Transcript of DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
`December 8, 2016
`Argentum Pharmaceuticals LLC v. Research Corporation Technologies, Inc.
`Alderson Reporting
`Alderson Reference Number: 67494
`Argentum Pharm. v. Research Corp. Techs., IPR2016-00204
`RCT EX. 2193 - 1/190

`DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
`December 8, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
`Page 1
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X
` Petitioner, : Case No.
` v. : IPR2016-00204
` Respondent. :
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X
` Washington, D.C.
` Thursday, December 8, 2016
` Deposition of DEFOREST MCDUFF, Ph.D., a
`witness herein, called for examination by counsel for
`Respondent in the above-entitled matter, pursuant to
`notice, the witness being duly sworn by MARY GRACE
`CASTLEBERRY, a Notary Public in and for the District
`of Columbia, taken at the offices of Covington, 850
`10th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., at 8:48 a.m.,
`Thursday, December 8, 2016, and the proceedings being
`taken down by Stenotype by MARY GRACE CASTLEBERRY,
`RPR, and transcribed under her direction.
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`DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
`December 8, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
`Page 2
` On behalf of the Petitioner:
` Dowd, PLLC
` 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20006
` (202) 573-3853
` On behalf of Respondent:
` Covington & Burling
` 850 Tenth Street, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20001
` (202) 662-6000
` and
` Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell
` 1201 North Market Street, 16th Floor
` Wilmington, Delaware 19899-1347
` (302) 351-9347
`2 3
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`DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
`December 8, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
`APPEARANCES: (Continued)
`Page 3
` On behalf of Mylan:
` Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
` 701 5th Avenue, Suite 5100
` Seattle, Washington 98104
` (206) 883-2554
` Argentum
`2 3
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`DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
`December 8, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
`Page 4
` C O N T E N T S
` BY MR. DOWD 158
` E X H I B I T S
`NO. 1: Excerpt from Acorda vs. Alkem 45
` September 21, 2016 trial transcript
`NO. 2: Excerpt from UCB vs. Accord 69
` November 13, 2015 trial transcript
` NO. 1086: 9
` NO. 1088: 9
` NO. 1099: 132
` NO. 1158: 9
` NO. 1170: 68
` NO. 1172: 82
` NO. 1181: 104
`8 9
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`December 8, 2016
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`Page 5
` NO. 2142: 143
` NO. 2145: 155
` NO. 2149: 145
` NO. 2152: 156
` NO. 2155: 139
` NO. 2156: 146
` NO. 2161: 148
` NO. 2174: 59
` NO. 2182: 50
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`DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
`December 8, 2016
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`Page 6
` P R O C E E D I N G S
`was called as a witness by counsel for Respondent,
`and having been duly sworn by the Notary Public, was
`examined and testified as follows:
` MR. DOWD: Can we get a roll call of who's
`on the line?
` MS. REISTER: Please.
` MR. DOWD: This is Matthew Dowd
`representing the petitioner, Argentum. And I believe
`we have on the conference call counsel for some of
`the joint petitioners, and if you could, please
`introduce yourself.
` (Inaudible.)
` MR. DOWD: I'm sorry, can you just repeat
`that? It sounds like you might be on your cellphone
`so if you could just speak up a little bit.
` MR. MILLS: Yes, sorry. This is Jad
`Mills with the law firm of Wilson Sonsini
`representing Joinder Petitioner Mylan.
` MR. DOWD: Perfect. Thank you, Jad. And
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`December 8, 2016
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`we recognize Jad is on the West Coast so we recognize
`Page 7
`it is quite early for you.
` Is there anyone else?
` I think that's all we have for now. And
`it may be that an attorney or so from the other joint
`petitioners join later and they'll introduce
`themselves as they join.
` MS. REISTER: Okay. All right.
` Q. Good morning, Dr. McDuff.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Could you please state and spell your
`complete name for the record?
` A. Robert DeForest McDuff, R-o-b-e-r-t, D-e
`capital F-o-r-e-s-t. M-c capital D-u-f-f.
` Q. Thank you. You appreciate that you are
`under oath today for your testimony?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is there anything that might interfere
`with your ability to testify truthfully and
`accurately today?
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` A. No.
` Q. Any medications?
` A. No.
` Q. Any illness?
` MR. DOWD: Objection, form.
` Q. I understand you're familiar with the
`deposition process but I just want to go over a few
`ground rules so that we understand each other today.
`This is a question and answer format. I ask the
`questions, you provide the answer. Your attorney may
`object but you still need to answer the question.
`And if you let me know if you need a break, we'll
`take one at the next available moment that we can,
` A. Okay.
` MR. DOWD: Objection.
` MS. REISTER: Excuse me?
` MR. DOWD: Objection.
` MS. REISTER: What objection, Mr. Dowd?
