`National Institute of Standards and
`[Docket No. 911219-13191
`RIN 0693-AA97
`Proposed Federal Information
`Processing Standard for Secure Hash
`AGENCY: National Institute of Standards
`and Technology (NIST), Commerce.
`ACTION: Notice; request for comments.
`Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 21 / Friday, January 31, 1992 / Notices
`Federal Refister / Vol. 57, No. 21 I Friday, lanuary 31, 1992 I Notices
`recalculated and compared to the
`instruments of equivalent scientific
`Furthermore, the following deposit
`original. If they are not identical, then
`value to the foreign instruments for the
`requirements will be effective upon
`the information has changed. This
`intended purposes are not available.
`publication of the final results of these
`provides a mechanism to check the
`Reasons: Section 301.5(e)(4) of the
`administrative reviews for all shipments
`integrity of data.
`regulations requires the denial of
`of roller chain, other than bicycle, from
`The DSS proposed a public-key based
`applications that have been denied
`Japan entered, or withdrawn from
`without prejudice to resubmission if
`Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) for
`warehouse, for consumption on or after
`they are not resubmitted within the
`the publication date, as provided by
`use in verifying to a recipient the
`section 751(a)(1) of the Tariff Act: (1)
`specified time period. This is the case
`integrity of data and the identity of the
`The cash deposit rate for the reviewed
`for each of the listed dockets.
`sender of the data. At the time that the
`Docket Number: 91-041. Applicant.
`companies will be that established in
`DSS was proposed, NIST stated that it
`USAF Medical Center, Building 0468, 5th
`the final results of the review for the
`was reviewing candidate hashing
`Street. Kessler AFB, MS 39534.
`1989-90 period; (2) for merchandise
`functions for use with the DSA.
`Instrument: Automated Karyotyping
`exported by manufacturers or exporters
`The purpose of this notice is to solicit
`not covered in these reviews but
`System, Model Cytoscan RK2.
`views from the public, manufacturers,
`Manufacturer: Image Recognition
`covered in previous reviews or the
`and Federal, state, and local government
`System, United Kingdom. Date of Denial
`original less-than-fair-value
`users prior to submission of this
`investigation, the cash deposit rate will
`Without Prejudice to Resubmission:
`proposed standard to the Secretary of
`continue to be the rate published in the
`September 5, 1991.
`Commerce for review and approval.
`Docket Number: 91-098. Applicant:
`most recent final results or
`The proposed standard contains two
`Princeton University, Molecular Biology
`determination for which the
`sections: (1) an announcement, which
`manufacturer or exporter received a
`Department, Lewis Thomas Labs,
`provides information concerning the
`Washington Road, Princeton, NJ 08544.
`company-specific rate; (3) if the exporter
`applicability, implementation and
`Instrument: 60 SM1 Stereo-microscopes
`is not a firm covered in these reviews,
`maintenance of the standard; and (2)
`earlier reviews, or the original
`with Filter Sets. Manufacturer: Oriental
`specifications which deal with the
`investigation, but the manufacturer is,
`Scientific Instruments, China. Date Of
`technical aspects of the standard. Only
`the cash deposit rate will be that
`Denial Without Prejudice to
`the announcement section of the
`established for the manufacturer of the
`Resubmission: October 9, 1991.
`standard is provided in this notice.
`merchandise in the final results of these
`Frank W. Creel,
`Interested parties may obtain copies of
`reviews, earlier reviews, or the original
`Director, Statutory Import Programs Staff.
`the specifications section from the
`investigation, whichever is the most
`[FR Doc. 92-2304 Filed 1-30-92; 8:45 am]
`Standards Processing Coordinator
`recent; (4) the cash deposit rate for any
`(ADP), National Institute of Standards
`future entries from all other
`and Technology, Technology Building,
`manufacturers or exporters, who are not
`room B-64, Gaithersburg, MD 20899,
`covered in these or prior administrative
`telephone (301) 975-2816.
`reviews and who are unrelated to the
`reviewed firms or any previously
`DATES: Comments on this proposed
`reviewed firm, will be 1.32 percent. This
`standard must be received on or before
`is the most current non-BIA rate for any
`(April 30, 1992.)
`firm in this proceeding.
`ADDRESSES: Written comments
`This administrative review and notice
`concerning the proposed standard
`are in accordance with section 751(a)(1)
`should be sent to: Director, Computer
`of the Tariff Act (19 U.S.C. 1675(a)(1))
`Systems Laboratory, ATTN: Proposed
`and 19 CFR 353.53a(a) (1985).
`FIPS for Secure Hash Standard [SHS),
`Dated. January 27. 1992.
