VWGoA - Ex. 1004
`Volkswagen Group of America, Inc., Petitioner

`with ("redil to the
`of US.
`. write to {BEE
`.. PO Box l33I.
`(E3 1998 by the
`Prmred rn USA by:
`2833 N. Franklin Road
`mdlanapofrs, IN 80917

`'_ Arir1i:.i.'i'-,,- W-‘1i‘i-=_-:.
`. T r.~i in M ='..l:J-I-"ii"!-L‘
`Ai'i.i'ilil Cili
`I F: Fi:iri_‘ie
`. T
`. Di.'.ii'-.dli_‘l Hao:_.:c:l
`‘. Sim.‘-'::i Di.'ii":'.i-'.y
`'. Dt—.'i'i.=~_:c- R.
`. Rii:.iiarr_l H'.IE".'WIl1f‘.'.‘5‘l
`. Ai'i.rn-oiiy D. Asitlr-.3 Pn.D.
`Steve Ko::;i:'-
`1ar'ni=_-5. R.‘-in|
`'. \tincei‘it Catiezztitcr
`. Rick Cassell
`. Carl Eve-rs
`. Dan l-liccil-i.
`. Steven ‘r‘ourii:_i
`. Wayne H. Bryant
`Dr. Michael Geyer
`Prof. Chin Lin
`Mr. Juan Besaua Pcirtas
`Mr. Alex" Smith
`Mr. Vern Edwards
`Robert Strain
`17"‘ DASC
`Track F - Air Traffic Mgmt Systems
`St-..~i.~:inn F1: Air 'l'r:1iTiu Matting:-nienl
`.-'-ii P.-iitli Tiaiie..'ti'.'ir'i,-' Pl'"‘|Jl-.'l|i'Jfi
`||| Flii_1Iit Drit.-i AI.fllJ|“.l1|:Il--:'!litjHfll‘-r1i:|lf!‘It-‘I’-f 5,i-;,t.;.~,-.1_.-,
`l'_'iistwiii;-'.=il.i=iiii T+i:4l<
`fl-li_.i_ PLil'ili~:hi.=:tl[‘.
`USAF liiitiativ-'25 EDI" G|iJt':~.?1| Al.“ Tr':‘i!'lll'. H-.‘1:i.j1-_}i2t'."i:'_—i:'l
`l*.|t-':\.'il§.a[l;iii Sgi!»'=_='ty
`A Siriipliiir=.i.l Ar;'ruii&iutii:;ii T~.—'-letttiiiiii:iiiii.,':H!'io:is_. N._-_—-_iw.'_'ii'l-<
`.Ai;ir_:iiii;j.~: Artfltih-i-L.[LJ1'E' F-’i." i'-‘ill FiJil'i‘_-3 l-iv;-t:-i1'il.y CC=inr'ng;i'ii_'1 ,fll1'C]'E:T1_"T.'_.
`C.ii5,lAtrii Ancl GATM Rt:'l.]i|-l"'_-"F1l'.“'1I"‘.i
`A Pseiitlii Rarnu F~1aiiac_ie:'
`l.-'vo:'ir.£.tatio.-i rcir tlie Lal-ioi'ato:'~; Di=-v—:-.-I...-tiiiieiit of
`Airline ATC Ci:ill..=:lii.}r'atiyc- Arrival F‘lar'iiiiiiu Tocils
`Session F2: Surface Movement 1: Display & Datalink
`Air_oc.ii't Sii=‘‘.r'.= lVl.'tivr-_=il'-enl T*.;’('.l'1|‘:f.'J'lOl:1|*?‘:~ Atlanta Demi'iiislrr.1tir.~ii Overview
`1 2
`De*_aci'-ntii;in and Fli-gihl. Test of a Rcilloiit -.'-!l1t‘l Turniilf {ROTC} Heart-Uzi Display
`[HUDT Guitlanc-.':' Sy.<.;ten'i
`Fic-lil Evaluation Of T-NASA‘. Tax: l'uliE!\a'|{._]cJ1|(_J|"| Aiatfl Sitii..=itit'.-ii Awaiei'ii.=.5S
`Aiipori. Stirtace Dneraticiris Data Link C=..imii-iunit:alir.-.ii;. ant! DGPS
`Coi1trcillei'-Pilot Data Link Statistics froizri NASA‘; 199? Atianta Flight Test
`Session F3: Surface Movement 2: Surveillance
`Runway Ini:.ursir.ii'i Rerli.iction Prograiii (RlRP} Sui-veillaniqe System NASA _r'
`FAA Atlanta Deinonstrahor.
