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`ISBN-10: 0-87779-814-I
`1. English language-—Dictionaries. I. Title: Collegiate dictionary. II. Merriam-
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`PAGE 2 OF 4
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`arthropod o aryl
`molted at intervals. and a dorsal anterior brain connected to a ventral
`glgainazri ganglia — arthropod adj -— ar-throp-o-dart \§r-'tl1ra-po-
`ar-thro-scope \'§r-thra-.sk6D\ rt (1925) : a fiber-optic instrument surgi-
`cally inserted through an incision near ajoint (as the knee) and used to
`visually examine the joint interior — ar-thro-scop-Ic \.ii.r-thra-'si<§-
`1:ik\ acli
`er-three-co-py \ar-'tht-is-ltc—pE\ it (1931) : examination of it later with
`an arthroscoptr also : surgery on a Joint using an arthrosco
`er-tilro-sis tar-‘turn-mt n.
`I-thro-sea \-.sez\ INL. fr. or man
`1ointtna.'a.rticulation. fr. err mun to articulate. i'r. artllrarl]
`: an articulation between bones 2 : adeaencrntive disease o a joint
`ar-ihro-snore \'ilr-thra-
`r\ n (1895) : OIDIIJM lb
`Arathur \'ir-thcr\ n (tile : a legendary kin of the Britons whose story
`is based on traditions or a sixth century ml itary leader
`Ar-thu-ri-an \&r—‘thur-e-an. -‘mini:-\ ado’ (1612) : of or relating to Kim:
`firlhur and his court
`'ar-tlocl1_oIto\'lr-ta- cho|t\ lr [ll dial. orrlciaceo. ulttm. fr. Ar oi-Idrursltrzf-'
`the artichoke] (15501
`: a tall Mediterranean corn
`te herb {C‘_la-
`nora scoljrmus} resembling a tiriatlc with coarse
`leaves: also : its edible lnttnature flower head which is-eonlte as a veg-
`‘ etable 2 : l!tRUsAt.a:t-I Alt11I'.:'l-toitlt
`or-ti-ole \'itn-ti-k:i\ ll (ME. i‘r. AF. fr. L at-ricm‘n.r joint. division.-dim. of
`arms oint. limb: nitin to Cl: nmriskein to fit -—- more at ARM] (tile)
`a : a istirlct often numbered section oi‘ a- writing is: a separate clause
`1: : a stipulation in a document (as a contract or a creed '(---e-of inden-
`cl : a nonflctlomi prose composition usu. fonn g an indepen-
`dent part or it publication (as a magazine) 2 : an item of busineels
`: !rIA‘l"l‘Blt 3 : any of a mall set of words or nfiiltes (88. a. on, arid the)
`used with nouns to limit or give dcfiniteness to the application 4 : a
`member ofa class of things: esp : an item of goods (I--vs of value) 5 : a.
`{hing or person of at particular and distinctive kind or class (the genu-
`ne --a)
`“article W -fllfllilt ncllng \-lt(a-)lir,|\ (1820) : to bind by articles (as of ap-
`article of I
`(Be) : a basic belief
`agatie-uola-bio \lr-‘ii-kya-Ia-bal\ staff (1833) : capable of being articulat-
`ar-tie-u-la-cy \§r-‘ti-ltyo-lo-sE\ It (1918) chiefly Brit: the quality or state
`of being articulate
`lar\ cw‘ [ME articular: fr. L -tmicuiarir. fr. articu-
`arotlcvu-tar \Ir-'ti-
`atin to'a oint (nu c'artIia'ae
`‘ for use) : ofor
`or-t couoidte \fir-‘ti-kyc-_gt\
`[L articular»:
`nted. pp. oi’ articulate.
