`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45; Date of Patent:
`US 8,465,500 B2
`Jun. 18, 2013
`Inventor: Giovanni Speziali. Piltshurgll. PA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Mayo Foundation for Medical
`Education and Research. Rochester.
`MN (US)
`1281898: 623111.11. 13.1 1. 2.1 l—2.35: 600116.
`600137, 160. 182, 478. 47?-_. 476. 104
`See application tile for complete search history.
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`An instrtunent for pcrlorming lhorascopic repair of heart
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`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
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`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
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`;'3?‘I‘:Eg§ E3
`3:320:29; 2%
`033$; 33 Egg E::']:'J';::‘°]‘
`7'003'030 05
`0.0000 “mm
`7'000'000 02
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`0.-2000 gchmk
`21999514 132
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`7'”9‘993 B2
`992999 0‘Q“i"" 9”"
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`[$3333 g:’:’fA:|‘9"""A‘
`7.563.262 132
`712009 Goldfarb clal.
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`"A9999 G°‘*“3"“’ ‘"3"
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`Exhibit 1006
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`Exhibit 1006
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`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
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`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 18,2013
`Sheet 1 of 10
`US 8,465,500 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 18,2013
`Sheet 2 of 10
`US 8,465,500 B2
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`Exhibit 1006
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`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 13, 2013
`Sheet 3 of 10
`US 8,465,500 B2
`FIG. 6B
`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
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`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 13, 2013
`Sheet 4 of 10
`US 8,465,500 B2
`FIG. 8B
`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
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`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 13, 2013
`Sheet 5 of 10
`US 8,465,500 B2
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`Exhibit 1006
`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 13, 2013
`Sheet 6 of 10
`US 8,465,500 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 13, 2013
`Sheet 7 of 10
`US 8,465,500 B2
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 18,2013
`Sheet 8 of 10
`US 8,465,500 B2
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`Exhibit 1006
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`Exhibit 1006
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 18,2013
`Sheet 9 of 10
`US 8,465,500 B2
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`Exhibit 1006
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`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
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`U.S. Patent
`Jun. 18,2013
`Sheet 10 of 10
`US 8,465,500 B2
`FIG. 10D
`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
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`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
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`US 8,465,500 B2
`3/[E'l'Il()l) AND APPARATUS
`This application claims the benefit of International Patent
`Application Number PCTfUS2006t100l 699 filed 19 Jan. 2006
`METI-IOIJ AND APl"ARA'l‘US", which claims priority of
`U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. 60l1645_.6?7 filed
`21 Jan. 2005 and entitled “TI--IOR.I\SC()Pl(“ I IFARTVAI NE
`RFPAIR MIITI-I01") AND APP.’\iU¥IU S". both of wliich are
`incorporated by reference herein.
`, v
`13/1CKGR0U1‘11) 01" 1111'-1 1NV15Ni110N
`valve in the valve position, usually by suturing the replace-
`ment valve to the natural valve annulus.
`'various types of
`replacement valves are in current use, including mechanical
`and biological prostheses. homogral’ts. and allografts. as
`described in Bodnar and Iirater. Replacement Cardiac Valves
`1-357 (1991). which is incorporated herein by reference. A
`comprehensive discussion of heart valve diseases and the
`surgical treatment thereof is found in Kirklin and Barran-
`lioyes. Cardiac Surgery 323-459 (1986), the complete disclo-
`sure of which is incorporated herein by reference.
`The mitral valve. located between the left atrium and left
`ventricle ofthe heart, is most easily reached through the wall
`of the left atrium. which normally resides on the posterior side
`ofthe hetztrt. opposite the side of the heart that is exposed by
`a median sternotomy. Tlierelore. to access the mitral valve via
`15 a sternotomy. the heart is rotated to bring the lefi atrium i11to
`a position accessible through the sternotomy. An opening. or
`atriotomy. is then made in the left atrium. anterior to the right
`pulmonary veins. The atriotoiny is retracted by means of
`Various types of surgical procedures are currently per-
`sutures or a retractititt device,
`t3xpQ5il]g the mitral valve
`l‘Dl'I11E!d toinvestigate. diagnose.andtreat diseases oflhe l1t;3Zll'l
`311 directly posterior to the atriotomy. One of the fore mentioned
`and 11113 E1931 V13551315 01-11113 l11‘11'3X- 51-11311 Pl'0CCdlll'l35 lllcilldtif
`techniques may then be used to repair or replace the valve,
`repair and replacement of mitral. aortic, and other heart
`An alternative technique for iujtral valve access may be
`valves. repair ofatrial and ventricular septal delects. pulmo-
`used whena median sternotomy andfor rotational ma11ipula-
`1131)’ 1111'011111'3‘5111111Y- 11135111119111 01 511113111'Y-‘51'115- 131*’-'C11'0P11)'31'
`tiuh cf the l'le;1l"[ are tu1de5irable_ 1:; this tcclmlquc, at large
`c-logical mapping and ablation of the rnyocarditun. and other
`procedures in which intervcntional devices are introduced 25 incisionis made in the right lateralside ofthechest. usually in
`il110 I113 iI11t3t'i0I' 01‘ tilt! 119311 01' 8 E11331 VESSBI.
