Bass and Spangenberg
`Fresenius Kabi USA, LLC
`No. 8,476,010
`U.S. Patent
`Exhibit 1024
`Exh. 1024

`men ns n dress hat and some.times Q
`2 118
`sUkCd \'slll<t\ ad} [I silk+ ·tdl : dressed in orco•orcd with sflk
`tsUk·en \ 'silkon, 'si~k-\ ad} [ M£1 fr. O E scole<nhfr. stole silk
`+ ·~n l 1 : made or silk : o f silk <- t read.s} (a-
`b:~>j~~~ c~t~!P~~e,.~~~1~1!~;>car2i~ ~~C::rU::Osift~i~
`a : SOrT, LUSTROUS (her ability to look ance!uUy - on oc(cid:173)
`casion -Adrian Bc:U) b (I) : aarceably smooth : n.o.~woh'IOUS
`~- voices) ( lhe ~ .sononty or the stnn:s - Var&il Thomson)
`;18:;)'' c~)l~ ~~~~~:T~,":;:~u!~~~ e&~~ct. ~J~~g~i~
`town VOitc - Paul Bowles) C ! DELICAT~T!NOER, OE.NTL£ ((cid:173)
`Slumbers) (n ...... touch) !I : LOW EVEN a ,., sound) e : ox·
`tremely ;raccCul : (whirled ~on im with the ,.._. sav-
`~1 :~od!j~~~cl: ~~~i~o-;;~n~ima~~~d ?_jo~rn~~~)w~~
`chambers) 4 a : drcoscd in silk (-ankles) b : LUXURIOUS
`<- youna pllants -F,X,Braun) (readina public is preoc(cid:173)
`cupied Wllh murder. mayhem. and -.. dalliance - Poilu Re~.>
`c : Ef'PEMINAT£ <-sons of pride -Van \Y~ck Brooks)
`•silken \ "\ vt -•o/-INO/-s 1 : to m~kc srlken or •ilklike <•
`~:Y.'~<t~~=~ M:g)0u2 ~~~rc:~;~::~n <~;e.;w:,;e~~k~d~~~
`j]k~~~.~sn~C: ~r: fsif::no~;;.~~uty -Geor~c Catlin)
`silk·er \f,ilk>(r)\ n -s [ tslfk + -u]: one tbat works with silk
`or silk thrud; -.p ; POIHTU la(2)
`Silk fl OSS n : ltAPOIC
`sill< fOWl n ; SII..I(Y
`s~!.~l~4rila:n:'e~~~~Jh~~ r;~~.~~: t~ ~~hdn:~~~~. in~~~i~k~:;
`a : e ither of a pair of areatly enlarged modified salivary gl:tnd.s
`or an £nsec1 larva tha t extend backward alona the sides of the
`body and produce a compound filament from which is spun a
`larval or pupal c:over (a.s a cocoon) b : any of two or more
`-abdominal nlands Of.!!l'!der that O~n thrOUJh Spinneret< and
`s-&r:~~C:: n'1alm~~~e dinY~~~~~ i;;,t}!e C:f~nKi~,J; :re~ueen's
`Counsel - compare STUFF OOWN 2, : a Kina's or Queen's
`<:o unsel
`s~~e cr(aa:y~o!~: ~~~~W~~)' <;{:ga ]g~at!)wn~ : a cmo;~~~~
`: R.OUOH II8NT 2 : any of several fiber plantS esp. of A~ta'lt or
`the relattd aenus Nidularlum (family B.romeliaceae) 3 : any
`o f SC\"Ue1 commercial fibers from plants of the family Bromeh~
`aceac: as a : a fine nexible lustroUJ st:rona fiber obtained from
`~~ft~c(~~~,:dpl=e:i)r textiles b : a timilar fiber rrom a
`Silk 81'8CD It : DE£P CHROME ()R~N
`Stlkgrower \ '•,••\ n [ •silk + grow~r] : ono that raises silk·
`worms for their silk
`sill< gum or silk glue n : SElltCIN
`~!.0lr~~ "t:~~~ ~! .. 'f:,rg;. ~=o~~ :lf:.l"ro ;;;,~
`siikhaf": : • hat wilh a tall cylindrical crown usu. made with