`Deyelonmrmt of Airport SLirfai:e Surveillance Performance Reqi.:ir~.=.riiei'its
`Analysis of ADS-E5. ASDE—3 arin l"1LllT.'|ldlC€'l'r3T.|0l1 Surveillarit;-..= Per'r'orinance -
`NASA Atlanta Demoristratio.-i
`Application at ADS-B for Airport Surface SUl'V9ll|E!l1i.',>EE
`Conioarisnn oi‘ A-SMGCS Requirerneiits with Observed Perforinarice of an
`Iritegrated Airport CNS System
`What's Next for LVLASO: Status. of Plans for a Year 2000 Flight Test and
`(Not Piililishedfi
`Session F4: Communication, Navigation, Surveillance
`Baiicrr_ift'5 Algoritlini for Solving P85!-IVE Mtiltilateration Equations
`An Integral Flight Director and Surveillance System for Helicopters in
`Metropolitan Service
`Data Processing Methoitls For Atitoncirnous. on-Board SLIl'\."E:!HE1l'lCE Arid
`Collision Avoiclancti-‘.
`lirioleriientatioii of a Low-Cost SSRHADS-B Aircraft Receiver Decoder
`Loop Tecl-inr_ilot_:iy (LOT) as an Alternative Surface Surveillance System
`Broadcast Data Link Range Performance as a Function of Aircraft Size
`Exnerirnental Results (Not Piitilishedl
`1 2 3 4 5 6
`Session F5: CNS/ATM Human Factors
`How Data Link Comrnunication Might Affect Controller Workload ll'|. a
`Terminal Option
`Simulation Study of Vocooer Communication In Air Traffic Control
`Survey of In—Flight Reolanning Perforniecl on the Flight Deck
`Introclucin:;i New Technology to the Air Traffic Controller: llTlDl'lC6t|0“5 for
`Skill Acquisition and Training
`Human Farjtcirg ISSUES in a Future Air Traffic Management 5i'St€‘m
`Man—lri-The--Looo Part Of A Study Looking At A Free Flight ConceDl'
`Dr. 0. Veroiiil-<a Prinzo PhD
`Dr. Earl S. Stein
`Mr. James K. Kuchar
`Mr. Alfred L. Smith Jr.
`Mr. Philip J. SlTiitl'i
`Jacco Hoekstra

`17"‘ DASC
`Track G Aircraft Svstems
`SH;s'o"Tfial| mlggraggj Management (UM) [Not Puolisliecl)
`Availabilitv. Reliabilit‘/. and Mairitainabilitv Pi‘edIi:EJ0|l “Wei
`Reaiitir |I'i Certification of IFE and Telephone EClUiD““?”i
`A New Approach to Data Communications Utilizing the North Arneriijari
`Terrestrial Srsterii W0‘ PUD"5’“‘-'0]
`Rearworld Iminlementations of Iiitra—Aircratt Infrared Data COl'l’l|'T’iiIi1|(_EiI_|LlfTb
`In-Flight Entertainment - Getting From Wishlist To Reality
`High Sfleed Networking of Multimedia Data for Passenger E[1te|‘[.Fi]|l'1l‘nen[.
`Packet~oased Networks
`. Jr.-sepri R.
`_]d[‘|iE_“_5. M. Hansen
`- Riitli L. Triolett
`w . Mike O'Mr3-ara
`. Patti-:k Potega
`Mr. Donald B. Lee
`Mt‘. Greg Heiiriksoii
`“V 5t'~“-Veil W. Riisseri
`Session G2: Aircraft & Satellite Avionics
`Airborne Reception of Data and Direct Broadcast TV using a Phased Array
`Antenna {Not Published?
