
`Attorney’s Docket No.: P-9047-US3
`In Re Patent Application of:
`Daniel Sclireiber
`Andrew Goldman
`Examiner: Beemnet W. Dada
`Art Unit:
`Application No: 09/730,326
`Filed: December 4, 2000
`Commissioner for Patents
`P. O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`UNDER 37 C.F.R. §l.1 1 1
`In response to the Office Action dated July 27, 2005 and
`37 C.F.R. §1.1lI,
`respectfully requests
`above-identified application be amended as follows.
`Atty. Docket No. I>—9o47-Us3V
`7 .
`.'-Pa|oA|toNetworks,"Inc.‘ Exhibit 1614
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 1


`Please substitute the following claims for the pending claims
`with the same number:
`I. (currently amended)
`A method for protecting files distributed over a
`network, comprising:
`retrieving, at an administrative computer, a site map of folders
`and files within a server computer file system, the administrative computer being
`remote from the server computer and communicatively coupled therewith;
`displaying, by the administrative computer, the site map to a
`generating, by the administrative computer, protection status
`information in response to selection by the user of a p1uralit_v_ of the
`files in the site map, the protection status information designating the at-least-eae
`plurality of the-files selected by the user as being protected files;
`sending the protection status information from the administrative
`computer to the server computer;
`downloading, by a client computer, at least one file from the
`server computer; and
`copy-protecting the at least one file by copy—protection software
`running on the client computer, if the at
`least one file is designated by the
`protection status information as being protected.
`The method of claim 1 wherein said displaying
`2. (currently amended)
`displays the site map together with a corresponding protection status for each file
`in the site map, and wherein the method further comprises modifying protection
`status of a pluralig of the-files, and wherein said sending sends
`modified protection status information to the server computer.
`3. (original)
`The method of claim 1
`further comprising recording the
`protection status information in a protection status database.
`4. (currently amended)
`A system for protecting files distributed over
`network, comprising:
`a user interface within an administrative computer, for displaying
`a site map of folders and files in a server computer file system, the administrative
`Atty Dc:,é1<etNo.P-9Q347—US3
`Pa|oA|to*Networks,-|nc.. ‘Exhibit1014'
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 2


`computer being remote from the server computer and communicatively coupled
`a protection status manager within the administrative computer,
`for generating protection status information in response to selection by a user ofat
`least—ene-a pluraligg of the-files in the site map, the protection status information
`designating the at—-least—ene-plurality of t-he—files selected by the user as being
`protected files;
`a transmitter within the administrative computer, for sending the
`protection status information from the administrative computer to the server
`computer; and
`a copy-protection module residing on a client computer,
`copy-protecting at
`least one file downloaded from the server computer to the
`client computer if the at
`least one file is designated by the protection status
`information as being protected.
`5. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 4 wherein said user interface
`displays the site map together with a corresponding protection status for each file
`in the site map, and wherein the protection status manager modifies protection
`status of a plurality of tke~fi1es, and wherein said transmitter sends
`modified protection status information to the server computer.
`The system of claim 4 further comprising a database
`6. (currently amended)
`manager _f_Ql_” recording the protection status information in a protection status
`7. (currently amended)
`A method for protecting files distributed over a
`network, comprising:
`retrieving, at an administrative computer, a site map of folders
`and files within a server computer file system, the administrative computer being
`remote from-the server computer and communicatively coupled therewith;
`displaying, by the administrative computer,
`the site map to a
`generating, by the administrative computer, protection status
`information in response to selection by the- user of a plurality‘ of the
`files in the site map, the protection status information designating the at—least—ene
`plurality of the—flles selected by the user‘ as being protected files;
`5 6 7 8
`9 0
`I I
`Atty Doc_ke_t No P-90-47—US3_
`‘F-’a|o_A|to Netwo'rks.,-Inc.‘ Exh'ibit1014
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 3


`sending the protection status information from the administrative
`computer to the server computer; and
`encrypting at least one file on the server computer, if the at least
`one file is designated by the protection status information as being protected.
`8. (previously presented) The method of claim 7 further comprising, in response
`to a request from a client computer to download an unencrypted file residing on
`the server computer, transmitting an encrypted file to the client computer instead
`of the requested unencrypted file, if" the requested unencrypted file is designated
`by the protection status information as being protected.
`9. (previously presented) The method of" claim 8 further comprising decrypting
`the encrypted file by decoding software running on the client computer,
`subsequent to the client computer receiving the encrypted file from the server
`10. (previously presented) The method of claim 7 wherein the at least one file on
`the server computer is at least one image file..
`11. (currently amended)
`A system for protecting files distributed over
`network, comprising:
`a user interface within an administrative computer, for displaying
`a site map of folders and files in a server computer file system, the administrative
`computer being remote from the server computer and communicatively coupled
`a protection status manager within the administrative computer,
`for generating protection status infomiation in response to selection by a user of at
`least—ene—a plurality of t-he-files in the site map, the protection status information
`designating the pluralig of the—files selected by the user as being
`protected files;
`a transmitter‘ within the administrative computer, for sending the
`protection status information from the administrative computer to the server
`computer; and
`an encoder‘
`for encrypting at
`least one file on the server
`computer, if the at least one file is designated by the protection status information
`as being protected.
`Atty Docket No. P-9D,47—US3
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 4


