Transcript of Binghe Wang, Ph.D.
`December 10, 2016
`Argentum Pharmaceuticals LLC v. Research Corporation Technologies, Inc.
`Alderson Reporting
`Alderson Reference Number: 67493
`Argentum Pharm. v. Research Corp. Techs., IPR2016-00204
`RCT EX. 2194 - 1/254

`Binghe Wang, Ph.D.
`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
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` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X
` Petitioner, : Case No.
` v. : IPR2016-00204
` Respondent. :
` - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X
` Washington, D.C.
` Saturday, December 10, 2016
` Deposition of BINGHE WANG, Ph.D., a
`witness herein, called for examination by counsel for
`Respondent in the above-entitled matter, pursuant to
`notice, the witness being duly sworn by MARY GRACE
`CASTLEBERRY, a Notary Public in and for the District
`of Columbia, taken at the offices of Covington, 850
`10th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., at 7:58 a.m.,
`Saturday, December 10, 2016, and the proceedings
`being taken down by Stenotype by MARY GRACE
`CASTLEBERRY, RPR, and transcribed under her
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`Binghe Wang, Ph.D.
`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
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` On behalf of the Petitioner:
` Dowd PLLC
` 1717 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20006
` (202) 573-3853
` On behalf of Respondent:
` Covington & Burling
` 850 Tenth Street, N.W.
` Washington, D.C. 20001
` (202) 662-6000
`2 3
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`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
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`APPEARANCES: (Continued)
` On behalf of Mylan:
` STEVE PARMELEE, ESQ. (Telephonically)
` GRACE A. WINSCHEL, ESQ. (Telephonically)
` Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati
` 701 5th Avenue
` Seattle, Washington 98104
` (206) 883-2554
` Argentum
`2 3
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`Binghe Wang, Ph.D.
`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
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` C O N T E N T S
` BY MR. DOWD 226
` E X H I B I T S
`NO. 1: Drawing of chemical compound 28
`NO. 2: Drawing of chemical compound 126
`NO. 3: Organic Chemistry, 8th Edition, 140
` L.G. Wade, Jr.
`6 7
`8 9
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`Binghe Wang, Ph.D.
`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
`was called as a witness by counsel for Respondent,
`and having been duly sworn by the Notary Public, was
`examined and testified as follows:
` Q. Good morning, Dr. Wang.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. I believe you understand that you're now
`under oath?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this is a question and answer format
`similar to the format that we used before.
` Is there anything that might interfere
`with your ability to tell the truth today?
` A. No.
` Q. You're not on any medications that would
`inhibit your ability to tell the truth?
` A. No.
` Q. You're not suffering from any illness or
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`December 10, 2016
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`anything like that?
` A. Things that will not interfere with this
` Q. Okay. I'm going to endeavor to make my
`questions clear today. If the questions aren't
`clear, please let me know and I will try to clarify
`them. Otherwise I will assume that you understand
`the question. Agreed?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And if you need a break at any time,
`please let me know and we'll endeavor to take a break
`at the next available opportunity, all right?
` A. Sure.
` Q. Now, Dr. Wang, I see that you have a
`number of documents in front of you, is that correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Could you identify what those documents
`are, please?
` A. So the first one, looking at this, it's a
`declaration in response -- this is Roush's
` Q. Excuse me, I didn't hear what your answer
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` A. So this is the --
` MR. DOWD: You might want to identify the
`exhibit number.
` THE WITNESS: Okay. So we have
`IPR 2016-0024, Argentum Exhibit 1084; and I have
`Petitioner's updated exhibit list; and I have the
`summary of protective indices of all FAA compounds
`Dr. Kohn's references.
` Q. And what is the exhibit number on that,
` A. 1218. And a summary of FAAs in Dr.
`Kohn's references. This one doesn't have an exhibit
`number. 21? Oh, 2172.
` Okay. Another one is 1002, Exhibit 1002.
`This one, okay. Yeah, that's all I have right now.
`Let's see. I have two Petitioner's updated exhibit
` Q. And, Dr. Wang, could you then hand me all
`of those documents, please, so that I can inspect
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`Binghe Wang, Ph.D.
