Case 1:14-cv-07094-JBS-JS Document 79-14 Filed 11/16/15 Page 2 of 4 PageID: 890
`scltmlnt: nun
`mm Edition
`Sybil P. Parker
`Editor in Chief
`New York
`New Delhi
`McGr-aw-Hill, Inc.
`San Francisco
`Washington, D.C.
`San Juan
`Mexico City


`Case 1:14-cv-07094-JBS-JS Document 79-14 Filed 11/16/15 Page 3 of 4 PageID: 891
`Case 1:14—cv—O7094—JBS—JS Document 79-14 Filed 11/16/15 Page 3 of 4 Page|D: 891
`On the cover: Photomicrograph of crystals of vitamin B1.
`(Dennis Kunkel, University of Hawaii)
`Included in this Dictionary are definitions which have been published previously in the following works: P. B.
`Jordain, Condensed Computer Encyclopedia, Copyright © 1969 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All rights reserved. 1.
`Markus, Electronics and Nucleonics Dictionary, 4th ed., Copyright © 1960, 1966, 1978 by McGraw-Hill, Inc.
`All rights reserved. J. Quick, Artists’ and Illustrators’ Encyclopedia, Copyright © 1969 by McGraw—Hill, Inc. All
`rights reserved. Bla/<ist‘on'S Gould Medical Dictionary, 3d ed., Copyright © 1956, 1972 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. All
`rights reserved. T. Baumeister and L. S. Marks, eds., Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, 7th ed.,
`Copyright © 1958. 1967 by McGraw—Hill, Inc. All rights reserved.
`In addition, material has been drawn from the following references: R. E. Huschke, Glossary of Meteorology,
`American Meteorological Society, 1959; U.6‘. Air Force Glossary of Standardized Terms, AF Manual ll«l, vol.
`1, 1972; Communications-Electronics Terminology, AF Manual ll-1, vol. 3, 1970; W. H. Allen, ed., Dictionary
`of Technical Terms for Aerospace Use, 1st ed., National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1965; J. M.
`Gilliland, Solar-Terrestrial Physics: A Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations, Royal Aircraft Establishment Tech-
`nical Report 67158. 1967; Glossary ofAir Traffic Control Terms, Federal Aviation Agency; A Glossary ofRange
`Terminology, White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, National Bureau of Standards, AD 467-424; A DOD
`Glossary ofMapping, Charting and Geodetic Terms, 1st ed., Department of Defense, 1967; P. W. Thrush, comp.
`and ed., A Dictionary ofMining, Mineral, and Related Terms, Bureau of Mines, 1968; Nuclear Terms: A Glossary,
`2d ed., Atomic Energy Commission; F. Casey, ed., Compilation of Terms in Information Sciences Technology,
`Federal Council for Science and Technology, 1970; Glossary ofStinfo Terminology, Office of Aerospace Research,
`US. Air Force. 1963; Naval Dictionary ofElectronic, Technical, and Imperative Terms, Bureau of Naval Person-
`nel, 1962; ADP Glossary, Department of the Navy, NAVSO P-3097.
`Fifth Edition
`Copyright © 1994, 1989, 1984, 1978, 1976, 1974 by McGraw~Hil1, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United
`States of America. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication
`may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without
`the prior written permission of the publisher.
`ISBN O—07—042333—4
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`McGraw-Hill dictionary of scientific and technical terms /
`Sybil P. Parker, editor in chief..—5th ed.
`ISBN 0—07-0423334
`1. Science~——Dictionaries.
`I. Parker, Sybil P.
`2. Technology—Dictionaries.
`Copyright © 1994. Exclusive rights by McGraw—Hill, Inc. for manufacture and export. This book cannot be re-
`exported from the country to which it is consigned by MCGraw—Hill. The International Edition is not available in
`North America.
`When ordering this title, use ISBN 007-] 13584-7.


`The structural formula of
`[SCI TECH] Relating to or made with water.
`by replacement of other coordinated groups in the complex.
`{ 9'kwa-shon }
`aquatone [GRAPHICS] An offset printing process utilizing a
`zinc plate that is gelatin—coated and hardened and sensitized to
`print type, line drawings, and fine—screen halftones.
`w9,t6n }
`[civ ENG] An artificial tube or channel for convey-
`'ak-wa,d9kt }
`ing water.
