`Page 1
` _________________________
` )
` INC., and BLUE COAT )
` )
` Petitioners, )
` )
` vs. ) Case IPR2016-00159
` ) Patent No. 8,677,494
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` )
` _________________________)
` Santa Monica, California
` Thursday, November 3, 2016
` Volume I
` Veritext Legal Solutions
` Mid-Atlantic Region
` 1250 Eye Street NW - Suite 350
` Washington, D.C. 20005
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`3 4
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1100
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`Page 2
` _________________________
` )
` INC., and BLUE COAT )
` )
` Petitioners, )
` )
` vs. ) Case IPR2016-00159
` ) Patent No. 8,677,494
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` _________________________)
` Deposition of DR. NENAD MEDVIDOVIC, Volume I,
` taken on behalf of Petitioner, at 1333 2nd Street,
` 4th Floor, Santa Monica, California, beginning at
` 9:40 a.m., and ending at 12:30 p.m., on Thursday,
` November 3, 2016, before LORI M. BARKLEY, Certified
` Shorthand Reporter No. 6426.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
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`Page 3
` A P P E A R A N C E S :
` F o r P e t i t i o n e r :
` C O O L E Y L L P
` B Y : O R I O N A R M O N
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 3 8 0 I n t e r l o c k e n C r e s c e n t , S u i t e 9 0 0
` B r o o m f i e l d , C O 8 0 0 2 1 - 8 0 2 3
` 7 2 0 . 5 6 6 . 4 1 1 9
` o a r m o n @ c o o l e y . c o m
` F o r P a t e n t O w n e r a n d D e p o n e n t :
` K R A M E R L E V I N N A F T A L I S & F R A N K E L L L P
` B Y : J A M E S H A N N A H
` A t t o r n e y a t L a w
` 9 9 0 M a r s h R o a d
` M e n l o P a r k , C a l i f o r n i a 9 4 0 2 5
` 6 5 0 . 7 5 2 . 1 7 1 2
` j h a n n a h @ k r a m e r l e v i n . c o m
` W I L S O N S O N S I N I G O O D R I C H & R O S A T I
` N e i l D e s a i , E s q . ( T e l e p h o n i c a l l y )
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`2 3
`1 0
`1 1
`1 2
`1 3
`1 4
`1 5
`1 6
`1 7
`1 8
`1 9
`2 0
`2 1
`2 2
`2 3
`2 4
`2 5
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`Page 4
` Volume I
` Exhibit 1 Declaration of Nenad Medvidovic 7
` Exhibit 2 U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494 7
` Exhibit 3 U.S. Patent No. 6,092,194 26
` Exhibit 4 Swimmer Article 33
` Exhibit 5 Martin Article 62
` Exhibit 6 Exhibit 2025 Referenced in 68
` Paragraph 161 of Nenad
` Medvidovic's Declaration
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`5 6
`7 8 9
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`Page 5
` INDEX (Continued):
` Exhibit 7 Exhibit 2027 Referenced in 77
` Paragraph 162 of Nenad
` Medvidovic's Declaration
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` Santa Monica, California, Thursday, November 3, 2016
` 9:44 A.M.
`Page 6
` having been administered an oath, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` MR. ARMON: This is Orion Armon, lead counsel
` for Petitioner Palo Alto Networks.
` Counsel, please state appearances.
` MR. DESAI: This is Neil Desai, Counsel for
` Petitioner, Blue Coat Systems, Inc.
` MR. HANNAH: James Hannah from Kramer Levin
` representing Finjan, and the witness.
` MR. ARMON: This is a deposition in Case Number
` IPR 2016-00159 concerning U.S. Patent Number 8,677,494.
` Q. Please state your full name for the record.
` A. Name is Nenad Medvidovic, spelled N-E-N-A-D,
` M-E-D-V-I-D-O-V-I-C.
` Q. Thank you.