`i'r. eI1'lculm'I(lS86)
`‘I a : div
`into syllables or words't'nea.tringftt1ly
`arraI1ged:m1'at.t.tonl't.n b : ebletospcait c : oxpmsslngolreaelf
`. clearly. or effectively (an ---r teacher): alto : expressed in this
`manner (an --a a
`nt) 2 a : correlation of "segments united by
`olnts : totm-no ~ animals) b : distinctly marked art — or-tic-tr
`to-iy adv — are e"-u-late-noes la
`‘at-tic-u-late \-Jan vb -lat-ed: -lat-In rt (1553 1 e z to give clear and
`ef.l‘e-etlve utterance to :
`I into you
`{~ one‘: grievances) b: to ur-
`ter distinctly arric-tcl‘cr?$'each note in the musical phrase)
`I: : to give
`definition to
`a shape or object) (shades of gray were chosen t'n_--v
`dlfferent spaces —Cat-oi Vowel) d : to give shape or expression to (as
`1. theme or concept) (a drama that uses eerie pro
`to no a sense of
`foreboding) Zattounttebyorastfbyrneanso a,loh1I.:JotN'r
`: to form or fit into a systemrttlc whole (or-rlcalourtg 9. pmgram l'ot-"all
`schoolgradcs) ---v vi
`1 : to uttarurticulateaouuds 2 : to become
`united or connected by or as if by a joint — or-licotl-la-tlva \-la-tlv.
`-,ti-_\ ado‘ -— er-tic-u-_|e-tor \- ii-tafl it
`ar-tlc-u-latoed \..ua-zadx aw tiara}qramar.-.1: : having a hi
`or me:
`connection esp. to allownegotiation ofsharp toms (nu
`ar-tie-u«la-tlon \(.ii|r-.ti-ltyaJli-sh:ln\ n (isc)
`1 a : aj
`tor tincture
`between bones or cartilage: in the skeleton of a vertebrate I: : a mov-
`able joint between rigid parts of an animal 2 a : the action or manner
`of jointing or interrelating b : the state of heingjointed or interrelated
`3 a : the act of giving utterance or expression
`: the act or manner of
`articulating sounds
`c : an articulated utterance or sound; specif
`: cottrsouarrr 4 : ot:c:.ustoN_ lb
`arfillt?-u-la-Io-ry llr-‘ti-Itya-la-.tt'lr-e\ until (1818) : oi‘ or relating to artic-
`or-ti-fact Var-ti-.raitt\ it L core by skill (chi. of or:-. an s
`neut. olfoctlu, pp. of acres to do —- tnore at am. no] ( 821)
`1 a
`: something created by hurrtans use. for a prallliti-ill Purposet
`: an
`object remaining from a
`rticular period (caves containing pre inor-
`lo and) b : something c
`terlstic of or resnlti
`treat a particular
`human institution. patio
`trend or individual
`. .tul'na out to be all ---r
`ucation system —T£mes Lit. Supp.)
`2 : a product of artificial character (as in a scientific test) due usu. lo
`exmneous (as human} agency -— ar-tl-foo-to-al \.llr-tl-‘talc-chat-wa)1.
`—'la|t~shwoi -chti-oi\ 04$“:
`. _fr. 1.. ar.-otcrmn, fr. or-rifle.-. arrifex artifioer.
`at-ii-flea wir-ta-fas\ n
`fr. L arl—. ans +fca-ere] (ca. 1604
`1 a : clever or rtrtfttl slttlt : lNOEi'~IU-
`IT-Y (believing that characters‘ ted to be created i'rt:lI'l1 within rather
`than with --u -(iarsoll l{.lIlln_) b : an ingenious device or
`_ ten:
`2 a : an artful stratsnem : rarer: b : false or insincere tschav r (so-
`cial --) syn sec TitlCI‘Ail'l‘
`1 : a skilled or artistic
`ar-it-fl-oer \§r-‘ti-fa-sat’.
`Ir-ta-i'a—s:lr\ in (tile)
`worker or craftsman 2 : one that metres or contriyes : DEVIBER (had
`been the ~ oi‘ his own fortunes —l"imer Lil. Strep)
`or-ti-‘ii-olal \.fir-to-‘fl-sh'1\ nail (lilo)
`1 : humanly contrived oilen on-a
`natural model : MAN-MADE (an ----o limb) (-—- diamonds) 2 a : having
`existence in lcsnl. economic, or
`llttcal theory I: : caused or pro-
`duced by a human and es . sec! or political afincy (an on rice ad-
`vanlaiifl) (-'-- berries-sol‘
`iscriminalion —R.C.
