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`Case 1:14—cv—O7094—JBS—JS Document 79-12 Filed 11/16/15 Page 2 of 4 Page|D: 882
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`Case 1:14—cv—O7094—JBS—JS Document 79-12 Filed 11/16/15 Page 3 of 4 Page|D: 883
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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main entry under title:
`Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language.
`unabridged: a Merriam-Webster/editor in chief, Philip Babcock Gove
`and the Merriam-Webster editorial staff.
`ISBN 0-87779-201-1 (blue sturdite).—ISBN O-87779-202-X
`(carrying case).——ISBN 0-87779-206-2 (imperial buckram).
`1. English language—Dictionaries.
`I. Gove, Philip Babcock.
`1902—1972. H. Merriam-Webster, Inc.
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`Case 1:14—cv-07094-JBS—JS Document 79-12 Filed 11/16/15 Page 4 of 4 PageID: 884
`2233 y
`the sets View the arisen from slightly diffzrcnt dircclicns and
`1 I z of. relating tn. ur luvulving three-rliirie-nsinml spam (-
`Ierrtty ul viiinri) b : :3! ur relating Iothenrranleruanlof arnrnx
`I pear In three dimlmrionl
`in space 3 3$1'EBEUPHéN1C
`\'x-.:».-\ l Elsrrren + pair] :
`I sharaograph
`Selena \"\ vr -so/~i.-ici/-s [by shortening] : srnlaonrirr
`cuiisirunz nl I air a! phnlagrlpha
`sharao‘-bale \'sierSa.lfil.
`'sLlr«. vsu -Ed.-‘rV\ I -5 [F or L:
`F xrqréaben. fr. 1. Jlurcobala {cundulou ol I column or
`rslnuag to, or cons run
`a tliraedirnnnsicnal
`stereo-vhaalc Jsursa :stir- +§ my tlsv :Iere- + phonic]
`effanl o auditory perspective (mun
`heard I:
`both ears
`lr. Gk uenabarzt,
`.srm¢- + -burl: one that
`at once or re
`d in dil-
`treads. Ir. baizrdn to walk. go—u:nre it com: usubstrucrnrn
`aduocgl Ilgrvu h loudspeakers
`at lsuemerrt of memory as visible above the ground level
`fereut parts a an llldllbnllfilfial I ~ quality) (the abjecxive
`— Dun: are s-r21.oIA1a —— stereo-bat-in \:---:oId-ilt\
`of ~_- sound ropriafluctinn in in make dear to the listener the
`spatial aspects or the sound —Cb.a:rlcs Fowler) — compare
`\:.stera=, {stir-. +\n [NL, fr. 5195- + ltlauu 1
`: I blastnlz without I cavity
`nonaruomc — stem-npmo-n \,u'iiranE, '.a a ma n -Es
`stereo mineral
`: I camera having two matched lensu
`soareo-uliolugrammattin \'si
`.‘:t_ir- -l-\ adj‘ fIsV unto-
`plwrogrammnrzv + -in] : n or relating to Itareophmngi-am.
`separated about the mute iilsuutu u I person‘! em so tl_mx
`marry <~ tnILhod.t
`a ucrcaseaplc unprminn can be uken aim lnneaualy
`stereo-mining:-ammatry \'+\_ n (_IsV x!¢r:- + photo-
`two oictutu top: viewed in a suruosonps or to mm:
`: photon-Immzn-y ll'lVcl\v1l'.l|
`the use or stereo-
`:Irir~ +\ I [mm + can.
`scogic photograph:
`s aremnbamiiml
`;sn‘r- +\ ad] tum. + chuniralil
`stereo-plioluyapli \“+\ :1 [::er:- + Hhowgraph] : a stereo-
`{burn} : at Iicreoscomc camptmelu
`saonic photograph
`: al'_or raining to stereocbe
`{~ :0
`den: of
`: srcmosoop
`stereo-Ihomislry \"+\ vs II V .rm:~ + clummryl 1 : I
`rrzrnmls) -— slezeo-cnmnicallgr \"+\ adv
`stereo-ilhnlagxggtv \"+\ n [ISV mm + photography]
`branch oi chemistry I-HM deal: with the ipiliql urangenieax
`atone-yhnlnmcmgruajxgl (‘W-\ n :.l2:-e- 4- yhnmmiuagmph].