` Is there any reason why you can't provide
` complete and accurate testimony today, Dr. Medvidovic?
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`7 8
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` A. No reason.
` Q. You've submitted a declaration in this case,
`Page 7
` correct, sir?
` A. That is correct.
` MR. ARMON: Exhibit 1, please.
` (Exhibit 1 was marked for identification by the
` court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` Q. Exhibit marked as 1 is the declaration you've
` submitted in this case, correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. And that's your signature on page 97 of the
` document, correct?
` A. That is correct.
` Q. You can set that aside for now. I passed it to
` you so that you have it at your disposal.
` MR. ARMON: Exhibit 2, please.
` (Exhibit 2 was marked for identification by the
` court reporter and is attached hereto.)
` Q. Exhibit 2 is U.S. Patent 8,677,494, subject of
` this proceeding.
` I take it that you are familiar with the patent,
` correct, sir?
` A. That is correct.
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` Q. First question concerns disclosure in column 2.
` Please turn to page 17, specifically, the summary of the
`Page 8
` invention.
` Now, the summary of the invention, sir,
` describes that (as read):
` The present invention provides
` protection systems and methods capable
` of protecting a personal computer from
` harmful, undesirable, suspicious or
` other "malicious operations" that might
` otherwise be effectuated by remotely
` operable code.
` Do you see that?
` A. I do.
` Q. So you'd agree that as characterized in the
` summary of the invention, that suspicious or "malicious
` operations" are synonymous, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: This sentence in particular seems
` to suggest that harmful, undesirable, suspicious and
` possibly other kinds of operations would be or could be
` placed under the term "malicious."
` Q. And that's why malicious is in quotation marks,
` correct?
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`Page 9
` MR. HANNAH: Object to the form.
` THE WITNESS: My guess, it's very difficult to
` know what specifically the author of the patent wanted
` to imply by "malicious." My guess is that in this
` particular case, the author or the authors were
` referring to the fact that malicious is something, is a
` term that is used in the art, so they were just trying
` to clarify what they mean by it. But that is my guess.
` Again, there is not enough information in this
` one sentence to confirm that.
` Q. Sir, malicious in quotes as referred to here is
` characterized as operations that may or may not be
` actually malicious, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Can you show me where you're
` reading that from? Sorry. I mean, malicious means
` malicious, to me, so saying that malicious may mean
` malicious or not malicious seems to kind of defy the
` purpose of using the word "malicious."
` Q. Well, malicious is in quotation marks, correct?
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. Let's step back three words to line 54, and the
` word "suspicious."
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`Page 10
` A process that is suspicious as described in the
` '494 patent may or may not be actually malicious,
` correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: In a general sense, an operation
` rather than a process that is suspicious may, depending
` on what context we're talking about, may be shown to be
` actually not malicious in that particular context, that
` is possible.
` But in the context of this particular sentence I
` don't know that there is anything that indicates that
` that kind of process is being suggested here.
` Q. Well, you would agree, sir, that to a person
` skilled in the art, a suspicious operation is not
` necessarily an operation that would be characterized as
` malware, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: So now we're introducing yet
` another term, so just divorced of context and divorced
` of the '494 patent, it is possible to employ steps to
` help you -- help one understand whether an operation
` that has been identified as suspicious is actually
` malware. That is possible.
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`Page 11
` Q. In the context of the '494 patent, the
` '494 patent does not teach that all suspicious
` operations are actually malicious, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't know that the '494 patent
` teaches that all suspicious operations are not actually
` malicious. I'm not -- I don't recall unless you point
` me to the specific text. I don't recall that the
` '494 patent elaborates on this particular point.
` Q. Let's turn to column 6 on page 19 of Exhibit 2.
` I'll direct your attention to the last paragraph of
` column 6 beginning at line 56. That text begins
` (as read):
` Figure 1A, also broadly illustrates
` how embodiments of the invention are
` capable of selectively, modifiably, or
` ostensibly providing protection to one
` or more determinable ones of networks
` substance systems.
