Transcript of Kathryn A. Davis, M.D.
`December 14, 2016
`Argentum Pharmaceuticals LLC v. Research Corporation Technologies, Inc.
`Alderson Reporting
`Alderson Reference Number: 67630
`Argentum Pharm. v. Research Corp. Techs., IPR2016-00204
`RCT EX. 2195 - 1/265

`Kathryn A. Davis, M.D.
`December 14, 2016
`Philadelphia, PA
`Page 1
` - - -
` Petitioners, : Case No. IPR2016-00204
` vs. : Patent No. RE 38,551
` Patent Owner. :
` - - -
` Deposition of KATHRYN A. DAVIS, M.D.,
` held at the offices of BAKER HOSTETLER, 2929
` Arch Street, Cira Center, Philadelphia,
` Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, December 14, 2016,
` beginning at approximately 8:32 a.m., the
` proceedings being recorded stenographically by
` Gail Inghram Verbano, Registered Diplomate
` Reporter, Certified Realtime Reporter,
` Certified Shorthand Reporter-CA (No. 8635), and
` transcribed under her direction.
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`Kathryn A. Davis, M.D.
`December 14, 2016
`Philadelphia, PA
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
`On behalf of Petitioner:
` 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
` Suite 1025
` WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006
`On behalf of Petitioner Mylan Pharmaceuticals:
`(Telephonically appearing)
` 701 5th Ave., Suite 5100
` Seattle, Washington 98104
`On behalf of the Patent Owner:
` One City Center, 850 10th Street NW
` Washington, D.C. 20001-4956
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`Kathryn A. Davis, M.D.
`December 14, 2016
`Philadelphia, PA
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` C O N T E N T S
` By Ms. Reister 6
` By Mr. Dowd 216
` By Ms. Reister 259
` E X H I B I T S
`Exhibit 1: Letter from the Food and Drug 57
` Administration to UCB, 3/19/2007
`Exhibit 2: Article "Efficacy and 63
` Tolerability of Lacosamide in the
` Treatment of Children with
` Refractory Generalized Epilepsy"
`Exhibit 3: Letter from Russell Katz of the 66
` FDA, 6/21/2005
`Exhibit 4: Letter to the editor appearing in 87
` the Journal of Clinical
` Gastroenterology from August of
` 2014
`7 8 9
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`December 14, 2016
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` E X H I B I T S (continued)
`Exhibit 5: Abstract entitled "Control of 162
` Seizures in Different Stages of
` Partial Epilepsy: LACO-EXP, a
` Spanish Retrospective Study of
` Lacosamide"
`Exhibit 6: Letter regarding nonepileptic 186
` hallucinations in use of
` levetiracetam from
` November/December 2007
`Exhibit 7: Article entitled "Discontinuation 188
` of Levetiracetam Because of
` Behavioral Side Effects, a
` Case-Controlled Study"
`Exhibit 8: Article entitled "Acute 191
` Pancreatitis and Elevated Liver
` Transaminases After Rapid
` Titration of Oral Levetiracetam"
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`Exhibit 1048 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153
`Exhibit 1070 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
`Exhibit 1072 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178
`Exhibit 1073 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
`Exhibit 1079 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151
`Exhibit 1092 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
`Exhibit 1099 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .130
`Exhibit 1100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .132
`Exhibit 1101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
`Exhibit 1102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140
`Exhibit 1103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .136
`Exhibit 1105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137
`Exhibit 1106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138
`Exhibit 1123 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
`Exhibit 1133 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
`Exhibit 1135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
`Exhibit 1141 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200
`Exhibit 1154 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
`Exhibit 2078 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
`Exhibit 2122 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
` 31 17
` 32 10
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`Kathryn A. Davis, M.D.
`December 14, 2016
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` Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
` Tuesday, December 14, 2016; 8:32 a.m.
` - - -
` KATHRYN A. DAVIS, M.D., having first
` been duly sworn according to law, was examined
` and testified as follows:
` - - -
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Davis.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Thank you for being here. As you know
` from the court reporter, you're under oath
` today, and is there anything that might
` interfere with your ability to testify
` truthfully and accurately today?