`:I atueaphoiagrapli made throng I rnicrnscupe
`of urban and grnup: in inalmulei 2 : the spatial ralanonsbip
`or inurus and groups in the molecule of I mbftunce and it:
`elleet on lh: propel-ties at the snbslanm
`stare uylnotunnurafirauhv \“+\ r:_[mr:ap.lmamI.:ragr:;It +
`uiaomc — stereo-chrmna
`\“+\ adv
`sigob ° "Mm; °\55:'\°°»l”rl?§n‘;mAl*:Ir¢i'.§rm‘,ml71uIIi,l'raLIJ:] - an
`sluzsonchrnmatln \“+\ mil éslereorhmlny + -512] : sr£n_E0-
`slnuo-chrome \'s.¢.h6§n\ _n -s back-(urination lr. smea-
`rlimmy :astueoclu-ouuc xcturc
`inmasiréiraelriit ‘or nation; fgongrapblc mapsTi10m a
`stereo-I: u-mic \l-“:
`in ad]
`ISV mrcachramy + -15]
`: or. relating an, or done by means a suereocbramy —
`stereo-lllnsnt \'sIerE=.n urn. ‘stir-\ n -s[lS‘v' mm + -‘ laszg
`‘r";“”“i"’}';.‘fi.r.."i' li‘.i""n\.~
` \~mn'lc(:llE,_-li\ adv
`mcaruo a see:-ausro u:
`orig. formed M mrcvclrromlzl : I places: of mural
`or ll ma
`(Is a contoufiemfirpl
`Ie.rin1apl:orau'Ipphl E7
`SIEIBO-l)hI'I)-)lI!‘é‘u:,L'r5fl|¢. -rni\ n -u IISV :rere- + -chrongtw
`min wdpaa nuau
`in which ma pi mm is fixed by a series cl reunion:
`IE‘_er¢a.lpfaleclhioli: V51-h\ n [.ll.£I':-3* ym/action) : tllgs
`alarm -51:
`\.sz 3!? :9
`l .
`the li
`fluosifiu’: acid. Ind waler glass
`storage-ciiium \:-«-+\ a in. tr, m:.._+ dlmm] : one of
`the immobile procuses that risen-ible clln Ind ota:ur on the
` man _\
`apxakan. -tax-\ ad} EN}. :Lore0PlIcu_u +
`(toe border of various
`'.r zdtet-case:
`pvi:“nn : mpancitynror depth‘ p§:'§§7.'uau
`(I figure with ~ linitlon
`E —an] : cl. relanni
`, or like that produced by Astu-eopvncon
`sl! \:.4.!P.'l:'s n\
`in (NI. um-optima + B
`alueo-cuippangraplt \"+\ n ti-ru-Incmnpnmmr + -grapfl
`para In in: increased accuracy in midi;
`usule enn-
`one who tend: I stereoptiron (Is rm 2 laatimz)
`: I lplnlung instrument using lb: sturuascanic
`' eipla
`tnnr map!
`s!ou.ny.u.cnn \.mu-E'H_nta'lran,
`,su'r-. -ta l<lln\ n -s LNL, Ir.
`stolen-oalnliazalor \"+\ PI IISV slcre— + commzralar: uri .
`.rrcre- + Glt a Ilkait. ncul. oi qatika: on — more I! amt]
`formed u G slrrealtomparalarl
`: a stereoscope used
`: I proleclar
`arm: _slirlu that is ofusn nude double
`making to
`apbir measuremeaiis by Lhe mcturnla nouiparison
`an ad to roduoe rlxssoving vu:_ws
`of nereoscomc photographs taken with an
`Ill having
`very great rl.i!Laru:e between the ablative: or used in as»
`\'.r::ré=. :snr- +\n[s:m- + more
`tronomy to detect mun mnlinru an bi-iglsmess chnngn by
`I s pic l‘ifllD]t‘IpII\‘T+if!230-l'3fl-‘EITIF-‘lib
`store»-ngu_lI.r \“+
`tszem + regular} : voalesdng
`stercqscnpic uumiaailop al
`twa photographs oi same
`celestial area mkcn In different time:
`Ittmaahnnieal regularity in the repuxing units of I
`Ilrucunru Oman: and -v addition
`Lvmers —N.O. aylurd
`stereo-nnoroscnpo \" +\ n [stem + llmnrosscogcl
`: an
`lnsrrimicut dtai
`ad to give a three-dlmentional imp: by
`fluoroscuyy — 5 craafluarasmyic \"+\ nfl
`an I-LF.Mari3— star-en.regu1Irity§9:+\ n
`stereo-Ilunmmmpy \“+\ a [Il£PE- + Jluamseapyl : stereo-
`cup NL. fr. ale:-e~ + ;onmIm] In Jomirr clan euflatlr : an
`Item 1' nl.