`Technology Building, room B-154,
`Alan M. Dunn,
`National Institute of Standards and
`Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
`Assistant Secretaryfor Import
`Written comments received in
`[FR Doc. 92-2383 Filed 1-30-92; 8:45 am]
`response to this notice will be made part
`of the public record and will be made
`LLNG CODE 3610-00-U
`available for inspection and copying in
`the Central Reference and Records
`Inspection Facility, room 6020, Herbert
`C. Hoover Building, 14th Street between
`Pennsylvania and Constitution Avenues,
`NW., Washington, DC 20230.
`Mr. Miles Smid, National Institute of
`Standards and Technology,
`Gaithersburg, MD 20899, telephone (301)
`NIST has been notified that Department
`of Defense authorities have approved
`the use of the SHS with the DSS to sign
`unclassified data processed by "Warner
`Amendment" systems (10 U.S.C. 2315
`SUMMARY: A Federal Information
`Processing Standard (FPS) for Secure
`Hash Standard (SHS) is being proposed.
`This proposed standard specifies a
`Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) for use
`with the proposed Digital Signature
`Standard (DSS) announced in the
`Federal Register (56 FR 42980 dated
`August 30, 1991). Additionally, for
`applications not requiring a digital
`signature, the SHA is to be used
`whenever a secure hash algorithm is
`required for Federal applications.
`The hash standard provides a formula
`for providing a numeric value (called a
`"message digest") of a message (or more
`generically, any digital information). The
`formula is devised so that virtually any
`change to the message will result in a
`change to the message digest. Thus, at
`any time the message digest can be
`USAF Medical Center, et al.;
`Consolidated Decision on Applications
`for Duty-Free Entry of Scientific
`This is a decision consolidated
`pursuant to section 6(c) of the
`Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
`Materials Importation Act of 1968
`(Public Law 89-651, 80 Stat. 897; 15 CFR
`Part 301). Related records can be viewed
`between 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. in room
`4211, U.S. Department of Commerce,
`14th and Constitution Avenue, NW..
`Washington, DC.
`Decision: Denied. Applicants have
`failed to establish that domestic
`APPLE 1008
`Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 21 / Friday, January 31, 1992 / Notices
`and 44 U.S.C. 3502(2)) as well as
`classified data in selected applications.
`Dated: January 27, 1992.
`John W. Lyons,
`Federal Information Processing
`Standards Publication YY-Draft-1992
`January 2 Announcing a Secure Hash
`Federal Information Processing
`Standards Publications (FIPS PUBS) are
`issued by the National Institute of
`Standards and Technology {NIST) after
`approval by the Secretary of Commerce
`pursuant to section 111(d) of the Federal
`Property and Administrative Services
`Act of 1949 as amended by the
`Computer Security Act of 1987, Public
`Law 100-235.
`Name of Standard: Secure Hash
`Category of Standard: ADP
`Operations, Computer Security.
`Explanation: This Standard specifies
`a Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA), which
`is necessary to ensure the security of the
`Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA).
`When a message of any length < 264
`bits is input, the SHA produces a 160-bit
`output called a message digest. The
`message digest is then input to the DSA
`which computes the signature for the
`message. Signing the message digest
`rather than the message often improves
`the efficiency of the process, because
`the message digest is usually much
`smaller than the message. The same
`message digest should be obtained by
`the verifier of the signature when the
`received version of the message is used
`as input to the SHA. The SHA is called
`secure because it is designed to be
`computationally infeasible to recover a
`message corresponding to a given
`message digest, or to find two different
`messages which produce the same
`message digest. Any change to a
`message in transit will, with very high
`probability, result in a different message
`digest, and the signature will fail to
`verify. The SHA is based on principles
`similar to those used by Professor
`Ronald L. Rivest of MIT when designing
`the MD4 message digest algorithm 1, and
`is closely modelled after that algorithm.
`Approving Authority: Secretary of
`Maintenance Agency: Computer
`Systems Laboratory, National Institute
`of Standards and Technology.
`Applicability: This standard is
`applicable to all Federal departments
`I"The MD4 Message Digest Algorithm,"
`Advances in Cryptology-CRYPTO '90 Proceedings,
`Springer-Verlag. 1991, pp. 303-311.
`and agencies for the protection of
`unclassified information that is not
`subject to section 2315 of title 10, United
`States Code, or section 3502(2) of title
`44, United States Code. This standard is
`required for use with the Digital
`Signature Standard and whenever a
`secure hash algorithm is required for
`federal applications. Private and
`commercial organizations are
`encouraged to adopt and use this
`Applications: The SHA is appropriate
`for use with the Digital Signature
`Standard, which in turn may be used in
`electronic mail, electronic funds
`transfer, software distribution, data
`storage, and other applications which
`require data integrity assurance and
`data origin authentication. The SHA can
`also be used whenever it is necessary to
`generate a condensed version of a
`Implementations: The SHA may be
`implemented in software, firmware,
`hardware, or any combination thereof.