`a silk·pluth finish and worn by
`s ilicon dio xide
`s!llcon dioxide " : SILICA
`sn.t.cone \'sil>,!k~n\ n -s [ slllc- +·one] l. a: an oraanic com(cid:173)
`pound R1Si0 arullof,Ou.l to a ketone. fi : an organic si1oxane;
`r~~~ :.~~;.:!s~Jr;a.~~f:I~U:v!r ~fd'!:ct~:~~::~.~~~~:
`arc obtained as oily Oui<h. resins. and elastomus convc.rtible
`inlo p-eases and other compoundst co~ttinp., and rub~ 1od
`that are U#d chieOy in watcrproohn~. lubrie:u.ion. a nd elecu-ic
`in.sula1ioo- sec DOU~CISO PU1TY 2 : •n o~anosilic:on com·
`pou nd in wh ich Jjlicon is attached directly to carbon- used
`chiefly commerciQIIy
`s ntconc rubber 11 : rubber made rrom silleon~ elastomers and
`c:haracteriz:ed by liS retention o( ne.xibility, resilience, and
`ten.s11e stren~ over I Wide tempcr.uure ran&e (a.s £rom - 1 00°
`to + .S00°F) 2nd its ruistaoee to wc:uberina. the eleetric arc,
`and many chcmiellls
`sllJcon nuorlde n : a fluoride or smcon: up : SJUCON TnliA(cid:173)
`slllcon hydride " : n compound o r silicon with hydro;en -
`tee SILAN.,;.
`Sii•I·COD·Iza.Uon \,Sil~kOn)'ziishon\ n •S :
`the process Of
`s•l ico•lizint
`\ 'sil)lco,..U\ •t -•o/-11'10/-s [ silicon + ·l:el
`1 : 10 combine or Jmpte;Anate with silicon: $p«J} : to cru1 (Q
`metal) wilh silicon or a silicon compound to form a protc:c:tive
`surface alloy (- st«l) 2 : to treat or coat (as a Ieos) witb a
`stlicon oxide n : an o"lde of silicon; rsp : srucA
`s ilicon spiegel " : n spicgelcisen contolnlns lS to 2 0 peroent
`ol m•ngancsc 'llnd 8 to I S percent or silicon and used In
`mn.kina certain speeiAI steels
`silicon tetrachlorlclo n : a colorless lumin_g oorrosi•e liquid
`SiCt4 made by heating silicon or sibcon carbide with
`chlorine aod used chic-fly for smoke. S4:1"«-M mod in maid~
`ehlorosilllnes. s i1icones, and other orcanic dcrivati .. ·cs of Silicon
`silicon tetran aortdo n : a colorless fuming sufrocatlna aas
`SiP,. made by the action of Ouorinc on silicon. or ot b,tdro(cid:173)
`fluodc ncid on silicft or sitic.·nes (as and used chieflY in
`mnking lluosilicic ocid and n uosilicntcs
`SII·I•CO·Sis \,silo'kl!l~s~ 11, p i SIUCO•SeS \ -u,sez\ (NL, !r.
`slllc:- + -osi.s) : 1 cond1tion or massive. fibrosts o( the. lunp
`mark:fid by shonnes.s of breath a11d resuhin;. from prolon&ed
`inhalation of silica du'ts by tbOK (as 1tonecunerS, ubcstos
`workers, m.inen) recululy exposed to sucb dusts -
`1'CON b
`s:~i~·ty~·~e~e~h~:a•~,<·>~id:d::w:r~c~d ~h~~~~~cr~Ju~r,g~
`by oxi8 iUog finely c rwf,ed silicon or rerrosilicon whh O:rc)'QCD
`taken rrom a no ther metal (a.s chromium)
`t~~~~o~~.c 0}:~1\~:~·~~ ~-{;~~c- + -<>riel : relatina to.