`Guidance Characteristics of GN55 Landing Systeins
`Managing Aircraft Airworthiness Through Information Technology [Not
`Pro Line 21 Advanced Avionics System Architecture
`Techniques for Improved Reception of 1090 MHz ADS—B Signals
`Enhanced Ground Pi’0Xlf'f'li[\if Warning System (Not Published)
`Session G3: Commercial-off-The-Shelf 8: Open Systems
`COTS Based Open Systems for Military Avionics
`Mr David C. vacant:
`Dr. Alex Stratton
`Mr. William E. Larsen
`Mr". Timothy Rayl
`Mr. William Harman
`Mr. Barry C. Elreen
`Mr. John Paul
`introduction to the Electronic Power Specification Standardization Activity
`Dr. George Mitschang
`Open System Design for CNI Avionics
`En$ufi0L3[l1Dnl'inC3E:1'ErI0n ofcomrnercial Processing Technologies to the Airborne Military Mr. Hugh 5. Perrv
`Telecom Technologies (Not Published}
`Session G4: Unmanned Airborne Vehicles
`Graliam Gvattt
`F|?grTtnT:;t, Cogtml Systems; for UAV5 mot P‘-'b"3"‘9dJ
`Mr’ Tom Clancy
`riisiiiiresiing aeLr:sli: : Fm Published)
`U 0!’!
`to Soar} (Not Published)
`omous, Unmanned Aircraft (Or Global Hawk Begins Robert Ettinger
`Hlgm Tésung Darkstar (Not Published
`R d
`Mr. David Sharp
`Mr. Sergio Navarro
`Brian Gratier
`Mr. John Strauo
`Willard J Harris
`Mr. Bill HEll’l’lS
`Christopher lilagr
`Mr. Peter Lemme
`Mr. Richard H. Palm?
`Joe Cecchini
`Randy Black
`Dr Daniel Novoseiler
`Mr. Dave Barnett

`Track H - Spacecraft Systems (Continued)
`Session H2: Space Exploration
`Deep Space One Integration and Test Cl‘-allei'iges: Getting to the Launch Pad Ms. Paula J. Pingree
`in the Faster. Better, Cheaper World
`The Mars Microprobe Mission Advanced Micro-Avioilics for Exploration of the Mr Randel Blue
`Martian Surface {Not Piiblisheti)
`From the Sun to Pluto
`Ms. Karla B. Clark
`Mr. Robert L. Bunker
`Mr. Charles E. Bell
`NASAXJPL Mars Surveyor Program: New Challenges in a New Era
`(N01 Published)
`Interferometer Real Time Control for the Space Interferometry Mission
`{Not Published)
`Session H3: Microelectronics for Space
`Ultra Low Power Rad Hard 12 Bit A/D Converter for Space-Based E0 Sensors Sven Nystrorn
`1 2 3 4 5
`Integrating PWA Design and Analysis Using a Unix-Based Durability Toolset
`(Not Published}
`Amecom Direct Chip Attach Project
`Mr. Mostafa Rassaian
`Tracey Clay
`Digital Control of the MIDEX Spacecraft Power System (Not Published)
`Issues Tci Address In Use of Composite Materials for Electronic Packaging
`Ms. Karen Castell
`Mr. Gary Trembley
`Session H4: Space System Elements
`X2000: Avionics for A Multi-Mission Spacecraft
`Applications For A Spacecraft Avionics Functional Model
`A TabIe—Driven Control Method To Meet Continuous, Near—ReaI-Time
`Observation Requirements For The Solar X—Ray lmager
`The TRWIS III Hyperspectral Imager: Instrument Performance and Remote
`Sensing Applications
`Fault Protection Design of the Quil-cscat and Seawinds Instrurnerits
`Development of a Low Cost Data Acquisition System for the Space Shuttle
`Solid Rocket Booster Program
`Mr. Savio Chau
`Mr. Joseph F. Smith
`Mr. Kevin Shawn Wallace
`Dr. Stephanie Sandor—Leahy
`Mr. Matthew 8. Bennett
`Mr. Kevin Crawford
`Track I - Automotive Systems
`Session I1: Ground Vehicle Electronics
`Mr. Gregory l‘~1ct-lugh
`Software Process Improvement in an Automotive Electronics Organization
`Dr. Peter Hofmann
`Automotive System Design: Today and Tomorrow
`Specification and Testing of Automotive Powertrain Control System Software Mr. Steve Toeppe
`Using CACSD Tools
`Active Control of Vehicle Dynamics
`The Next Generation Automotive Electrical Power System Architecture:
`Issues and Challenges.
