sept. Technical Report 95—006, containing a
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`Computer Science Dept. Technical Report Abstract 95—011,
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`Nov. 4—7, 1985, Tucson, AZ, pp. 1—11, Los Alamos Nat.
`Lab. No. LA—UR—85—3183.
`Matt Kramer, “Fault—Tolerant LANs Guard Against Mal
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`37, p.C/26—C/34.
`Herrick Johnson and Mark Adams, “RPC: The Key To
`Distributed Software,” EXE Magazine, Nov. 1987, pp.
`John H. Howard et al., “An Overview of the Andrew File
`System,” USENIX Winter Conference, Feb. 9—12, 1988,
`Dallas, TX, pp. 23—26.
`John H. Howard et al., “Scale and Performance in a Dis
`tributed File System,” ACM Transactions on Computer
`Systems, vol. 6, No. 1, Feb. 1988, pp. 51—81.
`Eric Strandberg, “Not My Fault Tolerance,” Connect, Winter
`1989, p. 66.
`“Fault Tolerance for LANs and Microcomputers,” Atlantic
`Microsystems, Inc., Salem, NH, 1989, 7 pages.
`Alex Siegel et al., “Deceit: A Flexible Distributed File
`System,” USENIX Summer Conference, Jun. 11—15, 1990,
`Anaheim, California, pp. 51—61.
`Richard G. Guy et al., “Implementation of the Ficus repli
`cated File System,” USENIX Summer Conference, Jun.
`11—15, 1990, Anaheim, California, pp. 63—71.
`David C. Steere et al., “Ef?cient User—Level File Cache
`Management on the Sun Vnode Interface,” USENIX Sum
`mer Conference, Jun. 11—15, 1990, Anaheim, California, pp.
`Thomas W. Page, Jr., et al., “Management of Replicated
`Volume Location Data in the Ficus Replicated File System”,
`USENIX, Summer ’91, Nashville, TN, pp. 17—29.
`Ex. 1015 Page 2

`Page 3
`Matt Blaze et al., “Long—Term Caching Strategies for Very
`Large Distributed File Systems,” USENIX, Summer ’91,
`Nashville, TN, pp. 3—15.
`Tim Berners—Lee et al., “World—Wide Web: The Informa
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`tions and Policy, vol. 1, No. 2, Meckler, Westport, CT,
`Spring ’91, 9 pg.
`Nathan Torkington, “World Wide Web Primer,” Sep. 16,
`1993, pp. 1—10.
`Nathan Torkington, “An Information Provider’s Guide to
`Web Servers”, Sep. 16, 1993, pp. 1—8.
`Nathan Torkington, “An Information Provider’s Guide to
`HTML,” Sep. 16, 1993, pp. 1—6.
`T. Berners—Lee et al., “Hypertext Transfer Protocol—HTTP/
`1.0” Internet—Draft, Mar. 8, 1995, pp. 1—57.
`Application Programmer’s Interface for the NCSA Mosaic
`Common Client Interface (CCI), Version 1.1, Mar. 31, 1995,
`pp. 1—9. (http:/
`T. Berners—Lee et al., “Hypertext Markup Language—2.0,”
`Internet Task Force, Jun. 16, 1995, pp. 1—77.
`“The CGI Speci?cation” (
`including “CGI Environmental Variables,” CGI Command
`Line Options, “CGI Script Output,” “Decoding FORMs
`With CGI,” “Common GateWay Interface,” 20 pages.
`Mosaic for X version 2.0 Fill—Out Form Support (http://
`—forms/overvieW.html), pp. 1—8.
`First Floor SoftWare Corporate Backgrounder, First Floor
`SoftWare, Mountain VieW, CA, 1995, 4 pages.
`“Internet Marketing With Bulletins,” First Floor, Inc., Moun
`tain VieW, CA, 4 pages.
`“Smart Bookmarks, The radically simple Way to stay on top
`of the Web,” First Floor, Inc., Mountain VieW, CA, 1995, 2
`SteWart Alsop, “Bookmarks mark the neXt chapter in the
`continuing story of the War of the Web,” InfoWorld, Sep. 11,
`1995, 2 pages.
`Richard Karpiski, “SmartMarks Technology a pet project for
`First Floor CEO,” Interactive Age, Aug. 21, 1995, 2 pages.
`Netscape Press Releases, “Netscape Introduces Netscape
`Smart—Marks and Netscape Chat, Applications Bring NeW
`Navigation and Communications Capabilities .
`. ” Aug. 22,
`1995, 2 pages.
`Robert HertZberg, “Agent—Aided Bookmarking for Win95
`BroWers,” Web Week, Jan. 1996, p. 33.
`Jessica Davis, “First Floor tools monitor Web site changes,”
`InfoWorld, Feb. 19, 1996, p. 51.
`BoWman et al., Harvest: A Scalable, CustomiZable Discov
`CU—CSA—731—94, Department of Computer Science, Uni
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`—Caching,” VINO: The Fall Harvest, TR—34—04 Dec. 1994,
`Center for Research in Computing Technology, Harvard
`University, Cambridge Mass.
`Ex. 1015 Page 3