`tswcotlc \ "\ n -s : 1 person affected witb silicosis
`Sfi· I·CO·tltanate \:sil~(,)ko+ \ n Cliffe· + titanar.] : a oom-
`bincd silicate and t iCilo"tc
`SII· I•CO•tnbercn loSJS \ "+\ n [ N L. rr. slllc- + t ub<rculosls]
`: Jiticosil an d ttuberculosis m the same lung
`s~~!~~~~l~n!~~a~ ~~t~ ~J~~:~:;,~;n:~~!•l : n salt or a sill·
`by women as a riding hat
`Sll·l·to·tungslic a cid\"+ . . . -\ n [ slllc- + rwr,stic] : ony of
`sllkle •ar o} Stu< y
`silkier CDmJXIratlve of su .. xv
`;:1~!1 b:;!~r./::0 a;i~~ o(J~~~V~aO!.!~[i5te~~~!i~i~ palli
`silkleat superlative oj SILKY
`slll!.h ly \'sillc~lc, 'sillk· . ·li\ odr
`atoms or tunssten in the molecule. obtlltn3ble by 1cif hy(cid:173)
`drolysi! of a mix1ure or sodiurn t unpHlte and sodium siUtate.
`: in a silky manner (the young
`and used chiefly as o precipitant !or alkaloids - CAlled also
`wheal shone,.., - D.EI.Lowrcnce)
`\ ·kcnos, ·kin-\ n
`tunrstosilicic acid
`SI•IIC•U·Ia \ U ' likyolo\ n, p i sUICU•Iae \-yo,l<\ [NL, rr. L.
`Silk hat
`; the Qunlity or SUite Of being Silky
`dim. or .dllqua pod, more at SiUtLL] : Stt tCLH
`~~m: ~~~~~ ~ d~':" gerund or •silk J : a machine for remo•-
`s J.IIC•U•lar \-la(rl\ a!!.( [ NLsilicula + E ·or]: havins {he lorm
`or :ap~arancc o( a $ihc.1e
`s~: s{~.!~~djb~ ~:r:~.!~C:~J:i!' :rt'!C:~n~ur::o~
`:l~~c~~~f~i{~t~~;J&\ c~h ~~~lft~~~!~c;:'fr. slffruro + 1..
`·Oilll --ose. -ous] 1 : bearing Slliclet 2 ! o( the for-m Or ap-
`=~~'\\:,i;.~~.=pf;;fk~~':,•/1~lk + m011) 1 : one wbo
`ai'.'W~~~O~ 3\ ~~!f:~ !:1/m'i:'~l//culotm) : SILJCULOSB
`m3.kes slUes 2 : one who sclb sines
`Silk motll n : a silkworm moth
`SlUng pres part Qj SIL&
`s llln·gal \s~'liu~•l\ or shllin.gol \ sM'-\ "• pi sUin1a1 or
`s~p l~l~kr:~~~k~r~~~a~~=nr.~fovfa~~eu~tz,~~lr~~:;/l~~';f~a~~
`~~~h~~\~~n5:CI~~FJ~:ln5~~,8~~.,";~1f:P l: :: :~:,';;.~ ~:
`~r;.~~.;,!o~~c ~0de:~~=~t~;~tJmft~~:dY~ t~~t ~~~sc~~
`the Silingal people
`(Grrrillta rol,.ma) with feathery bipinnate leaves that arc
`silvery white below and flowers
`1 : $1LIQU£ Z ( L) : a :Roman silver ~oin f rrst issued b)' Con(cid:173)
`silkoune also sllkolene ¥-ar of. 'ULKALIN!