`eaver) 3o _
`l='Ut.. CUHNING 4 a : Incltlns in natural or spontaneous quality (an no
`smile) (am "No excitement)
`is :
`tMrl‘Nl'l0N. SIMM (a-.... flavor)
`: basedon differential morphological characters. not neoessarily'i.|'ttlicn-
`titre oi’ natural relationships (an ---r key for plant identification -—- ar-
`tiofi-cloat-I-ty \.ar-t:- ll-she-'a-Ia-te\ ll — ar-tiotloclal-ly '\-'i‘i-sh -e\ adv
`— ar-ti-fl-elalonoee -'rl-sh.-ll-n_-.u\ is
`artificial horizon n {I920} : a gyroscoplc flight instrument designed to
`PA afifiluttitude with respect to the true horixon
`artificial insemination n (1897) : introduction of semen into the tire"
`us or oviduct by other than natural means
`artificial Intelligence it (-1956)
`‘l : I branch of computer science am
`ing -with the simulation of intelligent behavior in corn uters 2 : the -
`cafmbillty of a machine to imitate Intelligent human be avior
`art finial respiration it (381?) : the rhythmic forcing of air into and M -
`of the lungs of a person whose breathing has stopped
`er-ill-ler-Isl \.'tr-‘ti-I:-»rlst\ It (I757) : ourmrtn. anm.t.aa-mm
`at’-til-Iory \&r-‘ti-hr-E. -‘til-ri\ rt. pl -Iar-ins [ME arrriii'm'e. fr. AF. tr‘ ck
`tiller to equip. atrn.aI1er.of0F nriiiiar. fr. Vi. ‘curricula:-e, fr. L ,5‘,
`to don. prepare. i'it.— more at an;-uvrl 05:)
`1 : weapons (ah;
`slings, and catapults) for discharging missiles 2 a : terse bore
`served mounted fin.-anns (as guns. hnwltzers, and rockets) : any
`NANCE b : a branch oi’ an army armed with artillery 3 : rneam-
`ulna. or persuading
`arv I-lot-y-man \-man\ rt (1635) : a soldier in the artillery
`ar-tio-dac-tvl \
`-ti-fl-‘duh-i’l\rl [NLAri'.i'ad£l'cry!tr. fr. Gk orfioa fimn-‘
`+ do
`for finger. toe: akin to Git arorrlnkcin to at‘
`more at All.-M3 (ca. 1
`) : any of an order (Arllodactyla? of unguh .
`as the camel or plf) with an even number or functions toes. name‘
`out — anlodaoty ad!
`ar-tl-can \'ir-to-zen. -sen. chiefly Brit .1:-to-‘uni rt IMF. fr. nortl-um-.|'
`dial. form of lluscan orttgitmo. fr. one art. fr. 1. err-. ml] (1538)
`1 .
`worker who practices a trade or hamilcrait : ctmrrsrensou 2 :
`that produces something (as cheese or wine) in lirnited fintltics gnu‘
`using traditional methods — at-ti-can-at \-za-n°I. —sa-. —
`-\ ad! .._ ah
`ti-sen-ship i-.sI:l \ rt
`1 a not : one skilled or versed in lean,“
`nrl:-la! \'fir-tis1\ J‘! ca. 150?)
`.corcIrc1c:;ut‘rts.mi 23:01-.¢“,h
`arts barc!ltzir.~:m-tt's1ctlu~l
`rive art
`I: : a person skilled in“
`pmfuau and practices an
`of the fine arts 3 : a skilled perlbrrner: esp : .luat'rts're 4 : one who i
`adept at something fcon --v (atrlkeout -—-)
`ar-tiete '\llr-‘rem n F] (1
`1 : a skilled adept public p,errormr
`-speldf: a musical or theatrical entertainer 2 : an artistic or
`ar-tie-tic \fir-‘tie-tlltl ad)‘ (on. 1753)
`1 :-of. relating to. or chat-ac
`n arra
`gar: orari.ists{~ subjects) (an!-(success) 2 :showinai
`11 _.