`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
` MS. REISTER: And what I propose is that
`to the extent we're going to use those documents,
`Page 8
`that we enter them as separate exhibits.
` MR. DOWD: That's fine.
` As separate exhibits?
` MS. REISTER: Yes. These are -- and for
`the record, I'm going to object to the fact that
`Exhibit 1218 is even in this stack because that is
`not an exhibit that is in the record.
` MR. DOWD: Your objection is noted. It's
`misplaced but it's in the record. You've been
`provided with a copy of it.
` Now, I don't think it makes sense to enter
`these as additional exhibits. These are exhibits
`that are already in the record. And I believe under
`the rules, there is no basis to include these as new
`exhibits and it would just further confuse the
`record. If you want to make copies of those at break
`for your record, that is fine, but these are the
`exhibits that are in the record already and so they
`shouldn't be marked separately.
` MS. REISTER: And I am inspecting each and
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`every one of these. It is not standard procedure for
`the deponent to show up with a set of exhibits and
`then say that those are the exhibits that are going
`to be used for the proceeding. So please afford me
`the opportunity to look at these exhibits and we'll
`determine how we're going to proceed.
` MR. DOWD: Well, okay. Let's step back
`for a second. I disagree with your position that it
`is not standard procedure, quote. I'm not really
`sure what you're referring to as, quote, standard
`procedure. I have examined and cross-examined many,
`many witnesses and when they are being examined and
`cross-examined, they have their documents in front of
`them that they've relied on for their testimony. And
`that's why Dr. Wang brought these documents. These
`are documents that you know are part of the record
`and that Dr. Wang has relied upon.
` To the extent you want to -- like I said,
`to the extent you want to make copies, confirm that
`they are the same exhibits, that is fine. There is
`no reason, though, to mark those documents as new
`exhibits because they are the same exhibits that are
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`already in the record.
` MS. REISTER: I would like to clarify that
`one of the documents that Dr. Wang brought into the
`room appears to be Petitioner's updated exhibit list
`with a date on it of December 6, 2016.
` I would also like to clarify that one of
`the documents that Dr. Wang brought into the room
`appears to be Patent owner's updated exhibit list
`with a date of December 7, 2016.
` MR. DOWD: And which exhibit numbers are
` MS. REISTER: Those are papers. They do
`not have exhibit numbers.
` MR. DOWD: Exactly.
` MS. REISTER: I will note for the record
`that what appears to be page 69 in the exhibit label
`of Exhibit 1002 is completely illegible.
` MR. DOWD: I will object to your
`characterization of the document.
` MS. REISTER: Could you read back what
`Dr. Wang identified in terms of the declarations?
` THE REPORTER: "Answer: So the first one,
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`December 10, 2016
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`looking at this, it's a declaration in response --
`this is Roush's declaration."
` MS. REISTER: And was there an exhibit
`number identified for that?
` THE REPORTER: "Answer: So we have IPR
`2016-0024, Argentum Exhibit 1084."
` MS. REISTER: And I would like to clarify
`for the record that Argentum Exhibit 1084 is the
`response declaration of Dr. Binghe Wang in support of
`the reply.
` MR. DOWD: That's correct. And if you had
`asked some questions to clarify his answer, you would
`have received that answer.
` MS. REISTER: Thank you.
` Q. Dr. Wang --
` MR. DOWD: Excuse me, can the witness have
`his documents back?
` MS. REISTER: Then we need to come to an
`agreement as to what happens with those documents at
`the end of the day.
` MR. DOWD: Please return the documents to
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`the witness and we can discuss agreement. That's
`fine. But you can't hold the documents hostage.
` MS. REISTER: So we need to come to an
`agreement in terms of how we're going to handle the
`exhibits and then I will return the documents to
`Dr. Wang.
` MR. DOWD: No, no --
` MS. REISTER: To the --
` MR. DOWD: No.
` MS. REISTER: Matthew --
` MR. DOWD: I'm happy to come to an
`agreement but we don't hold documents hostage.
` MS. REISTER: They're not hostage.
`They're right here.
