Attorney’s Docket No..: P-9047-USS
`111 Re Patent Application of:
`Daniel Schreiber
`David Guedal iah
`Application No: 09/595,839:
`June 16, 2000
`Examiner: Jenise E. Jackson
`Art Unit:
`Commissioner for Patents
`P. O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`UNDER 37 C.F.R. §1.lll
`In response to the Office Action dated September 26, 2005 and
`37 C.F.R.
`respectfully request
`above-identified application be amended as follows.
`Atty. Docket No. P-9047-USS
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.-
`V Exhibit 10:13
`‘ Page 1
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 1


`Please substitute the following claims for the pending claims
`with the same number:
`12. (currently amended) A method for limiting the operational life of software
`in a network environment, the method comprising:
`transmitting a program applet with a password embedded
`therewithin from a server computer to a client computer, via a network,
`password having a limited operational
`life, and the program applet
`executable code that runs on the client computer;
`receiving by the server computer, from said program applet at
`running on the client computer, via said network, (i) a request for information
`stored in a restricted access storage area of the server computer, and (ii) said
`embedded password;
`authenticating said embedded password by the server computer,
`whenever said receiving occurs;
`transmitting said information
`from the
`to said program applet tat—running on the client computer, via said
`network, while said embedded password is valid; and
`invalidating said embedded password by the server computer,
`coincident with an invalidation event.
`13. (previously presented) A method according to claim 12 wherein said
`invalidating comprises invalidating said embedded password at a predetermined
`14. (previously presented) A method according to claim 12 wherein said
`invalidating comprises invalidating said embedded password after lapse of a
`predetermined time from when said request was received.
`15. (previously presented) A method according to claim 12 wherein said
`invalidating comprises invalidating said embedded password upon the detection
`of a loss of communication with said client.
`16. (canceled)
`N L
`Atty. Docket No, P-9047—USS '
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`Exhibit 1013
`Page 2
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 2


`17. (canceled)
`18. (previously presented) A method according to claim 12 wherein said
`transmitting a program applet comprises generating said embedded password.
`27. (currently amended) A network—based
`authentication system
`comprising a server computer, the server computer comprising:
`a password generator;
`password validation apparatus;
`a restricted-access storage area;
`a program applet including executable code that runs on a client
`computer; and
`invalidation apparatus;
`wherein said server computer is operative to:
`a) cause said password generator to generate a password,
`password having a limited operational life;
`b) embed said password within said program applet, and
`transmitsaid program applet with said password embedded therewithin to a—tlg
`client computer via a network;
`c) receive from said program applet at—running on the client
`computer, (i) a request for information, and (ii) said embedded password for
`d) authenticate said embedded password using said password
`validation apparatus, whenever
`infomiation requested
`restricted—access storage area;
`e) transmit said infomiation to said program applet at-running on
`the client computer, via said network, while said embedded password is valid; and
`f) invalidate said embedded password using said invalidation
`apparatus coincident with an invalidation event.
`28. (original)
`A system according to claim 27 wherein said invalidation event
`comprises the arrival of a predetermined time.
`29. (previously presented) A system according to
`claim 27 wherein said
`invalidation event comprises the lapsing of a predetermined time from when said
`request was received.
`Atty. Docket No. P—9047-uss
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`’ ’Exhibit 1013
`Page 3 .
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 3


`30. (original)
`A system according to claim 27 wherein said invalidation event
`comprises the detection of a loss of communication with said client.
`31. (canceled)
`32. (canceled)
`.33. (canceled)
`Atty. Docket No.. P-9047-U55
`Pale Alto Networks, Inc.
`. Exhibit 1013
`Page 4
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 4