` A. No.
` Q. Are you on any medications today?
` A. No.
` Q. Any illness?
` A. No. A minor cold.
` Q. But nothing that would interfere with
` your ability to testify truthfully and
` accurately?
` A. No, there's nothing.
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`Kathryn A. Davis, M.D.
`December 14, 2016
`Philadelphia, PA
` Q. Have you ever been deposed before?
`Page 7
` A. Yes.
` Q. And how many times?
` A. Approximately four.
` Q. And of those four times that you were
` deposed, were any of those in relation to a
` patent proceeding?
` A. No.
` Q. The four times that you were deposed
` before, were those related to a medical
` proceeding?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Could you tell me about each of those,
` please.
` A. To my recollection, the first one was
` a case that was then subsequently dropped from
` my residency that I was asked to -- I was
` deposed regarding that case. I don't know that
` I actually am allowed to talk about details
` regarding it.
` Second one was, I believe, related to
` an independent medical evaluation I had done on
` a patient. Another one was also another
` independent medical evaluation.
` Might have only been three. I'm not
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` entirely sure. I haven't looked at my records
` to clarify the exact number.
` Q. And the two that you spoke about that
` were independent medical evaluations,
` approximately when did those occur?
` MR. DOWD: I'll object based on
` relevance and the scope.
` You can answer.
` THE WITNESS: Approximately --
` one was within the last six months. And then
` the other one was maybe a year and a half ago.
` Q. And with respect to any of the three
` proceedings in which you recall being deposed,
` did you testify at trial?
` A. No.
` Q. With respect to the three proceedings
` in which you were deposed, did any of those
` proceedings involve epilepsy?
` MR. DOWD: Objection; relevance
` and scope.
` THE WITNESS: Yes, they did.
` Q. And how many of those three
` proceedings involved epilepsy?
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`December 14, 2016
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` MR. DOWD: Same objections.
` Q. And of the two that involved epilepsy,
` did they also involve the particular drug that
` was administered to the patient?
` A. No.
` Q. So for the two that involved epilepsy,
` did any of them involve Vimpat?
` MR. DOWD: Objection; relevance,
` scope.
` THE WITNESS: Not to my
` recollection.
` Q. With respect to the two that involved
` epilepsy, did any of them involve Keppra?
` MR. DOWD: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: The most recent one
` definitely did. I don't recall with the other
` one. However, I would say that Keppra -- that
` wasn't the question at hand. It was just that
` I recall that the patient was -- received
` Keppra at some time during her treatment time
` course.
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`Kathryn A. Davis, M.D.
`December 14, 2016
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` Q. But the issue at hand in that most
` recent proceeding where the patient was being
` administered Keppra was different than an issue
` relating to Keppra itself?
` MR. DOWD: Object to that based
` on the scope of the question, the relevancy of
` the question, and to this entire line of
` questioning. I'll caution Dr. Davis to not
` provide any answers that might provide
` confidential information or information that
` cannot be disclosed publicly.
` THE WITNESS: I think it's safe
` to say that the question at hand was regarding
` a traumatic brain injury.
` Q. And for the two of the proceedings in
` which you were deposed that involved epilepsy,
` was the issue at hand in any of those related
` to the particular antiepileptic drug that was
` being administered?
` A. No.
` MR. DOWD: Same objections.
` Q. Dr. Davis, you've been deposed before.
` I'm sure you're familiar with the format. I'd
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`December 14, 2016
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` just like to set forth the ground rules, just
` so that we're clear today.
` This is a question and answer format,
` and your attorney may object, but you still
` have to answer the question.
` Do you understand the ground rules?
` A. Yes, I do.
` Q. If you need a break, please let me
` know and we'll try to take one at the next
` available moment that we can. Okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. What did you do to prepare for your
` deposition today?
` A. So I reviewed, I believe, all the
` documents that were disclosed, including Carl
` Bazil's declaration, and the literature and
` other documents that were provided.
` My declaration was completed many
` weeks ago, so in the last few days I reread
` several of those documents to prepare.
