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`Pawnt Practitisner Signature
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`Bass and Spangenberg
`Bass and Spangenberg
`Exhibit 1011
`Exhibit 1011

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`App}. N0.
`Docket No.
`Custeiner N0.
`Confirmation Ne.
`: 12l811,73’7
`: Federice STROPFOLG, et ai.
`: July 6, 2019
`: 161’?
`: Genevieve S.A1iey
`: 3504-108
`2 Q6449
`: 1929
`UNBER 37 C.F.R. 4:: 1.114
`Directer ef the United States F‘atent
`and Trademark Gffice
`R0. Box 145$}
`Atexandria, VA 22313-1450
`In response tn the firtai Qffiee Action matted September 12, 2012, Applicants tespeetfuliy
`request entry and consideration ef the amendments and retnsrks contained on the t‘e1Eew‘i_rtg
`pages. Appiieants are filing eenenttentty herewith a Request for Continued Examinatien
`(“RC5”). Anthorizetieti is hereby given to eherge Deposit Aeeennt Ne. C92—2135 fer any fees
`deemed necessary. Applicants respeetfuity request ennsiderntion of the remarks centaiiiett en the
`following gages.
`Anteneinients te the Ctairns begin on page 2 ef this paper.
`Remarks begin en page 4 of this paper.

`US. Serini No. i2;i8l 1,737
`Response to Office Action dated 9/12ii2';
`Page 2
`mmnnsmsrrs T8 TEE QEAEMS
`Tlie foilewing iisting of claims replaces and superseiies ail previous listings,
`Listing of Cinirns:
`i. (Currently Amended) An orally disintegrating tablet with speckled appearance
`comprising gs: sgecides comprising coicred granules of s. water—soinl31e sugar and
` . ‘ ' a pharrnaceuticaily acceptable carrier.
`2. {Previously Preseriteri) The orally disintegrating tablet according to claim 1 ‘wherein
`the watenscinisie sugar is selected from the group consisting of sucrose and poiysicohois.
`3. (Previously Presented) The orally ciisintcgrnting tablet according to claim 2 wherein
`the wstensoiuiile sugar is seiecteti from the group consisting of sucrose, sorliitol, nisnnitoi,
`xylitoi, and fructose.
`4. (Previously Presented) The oreiiy disintegrating tablet according to claim 3 wherein
`the weter~solu‘olc sugar is mannitol.
`5. (Previously Presented} The orally disintegrating tabict acccrding to ciaim 1 wherein
`the eoicred granules have a particle size from about l0 cm. to about 1200 inn.
`6. (Previously Presented) The orally disintegrating tsbiet according to claim 5 wherein
`the coiorcrl grannies have a particle size from about 20% rim to about 890 um.

`US. Seriai No. i2!8.i.i.,73"?
`Response to Office Action dated 9:12/12
`?age 3
`7. (Previously Presented) The orally disintegrating tabiet according to ciaim 6 wherein
`the colored granules have 21 particle size from about 300 em to about 50G gm.
`8. (Pteviousiy Presented) The oraiiy disimtegratiiig tablet according to claim i wherein
`the colored granules are present in an amount. from about 0.1% wiw to about 50% w/W per tabiet.
`9. (Previeueiy Presented) The oraiiy disintegrating tablet according to claim 1 wherein
`the colored grannies are present iii an amount from about 1% wfw to about 30% wiw per tablet.
`10. (Withdrawn) A metiioai for the id$if1iZ’ifiCa€i0i1Qf an orally disintegrating iabiet
`comprising the use of an orally disiniegratiiig tablet with speckled appearance according to eiaim
`11. (Withdrawn) A method according to claim 10 whereiii the oraiiy disiiitegratiiig tabiet
`is scored and embossed with one or more eymbois, letters, numbers or oenibiiiation thereof.

`US. Serial No. 1.2f811,737
`Response to Qffice Actien dated 9X12/1?.
`Page 4
`The finai Office Action rnaiied September 12, 12012, has been received and carefuiiy
`reviewed. Tire preceding arnendrnents and the foiiewing remarks ferrn a fuii and cornpiete
`response thereto.
`in the Qffice Actien, eiairns L11 are pending. Ciaiuts 1()—11 have been
`witiidrawn. Ciairn 1 is curreritiy amended. Support far this arnendrnent can be feund, inter aim,
`in the uriginai claims and tirrougiieut the specification. inciuding but net iirnited to page 2, iines
`25433. No new matter has been added by this arnendnrent. Reconsideration of die outstanding
`rejections is respectfuiiy requested in View ef the abeve arnendrnents and the foiicwirig remarks.
`Reectiens Under 35 13.3.13.
`Ciairris L4 and 8 were rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 162th) as being anticipated by US.
`Patent Puiaiicatien Ne. 21303/'(318€1357 tn Martirio, et a1. {"‘1\/1artine”). Appiicants respectfuiiy
`subrnit that Martino does net describe each and every element of amended independent claim 1.
`in response tn Applicants’ previous arguments, the tuttstanding Office Action stated that
`“as written, the eiaini eriiy requires a specified appearance and does net require the speciries to
`comprise ceiered sugar grannies.” See Office Actien, page 7?. Ciairn I has been amended tc
`eiarify that the speciries comprise ceiered granules cf a water~seiui:i1e sugar. As amended, claim
`1 provides that the specides are attribtttabie tn the colored grannies ef watepseiubie sugar.
`Appiieants traverse the rejection because Martino faiis to describe “speciries eorriprisin.g eeiored
`grannies of a waterwseiubie sugar.”
`In Martino, rnarinitoi and a dye are biended in a 1iigti—s1rear mixer. See Martino,
`paragraph {@085}. The resuit of the precess in Martirie is a. “iietnogencus mixture at“ niarrnitni
`and dye,” not entered granules at’ a waternsoiubte sugar. Id.
`in Martina, tire specified appearance
`is attributed tn enter “bleeding” into the casting attire ioeus of each dye particie. See Martino,

