United States atent
`[72] Inventor
`Sholly Kagan
`East Natick, Mass.
`Appl. No. 766,781
`[21 ]
`[22] Filed
`Oct. 11, 1968
`[45] Patented Nov. 23, 1971
`[73] Assignee Bell & Howell Company
`Chicago, Ill.
`9 Claims, 7 Drawing Figs.
`[52] U.S.C1 ...................................................... ..
`340/399, 340/400, 340/407
`[51] Int. Cl ....................................................... .. G08b 7/00
`[50] Field of Search .......................................... ..
`407, 399, 400
`References Cited
`8/1938 Greibach .................... ..
`[111 3,623,064
`9/1951 Greene ....................... ..
`1/1952 Powlison ...... ..
`3/1958 Reichertlm.
`2/1961 Hirsch ...... ..
`2/1940 Caldwell ....... ..
`2,817,080 12/1957 Balduman .... ..
`3,116,481 12/1963 Kalin et a1 ................... ..
`Primary Examiner—Harold 1. Pitts
`Anurney—_Alfred H. Rosen
`340/407 X
`340/407 X
`340/400 X
`340/400 X
`ABSTRACT: A personal paging device has a call signal
`receiver which generates when activated a train of regularly
`spaced electrical pulses controlling an electric vibrator.
`The vibrator comprises an electric motor which receives
`the pulse train and periodically accelerates a cyclicly
`mounted mass to produce, as a result of the reaction forces
`developed, tactually sensible reaction vibrations in the
`device. In a primary embodiment the mass is eccentrically
`mounted so as to additionally produce tactually sensible
`variations at frequencies which are distinguishable from the
`said reaction vibrations.
`Samsung USP 7,973,773
` Exhibit 1019 Page 1

`PATENTEDuuv 23 I9?!
`3.623 .064
`sum 1 BF 2
`5y mwdwmp.
` Exhibit 1019 Page 2

`PATENTEUuuv 23 197i
`SHEET 2 [IF 2
`136 V V
`‘AT |"'__T2
`hive/7X01". W
` Exhibit 1019 Page 3

`This invention relates to radio-operated alerting devices,
`and more particularly to paging receivers of the kind which
`can be carried on the person of a user. Customarily, such
`receivers are small enough to ?t into a shirt pocket, or to be
`clipped to the belt holding up a person's trousers.
`Paging receivers are now in use employing an audible alert
`ing signal. This has disadvantages when the user wants to
`avoid alerting or disturbing other persons. Substitution or ad
`dition of a visual alerting signal (e.g. a ?ashing light) does not
`entirely solve the problem, for the attention of the user cannot
`always be assured, nor can the user be certain to avoid alerting
`other persons. The present invention solves the problem with
`a silent and invisible vibratory alerting device, which has
`unique advantages not a?‘orded by audible or visible alerting
`According to the present invention a rigid supporting struc
`ture, which contains or supports means (e.g. radio receiver) to
`receive a calling signal and means (e.g. decoder and alerting
`signal generator) to provide an alerting signal, has affixed to it
`normally inactive vibrator means for vibrating the structure at
`a frequency in the subaudible range (e.g. 5 c.p.s. and employs
`the alerting signal to activate the vibrator means. When the
`vibrator means is activated the entire structure is set into
`forced .vibration at the subaudible frequency and if it is being
`carried on the person of a user only the user feels the vibration
`and, therefore, only the user is alerted to the calling signal.
`A feature of the invention is that the alerting signal may be
`in the form of one or more pulses of energy, whereby to ac
`celerate the vibrator means from an inactive state to an active
`state in a time interval which is short relative to the time
`required for the vibrator to return to the inactive state. A se
`ries of such pulses of energy, temporally spaced apart greater
`than the pulse duration, causes the alerting device to throb in
`an attention-commanding manner. If the device rests on the
`surface of a hard, ?at body, such as a table or a desk, the
`device executes a walking motion across the surface while so
`throbbing, and simultaneously causes a corresponding
`throbbing noise by its vibration against the hard surface. Thus,
`when the device is not worn by its user, it can be employed to
`give a signal which is both audible and visible simply by plac
`ing it on a hard, flat surface. If placed in a con?ning saucer or
`ash tray, its vibration against the latter will cause a
`pronounced throbbing noise while it may or may not be free to
`move depending upon the nature of its con?nement.