`12. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 11 further comprising a file copy
`protector on the server computer fig controlling the server computer to transmit,
`in response to receiving a request from a client computer to download an
`unencrypted file on the server computer, an encrypted file instead of the requested
`unencrypted file, if the requested unencrypted file is designated by the protection
`status information as being protected.
`13. (currently amended)
`The system of claim 12 further comprising a decoder
`residing on the client computer, for decrypting the encrypted file received by the
`client computer from the server computer.
`14. (previously presented) The system of claim 11 wherein the at least one file on
`the server computer is at least one image file.
`15. (currently amended)
`method for protecting files distributed over a
`network, comprising:
`retrieving, at an administrative computer, a site map of’ folders
`and files within a server computer file system, the administrative computer being
`remote from the server computer and communicatively coupled therewith;
`displaying, by the administrative computer, the site map to a

`generating, by the administrative computer, protection status
`information in response to selection by the user of' a plurality of the
`files in the site map, the protection status information designating the a%—least~—ene
`pluralig of t-he-files selected by the user as being protected files;
`sending the protection status information from the administrative
`computer to the server computer; and
`in response to a request from a client computer to download an
`unencrypted file residing on the server computer, transmitting an encrypted file to
`the client computer instead of the requested unencrypted file, if the requested
`unencrypted file is designated by the protection statue as being protected.
`16. (currently amended)
`A system for protecting files distributed over a
`network, comprising:
`a user" interface within an administrative computer, for displaying
`a site map of" folders and files in a server computer file system, the administrative
`Atty. Docket No.P—9047—US3
`-5-‘ A
`- PaloA|to~N_etworl{s,']nc.,,'E>§hib]t1.044 ,
`r'=_age'5 .
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 5


`computer being remote from the server computer and communicatively coupled
`a protection status manager within the administrative computer,
`for generating protection status infomiation in response to selection by a user of at
`least—ene-a plurality of _the—files in the site map, the protection status information
`designating the plurality of t-lae—files selected by the user as being
`protected files;
`a transmitter within the administrative computer, for sending the
`protection status information from the administrative computer to the server
`computer; and
`a file copy protector on the server computer for controlling the
`server computer to transmit, in response to receiving a request from a client
`computer to download an unencrypted file on the server computer, an encrypted
`file instead of the requested unencrypted file, if the requested unencrypted file is
`designated by the protection status information asbeing protected.
`17. (previously presented) The method of claim 1 wherein the copy-protection
`software running on the client computer blocks the ability to capture data of a file
`being displayed on a computer screen.
`18. (previously presented) The method of claim 17 wherein the file being
`displayed is an image file.
`19. (previously presented) The system of claim 4 wherein the copy—protection
`module residing on the client computer blocks the ability to capture data of a file
`being displayed on a computer screen.
`20. (previously presented) The system of claim 19 wherein the file being
`displayed is an image file.
`21. (previously presented) The method of claim 1 wherein said generating
`generates protection status information designating all image files within a folder
`as being protected, in response to selection by the user of the folder.
`22. (previously presented) The method of claim 1 wherein said generating
`generates protection status information designating all
`image files referenced
`Atty. Docket No. P-9047-US3 _
`56: A
`‘Pale’/Alto Networks;1ne'._"Exhibit‘1614 ‘sages '
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 6


`within an web page as being protected, in response to selection by the user of the
`web page.
`23. (previously presented) The system of claim 4 wherein said protection status
`- manager generates protection status information designating all image files within
`a folder as being protected, in response to selection by the user of the folder.
`The system of claim 4 wherein said protection status
`24. (previously presented)
`manager generates protection status information designating all
`image files
`referenced within an web page as being protected, in response to selection by the
`user of the web page.
`25. (currently amended) A method of protecting files distributed over a
`network, comprising:
`retrieving, at an administrative computer, a site map of folders
`and files within a server computer file system, the administrative computer being
`remote from the server computer and communicatively coupled therewith;
`displaying, by the administrative computer,
`the site map to a
`‘generating, by the administrative computer, protection status
`information in response to selection by the user of a plurality of the
`files in the site map, the protection status information designating the at-least-eae
`pluralig oftlae-files selected by the user as being protected files;
`sending the protection status information from the administrative
`computer‘ to the server computer;
`receiving, by the server computer, a request
`from a client
`computer for data within a file that
`is designated by the protection status
`infomiation as being protected; and
`sending substitute data from the server computer to the client
`computer in response to the request.
`26. (currently amended)
`A system for protecting files distributed over a
`network, comprising:
`a user interface within an administrative computer, for displaying
`a site map of folders and files in a server computer file system, the administrative
`computer being remote from the server computer and comrnunicatively coupled
`N h
`Atty. Docl<etNo. 1>—9oil7—Us3
`_’ " ',
`_ "'F*a|oA1to‘Networks,‘Inc;
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 7