`\-wktflla adv
`orexecu on (
`pho ograp y)
`art-lat-ry \'st~ta—rtrE\ it (1368)
`1 : artistic tnaallt of etl‘e'et.or '
`(the ~ ofhisnovel
`2 : artistic ab Itty the --or the
`in) (a awy-er‘: ---o in
`in; Juries)
`art-lass \'§.rt-leak ad} 1339)
`1 : lacking art. itnowietige, orskfi]:
`ot.lt:t'u1trto {an we brute) 2 ll : nude without skill : cittina (an
`tto win votes)
`it : free trout artirtclallty : t«ilI't1't.llU\L (Mu '
`from suite or craft : sincerely simple (an on young
`syn see l-I.vt1'I.lrt..It1. -— art-ioaa-iy adv — art-loam
`lIl;lB::floti-gO§3fll|?.\:‘I:_(l_l)D-Il1§I(;I£|'defn\ ll. alien cap Aélb‘
`art nou-veau \°.§r(_t}-nli-‘rd-\ it, often
`Ad-N II-'. lit.. new-art] ['1 n-.
`fiigelsrte 19th century 0
`characterized esp‘. by -....g._'
`art-roctt \"irt-.rlk\rl 1968) : rock music tlmtincotporatese - 5'
`tradtlloual or class! music — an-.-rock-art-'ar1—.ra-i:ar\ n
`amend creflsrnerien
`.«iait’.‘(lll88): ameuernentln E
`. .. _-
`Americandcsign during _ 1: late 19th and eariy 10th centuriesp -3';
`ing. handeraltsruenshlp over industrial mass production
`or! song n (1890) : a nail. through-composed song for solo
`.n‘°°°ay"i’?i.'l"J‘a'{".§ ‘(1"fil"-"l'Ea'i'ir""‘ "°"°
`-ac-‘In-lift oe\ also arty-crafty tar-re-'ltral'-I-'«‘-
`Irr. the hrasearoam! i’-‘rdflf (1902) : Anrr
`oitfithongs! it (1923) : a tltenter tint specializes in the presentation
`art-work \'art-.war-ic\ n [1832 1 .a : an artistic production (an
`in ‘gift draw as or photograph) propnned for
`‘arty \'sr-té\_a-all art-l-er; -93! (I901) : ahowiiy or pretcntiotu .
`6% and photography) — art-i-Iy \'£.r-t’i—e’\ adv —-
`arur-so-la 'l;_a~'rtt-an-lo. —:.y:l'-\ n [proh. fr. It dIa1.: ‘akin to it disk. I."
`ha y)
`it nice — more at ROCKET]
`(1 .
`edlterranenn herb (Ema: Ilesicaria satin-‘ll
`mustard lmnily cultivatetl for its foliage which is used with in ‘ _.
`called also garden maker. rocker, mqmarm. mgola
`ar-um \'a-ram. ‘er-_ant\ at i'NL. fr. L drum, fr. Git nron] (MC)?
`rim: of the family Araceae. the arurn fan1lly)_ of
`ring us_u. arrow-shapetl leavesanti at showy spnlllfl
`enclosing a spider; broadly : aplani of the aruln farniif
`AFN dbbr American Revised Version
`=$‘.3.."l'u1's”.”.;'..’?e'l‘i%'31‘ 2'53‘ .':l".‘.’.1E.‘:.l...-it-.‘I.’.‘::'“ ‘%:rl*‘,,.‘?.:.‘:«'a-
`when ngt; 91%: Hiwrrr Lor r? in oil’0:1-933*»
`IMB-o .r.
`-crime act]. suffix]
`1 :
`ing beiongiuglo clr cotlthruted with:
`oEn{o.\ttIaly) 2 : person bcltmsius lo. connected with. 0|‘
`2-§ryIlrdl'?n.l:tgyir>[lcligE -aria. in AF 6': L: AF 'lJ'lP€.
`in L -arntlrl 3°!’ "
`with -bu
`to )
`‘Aw-‘i.'n°3':i5'r§-“an. ‘er-é-:('lrEl3r%’r:;i['trti! [Skion-a noble. bclnniii“
`cicnt people of northern in a sneaking an lnde-BuruD°‘" '
`: INDO-EUROPEAN 2 I : of or relating to it 11
`nit: type illustrated b or dcscencleti from earn 31!” ‘
`European languages‘
`: Nottorc o — used in
`supposed muster race or non-Jewish Caucasians tmh 1"‘
`2 features 3.: ofor relating to lndo-Iranian orils speak“!