`Is \,siera‘orna.rhEz. am‘-, -.or'ni [)lhEz\ at yl.
`soopie fluoroscan : use ol the Iteraolluorasooae
`‘or I composite ordu at very
`Ilerev formula in
`znnun birth believed to hit {slim and Inn): y included in tin
`a \,stnr& :m'x- +\ u [Nl..rr. mm + gain-ula]
`nrdar Grsnfarmcs — stare-or-mu:-ic \:--.or:ni!hlk\ null
`: a gasrrula Wjtll no ca Ly
`stereos al of trauma, pm 34 slug of aunt:
`alatgn-mane \'
`kip ‘nit-\ n [mm + —.map=] : In
`stage-ng-nn-as \,Il.erlIg'n6a-AI.
`..ttir-\ n -3: (N1. fr. rm):-
`instrument or in main;
`lrom W10 ptctnret (Is pliotouaplu
`(ls lorm_. _Wcig 0 al In arm: by Itzntllinu or l.Llun¢
`it :I
`gcrceivt-. or the peroctllion at l'nI_lEl:!Il
`:u.-firrA.dl] : ability In
`mad; for tile
`5: Emu: poiflll
`-11.08-tin \;an£nI.Iiik\ ad] [ISV s1:re— + -gnzutic]
`am position 0
`tb_e two ayu) .
`of VIEW um!
`I?’ mrrrannndml in
`single rhree—dliu=nx:oaal
`means ol two lama mod and Mt
`Ilnxeo-srlau \'lI_er3:.g;rul1.
`_tlr-.. -rIn(a)u:\ _u [ISY .vme- +
`- 0!.
`din ID. or invalidnamzeaenosli
`-grunt] 1 : I diagram or picture representing obiecu with
`an imnrusiuu of salinity ur relief 2 : sruzzocaarrt
`as); er; and aet_ aoniutimes
`‘BIIIGD-[link \- Krill, -sI(a)l. -all.
`-I.l'\ n IISV :1'er:- +
`couiuncunn with mirrors to deflect
`—rmpIeJ 1 : I
`of sterenscple picturu or I picture enm-
`ray. cqmlng rum _mt'
`Points III the two matures in web
`voaqd of two superposed stereoscopic I:-nuns
`tired so as
`to no: a r.bree-rlimensional efieet when view:
`LI: I annea-
`0 a nu nsatxsin B
`acupe or with
`clnl spactacls — mmnan anaouuvn.
`lfmginqflidls no pm_du:t:‘e Khe_ died
`vzcrocruu-H 2 . In instrument used in man: the cunluuls
` \:.-eikxpi -pan
`of skull: — compare rreitmammn 3 : rrmaonvm
`Ir. mi-roscopc + -tear]
`slepeonwpe + -
`lstarsusraplt \"\ vi 1 : in wars (3! I picture) lat stereo-
`olao llcnoaevv 1-cal \-paltal. -out-\ ad] [mrroxaplc ISV
`: charm-
`seovlc urlnbition 2 : to
`I Itcrwswpxc vholoauvh or
`1 :_ur a: relating In um-mu-any or the xtemosun
`3 : szmeozrws lc
`renstii: of or ld3P‘°.‘3_ to Ilia steraoscope 2 : e Ir-aezeriuo
`.stir-\ it -s [xlzrzogruplr
`-D -.-
`+ ~:r] : urie that atereaw-Ipbs: as a : one that takes stereo-
`by (~ vmnn) — steramscu-n.l.u.i.stsrwseuvic camera n : si-also cnasxu
`stareusnonln Inmrvioopo .1 : sraaautacitwunn
`slazao-Q-amt. ts
`\'.xte ’ ‘
`also sle'reo«
`scapir: phologrlphl
`la : vraraurveat
`Itsroosoonic pair on : srsnmsrarn
`stereoscopic nilus ri : the limiting quiange Ir wlilch obfam
`sumed) N].