` And starting at line 60 (as read):
` Against potentially harmful or
` other undesirable, again, malicious in
` quotes, effects, in conjunction with
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`Page 12
` receiving downloadable information.
` So, again, as used here, sir, you'd agree that
` when malicious in quotes is referred to as it is on
` row 61 or line 61, that the patent contemplates that
` operations or effects that are potentially harmful may
` actually not be when they're closely examined, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, this patent doesn't talk
` about that step of closely examining these things. In
` general, outside of the context of the '494 patent, it
` is possible that something that is identified as
` potentially harmful in reality is not harmful, at least
` in some settings. It may be harmful in other settings.
` That is possible.
` But, again, the '494 patent, to the best of my
` recollection, does not elaborate on that one way or the
` other.
` Q. Stepping back a moment with respect to the
` '494 patent the inventions claimed in this patent are
` not based upon any teachings of the use of artificial
` intelligence, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: The patent itself does not use
` terms such as artificial intelligence, but I haven't
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` really thought about it in those terms. It may be
` possible to implement some of the things that the patent
` talks about perhaps using AI. I just -- as we sit here,
`Page 13
` I don't know one way or the other.
` Q. But there's no disclosure in the patent that you
` recall that discloses any of these operations being
` performed with the assistance of artificial
` intelligence, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, the most comfortable that I
` can be is with the original statement, which is that I
` don't believe that the term "artificial intelligence" is
` mentioned in the patent. Whether it's specific
` techniques that are discussed in the patent may be
` implemented using AI techniques or methods or
` algorithms, that's a separate matter, but again, I
` haven't really done that analysis.
` Q. Okay. None of the claims in the '494 patent
` recite autonomous decision making by computer, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: That is a question that we could
` probably debate, because it really depends on how we
` define what autonomous decision making is and where we
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`Page 14
` draw the line that says the computer right now is doing
` what the programmer is telling it to do versus the
` computer has indeed been programmed by a programmer, but
` has the capability to use whatever information it has at
` its disposal to effect some additional behaviors. That
` in general is a very tricky distinction to make.
` So, again, I think we're safest if we
` acknowledge that the term "artificial intelligence" is
` not used anywhere in the claims, but whether this could
` be accomplished, for example, deriving security profile
` for the downloadable, whether that could be accomplished
` using A-Star or some other type of search algorithm, it
` is conceivable.
` But again, this is -- I haven't done that
` analysis and I haven't built such a solution, so I'm
` just saying that it's conceivable. I don't have any
` evidence before me that it has been done that way.
` Q. As of the priority date for the '494 patent, did
` any artificial intelligence systems even exist that
` could have performed the step you just referred to as
` deriving security profile data?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, it's not something that
` I've done any analysis of, because I wasn't asked to,
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`Page 15
` and as we sit here, I don't know for sure. It is
` possible, but I don't know for sure.
` Q. How many artificial intelligence systems
` existed, if any, as of the priority date of the
` '494 patent?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I don't know how many. I actually
` couldn't answer that question today. That's kind of a
` tricky question to answer, because depends on what we
` define by the term "artificial" or what we mean by the
` term "artificial intelligence system," but there were
` certainly AI systems. AI predates the priority date of
` this patent, certainly.
` But again, it is not the kind of analysis that I
` opined on in my declaration.
` Q. Let's turn to column 18, page 25 of Exhibit 2.
` I'll direct your attention to the last paragraph on the
` bottom of column 18. Now, you would agree, sir, as
` expressly recited, beginning on line 62 and continuing
` downward, the '494 patent characterizes malicious
` operations as including file operations, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: As an example, it is stated on
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` line 63 that malicious operations can include file
`Page 16
` operations.
` Q. Such as file writing, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: That is one of the four examples
` provided there, yes.
` Q. And you're referring to column 18, line 64,
` correct, or 63 and 64?