`Several embodiments of the invention are described in this
`speci?cation, illustrating a variety of preferred ways to prac
`tice the invention. The description, which follows, refers to
`the accompanying drawings, in which:
`FIG. 1 shows two external views, A and B, of a paging
`receiver according to the invention; FIG. 1C shows an altema
`tive location for the vibrator means;
`FIG. 2 is a schematic illustration showing the location of
`parts in FIG. 1;
`FIG. 3 is a set ofgraphs for explaining pulse operation ofthe
`FIGS. 4, 5 and 6 schematically illustrate three di?erent
`forms of vibrator means; and
`FIG. 7 schematically illustrates another arrangement of the
`parts in an alerting device according to the invention.
`Referring now to FIGS. 1A and B and FIG. 2, the alerting
`device is a paging receiver, comprising a rigid supporting
`structure 10 (FIG. 2) which supports within its framework 11
`the prior an electronic and electromechanical components 12
`which perform the radio receiver, ?lter and decoder, and
`alerting signal generator functions. Since these are prior art
`components, they will not be described. Also supported in the
`structure 10 are a power source (i.e. battery) 13 and an anten
`na 14. The top part 15 of the structure 10 is also an outer part
`of the housing of the receiver, and contains a phone jack 16,
`and a vibrator means 17. As is shown in FIG. 1A and B, a
`cover 18 ?ts slidably over the framework 11 to enclose the
`parts 12, 13 supported in it, and completes the outer housing
`of the receiver. A clip 19 hinged to the cover 18 is spring
`urged as by a spring 21 to hold the receiver in a pocket or to a
`belt (not shown).
`The vibrator means 17 may, as shown in FIG. 2 and FIG. 4,
`comprise an electric motor 22 having a rotatable shaft 23 with
`an eccentrically mounted mass 24 on it. A cover 17.1 covers
`the mass 24, as it is shown in FIGS. 1A and B and FIG. 2. A
`pair of wires 25 carry the alerting signal from the alerting
`signal generator in the parts 12 to the motor 22. The motor is
`normally at rest; that is,
`inactive; and it is activated, that is,
`caused to spin the shaft 23, when the alerting signal is applied
`to it. When the motor is activated the mass 24 turns on the axis
`of the shaft 23 and, being eccentrically mounted on the shaft,
`causes the motor 22 to vibrate at a frequency determined by
`the speed of rotation. A low frequency, below audible, such as
`?ve cycles per second, is a preferred frequency of vibration.
`This can be felt quite readily. The motor 22 is rigidly engaged
`with the top part 15 of the structure 10; for example the top
`part may be of a plastics material and the motor 22 press-?tted
`into a bore 15.1 in the top part. The structure 10 is thereby
`forced into vibration at the same low frequency.
`The same result can be achieved by affixing the vibrator
`means 17 to the outside of the supporting structure 10, as is
`shown in FIG. 1C. Here the vibrator means 17 is affixed to the
`top part 15, electrically connected to the alerting signal
`generator via the phone jack 16, and held in place by a locat
`ing and retaining collar 15.5 which is affixed to the top part 15
`of the structure 10. The vibrator means 17 may thus be
`detachably attached to the structure 10.
`The alerting signal may be a continuous electrical signal,
`DC or AC as desired, but advantages can be obtained ifit is in
`the form of a train of pulses, as illustrated in FIG. 3. In addi~
`tion to conserving battery power, a train of pulses causes the
`vibrator means to produce a throbbing form of vibration
`which is attention-commanding and has other advantages.