`. stereo ranltln stnaugranhy
`granbmcal \-laknl. -mi
`Iszerearruplw prob. tr. (as-
`are seetun inemsscn i: rolxd Imonnnaz with nnaidedhnnmn
`+ L-tau-ac; rrudographlcnl fr. (Inn
`J N)‘. rla.-mxmplucsu
`vision to about 150 feet
`atareosoouto vision I :
`+ E -ni] : made or dnno Iocurdin
`lo slaeogapli (it ~
`stem-na-nu-yy \.-Jlskspi.
`sure + «ma
`1 : a branch of Idem:
`nfi:\vi§tian char!) — stereo-gran!» -cal-ly \-I
`own ectinnntnim uiectinnofalsemis her:
`ecu and tnexhbds by which they are produced
`showing 353 earth
`lines or Iiri:u'33'and longitude aruiguod
`onto I tangent plan: by uttials frnrn I paint an the surface
`2 : the stains al ulaieau In gliroo dimonaiotts
`spheres oppnsila to this point of Ru
`we mama. {sup +\ adj [urn-_ + retentive]
`: am-eochenriially selactzve . ralazlns to or hang a reaction
`.pu \ ..-i
`ii, In (assumed)
`or pieces: leading to I stetebiioma ltavinu one pmicular
`S241. xfognarap
`lr. B + '.'.fp.:.§"-"gr. by] 1 I : the
`caniiguratinn regardless or the eonl3xuratiou_ at the reactant
`art, pmcm. or tecltnlque of delineating um forum of solid
`Indies on I aim: : a bunch at solid
`otuczry showing the
`— carapara srenmsasufic — status:-nelenuvitv \“+\ n
`Iluoo-Ionic \“+\ M mm + -mile] : xrnimraniuc
`aone_n~ne-don at all sand: that an regulnrfidafl-net! la : demon.
`Iimunn al the five regular Inlida by mnrlek cul [rum flat
`gpedilg: :n:ladns_ta. la
`s._or eflaqtln I macnon as process
`azutulal Ind foldd a : stereoscopic giwtuaranhy
`Ileremlpeomn \“+\ anti!“ Herb + .rpeczil:1: stereoi.-bemlnlly
`in which I specific sleteoismner 15 armed esp‘ wlicn the
`stunning pm pen a] STIR!-I_l
`product in eauagurnnanally rolntad In the reactant either by
`stereo-lsnmex \:sler!8.
`:xlir- +\ n IISV arm isomer]
`rblerlrion or reversal of the orldnll uonflzurlliun (~ val -
`ma1z.t.i.inri> — compare rrexmsnatrwa —
`: zngnone bl than banners in In
`I: of stoma mrlsm
`-;b)vn the sun: structure but dlfiar inmnfignranori —C.N.
`flgru span. y
`n -3
`: In
`stereo-isomeric \:,.,._¢._\ ad! lrnguaisoiginrlsm + -l£_1= at
`wall; \“+\flflii'\- stereo“
`!‘._"+\ an
`dmpiiman nr mail of the orde Sloretn
`rgloung In, or llghlblung ilcrzoiaomemm rm nbtlaly ol
`xlerootspon-fly-1! \-da.lI_\ n 11!. can [N lr. mu» + -mam
`imn: Systems to dnallninele bvtyoen ~ form: at I chemical
`dxvlll : In order ol Llbynniliodonna or lonnerly A suborder bl
`Iubttanc: ——3.S.Frutau it Sofia Sinunontla)
`Sieymzphaliu including {om-is with stantospand lous vertebrae
`zniyluus \:==-+\adI[m-re-+rpan limllrb-sing
`stereo-isnmerlne \"+\n [.tlere< + Lramnldzj : smraolsonrea
`or he _
`rcnybru whosc component element: are luscsl
`In whtzla atoms are
`nked in the sauna ord:_r but differ in
`sgereaglaomansln V3 is [_u:re- + iromertrm] : lsa_m:r-ls_ra
`their arrangement in space —- sameunma rfisungulshed [ram
`min a single plan (must verte).-inset Ir: ~> — apposed rq
`so: Gsousiznxt:
`isusdnnu. orrrcai.