` A. Correct, where it says (as read):
` E.g., reading, writing, deleting or
` renaming a file.
` Q. I'll ask you to turn to page 27 of Exhibit 2.
` These are the claims, correct?
` A. Yes. Starting in column 21, line, what is this?
` 18, that's where the claims are, yes, all the way
` through the end of column 22.
` Q. You're familiar with the claims of the
` '494 patent, correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Now, first, direct your attention to the
` deriving security profile data limitation in Claim 1.
` A. Okay.
` Q. You see that?
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`Page 17
` A. I do.
` Q. You agree that the security profile data for a
` downloadable could encompass data about operations that
` are not hostile, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Can you clarify to me why I would
` agree with that?
` Q. That's my question.
` Do you agree or not?
` A. Well, okay. So you said you would agree, right,
` and I'm asking why I would have to agree with that,
` meaning that it is not obvious to me that I would have
` to agree with that. This says (as read):
` Deriving security profile data for
` the downloadable including a list of
` suspicious computer operations, that
` may be attempted by the downloadable.
` Just to be complete. So the only thing that
` this mentions is the list of suspicious computer
` operations.
` Q. Okay. So the claim language says (as read):
` Deriving security profile data for
` the downloadable, including.
` So based upon use of the word "including," you'd
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`Page 18
` agree that security profile data is not limited to a
` list of suspicious operations, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Yes. I will allow that there may
` be other things in the security profile data such as,
` for example, the name that may be given to a particular
` security profile, but I thought your question was that
` there would be non-suspicious computing operations, or
` computer operations, in the DSP or downloadable security
` profile, and that, I would not agree with based on the
` language of the claim.
` Q. So I think this is a very important question.
` Glad you raised it.
` So it's your opinion, sir, that the claims of
` the '494 patent would not cover a system that generates
` security profile data for downloadables that includes
` non-suspicious computer operations?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: So that is a different, or
` actually a very different question you're asking me now,
` so now you're asking me to opine on the, I guess the
` scope of the claim. If you're asking me to opine on the
` scope of this particular claim, the -- as long as the
` security profile data for the downloadable includes a
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`Page 19
` list of suspicious computer operations that may be
` attempted by the downloadable, that -- and that security
` profile data has been derived from some data, larger
` amount of data presumably that came over a network, then
` that meets this particular element of the claim.
` So if you receive -- let me clarify that. If
` you receive some downloadable from that received
` downloadable you derived, the security profile data,
` which includes this list of suspicious computer
` operations that may be attempted by the downloadable,
` this claim element has been met.
` Q. Your opinion, then, is that Claim 1 of the
` '494 patent would cover a system that generates security
` profile data for downloadables that includes
` non-suspicious computer operations?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: There, we're speculating about a
` security system that would have to have a reason for
` including non-suspicious computer operations in
` something that is called security profile for the
` system. If you want to or can give me an example of a
` specific system where that is true, in other words,
` there is a security profile and there is a perfectly
` legitimate reason for why within that security profile
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`Page 20
` you include non-suspicious computer operations, then I
` would be happy to consider that.
` But in a vacuum, this -- that question seems to
` be too open-ended to me. I'm not sure how to answer it.
` Q. I'm asking you about your understanding of the
` claims, without reference to a particular system. So
` does -- can security profile data include non-malicious
` computer operations?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Again, if you are deriving from
` the downloadable the security profile data and if that
` security profile data includes a list of suspicious
` computer operations that may be attempted, then you're
` meeting this element of the claim.
` If in the process of deriving you include
` additional information, as long as you're meeting the
` element of this claim, the derivation process for the
` security profile data is what is the important thing
` here.
` So for example, something that would not meet
` the element of this claim would be to say, well, I will
` derive the security profile simply by reading the code
` and noting all the operations that might be attempted.
` Then there, you don't really -- you're not making a
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`Page 21
` conscious distinction between the suspicious operations
` and non-suspicious computer operations.
