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`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`I. Mern'arn—Webster, Inc.
`Merriam-Webster’s Co1legiate® Dictionary, Tenth Edition principal copyright 1993
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`which nudity is permitted _
`fby alter. fr. obs. freeby gratis, irr
`eater ticket) given without charge
`1 (1726)
`1 : the distance betwee
`weather deck of a ship or betwe
`zr edge of the side of a small be
`1 high-water mark of a structure
`:d without apparatus (~ tumblin
`over a wide range of frequencies and that produces electromag-
`ns) used only for protection a
`a : not parsimonigu
`fcmdiation by the motion of electrons moving at relativistic veloci-
`agnetic held
`availing oneself of something wi
`, lgnzlgiiprise n (1890) : freedom of private business to organize and
`y familiar or forward in action 5,.
`costing or charging anything
`rate for profit in a competitive system without interference by gov-
`7, combined with, or mixed withs
`— en: beyond regulation necessary to protect public interest and
`(a ~ surface of a bodily part)
`wmthe national economy in balance
`b : chemically uncombirred (N
`enterprise!‘ n (1943) : a supporter or advocate of free enterprise _
`mtly attached but able to mm,
`{B11 n (1919)
`1 : the condition of unrestrained motion in a gravi-
`apable of being used alone as 3 ~
`W131 field; also : such motion 2 .2 : the part of a parachute jump
`mm is 3 ~ form) / compare 530‘
`re the parachute opens b : a rapid and continuing drop or decline
`translation) b : not restricted '
`3fall in stock P1"°€S>— free-fall VI
`ms (~ skating)
`13 ; FAVOR“
`fire zone \.'f_ré—.fir-\ n (1967) : a combat area in which any mov-
`direction more than six points
`hing is a1eg1E“"3at,e targét
`15 ; open to 31] come
`/‘\- flo-tirj\_ adj (1921)
`1 ‘a : floating freely (~ vegeta-
`without charge
`1, ; 1acking_speci_fic attachment, direction, or purpose (~ ideas)
`IGN, AUTONOMOUS mean not subj‘
`fglt as an emotion without apparent cause (~ anxiety)
`FREE ‘stresses the complgte absen
`flowing \-.flo-ii3\ adj (1920) : characterized by easy freedom in
`t to make all of one’s own degi
`em. l2I08f§SSl01‘l3 or style (:1 ~ essay)
`INDEPENDENT implies a standin
`fa]-—al] \'fre-fa-.rol\ n (.1881) : a competition, dispute, or fight
`a of connection with any other h
`to all comers and usu. with no rules : liRAWLf free—f0r—all adj
`laws, or policies (the col
`form \'fré- form\ adj (1950)
`1 ; having or being an irregular or
`2). SOVEREIGN stresses the absen
`metrical _shape or design (~ furniture)
`2_ : FREE 12b ('7 dancing)
`>remacy within a thing’s own dé
`.11and \'fre-.hand\ adj (ca. 1862) : done without mechanical aids or
`zreigri armed services). AUTONQ
`ces (~ df3WlI1g> — freehand 11111’
`s pertaining to self-govemment (i*
`and \-'h8:ld_\'7l (1929) : freedom of action or decision
`n is regarded as autonomous).
`_hand.ed \ fre- han-dsd\ adj (ca. 1656) : GENEROUS. OPENHANDED
`a ; to cause to be free
`freehand-ed-ly adv— free-hand-ed-ness n
`Qnfincs’ resmcts, or emb,m.aSse‘s
`‘hem-t.ed \- ar-tod\ adj (l4c)
`,GLi~:, CLEAR 2 obs: DANISH-—-frei
`gr_;s———free-he_art-ed-ls’ adv
`.liold \'fre-.hold\.n (l5c)
`1 : a.tenure_of real property by which an
`{EE implies a usu. permanent re
`[are of inheritance in fee simple or fee tail or an estate for life is held;
`entangles, or oppresses (freed ti,
`; an estate held by such tenure — compare FEE 1 2 Brit : an es-
`2 suggests a setting loose from co
`g held in fee simple — freehold adj or adv — free-hold-er \-.h61-
`essure or tension, often with
`(released his anger on a punclciiuiitglb
`“kick n (1882) : a kick (as in football, soccer, or rugby) with which
`he resulting state of liberty (I
`opponent may not interfere; esp : such a kick in any direction
`EMANCIPATE implies the liberatio
`aided because of an infraction of the rules by an opponent
`rination (labor-saving devices em
`lance \'fre-.1an(t)s\ n (1820)
`1 a usu free lance : a mercenary
`gery). MANUMIT implies emancip
`drer esp. of the Middle Ages_:. coNDorriERE b : a person who acts
`numitted the slaves).