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 1 0f 43
`Any CCI capable
`Web Browser
`r 4
`Remote HTTP Sewer
`Remote HTTP Server
`Remote HTTP Server
`FIG. 1
`Ex. 1015 Page 4

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 2 0f 43
`Revi 5 ion Manager
`Polling Daemon
`CGI Scripts
`FIG. 2
`Ex. 1015 Page 5

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 3 0f 43
`GET htpp://rm_address/URL
`( Mosa|c )
`return altered document
`\ 14
`Intended destination URL
`/ 13
`Intended document return
`1 f
`Remote HTTP
`FIG. 3
`Ex. 1015 Page 6

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 4 0f 43
`f 15
`CGI services
`save to cache on update request
`cache hit
`Future Extension
`cache on disk
`FIG. 4
`Ex. 1015 Page 7

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 5 0f 43
`301 /
`Enter the URL of the documents you wish to check:
`Enter the CCI port number you have selected on your browser:
`Submit Info
`Clear Form
`FIG. 5
`302 /
`[3 Alert me on source update for: http://www. teknc>,/
`Check for souce update every ‘:I seconds
`Enter the URL of the documents you wish to check:
`Submit Info
`Clear Form
`FIG. 6
`Ex. 1015 Page 8

`U°S° Patent
`Feb- 22, 2000
`Sheet 6 0f 43
`Web Server
`\w G 2‘
`p ate
`/“~ 20
`9t document
`if modified since
`last update
`Send CC!
`get updated
`x / 24
`get up ated
`text to
`Polling Daemon
`(launched by
`Revision Manager
`Save updated
`document to
`cache file
`/ 290
`/ 28
`Parse text
`and print to
`/ 26
`Get document
`text from cache
`/ 27
`/. 25
`parse script ————>
`Parse II-ITML
`FIG. 7
`Ex. 1015 Page 9

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 7 0f 43
`Revision Manager
`Process Started
`Parse command line
`sewer configuration
`Po]. 1 ing
`‘ /
`Open socket
`f 33
`0 Listen for connection
`incoming request
`f 37
`Parent _ Accept
`FIG. 8
`Forked child
`Ex. 1015 Page 10

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 8 0f 43
`Forked child
`I / 38
`Get Browser
`Internet address
`Parse incoming request
`request method
`/ 41
`Read and parse
`POST data
`Cache ?ag
`request method
`f 50
`Cache ?ag
`/ 49
`Read and parse
`GET data
`Poll request
`being made’?
`Cache flag
`is client
`updrate interval
`esst fariurwmu
`/ 47
`R et
`from urlyget data
`Load client JDOl‘l
`trom port_number
`Load c|ient_interval
`from updale_interval
`Process Cache
`FIG. 9
`Ex. 1015 Page 11

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 9 0f 43
`Process cache
`Cache Flag
`Trarttjsilate t
`pagea ress 0
`c t
`cacheJiIeIname YES
`Ctreafte the
`cac e rename
`Set cache file
`status to CREATE
`Set cache file
`status to FOUND
`rea e 00 ie
`for Cache-“lemme
`Save client address,
`port, update_interval to
`/ 55
`s s
`set the RM__CACHE
`environment variable
`to the cache_filename
`NO request metho
`NO cache file status
`to Z65 g
`/ 64
`/ 63
`Change request
`method from POST
`4-— to GET and create 4-—
`Change selected
`CGI script from
` to
`CGl Script
`FIG. 10
`Ex. 1015 Page 12