`the region oftlie fifth intercostal space. One or tnore ribs may
`Using current
`techniques. many of these procedures
`be removed from the patient. and other ribs near the incision
`require at gross thoracotomy, usually in the form of a median
`are retracted outward to create a large opening into the tho-
`stemototny, to gain access i11to the patient’s thoracic cavity. A
`racic cavity. The left atrium is then exposed 011 the posterior
`saw or other cutting instrument is used to cttt the sternum 3tl side ofthe heart, and an an-gummy is fm-medj11thewa1]0fthe
`longitudinally. allowing two opposing halves oftlie anterior
`left at;-ium_ thmttgh which the l'l1i1l';t] valve may be accessed
`or ventral portion of the rib cage to be spread apart. A large
`for repair or l-eplacet-hcht_
`opening into the thoracic cavity is thus created.
`Using such open-chest techniques. the large opening pro-
`which the surgical team may directly visualize and operate
`vided by a median sternotomy or right thoracotomy enables
`upon the heart and other thoracic contents.
`35 the surgeon to see the mitral valve directly llimngll the left
`Surgical intervention within the heart generally requires
`an-iotoniy. and to position his orher hands within the thoracic
`isolation of the heart and coronary blood vessels from the
`cavity in close proximity to the exterior of the heart
`rclllélindtir of lllc zltttrriéll system. and ztrresl of Cardiac fiItlt-'-
`manipulation of surgical instruments, removal of excised tis-
`tion. Usually. the heart is isolated from the arterial system by
`sue. andfor introduction of a replacement valve through the
`introducing an external aortic cross-clamp through a stemo- 4t‘: ht,-ietomy for attachment within the heart. However. these
`toiuy and applying it totheaorta between the brachiocephalic
`invasive, open-chest procedures produce a high degree of
`artery Ell-ld 1113 coronary 0Sli3- Cardioplegic fillld 15 111311
`tr'auma.a significant risk ofeomplications. an extended hos-
`injected into the coronary arteries. either directly into the
`pita] stay. anda painful recovery period forthe patient. More-
`coronary ostia or through a puncture in the aortic root. so as to
`over. while heart valve surgery produces beneficial results for
`arrest cardiac function. In some cases. cardiuplcgic fluid is 45 many patients, numerous others who might benefit from sttch
`iltjt-‘cltld in10 the coronary Sinus for rclmgradc ptirfllsioll Of
`surgery are unable or unwilling to undergo the trauma and
`the myocardium. The patient is placed on cardiopulmonary
`risks cl‘ current techniques.
`bypass to maintain peripheral circulation of oxygenated
`The mitral and tricuspid valves inside the llulllan heart
`include an orifice (annulus). two (for the mitral) or three (for
`Ofparticular interest to the present invention are intracar— 50 the tricuspid) leaflets and a subvalvular apparatus. The sub-
`diac ]3J'0C€C1Ut'€S
`lb!‘ Surgical ifeatln-‘3l1l0f11-‘cart WINES. 3593-
`valvular apparatus includes multiple chordae tendinae. which
`cially lllt-‘ mitral and aflrtit-‘ Valves. Aticordiltg 10 rcccllt cSti-
`connect the mobile valve leaflets to mttscular structures (pap-
`rllalcs. H1011’-' titml 79,000 patients are diaglloscd With aortic
`illary muscles) inside the ventricles. Rupture or elongation of
`and mitral valve disease in US. liuspitals each year. More
`the Chordae tendinae result in partial or generalized leaflet
`than 49.000 mitral valve or aortic valve replacement proce- 55 prolapse, which causes mitral {or tricuspid) valve regurgita-
`51111“-‘3 31"? l3el'f01’111eC1 511111115111)’ 111 1113 Uvsu 5110113 W1111 51 518'
`lion. A commonly used technique to surgically correct mitral
`nificant number of heart valve repair procedures.
`valve regurgitatioit is the implantation of artificial chordae
`Various surgical techniques may he used to repair a dis-
`(usually 4-0 or 5-0 Gore-Tex sutures) between the prolapsing
`cased or damaged vslvc. including anrmloplasty (contracting
`segment olithe valve and the papillary muscle. This operation
`the valv= annulus). quadrangular resection [narrowing the an is generally carried out tltmttgh 21 median gtemctcmy and
`V5111’? 1t-‘311€15)-
`301111111551-"‘T110111)’ (Cl-1111113 1119 "E11119 °0111111l5'
`requires cardiopulmonary bypass with aortic cross-clamp and
`sures to separate the valve leaflets). shortening mitral or tri-
`cat-dicplegjc an-est cl‘ the hem-t,
`cuspid valve chordae tendonae, reattachment of severed
`mitral or tricuspid valve chordae tendonae or papillary
`muscle tissue, and decalcification of valve and annulus tissue.