`dependently without being affiliated with or_autho_rized by an organi-
`nner 2: without charge 3: wr
`2 : a person who pursues a profession without a long-term
`lead ahead (sailing ~)
`mmitment to any one employer
`mal athlete (as a baseball player)
`elance adj (1901)
`a : of, relating to, or being a freelance :
`h any team —— free agency n,
`ENDENT (a '7 photographer) (~ fees)
`to : done by a freelance (~
`ca. 1903) : with delivery at th
`viewing) (~ Jobs) .2 : not sponsored by an organization (~ terror-
`iuyer‘s liability then beginning _
`S) (11 ~ demonstration) — freelance adv
`iarked by informality and lack 0'
`glance vi (1902) : to act or work as a freelance ~ vt : to produce
`air life of the plains ~—A11an Mu
`sfreelance (/"r_ee1ancing magazine articles)
`lands (too free and easy in C"
`lan(_t)-s9r\ n(l937): FREELANCE lb, 2
`-amj..eas.i.ness \,fré.;;n.'(d e.z
`vii3\ adj (1818)
`1 : marked by more than usual
`om in the gratification of appetites 2 a : not fixed to the sub-
`'te but capable of motility (3. ~ protozoan) b : being metabolically
`a 2 the expression (as by speaki
`is endent : neither parasitic nor symbiotic
`Jusness without censorship as an
`'ocesses esp. in psychoanalysis b
`. oad \-.l6d\ vi (ca. 1934) : to impose upon anothcr’s generosity or
`pitality without sharing in the cost or responsibility involved
`It comes to mind in response to a‘
`roNGE—— free-load-er n
`38 or image elicited by free assoc
`ltlon — free—as-so-ci-ate \.f
`love n (1822)
`1 : the practice of living openly with one of the
`-ive \-s(h)e—.§-tiv, -she-tiv\ adj
`posite sex without marriage 2 : sexual relations without any com-
`tiiients by either artner
`to prepare or use freebase cocai
`s freebase — free-has-er n
`ecd from impurities by treatine
`-ly \'fre-1é\ adv (bef. 12c) : in a free manner: as a : of one’s own
`ice vapors for inhalation or. smok
`ford (left home ~) b : with freedom from external control (a ~
`ted government)
`c : without restraint or reservation (spent ~ on
`lhes) d : without hindrance (a gate swinging ~) (currencies are ~
`as ate
`vhrtilgg) e : not strictly following a model, convention, or rule (~
`-man \'fre-men,\ it (bef. 12c)
`1 : one enjoying civil or polit-
`liberty 2 : one having the full rights of a citizen
`market n (1907) : an economic market operating by free competi-
`e—mar-ke-teer \'fré-.m'ar-ko-'tir\ n (1954) : a proponent of a frev
`rket economy
`-mar-tin \'fre-.m'2ir-t°n\ n [origin unknown] (1681) : a sexually
`perfect usu. sterile female calf twinborn with a male
`free enterprise 0 freeze-dry
`F&S : ‘opposing the extension of slavery into U.S. territories and the
`admission of slave states into the Union prior to the Civil War; specif
`: of, relating to, or constituting a minor U.S. political party having
`these aims — Free—Soil-er \-‘sci-lar\ rt — Free—Soil-ism \-'soi(a)-
`.li-z9m\ n
`free soil it (1848) : U.S. territory where prior to the Civil War slavery
`was prohibited
`fr_ee—spo-ken \'fi'é-'sp6-k9n\ adj (1625) : speaking freelyroursroirerr
`freest superlative of FREE
`free-stand-ing \'fré-'stan-diij\ adj (1876)
`1 : standing alone or on its
`own foundation free of support or attachment (a ~ wall)
`2 : being
`independent; esp: not part of or affiliated with another organization (a
`~ clinic) (a ~ city) (a ~ computer store)
`Free State n (1819) : a state of the U.S. in which slavery was prohib-
`ited before the Civil War
`free-stone \'fré-.st6n\ n (l3c)
`1 : a stone that may be cut freely with-
`out splitting 2
`a : a fruit stone to which the flesh does not cling b
`: a fruit having such a stone
`free-style \'fre-.stil\ n, often izttrib (ca. 1934)
`1 : a competition in
`which the contestant is given more latitude than in related events; esp
`: swimming competition in which the swimmer may use any stroke 2
`: CRAWL 2 — free-styl-er n
`free—swim-ming \-'swi-mii3\ adj (ca. 1890) : able to swim about : not
`attached (the ~ larva of the barnacle)
`free—swing-ing \-‘swig-ii_)\ adj (1949) : bold, forthright, and heedless
`of personal consequences (a ~ soldier of fortune —Will Herberg)
`free—tailed bat \'fre-.ta1d-\ n (1895) : any of a family (Molossidae) of
