solely on its current knowledge, understanding, and belief as to the facts and information reasonably
`Finj an makes these objections and supplemental responses herein (collectively “Responses”) based
`available to it as of the date of the Responses.
`proceeding in this action.
`these Responses. The Responses, therefore, are given without prejudice to Finj an’s right to
`information and to introduce such subsequently discovered information at the time of any trial or
`Symantec Corporation (“Symantec” or “Defendant”)’s First Set of Interrogatories (“Interrogatories”).
`Pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26 and 33, Plaintiff Finjan, Inc. (“Finjan”) responds to Defendant
`Additional discovery and investigation may lead to additions to, changes in, or modifications of
`supplement these Responses pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(e), or to provide subsequently discovered
`Finj an incorporates by reference its general objections set forth in its Responses to
`Symantec’s First Set of Interrogatories, dated December 4, 2014.
`to Symantec’s First Set of Interrogatories, dated December 4, 2014.
`Finj an incorporates by reference its objections to Definitions set forth in its Responses
`hereby responds to Symantec’s Interrogatories as follows:
`above, each of which is specifically incorporated into the specific Responses contained below, Finj an
`Subject to and without waiving its general objections and objections to Definitions set forth
`State the date and location of the first conception and reduction to practice, whether actual or
`constructive, of each asserted claim of the Asserted Patents and identify all factual and legal support
`Case No.: 14-cv-02998-HSG
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`Exhibit 1007
`Page 1
`1, 5_11)

`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1007 Page 1


`documents supporting your response (identified by the Bates numbers and including sufficient detail to
`practice; all persons having knowledge of such conception, diligence, and reduction to practice; all
`communicated in an oral or other unrecorded form, provide a complete statement of the
`communication, the date and time of the communication, and identify all witnesses of this
`Finj an incorporates by reference its prior served objections and response to this Interrogatory.
`therefor, including all evidence relating to diligence between the date of conception and reduction to
`practice and description of each person’s role and participation in the conception and reduction to
`verify the date, source, and all recipients of the information); and if this information was
`Subject to and without waiving the incorporated general and specific objections, Finj an responds as
`The date of conception for the asserted claims of U.S. Patent No. 6,154,844 (‘the ‘844 Patent”)
`is November 8, 1996 when Provisional Application No. 60/030,639 was filed. The date of reduction to
`practice for the asserted claims of the ‘844 Patent is November 8, 1996. Shlomo Touboul and
`00000 1 -227.
`to practice of the ‘844 Patent. Relevant documents are: FINJAN-SYM 065928-60, FINJAN-SYM
`Nachshon Gal were involved with, and may have knowledge related to, the conception and reduction
`The date of conception for the asserted claims of U.S. Patent No. 7,613,926 (“the ‘926 Patent”)
`with, and may have knowledge related to the conception, diligence, and reduction to practice of the
`is November 8, 1996. The date of reduction to practice of the asserted claims of the ‘926 Patent is
`November 6, 1997. Yigal Edery, Nimrod Vered, David Kroll, and Shlomo Touboul were involved
`‘926 Patent. Mr. Edery, Mr. Vered, Mr. Kroll, and Mr. Touboul were reasonably diligent in reducing
`1, 5_11)
`Case No.: 14-cv-02998-HSG
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`Exhibit 1007
`Page 2



`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1007 Page 2


`practice. The prosecuting attorney was reasonably diligent from the time of conception in working to
`prepare U.S. Patent Application No. 08/964,388. Relevant documents are: FINJAN-SYM 065928-60,
`The date of conception for the asserted claims of U.S. Patent No. 7,757,289 (“the ‘289 Patent”)
`knowledge related to the conception and reduction to practice of the ‘289 Patent. Relevant documents
`is December 12, 2005. The date of reduction to practice of the asserted claims of the ‘289 Patent is
`the inventions of the asserted claims to practice between the date of conception and reduction to
`FINJAN-SYM 000228-541, FINJAN-SYM 068465-702.
`are: FINJAN-SYM 000696-981.
`December 12, 2005. David Gruzman and Yuval Ben-Itzhak were involved with, and may have
`The date of conception for the asserted claims of U.S. Patent No. 8,141,154 (“the ‘154 Patent”)