`stantine t he Great : the \14 solidus or later th~ ha ll milu:uensis
`5~y~~~; fc~ ~ijkPiir=s •!~l:~:r~~ fn~h~1~J::C:r ~~tab:a%i~
`- Sll·l·qua.ceous \ ;silo' kwa..hos\ ad)
`SII·I•QUa·ria \ ,•ilo'kwa(a)rC.\ n, cap { N L , lr_ L si/lqua pod,
`s~kPP\:gt~~i~~ u~ia~~fri~~~t;nlu~:.~~a;~..~~~~~enue stamps
`husk+ N L-arla) : a acnus o r wor m shc ll.i (iamily Vermeti dae)
`sometimes pl<leed in a separate family •nd comprisin s forms
`Sii.IU pi o} StU<, pres Jd <1111 of SILK
`tb:u dilfer from of tb e eenus v~rmetus in havina :1
`sUk screen n 1 : :1 screen usu. or silk or oraandy used in a .&:ilk•
`continuous slir or row or deft< or pores throushout the wborls
`screen process 2 : SJut-SCRnN PROCESS
`tsfik-scroen \'-!-\ atl} [silk scrun] : of, made or done by, or
`of the shell
`s t.Uque \s~'lek, 'slhk \" -s [F. fr. NL slllqUD, fr. L, pod. husk
`usina a silk-screen proeess (sUJc-scr~~n p·rintii'\J) (sllk...scr~~"
`- more atSIIELL]: a narrow elo ngattd usu. many-seeded CliP·
`method) (1/lk-scr•en color)
`su it that is eh arncteri&lic or the ~~~unily Crucifcrae. c:onsiSLs o f
`2sllk- screen \'-.~~~\ ..,r [ silk lCr~~ l: to produce, reproduce, or
`t wo v"lves with n false dissepimen t, opens by sutures tu either
`s&~~;cblo:nsil~~~~~ ! process In which colorin;
`nltarg_in. and bas the seeds attBched 10 1wo parietal placentas
`maHer \u in~, paint, or dye) is forced wilh a squeegee oo1o the
`SIUQUI- comb form [N L sl/lqua]: sillquL (slllouirerous) (s//lqwf(cid:173)
`materia to be prinred through the meshes or A silk or organdy
`sn.t.q uose \ 'silo,kwl!l\ or s il-I·QUOU.S \ - kwos\ ad} [NL
`screen so prepared (as by blocki!IJI out with tusche a.nd alue)
`slllqllO'uJ, fr. stli9ua + L -<>SUS -ose. -ous): bearina or bavin11
`a.s to h~tve pervious prinuna areas a.n-d impe-rvious nonprintina
`the form o f a sillquc
`areas -
`compare StJUOIIt.APKY
`ls llk \'Jilk. 'sillk\ n -.s [ M'Eu/Jc, •Ilk, fr. OE sfoloc, S<!(l/c,prob.
`Silk snapper n : a mccHum-siud West I ndian snapper (Lut)OJtus
`or Dnltic or Slov ori~in; akin to O Pruss silkas silk, OSiav
`'''"""') similor to tl>c red snap~r
`silk sptdor 11 : a Iorge spider (N<phfla clavlpel) nali•c to the
`shtlkfl / 1: a rineconunuo us prolein fiber produced by various
`insect 1:1r vac u su. ror cocoons; e.sp : I he lustrous cough eln.stic
`southern U.S. and rcmnrkablc. for its ltu ge webs com~osed o~
`~~~~~~~~~~at':!~~v~ :llk of several related spiders t a t pro-
`hygroscopic fi ber t hot is produced by silkworms by secreting
`from t WO glands VisCOU-S fluid in the form Of t-wo filotmcnU COO·
`si11ina principalll or (ibf'oin cemented into a single strand by
`sW.,r!SjO~':.,=~i•f .-~ ~ine-textured sort close-u ained O ld
`Sill<-atoc:klrut: \'.O:••fo~ [lsilk + rtocktnrl 1 : elegantly or
`richly drcsscCI : LlTXtlRIOUS (a silk·.suxklng audience) 2 : ARrs-
`}~"rf:rm':3e Sf;:~n,iil~ ~~m~~~~~~ s•~:si!hr~a:dit::~~i ~~
`TOCilATIC, F'C't:"U J!IOIV£. WtALTHY (silk-stocklnR politiCOS -H.R. ..