`Only implementations of the SHA that
`are validated by NIST will be
`considered as complying with this
`standard. Information about the
`requirements for validating
`implementations of this standard can be
`obtained from the National Institute of
`Standards and Technology, Computer
`Systems Laboratory, Attn: SHS
`Validation, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
`Export Control: Implementations of
`this standard are subject to Federal
`Government export controls as specified
`in title 15, Code of Federal Regulations,
`parts 768 through 799. Exporters are
`advised to contact the Department of
`Commerce, Bureau of Export
`Administration for more information.
`Patents: Implementations of the SHA
`in this standard may be covered by U.S.
`and foreign patents.
`Implementation Schedule: This
`standard becomes effective six months
`after the publication date of this FIPS
`Specifications: Federal Information
`Processing Standard (FIPS YY) Secure
`Hash Standard (affixed).
`Cross Index
`a. FIPS PUB 46-1, Data Encryption
`b. FIPS PUB 73, Guidelines for Security
`of Computer Applications.
`c. FIPS PUB 140-1, Security
`Requirements for Cryptographic
`d. FIPS PUB XX, Digital Signature
`Qualifications:While it is the intent of
`this standard to specify a secure hash
`algorithm, conformance to this standard
`does not assure that a particular
`implementation is secure. The
`responsible authority in each agency or
`department shall assure that an overall
`implementation provides an acceptable
`level of security. This standard will be
`reviewed every five years in order to
`assess its adequacy.
`Waiver Procedure: Under certain
`exceptional circumstances, the heads of
`Federal departments and agencies may
`approve waivers to Federal Information
`Processing Standards (FIPS). The head
`of such agency may redelegate such
`authority only to a senior official
`designated pursuant to section 3506(b)
`of title 44, United States Code. Waiver
`shall be granted only'when:
`a. Compliance with a standard would
`adversely affect the
`accomplishment of the mission of
`an operator of a Federal computer
`system; or
`b. Compliance with a standard would
`cause a major adverse financial
`impact on the operator which is not
`offset by Government-wide savings.
`Agency heads may act upon a written
`waiver request containing the
`information detailed above. Agency
`heads may also act without a written
`waiver request when they determine
`that conditions for meeting the standard
`cannot be met. Agency heads may
`approve waivers only by a written
`decision which explains the basis on
`which the agency head made the
`required finding(s). A copy of each
`decision, with procurement sensitive or
`classified portions clearly identified,
`shall be sent to: National Institute of
`Standards and Technology; ATTN: FIPS
`Waiver Decisions, Technology Building,
`room B-154, Gaithersburg, MD 20899.
`In addition, notice of each waiver
`granted and each delegation of authority
`to approve waivers shall be sent
`promptly to the Committee on
`Government Operations of the House of
`Representatives and the Committee on
`Government Affairs of the Senate and
`shall be published promptly in the
`When the determination on a waiver
`applies to the procurement of equipment
`and/or services, a notice of the waiver
`determination must be published in the
`Commerce Business Daily as a part of
`the notice of solicitation for offers of an
`acquisition or, if the waiver
`determination is made after that notice
`is published, by amendment to such
`A copy of the waiver, any supporting
`documents, the document approving the
`waiver and any accompanying
`documents, with such deletions as the
`Federal Register / Vol. 57, No. 21 / Friday, January 31, 1992 / Notices'
`agency is authorized and decides to
`make under 5 United States Code
`section 552(b), shall be part of the
`procurement documentation and
`retained by the agency.
`Where to Obtain Copies of the
`Standard Copies of this publication are
`for sale by the National Technical
`Information Service, U.S. Department of
`Commerce, Springfield, VA 22161. When
`ordering, refer to Federal Information
`Processing Standards Publication YY
`(FIPS PUB YY), and identify the title.