`is December 12, 2005. The date of reduction to practice of the asserted claims of the ‘154 Patent is
`are: FINJAN-SYM 001797-2076; FINJAN-SYM 000696-981.
`December 12, 2005. David Gruzman and Yuval Ben-Itzhak were involved with, and may have
`is November 8, 1996. The date of reduction to practice of the asserted claims of the ‘494 Patent is
`November 8, 1996. Yigal Edery, Nimrod Vered, David Kroll, and Shlomo Touboul were involved
`knowledge related to the conception and reduction to practice of the ‘ 154 Patent. Relevant documents
`Relevant documents are: FINJAN-SYM 065928-60, FINJAN-SYM 002077-3051.
`with, and may have knowledge related to the conception and reduction to practice of the ‘494 Patent.
`The date of conception for the asserted claims of U.S. Patent No. 8,667,494 (“the ‘494 Patent”)
`The date of conception for the asserted claims of U.S. Patent No. 7,930,299 (“the ‘299 Patent”)
`is no later than November 30, 2005. The date of reduction to practice of the asserted claims of the
`‘299 Patent is no later than November 30, 2005. Yuval Ben-Itzhak and Limor Elbaz were involved
`1, 5_11)
`Case No.: 14-cv-02998-HSG
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`Exhibit 1007
`Page 3





`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1007 Page 3


`knowledge related to the conception and reduction to practice of the asserted claims of the ‘996 Patent.
`with, and may have knowledge related to the conception and reduction to practice of the ‘299 Patent.
`is no later than January 30, 2004. The date of reduction to practice of the asserted claims of the ‘996
`The date of conception for the asserted claims of U.S. Patent No. 7,756,996 (“the ‘996 Patent”)
`The date of conception for the asserted claims of U.S. Patent No. 8,015,182 (“the 182 Patent”)
`Patent is no later than January 30, 2004. Shlomo Touboul was involved with, and may have
`Relevant documents are: FINJAN-SYM 000982-1336; FINJAN-SYM 073484-96.
`Relevant documents are: FINJAN-SYM 000542-695.
`with, and may have knowledge related to the conception and reduction to practice of the asserted
`claims of the ‘182 Patent. Relevant documents are: FINJAN-SYM 001337-1796, FINJAN-SYM
`is no later than November 30, 2005. The date of reduction to practice of the asserted claims of the
`‘ 182 Patent is no later than November 30, 2005. Yuval Ben-Itzhak and Limor Elbaz were involved
`Finjan’s investigation of this matter is ongoing and it will comply with Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(e)
`should additional information become known to it.
`Describe the complete legal and factual basis for Finjan’s allegation that it is entitled to a


`Finj an’s Amended Complaint, including the complete legal and factual basis for Finj an’s position that
`(1) Symantec’s alleged infringement is causing Finj an irreparable harm, (2) money damages would be
`preliminary and/or permanent injunction against Symantec under 35 U.S.C. § 282, as set forth in
`Finjan’s favor, and (4) the public interest favors the entry of an injunction against Symantec, and
`inadequate to compensate Finj an for the alleged infringement, (3) the balance of hardships tips in
`identify all documents and evidence that support your response.
`Case No.: 14-cv-02998-HSG
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`Exhibit 1007
`Page 4
`1, 5_11)


`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1007 Page 4


`this Interrogatory to the extent it seeks expert testimony to be disclosed at a future date to be scheduled
`by the Court. Finj an objects to this Interrogatory to the extent it its premature and discovery is
`possession, custody, or control.
`information become known to it.
`ongoing. Finj an objects to this Interrogatory to the extent it seeks information within Symantec’s
`Finj an incorporates by reference its response to Interrogatory Nos. 7 and 8. Finjan’s
`Respectfully submitted,
`investigation of this matter is ongoing and it will comply with Fed. R. CiV. P. 26(e) should additional
`DATED: April 13, 2015
`/s/ James Hannah
`Paul Andre (State Bar. No. 196585)
`Lisa Kobialka (State Bar No. l9l404)
`James Hannah (State Bar No. 237978)
`Hannah Lee (State Bar No. 253197)
`Michael H. Lee (State Bar No. 264592)
`990 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Telephone: (650) 752-1700
`Facsimile: (650) 752-1800
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`1, 5_11)
`Case No.: l4-cV-02998-HSG
`Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
`Exhibit 1007
`Page 5

`Palo Alto Networks, Inc. Exhibit 1007 Page 5


`Naftalis & Frankel LLP.
`1 am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action. My business
`I am readily familiar with the firm’s
`practice of collecting and processing of mail for mailing with the U.S. Postal Service and overnight
`1, Steven D. Dennison, am employed in the Menlo Park, California office of Kramer Levin
`address is 990 Marsh Road, Menlo Park, California 94025.

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