`Cayto n) 3 : ol or relntina tO the American Federalist party
`silk threod of vnrioos thicknesses ond plain or bnl.ided ustd OJ
`4 : or or relo.tins to the silk·Stocking distriet of a. city (lost the
`Sulurc materi!:d in surc.ery (suri_ic:al -> <- technique) 3 a :a
`silk·.ftocklnfl and middle..cltu.s prccincu - W.G.Carleton)
`a 11rmen 1 (a.s a or silk : stlk IIppa rei (a crowd dressed in
`->(printed -• on sale today) (wear -> b (I) : a aown worn
`sllk stockiDI n [ sllk-stocklnr l 1 : an clc&ontly dressed person
`by a King's o r Queen's Counsel or b1rri.ster or hiJh rank •P·
`2 : In arlstoeratic o r wealthy person ( they know who the silk
`stodcln11 are -Au~st Holhosshcad) 3 : ftD£1lAUS1" 2
`~~~~ bt3~et~r:.~~~~·~~nl~~titl~i~:,O:~~h0i ~'!.,~n~
`silk-stocking dlslrlct n : a ~'"" or a city in which the aristo(cid:173)
`sec !ILK OOWH c silks pi : the colored eap and blouse of a
`cratic or wealthy cl:us is politically jnfluencial or active
`jockey or barn~•• horse driver made in the registered racina
`SillC-ItOCkin&ed \'• :•-\ ad} : SILK· STOCICINO
`silk .system n : m warpina &ystem in whic h sect ions o f the warp
`r:~~~:' t~e ~':~~~~~0rri:O~~~~~~i~i:~71t ~u~r~~n!u~~d g;r.~~
`a re wound separately o n a reel and then simultaneously re(cid:173)
`wound o n a loom beam
`~~rd!r~rgP~i~~:b~~ldi~~ ~h~~ ~~ab~e~~~~~c;~r blao~~ri::J
`Silktall \'•,•\ n [lsf/k + 14/1] dial Brit: BORI!MIAN WAXWINO
`telt.Scopic si&}tu (2) : the byssal th""d or a mollusk or tbe
`slll!-tassol tree also sill< tassel rr : a plant or the aenus
`JCOUJ Pinna b : a thread of such material or of wire (u wed
`Garrya,· ~sp : an e .. ·e:rarte.n shrub or ~:mall tree (G. ~lliptica)
`of western Ore$Qn and Caurornia w ith inc:onspic:uow fiowcr.a:
`m a sieve of a sifter in Oou..r millina) 5 a : CORN SILK b : •
`strlc of com silk -
`compan 'TAS$£1. 2a 6 : inclusions ot
`in silky droopms ra.«mts
`m1nutc crysta.l.s tlnu impacc a $ilky IUJter 10 a ;em (as a ruby)
`silk wster or sUk thrower n : m~owsn~~
`7 : SILK SPONGE 8 : PARACHUTE (p•ck the-) (the- O~ned)
`sill< tree n :an Asiatic tree (Aiblztla j ulibriSJ/n) having Rowers
`·~~~~~\~d{_,[;?blf;o~) ·~I~Jre!.,;.;~~~~~Hkto or mnde or sllk
`slll:~/ri~~ ~i~k~:::.s~:~swoody nearly evergreen vine ( P t rlploctJ
`>aUk\" \ •b -ED/-IN0/-5 [ •silk] >I 1: to fashion of or co•cr with
`Jlk:~w~!~.s{l!y 2 : a ny of several fihunentous
`silk :Z ; to slrlp (an ear or com) or silk -
`•I 1 : BLOSSOM -
`used of corn (inbred tines were pqUinated at successh·e inter·
`smootb ala••
`silk wire n : silk.-co" ••ire
`~~--!~~ ~f.::!·~,-f~.~~~r ~~~ t~~t!!t_\·~o.~t!J~1•!:':n,r,;
`silkwoman \ '•.••\ n. Dl s ill< women [ ME, fr. •silk + woman J
`b : the la rva of lny of various moths of the famity Saturniidae
`(as the 6ilan thus silkwo rm, Lh~ pernyt silkworm, the tu.ssab
`silkworm. a nd the yamama i stlkworm) -
`eaUcd nlso giant
`silkworm, wild Jilkworm
`SilkWOrm gut n : SILl( OUT
`Silkworm Jaundice n : polyltedrosis of the silkworm
`silkworm r o t n : CALce<o
`silkworm seed 11 : the eges or 1he silkworm
` \'silkc. 'si~k-. ·ki\adj, usu-rt\I·EST[ •silk + ·Yl 1 a :eon(cid:173)
`sist!ng of silk b (I) : like silk in nppearance. feel, or sound
`: SOFT, SMOOTH, Ot.OSSY, SLEEK (- printed COttOnS -Lois
`u fur -New
`l.oog) ( vel vel that feels almost os thl<k •nd -
`Yorker) (commonest of the1e t-v qua.rtzcs is tiac:reye -Jew.