` Q. Isn't it theoretically possible that all of the
` operations in a downloadable could be suspicious?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: That would really have to depend
` on the context. I don't actually know whether you could
` write a downloadable that where every single one of the
` operations is suspicious. I would like to answer your
` question with a yes, but I'm concerned that without
` having really tried to do it, it might turn out to be
` impossible.
` In other words, in order for you to actually
` build a properly constructed downloadable, it may be
` impossible to only use some set of operations that are
` deemed suspicious, that you might, in fact, have to use
` regular, sort of vanilla operations.
` Q. So it's at least theoretically possible that the
` vast majority of operations in a downloadable could be
` suspicious setting aside from what you've characterized
` as vanilla operations?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I have not done it, so I don't
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`Page 22
` know.
` Q. The '494 patent does not include any teaching
` about how to derive a list of suspicious computer
` operations, correct?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: I would have to disagree with
` that. I think that the big element of '494s purpose is
` to teach you how to derive that list. That's part of
` '494s, if you will, value added, is to teach you how to
` derive that list.
` Another part of it is to teach you how to store
` it in a database.
` Q. Where in the '494 patent is the teaching that
` you're referring to concerning derivation of security
` profile data?
` A. I thought that just a minute ago you pointed me
` to one specific example, but that was in a body, larger
` body of text.
` Q. Are you referring to column 18 on page 5?
` A. 18, correct, so it says (as read):
` During downloadable operation,
` resource access analyzer receives and
` determines a response to diverted
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`Page 23
` downloadable operations in accordance
` with corresponding protection policies
` of Policies 342.
` And then further on (as read):
` Malicious operations can, for
` example, include in a Windows
` environment file operations, with
` several examples, network operations,
` with several examples, OS registry or
` similar operations, again, with a few
` examples, OS operations, with some
` examples, resource usage thresholds,
` etc.
` And there are a few other or several other
` examples of this kind in the patent.
` This, to somebody of ordinary skill in the art,
` teaches how you determine these operations.
` Q. Was it known before the '494 patent that file
` operations such as a file write could be malicious in
` the content of this art?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: When you say "this art," could you
` be a little bit more specific? Because one of the other
` pieces of art that I discuss in my declaration is, in my
` opinion, a very different kind of art, and it also
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` refers to operations such as file write, so what do you
`Page 24
` mean by "this art"?
` Q. I'm referring to the '494 patent subject matter.
` A. Was it known --
` MR. HANNAH: Objection -- objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: So your question in effect is:
` Was it known prior to the '494 that if you get a
` downloadable from the network and it engages in a file
` write that, that could be malicious?
` Q. Correct, that's my question.
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: Okay. Well, one of the
` motivations for developing a technology such as what is
` taught by the '494 is that it was recognized previously,
` I guess, through unpleasant experiences that some
` computer owners had, that if a malicious downloadable
` came across the network and did a file write or multiple
` file writes on a local computer, that it could wreak
` havoc.
` So in that sense a file write coming from a
` malicious downloadable across a network was recognized
` prior to the '494 as, again, being a potentially
` malicious operation.
`Veritext Legal Solutions
`215-241-1000 ~ 610-434-8588 ~ 302-571-0510 ~ 202-803-8830
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. - Exhibit 1100
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. v. Finjan, Inc., IPR2016-00159

`Page 25
` Q. Turning back to Claim 1, again (as read):
` Turning to the deriving security
` profile data for the downloadable,
` including a list of suspicious computer
` operations that may be attempted by the
` downloadable limitation.
` Would that limitation be satisfied, in your
` opinion, if the security profile data only included
` suspicious operations?
` MR. HANNAH: Objection, form.
` THE WITNESS: If you go through this process and
` you derive the security profile data, which has the list
` of suspicious computer operations, to the best of your
` ability to determine those, and that's what you include
` in your security profile data, then that would meet the
` elements of

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