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 10 0f 43
`Process CGI Script
`Set the
`Open a pipe
`Exec CGI Script
`NO ‘Liength
`to pipe
`Read pipe from
`CGI Script
`Save cache info file
`Wait for child exit
`iock tile
`FIG. 11
`Ex. 1015 Page 13

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 11 0f 43
`Get Input
`GET input
`‘ 4
`7 / 8O
`POST input
`Update Interval
`< 10 seconds?
`/ 84
`Get Browser
`Port Number
`Set Update
`interval to
`10 seconds
`Is New
`Address to
`Set Poll
`Flag OFF
`Address to
`/ 90
`Set Poil
`Flag OFF
`Assign Poll
`Address to
`Set Poll
`Flag ON
`FIG. 12
`Ex. 1015 Page 14

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 12 0f 43
`Get HTTP Address
`from Input Parameter
`Enable Redirect Flag
`/' 95
`[ 97
`Retrieve Document
`from Web
`Print Error
`as Retrieve
`Assign HTML text
`to local Variable
`line in HTML
`FIG. 13
`Set new Address
`trom Redirect line
`l Enable
`Is Redirect
`Flag enabled?
`Strip HTM L
`from text
`HTML Text
`0 tion
`Ex. 1015 Page 15

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 13 0f 43
`Print Revision
`Manager Form
`To Browser
`Get: Revision
`HTPP Address
`Is Poll Fla
`Has Server
`provided cache
`file name?
`Error Message
`/ 117
`Error Notice
`to browser
`cache file
`/ 113
`Print HTML
`text to file
`cache file
`Poll Notice
`to browser
`HTML Text
`FIG. 14
`Ex. 1015 Page 16

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 14 0f 43
`HTML Text
`Get the Revision
`Manager HTTP Address
`Get the HTML text
`source Address, and
`client Port number
`from the input parameters
`Extract protocol, server, port
`and path information from the
`HTML source address
`port number
`HTML address =
`protocol and server
`HTML address =
`protocol, server, and
`port number
`Parse HTML text to mark all
`non-HTTP references for
`exclusion from Revision
`Manager processing
`Parse HTML text to add
`Revision Manager address
`to all HREF’s with
`complete url addresses
`Parse HTML text to add
`Revision Manager address
`and HTML address to
`incomplete url addresses
`FIG. 15
`/ 129
`Parst HTML text to mark
`all complete image
`references for exclusion from
`Revision Manager
`/ 130
`Add HTML address
`to all unmarked
`image references
`Remove mark from
`complete image
`Print HTML text
`Ex. 1015 Page 17

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 15 0f 43
`1 Print HTML text
`Get parsed
`HTML document
`HTML document
`contain any text
`/ 134
`/ 135
`Print error message
`Print HTML text
`136 /
`FIG. 16
`Ex. 1015 Page 18

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 16 0f 43
`Get the document
`port numbertrom the
`an update flag in the
`Get the document
`URL from the
`Open cache /
`tile listed in
`tile opened
`Print Error
`144 /
`Place file
`HTML contents into
`local variable
`poll notice
`update notice
`_ L
`HTML Text
`/ 332
`Print HTML text
`FIG. 17
`Ex. 1015 Page 19

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 17 0f 43
`f 152
`Set current directory to
`———> to cache directory
`Walk through
`current directory
`f 154
`Sleep tor interval
`set by polling_interval
`FIG. 18
`Ex. 1015 Page 20

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 18 0f 43
`Walk through
`current directory
`Open current
`Get next
`Get next
`Build polling
`file list
`Change to
`new directory
`Change to
`parent directory
`parent directory
`Open cache info file
`Build cache into list
`Close cache info file
`Start polling actions
`Ex. 1015 Page 21
`Ex. 1015 Page 21