`tannarnondylam I : at or relating to the order Slcruosgond II
`stereo-slam: \"+\ mil
`ISV mun + static.‘ pm orig.
`lormod as F ilérémlall Lie
`: neosxwrtl:
`smran-ldnnais \“+\ rt LNL, fr. .ir:u- + -lrInzrLr] : I slaLe ui
`stereo-tamul: \-:laIrn'lr
`udi [flu NL rrrminxls. after such
`ltlgmoblljufinn in an insect
`fnllnwing strong mechanical
`lrynagazir; E la;-pawn-ir] : of. relulns to. or
`‘aexdu IE.
`in B
`mvaiviug slereoixxu — Itaremac-u.u1.iy \-rak(a)lE\ adv
`si§r“§"iiiz'$§°\: ‘E -s‘ \
`v.arc.m\s.r \
`mgwm. lr. Gk mrgvinm solid body. fr. nrraoun to in
`an \.-i-'rIksas\ n
`NL. 11;. sure + -rugs] g I
`which contact esp. vi
`lr. rrcvegir solid —-_n1are It stall] : mechanical or
`ng usme: a rnptl cellular tissue (as sclzrermbyrnu
`turn in
`I Iolirl body it the drrecuve
`stereo-lnelesoolfle \:sIp+\ n [:tzM- + relercape]
`Ind collenchylnl) of it plain: — compare uzsrous b : ¢ao—
`skeletal rnlmrlal of an Invertebrate
`stereo.torn.ic \'=-us;tllnu'.k\ ar star-arbmm-:l.v:a1 \—maka1\ adj
`\_.. Irnad-=(r),
`-mats-\ n (tsv u¢re- +
`Lilzrealamle ir.
`uardaramlqmr. lr. lrlléalomle stereutnmy +
`. formed II F :lI‘r6om£trr]_l : V_'cLI7l.!-
`-iquz -ie; stmoranrical fr. mrcoranuv + -iml] : ol or relating
`Nomrrm 2
`In instrument used far maasunna bush: ol
`Ill §(lfH)lD|'f|
`sartl: features by means of stereoscopic nnlrs nl aerial
`stare-_o$-o-max! \,u'td-amm\ n -s [rzerzommy + -I:!] : I
`ruutiunct oi narootant
`fr. Gk mrzomzrrikos. Er. uuzanmpla cieraamalry + -lkru
` \-ma. am :1 >3 [F rurdanmnle.
`in II!!!-
`sggo-met-rlt: \!--,a:rme«u-ik. -n’2k\ adj ENI. sreruomerrtcur.
`4:1 1 : relati
`to smreomslry; Hut
`: bu '
`aare- + -Ianrle -mm)'] : the In or tazhniqun or cutting mlirls
`Eu lnto lfcljtl : tsp: Ll:e_Irt of smnecutuna
`by. or ropfkenltgig ll readily rnessug-Il:~le_ bolid arm or volume
`(a house
`can have variety at inter-inr but the outside in
`iuvmriniy a ~ body —B.r|uIn Zeirl) 2 : made by air relating
`iof. rein as In. or exhi ‘ting sluuitrn ’
`to I starwmcter
`stu:rIo.t:n .m :u_a:trltg:k\ ndf [ISV szmorrapism + -rc]
`sllxu-at-:0-flillll \.-5'!\ n I 5V um; + rroaim-J
`\.u'!.ma<t:rE\ n as [NL sterzomelria, lr. Gk.
`1 : a trutusin in w‘m_r:h
`ntnct esp. with a sulid body or a
`ridd surface in the onen
`a lunar — mmpare HAt'ra'rRt:msM
`tr. nzreau so ii + —rrrem‘a —meu'yJ
`the measurement or
`volume: me other metrical elements of solid tigur-.s —
`2 : Irutwruas
`‘IIQIDO-WIDE \'stert:a.
`II [F ndrdurype.