` MR. DOWD: Is there a question or is it a
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`form or --
` MS. REISTER: I was just making sure that
`the witness understood the ground rules.
` Q. Do you understand the ground rules,
`Dr. McDuff?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I see you have some documents in front of
` A. Yes.
` Q. Could you identify what those documents
`are, please?
` A. These are clean copies of the declaration
`that I submitted along with my expert CV and
`attachments. Those are Argentum Exhibits 1086, 1088
`and 1158.
` Q. And for each of those exhibits that you've
`just identified, 1086, 1088 and 1158, do they have
`any markings on them at all?
` A. No.
` Q. I think you can set those aside for the
`time being. I don't think you'll need them for any
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`DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
`December 8, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
`of the questions that we're going to have initially.
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to that as your
`Page 10
` Q. Dr. McDuff, how many times have you been
`deposed in a patent litigation proceeding?
` A. Around 20.
` Q. And how many times of that 20 were you
`representing the patentholder?
` MR. DOWD: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't have an exact count
`for you. I could refer to my CV and try to determine
` Q. You've testified that approximately 20
`times you've been deposed in a patent litigation
`proceeding and I'm asking you, do you recall any time
`that you have represented the patentholder side of
`those 20?
` MR. DOWD: Objection, asked and answered,
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`December 8, 2016
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`Page 11
` Q. And could you identify for me on your CV,
`which I believe is Exhibit 1088, which one that was?
` A. Starting on page 5 of my CV, number 5, DNA
`Genotek vs. Spectrum; number 12, NCR Corporation vs.
`Documotion Research; number 15, CH2O vs. Meras
`Engineering; number 21, DNA Genotek vs. Spectrum DNA;
`number 27, VStream vs. LG Electronics; number 32,
`Invensas vs. Rensas; number 37, Aqua-Lung vs.
`American Water Products and others.
` There may be others but those are the ones
`that come to mind.
` Q. You identified number 5, the DNA Genotek
`case, and number 21, which is another case, DNA
`Genotek. I understand that those are two different
` MR. DOWD: Objection, form.
` Q. And in the number 5 case, you were
`providing testimony on behalf of the patentholder,
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`Page 12
` A. Yes.
` Q. Were you asked to consider the question of
`commercial success in that case?
` MR. DOWD: Objection, form, foundation.
` THE WITNESS: No, I don't believe so.
` Q. In the case number 12, NCR Corporation,
`were you asked to consider commercial success in that
` MR. DOWD: I object to that question based
`on the form of the question, foundation and the
` THE WITNESS: As I think about it, and to
`clarify, I was not asked to evaluate commercial
`success as a secondary consideration specifically. I
`did evaluate the commercial sales and success to some
`degree of products there as well as in the DNA
`Genotek. That evaluation may have been used by the
`patentholder for secondary considerations but I did
`not provide a specific opinion on commercial success
`as a secondary consideration.
` That's true for the NCR case as well as
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`December 8, 2016
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`Page 13
`the DNA Genotek case.
` Q. And when you refer to the DNA Genotek case
`in the answer you just provided, that's with respect
`to the DNA Genotek case identified as number 5 on
`your CV?
` A. Yes.
` Q. With reference to the DNA Genotek case
`identified as number 21 on your CV, were you asked to
`consider commercial success?
` A. Not as a secondary consideration for
` Q. Were you asked to consider commercial
`success for any reason?
` MR. DOWD: I object to that question based
`on form and foundation and the relevance of the
` THE WITNESS: Similar to the other cases,
`part of my evaluation was related to commercial
`performance of products, so it related to commercial
`success to some degree. Yet, as a secondary
`consideration, I was not asked to opine on that
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`DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
`December 8, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
`Page 14
` Q. Have you ever testified that a commercial
`product of any kind was a commercial success?
` MR. DOWD: Object to that question based
`on the form of the question, lack of foundation and
`the relevance of the question.
` THE WITNESS: I would have to go back and
`think about that in terms of which cases have gotten
`to deposition and trial.
` Q. In any of the cases that you identified on
`your CV where you represented and provided testimony
`on behalf of the patentholder, in any of those cases,
`did you testify that the product was a commercial
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to that question
`based on the form of the question, based on the lack
`of foundation for the question and based on the lack
`of relevancy for the question.
` THE WITNESS: I did evaluate the
`commercial performance of those products and I would
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`DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
`December 8, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
`need to think about whether I provided an opinion
`that those were commercially successful. But as a
`secondary consideration for obviousness, I did not
`provide an opinion in those cases, to my
`Page 15
` Q. Dr. McDuff, have you been deposed in an
`IPR proceeding prior to today?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many times?
` A. Twice.
` Q. And can you identify on your CV, please,
`which IPR proceedings those were?