`[GEOL] A suborder of the soil order Entisol, bluish
`gray or greenish gray in color; under water until very recent
`times; located at the margins of oceans, lakes, or seas.
`kwant ]
`we-es }
`[ECOL] A marine bottom environment with
`aqueous desert
`little or no macroscopic invertebrate shelled life.
`'dez-art }
`aqueous electron See hydrated electron.
`i'lek,tran }
`[PHYSIO] The transparent fluid filling the
`aqueous humor
`anterior chamber of the eye.
`'ak-we-as 'yti-mar }
`aqueous lava
`[GEOL] Mud lava produced by the mixing of
`volcanic ash with condensing volcanic vapor or other water.
`'ak-we-as ‘lave ]
`aqueous rock [PETR] A sedimentary rock deposited by or in
`water. Also known as hydrogenic rock.
`'al<-wees 'r‘a'.k }
`aqueous solution [CHEM] A solution with thesolvent as
`'ak-we-as s9'lii-shan }
`[GEOL] A suborder of the soil order Inceptisol, wet
`or drained, which lacks silicate clay accumulation in the soil
`profiles; surface horizon varies in thickness.
`{ ‘ak-wept I
`[GEOL] A porous formation that absorbs water
`slowly but will not transmit it fast enough to furnish an appre-
`ciable supply for a well or spring.
`'ak-w9,l<li'1cl }
`aquiculture [BIOL] Cultivation of natural faunal resources of
`water. Also spelled aquaculture.
`{ ‘ak-wa,ksl-char }
`[GEOL] A permeable body of rock capable of yielding
`quantities of groundwater to wells and springs.
`[HYD] A sub-
`surface zone that yields economically important amounts of
`water to wells.
`[ ‘alt-we-for]
`Aquifoliaceae [nor] A family of woody flowering plants in
`the order Celastrales characterized by pendulous ovules, alter-
`nate leaves, imbricate petals, and drupaceous fruit; common
`members include various species of holly (Ilex).
`e‘as-e,e ]
`[GEOL] An impermeable body of rock which con«
`tains no interconnected openings or interstices and therefore
`neither absorbs nor transmits water.
`'ak'w9,fyiij }
`aquiherbosa [ECOL] Herbaceous plant communities in wet
`areas, such as swamps and ponds.
`,a.k-we,har'b6s-9 }
`Aquila [ASTRON] A constellation with a right ascension of 20
`hours and declination of 5°N. Abbreviated Aqil; Aql.
`{ ‘ak-
`wa~le }
`[ :al'fa ‘ak-w9,le }
`or Aquilae See Altair.
`aquipraia [ECOL] Communities of plants which are found in
`areas such as wet meadows where groundwater is a factor.
`[ o'kwip-rod-9 }
`Lower lower Miocene or uppermost
`Oligocene geologic time.
`,ak'wa‘t5n-Eran }
`aquitard [GEOL] A bed of low permeability adjacent to an
`aquifer; may serve as a storage unit for groundwater, although
`it does not yield water readily.
`'ak-wa,t’a'rd ]
`Aquod [GEOL] A suborder of the soil order Spodosol, with a
`black or dark brown horizon just below the surface horizon;
`seasonally wet, it occupies depressions or wide flats from which
`water cannot escape easily.
`'ak'w9d ]
`aquo ion
`[CHEM] Any ion containing one or more water
`'a-kwo 'i,an }
`[GEOL] A suborder of the soil order Mollisol, with
`thick surface horizons; formed under wet conditions, it may be
`under water at times, but is seasonally rather than continually
`{ ‘ak-wol }
`Aquox [GEOL] Asuborderofthesoilorder Oxisohseasonally
`wet, found chiefly in shallow depressions; deeper soil profiles
`are predominantly gray, sometimes mottled, and contain nod-
`ules or sheets of iron and aluminum oxides.
`'ak-Woks }
`[GEOL] Asuborderof the soilorderUltisol; seasonally
`wet, it is saturated with water a significant part of the year unless
`drained; surface horizon of the soil profile is dark and varies in
`thickness, grading to gray in the deeper portions; it occurs in
`depressions or on wide upland flats from which water drains
`very slowly.
`'ak-walt }
`Ar See argon.
`[MET] The temperature at which conversion of austenite
`to ferrite or to ferrite plus cementite is completed upon cooling
`a steel.
`[MET] The temperature at which austenite begins to com
`vert to ferrite upon cooling a steel.