`1 :tNDO-BUitDPEAN 2a : Norton’: gins at l._
`ar-yl \'a-rel, ‘er-ai\ M0 [ISV emmatic + -3)!) (1906) 1 "3
`monovalent a
`to radical (as pltenyl) derived from 1'‘
`net on
`goctirbon by
`e removal oi’ one hyclrogerl atom -—- often
`' '
`PAGE 3 OF 4
`stringently 0 strong
`1 237
`- ..
`_. ‘WI .-
`' .
`v _-
`- f‘
`: “ ' '
`.. -
`' '
`strip search If (INT) : a search for something concealed on a person
`iced by
`oney scarcity and credit so-ictnm (a -u
`.2'.t3°.:'.*.';i?':‘.§’;’“1.§'J¢E'€:‘i°ir‘i"‘2 :.'::'.;i:t:..1‘:'°-*'*...."=":.i......
`s’-5‘e".i=°:t.;"":"".;t:':.::l:'.t;'t'.. 2
`. ....... ......
`n w
`removes clothing
`\'9“fi':1,45rtaps on which list: are strung by a fisherman 3 : it
`strip-tees-er'\-,tE-t-.cr\ it 31330] : one who performs astripteaec
`:11 or tr.-egular filament of mineral traversing a rock mass of
`strip! \‘su-I-pE\ ad! elrltt-I-er: -eel (I513) : marked by stripes. or
`l‘‘ 5,1,] 4 e : a long horiznntll Ilmbflf ill ¢D1111¢¢i ilbfltihil
`wgupportnlioor b:st1tINo8 ezatielnatruss Se
`strive \'strtv\ vi strove \'strov\ one etrlved \'strivd\; etrlvoen \'strl-
`fig‘ member extending from bent to bent of a_ railrourl
`von\ er atrivect: atrtv-ing \'stti-vit)\
`to quarrel. oontentl. right.
`man; the track b = I ltmnitvdinai member (as Ill an air-
`endeavor. fr. AF mrtw.-r to quanel.
`r. etrrt. can-if strife — more at
`we or wine) to reinforce the skin 6 a : a news corrospom
`tl1'll.tFB] (He)
`1 : to devote serious effort or energy : nnomtvon (--—
`Plld SPEC? W1“ 33 - 3 mlmflar Wilt! W_-Wk! For I nub i
`to finish a project) 2 : to struggle in opposition : GONTBND ayneee
`W, mnw on It Im1:lime basis: broadly - colutasronnen-r
`Afignyr ._ g.[flu.gr\|51fi_v-_-u-\ ,,
`‘mg to be or specified excellence or efficiency -— uaetl in
`‘ ", .
`atrobe \'strob\ n [by shortening an alter-.1 (1942)
`1 urttoeosoot-a 2
`an (tlrst-u1‘Hi'i'8t'i") <sec0ndvffinttfl'>
`: a tieviee that utilizes tt fiashtttbe for high-speed Illumination (as In
`\'striti--'1¢'‘1l\ " 953- 1534) 5 3 *7‘-'“d“'l°" °‘. lame“?-55 ‘I! 3
`holography) 3 : Puatrroen
`b m=g§fl|nrds{ashI‘1)11s =3‘! fit-Inns in excess-vc
`hoc -*
`: .-
`etro-bl-la \stn'.i—'hi-la.
`'atro;ba-\ n. pl’ -Ina \-latex INL. fr. Gk nmwe
`‘\'-'fmo-In\ *3
`1.31112? 1 iiinss 0* --118? in iv"-imr= d==°m-on
`rltttt of lint shaped like a tnneoone. fr. strobilox pineoorte] (ca. 1864) : a
`ggrlal W33} W 1.‘-' 3 "30 El '3 5""-‘"8
`. " L
`t-Elm” ”'mu‘§;§i'§';i'§'u3§t'im”J smclum (B “I: Pmslomds or a ta»
`' the heavy
`uared timber iylna
`3 ~
`atra-hi-la-tten \.etro-be-‘ii-shen\n rm. xboblfol (1373) : asexual repm-
`ofihfg.’};“";'1‘““fl 3 dwttfowni Pr u§;1b=rvi.="’
`2 _
`to --
`,4. udmu°'
`s'§o_5’5gl1I't3_a5a"\is'i"'rr1s‘-’ti:ti5l‘as. intro-ta:-\ ll. :21-ll \-
`. INL. fl-. LL. taitteoontt. tr.