`bats characterized by a tail that projects beyond the posterior part of
`the flight membrane and found in warm regions of the world
`free-think-er \-‘thin-kor\ n (1692) : one that forms opinions on the
`basis of reason independently of authority; esp : one who doubts or
`denies religious dogma
`free-think-ing \-l(11]\ n or adj
`free thought it ( 1711) : unorthodox attitudes or beliefs; specif : 18th
`century deism
`free throw n (ca. 1929) : an unhindered shot in basketball made from
`behind a set line and awarded because of a ford by an opponent
`free throw lane n (ca. 1929) 2 a 12 or 16 foot wide lane on a basketball
`court that extends from underneath the goal to a line 15 feet in front of
`the backboard and that players may not enter during a free throw
`free trade it (1823) : trade based on the unrestricted international
`exchange of goods with tariffs used only as a source of revenue
`free trader n (1832) : one that practices or advocates free trade
`free verse n (1908) : verse whose meter is irregular in some respect or
`whose rhythm is not metrical
`free-way \'fre-.wa\ n (1930)
`1 : an expressway with fully controlled
`access 2: a toll-free highway
`‘free-wheel \-'(h)wé(9)l\ n (1930)
`1 : a clutch fitted in the rear hub of
`a bicycle that permits the rear wheel to rim on free from the rear
`sprocket whenthe pedals are stopped 2 : a power-transmission sys-
`tem in a motor vehicle with a device that permits the propeller shaft to
`run freely when its speed is greater than that of the engine shaft
`Zfreewheel vi (1903)
`1 : to roll along freely independent of a gear 2
`: to move, live, or play freely or irresponsibly
`free-wheel-er n
`free-wheeloing \.fré-'hwe-lii3, -‘we-\ adj (1931) : free and loose in form
`or manner: as
`a : heedless of social norms or niceties (the raider style
`of his ~ father —Garry Wills) b : not repressed or restrained (~
`promiscuity) (a ~ competitive spirit) (a ~ vocabulary)
`c : not bound
`by formal rules, procedures, or guidelines (a ~ investigation) (~ im-
`provisation) d : loose and undisciplined : not defensive (a ~ style of
`hockey) — free-wheel-ing-ly adv
`free-will \'fre-.wi1\ adj (1535) : VOLUNTARY, SPONTANEOUS
`free will n (l3c)
`1 : voluntary choice or decision (I do this of my own
`free will) 2 : freedom of humans to make choices that are not deter-
`mined by prior causes or b divine intervention
`Freewill Baptist 11 (1732 : a member of a Baptist group holding to
`Arrninian doctrine and practicing 0 en communion
`free world n, often cap F&W(1949 : the part of the world where de-
`mocracy and capitalism or moderate socialism rather than totalitarian
`or Communist political and economic systems prevail
`free-writ-ing \'fre-'ri—tiiJ\ n (1980) : automatic writing done esp. as a
`classroom exercise
`1freeze \'fréz\ vb froze \'fr6z\; fro-zen \'fro-zan\; freez-ing [ME
`fresen, fr. OE fréosan; akin to OHG friosan to freeze, L pruina hoar-
`frost, OE frost frost] vi (bef. 12c)
`l a : to become congealed into ice
`by cold b : to solidify as a result of abstraction of heat
`c : to with-
`stand freezing (the bread ~s well)
`2 : to become chilled with cold
`(almost froze to death)
`3 : to adhere solidly by or as if by freezing
`(pressure caused the metals to ~) 4 : to become fixed or motionless;
`esp : to become incapable of acting or speaking 5 : to become clogged
`with ice (the water pipes froze) ~ vt
`1 a : to harden into ice b : to
`convert from a liquid to a solid by cold 2 : to make extremely cold
`: CHILL 3 a : to act on usu. destructively by frost b : to anesthetize
`by cold 4 : to cause to grip tightly or remain in immovable contact 5
`a 2 to cause to become fixed, immovable, unavailable, or unalterable
`(~ interest rates) b 2 to immobilize by governmental regulation the
`expenditure, withdrawal, or exchange of (~ foreign assets)
`c : to
`render motionless (a fake roze the defender) 6 :
`to attempt to retain
`continuous possession of a ball or puck) without an attempt to score
`usu. in order to protect a small lead — freez-ing-ly adv
`Zfreeze n (l5c)
`a : an act or instance of freezing b : the state of
`being frozen 2 : a state of weather marked by low temperature esp.