` Q. In your answer you made reference to
` "literature and other documents that were
` provided."
` Can you tell me what those were?
` MR. DOWD: Objection; form of the
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`December 14, 2016
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` question.
` THE WITNESS: So I believe it's
` all of the -- forgive me for maybe using the
` wrong word, but the exhibits. I had to cheat.
` Q. That's quite all right.
` And you've made reference to a
` document that's in front of you. Can you tell
` me what that document is, please?
` A. The document in front of me is the
` declaration that I made in support of/reply
` for -- in this case. I don't know if -- do you
` want me to read out the entire front page?
` Q. If you could just tell me what the
` exhibit number is in the lower right-hand
` corner, please.
` A. It's 1087.
` Q. And that document that you have in
` front of you, is that a clean copy of your
` declaration, Exhibit 1087?
` A. Yes, it is.
` MS. REISTER: Mr. Dowd, is that a
` true and correct and clean copy of
` Exhibit 1087?
` MR. DOWD: To the best that it's
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` been printed out, yes.
` MS. REISTER: May I have a look?
` MR. DOWD: Please.
` MS. REISTER: Thank you. Here
` you go.
` THE WITNESS: Thank you.
` Q. So in preparing for your deposition,
` you reviewed your declaration, Exhibit 1087,
` and the exhibits that were cited in your
` declaration; is that correct?
` A. That's correct. In addition, I
` reviewed Dr. Bazil's declaration.
` Q. Were there any other documents that
` you reviewed in preparation for your
` deposition?
` MR. DOWD: Objection to the form
` of the question.
` THE WITNESS: Not directly
` related, but I just went to the American
` Epilepsy Society meeting, so I updated myself
` as I would with -- in my standard clinical
` practice regarding different epilepsy
` medications, and there were some more recent
` abstracts in that setting.
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` So that was not in direct review
` for today, but that was some of that knowledge
` that's not present in my declaration.
` Q. And the more recent abstracts in the
` setting of the American Epilepsy Society
` meeting, do you recall what the subject matter
` of those abstracts was?
` MR. DOWD: Objection to the form
` of the question and objection to the relevancy
` of the question.
` THE WITNESS: So at American
` Epilepsy Society there are thousands of
` abstracts, and they are only abstracts, so
` they're not published and sometimes the data
` that's presented doesn't hold true once it's
` looked at in more depth.
` But I did -- I can recall
` reviewing -- I was particularly interested in
` some cannabidiol abstracts because that's a
` very hot topic in epilepsy that my patients ask
` a lot about.
` There were some lacosamide
` abstracts as well, and I reviewed some of
` those.
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` I personally had about five
` abstracts, so I went and saw a bunch of -- just
` kind of strolled around and looked at what
` other investigators were doing throughout the
` country.
` Q. And with respect to the lacosamide
` abstracts, can you tell me what the subject
` matter was of those?
` MR. DOWD: Objection to the form
` of the question and the scope of the question
` and the relevance.
` THE WITNESS: There was
` particularly one abstract that I thought was
` interesting, didn't have very much information,
` honestly, on it regarding lacosamide and
` pregnancy registry data. What I found really
` interesting about that abstract is that a
` very -- the extremely low rate of live births
` that were reported, so I think that there's a
` lot more that I need to know in order to
` interpret that particular abstract.
` Q. And do you recall any abstracts at
` this meeting that involved Keppra?
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` A. I didn't particularly see any. There
` probably were.
` Q. In addition to reviewing documents in
` preparation for your deposition today, did you
` do anything else?
` MR. DOWD: Object to the form of
` the question.
` THE WITNESS: I've discussed --
` had a discussion with Mr. Dowd on the telephone
` regarding just kind of what would happen today
` and where to go, things like this.
` Nothing else in particular.
` Q. And when did the discussion with
` Mr. Dowd take place?
` A. Monday.
` Q. Approximately how long was that?
` A. 45 minutes.
` Q. Did you meet with Mr. Dowd in person
` prior to your deposition today?