`11‘. «in!-
`dininzuiahed rrum planlrnrrry
`stereo-unerugzapn \:sn:r€I,
`:sll.r- +\ n [mm + micragraph]
`: I stereoscopic micrograph
`dupllcllb o a relief printing surface that is made by
`sl—fl:. -l-tyre] lam:
`c:SrER.BfiYP[ htasolidmatal
`stereo-nslorugraphy \"+\ n [rrzreariiicrograph + -y] : the
`an at pmduein stezeoaeapir micrograph:
`or flung) against it in make a matrix In than nnnug molten
`I molding material (I: cut piper pulmduluter cl a
`stereo-uflnum at \"+\ n_[mr:-- _+ um.-mvrmrl : In at»
`metal into the main: to make I_c:uung V?
`l! somezlplea
`{Iced with I hank: metal (Is nickel) in increase durability
`mounting small angles’ in the field or view by rm us the
`— compare uummrwg. nzzrmqrigi-2
`2 :
`Finnaq Itmnhed to an optical device (as I mluwr) or
`rejection on squares seen with the other and naked ye
`repeated or reproduced Wlfllalll nnanon : so_me:_hing_cun-
`s ereo-microscope \“+\ n [.mu- + mlcrascoptl : a micro-
`farming to a fixed or lenerll ymern uni laelqng individual
`scope lining a set of optins tor ear.-h up so Irranprl that
`distinguishing mark: or qualities; sq : I standardized mental
`sferi ize

`' ru heldl
`$2 i§.‘.u=.e‘.‘i,‘°"}.',‘2i°3,,.*”.;;““"‘££"m ""'°‘mi.:‘“=-‘z
`r m a r
`:3a'i5§‘a'E‘t'§§;§"\9\ ‘v«”°1"§“'é‘o"°“r“‘“ ‘?.i‘2§a°‘ '''r”..‘‘“? en
`u: an
`ernbuiam r
`grimirtg surin-:2) (an: the page: cl I ncwipnpur
`D : to produce
`xraao$¥"r’xll:%r(°d t :n:l_ cvérvcg .i-Icrratygddharifin
`use at I Iieraotypa ,2 a : ta (ix in I luii
`and uru.
`about (Ina any to ~ rm! dint-aiss rllvernenr groups)
`stazautyped mil : produced by or as il by means at I sterbolype
`; repguedby role qr without varjauan :
`s originality ur
`indmduuir (~ dimlun ) §_~ marinas) (~ cmmpu ol other
`5 e'i’s"«'»"iy§ €r"'\""Ir£.5§§\
`'. ‘E‘rs"i}"'i3;.§.’¢’.‘J.‘.’.'
`'+'"1,: - an:
`that starumypes: In a : I worker who prepares stereos;
`: a multine lnr embossing thin metal
`laws will
`slezveomzla : an aperamr o I srareatyper
`rnille ChIl‘?cL¢f! for use i-alprmting for the
`o in
`elozao.typ.i.eal \:u.;ripakai\ also \-pik\ ed]
`...1nterms~oxe u-IItu:
`glarlerroréirypr -i<- -leaklsar -l:_.'l
`: ul. rel.-itii;:}rd. or eniirrlsiufiz
`stereotyping 2:
`[fr. garund ul
`: Lbc Druccss.
`craft. or business of rnaldng stereotypes
`\'ss.,Lip:st\ n [JSV Xszmaxype + -iii] :srenzo-
`stereo-gyny \'s.;.fipE. -ni\
`rr -3 1sV_I.rr.manw + -y]
`1 : the gig!‘ process o‘!
`d nan; o pri|'l:I!u_g from stargotypi;
`: 0111.1]
`Elgnsame }0§'K::W.q|'l1‘Di:Ifll:l5flI. 0)!
`area I w n :
`“to livrrvI.‘l‘ghg:ol' mental aptututypu
`Elerfi Pl
`aslgroerz-vzlain \:ilggI., {stir-P-llr\ I ltrrrr + -n‘n'on1 : tranc-
`ate-re-n.nlD‘K'ttlr&m\ n. my N1. fr. Gk rm-no: Iolirl — mare
`al sauna] : I mean: o{_fnn
`(family ‘rhelepboracuel bu-ins
`Eh: sporapfiores resuptnue or shelving and the hasitllal stir-
`'lar+ ad‘
`5.1. F I?
