`A Tribute
`to Sven-Ivar
`is a
`so it
`up with,
`we grew
`life without
`to imagine
`is almost
`the thrill
`of angiographers
`for us to feel
`how angiog-
`[1]. Present-day
`to this method
`that we
`so used
`it. We are
`the eponym,
`as it has become
`the “natural”
`to insert
`in a blood
`let us recount
`the circumstances
`and the pulmonary
`atrium and ventricle
`of Cournand
`on the basis
`the extensive
`to be practiced
`in the
`time was
`and Richards
`[2]. Arteriography
`as the femoral
`to reach,
`The aorta
`and its branches
`by direct
`[31 in 1 931 . The
`as described
`by Dos Santos
`et al.
`arch were
`to extend
`a catheter
`of a needle
`into the aorta
`the Cuban
`In 1 940,
`artery. When
`a trocar
`in the surgically
`Ray Society
`in Boston
`the American
`his findings
`the annual meeting
`Dr. Sidney
`“I cannot
`in 1 941 , amid widespread
`or one without
`[5]. Although
`the Society
`is a small
`Gold Medal
`the following
`the medical
`Fari#{241}asits coveted
`to use
`his method.
`in a
`in 1 946,
`he blamed
`“the difficulty
`due to war
`in obtaining
`World War
`II created
`of patent
`from radiology.
`the few corners
`the medically
`to pursue
`of how to opacify
`In the late
`in Lund
`a catheter
`be advanced
`into the brachial
`and subclavian
`into an artery,
`or scarring
`and thus
`the lumen
`In the United
`and Miller
`in the
`a somewhat
`in Stockholm
`into the
`but added
`a new element
`to the procedure:
`He introduced
`them downward.
`a silver
`a blunt
`were made
`the aorta) which
`in Sweden,
`one of
`the ravages
`of war,
`it would
`be practical
`to opacify
`via the
`It might
`and finally
`into the arch.
`the concomitant
`risk of
`T. Doby1
`ago, Sven-lvar
`30 years
`a catheter
`this anniversary
`AJR is privileged
`to note
`while Dr. Seldinger
`is still actively
`ing in a small
`city north
`of Stockholm.
`Melvin M. Figley
`28, 1983; accepted
`Received January
`13, 1983.
`Mercy Hospital,
`1 Department
`of Radiology.
`land, ME 04101.
`Lane, Cape
`ME 04107.
`AJR 142:1-3,
`0361 -803X/84/1
`© American
`Ray Society
`University of Maryland, Baltimore
`Exhibit 2010
`Page 1 of 3
`end. The silver
`In JOns-
`the thread
`as a guide
`the cannula
`its tip comes
`the aortic
`so far
`arch. When
`a guide
`is used
`is no risk
`to the
`is very
`tip and
`do any damage
`is pushed
`after withdrawal
`of safety,
`the method
`not without
`and failed
`to gain
`in the United
`In 1 951 , 1 0 years
`[1 2]
`to the femoral
`this time
`he inserted
`a polyethylene
`a needle
`[1 0] or a branch
`the profunda
`[1 1].
`the tube was
`and the end of
`to overcome
`in Germany
`the aortic
`the esopha-
`an esophagoscope;
`in Cuba,
`Beato-Nu#{241}ez [14]
`the right
`by percutaneous
`56 cases
`[1 4], but
`the method-not
`not become
`of affairs
`in the
`a method
`the great
`of angiography,
`an enterprising
`the Karolinska
`in Stockholm-inspired
`by the one-year
`is a part of
`the Swedish
`up with
`the solution.
`the end of
`Dr. Seldinger
`he could
`fit a needle
`the catheter
`a catheter
`a side
`“the catheter
`and removing
`the needle
`But because
`to be advanced
`to the equipment
`a guide
`the same
`is still
`in common
`SI, personal
`1976). However,
`the metal
`the wire
`hole were
`not be disregarded.
`an unsuccessful
`of using
`as he recounts,
`“I stood
`the lab quite
`sad with
`the three
`in my hand:
`the needle,
`the guide wire
`and the catheter;
`and suddenly
`I was
`how they
`be properly
`(fig. 1). So if you put
`the time
`the invention
`one second”
`SI, personal
`A needle
`is introduced,
`is pushed
`it, and the needle
`is removed.
`is guided
`in over
`the wire, which
`also is removed
`in Sweden
`in the United
`and Japan.
`a few years,
`was mapped
`by Seldinger
`of Stockholm.
`to visualize
`it with
`(cid:1) (cid:1)
`Fig. 1 .-Seldinger’s
`line drawing
`into artery.
`two stages
`of his method
`in development
`from letter
`to T. Doby,
`In his model
`by a company.
`the required
`them having
`the same
`no cassette
`he used
`a wooden
`to hold
`no image
`no angiography
`of his
`to explore
`of diagnostic
`He described
`in the
`in pathologic
`of var-
`[1 9, 20].
`[21 ] and wrote
`on pan-
`in the extremities
`his very
`on catheter
`the one that
`a whole
`new chapter
`in medicine.
`In 1 956,
`Prize was
`to Cour-
`and Richards
`and pathological
`in the
`been accepted
`by the medical
`and the public.
`This method,
`in the
`to its full extent
`by the Seldinger
`[1], which
`to achieve
`in diagnostics
`30 years
`to quote
`the man whose
`University of Maryland, Baltimore
`Exhibit 2010
`Page 2 of 3
`it should
`of applications
`the multitude
`dream about
`SI, personal
`the needle in percutaneous
`Acta Med Scand
`1 . Seldinger SI. Catheter
`1953:39 :368-376
`2. Cournand
`A. Cardiac
`JP. Art#{233}riographie des
`AC, Caldas
`3. Dos Santos
`R, Lamas
`Paris: Masson
`et Cie, 1931
`et de
`4. Cunningham JJ, Thurber B. The abdominal
`an historic
`AJR 1972;1
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`5. Fari#{241}asPL. A new technique
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`6. Fari#{241}asPL. Retrograde
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`9. Freeman NE, Miller ER. Retrograde
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`sen Kehlk
`V. Heart puncture
`14. Ponsdomenech
`ER, Beato-Nunez
`the ventricular
`J 1951:41 :643-650
`Am Heart
`1 5. Seldinger
`SI. Localization
`of parathyroid
`Acta Radio!
`16. Seldinger
`SI. Percutaneous
`Acta Radio!
`the aorta. Acta Radio!(Stockh)
`1 8. Seldinger
`SI. A simple method
`of catheterization
`the spleen
`and liver. Acta Radio!
`19. Seldinger SI, Amer 0, Hagberg S, Sundblad R. Measurement
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`S, Sundblad
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`SI, Bergkvist
`A. Pancreatic
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`in relation
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`25. Doby T. Development
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`and cardiovascular
`John Wright-PSG,
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`R. Effect of phen-
`in man as measured
`in operative
`University of Maryland, Baltimore
`Exhibit 2010
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