`'¢”‘}-gin“ "",', ribist‘?thieorir 1? physgfs: all elerricntarv particles are
`_ _.
`Ogre-abctilfis lwlu!:.o}1l"obJe‘t':"li:s[u’i)pi%)__}l1tt):¢o‘ue. r..ur-oboe
`aifi“‘E'1'§g‘6r)‘.h§;;,'§:“?:::ké’:°' "'°"‘l°'“' ‘"""3'
`__ ‘_
`:ef;si:1mbllos {fight(stain the
`ub mmm=$ t££)° flolgepogm
`9dviismo%\,;;;<j.'s'§,'i,';.91;'s'€_§;;f;,“‘§§‘,ffi{,&r:$£; fi2f:_;”“f,“F']::n”fl:E
`o a
`dlwng. r 1133"‘
`* ,;,,
`etm. "'f'enccpe \'aI.r6-be-.altop\ it [oh atrobotr whirling 1-ISV -scope]
`"in wild = “”‘fl‘‘; §-_“g’.1§’,fi‘fi}[,'}°‘;'§ W“ °““"‘°“““‘""3
`(1996) : an nstrument for determining the {reed oi‘ cyello motion (as
`(8 "li"°u,'il9_5_$°a‘.k\R (1
`1°. 5. R of Se“:
`1 Ausmman w_
`'°%:.'"t“:‘:‘:.".1,i'l.".;tt.".:"..r:t*°t::';.:.t;:t?tt~:'..:' ........:;
`"""“’ ulinnertark 2=u=-==&-r‘=‘=’«m=«='ir=»r==
`i-H --:
`tufts-=mm,««»-ma, vgggagagglgmg
`-at thins. coiretln . or surface matter from b : to deprive
`"1 ‘ m V
`""1 "aw "
`: “ca
`“goo : to divest o honors. prlvtlegea. or functions _2 _a :.to
`"° hf’ “kw” ',’“d" '”"°'n_'.1'“°'3t
`*‘ '
`_ ‘E
`*i‘.'.‘t'.;°;:°.f":.i.‘:....‘-"""......‘::°..."?:ti':.:.‘”i““..%l.::.§:.:£ii.... °t..t
`tt.Iro.¢i-1 timer: orttooessoesrorn
`M “ii *.:.':°'t..t..*°.t‘:.*° """i °‘:i‘.f.'i'£i“.'il'riE.'t‘.i‘.*“..‘&.‘i’t't“'”'
`- - -
`= .
`4 3 ‘° “
`5 '5.
`Pm” "5 a leg‘, "is
`[he mtg“?
`rt stroked; stroll-lug
`fr. OE .tmtelon.' akin to
`"~ °'°‘'‘~°‘'““’'’
`'3 '°‘“
`.l2e) 1:torI.tbucnlly
`b : 1° “move um midrfl’ ‘mm (tobaow-leavfl) 5 ‘ t° ta"
`in one dirootlorr also ‘ cztlttass 2 ' Io flatter or
`attention to in a
`' -
`the thread of (rnteparable pm or fitting) 7 : to
`mm“, de
`to fégur-E m. pfigufla _ aha _°'. 5
`' g, _ .‘
`_ in -.'
`t8)f!'CIl'l'It1l'lI_iJttt.Il.'BIZll':il::IIl.lt.it)It Bttopresaoggaor
`tom 25
`9 : to remove (it subcutaneous vein) by means oi’ I surgical
`F3.‘ "I f_ smki“ ‘P 0 .‘""fi‘t'” ta?“ mm“ atlsrmxsl "3? _ 1
`'. ' .