` MR. DOWD: Objection to the
` relevance.
` THE WITNESS: No, we just met
` this morning.
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`December 14, 2016
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` Q. Did you speak with anyone else in
` preparation for your deposition today?
` MR. DOWD: Objection. I'll
` object to the form of the question, the
` relevancy of the question. I'll caution the
` witness, to the extent answering the question,
` not to divulge any confidential or privileged
` information.
` THE WITNESS: So I was on one
` conference call with several of the other
` lawyers that I believe are on -- are involved
` right now; and I don't know their names.
` But that's my -- or I don't
` recall their names. That's the only other
` discussion.
` Q. And when did that discussion take
` place?
` MR. DOWD: Objection. Same
` objections as before.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall the
` specific date. It was in later November, prior
` to my finalizing my declaration. And I could
` find out the date if you needed it, because I
` remember where I was. I was at a conference in
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` San Diego. It was prior to Thanksgiving.
` Q. And approximately how long was that
` telephone call?
` MR. DOWD: Objection to the form
` of the question and the relevancy of the
` question. And the same objection with respect
` to not disclosing or divulging confidential and
` privileged information.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall the
` exact length. Approximately a half hour.
` Q. And to the best of your recollection,
` Mr. Dowd was on that phone call; correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. And to the best of your recollection,
` was counsel for Mylan on that phone call?
` MR. DOWD: Objection to the scope
` of the question and the relevancy of the
` question.
` THE WITNESS: I don't know.
` Q. Was counsel for Alembic on that phone
` call?
` MR. DOWD: Same objections.
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` THE WITNESS: I also don't know.
` Q. Counsel for Breckenridge, were they on
` that phone call?
` MR. DOWD: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: I also don't know.
` Q. Is it fair to say that there were
` other lawyers in addition to Mr. Dowd on that
` phone call; is that correct?
` MR. DOWD: Same objections.
` Again, caution the witness, to the extent
` answering the question, not to divulge
` privileged or confidential information.
` THE WITNESS: That is correct. I
` just am not good with names, and I don't know
` who else was on the call.
` Q. In preparing for your deposition
` today, did you speak with anyone other than the
` attorneys?
` MR. DOWD: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: Not in particular.
` My colleagues -- several of my colleagues knew
` that I was coming here today because I'm not
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` going to be at work; but other than that, I
` didn't have any in-depth conversations.
` Q. So did you discuss the substance of
` the deposition with your colleagues?
` MR. DOWD: Objection to the form
` of the question and the relevancy of the
` question.
` THE WITNESS: They only knew that
` it was regarding lacosamide and the patent --
` and it was a patent issue. Beyond that,
` nothing else specifically.
` Q. You've been retained in this
` proceeding on behalf of Argentum
` Pharmaceuticals; is that correct?
` MR. DOWD: Objection to the form
` of the question and the foundation and the
` relevancy of the question.
` THE WITNESS: That is correct, as
` stated on this front page that we reviewed.
` Q. Could you look at Paragraph 2 of your
` declaration, please, Dr. Davis. And do you see
` in the first sentence it says, "I have been
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` retained as an expert witness on behalf of
` Argentum Pharmaceuticals, LLC"?
` A. I see that.
` Q. And you understand that Mylan,
` Breckenridge and Alembic are now joined as
` petitioners in this proceeding; is that
` correct?
` MR. DOWD: Objection to the form
` of the question, the scope of the question, the
` relevancy; the fact that it calls for a legal
` conclusion; and the lack of foundation for the
` question.
` THE WITNESS: That is my
` understanding, but I am not a lawyer and I
` don't understand the specifics of it.
` Q. Have you been retained by any of
` Mylan, Breckenridge or Alembic in this
` proceeding?
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to the
` form of the question, the relevancy of the
` question, foundation of the question and
` calling for a legal conclusion.
` THE WITNESS: I don't know how to
` answer that question, because I don't know the
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` underlying law surrounding it. I was asked
` to -- I just was asked to make this
` declaration. I don't understand kind of the
` companies behind it.