`Automotive & Aerospace Circuit Fault Analysis
`Requirements For A Real—Time Local Area Network Architecture In Land
`Combat Vehicles
`Session I2: Intelligent Transportation System (1)-
`Vehicle Electronics
`The Network Vehicle — A Glimpse into the Future of Mobile Multi—Med'ia
`W3 Mike FOUOF
`Dr. John P. Miller PE, PhD
`Mr. Craig Siege‘
`Mr. Paul Richardson
`Huan—Wun Yen
`A DeI'T10I"IStl'atl0l"l Pro]ect for the ITS Data Bus Prototype
`Signal Processing and Waveform Generation in the Side Zone Automotive
`Mr. Philip Spelt Ph.D-
`Mr. John C. Reed
`Dr. Edward Jocoy
`Adapting Radar and Tracking Technology to an Dn—Boartl Automotive
`Collision Warning System
`Use of Map Data Information in an on—board Intersection Violation Detection Mr. John Pierowicz
`SWIH‘ Project Results
`M“ I-am’ 59”"

`17"‘ DASC
`Track I - Automotive Systems (Continued)
`Session I3: Intelligent Transportation System ( 2) -
`Info Management
`The In-vehicle [nformatron System Devetoement Center at ORNL, An In-
`Vehicle Informatuon System for ITS Irrformataoru Managc"n1r'.-r1t
`Decision I‘-Iakung for Road Departure Warnmg Systems
`(Not Publrsherj}
`Human Factors tn Intemgent Transportation Systems II? the Verncle
`(Not Pubnshed}
`Reconfigurable Freid Research Vehucle For Human Factors Exoernmerurr.
`The Carnegre Mellon Trucksim, The Advanced Human Factors Research
`Driver Traumng Research Factlrty
`The Drowsev Driver Report fro m Carnrege Mellon
`Mr. Pmm.» Spelt ph,D_
`'F'hornas: Drum,
`Mt‘. Gr:-He Farmer
`“'7 R- Wiivrne De\«"EF'eup.;
`and Mr. Rrrhard Grace
`Mr. Ttm Grrg-we
`“Era Kormanovsky
`Mr. Jeff Armflefd
`Mr. Herman L. N. Wnegman
`Jess M. Irwm
`Session J2: Inform
`5353!! Releva
`3 Multimed

`System Design Track — Air Traffic Management Systems
`The ATM track-is designed to cover recent devclopmcnig in rechnologjcg
`and procedures ior new air traffic management systems as we move into the
`21st Century. The 5 sessions are designed to cover ATC provider plans for
`research. development, and the introduction of new tools and systems to
`improve aircraft safety and effieiency in the current ATC system and in a
`free flight environment.
`Track Chair: Alex Smith, Fiannoch Corp
`Track F - Air Traffic Management Systems
`Session F1: Air Traffic Management
`Chairs: Steve Hill, Hanscomb AFB; Vu Duong. Eurocontrol Experimental
`vertical Path Trajectory Prediction for Next Generation ATM
`Advances in Flight Data Acquisition and Management Systems
`CNS/ATM Aircraft Customization Task (Not Published)
`. Anthony Warren
`. Tom Mi:Dade
`. Arnold Dldach
`USAF Initiatives for Global Air Traffic Management and Navigation Safetv
`. Leo La Forge
`A Simplified Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) Avionics
`. T, Signore
`Avionics Architecture For Air Force Mobility Command Aircraft To Meet
`Cns/Atm Ano‘ GATM Requirements
`A Pseudo Ramp Manager Workstation for the Laboratory Development of
`Au-line—ATC Collaborative Arrival Planning Tools
`. Donald Happei
`. Susan Dorskv
`Session F2: Surface Movement 1: Display &
`Chair: Denise Jones. NASA Langley Research Center
`Airport Surface Movement Technologies - Atlanta Demonstration Overview
`DE'5CI‘lDtlDI‘I and Flight Test of a Rollout and Turnoff (ROTO) Head—Up Display
`(HUD) Guidance System
`Field Evaluation Of T~NASA: Taxi‘ Navigation And Situation Awareness
`Airport Surface Operations Data Link Communications and DGPS
`Controller-Pilot Data Link Statistics from NASA's 1997 Atlanta Flight Test
`. Denise R. Jones
`. Richard Hueschen
`. Anthony D. Andre Ph.D.