`u-tent <.ttrI'.t-pint B W|'i°°9= Sanhcnmts vein) --r vi
`1 I = to I1"-9'
`nlpmyom oi’..“7s?..v“"{.=;'i.‘r"rt'“"i‘.t1‘r‘fi.%‘t..t.r.;.r“-
`- "
`.-. clothes ‘:4 to perform a_§t1'IpI.ElI5G 2 3 “'33” I "‘ ‘"'°""‘h1°
`fro mrimréenu 3 e : acon'u-oiled swine intended to
`taball orahut-
`' ‘ '
`. "
`fif,.‘;',‘.'..’,..,..""“""im,1,1‘.,}a.',.i:t.,n3, na;rr?1V1,l:_:-c,f1:I 3'23;
`PR2“ as‘; :lli1ltI)l§scorllta ‘tin
`It tt : a_ s_u1iideo:ctlc?n_ gr process pr;
`-"" ' '4
`‘ hm, developed area esp. along a hlghway 4 . COMIC gm“,
`dttt:IrIstml1'npat:t(a--uo ll
`b . an unexpected result (an-vol
`luck) 5 : sudden diminution or 055 of consciousness. sensation. and
`voluntary motion tatulotl by rupture or obstruction (as by I clot) of at
` . art recorder \‘strip—,ehiirt-\ rt (1950) : at device used for the
`gmmmufmLt°‘£Ht2I::b?I:::mc13Ile:aae'1rl:s‘gpfa:r;I.?é1?rd:uh or move-
`“°"" graphic mmrding of fime'd°'”“d°nt data "' strip-chart
`nt; :1
`I .'::°.:.'.':t.:£.‘i.i2ii.:2:r:°;:lEt.*:I.t.:"t‘::*E:ta°'3 5::::.:'.*;:i :3
`'%"a“!“»?‘wi':3‘Jui’i:r"‘=f»°e?5Z»:= err3n‘°w‘"”f»%’
`roximate contour of the land and minimize erosion —
`‘Hi -.
`“mafia” '1“-M‘ §'°g":°:dc[§' '°°°'“"“’h‘d 4"" °“°“]""> '3" hm’
`ltrfipt vb
`ilant diplomatic ~
`loan: or clever touch in a narrative. do-
`scrlptlon. or conatructicn B : HEARWEAT 9 : the movement in ei-
`= \'s
`welt. Ions scar. blow. prob. fr. stripe band on a
`n Sc)" :.n strolte or blow with :1. rod or Ittslt
`ther direction of a mechanical part. (as a piston) having a tee roe
`t:uotton:ol.to : thodlstence ofsuch movement 10 : these
`pad \'ltt.rlpt't: strip-I
`[MB. to place bonds or edging on
`nnent). fr. MD sfrlpon. fr. .9
`. shape stripe: akin to Ml-l0 strife
`beins srntek (at the --— of twolpre); alto :' the specific time-indicated by
`use) : to. make stripes on or vttrtegttte with stripes
`or as it by such a sound 11[.rrrot\:e : an act ofattolrlna or oat-easing
`12 e : a mark or dash made
`a sin movement of an implement
`hand or stripe on a garment. in part tr. arr}
`v.. in part
`: one oi’ the lines of a letter 0 the alphabet — at a stroke : all at once
`II atripa (150) 1 e : nltneorlo
`spent her savings at a stroke)
`ct-texture from parts adloinln
`b I) : _a textile deslsu cons
`lte vb stroked: etroltehtg at (1597)
`1 _e : to rrutrk with a- short time
`‘Imus: bands against it plain bat:
`ound (2) : afabrtc with a amped
`an 2 : a narrow strip of braid or embroidery uatl. in the shape of a
`(~ the re) b : to cancel tn? drawing at lhto thro1.I_al'l <.ttrolceo" out his
`name) 2: to set thestroite or (a rowing crew): clap: toast the stroke
`. are. or chevron that is worn (as on the sleeve of a military unl-
`Io-rthet:rowoi'(arowlnsboat Stttrrzetp : to propel albeit) with:
`“_- form) to indicate rank or lennthof service 3 :n distinct variety ursort
`oontrolted swinging blow--r
`1 ttoexeottteaatroke
`:t.o rowata
`certain ntunber of st:-oltat-.5 a mrlnute
`me (gcracna of the same political --r) — stripe-lees \'rn1-plotted!