`Applicants have carefully studied the outstanding Office Action.
`The present amendment
`is intended to place the application in condition for
`allowance and is believed to overcome all of the objections and rejections made
`by the Examiner. Favorable reconsideration and allowance of the application are
`respectfully requested.
`Applicants have amended claims 12 and 27 to more properly
`claim the present invention. No new matter has been added. Claims 12 — 15, 18
`and 27 - 30 are presented for examination.
`In Paragraphs 1 - 7 of the Office Action, claims 12 — 15, 18 and
`27 — 30 have been rejected under 35 U.S..C, §103(a) as being unpatentable over
`Dykes et al, US. Patent No. 5,872,915 (“Dykes”) in view of Scherpbier, US.
`Patent No. 6,263,365 (“Scherpbier”).
`The rejections of claims 12 — 15, 18 and 27 — 30 in paragraphs 1
`- 7 of the Office Action will now be dealt with specifically.
`to amended independent method claim 12, applicants
`respectfully submit that the limitation in claim 12 of:
`“transmitting a program applet with a password embedded
`thel'ei-ttithin from a server computer to a client computer, via a network,
`password having a limited operational
`the program applet
`executable code that runs on the client computer”
`is neither shown nor suggested in Dykes or Scherpbier, taken individually or in .
`In Paragraph 3 of the Office Action,
`the Examiner has cited
`Dykes as disclosing transmitting a program applet with a password embedded
`therein from a server computer to a client computer. Applicants respectfully
`submit that a program applet is an application that runs on a client computer,
`whereas Dykes describes an application that
`runs on a server computer.
`the data flow in Dykes is illustrated in FIGS. 3, 5 and 6, and
`described at col. 7, line 29 — col. 8, line 27, and at col- 8, line 31 — col. 10 line 17,
`and at col. 14, line 54 — col. 15, line 15, respectively. Following the notation
`from FIG. 6 of Dykes, input to software application 342 (FIGS. 3 and 5) flows
`web browser --> web server -—> gateway --> software application
`CW-—>WS—->GCS~>SACS ,
`Atty. Docket N o. P-9047-USS
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`Exhibit 1013
`Page 5
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 5


`and output from software application 342 flows back in the reverse direction,
`software application —> gateway --> web server -> web browser
`SACS—->GCS-—>WS-->CW .
`Regarding the subject claim 12, applicants note that, in distinction, and as Dykes
`points out at col. 5,
`lines 5 and 6, a Java applet is executable code that is
`transmitted to a web browser.
`To further clarify this distinction, applicants have amended
`claim 12 to include the limitation that the program applet includes executable
`code that runs on the client computer.
`that Dykes does not disclose
`transmitting a password embedded within a program applet from a server
`computer to a client computer. FIG. 5 of Dykes, and the discussion thereof at
`col. 8, lines 49 - 53, make it clear that password information is sent 3% a client
`computer t_o a server computer (step 521).
`Similarly, as applicants indicated in their previous response,
`Scherpbier also describes sending password information from a client computer
`19 a control module residing on a server computer.
`Claim 12, in distinction, indicates sending password information
`in the reverse direction to that of Dykes and Scherpbier, namely, from a server
`computer to a client computer, as illustrated by the arrow labeled “APPLET,
`PASSWORD” that points from right to left in FIG. 1 of'the subject specification.
`Because claims 13 — 15 and 18 depend from claim 12 and
`include additional features, applicants respectfully submit that claims 13 —— 15 and
`18 are not anticipated or rendered obvious by Dykes, Scherpbier or a combination
`of Dykes and Scherpbier.
`Accordingly claims 12 — 15 and 18 are deemed to be allowable.
`For the same rationale as set forth hereinabove with respect to
`method claim 12, applicants
`respectfully submit
`the limitations
`independent system claim 27 of:
`“a program applet including executable code that runs on a
`client computer”; and
`“embed said password within said program applet, and transmit
`said program applet with said password embedded therewirhin t0 the client
`computer via a network”
`are neither shown nor suggested in Dykes or Scherpbier, taken individually or in
`Atty~ Docket No. P-9047—USS
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`- Exhibit 1013
`Page 6
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 6


`Because claims 28 —— 30 depend from claim 27 and include
`additional features, applicants respectfully submit that claims 28 —- 30 are not
`anticipated or rendered obvious by Dykes, Scherpbier or a combination of Dykes
`and Scherpbier.
`Accordingly claims 27 — 30 are deemed to be allowable
`Support for Amended Claims in Original Specification
`_ The limitation of a program applet that is delivered from a server
`computer to a client computer and that runs on the client computer, is described in
`the original specification at page 1, second paragraph.
`For the foregoing reasons, applicant respectfully submits that the 4
`- applicable objections and- rejec‘tions‘have been overcome and that-the claims are
`in condition for; alloyyan
`Attorney for Applicant(s)
`Registration No" 43,116
`Dated: December 1 l, 2005
`Eitan Law Group
`C/O Landon IP Inc.
`1700 Diagonal Road, Suite 45
`Alexandria, VA 22314
`Tel: (703) 486-1150
`Fax: (703) 892-4510
`Atty. Docket No. P-9047—USS
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.‘
`Exhibit 10—13' Page 7:
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1013 Page 7

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