`~ltr.$' Circ.ular·K~y-ltone~ (faint, -
`cirrus wisps - Johl1 Muir
`t t?l4) (hear the- SWlSb Of . hurled Speat -charles ~)
`(2) : lNGRAnATI'tO <-insinuations) (a~ voice.) (names that
`ban a -
`sound to them -John McNulty) 2 : havina or
`covered with fine soh hain. plumes. or scales
`23Jlky or sllk.le \ " \ n. pi silkiM [•silky] 1: a bird or a breed
`of small five-toed crested domestic towls havina soft white
`wcble" fcnt hers nnd the car lobes a nd the lumpy roto comb
`purple 2 ! a mutAtiOn Of the domc.slic row! i n WhiCh the batbS
`of the fe.arhers are not linked t01Jttber to form a web
`anteater (Cydopts dldacrylu.r) distinaui.shed by very beautiful
`Slll.<y anteater n : a squirrel-siZed So. American arboreal
`long silky golden rur -
`called also ,,.'0-tt>td OIIUattr
`~~~~ ~~ro"u1 t~~~~ur~~~~;rt'hr'i:':!d ~: ~~~k~'l!cflcuminota)
`Silky beech n : mn A uslral.ian evera,reen tree ( Vllf.artJio moord)
`or tbe family lcacinaceac with hnrd lustrous J rayisb wood. that
`is used esp. for cabinetwo rk and interior jotnery
`s ilky bent grass n : a stout leorh Euro~an grau (Agrostis
`s~~~rnO:::~· .":=:~~~~ t~:e(}e::;.d1,;a5'malachod~n-
`dron) or the southeastern U.S. or ten cuttivarcd as an orna(cid:173)
`mental and havina white nowc:n wnh blue a.nt.llen and dark
`purple filaments
`SUky Cornel or silky dogwood n : either of two No. American
`shrubs: a : a shrub (Cornus nmomum) with J'urplish twigs.
`tinely p ubescent leaves, and blue fruit - calle a.lso k lnnikin(cid:173)
`llick b : a closely related and very ar shru b (C. obll~ua)
`~~~~~:,s~~t'h lc,~a ~"fu~r·~~i~:;;.~~~~4lllt rix
`Slll<y Oak WJT <>/ SILK OAK
`:U~ ~~~~0:'a" .~rd~m;IY:wm~~."'~~~::~~rfoo: ::~~k:~
`(L~ontocebu.J ~Walia) h avina; lona soft hair formina a mane
`Sflky wallaby n : NAIL-TAILEO WALLABY
`silky willow n 1 : w 1-rrre WILLOW 2 : '3 No. Amerlcnn willow
`(Salix u riua) with sillcy·pubexent leaves that u su. blacken in
`drying 3 ! SmcA WILLOW
`s ilky wisteria 11 : a Chinese wis.t:ria (Wisteria -r~nusta) widely
`cultivated as ao ornamental vine and having white nowc.n and
`~~Thv~/.s~~tiltr~P,~~t[~km;;,y;:tJ.u,, fr. 0 1! •y/1; akin to
`OHG sw•/11, thrcshold1 ON .. m, sy/1 sillhGk Jolts cross(cid:173)
`beam. rower's bench, S"tima oeck, rowcr•s bene ] 1 a : a bori·
`~~~~! ~~e;:s\a!,~~~r~~h:t r~~~"!~~rek1';,~C:~;'~~~~~ o:L~:d:
`rure (as or a house.. a bridge, a loom, a rnine .set, or n truck
`:=llvr-; {::r:::o:,u~~ o~b~~) a~t~e10~1oT!~:do'!!