`irreu. Ir. nerd? .143» + ‘kylralu ::_::bydr'aullc]S: r’e ua'ii}' arc‘:
`E in
`in **r:..i*z:‘.i::*':.i"::n“:.:‘.,“.=.*:=-"':.”’:3 2’
`a_rnp: gvnund on a rollcr) into I ryllndu nrevlcusly filled
`static '
`. '
`'1'-. -
`with I\I.::|:i& :
`[gems in icliiou or
`-. -
`l§i{:::l5 in Ipece : sxvunr. — uteri.
`dune: of chemical action ascribed
`ll :
`to the Irrlnsemcitz or atom: in I molocull:
`mud \'llI‘r3i ‘stir-\ aha marine \».rid. «.ra4\ PI -5 Emmi
`+ dd or Mr] X sramin — used In include stuali
`1 mm:
`Ll I'L.¢ul'
`O I
`5;:-rl_s-ma [\§l::f'l§a5§ 5. _pl sterliunaila H\-mad-:’\ aua
`3 t
`o 1
`a sum:
`“mi ='r:°* ”“i"i‘"..:;s,.:*..."*i*=‘ 1 ‘£2?
`(roux Eh:
`tipss ol which :23’ basidipsparcs are Ibsu-rm-.5}
`brrmdly : I stalk or 51-min [ram Whllth mi-ii-din or spermatia
`are Ibjainted ~ cornvare PIIIALTDE I : nae uf the pasisgcnx
`peg-gamed projection: to which the lens: of some eomlm
`ea l€§ a uuaghadlgln the twins — slnr.t¢.ma1.ic
`esp : In herbicide i'l.eIip-led to completely el.1m.lnale l_
`mi-.r-lnut \'staxalznl\ n -5 (mm: + -ma : u Igcrlllzinl nftrr
`lam Ind to lnw I rather persistent rusldull drum in the
`stir:-.i.II \'.Il:f5l. -,ri1\ afl [L mrmr: aim: to (3): min: stat-ilI,
`Gum rrnlra Sh!-I'll
`Slrt srari smile using 1 n : mung to
`womplnnly ~) ll : fasimtt In bear or
`e o_l
`roduce or lrieapn le ofiptaduclrig ulfnéung I hybrid mu
`rrult orgy-ms a -« tree) 0» iuneous liybl-re) c : xnupable
`: uuma
`ecr nor pimllate e : hlVI!I[ or pro
`of |:c_i-nun
`~ spor:_I)_ I 0] nflrmcr; llcfing Ifiieclum
`sari (~ Earn (mung) 2 : ekgnroctariaed
`dcluzlant lrn flu!»
`nest : bauzzw: a I
`deficient in giant
`‘ a:unp1-oductiva
`of crops or other Wgeuugn ga ~ and nggion _ (In unnsuany
`~ year}
`la : dsfimnt tn idua or ans}.
`«:1 thought
`(I ~ qulhur) (~ muse) 0 : ins: [rum l.lvin¢ and
`up. miarooreaolsms (I ~ silt) (dud ~ soil — compare
`rmuuze 3 : urvin na useful p
`: wit held from I
`annual use or Inn:
`in (capital kept ~ tbrnugt
`lack of
`mlllluvc) (fllneeuivc Ind ~ rcsea'vu>
`Bin n:mlI.s._ amass.
`iueognrg. ui(rIurr'rI.I!..
`mean _not having or_ no} mannlnattng thn powar In pgudtieu
`qllauriru O|"bCa.Yll'i1lK_. literally or ugnratlvely, s-revm.: implies
`Lt_u:ul |na.§i'lxty.jn'essxn: sum: defect or lack up the reproduc-
`lave lu'ru:t.tDttr. it has at strong liguzanve use, implying I lack
`ar absence at creative
`(a guru: woman)
`I xleriie
`ram) (a null: author) (I e lulura of the three
`to emerge II individual: malts their personal drama seem
`nerlk -—rIMcf._SEItUlI.1r) (far hill! min is always lb: wanderer
`ln tlge
`preurvc and mrih world or mun:-lallsin —Al£rui
`as It In elevation 0! train 500 In 1.500 (In. and
`cunaim mainly at nllno wlslm and inner sterile Lracu —
`Eneye. Au-irriaanq) aaxnax 3_Pl1“Bi asp. lo I letnals who _||l.i
`liua-I ly and figurative! . the lack ol tune (I_
`bom:_ no oil’:
`or is mulp-lblz at baring atrsging.