`. Steve Koczo
`. James Rankin
`Track F - Air Traffic Management Systems

`session F3: Surface Hovement 2: Surveillance
`.' ;- -'..~s. Research Center
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` T
`R. Litti:1', R. 5chtrrttctcitei'. R. Regrlr, R. Oittet‘. H. You and M. Limt.
`D"'it”h" D€’f€‘fJ
`f:ft:'(‘.'.t‘r:rii'r'.r .S’_‘.'.\‘!em..\'. Kriironiri. f!ldf(u1(:
`R. Ereretrtcirt
`IBM (.‘m'pr)mriort. White Piciiris. New Ym-k
`the Delphi
`The Network Vehicle is
`the future
`Automotive Systems‘ vision for
`convergence of computers. the communications
`infrastructure. and the automobile.
`It features
`many advanced functions
`such as:
`remote vehicle diagnostics and control. games.
`mobile office.
`automotive web
`customized real-time stock quotes and sports
`These features are enabled by an
`integrated planar antenna that
`is capable of
`vehicle-interfaces such as color reconfigurable
`head up and head down displays.
`speech. and large touch screen active matrix
`liquid crystal displays (LCD's]. The software
`are written
`Application Programming Interfaces ['API's) to
`reduce the complexity and cost of the source
`to millions of commuters who
`spend hours each day cruising the roads or
`stuck in traffic.
`is designed to demonstrate
`what technologies and software can do for the
`vehicle of the future. The Network Vehicle.
`its debut
`1. made
`in Figure
`COMDEX '9? and has since been all over the
`world appearing in demos, conferences. and
`technology shows.
`including SAE Congress
`'98. and CeBit '98.
`by Delphi
`Electronics Systems and its partners (IBM.
`aimed at offering more
`Productivity tools. convenience.
`safely. and
`031803-5086-3 i’98f$l0.00 ©1998 [BEE
`The Network Vehicle is created by
`integrating existing hardware and software
`wireless communications. global positioning
`technology. microprocessors. Web access. and

`The voice
`recognition technology allows drivers
`passengers to verbally request and listen to c-
`mai] massages. locate a restaurant or hotel. ask
`for navigation help or for specific music or
`sports scores. and use voice~activaIc.d telephone
`services, all done safely without
`with driving. Drivers can use a head-up displii)’
`p1‘o_iectcd through the windshield to navigate to
`their destination or check vehicle liuncliofl-9
`without taking their eyes off the road-
`Passengers using individual
`next to their seats can do even more. including
`interacting with
`Internet. watching
`television or playing games. Existing services
`emergency services could also be integrated.
`These "smart"
`features are enabled mainly
`capabilities over a wireless network using Java-
`hased technology. The Network Vehicle also
`has an integrated cellular phone, Netscape
`Communicator software for Web browsing and
`e-mail. a removable personal digital assistant
`(PDA) and docking station. There is also a
`vehicle web site that provides driver support for
`a wide array of customized capabilities such as
`enabling remote monitoring and control of
`vehicle systems in emergency situations.
`Oubaara’ And Off-Board Cammurtications
`The key to the functions of the Network
`Vehicle is its ability to communicate efficiently
`both onboartl and off-board of the vehicle.
`architecture of the vehicle.
`At the heart of the onboard system is a
`network computer that
`links up a number of
`including a Class II bus (for
`engine. head-up and head-down displays, door
`lock and door actuator. RFID, and cell phone.
`etc.). an Ethernet (for passenger computers and
`and a mobile media
`and CD players}.