`when below the freezing point
`3 : a halt in the production, testing,
`and deployment of military wea ons (a nuclear ~)
`freeze—dried \-'drid\ adj (1946): being in a state produced by or as if
`by freeze-drying
`freeze-dry \-'drR vt (1949) : to dry (as food) in a frozen state under
`high vacuum esp. for preservation
`\e\ abut
`\°\ kitten, F table \ar\ further \a\ ash \§\ ace \'2i\ mop, mar
`, \ai'1\ out
`\ch\ chin
`\e\ bet
`\é\ easy \g\ go
`\i\ hit
`\i\ ice
`\j\ job
`\rj\ sing \6\ go \o\ law \oi\ boy \th\ tliin \m\ the \ii\ loot
`\1'i\ foot
`\y\ yet
`\zh\ Vision \a, l_<, “, oe, 6:, Le, E, "\ see Guide to Pronunciation
`booty] (1570 : PIRATE, PLUNDE
`folk etymology fr. D vrijbuitef.
`1 : not born in vassalage or slav.
`that is freeborn
`1 ages in skin diving — free div1llE
`E1601) : a man freed from slavqfll
`1 cap : the principles, institutions, or
`-n_ia-son-ry \-ré\ n (1741)
`1 : the quality or state of hen}
`ctices of Freemasons — called also Masonry 2 : natural fellowship
`y, coercion, or constraint in cho
`cl on some common ex erience
`very or restraint or from the 130
`ie quality or state of being exem
`on board adv or adj 1924) : without charge for delivery to and
`“me on board a carrier at a specified point
`nerous (~ from care) _d : EASE.
`Port n (1711) : an enclosed port or section of a port where goods
`e : the quality of being frank,
`received and shipped free of customs duty
`-) f: improper familiarity g:
`h : unrestricted use (gave him
`r corriparative ofFREE
`radical n (1900) : an esp. reactive atom or group of atoms that
`1 right b : FRANCHISE, Pi1_IviLEGE
`one or more unpaired electrons
`mean the power or conditronpf
`has a broad range of applicatio
`lfirange \'fré-.ranj\ adj (1912) : allowed to range and forage with
`fiflve freedom (~ chickens); also : of, relating to, or produced by
`erely a sense of not being undulll
`range poultry <~ eggs)
`of the press). LIBERTY suggests r
`P991! in (1855) : a reed in a musical instrument (as a harmonium)
`rulsion (the released prisoner
`*rty). LICENSE implies freedom SP
`{vibrates in an air opening just large enough to allow the reed to
`connote an abuse of freedom (l
`Ye freely — compare BEATING REED
`“E111 n (1952) : unrestricted liberty of action or decision
`enerate into license).
`ie right of a merchant ship to trav
`ride it (1899) : a benefit obtained at anothcr’s expense or without
`usual cost or effort w free ride vi — free rider n
`zither in peace or war
`Q (1961) : a ride made by civil
`safety it (1973) : a safety in football who has no particular re-
`uthern US. to ascertain whether
`‘'91: to cover in a man-to-man defense
`esegregated — freedom rider n
`'fre-zh(é-)9, -zé-o\ n [NL, fr. F. H. T. Freese T1876 Ger. physi-
`n (1865) ; a woman freed from sl
`l (ca. 1882) : any of a genus (Freesia) of the iris family of sweet:
`" -\
`(1979) :
`“ted African herbs with red, pink, white, or yellow flowers, _
`a aser °’°‘501l adj (1846) 1 2 characterized by free soil (~ states)'1tmn 2 cap

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