` Q. But you do understand, as you state in
` Paragraph 2, that you've been retained as an
` expert witness on behalf of Argentum
` Pharmaceuticals; correct?
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to the
` question, lacking foundation, being asked and
` answered and seeking a legal conclusion and the
` relevancy of the question.
` THE WITNESS: As I said prior,
` that was my understanding and I don't
` understand the legal specifics surrounding
` these questions regarding the various different
` companies.
` Q. So sitting here today, you don't have
` an understanding one way or the other whether
` you've been retained on behalf of Mylan,
` Breckenridge and Alembic; is that correct?
` MR. DOWD: Same objections; and
` asked and answered.
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`December 14, 2016
`Philadelphia, PA
` THE WITNESS: I believe I already
` answered that question. I don't know the legal
` language that's appropriate to answer these
`Page 23
` kind of questions.
` Q. Prior to the present proceeding, had
` you ever heard of Argentum Pharmaceuticals?
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to the
` relevancy of the question, lack of foundation
` for the question, the fact the question goes
` beyond the scope of the witness' testimony and
` the form of the question.
` THE WITNESS: I had not heard of
` Argentum prior, to my knowledge.
` Q. Have you ever collaborated with anyone
` at Mylan Pharmaceuticals?
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to the
` form of the question, the relevancy of the
` question, and the lack of foundation for the
` question. Instruct the witness not to answer
` to the extent that it elicits or attempts to
` elicit confidential and/or privileged
` information.
` THE WITNESS: Not to my
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` knowledge. I would say that Penn -- the Penn
` Epilepsy Center has a very active clinical
` trials division, of which I am a coinvestigator
` on some of those trials but not directly
` involved; and I frequently don't know the full
` scope of all of the trials.
` So to the best of my knowledge,
` no.
` Q. Have you ever collaborated with anyone
` at Breckenridge Pharmaceutical?
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to the
` question based on the form of the question,
` lack of foundation for the question, the lack
` of relevancy of the question; and instruct the
` witness not to answer to the extent it elicits
` or attempts to elicit confidential and or
` privileged information.
` THE WITNESS: My answer would be
` the same as for Argentum, which I can repeat if
` you'd like.
` Q. I believe the answer that you just
` gave was with respect to Mylan Pharmaceutical.
` A. Oh, you're correct. I'm sorry.
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` It's the same answer. I don't know of
` any time that I've collaborated with that
` pharmaceutical company; but the caveat is that
` there's a very active clinical trials division
` within the epilepsy center, of which, because
` I'm an attending I am listed as a
` coinvestigator. But I don't have direct
` contact or input into those studies.
` Q. And would your answer be the same for
` Alembic Pharmaceuticals?
` MR. DOWD: Well, repeat my
` objections to the previously stated question.
` THE WITNESS: So Lundbeck is the
` same Lundbeck that makes clobazam; is that
` correct?
` Q. My question refers -- if you look at
` the first page of your declaration, my question
` now is --
` A. Oh, Alembic, okay. Sorry.
` Q. Yes.
` MR. DOWD: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: I apologize. I
` misheard the name. My answer would be the
` same.
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Argentum Pharm. v. Research Corp. Techs., IPR2016-00204
`RCT EX. 2195 - 26/265

`Kathryn A. Davis, M.D.
`December 14, 2016
`Philadelphia, PA
`Page 26
` Q. Are you aware of any clinical trials
` at the Penn Epilepsy Center that are currently
` being conducted by Mylan?
` MR. DOWD: Object to the question
` as lacking foundation, the scope of the
` question, and the relevancy of the question;
` and, again to the extent that the question
` elicits confidential and/or privileged
` information, instruct the witness not to
` answer.
` THE WITNESS: No, I am not aware
` of any clinical trials ongoing.
` Q. Are you aware of any clinical trials
` at the Penn Epilepsy Center that are currently
` being conducted by Breckenridge Pharmaceutical?
` MR. DOWD: I object to the
` question as lacking foundation, going beyond
` the scope of direct, the relevancy of the
` question; and, again, to the extent the
` question elicits or attempts to elicit
` confidential

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