` MR. DOWD: Then please return them to the
` MS. REISTER: I am handing back to the
`witness Exhibit 1084; Exhibit 1002, Patent owner's
`updated exhibit list, December 7, 2016; Petitioner's
`updated exhibit list, December 6, 2016; Argentum
`Exhibit 1218; Argentum Exhibit 2182. These documents
`are being returned to the witness.
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`Binghe Wang, Ph.D.
`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
` THE WITNESS: Thank you.
` MR. DOWD: Thank you. That's all I asked
`Page 13
` And to the extent that you suggested that
`I refused to come to some agreement with you
`regarding the document, that's not accurate. You've
`never asked me what to do with the documents at the
`end of this deposition. What would you propose?
` MS. REISTER: You didn't allow me to ask
`you. You just insisted that I return the documents
`to the witness, which I have done.
` Now, my question is --
` MR. DOWD: No, no, exactly. I insisted
`because --
` MS. REISTER: May I finish?
` MR. DOWD: No. No, we're going to make
`sure the record is clear on that because I first
`asked you, while you were asking a question, to
`return the documents to the witness because you
`started asking questions of the witness prior to
`returning the documents to the witness.
` MS. REISTER: The documents have been
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`returned to the witness.
` MR. DOWD: Then you responded to me that
`you're not returning them until we come to some
`agreement, thereby suggesting that I refused to agree
`with you concerning a proposal about the documents at
`the end of the deposition.
` I'm clarifying that you've never offered
`any proposal about the documents at the end of the
`deposition. What I'm saying is, please tell me what
`you propose and I'm sure we can come to an agreement
`but we don't hold documents hostage.
` MS. REISTER: The documents have been
`returned to the witness and they were done so before
`I was able to make the proposal. You did not allow
`me to make the proposal.
` MR. DOWD: And --
` MS. REISTER: Mr. Dowd --
` MR. DOWD: We are going to go back and
`forth --
` MS. REISTER: Mr. Dowd --
` MR. DOWD: We are going to go back and
`forth --
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`December 10, 2016
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` MS. REISTER: Do not interrupt me.
` MR. DOWD: We are going to go back and
`forth on this. I did not preclude you from offering
`any proposal. And I want this to go as smoothly as
`possible today because there is no reason to waste
`people's time. So please do not suggest that I did
`not give you the time to offer a proposal. All I did
`was simply ask you to return the documents before you
`start deposing the witness. And your response -- and
`I'll say this one more time, otherwise, we'll read it
`back from the record -- is that you wouldn't return
`the documents until we came to some agreement.
` Simply tell me what your proposal is and
`we can move on.
` MS. REISTER: To the extent that there are
`questions on any document that we've identified that
`the witness has in front of him, then we will make a
`copy of that particular document so that the court
`reporter has a copy of what document, the precise
`document that the witness was looking at.
` MR. DOWD: That's fine. And actually, if
`you'll go back and look at the transcript, I offered
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`earlier to you the opportunity to make copies of the
`documents. So we're on the same page. And I had
`that proposal to you, so I think we're on the same
` MS. REISTER: And I would like a
`representation from you on the record that each of
`those documents is a true and correct copy of what it
`purports to be.
` MR. DOWD: It is.
` MS. REISTER: Thank you.
` Q. Dr. Wang, in preparing for your deposition
`today, did you review all of the documents that you
`have in front of you?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. Did you review any other documents?
` A. Some exhibits were provided to me.
` Q. Provided to you by whom?
` A. By my counsel.
` Q. Your counsel, Mr. Dowd?
` A. By Mr. Dowd, yes.
` Q. And what exhibits were those?
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`Binghe Wang, Ph.D.
`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
` MR. DOWD: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't remember exactly but
`the exhibits that were used to prepare these
`Page 17
` Q. So were all the documents that you
`reviewed in preparation for your deposition today
`documents that are cited in your second declaration?
` MR. DOWD: Objection. I'll object to that
`based on the form of the question.
` THE WITNESS: I think so.
` Q. And sitting here today, you don't recall
`what exhibits those were?
` A. Not --
` MR. DOWD: I will object to the question
`based on the form of the question and to the extent
`it mischaracterizes the witness' testimony.
` You can answer.
