United States Patent 1191
`- 1111
`[45] Oct. 29, 1974
`[75] Inventor: Charles P. Ciaffone’ Sturbridge’ I
`Rost .................................. .. 210/104
`7/1973 Brown ............................... .. 210/104
`[73] Asslgnee: CPC Engmeenng Cm'lmratmn’
`Sturbr1dge, Mass.
`Aug. 27, 1973
`[22]Z F11ed:
`[21] Appl. No.: 391,620
`.................... ..
`........................................... ..
`158] Fleld of Search ----- -- 210/73183, 103, 104, 112’
`References Cited
`Primary Examiner-John Adee
`Attorney, Agent, or Firm—Th0mas B. Graham
`Apparatus for movmg alum-sludge whlch compnses a
`device for collecting alum sludge from the bottom of a
`settling tank, moving the aqueous Sludge to a pneu
`matic collector, closing off the collector, and pneu
`maticany moving the sludge to a discharge'pipe, and
`conducting the operation in tandem with a second,
`with appropriate means for interconnection of the two
`units, to permit discharge from one while the other is
`being ?lled with sludge.
`7/1972 Koulovatos et al. .......... .. 210/104 x
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`EXHIBIT 1112, Page 1

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`EXHIBIT 1112, Page 2

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`EXHIBIT 1112, Page 3
`EXHIBIT 1112, Page 3

`system for a community the‘ number of said such set
`tling tanks will of course depend on the cycle which is
`established and the size of the community.
`Referring now to FIG. 2, 10 represents the tank, in
`partial section, having side walls ll, l2, 13 which rep
`resents atypical decked side wall, with conical sloping
`botton, 14, I5 sloping to central discharge level 16. Ex
`terior to the tank itself is the side wall 17 and associated
`with it is the pit bottom 18. Generally the bottom I8
`will be about 10 feet below the lowest point of the bot
`tom 14. These tanks are generally partially or mostly
`underground so that the ground level on the outside
`side wall I7 can be anywhere between the level 18 and '
`the upper edge of the wall 11.
`Thus there is formed around the side and under the
`tank space within which operators can function and
`within which plumbing can be installed and which also
`permits access to such installation.
`In FIG. 2 our installation is shown as consisting of the
`settling vessel 20, or settling collector 20, having coni
`cal bottom 21, mounted at the low point 16 of the bot
`tom of the tank. It is supported by a stand 22, fitted
`with a valve 23, elbow 24, with appropriate flange 25,
`and valve 26, connected to conduit 27, leading to tee
`28 and to ejector 29, which is mounted on its stand 30.
`Ejector 29 also is equipped with manhole 31 to provide
`access thereto. Discharge from ejector 29 is via conduit
`32, through valve 33, to conduit 34, which is supported
`at appropriate intervals on saddles 35, leading to elbow
`36, conduit37, valve 38, and further extensions of con
`duit 39, with supports and the like through conduit
`40,41, and ultimately through elbow 42, discharge
`length, and ?nal outlet 44.
`Paralleling this discharge unit is the second one
`shown in FIG. 3 wherein corresponding parts are
`shown with corresponding numbers and for emphasis
`to show the twin installation the corresponding num
`bers are primed. Connection is made from discharge
`unit 29' through conduit 32', valve 33’ and from that
`point all discharge is through a single line.
`The two units are thus separately plumbed in, con
`necting to a common discharge unit and provide for al
`ternating discharge.
`In FIG. 4 I have illustrated the type of control that
`can be used. In response to the system of operation the
`sludge collector requires only a means for sensing two
`levels and this can be done by means of pressure re»
`sponsive relays or by means of ?oats or electrical level
`indicator system. In both systems the arrangement is
`made the same so that the interconnection for feeding
`compressed air into one or the other as shown in FIG.
