Case IPR2015-01892
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494
`Patent Owner
`Case: IPR2015-01892
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494
`Symantec 1038
`Symantec v. Finjan
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`Case IPR2015-01892
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494
`I, Dr. Richard Ford, declare as follows:
`I am more than twenty-one years of age, and I make this declaration
`based on my own personal knowledge, experience, and belief. If called upon, I can
`testify competently to the facts stated in this declaration.
`Prior to submitting this declaration, I was retained as an expert
`witness in certain matters on behalf of Symantec Corporation (“Symantec”)
`including matters opposed to Finjan, Inc. However, I am not providing this
`declaration in the capacity of an expert witness and I am not being compensated
`for providing this declaration. Instead, this declaration is based upon my personal
`knowledge of relevant facts pertaining to the public availability of a reference
`relied upon by Symantec in the above captioned proceeding, namely “Dynamic
`Detection and Classification of Computer Viruses Using General Behavior
`Patterns”, by Morton Swimmer (“Swimmer”), which appears in the Proceedings of
`the Fifth International Virus Bulletin Conference (“the 1995 Virus Bulletin
`Conference Proceedings”). As detailed more in the following paragraphs, a true
`and correct full copy of the 1995 Virus Bulletin Conference Proceedings is
`attached hereto as Exhibit A, which I understand was marked and submitted as
`Exhibit Symantec 1010 in the above captioned IPR2015-01892 proceeding.
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`Case IPR2015-01892
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494
`I hold Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Physics from The Queen’s
`College, University of Oxford, and a D.Phil. in Quantum Physics.
`I have been
`working in the field of computer security since 1992, when I joined Virus Bulletin.
`Since that time, I have held positions at companies such as the National Computer
`Security Association, IBM Research, and Command Software Systems. I was also
`a professor of Computer Science at the Florida Institute of Technology for over 11
`years, where I focused my research on information security, until the summer of
`2015. I am currently employed as Chief Scientist of Forcepoint, previously known
`as Raytheon | Websense, a joint venture created to address constantly-evolving
`cybersecurity challenges.
`My very first job in the security industry was with Virus Bulletin, an
`information security organization that provides leading edge information regarding
`developments in computer security. Virus Bulletin has regularly held conferences
`(e.g., the Virus Bulletin International Conference) and provided publications in the
`field of computer security for over 25 years. These conferences and publications
`provided substantial information on the prevention, recognition, and removal of
`malware such as viruses, Trojans, etc. as well as security issues identified in
`software such as operating systems.
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`Case IPR2015-01892
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494
`Virus Bulletin is a well-known and highly respected body and has
`been continually at the forefront of the computer security field. First held in 1991,
`and continuing on an annual basis until this day, the Virus Bulletin International
`Conference was a premier worldwide event open to and attended by persons
`interested in the computer security field. At the Virus Bulletin International
`Conference, academics, researchers, developers, and company representatives,
`regularly gathered, presented and exchanged developments in this field. For
`example, the list of conference attendees and sponsors for the 1995 Virus Bulletin
`International Conference included representatives from prominent entities in the
`computer security field such as: Sophos, McAfee, Trend Micro, and IBM. See
`Exhibit A, pp. 3-4 and 17-31.
`In 1992, I began working for Virus Bulletin as executive editor. My
`duties in this capacity included commissioning and editing articles, as well as
`assisting at the Virus Bulletin International Conference. Later, in January 1993, I
`became the editor of Virus Bulletin. As the editor for Virus Bulletin, I handled
`day-to-day operations and all content decisions related to the Virus Bulletin,
`including paper selection for the Virus Bulletin International Conference, and acted
`as host and emcee of the conference. During my tenure of employment with Virus
`Bulletin, I was responsible for helping to organize the Virus Bulletin International
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`Case IPR2015-01892
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494
`Conference which, at the time, was held yearly at different locations around the
`globe. My responsibilities in this regard included helping to select papers and
`speakers, editing the conference proceedings, and assisting in marketing the event,
`as well as being the public face of Virus Bulletin at the event itself.
`After my tenure as editor ended in March 1995, I remained involved
`with Virus Bulletin. For example, I was a consulting editor until June 2014, and
`provided advice and assistance to the editors that succeeded me.
`In addition, I
`continued to contribute articles and attend Virus Bulletin conferences. I remain on
`the Virus Bulletin Advisory Board to this day.
`In the 1995 timeframe,
`the yearly Virus Bulletin International
`Conference included papers that were selected for presentation/publication. These
`papers were distributed as conference proceedings to attendees and presenters at
`the conference.
`In the 1995 timeframe, the conference proceedings were in the
`form of a 4-hole loose leaf binder, which allowed flexibility with regard to the
`addition of late submissions.
`Generally, physical copies of
`the Virus Bulletin International
`Conference proceedings were distributed to conference attendees at
`registration/check-in desk for the conference, which is located in the venue hosting
`the event as is typical with many conferences I have attended. Typically,
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`Case IPR2015-01892
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494
`registration/check-in opened no later
`than the first scheduled date of
`conference, and continued until the close of the conference. As a result, the
`conference proceedings were generally made available throughout the conference
`to conference attendees. Similar practices were in place before and after my tenure
`ended with Virus Bulletin.