`US, Serial No. l2/811,737
`Response to Office Action dated 91 l2.’ l2
`Page 5
`paragraph Etltllfll. The specirletl appearance is, thus, attrlltiutahle to the aqueous coating;
`composition comprising gellan gum? not colored granules of a watensoluhle sugar.
`In contrast, the present invention provitles for “speclrles comprising colored granules of a
`watensoluhle sugar” and does not require a coating for a speeltletl appearance. As described in
`the specification, the protittctiou of these speclrles involves “granulation of the water—solul'3le
`sugar with an aqueous suspension or solution of the coloring agent in a suitable fluid hetl
`granulator.” See Specification, page 9, line l5. Thus, it is clear hoth from the claim language
`and the specification of the present inverition that the speclrles comprise granules of colored
`watensoluble sugar. Accordingly, Applicants submit that Martino does not describe each and
`every element of claim 1. Since claims 24 and El depend on claim l, these claims are not
`anticipated by hlaitiuo for at least the same reason as claim l. Tlierefore, Applicants
`respectfully reqiiest that the rejection be withdrawn.
`lleeetions linder 35 ll.S.C. 1:: lot? a
`ln the outstanding Office Action, claims l~4 and 84;? were rejected under 35 l_l.S.€."I. §
`l03(a) as being obvious over Martino. Additionally, claims 1-9 were rejected under 35 ll.S.C. §
`l03(a) as being obvious over Martino in View of US. Patent l’ul)licati.on No. 2904/G2l3855 to
`Pettersson, et al. (“l’ettersson”§. Applicants respectfully submit that a primufacie conclusion of
`clwiousness is not warranted because all of the elements of arnentletl. claim l are not in the prior
`art, either alone or in comhirration.
`As discussed altove, Martino fails to tlescrilae (or otherwise teach or suggest) “soecltles
`comprising colored granules of a watensoluhle sugar.” Furthermore, it/lartino fails to teach or
`suggest “specirles comprising colored granules of a water—soluble sugar.” As claims 2-4 and 343
`depend on claim 1, all of the previously rejected claims include the feature, “speclrles comprising

`US. Serial No. 121811337
`Response to Gffice Aeticri dated 9/ 12! 12
`Page 6
`coiored grannies of a water»sei’ubie sugar.” As this feature is not taught or described in the cited
`art, Appiicants submit that the cieirns are not ebvieus ever Martino fer at least for this reason.
`Aeccrdingiy, Applicants submit that the rejection of claims 1-4 and tie‘) based on Martino stone
`is untenable and shettiti be withdrawn.
`Moreover, Pettersscn fails to remedy the deficiencies of Msrtinc. Pettersseh is directed
`to tsbiets with rrianriitei having 3. particle size from 250 to 450 grin. Petterssen, however, does
`not describe, teach, er suggest “entered grannies ci’ 3 water»sohtbie sugar.” Therefore, amended
`ciainis 1-9 are net ehvious in View of the cited art. Accerdingiy, Applicants respectfully request
`that the rejection be withdrawn.
`Ail of the stated greuneis cf objection and rej ecticri have been properiy traversed,
`accemrnedated, or rendered rnoott Appiicents therefore respectfuhy request that the Examiner
`reconsider ah preseiitiy outstanding rej eetions, and that they be withdrawn. Appiicarits
`respectfully submit that present ciairris 1—9 are new in coiiditicn fer eiiowtince.
`Piesse charge any required fee in connection with this submission, iiieiudirig an extension
`of time fee in the event this submission is uritiirieiy, er any additional fees or credits to Deposit
`Account Ne. 32-2135.

`US. Seria1Ne. I.2i81.t.,73’7
`Response te Qffiee Actien dated 9/12/12
`Page 7
`if fer any teaser: the Examiner determines that the application is not new in ezmditien fer
`aiiewanee, it is respeetfuiiy requested that the Examiner contact, by teiephene, the Applicants’
`untiersigned attorney at the indieateti teiephene number to arrange for an interview te expedite
`the disposition of this appiieatien.
`Respeetfuiiy submitted,
`Attemey fmr Applicant
`Registratien No. 30,549
`6537 14th Street, Suite 800
`Washington, DC. 2{3(}i}5
`Teiephone: (20?) 733-6940

`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
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`First Named Inventor/Applicant Name:
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