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`University of Maryland, Baltimore
`Exhibit 2003
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`University of Maryland, Baltimore
`Exhibit 2003
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`Senior L
`David A
`M A
`Words are included in this Dictionary on the basis of their usage. Words
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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`The American heritage Stedman s medical dictionary.
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`ISBN 0-395-69955-X
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`University of Maryland, Baltimore
`Exhibit 2003
`Page 3 of 4
`e (pen ~
`pe t~
`~'~ a
`~irh qp ~ '~•q~~
`one ~ ~hfi
`~ n`'r`oc,,
`S'c, of~
`en'n P~cc
`~th ylenetr~a
`nt, eSpe~~a~~rnf e
`for hea
`n'stor age di ~s
`~oactive m
`r'bi-tol' ~a~s'
`rbitur ~' ''•
`ate used
`iconvulsive d as
`r~ ~-
`a ~l
`ass of
`m oc~.
`ms per mo~~k
`her sugar
`:~ndary pathK•a~
`sues other ti~a~
`n sugars are s~-n.
`in the
`'to ~
`~} plasm
`d Dickensshu„t_
`°r~-) ~• the ez•
`the urine.
`-k used for efiro.
`-lin, pen-ralc's~
`pound that de-
`~~es blood floe,
`c claudicac;on.
`e sin. 4. Capable of di-
`t or involving
`~ stive ag
`S. 3' ~ dige
`a~' —'~~e Zymogenic cell.
`. See gastric digestion.
`II ~~ ,V
`~'~digest'o~ j1 jZ. See reflux esophagitis.
`~~ esophag~~5 ulcer of the upper digestive tract,
`or duodenum, where the mu-
`~c ~~~er ~t~
`osed to gastric secretions.
`~:~aUy mbralie is exp
`n. An enzyme that cat-
`~ Sri-das', -daz)
`~; ~> ~'
`~ ti~dase ~p~p sis of peptides into amino acids.
`of various natural or syn-
`►tad) n. Any
`~o p~llllds containing two or more amino
`~ ~
`arbox 1 rou of one amino
`Y g p
`b ~ the c
`; ~
`~s d the a1111i10 group of another. — pep•tid is
`~ ~
`~a° d', —pep•tid i•ca~•~y
`The chemical bond formed between
`C~~~) a ~
`tl sand amino rou s of nei hbor-
`g p g
`~box~~~ ~r0 ~'
`~ constituting the primary linkage of
`~~ino ~~ids,
`i6~ Qrotein structures.
`i~ (pep'ti-dur~jik) adj. Of or being nerve
`paler g
`' ~~ o~ f~b~rs that may use small peptide molecules
`~~,r neurotransinitters.
`~,,,,~.gly•~an (pep'ti-do-gli~kan, -kan') n. A poly-
`~ {ound in the cell walls of prokaryotes that con-
`~ ol~-saccharide and peptide chains in a
`gong m olecular network. Also called mucopeptide,
`~~ ~f
`~dOid (p~p'ti-doid') n. A compound formed by
`~ condensation of two amino acids, with the link-
`involving at least one group that is not acar-
`boryl or an amino group.
`•lyt•ic (pep `ti-do-lit~ik) adj. 1. Of or relating
`leava e of e tides. 2. Causin the di estion
`g p p g g
`~to•gen•ic (pep'ta-jen~ik) or pep•tog•e•nous
`pep-cod a-nas) cedj. 1. Producing pepsin or pep-
`~a~ n. A neno~s
`iooa. 2. Promoting digestion.
`~f the pens.
`~tol•ysis (pep-tol'i-sis) n. The hydrolysis of pep-
`cif the peplcx of
`~to•I •ic
`y~ ' (pep to-lit ik) adj. 1. Of or relating to
`~olvsis. 2. Of or being an enzyme or other agent
`he coat or ems
`rrounds certa
`hydrol~~zes peptones.
`e pep'ton') n. Any of various soluble com-
`ping a stimul~rc
`Pamds that do not coagulate, are obtained by acid
`yme hydrolysis
`of natural protein, and are
`~~ of ~~ariousdi'
`!~das nutrients in culture media. —pep•ton~ic
`that cat
`s~ ~n~C)
`Ze (pep to-niz')
`ides. Z• ~~
`10 v. -nized, -niz•ing, -niz•es. 1.
`~n`'e~ protein into a soluble e tone b enz -
`from the 5t0R''
`digesi~~'~ a'd'
`' ~
`an'on• 2.