` THE WITNESS: Okay. I cannot give you a
`list in the sense of I know all the numbers, but
`they're all from the list that's included in the
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`December 10, 2016
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` (Interruption.)
` Q. Sorry, Dr. Wang. I apologize for --
` A. No problem.
` Q. -- for having to stop for a minute while
`we addressed the water. So I'm just going to repeat
`the question.
` I had asked whether all the documents that
`you reviewed in preparation for your deposition today
`were documents that were cited in your second
`declaration, and you indicated that you thought so.
`And then I said, and sitting here today, you don't
`recall what exhibits those were, correct?
` MR. DOWD: I object to the question based
`on the form of the question, the relevance of the
`question and to the extent it mischaracterizes the
` THE WITNESS: I can give you some examples
`of that and I did not memorize exactly the list. So
`Kohn 91 and Kohn 93, '729 and LeGall's thesis and
`'301. I do not remember all the others.
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`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
` Q. Did you meet with counsel in preparation
`Page 19
`for today's deposition?
` A. Yes, I did.
` Q. And with whom did you meet?
` A. So Mr. Dowd and Steve -- we did not meet.
`We were on the phone, Steve Parmelee. And Grace.
`Grace, I don't -- I actually don't know her last
` Q. And that's the same Grace that is on the
`telephone today, correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Was there anybody else?
` A. No.
` Q. In preparation for today's deposition, did
`you meet with Mr. Jenks?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you meet with Mr. Tyler Liu?
` A. No. I assume that's Tyler Liu?
` Q. Yes, Tyler Liu is the other gentleman in
`the room here today.
` A. I met him the first time today.
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`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
` Q. Did you meet with any other counsel for
`Page 20
` A. No.
` Q. Did you meet or talk with any counsel for
` A. No.
` Q. Did you meet or talk with any counsel for
` A. No.
` Q. And when was your meeting with Mr. Dowd?
` A. It was yesterday about 1:30.
` Q. And approximately how long did it last?
` MR. DOWD: I'll object to the form of the
`question and this is a general objection to the
`extent that the question or any questions along this
`line of questioning elicits privileged or
`confidential information.
` THE WITNESS: So about two and a half
` Q. And that was the only meeting you had with
`Mr. Dowd regarding the preparation for the deposition
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` MR. DOWD: Objection to the form of the
`question and I'll repeat my objections to the
`previous question.
` THE WITNESS: In person, that's the only
`time. But we had a phone conversation maybe three or
`four days ago for about half an hour.
` Q. And is that the only phone conversation
`you had with Mr. Dowd in preparation for your
`deposition today?
` MR. DOWD: I will repeat my previous
` THE WITNESS: As far as I can remember.
` Q. When was your telephone conversation with
`Steve and Grace regarding the deposition?
` A. About 2:00 p.m. yesterday.
` Q. And was that the only conversation
`yesterday that you had with Steve and Grace, Mylan's
` A. That's correct.
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`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
` MR. DOWD: Same objections as to form.
`Page 22
` Q. Dr. Wang, do you understand that Mylan
`Pharmaceutical, Breckenridge Pharmaceutical and
`Alembic Pharmaceuticals are now joined as petitioners
`in the present proceeding?
` A. That's what I was told.
` MR. DOWD: I will object to the question
`based on the relevance of the question, based on the
`form of the question and based on the scope of the
`question. And object to the extent that it elicits
`any privileged, confidential information.
` Q. Dr. Wang, have you been retained by Mylan
`Pharmaceuticals with respect to the preparation of
`your second declaration?
` MR. DOWD: I will object to the question
`based on the relevance of the question, based on the
`form of the question, based on going beyond the scope
`of direct examination and object to the extent that
`it elicits privileged and/or confidential
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` Q. And have you been retained by Breckenridge
`or Alembic with respect to your second declaration?
` MR. DOWD: I'll repeat my previous
` Q. Have you ever done any work for Mylan
` MR. DOWD: I will object to the question
`based on the scope of the question, lack of relevance
`of the question and the form of the question and to
`the extent it elicits privileged, confidential
`information. And I'll instruct the witness not to
`answer to the extent it would require him to divulge
`prior confidential information.