`subnetworks all have different clock speed and
`0-7803-5086-3 z‘982"$ 10.00 ©1993 IEEE
`|"unctionality. Ualcways are used to tran_»;| iilelhe
`messages lrom one sub-network to aitotherm
`as to ensure hartnonious operations-,
`H _
`cum 2 Ban
`_ _
`| Netwi-.trk__
`lgomputer ‘
`1' W;
`ch" , 5“
`“F9 {as
`Figure 2. Onboard Network Architecture
`shown in
`The off-hoard network is
`Figure 3. The high bandwidth requirements for
`on-demand audio and video functions
`fulfilled with DirecPC and DirecTV satellite
`broadcasts. A wireless modem provides the
`uplink out of the vehicle directly to Internet
`service providers. The clownlink return path
`from the Internet to the Network Vehicle can
`come through either the satellite (400 kbps]. or
`through the wireless modem. The downlinlt
`satellite video and data signals are collected by
`the Network Vehicle's roof-mounted antenna
`and processed by their respective receivers.
`Figure 3. Off-Board Network Architecture
`In order to take full advantages of the
`resources and services available to the drivers‘
`the vehicle must have robust
`and passengers.
`external communications paths.
`vitally important that the vehicle configuratmn
`includes a firewall to ensure the integrity Om’:

`vehicle operation. This means that regardless
`pf what happens to the multimedia applications
`that are running in the vehicle. the powertniin
`swam control,
`the chassis control. brakes.
`and other critical
`functions must
`the Network
`Vehicle. this isolation is implemented through
`multiple gateways as shown in Figure 2.
`components behind the Network Vehicle are
`advanced speech recognition software. mobile
`media link (high-speed fiber optic data bus).
`batidwidth communications that connect
`vehicle with the outside world, and ii suite of
`automotive computer software. These elements
`are described below.
`Speech Recognition and Text-to-Speech
`IBM has modified its advanced speech
`Viavoicem. for the automotive environment.
`ViaVoice allows the driver to access virtually
`commands and enables the vehicle to talk back
`using synthesized speech.
`For example.
`driver can: execute vehicle system commands
`such as lock doors. play CD, and change radio
`travel directions and traffic
`updates from the Web or other sources, check
`e-mail and voicemail, request news. sports. and
`stock information.
`The speech recognition
`5i'stem can understand most drivers instantly,
`with no system training required, and it has
`heen tuned to offer optimal performance even
`in a potentially noisy vehicle environment.
`Driver and Center Console Displays
`The Network Vehicle is equipped with
`three displays for the driver:
`the head-down
`the head-up display {HUD},
`display (HUD).
`and the center console display.
`The HDD system displays
`graphics for an instrument panel: road speed,
`engine speed. engine status. door lockfajar, and
`fuel level.
`It also displays the functions for the
`steering wheel buttons since these functions
`Vary with the entertainment mode that
`selected. The HUD projects a virtual
`through the windshield that gives information
`to drivers without requiring them to take their
`eyes off the road.
`It displays road speed.
`status, waiting
`navigation information, microphone onfoff. and
`a text message area for giving feedback to the
`The center console's touch-screen LCD
`serves as a user interface for controlling nearly
`all of
`the Network Vehicle's multimedia
`(office, navigation. entertainment.
`and information). When in entertainment
`mode. the display is configured as a radio- or
`CD-style faceplate whose buttons and controls
`are activated by touch (see Figure 4).
`reconfigured to display e-mail, navigation
`maps. Web browser. cellular phone faceplate
`{shown in Figure 5),
`and more.
`activated commands can be used with all of the
`center console functions and. in some cases, is
`combined with
`minimize driver distraction.
`Figure 4. Audio on Demand Faceplate
`0-7303-5086-3 !'98I'$l0.00 ©1998 IEEE

`IUWJ Fifi“?!
`II-I 1|?!
`Figure 3. Cellular Phone Faceplate Display
`Passenger l')i'sp:'a_}-s
`The Network Vehicle has color LCD
`touch panels for the back-seat and front-seat
`passengers. As with the center console display.
`the passenger displays serve as user interfaces
`for controlling nearly all of the functions on the
`Network Vehicle. Unlike the center console
`display. however.