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 19 0f 43
`Start polling actions
`Open cache_into tile
`Build document polling
`linked list from
`file contents
`Get next item
`from document
`polling list
`Open client file
`Close cache_info file
`Write data to
`cache info file
`Build client
`linked list trom
`file contents
`Close client file
`client in list
`due for an
`Increment last
`Open connection
`updated interval
`to document
`for the client
`Web server
`Ex. 1015 Page 22
`Update client file
`with new data
` Send HTl'P GET
`command with document
`last-modified time
`Read response
`and update client
`FIG. 20
`Ex. 1015 Page 22

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 20 of 43
`0 Read responfi
`and update client
`Open a
`Read remote web sewer
`response and save to
`temp file
`response code
`= 200?
`Get last-modified time
`from response header
`response code
`= 304?
`Disable CCI flag
`Delete client file
`M°V§af{2%f'ee to
`Enablel CCI flag
`Check client list
`Delete cache file
`Delete temp file
`Do not save cache info
`Delete temp me
`Disable CCI flag
`FIG. 21
`Ex. 1015 Page 23
`Ex. 1015 Page 23

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 21 of 43
`Check client list
`Get next client
`from client list
`need_to_u pd ate
`CCI flag and
`lag = 0'7
`flag to zero
`Connect to client
`Send CCI GET command
`Close connection
`to client
`Change last_update
`time to current time
`FIG. 22
`Ex. 1015 Page 24
`Save client
`list to client
`client due for
`Ex. 1015 Page 24

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 22 of 43
`fife Qprions
`flnnotafe Nags
` Title: Teknowiedge Hot Box
`URL: Ehttp : /Xneon . ‘teknowi edge . com: 8042 /hotbox . htmi
`—c,1t-‘,5 I l&P
`Distributed Information Logistics Services
`This form allows you to submit an H1TP address to route through
`the Hot Box agent by filling in the requested information in the
`spaces provided.
`| http : //www . teknowi edge . com/HI BU RST/E
`Enter the URL ofthe documents you wish to check:
`TEKNOWLEDGE 4; auatsm
`Hotbox Demonstration
`Submit info] Clear Form|
` Data transfer complete.
` J
`Home] Reloadl Open...| Save As...| C|one| New Window|
`FIG. 23
`Ex. 1015 Page 25
`| 804d
`Enter the CCI port number you have selected on your browser:
`Ex. 1015 Page 25

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 23 of 43
`flnnotate Negs
` fife Qptions
`f_Uew Window
`gone Window
`9105'” Um-'"
`Open gocaf...
`J'_?e!oad Current
`Beiogd Images
`Refresh Current‘
`Findfn Current...
`yiew Source...
`_!:Ia:'I To...
`C’'‘’‘’‘''' E‘''”‘‘'‘’‘'‘’
`E:_a't Pmgram...
`H T B
`eon . teknowi edge . com ; 8042 .-’hotbo><.h1:m1
`T’ ARPA Warbreaker
`‘“ "‘“" ‘' mp
`nformailon Logistics Services
`. you to submit an HT|'P address to route through
`nt by filling in the requested information in the
`teknowi edge . com/HIBURST/E
`the documents you wish to check:
`Enter the CC! port number you have selected on your browser:
`Submit lnfol Clear Form|
`ata transfer complete.
`Homel Reloadl Open...| Save As...| Clonal New Window]
` J
`4 D
`FIG. 24
`Ex. 1015 Page 26
`Ex. 1015 Page 26

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 24 of 43
` Qpfions
`flnnotate Nags
` Title:
`Teknowi edge Hot Box
` Ehttp: //neon . teknowi edge . com : 8042 fhotbo><.htm1
`{ ARPA : Warbreaker
`CCI Port Address:
`Distributed Information Logistics Services
`Hotbnv narnnncfralinn
`‘ 804-11
`9 Accept requests
`0 interface off
` Enter the CC! port number you have selected on your browser:
`Submit |nfo| Clear Forml
`Data transfer complete.
`:;’:*; Hamel Reloadl Open...| Save As...| Clonel New Windowi J
`FIG. 25
`Ex. 1015 Page 27
`Ex. 1015 Page 27