`~~~~~~L~PC ~~~ti;~~ ;a~~Oa~el~~ t~:,~ ~(e a
`: THRESHOLD d : a p iece of timber across the bottom or an
`entrance to a dock o r a eanal loek tor the gates to shut against
`e (I ) : the inner lower edge or an embrasure of a fortification
`(2) : o ne of the horizontal timt...-. lorming the upper and
`~:0~ :,o~n!a:aie:e!~ a '3u~ ~.'~b~l~a~~dyo~~ j~!fs> r:e~ \~~
`jec:lcd while molleo between sedimentary or volcanic beds or
`alona folialion ~nes of met•morphic roc:ks 4 : an elevation
`t=:i~~~~~'~ ~~:~:~:.ori"J;!i~, ·:~:i~!t: !h~~~:·reD~h
`separatin.Q the ba.sins o t two bod•es or water 6 : the top surface
`of a usu. low or normnlly submer~ed dam
`•stu \ "\ >t -•nl-t><OI·s : to pro•ide with a sill
`>sill \ "\ n -s [by alter.) archDic : TIDLL
`81llabub vor 0/ SYL.LA8UB
`au . Ja.gin·i·dae \,sil•'iino,de\ " pi, cop [NL, lr. Slf!o61n-,
`~~~~~,O~~Wof~h~1sh+.U!~e;tt:te~s~;~~·~~~~ e::d~~e.ftlf~
`that though small are excellent food fishes
`·~~Jd~3f1~~~gli~~~~~i~ei'~/~d' t~~h~~ITiasJ~r:~· smaro + E
`2s lllaglnold \ " \ n -s : a silloginold lish
`sp~:·.~ '~r~~~.,,~~ifr ~f..~1':.~d::l'Qt/".;e~~~d1ti!~.: ~~
`·~~c~:·~~~V;,ft~)S~_;,'"r"':fr~tr!'.}.l[~,m~~~~~i ~
`: buildinB rnalerial comi.sting ot Ia rae blocKs cut from o. natural
`deposit {as or Jav1, tuff, limestone, or compae1 clay)
`s tU cock n : a wa.«er raucet placed tU abou t sill hea~:ht o n che
`~~~1~i3ea~~a1,~~!~~~\ a nd usu. threaded for auachlna o h ose-
`Sill course n : a course at the level or a windowsill
`·~!:~~sY~·~t~M :·•. t~ne9al iii~~; 3.0..'~ ~n'!lsts5~~-
`native bismuth oxide in ea.nby masses and that is polymorphous
`with bismhe
`Sll· ler \ '•ib(r)\ chl<}fy dial var of SILV£11
`s tu n oor n : the bottosn Door or • stope in the square-$Ct sys-
`cem of minint.
`SlUibUb wzr 0 SYLI.ABtlll
`s n .u .Jy \'sil~ \•li\ ad• : in a silly manner
`'silomo,nit\ n ·S jllcnlamin Silliman t l 864
`~:;;~'::~i-:1~\~~~t~E~!!~ !f .:~iunmF~~is~h~~t~ai~
`orthorhombic cr,y.stals often occurrina in tibrou:s or columnar
`rorm! and rhat IS polymorphous with cyanite and andalusite
`- CilliCd a lSO jftJtOiilr:.· ' " ST"-l.IMA.Nil t. GROUP
`e:1Utman1te group n : the group or minerals comprising sil-
`sll\ik ~r~ ;::;r J;r~.1cc
`Sill man n : a worker who replaces rotten sills o f 1~d·lifted
`copper-reJi~in,s tanks
`sll•lOCk \ 'Sil>k\ n -s [Sc sill young hcrnns (of Seand Ortgtn;
`akiu 10 Norw slid herrina) + -o-cli- more a t SILO) s~ot : a
`srl~l;:.~l~~c~ \s~'l~grofo(r)\ n -s [ G k $/1/oll'aphos. lr. sl/los
`satirical poem + -graphos writer, fr. 1ropht in t o write - more
`at CARY£] : a wriler o f satires
`sills pi of <OU-, p_rtt Jd sfnJl ol SILL
`innocenl, prtiable. feeble, rr.Jassumed) OE '"'If· rr. 08 tifl
`ISJI•l)' \sill, ·h\ tuli -D<f-FS't ( ME <t/y, silly happy. blessed.
`~::f.i2f~~t.+s~::~·,in'uk~~~~ P sof'a/,~~~c~~~~re. ~om1::~ ~·.r~J=
`Jaros c heerful) 1 a ·: needi.ns compassio n or sympAthy : PA·
`n-1!TIC b : helpless against a ttack : DEFENSELESS- usu. u sed or
`2 a
`: RUmC. SIMP~ PLAIN ( - buckCI$ on lhc deck - S.T.
`Coleridge) <• sound peaceful and - as any cowbell heard in
`tt.> Alps -'-Ost..n Sit well) b obJ : lowly in station : HUMBLE
`3 a : weak in in1ellc<:t : destilute or ordinary strenath of mind
`- .. -
`.. -
`· -'-A.!.!--.- . ....... ,.,; . ... _
`Exh. 1024

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