`When microfiche is desired, this should
`be specified. Prices are published by
`NTIS in current catalogs and other
`issuances. Payment may be made by
`check, money order, deposit account or
`charged to a credit card accepted by
`[FR Doc. 92-2380 Filed 1-30-92; 8:45 am]
`National Technical Information Service
`Advisory Board; Open Meeting
`SUMMARY: The Advisory Board was
`established by statute (Public Law 100-
`519) on October 24, 1988, and received
`its charter on September 15, 1989. Its
`function is to advise the Secretary of
`Commerce and the Director of the
`National Technical Information Service
`on the general policies and operations of
`the National Technical Information
`Service (NTIS), including policies in
`connection with fees and charges for its
`TIME AND PLACE: February 6, 1992 from 9
`a.m. to 5 p.m. and February 7, 1992 from
`9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The meeting will take
`place at the Department of Commerce,
`Hebert C. Hoover Building, 14th St. &
`Constitution Ave., NW., room 1412,
`Washington, DC 20230.
`9:30 .
`Thursday, February 6
`1. Opening ..................
`1.1. Welcome by
`Dr. Donald
`Johnson, Acting
`Director of NTIS.
`1.2. Adoption of the Carpenter.
`1.3. Adoption of the
`Report of the
`Fourth Meeting.
`2. New
`Developments at
`11:00 ...... 3. Total Quality
`Program at NTIS.
`Clark, Francis.
`2:30 .
`1:30 ........ 4. Technology
`Property Issues
`(followup to
`Advisory Board's
`fourth meeting).
`5. Role of
`academic, public,
`industry and
`school libraries in
`access to NTIS
`4:30 .
`Public Participation.... Carenter.
`5 ............. Adjournment
`Friday, February 7
`9 ............. 6. An R&D
`laboratory for
`science at NTIS.
`10 ........... 7. NSF study of the King, Griffithe, or
`U.S. scientific
`and technical
`system: review
`and discussion of
`Implications for
`1:30 ........ 8. Advice and
`tions by the
`8.1. NTIS 1991
`Annual Report.
`8.2. NTIS in the FY
`1993 Budget
`3:30 ........ Public Participation.
`4......... 9. Closing............ Carpenter.
`9.1. Chairman's
`9.2. Plan for
`Rotation of Board
`9.3. Planning for
`Future Meetings.
`9.4. Adjournment
`be open to public participation.
`Approximately thirty minutes each day
`will be set aside for oral comments or
`questions as indicated in the agenda.
`Approximately twenty seats will be
`available for the public including five
`seats reserved for the media. Seats will
`be available on a first-come first-serve
`basis. Any member of the public may
`submit written comments concerning the
`committee's affairs at any time before
`and after the meeting. Copies of the
`minutes of the meeting will be available
`within thirty days from the address
`given below.
`Dottie MacEoin, Public Affairs Officer,
`National Technical Information Service,
`5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield,
`Virginia 22161. Telephone: (703) 487-
`4778: Fax: (703) 487-4009.
`Dated: January 27,1992.
`Donald R. Johnson,
`Acting Director, National Technical
`Information Service.
`[FR Doc. 92-2388 Filed 1-30-92; 8:45 am]
`National Oceanic and Atmospheric
`[Docket No. 920123-2023]
`International Great Lakes Datum
`(1985): A New Vertical Datum
`Reference for the Vertical Control
`Network in the Great Lakes
`AGENCY: Ocean and Lake Levels
`Division, National Ocean Service.
`National Oceanic and Atmospheric
`Administration, Commerce.
`ACTION: Notice.
`SUMMARY: Notice is hereby given of the
`establishment of a new vertical datum
`to which the height (elevation) values
`for the Great Lakes Vertical Control
`Network will be referenced. The new
`Datum will be known as the
`"International Great Lakes Datum
`(1985)", and will be referred to as "IGLD
`(1985)". The International Great Lakes
`Datum (1985) will replace the present
`Datum which is known as "International
`Great Lakes Datum (1955)"; and referred
`to as "IGLD (1955)".
`The Ocean and Lake Levels Division,
`National Ocean Service, NOAA, in
`conjunction with the Canadian
`Hydrographic Service, Department of
`Fisheries and Oceans, Canada, is in the
`process of defining the new Datum and
`readjusting the Vertical Control
`Network in the Great Lakes to this new
`datum. The end result will be improved
`height values for published vertical
`control points (bench marks). Low water
`datum for each lake will be adjusted to
`the new datum. Completion is scheduled
`for 1992. Until then, the published height
`values will continue to be referenced to
`IGLD (1955).
`Bench Marks and Lake Levels
`Chief, Great Lakes Section, Ocean and
`Lake Levels Division, National Ocean
`Service, NOAA, Rockville, Maryland
`20852, Telephone (301) 443-8047.
`Chief, Nautical Charting Division, Coast
`and Geodetic Survey, National Ocean
`Service, NOAA, Rockville, Maryland
`20852. Telephone (301) 443-8660.
`[FR Doc. 92-2322 Filed 1-30-92 8:45 am]