`4 responds to the sensing of the sludge reaching the
`upper sensing elements.
`The systems for collecting and draining the sludge as
`it is formed in the tanks, for simplicity, is shown in FIG.
`4-laid out in some detail to indicate the manner in
`which the compressed air is directed into the plumbing
`under the purification tanks to assist in the discharging.
`For simplicity in identification, the hoppers, the ejec
`tors, the pipe lines leading therefrom and all parts in
`. common in the two systems carry the same numbers.
`Added to this is the diagram of the pneumatic control
`and discharge.
`Thus referring to FIG. 4 the entire system for air con
`trol and pneumatic discharge of the accumulated
`sludge is shown more or less diagrammatically.
`( v
`In many operations, particularly in water purifica
`tion, the problem of clari?cation of large volumes of
`water exists and it is accomplished by collecting the
`water in very large tanks, generally concrete tanks,
`which will be fifteen or more feet deep and, possibly,
`as many as thirty to one hundred feet in diameter, gen
`erally round clarifiers. To clarify drinking water in such
`subreservoirs, water is treated with alum to induce hy
`drolysis to aluminum hydroxide which forms a gelati
`nous precipitate, which is allowed to settle and the clar
`ified water utilized in the local system. With operations
`on such a large scale there is, of course, the problem of
`alum sludge disposal, and slum sludge removal from the
`tank even before disposal can be arranged. At the other
`end of the water utilization scale there is clarification
`of sewage, which can follow more or less the same tech
`nique, to create a clear supernatant water and a sludge '
`to be drawn off and discharged. Generally the installa
`tions involving drinking water will involve a number of
`such settling tanks which are used on a time cycle; that
`is, a tank of clarified water is consumed while other
`tanks are in various stages of clari?cation and removal
`of sludge. Generally any technique which can assist in
`the removal and disposal of sludge is of use and, ac
`cordingly, it is a basic object of this invention to pro
`vide a means forming part of apparatus for collecting
`the sludge and pneumatically removing it to a disposal
`The invention, accordingly, is in the pneumatic hy
`draulic installation which is built under and around a
`sludge settling tank, which combination comprises a
`sludge collector and means for isolating said sludge col
`lector. conduit from said collector to an ejector, means
`to isolate the ejector. and conduit from said ejector to
`a point up at the edge of the tank and directed to a dis
`posal vehicle or area. The device is repeated so that the
`collector and ejector form a dual air system for dis
`charging into a conduit and the invention, accordingly,
`is in the elements and combinations of elements and
`features of construction of the device as related to a hy
`draulic sludge settling tank.
`The details of the construction of the device will be
`better understood by reference to the drawings in
`FIG. I is a generalized representation ofa sludge set
`tling tank;
`FIG. 2 is an enlarged partial section through the mid
`dle of such a tank showing the tank in the arrangement
`of sludge collector, ejector, and conduit under the tank
`and up the side wall» thereof:
`FIG. 3 is a top elevation of the discharge conduit in
`stallation under the tank; and
`FIG. 4 is a flow diagram.
`Referring to FIG. 1 it will be apparent that the tank
`is generally round and has a sloped bottom construc
`tion and, for our purposes, the bottom generally slopes
`to an inverted conical peak for the purposes of the set
`tling operation. As indicated these tanks are made to
`hold many thousands of gallons of water and a typical
`moderate sized installation would involve a tank about
`one hundred feet in diameter. In a water puri?cation
`EXHIBIT 1112, Page 4