` A. Yes. Starting on page 5, number 2, in the
`IPR of U.S. Patent RE 44,186, that is not marked with
`a deposition because it occurred last week which was
`subsequent to the filing of this declaration. On my
`current CV, I have a deposition marked on that.
` And number 14, in the IPR of U.S. Patent
`No. 8,822,438.
` Q. With reference to item 2 that you just
`identified, you prepared an expert declaration in
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`that case, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And did you prepare that expert
`declaration on behalf of the patentholder?
` A. No.
` Q. So that declaration was prepared on behalf
`of the patent challenger, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it says on your CV you provided an
`evaluation of commercial success related to the
`products at issue, correct?
` MR. DOWD: I object to that based on the
`relevance and the foundation of the question and the
`relevance of the question.
` Q. And did you find that either of those
`products were a commercial success?
` MR. DOWD: I'll repeat my objections to
`the last question.
` THE WITNESS: In that case, I was asked to
`review and respond to an expert declaration submitted
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`DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
`December 8, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
`by patentholder. I don't believe I reached an
`ultimate conclusion as to commercial successor not,
`but I did provide certain critiques of the opposing
`Page 17
`expert's opinions.
` Q. With respect to the inter partes review
`identified as item 14 on page 6 of your CV, were you
`submitting a declaration on behalf of the
`patentholder in that case?
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to that question
`based on the relevance of the question and lack of
`foundation for the question.
` Q. So on item 14 on page 6 of your CV, do I
`understand correctly you submitted your expert
`declaration on behalf of the patent challenger,
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that expert declaration evaluated the
`commercial success related to Zytiga, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And in that evaluation of commercial
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`December 8, 2016
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`success, did you find that Zytiga was a commercial
`Page 18
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to that question
`based on foundation and relevance.
` THE WITNESS: I don't believe I provided a
`conclusion of commercial success one way or the
`other, yet I did provide opinions related to the
`applicability or economic inference of alleged
`commercial success on obviousness of the patent at
` Q. So in your previous answer, Dr. McDuff,
`you stated that you provided opinions related to the
`applicability or economic inference of alleged
`commercial success on obviousness of the patent at
` Can you help me understand what you mean
`by "economic inference"?
` MR. DOWD: I will object to that question
`as mischaracterizing the witness' testimony and the
`relevance of the question.
` THE WITNESS: What I was referring to in
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`December 8, 2016
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`Page 19
`my previous response is the economic purpose of
`commercial success which is to make an inference
`about whether the market would have brought a product
`to development sooner had it been obvious, and so I
`provided certain opinions related to that economic
` Q. You testified at trial on the same patent
`that's at issue in the present IPR proceeding, is
`that correct?
` MR. DOWD: I will object to that question
`based on the foundation and the relevance of the
` Q. And other than testimony at the trial
`about the same patent that's at issue here, how many
`other times have you testified at trial in a patent
` A. Five times with respect to claims of
`patent infringement and an additional time related to
`evaluation of a patent portfolio evaluation. So six
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`Page 20
`in total as I think of it.
` Q. And having now just reviewed your CV, when
`was the last time that you testified at trial?
` A. That was on -- in the case identified on
`page 6 of my CV, number 6, Acorda Therapeutics and
`others vs. Aurobindo and others.
` Q. And do you recall when that occurred?
` A. Earlier this year, sometime in summer or
` Q. Dr. McDuff, in preparing for your
`deposition today, did you meet with counsel?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And with whom did you meet?
` A. I met with Mr. Dowd in person and I met
`with Mr. Jad Mills and Mr. Steve Parmelee by
` Q. And Mr. Jad Mills, is he counsel for
` A. Yes, that's my understanding.
` Q. And Mr. Parmelee, is he counsel for
` A. No. My understanding is that he is also
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`December 8, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
`counsel for Mylan.
` Q. Did you meet with any counsel for Alembic?
`Page 21
` A. No, I don't believe so.
` Q. Did you meet with any counsel for
` A. No, I don't believe so.
` Q. Did you meet with Mr. Jenkins?
` A. No.
` Q. How about Mr. Liu?
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to that question
`based on form of the question and I'll also object to
`the current question based on the form of the
` Q. Did you meet with Mr. Tyler Liu?
` A. No, not in preparation for my deposition.
` Q. Have you met with Mr. Tyler Liu for other
` A. No.
` Q. Prior to today, have you ever met
`Mr. Tyler Liu before?
` A. No.
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`Page 22
` Q. When did you find out that you would be
`deposed in the IPR proceeding?
` MR. DOWD: I will object to that question
`based on the form of the question, the relevance of
`the question and I will also instruct the witness not
`to divulge any information that would be considered
`attorney-client privilege.
` THE WITNESS: I don't recall specifically
`but sometime in the last few months. Had some
`understanding that I might be deposed in the case
`prior to submitting the declaration. Subsequent to
`the declaration, understand that I was asked to be
` Q. And who first contacted you about the
`declaration that you would prepare in the case?