`Alternatively. the valve may be replaced, by excising the
`valve leaflets of the natural valve. and securing a replacement
`The present iltvention is a method and apparatus for per-
`forming a minimally illvifilétlO1
`'|i\r/ (gfl'lR?flary|and
`Exhibit 1006
`Page 1 of 19
`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
`Page 1 of 19

`US 8,465,500 B2
`is beating. More specifically the
`valves while the heart
`method includes inserting an instrument through tl1e subject's
`chest wall and through the heart wall. The instmrnent carries
`on its distal end a movable element which is manipulated to
`grasp a valve leallet and hold it while a needle mechanism
`punctures the valve leaflet and loops at suture around a portion
`of the valve leaflet. The instrt.tme11t is withdrawn from the
`FIG. 8C is a detailed isometric view of the preferred
`embodiment of the suture deployment system showing the
`needle retracting back through the leaflet to pull the suture
`loop back through the puncture opening in the leaflet.
`FIG. SI) is it detailed isometric view of the preferred
`entbodilllellt of the suture deployment system showing the
`distal end of the instntment releasing the leaflet and pulling
`both ends and the midpoint of the suture as the instrument
`withdraws from the patient‘s heart.
`FIG. HE is a detailed side elevation view of the preferred
`embodiment of the suture deployment where the suture is
`released from the instrument and the two suture ends are
`heart along with the suture and the suture is tied offat the apex
`ofthe heart afler adjusting its tension for optimal valve opera-
`tion as observed with an ultrasonic imaging system.
`In addition to grasping and needle mechanisms. the instru-
`ment includes fiber optics which provide direct visual indi-
`inserted through the loop.
`cation that the valve leaflet is properly grasped. A set of
`FIG. SF is a detailed side elevation view of the preferred
`illuminating fibers terminate at the distal end of the instru-
`15 embodiment of the suture deployment system wherein the
`ends of the suture are pulled and the loop of the suture slides
`mum ammd lheilieedle mechanism 1” “loaf: pmmmly 10 fl 531
`back along the suture to form a Larks head around the edge of
`°f5*m§“'r fil?°m' 111° Sensor fibers “Galley 11311} fmm the distal
`the valve leaflet.
`end oi the instrument to produce an image lor the operator.
`FIG. 9A is a detailed isometric view of a second embodi-
`“lite” 3 Val“? leaflet l5 Pi'°P°i'l}’ ET35P9d- light lmin the l“'-‘'
`minating fibers is retlccted oltthe leaflet surface back through an mm; “[1113 Sum,-c dcptuymum System stmwiug the lip aft}-“.3
`the S3550)‘ fibers. Oil the other hand. the valve leaflet iS £101
`distal end [of the jn_stn_“nen[
`the hean valve ];-gaflet
`properly grasped the 5611501‘ fibers 563 blood.
`and showing a suture that is a closed loop with one end of the
`A general object of the invention is to provide an instru-
`loop disposed in the tip of the instrument and the other end
`ment zmd procedure which enables heart valves to be repaired
`disposed in the lumen and wrapped around the needle.
`without the need for open heart surgery. The instrument is
`FIG. 9B is a detailed isometric view of a second embodi-
`inscrted through an opening in the chest wall and intoa heart
`ment of the suture deployment system showing the needle
`chamber while the heart is heating. The instrument enables
`puncturing the leaflet and pushing the suture through the
`repair of a heart valve. after which it is withdrawn from the
`heart and the chest.
`FIG. 9C‘ is a detailed isometric view of a second embodi-
`l3Rll.5l’ Dl3S(7Ril’'l‘l0N 01’ 'i‘l'll3 DRAWINGS
`3U ment ofthe suture deployment system showing the needle
`retracting back through the leaflet to pull the looped suture
`back through the opening in the leaflet and showing the
`instrument releasing the leaflet.
`FIG. 1 is a cut-out view of a paticnt’s chest showing an
`FIG. 9]) is a detailed isometric View org second Q1]]b[_]dj-
`instrumerit embodying the invention being inserted into a
`patictJI’S Cile‘-it Cc'lV’il)/ through E1
`tl10l’‘¢7|S00PlC [3011 that
`i5 35 r11enl ofthe suture deployment system showing t.he instru-
`insefted into ill-‘J pail-‘-‘t1i'S Cllesi.