`[MET] The temperature at which delta ferrite is converted
`to gamma iron (austenite) upon cooling a steel.
`Arm [MET] The temperature at which austenite is converted
`to cementite upon cooling a hypereutectoid steel.
`[ASTRON] A constellation with a right ascension of 17
`hours and declination of 55°S. Also known as Altar.
`[ ‘are }
`[INV 200] A family of polychaete worms be-
`longing to the Errantia.
`,ar-a'bel-9,de ]
`arabic numerals
`[MATH] The numerals 0, l, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
`8, and 9.
`{ ‘at-9-bik ‘niim-rolz }
`arabine See harman.
`'ar-9,bén J
`arabinose [BIOCHEM] C5IH,0O5 A pentose sugar obtained
`in crystalline form from plant polysaccharides such as gums,
`hemicelluloses, and some glycosides.
`{ 9'rab'o,n6s }
`arabite See arabitol.
`{ ‘ar-a,bit }
`[ORG CHEM] CH2OH(CH0H)3CH2OH An alcohol
`that is derived from arabinose; a sweet, colorless crystalline
`material present in D and L forms; soluble in water; melts at
`l03°C. Also known as arabite.
`{ o'rab-o,tol }
`[BOT] A family of herbaceous flowering plants in
`the order Arales; plants have stems, roots, and leaves, the inflo-
`rescence is a spadix, and the growth habit is terrestrial or some-
`times more or less aquatic; well-known members include dumb
`cane (Dieflenbachia), jack—in—the—pulpit (Arisaema), and Phil-
`[ o'ras‘é,é ]
`[ e'ral<-ik 'as~ed }
`arachic acid See eicosanoic acid.
`,a-r9'kid'ik ‘as-ed }
`arachidic acid See cicosanoic acid.
`arachidonate [BIOCHEM] A salt or ester of arachidonic acid.
`,a}rak-e:dan,at }
`arachidonic acid [BIOCHEM] C20H31O2 An essential unsat-
`urated fatty acid that is a precursor in the biosynthesis of pros-
`taglandins, thromboxanes, and leukotrienes.
`{ olrakofidanrik
`‘as-ed }
`{ ‘at-9-kas ,c')il
`arachis oil See peanut oil.
`[MICROBIO] A genus of bacteria in the family Ac»
`tinomycetaceae; branched diphtheroid rods and branched fila-
`ments form filamentous microcoloniesg facultatively anaerobic;
`the single species is a human pathogen.
`[ a'ral<-ne-9 }
`Arachnida [INV Z00] A class of arthropods in the subphylum
`Chelicerata characterized by four pairs of thoracic appendages.
`{ a'rak-nod-9 }
`arachnodactyly [MED] A rare congenital defect of the skel~
`etal system marked by abnormally long hand and foot bones.
`{ alrak-n9'dak-to-le }
`arachnoid [ANAT] A membrane that covers the brain and
`spinal cord and lies between the pia mater and dura mater.
`[BOT] Of cobweblike appearance, caused by fine white hairs.
`Also known as araneose.
`[INV zoo] Any invertebrate related
`to or resembling the Arachnida.
`[ 9‘rak,noid ]
`arachnoidal granulations
`[ANAT] Projections of the arach-
`noid layer of the cerebral meninges through the dura mater.
`villi; Pacchionian
`ja,rak{noid-91 ,gran-y9'la-shenz ]
`Arachnoidea [INV zoo] The name used in someclassification
`to describe
`class of primitive
`:a,rak'noid-E-9 }
`arachnoid villi See arachnoidal granulations.
`‘vile }
`arachnology [nw zoo] The study of arachnids.
`9'16 l
`arachnophobia [PSYCI-I] Abnormal fear of spiders.
`no'fob-e-e }
`[INV zoo] The flat bugs, a family of hemipteran
`insects in the superfamily Aradoidea.
`{ a'rad-e,de ]
`[INV 200] A small superfamily of hemipteran
`insects belonging to the subdivision Geocorisae.
`6-9 }
`Araeoscelidia [PALEQN] A provisional order of extinct rep-
`tiles in the subclass Euryapsida.
`{ ajréro-s:>'lid-é-9 }
`araeostyle [ARCH] Having an intercolumnation alternately of
`[ 9'rak,n<‘)id
`{ ,a,rak'nal-
`[ 9:ra.k~

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