` THE WITNESS: My counsel instructed me not
`to answer so I'll just not answer.
` Q. That's not correct. Your counsel
`instructed you not to answer if the yes or no answer
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`whether you've done work implicates confidential
`information, and it can't. Whether you've done work
`or not is a factual question.
` MR. DOWD: No. I will repeat the
`objections and clarify that to the extent Dr. Wang
`discloses a relationship between himself and another
`company, with specifically Mylan, the question about
`any work, then it may be privileged or confidential.
` Q. So Dr. Wang, I repeated my question.
` A. As far as I remember, no.
` Q. Have you ever done any work for
`Breckenridge Pharmaceutical?
` MR. DOWD: The same objections.
` THE WITNESS: As far as I can remember,
` Q. Have you done any work for Alembic
` MR. DOWD: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: As far as I know, no.
` I'm going to go to the other side and get
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`some water.
` MS. REISTER: That's fine.
` THE WITNESS: Thank you.
` Q. Dr. Wang, approximately how many hours did
`you spend working on your second declaration?
` MR. DOWD: I will object to the form of
`the question, the scope of the question, the
`relevance of the question and I'll object on the
`basis that it seeks to elicit information about the
`drafting of the declaration which, as you know,
`Counsel, from our discussion on Thursday and our
`first deposition of Dr. Wang, is not a proper line of
` THE WITNESS: I can only estimate, and
`probably 40, 50 hours.
` Q. And in preparing your declaration, did you
`also prepare a list of documents that you considered
`in preparing your declaration?
` MR. DOWD: I will object to the form of
`the question, the scope of the question, the
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`relevance of the question. I'll object on the basis
`that it seeks to elicit information about the
`drafting of the declaration and it goes to drafts of
`declarations, so I'm instructing the witness not to
`answer the question.
` MS. REISTER: I disagree with your
`characterization of the question and it is a simple
`question of whether he prepared a list of documents.
`It's a yes/no question. I don't believe you have a
`basis for instructing the witness not to answer.
` MR. DOWD: Okay. Counsel, with respect,
`again, the question goes to what drafts of the
`documents -- for example, a possible list of
`exhibits -- drafts of his declaration may have been
`prepared by Dr. Wang or not.
` MS. REISTER: Your objection is on the
`record, Mr. Dowd.
` MR. DOWD: Okay.
` Q. Now, Dr. Wang, one of the documents that
`we had looked at in your stack of documents there is
`a document with Exhibit Number 1084 that was entitled
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`Binghe Wang, Ph.D.
`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
`Response Declaration of Dr. Binghe Wang in Support of
`Page 27
`Reply. Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that's the declaration that you
`prepared and reviewed and signed for filing in this
`proceeding, correct?
` MR. DOWD: Objection to the form of the
` THE WITNESS: That's correct.
` Q. And if you turn to the very last page of
`the declaration, that's your signature on that page,
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And that's your complete response
`declaration, correct?
` MR. DOWD: Objection to the form of the
`question and the relevance of the question and scope.
` THE WITNESS: As far as I know, yes.
` Q. And sitting here today, are you aware of
`any errors you need to correct in your declaration?
`Alderson Court Reporting
`Argentum Pharm. v. Research Corp. Techs., IPR2016-00204
`RCT EX. 2194 - 28/254

`Binghe Wang, Ph.D.
`December 10, 2016
`Washington, D.C.
`Page 28
` A. I think there was one that I saw on
`page -- at the lower right-hand corner, it says
`page 47 but in the middle, it says page 44.
` Q. Okay.
` A. And right on top of paragraph 111, the
`structure itself and the beta position of the carbon
`that's connected to the one that's connected to X,
`and then there should be a parentheses and then at
`the lower right-hand part of the subscript of N, that
`would designate different analogs that N can be an
` Q. To make the record clear, Dr. Wang, as to
`the correction that you would like to make to your
`declaration, what I would like to do is hand you a
`piece of paper so that you can draw the correct
`structure to make it clear.
` A. That would be fine.
` Q. So we will mark this as Second Wang
`Exhibit 1.
` (Second Wang Exhibit No. 1 was
` marked for identification.)

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