`ment withdrawing to slide the unhooked end of the suture
`FIG. 2 is a cut-cut view c.-fa paticnfs chest showing an
`along the length of the needle towards the leaflet to form a
`instrument embodying the invention grasping a prolapsing
`La]-ks head around me leanerg i,-dge_
`segment of the mitral valve inside the paticnt’s chest cavity
`FIG. 10A is a detailed isometric view of at third embodi-
`Elllld 5ECllI'll'lg. an Zl.l’llfi.ClE|l Cl10l'Ci-El t0 the FY99 edge Of the ['ll'0- 40 m_e11|_ rjfthc suture deplgylnent gystgm ghgwillg the tip gfthe
`l3P5iIlg Segment Gillie l11i1I'3lVfilV€-
`distal end of the instrument grasping the heart valve leaflet
`FlG. 3 i5 3 Clil-01lt\’i€W Ulla patictlfs Cl1e5tC3Vit)’ showing
`and showing the midpoint oi‘ the suture being looped around
`an instrument embodying the invention tensioning the neo—
`the lumen and the two loose ends ofthe suture being coiled up
`implanted Cllordfl.
`in the tip of the distal end of the instrument.
`FIG. 4 is anisomctric view ofan instrument embodying the 45
`[-'1G_ 108 is a detailed igumeu-ac View ufa 111;,-(3 gmbudj-
`invention. Fifi. Sis a detailed isometric view ofthe distal end
`ment of the 51]1|_|re dep[uyme111'_ systeru 3l1gwi1]g the needle
`of an instrument embodying the invention.
`puncture and push the suture through the leaflet and through
`FIG. i5.‘\ iii 2! d€i?1il€‘d
`S-idf-' elf-'V3ii0l1 Vii-‘W Gillie distal end 0i‘
`the loop oi‘ the Free ends of the suture wherein the needle then
`an instruinent embodying the invention showing the tip in a
`h[_)[)ks the frog ends or1]](3 gum;-u_
`Clofied position.
`FIG. 10C is a detailed isometric view of a third embodi-
`FIG. 53 ifiadetailed Side elevation View oi'Il1-‘J distal end 0i‘
`ment of the suture deployment system showing the needle
`an instrument embodying the invention showing rods inside
`retracting back througltthe leaflet and showing the irtstrurrtent
`the instrument that are capable of sliding to move the tip to an
`relua si113 [tug [ed [1.«_-1_
`013611 position.
`FIG. 1013 is a dctai led isometric view ofa third embodi-
`l"lG. 7 is 3 detailed i$o|11E=1l‘iC View Ulllllo difiifll oltd oi all 55 ment of the suture deployment system showing the instru-
`‘3mb0dYi113 the ii‘-“'3”-‘i011 511°-'Wi113 the 1‘-Bed]?
`ment withdrawing from the heart to pull the free ends of the
`lumen and four fiberoptic channels that are disposed around
`suture back through the valve leaflet and fbmuug a Lark-5
`the needle lumen.
`head aroturd the lea flet‘s edge by the midpoint of the suture.
`FIG. 8A is a detailed isometric view of the preferred
`embodiment of the suture deployment system showing the an
`positioning ofa heart valve leaflet with respect to the instru-
`l)lj’I'AILl'.iD DESCRIP’l'lON O1*"l'[-[E P[{l'~LFl£RRli-ZD
`Under general anesthesia and double-lumen ventilation.
`FIG. 8B is a detailed isometric view of the preferred
`the patient is prepped and draped so as to allow ample surgical
`embodiment ofthe suture deployment system showing the tip
`of the distal end of the instrument closing 011 the leaflet to as access to the right lateral. anterior and left lateral chest wall
`grasp l.l1e leaflet such that the needle can puncture and push
`(l"rom the posterior axillary li11e o11 one side to the posterior
`the suture through the leaflet.
`axillary line on the ot11erfltée6. 'nVin I-‘ .r_y|and
`Exhibit 1006
`Page 1 of 19
`NeoChord v. Univ of Maryland
`Exhibit 1006
`Page 1 of 19

`US 8,465,500 B2
`more thoracoscopic ports are inserted in the lefl chest through
`the intercostal spaces and an instrument II) is inserted through
`one of these ports into the chest cavity. Alternatively, a small
`(3-5 cm) lefl thoracotomy is performed in the fifth or sixth
`intercostals space on the anterior axillary line. The patient is
`fully heparinized. After collapsing the left ltmg, the pericar-
`dium overlying the apex 12 ofthe lefl ventricle 14 is opened
`and its edges are suspended to tl1e skin incision line. This
`provides close access to the apex ofthe heart. Guidance ofthe
`intracardiac procedure is provided by a combination of
`transesophageal or
`intravascular echocardiograplty {not
`shown in the drawings) and with direct visttalization through
`a I'iber—optical system built into the irtstrttment 1!} as will be
`described in

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