`(I oanar toil) (
`as yours nl manage —
`Alice Lake) (1 Im very barren cl'Iur.n news —H,J.
`l.n.tlri) gnu-cram-r in l_|ul sec-It _Iu;:llas esp. in a male lacking
`tlge Ibiliu tn engage-in rexnal intercourse and an to reduce
`his kind. carrying more Ilnerllkv the rmvbalimt ol nahlllty
`to not or aussestuas Iome_Iae|_: cl timeliness or IlI!_||rl'L|
`‘ or
`ls I
`cleared candidate — .A. bite) (crave the c olenc
`run man) (nolhxnkll wire In lmporair |n
`all as
`old mln law I fl: nf lmpolpu fury —ClIurkI Reade) UN-
`lnlmzhangeable with nxnsu r.houa_b len lareeful
`use (In unjrldiul orchard) (an _ururu-I ul enterprise) (ai-
`Ind ubsa um, has 14 mars \lIIdr.1]n'eafl Liriuranve lhan literal
`jruirful negutia on: between belligerent stair-.5)
`I ls:tuIl_Ind ncuunl yard. tnrnu the sense nl SIB!!!-E.
`in lltelll
`Ipplizauau _(xn lnlrrrilr mu-rielc) (an in-
`jenliz valley? an lalerflle lure of mama)
`Kflfltlhl ll
`slur-Ila-17 -1 Cl) ~i\ adv : in I sterile manner : so as to hear
` \sIé‘riI:d-E. ate‘-, mg -l\ n -5 [ME Amyltlg
`fr. MF xlerlllll. fl’. L rralflfal-, .Itlm'liuz.r,
`.s!:rih'.v sterile +
`-lrur-. —ira.r -try] : the qualiw or sure of being It:-lle
`stem-l1z.ahl.l.i.t7 \.st=m.Iiu'bilad-E, 4:16. -i\ ll : uie quality
`or stare at bdn’ sxi.-rlllubla
`stun]-i£z»ahl.l \ flora‘ izal-iol\ ad) : oapahln at being sterilized
`star-I-liza-tlon \,..,a-mam. -.l3‘z-\ n -s 1 : the out or
`prams ul £ as a : the rendering of a body or ma-
`lsl-l_al fro: from living well: and esp. mlnroorsinisnu usu. by
`killing tliuse present [as by hat) -5: awtcnonIi.s1-sn.ri__rz»
`non: comparv: rasraukxzuion b : n pm:-fiuxe by which I
`human ar other Inlmal ls made incapable of reptpducdou
`— compare cam-iu.‘rIoa~¢, suvtxc c : I
`Etlhnl of I
`Slfifl Ill
`rnonuury lacurr (ram eaerllnréfi its wanted in |teI_:n: (-1 of 3
`the an
`den ol one that ll sterile or
`ntar.l.1uo \':tr:ra.l.iz\ v! -u)/-mu/-5 1:: «la: in Explan Narzr
`lmrilr _+ -tau] : in name to heroin: sterile.
`31. or un-
`praducuva: er a :
`la mun (land) 19 became unlrultlul
`whelhrsr b exhaulrion of fzrtilily or doitbanlcl “Ev use cl 3
`sterlllnrtt g : to deprive of the Dnwur_o! raping
`rig (Is by
`mrfinal romnvll or inhibition al fun:;son‘of1l\£ ¥£vr0dllE§l.‘¢
`2 make rnnapnble oi_
`|'n.Infl!IClnV or
`9 I] : rg rprm tg boqorn: vni oi something desirable (3:
`Inhiqnifln ymmgmin )
`(2 :10 make pooeuriu
`ideas. emouoos.
`(parental presrure ibu ~:
`live. or us as ugu.
`from I nurmll unctxun.
`rclltiun, nr participu on (capiu sterilized by boarding);
`rpm] : to prevent (gold) lrarn se_r-[ins as I has: lo_n- a monetary
`explnsion (I
`: u: (re: from living nmrwraarrums usu.
`the use at nhysinal a:r ehmneal IuritI— sample: ruraawza

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