`FIG. 3 is a set of three graphs on a time axis. Three alerting
`signal pulses 31 are shown in a train on the lower axis 32. Each
`pulse, when applied to the motor 22, causes it to accelerate its
`shaft 23 into rotation and, when the pulse terminates the shaft
`decelerates more slowly toward rest. Thus the rotational
`velocity increases rapidly and
`decreases slowly, as shown by
`curve 33 on the middle time axis 34. The acceleration is illus
`trated by curves 35 on the uppermost time axis 36. Each pulse
`31 accelerates the vibrator means from an inactive state to an
`active state in- a time interval T, which is short relative to the
`time T2 required for the vibrator means to return to the inac
`tive state after the pulse has ceased. If the pulse duration is
`about T, and the time interval between pulses is about T2, then
`a characteristic throbbing vibration is produced. In addition to
`commanding attention by virtue of its unique character, this
`throbbing vibration causes the entire structure 10 to execute a
`walking like motion, due to the reaction forces developed on
`the supporting structure 10, when the paging receiver is rest
`ing on a hard ?at surface. Thus, when the user removes the
`receiver from his or her person and sets it down on a hard ?at
`surface, a paging signal will cause the receiver to produce a
`rattling noise in a series of pulses corresponding to the alerting
`signal pulses 31, and to move in a shuffling manner relative to
`the surface, the shuffles being stepwise at the frequency of the
`alerting-signal pulses. If the receiver is “standing, " that is
`upright on the surface in the attitude of FIG. 1, it may actually
`appear to shuffle along in a straight or nearly straight line; if
`is resting on its side, it may “shuffle” in a curved path.
`The frequency of the pulses 31 is not to be confused with
`the frequency of vibration of the vibrator means 17. Each
`pulse 31 contains at least several cycles of vibration of the
`vibrator means 17, as will be apparent when it is realized that
`the motor shaft is preferably brought to rotation at its in
`tended full speed in the time duration T, of each pulse 31, and
`then allowed to coast toward rest in the succeeding time inter
`val T2.
` Exhibit 1019 Page 4

`Alternative forms of the vibrator means 17 are shown in
`FIGS. 5 and 6. In FIG. 5 a mass 41 of magnetic material such
`as iron is suspended between two springs 42, 43 which are in
`turn anchored to the structure 10, and a hollow-core solenoid
`coil 44 surrounds the mass 41, which at rest may be located
`nearer to one ‘end of the coil than to the other. The alerting
`signal (not shown) is applied to the coil 44, which may for this
`purpose be connected via terminals 45 to the wires 25 carry
`ing the alerting signal. An appropriate alerting signal will set
`the mass 41 into vibration which will be coupled via the
`springs 42, 43 to the structure 10. The springs may be chosen
`to effect a coupling between the mass 41 and the structure 10
`such that when a pulse-form alerting signal is used the mass 41
`will continue to vibrate for a period of time (T2) larger than
`the time (T,) duration of the alerting-signal pulse. The alerting
`signal, whether continuous or in pulse form, may have a
`frequency corresponding to the resonance frequency of vibra
`tion of the mass 41 and its springs 42, 43, or it may be a DC
`In FIG. 6 two coils 51 and 52 are located one on each side of
`a magnetic mass 53 which is mounted at one end of a spring
`54, the other end of which is connected to the structure 10,
`An alerting signal may be connected to the coils 51, 52 to set
`the mass 53 into vibration and thereby cause the structure 10
`to vibrate.
`It will be apparent that the vibrator means shown in FIGS 4,
`5 and 6 have in common the property that each comprises a
`solid mass (24, 41, 53, respectively) motor means (22, 44 and
`51, 52, respectively) to drive said mass cyclically in a
`prescribed path, and means linking the mass to the structure
`10. Other vibrator means having these properties can be em
`ploycd, if desired.
`FIG. 7 represents an arrangement of an alerting device ac
`cording to the invention in which the structure 61 can be in
`the shape of an elongated (e.g. tubular) body, which is con
`venient to carry in one‘s pocket, like a pencil or fountain pen.
`The structure 61 contains, along its
`axis, the battery, elec
`tronics and vibrator means, as the labels in FIG. 7 show, with
`the vibrator nearer one end of the elongated body than the
`other. The antenna 62 for receiving radiobroadcast calling
`signals, is affixed across one end of the structure 61, where it
`will be least apt to be covered by clothing material. With the
`vibrator at one end of an elongated body, a form of vibration
`which is transverse to the longitudinal axis of the elongated
`body can force the elongated body correspondingly into vibra
`tion transverse to its axis, which will be easily felt and visibly
`noticeable. If the vibrator means 17 shown in FIG. 4 is used
`with the shaft 23 parallel to the longitudinal axis of the elon
`gated body, a nutating motion may be induced into the alert
`ing device.