`the passenger displays can
`show video from DirecTV or DVD players, and
`they allow touch-screen access to all functions.
`Planar Satellite Antemta
`The antenna technology used in the
`Network Vehicle is the Continuous Transverse
`Stub {CTS) array.
`is chosen because of its
`simplicity. planar construction. and potential
`for being an inexpensive product.
`Figure 6
`shows the cross sectional view of a typical CTS
`array of broad
`continuous transverse radiating stubs, finite in
`height. extending from the upper conductive
`plate of an open parallel-plate transmission-line
`the induced
`As a receiving antenna.
`longitudinal current components in the parallel
`plate structure are interrupted by the transverse-
`oriented stubs and excite propagating waves in
`dimensional planar array to be realized as an
`(J-‘£803-5086-3 f98:’."3l0.00 ©l998 IEEE
`.. .
`cross—sectton] geonictr_v.
`Ihis has the effect oi
`repittcing Ll convcntnnial "N_rN=N" gicmcm
`5-iructure tot" discrete radiators. coup]c,-3! ml
`cotnprised of "Iv"
`integrated coupleriradjam}
`t’eatut'es. The simple “tec“ cross-section Dllhe
`integrated CTS
`signiiicam advantages
`conipared to slot or patch radiators} in terms nt
`scanning capability.
`if-Iatziiatingicoupiing Stub
`{Coupled} E-Field
`Propagating -D
`Plan e-Wave
`Petal Iel-Plate Region
`Figure 6. CTS Antenna Cross Section
`Cusrortter Applicatiort Web Site
`passengers of
`The driver
`Network Vehicle can take advantage of lnternn
`services provided by automotive—oriented lSPs
`("Internet Service Providers}.
`The customer
`service site developed for the Network Vehicle
`showcases the types of features that could be
`offered when intelligent vehicle systems are
`connected to the Internet.
`Because the Network Vehicle's sysleIT1S
`are accessible via its command and control
`application. which also has secure access to the
`Internet. many
`Functions like parking lights and door loclts on
`the Network Vehicle
`remotely. providing safety and convenience.
`An example of such a web page is shown 1“
`Figure ?.

`Figure 7. Monitor and Control of Vehicle
`Status via Internet
`Under voice control of the driver.
`.\‘ctwork Vehicle can upload vehicle status
`according to a profile set up in advance. An
`application monitors the diagnostic information
`from components
`compartment. Should the diagnostics indicate
`that the latest reading from engine sensors falls
`outside a nomial
`the application can
`notify the customer service Web site. where the
`severity of
`the reading can be determined.
`According to this determination. the control on
`the Network Vehicle could be used by the
`service representative to alert
`the driver;
`alert could be done using text-to-speech and
`head-up display.
`and then features of
`application, e-mail. and office could be used to
`appointment. Figure
`sensor data
`are being
`monitored through the vehicle web site.
`‘M. Iflil |l film Jllb
`“d"3“ti1S‘3 0|‘ Internet service providers‘ ability
`locommunicate with the Network Vehicle.
`T”P_ Plans created by vehicle owners or
`Concierge. services can be stored at the Internet
`’‘e‘'‘f‘‘_3'3 ‘ Provider.
`positioning satellite {GPS} data directly from
`lhe vehicle.
`the driver and passengers can
`obtain maps. route guidance. fuel. lodging. and
`restaurant information while traveling. Owners
`of the Network Vehicle can also use their Web
`like radio stations. personalized
`audio content. service records. and emergency
`service numbers.
`Personal Digital Assistant Dockiitg
`the Network
`role of
`An important
`Vehicle is providing office functions to mobile
`users. using the same data the users have in
`their ofiice desktop computers. This function
`advanced. voice—based user interfaces.
`important for the Network Vehicle to access
`and synchronize personal and business data
`with PDAs, which is becoming increasingly
`important in our mobile, connected world.
`A siot built
`into the center console of
`the Network Vehicle
`WorkPad“‘ and uses the Network Vehicle's
`computer to add speech recognition and text-to-
`speech functions. This enables the driver to
`listen to schedules and to update files and other
`office data stored in the WorkPad.
`So the
`driver could.
`for example.