`To dissolve food by means of a ro-
`of gasp'`
`~o1rt~~ enzvn~e,
`3, To combine with e tone.
`n and catal}~zn , ~
`~, Pep'to.
`p p
`ref. ~. Thortion (-nl-za~shan) n.
`to rm pr~~~ ~
`b~ 2 ollbhly; completely; intensely: per-
`an element in its hi hest oxida-
`nacti~'~ P~~
`~ nate~ perchlo •
`~ is acid. 3. Containing
`a large or
`ells of ~h~
`~' 4• ~ontain~ prOportlon of an element: per-
`~ cony"erte~
`aigQScion• ~° ~ (put ~ ~~ 1~ g tie Peroxy group: peracid.
`~~S i~
`. An of various a i
`i g the pero~y ro Y
`c ds con
`p • An inorganic acid, such
`~~loric g u 2•
`acid, containin
`the lar est ro orti n
`n a series of
`g g p p
`per~a•cute (pur'a-kyoot~) adj. Very acute. Used of a
`r " . ~
`per a•num (par a nam) adv. Through or by way of the
`anus, as in the administration of medication.
`perceive (par-sev~) v. -ceived, -ceiv•ing, -ceives. 1. To
`become aware of directly through any of the senses,
`especially sight or hearing. 2. To achieve under
`standing of; apprehend. — per•ceiv~a•ble adj. —per•
`ceiv~a•bly adv. — per•ceiv~er n.
`per•eept (pur~sept') n. 1. The object of perception. 2.
`A mental im ression of somethin
`erceived b the
`P g P
`senses, viewed as the basic component in the forma-
`tion of concepts. 3. In clinical psychology, a single
`unit of perceptual report, such as one of the re-
`sponses to an
`inkblot in
`per•eep~tion (par-sep~shan) n. 1. The process, act, or
`faculty of perceiving. 2. Recognition and interpreta-
`tion of sensory stimuli based chiefly on memory.
`v , v
`per•cep•tive (par-sep tiv) add. 1. Of or relating to per-
`ception. 2. Having the ability to perceive. 3. Keenly
`discerning. — per'cep•tiv~i•ty (pur'sep-tiv'i-te), per•
`cep~tive•ness n.
`per•cep•tu~al (par-sep~choo-al) adj. Of, based on, or
`involving perception.
`~ ,
`per ehlo•rate (par-klor at) n. An ester or salt of per-
`chloric acid.
`pQr•ehlo•rie acid (par-klor~ik) n. A clear colorless liq-
`uid that is the highest in oxygen content of the series
`of chlorine acids and is a powerful oxidant used as
`a catal st.
`Per~co•late (pur~ka-lat') v. -lat•ed, -lat•ing, -lates. 1.
`To cause a liquid to pass slowly through a porous
`substance or small holes • filter. 2. To drain or seep
`through. 3. To cause a solvent liquid to pass through
`a mixture, such as a powdered drug, so as to extract
`the soluble portion. — n. (-lit, -lat'). A liquid that has
`been percolated. — per'eo•la~tion n.
`per eon•tig•u~um (par kan-tig~yoo-am) adv. By or
`throu h Conti uit as in the spread of infection or
`g g
`inflammation between ad'acent structures.
`l _ ~
`~ _
`per eon•tin•u•um (par kan tin yoo-am) adv. By or
`through continuity, as in the spread of infection or
`inflammation from one part to another through
`continuous tissue.
`per•cuss (par-kus~) v. -cussed, -cussing, -cusses. To
`strike or tap firmly; perform percussion.
`per•eus•sion (par-kush~an) n. A method of medical di-
`agnosis in which various areas of the body, espe-
`dally the chest, back, and abdomen, are to ed with
`the fin er or a
`lexor to determine b resonance the
`g p
`condition of internal organs.
`per•eus•sor (par-kus~ar) n. See plexor.
`er~eu•ta•ne•ous ur'k oo-tame-as ad'. Passed
`or effected through the unbroken skin. — per'-
`cu•ta~ne•ous~ly adv.
`percutaneous transluminal angioplasty n. A proce-
`dure f r nl r
`o e a gang a narrowed arterial lumen by pe-
`ripheral introduction of a balloon-tip catheter fol-
`1 owed by dilation of the lumen as the inflated
`catheter tip is withdrawn.
`~ ,
`, ~~
`percutaneous transluminai angioplasty ~ 619
`. ~
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`University of Maryland, Baltimore
`Exhibit 2003
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