`Ilritnrt \ lrlpt. ‘atrl-pod\ no (15-67) : having stripes or streaks
`Itrolto play it (1905) : golf competition scored by total number of
`lilinee base in (tent) : a lame
`nus silvery food and sport
`. In G dial. molten] vi (1663)
`1 : to so from place
`._ Wowne stouariltt of the family
`"t'..'°'t' mu?“ "°
`it our
`> (‘MMI
`0 W0!’ OI‘ P79 1'.
`chlhnaue) with black horizon-
`2 : to wall: in a leisurely or idle manner : tuultaLa --I W: to walk at
`” 3|
`on the sides. that oca:u_ra
`or about —.8tl'olI rt
`sure alo
`1 Atlantic Donal of the U5.
`been introduced into inland
`stroll-er"\:stro-larthn (1
`‘Isa : tglitmermt actor
`I) t vnoctltitm.
`leuaIb1ecat' flkflfldtfilfllifl BS8
`(35 lakes and reservoirs and
`el-tttlr in which I stnall child may be pushed
`he Pacific coast — call
`etro-me \'at.r6—nta\ rt.
`1' etronme-to \-ma-ta\ [NL avrormzt-. attoma. fr.
`: a common
`L. bed coverl
`. fr. 0 .t.rrJmttt—. trtrtfirrto. fr. slornynoi to
`ad out -
`more at BTRBW (ea.1_832)
`1 a : a compact rnassol Int-ma hy|1l1nepra-
`stihllir mtzpltiritl I.I.sI.I. with white on the top of
`duslut; perithecia or pycntdia b : the colorless protelnaoenua matrix
`that extends
`.. ‘M
`terlorty in two narrowly separated stripes
`or a chloroplast In which the chlorophyll-containing lamellne are ent-
`m°'°I' \'strlé];;.)’r\ n (I 37'} : smmeo Matt
`boddod 2 a : the sup
`rtin; framoworlt of an animal organ t
`. "'51
`It (1
`1 e : the strip marked orpalrtted on something It
`consisting of oonn-oat vo tissue
`I: : the spongy protoplasmic rune-
`of atri
`2 : the not or process of marking with ‘stripes
`worlt. of some cells (as a red blood cell) -— etro-mnl \-rnol\ mt?
`I “Wang \‘atrl-p ltt\ ts (MB! (No) : votrm 2a
`etno-tnateoollte \stroJma-tc-
`\ rt (1.. srrontet-. ttromo bed cov
`+ E
`9 ""53 I 1'! (I980) : a long uau. one-story bttllcllns or you of build-
`-o- + -lite! (1930) : a tent nated t.l.s'tt. ntottndod sedimentary oeetl
`l._- gmllfll-lsln; several adjacent retail stores or service establle meats
`formed from layers of oyanobaeterla. calcium carbonate. and trapped
`_ me ""'|'|9 It (1916) : a mine that is worked from the earth‘: surfaoe by
`eeditnont —- etro-met-o-Ill-lc \-.rna-to-‘ll-tllt\ mo‘
`ulna oi’ overburden; exp : a coal mine situated along the out-
`tron \-no \o:lietron-
`\:stron- |!St\'st‘ .
`(~:t.r~.;“f.§.: r..2::.:.=.=:,:~?.::..:....... “miwéaim. new-oa3'mw -
`ll“--v H-SIC cor
`1 : one that strips 2 : E‘l'ttIl-'l'BJts£:'.tl 3
`stri-1nr\ it (1
`that separates at desired part or an agricultural crop 4 : an
`hat produces 10 barrels or less
`1' day
`ller II (1919) : a poker game In w tleh rt ayera pay their losses by
`"8 articles of clotltltm,
`striped bass
`\e\ abut \’\ kitten, F table \or\ further \a\ ash \é\ ace \tl\ mop. mer
`\at't\ out
`\cl't\ chin \e\ bet
`\c\ easy \g\ go \i\ hit
`\i\ ice
`\j\ job
`\rJ\ sing \t5\ go \t')\ law \ol\ boy \th\ thin \th\ the \I1\ loot \t't\ foot
`\34'\ Vet
`\zh\ vision, beige \|;. ", oe. LE. "\see Guide to Pronunciation
`- "
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