`In certain instances where extra copies of the conference proceedings
`were produced but not distributed during the associated conference, these “extra”
`copies may have been distributed or made available to other entities (e.g., libraries
`or other computer security professionals not in attendance at the conference) in the
`1995 timeframe.
`Since 1992, I have regularly attended and was involved with the Virus
`Bulletin International Conference. I have attended this conference approximately
`20 different times, and have even been awarded a lapel pin from Virus Bulletin for
`this long history. Therefore, I am very familiar with processes surrounding the
`Virus Bulletin International Conferences from both the perspective of a conference
`attendee, presenter and organizer over the past 24 years. Specifically, I have
`particular knowledge of how papers are submitted, selected, presented and
`disseminated with respect to the Virus Bulletin International Conference, as well as
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`Case IPR2015-01892
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494
`the resulting proceedings that are compiled for the conference, including in the
`1995 timeframe.
`12. On September 20-22 of 1995,
`I attended the Virus Bulletin
`International Conference held at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers in
`Boston, MA. During this conference, I presented on macro viruses, was involved
`in a related panel discussion, and attended other presentations. Upon check-in to
`the conference, I received a binder which constituted the proceedings for this
`conference and contained accepted articles which were submitted by various
`authors for this conference. The binder cover has the title “Virus Bulletin
`International Conference Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers 20-22 September
`These conference proceedings were given to me at
`the time of my
`It is my understanding that the other registered conference attendees
`received the same binder which, based upon my prior experience as editor of Virus
`Bulletin and as an attendee of past conferences, was typical of the practices of
`Virus Bulletin and the Virus Bulletin International Conference.
`Indeed, I recall
`seeing many other conference attendees in possession of a binder with the same
`title and appearance as the one I received during the 1995 conference. These same
`conference proceedings were made available at
`registration/check-in, which
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`Case IPR2015-01892
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494
`opened on September 20, 1995, and given to the other attendees at the time they
`checked-in for the conference, consistent with the practices described above.
`I am still in possession of the binder I received for the Virus Bulletin
`International Conference held at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers in
`September of 1995.
`Inside the binder is the Swimmer article, which appears on
`numbered pages 75-88 of the 1995 Virus Bulletin Conference Proceedings.
`In view of the foregoing, Swimmer was disseminated and made
`continuously available on September 20-22, 1995 to conference attendees (such as
`myself) of
`the Virus Bulletin International Conference.
`These attendees
`constituted persons concerned with the subject matter of Swimmer, computer
`malware, and more generally computer security and computer science.
`I have also reviewed the Hawes Declaration (attached hereto as
`Exhibit D) and I agree to the best of my recollection that there were approximately
`150+ such conference attendees during the 1995 Virus Bulletin International
`17. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and correct full copy of the
`1995 Virus Bulletin Conference Proceedings binder I received in September of
`1995 at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers in Boston, MA including: the
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`Case IPR2015-01892
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494
`front cover, Table of Contents, section dividers, and Swimmer.
`I inspected each
`and every page of Exhibit A and verified that it matched and corresponded to the
`contents of the 1995 Virus Bulletin International Conference binder in my
`possession. Also attached hereto as Exhibit E is a true and correct copy of a
`photograph I took on or about May 2, 2016 of the 1995 Virus Bulletin Conference
`Proceedings binder that I received at the September 1995 conference. The binder
`cover which is shown in the photograph I took matches the first page of Exhibit A,
`which I understand was marked and submitted as Exhibit Symantec 1010 in the
`above captioned IPR2015-01892 proceeding.
`18. Additionally, I compared the copy of Swimmer in Exhibit A (pages
`112 - 125) to the copy of Swimmer as it appears in Exhibit B attached hereto,
`which I understand was marked and submitted as Exhibit Symantec 1005 in the
`above captioned IPR2015-01892 proceeding. Based upon my personal inspection,
`it is my belief that both of these documents are identical copies of the same
`Swimmer article. Based upon my inspection, the only discernible differences in
`the two copies appear to be those introduced as an artifact of the copying process
`used to create the copies and what I understand to be “Bates markings,” which are
`added for the purpose of identifying documents in legal proceedings such as the
`above captioned IPR proceeding.
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`Case IPR2015-01892
`U.S. Patent No. 8,677,494
`I also compared the copy of Swimmer in Exhibit A (pages 112 - 125)
`to the copy of Swimmer as it appears in the Virus Bulletin excerpts (pages 6 – 19)
`(attached hereto as Exhibit C), which I understand to have been served on counsel
`for Finjan, Inc. as supplemental evidence via e-mail on April 15, 2016. As with
`the copies of Swimmer discussed above, it is my belief that these copies of
`Swimmer are identical except for some copying artifacts and differences related to
`Bates markings.
`I also compared the copy of Swimmer in Exhibit A (pages 112 - 125)
`to the copy of Swimmer as it appears in Exhibit A to the Hawes Declaration
`(attached hereto as Exhibit D), which I understand to have been served on counsel
`for Finjan, Inc. as supplemental evidence via e-mail on April 15, 2016. As with
`the copies of Swimmer discussed above, it is my belief that these copies of
`Swimmer are identical except for some copying artifacts and differences related to
`Bates markings.
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`Symantec 1039
`Symantec v. Finjan
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`Symantec v. Finjan
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