` MR. DOWD: And I'm going to object to that
`question, one, based on relevance and, two, this is
`getting awfully close to line of questioning that we
`dealt with when you deposed Dr. Wang in terms of
`getting into specifics about the preparation and
`drafting of declarations. And we've addressed this
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`Page 23
`with the Board previously.
` And so to the extent that you can
`establish some relevance to this line of questioning,
`I will permit it but if you want to get into the
`particulars of drafting and working with counsel with
`respect to the declaration, I won't permit it and we
`will call the Board.
` Now, if you want to ask questions that go
`to the merits of the case, I'm happy to answer those
`questions all day long.
` Q. Dr. McDuff, I asked a very simple question
`that's a factual question about who first contacted
`you. Could you just please provide me with a name?
` MR. DOWD: I'm going to repeat my
` MS. REISTER: Your objection is on the
`record, Mr. Dowd. I'm asking for a name.
` MR. DOWD: Understood.
` MS. REISTER: I understand your points.
` MR. DOWD: And I'll allow this one
`question on this point. But I'm asking you, for the
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`Page 24
`purposes of facilitating the deposition and
`facilitating your case, I'll allow the witness to
`answer this question and that's it.
` THE WITNESS: Mr. Jad Mills contacted me
`on behalf of Mylan and the other petitioners.
` Q. And approximately when was that?
` MR. DOWD: The same objections. And this
`is the last question on this topic.
` THE WITNESS: It was sometime over the
`last few months, obviously prior to November 14th,
`2016 but I don't have specific recollection of the
` Q. But was it in 2016?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And sometime prior to the time that you
`filed your declaration?
` MR. DOWD: Same objections.
` Q. In preparing for your deposition today,
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`did you review any documents?
` MR. DOWD: I will object to that question
`based on the form of the question and the relevance
`of the question and the foundation of the question.
`Page 25
` Q. And what documents were those?
` MR. DOWD: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: Generally I reviewed my
`declaration that I submitted in this proceeding. I
`reviewed the declaration submitted by Dr. Vellturo
`and I reviewed some of the underlying sources and
`materials cited by myself and by Dr. Vellturo in our
`respective declarations.
` Q. And one of the exhibits that you reviewed
`in preparation for your deposition today would be
`Exhibit 1158 that you have there in front of you, is
`that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review any documents that were not
`cited in your declaration or Dr. Vellturo's
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`Page 26
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to that question
`based on the form of the question and the relevance
`of the question.
` THE WITNESS: The only one I recall is
`reviewing my trial testimony from the District Court
`litigation. That may be an exhibit cited in my
`declaration. I know it is to some extent.
` Q. So sitting here today, do you recall any
`other documents that were not cited in your
`declaration or Dr. Vellturo's declaration that you
`reviewed in preparation for your deposition today?
` A. Nothing else comes to mind sitting here.
` Q. In preparing for your deposition, did you
`talk with anyone other than the attorneys you had
`identified previously?
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to that question
`based on the form of the question.
` Q. You didn't consult with any of your
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`Page 27
`colleagues at Intensity in preparation for the
` MR. DOWD: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: I discussed the fact of the
`deposition occurring and the fact that I would be out
`of the office, but did not consult them with respect
`to preparation for the deposition.
` Q. Dr. McDuff, I would like you to look at
`page 2 of your CV, which I believe you have in front
`of you as Exhibit 1088.
` A. Yes.
` Q. And the top of your CV has a section
`labeled education, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And it omits the dates in that section at
`which you earned each of those degrees, correct?
` MR. DOWD: I will object to that question
`based on mischaracterizing the document itself and
`based on the relevance of the question and the lack
`of foundation for the question.
` THE WITNESS: The dates are not listed
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`here in my CV. I'm happy to answer questions about
`Page 28
`those if you like.
` Q. Is there a particular reason you don't
`include the dates on your CV?
` MR. DOWD: I will object to that question
`based on the relevance of the question and the lack
`of foundation for the question.
` THE WITNESS: It's not standard practice
`for our CV template in my firm.
` Q. So when did you earn your Ph.D.?
` A. 2009.
` Q. And what was the subject of your Ph.D.
` A. It studied economic substitution and
`aspects of financial economics in housing markets,
`higher education and geography.
` Q. Is it fair to say that it didn't have
`anything to do with pharmaceutical products and
`research and development relating to pharmaceutical
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Argentum Pharm. v. Research Corp. Techs., IPR2016-00204
`RCT EX. 2193 - 29/190

`DeForest McDuff, Ph.D.
`December 8, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
` MR. DOWD: I will object to that question
`based on the relevance of the question and lack of
`Page 29
` THE WITNESS: I wouldn't say it that way.
`Clearly my trainin

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