`a protection status manager within the administrative computer,
`for generating protection status information in response to selection by a user of at
`£east—eae—a plurality of t-he-files in the site map, the protection status information
`designating the at—least—ene pluralig of tlae—files selected by the user as being
`protected files;
`a transmitter within the administrative computer, for sending the
`protection status information from the administrative computer to the server
`computer; and
`a file copy protector on the server computer for controlling the
`server computer to send substitute data to a client computer,
`in response to
`receiving a request from the client computer for data within a file that
`designated by theprotection status information as being protected.
`Acryqoocket Nb. P—9l)47—US3
`Palo Alto Networks’, ‘Inc; Exhibit 1014
`Page 8
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 8


`Applicants have carefully studied the outstanding Office Action.
`The present response is intended to overcome all of the objections and rejections
`made by the Examiner.
`Favorable reconsideration and allowance of the
`application are respectfully requested.
`Applicants have amended claims 1, 2, 4 - 7, 11 - 13, 15, 16, 25
`and 26. No ‘new matter has been added. Claims 1 - 26 are presented for
`In Paragraphs 4 - 10 of the Office Action, claims 1 - 6 and 17 ~
`26 have been rejected under 35 U.S.C. §103(a) as being unpatentable over
`Glogau, WO 98/25373 (“Glogau”) in view of Erickson, U.S. Patent No. 5,765,152
`In Paragraphs 1] - 15 of the Office Action, claims 7 - 16 have
`been rejected under 35 U.S.C. §l03 (a) as being unpatentable over Glogau in View
`of Granger et al., U.S. Patent No. 6,480,959 (“Granger”) and further in view of
`In Paragraph 6 of the Office Action,
`in rejecting independent
`claims 1, 4, 25 and 26, and similarly in Paragraph 12 of the Office Action, in
`rejecting independent claims 7, I1, 15 and 16, the Examiner has indicated that (i)
`“Glogau does not explicitly teach an admim'stra!ive computer for retrieving a site
`map of folclers and files wit'Iu'n a server computer file system ....”; and (ii)
`“Erickson teaches a system and method, for
`retrieving a sire map offolders and
`files within a server computerfile system ...”
`In their amendment and response filed on March 24, 2004,
`applicants presented arguments showing that Erickson operates on individual
`documents, and does not describe retrieving a site map of folders and files within
`a computer file system from a server computer to a remote administration
`computer. The Examiner has cited elements of FIG; 9 of Erickson and the
`discussion thereof" at cols. 25 and 26. Applicant respectively submits that the
`locations cited do not disclose sending or receiving a site map of folders and files,
`The communication lines 212 and 218 in FIG. 9 of Erickson are used to transmit
`documents 204a-d.
`In this regard, an important distinction between the present
`invention and Erickson is that by retrieving a site map of folders and files from a
`server computer, the present invention enables a remote administrator to modify
`protection settings for an entire site at once,
`locally on the administrator’s
`computer. As described on page 43, lines 16 - 2] of the present specification,
`' Atty. Docl<et.No. P-9047-USS
`‘Palo Alto’ Networks,_ Inc.’
`Exhibit 1014
`Page 9
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 9