`In the figure 50 and 51 represent a duplex air com
`pressor supplying air by lines 52 and 53, with pressure
`gauges 54 and 55,‘ relief valves 56 and 57, plug valves
`58 and 59, in line 60 to reservoir tank 61 which is
`equipped with a relief valve 62 and automatic. conden
`sate trap 63. The compressed air tank 61v is connected
`via check valve 64 and line 65¥to the dual controlled air
`conditioning system and motive air system wherein the
`motive air passes by line 66 to line 67 and 68 to be
`brought to the hoppers 16 and 16’, its points of use.
`Line 68 passes through ball valve 69, line 70 to be con
`nected to hopper 16 for supplying it with clearing air.
`The air receiver 61 pressure at this stage should have
`sufficient pressure, otherwise the inlet air valve 101
`and knife gate valve 37 would stay closed.
`D. The sludge will discharge at a regulated rate until
`the ejector 29 empties to the low level probe B; then
`the compressed air inlet valve 101 and the knife gate
`37 will close. The ejector air discharge line 106 would
`also open at this time to insure release of all com
`pressed air in the ejectors.
`E. All conditions have now returned to the original
`starting cycle status.
`F. Limit switches shall be provided to indicate open
`and closed position of knife gate valves 37,26,23, and
`also to indicate the critical ,position of respective air
`control valves 101, 109, 108. Subsequent operations
`will not occur unless cleared by signals from control
`switches. The control panel will be equipped with lights
`indicating the status of the system on a graphic display.
`An audible alarm can be provided to indicate malfunc
`tions in the cycle and also to indicate an over-fill of
`sludge in the ejector.
`Referring back to the system commencing with line '
`65 and 66, line 71 divides to 72 to feed through valve
`73, to feed through an air dryer 74 and then through
`valves 75 and 76 through filter 77 valve 78 and 79 and
`pressure regulator 80 with valve 81 and pressure
`gauges 82, 83 to provide cleaned, control air to line 90
`which serves the knife valves controlling the flow of
`sludge from the hopper and ejector, respectively, by
`pass line 86 with valves 87,88,89 provide by-pass
`around parts of the system.
`Motive air passing by line 68 is made available to the
`ejector 29 through line 100, solenoid valve 101, and
`needle control valve 102, which is attached to ejector
`29. With pressure gauge 103 also connected to ejector
`29 are filters 104 and 105 connected by lines 106 and
`107 to solenoid valves 108 and 109 to needle valve 110
`for relief through line 111. In the ejector are level de
`tectors that are low level probe 112 and high level
`probe 113 which are used to determine the level of
`sludge accumulation ofthe ejector, or the level of ejec
`tion from the ejector. Control air drives the ejector
`inlet gate valve 26 and the discharge gate valve 37
`through solenoid controls and the control air supply
`line. Gate valve 23 via the hopper 20 is controlled by
`solenoid control 116. Ultimate discharge is via valves
`33, 33', line 34 and valve 38 and 38’ all solenoid con
`The operation of the systemis as follows:
`Controls should be designed for automatic, manual
`and continuous operation. Automatic operation should
`have a time clock for each ejector, adjustable for 4
`minutes to 20 hours in 1' minute intervals. The ejector
`can be set to fill and discharge on an automatic interval
`from this time clock setting. In addition a counter cir~
`cuit will be provided to allow a predetermined number
`of ejections at the time clock interval before automati
`cally shutting off. Manual operation should allow a sin
`gle ejection to be initiated by an operator even if the
`ejector is only partially filled. 1n the continuous mode
`1 of operation the ejectors should operate on a 2 minute
`cycle, or less, depending on actual conditions, and al
`ternately eject sludge regardless of sludge level in the
`What is claimed is:
`1. In a sludge movement system from an aqueous sys
`tem for the collecting of sludge which comprises
`a settling tank,
`the improvement, comprising,
`receiver for sludge in the bottom of said settling tank
`System operation shall be the same for all speci?ed
`methods of operations — automatic, manual, and con
`tinuous. Each ejector 29 and 29’ has an independent
`control system housed in a single enclosure, completely
`interlocked to prevent the two ejectors from filling and
`discharging at the same time. At the start of a cycle, all
`the knife gate valves and air control valves would be
`closed. The following sequence would complete a cy
`A. The ejector inlet gate valve 26 and the air vent
`valve 109 will open, allowing sludge to enter the ejector
`29 at a controlled rate by monitoring the air escaping
`from the top of the ejector through adjustable air regu
`lator or need valve 110.
`B. When the sludge level reaches the high level probe
`A, the inlet knife gate 26 and ejector air vent valve 109
`close. Limit switches indicate fully closed conditions.
`C. The discharge knife gate valve 37 and the com
`pressed air inlet valve 101 will open, allowing com
`pressed air to enter the top of the ejector 29 at the pre
`determined rate controlled by either air volume or air
`pressure by means of control valve or regulator 102.
`conduit means communicating said receiver to a dis
`charge unit
`a valve means for closing the conduit therebetween
`valve means beyond the discharge unit constituting a
`means for isolating it,
`a duplication of said system in parallel therewith the
`discharging into a common conduit,
`means in said discharge unit to sense a low and a high
`level of aqueous sludge; therein,
`said high level sensing means being responsive to
`admit compressed air and to open valves permit
`ting pneumatic discharge of sludge from said dis
`charge unit and
`at the same time means in the other unit response to
`low level to close its discharge valve and‘ air valves
`to isolate it from said pneumatic discharge system.
`2. A system in accordance with claim 1, said dis
`charge units being pressure responsive.
`EXHIBIT 1112, Page 5

`0nd like vessel
`opening a passage from said ?rst vessel to an ejector
`3. A system in accordance with claim 1, wherein" the
`sensor in said discharge unit is an electrical level sen
`4. A system in accordance with claim 1., wherein the
`pressure of air employed in said system for discharge of
`the sludge is in the order of 10 to lOO pounds, per
`square inch.
`5. The method of controlling the drainage and re
`moval of alum sludge from water puri?cation systems
`which comprises
`accumulating sludge in a vessel connected to the bot
`tom of said sludge settling tank
`closing said vessel and simultaneously opening a sec
`accumulating said sludge in said ejector
`closing said ejector to isolate it from said sludge ac
`cumulator and
`pneumatically ejecting sludge from said ejector out i
`from the system while simultaneously operating a
`parallel system of accumulator and ejector to accu
`mulate and eject sludge in a cycle out of phase
`EXHIBIT 1112, Page 6

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