`Referring again to FIG. 2, the vibrator means 17 need not
`be located near a corner or side of the structure 10. By rear
`ranging the electronic parts, the vibrator means may be
`located at or near the geometric center of the structure
`thereby increasing the ability to cause an entire wide side of
`the alerting device to vibrate against the body of a user.
`I. A personal paging device comprising a supporting struc
`ture, sensing means carried by said structure and responsive to
`space-transmitted energy for providing an alerting signal com
`prising a train of regularly spaced electrical pulses, normally
`inactive vibrator means for vibrating said structure, said vibra
`tor means including an eccentric mass supported for cyclic
`movement and electric motive means responsive to said alert
`ing signal for driving said mass through a range of vibrational
`frequencies toward a steady-state frequency, each of said pul
`ses in said alerting signal being of a length
`to endure for a
`period of time longer than a cycle of said signal at said steady
`state frequency of vibration.
`2. A personal paging receiver intended to be carried on the
`clothing of a person, comprising a supporting structure for
`providing an alerting signal, a mass, means for constraining
`said mass to be movable cyclicly in a substantially linear path
`relative to said structure, electric motive means responsive to
`an alerting signal received from said radio receiver means for
`driving said mass in said path, and means coupling said mass to
`said structure for causing said structure to vibrate when said
`motive means is activated.
`3. A personal paging device, comprising:
`a casing;
`sensing means disposed within said casing and being respon
`sive to space-transmitted energy for developing an alert
`ing signal in the form of a train of regularly spaced electri
`cal pulses having a predetermined pulse frequency which
`is capable of being sensed tactually; and
`vibratory means within said casing and coupled thereto,
`a mass supported for cyclic movement, and
`electric motive means responsive to an alerting signal
`developed by said sensing means for accelerating said
`mass periodically at said pulse frequency, the periodic
`acceleration of said mass by said motive means produc
`ing by reaction forces acting on said motive means tac
`tually sensible vibration of said casing at a vibrational
`frequency which corresponds to said pulse frequency.
`4. A device according to claim 3 wherein said electric mo
`tive means has rotor means including said mass which is ac—
`celerated periodically at said pulse frequency.
`5, A device according to claim 3 wherein said mass is ac
`celerated from
`an initial velocity in a time interval which is
`short relative to the time required for said mass to decelerate
`to the initial velocity after a pulse in
`said alerting signal has
`6. A personal paging receiver, comprising:
`a casing;
`sensing means disposed within said casing and being respon
`sive to space-transmitted energy for developing an alert
`ing signal in the form of a train of regularly spaced electri
`cal pulses having a predetermined pulse frequency which
`is capable of being sensed tactually;
`vibratory alerting means within said casing and coupled
`thereto, comprising:
`a mass supported for cyclic movement,
`electric motive means responsive to an alerting signal
`developed by said sensing means for periodically ac
`celerating said mass at said pulse frequency, the
`periodic acceleration of said mass by said motive
`means producing by reaction forces acting on said mo
`tive means tactually sensible vibration of said casing at
`a vibrational frequency which corresponds to said pulse
`frequency, said mass being in a state of imbalance so
`that when it is accelerated it produces readily sensible
`vibrations in said casing in
`a range of frequencies de»
`pending on its velocity, the frequencies in said range of
`frequencies being substantially above and tactually
`distinguishable from said vibrations at said pulse
`‘7. A device according to claim 6 wherein said electric mo
`tive means is an electric motor having rotor means including
`said mass which is accelerated periodically at said pulse
`8. A device according to claim 7 wherein said mass has an
`eccentric center of gravity to create said state of imbalance.
`9. The apparatus defined by claim 2 wherein said electric
`motive means includes a solenoid coil for receiving said alert
`ing signal, wherein said mass is composed of a ferromagnetic
`material and is disposed within said coil, and wherein said
`means for constraining said mass includes spring means inter
`connecting said mass and said supporting structure.
` Exhibit 1019 Page 5

`Patent No.
`3 , 623 , 064
`Dateé Nevem'be'r 23 . 1%
`Shelly Kagan
`It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent
`that said Letters Patent are hereby corrected as shown belew
`Claim 2, line 2, after "supporting structure“ insert
`——, radio receiver means carried supporting structure-
`. _
`d and sealed this
`I ab An
`3311a day 01 Me}; 5272.
` Exhibit 1019 Page 6

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