`“Until the user clicks on the ‘Submit’ button, the protection settings he edited are
`only displayed within the protection management tool by his local computer.
`Only when he clicks the ‘submit’ button are his settings actually applied Ifthe
`user does not click on the ‘Submit’ button, then all of the protection settings he
`edited will not take eflect, and the protection settings will remain at their ,former
`state if"he closes the screen.” Similarly, as described on page 24, lines 11 — 18 of
`the present specification, with respect to FIG. 3, “Clicking on the ‘submit’ button
`causes protection settings 306 to be transmitted firom remote computer 130 to
`server computer 100. When server computer 100 receives the modified protection
`. settings, it incorporates them into protection status database 118.”
`Such capability to remotely set protection settings for an entire
`site at once, as set forth in independent claims 1, 4, 7, 11, 15, 16, 25 and 26, is not
`disclosed in Erickson.
`In order to fiirther distinguish the independent claims over
`Erickson, which operates on one document at a time, applicant has amended these
`claims to include the limitation of" setting protection status for a plurality of files.
`For ease of reference, applicants are including excerpts from that
`March 24, 2004 response hereinbelow.
`Distinctions between Claimed Invention and U.S. Patent No. 5,765,152 to
`The present invention concerns copy protection ofdigital images
`stored on a server computer and available for viewing over the Internet. A remote
`administration tool provides an explorer-type interface for an administrator to set
`protection status of digital image files. Specifically, as disclosed in the present
`specification and as illustrated in the user interface of FIG. 13, protection manager
`128 (FIG. 1) in remote computer 130 controls protection status of digital image
`files 108 and 110 resident on server computer 100. Steps 412 — 434 (FIG. 4)
`disclose computer 130 receiving a site map of folders and files from the file
`system of computer 100, selecting by a user of computer 130 at least one folder or
`file, and editing the at least one folder or file’s protection status. After setting
`protection status for selected files, computer 130 sends the protection statuses to
`server computer 100, which enforces the protection (original specification / page
`line 10; protection manager 128 of FIG. 1 and the
`line 18 — page 17,
`discussion thereof at page 20, lines 7 —— 14; FIG. 3' and the discussion thereof‘ at
`page 22, line 25 — page 24, line 21; FIG. 4 and the discussion thereof at page 24,
`line 22 - page 27, line 2; user interface illustrated in FIG. 13 and the discussion
`thereof at page 41, line 16 — page 42, lines 22).
`Atty. Docket No, P-9047-US3
`‘ x “
`Palo Alto Networks,.|nc. ‘ Exhibit T014
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 10


`Erickson concerns copyright management of digital media.
`Copyright protected media is stored within a document container that includes a
`minimum set of permissions granted, such as permission to view an image, for
`accessing the media. A user can obtain auxiliary permissions, such as permission
`to save, modify and print the image, through an authorization server that controls
`licenses to the media (Erickson / col. 2, lines 18 — 44).
`Unlike Erickson, which operates on «individual documents, the
`present invention operates on an entire file system.
`In particular, the document
`PACKAGER of Erickson only sets permissions for an individual document
`currently being worked on. within the PACKAGER, and does not
`selection of a list of files for setting protection status. Moreover, Erickson does
`not describe sending and receiving a site map of folders and files within a
`computer file system from a sewer computer to a remote management computer.
`Applicant respectfully submits that the DOCUMENT-packaged
`source works in Erickson do not refer to ‘separate files, but instead refer to
`derivative works encapsulated within a single document,
`in the sense of
`copyright. Specifically, at col. 11, line 65, Erickson recites “The Source Works
`Extension 24 provides a bibliographic record, or ‘persistence, ’ ofcopyright uses
`through generation of derivative work
`For example,
`information about
`successive derivative authors of the DOCUMENT 20 are stored sequentially as a
`Source Works Extension 24. By way of another example, one Source Work
`Extension 24 can include the release information for any performer whose image
`or audio likeness appears in the current DOCUMENT.”
`Support for Amended Claims in Original Specification
`The limitation of setting protection status for a plurality of files is
`described in the original specification at page 23, line 25 - page 24, line 10; page
`26, lines 7 — 13; page 42, lines 3 —— 9 and lines 17 - 22; and FIG. 13.
`Atty. Docket No. P-904741153
`Palo A_|to Netvi/orks,.’|n‘c. -‘,E5<h'ibit1.014~-'P'age:1t-' ‘~31;
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 11


`For the foregoing reasons, applicant respectfully submits that the
`applicable objections and rejections have been overcome and that the claims are in
`condition for allowance"
`Attomey for Applicant(s)
`Registration No. 43,116
`Dated: December 5, 2005
`Eitan Law Group
`C/O Landon IP Inc.
`1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 450
`Alexandria, VA 22314
`Tel: (703) 486-1150
`Fax: (703) 892-4510
`Atty. Docket No. P—9047—US3
`.x:. ’
`_. ~F§a_|o A|'to-‘Net—works,J.r.1c.
`‘EXbibit1014 "Page1'2
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 12


`Approved for use through 07/31/2006. OMB 065t~0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB control number.
`Application Number
`°°”T'““E° EXA“"'“‘“'°“ (RCE)E
`DAM Beemnet W-
`Attorney Docket Number
`This is a Request for Continued Examination (RCE) under 37 C.F.R. § 1.114 of the above-identified application.
`Request for Continued Examination (RCE) practice under 37 CFR 1.114 does not apply to any utility or plant application filed prior to June 8.
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`. Palo Alto Networks, Inc,
`Exhibit 1014 . Page 13
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1014 Page 13

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