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 25 0f 43
`fife Qpflons
`HIBURST—TCT Project Overview
`URL: Ehttp : //neon . teKnow1 edge . com: 8042 K691‘ —b1‘ n;'HB_
`J Alert me on source update for:
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`((2)1935 TEKNOWLEDGE Corp. All Rights Reserved
`The High—performance Information Bases Using Real-time Scalable
`Technology (HIBURSTJ for Time Critical Targets (TCT) project is
`soonsored bv the Advanced Research Prolects Aoencv (ARPAE within
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`FIG. 26
`Ex. 1015 Page 28
`Ex. 1015 Page 28

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 26 0f 43
`file Qpnbns Aiavigate
`HIBURST—TCT Project Overview
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`(C) 1995 TEKNOWLEDGE Corp. Pull Rights Reserved
`The High—performance information Bases Using Real—time Scalable
`Technology [HIBURSTJ for Time Critical Targets (TCT) project is
`sponsored bv the Advanced Research Proiects Adencv TARPAJ within
`Homel Reioad| Open...| Save As...| Cionel New Windowl
`FIG. 27
`Ex. 1015 Page 29
`Ex. 1015 Page 29

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 27 0f 43
`fife Qprions
`HIBURST—TCT Project Overview
`URL: Ehttp : Nneon I tel<now1 edge \ com: 8042 /cgi —b1' n/HB_
`TEKNOWLEDGE V”; {:3 ffigwaker
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`(C) 1935 TEKNOWLEDGE Corp. All Rights Reserved
`The High—performance Information Bases Using Rea|—time Scalable
`Technology (HIBURSTJ for Time Critical Targets (TCT) project is
`sponsored bv the Advanced Research Proiects Adencv iARPA‘J within
`Homel Reload] Open...| Save As...| Clone| New Window|
`FIG. 28
`Ex. 1015 Page 30
`Ex. 1015 Page 30

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 28 0f 43
`URL: Ehttp : ffheon ; tekhowl edge . com; 8042 /cg1'—b'i m’HB_
` Qptions .-’_U'aw'ga?e
`HIBURST—TCT Project Overview
` Title:
`r’-----«.. ASTD
`1' ARPA 1'' Warbreaker
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`(C) 1995 TEKNOWLEDGE Corp. All Rights Reserved
` The High—pen‘ormance Information Bases Using Real—time Scalable
`Technology (HIBURST) for Time Critical Targets (TCT) project is
`sponsored by the Advanced Research Proiects Agency [ARPAJ within
`Hnn '\..|'l.¢'.L~.CZ DRFAKCQ nrnnrnm Imrlnr fhn Ariunnrnd '5-Ix.-<:l'nrnq Tnr-hrmlnriu
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`FIG. 29
`Ex. 1015 Page 31
`Ex. 1015 Page 31

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 29 0f 43
`fife Qprions
`HIBURST—TCT Project Overview
`URL: Ehttp : /{neon . teknowl edge . com: 8042,/cg1'—b1' n/H8-
`9 This is an update from: http:Hwww.teknow|edge.comlH|BURST!
`(Q1995 TEKNOWLEDGE Corp. All Rights Reserved
`The High-performance Information Bases Using Rea|—time Scalable
`Technology [HlBURST) for Time Critical Targets [TCT) project is
`sponsored by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) within
`the WAR BREAKER program under the Advanced Systems Technology
`Office [ASTO). The WAR BREAKER program is tasked with drastically
`decreasing the amount oftime required to reconnoiter, locate, identify,
`evaluate, prioritize, target, designate and destroy fixed and mobtl A£ile
`weapons systems, military platforms and othertargets from the current
`period of many hours or days, to minutes. HlBURST—TCT will support
`WAR BREAKER by providing situation assessment information derived
`from legacy database systems and near real—time updates via
`communications links. HlBURST—TCT is also being developed to support
`2 2*; Home| Reload| Open...| Save As...| Clone| New Windowl
`FIG. 30
`Ex. 1015 Page 32
`Ex. 1015 Page 32

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22, 2000
`Sheet 30 of 43
`5 5
`Fig. 31
`Ex. 1015 Page 33
`Ex. 1015 Page 33

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 31 of 43
`544 '
`Fig 43
`Ex. 1015 Page 34
`Ex. 1015 Page 34

`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 22,2000
`Sheet 32 of 43
` N

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