`a voice
`command to read calendar entries from the
`Worl<Pad or dictate a to—do list while driving.
`As PDA and smart card technology advances.
`the Network Vehicle's PDA integration could
`the use of PDA—type devices for the
`access of personal.
`financial. and business information as people
`from one network access point
`Figtlre 8. Remote Monitoring of Vehicle
`Gauges via a Web Site
`U-7803-S086-3 a'98i‘$l0.00 ©1998 IEEE

`.-lutorrtorii-e Computer .'50f“"“"'5’
`Virtual machinebascd.
`technologies were
`applied to the Networi:
`\*'chiclc‘s development because they sLIt.'tIPU|‘l
`the special rct.1uircments posed by the vehicle.
`a well
`environment and the latest .la\'a”*‘ technologies
`were chosen to develop the Network Vehicle's
`A command and control application.
`written in Smalltalk and running on
`vehicle's main processor. monitors
`status. controls devices such as cell phone and
`microphone. supplies driver
`information via
`software. such as the voice recognition and
`various convenience passenger applications.
`This application coordinates with the voice
`recognition. the head-up display. and the touch
`screen to provide feedback and control of the
`various systems, helping to keep the driver's
`eyes on the road. For driver convenience and
`this application also interfaces via the
`to a customer service provider, who
`can remotely monitor the vehicle status. unlock
`doors. turn on exterior lighting. etc.
`Graphical user interfaces for Network
`Vehicle's center console and passenger displays
`are developed with Java to provide access to
`various in-vehicle and off~vehicle applications.
`such as navigation, audiofvideo entertainment,
`and office. An Internet server application was
`developed with Visualfitgew for Java to provide
`customer applications and the vehicle systems.
`These applications support a message-based
`protocol communicating through the Internet to
`application, which in turn interfaces to the
`Java applets were also developed
`the customer
`site in order
`to provide
`animated vehicle status and control graphics.
`Media BL-'5' and hi- Veliikule Elect:-o:n'c5
`The Network Vehicle
`t,-oniuim 3
`numher of audio and video Ct'.tI‘£1]3UflCRlS1ha[;m.
`configured and controlled via at
`iltttt Mhps} digital
`l"tber—optic mobile niedm
`link {MML}. Audio and video devices like Cu
`players can send their output signals via the
`tihcr-optic bus
`to drive other
`components like amplifiers and displays.
`control signal is also carried on the MML bllk
`to configure and control the devices - Collllgure
`the components.
`switch signals.
`and adjust
`variables such as volume.
`fade. and balance,
`The MML gives the application full use of [I15
`vehicle's multimedia
`functions and user interfaces tailored to drive]
`and passenger use.
`Combining a command and control
`application with the MML in the Netwmt;
`Vehicle made possible features such as context
`sensitive volume reduction during the use (ll
`the phone and the text-to-speech feature.
`also allows "faceplate~stylc" user interface to
`integrate Internet radio with the sound system.
`and conttnon and consistent user interfaces to
`define, review, and play the audio and video
`content preferred by the driver and passengers.
`The vehicle also features a satellite receit-er
`system. which provides DirecTV and DirecPC
`access. DirecPC ot't"ers high—speed (440 l-{lips}
`Internet data access while DirccTV offers over
`The main features of
`the Netwflrlt
`Vehicle are manifested in the following lhrct’
`areas: (1) Driving Aids. (2) Business Tools. and
`(3) News and Entertainment.
`The Network
`Vehicle is designed such that. through softvrarf
`upgrades the customer can be provided with
`new features and functions as they becomr
`0-7803-5086-3 /98./$l0.(l0 ©1998 [EEE

`[)ri'i'iiig Aids — Ge! Wiiere Your ‘re Going
`The Ng[w{_}['l'C Vehicle can access a simulated
`imggrated global positionitig system and hence
`adtvanccd navigation capabilities via Iiitcmgr
`literally knows where it
`is and
`ivlierc ilis going.
`It can display the app:-oprjaie
`maps or simply provide route (.llt‘t3t'.‘[ltin5 on 111.3
`head-up display.
`coiiimand console or
`spoken instructions. Drivers could control the
`system using
`"tleslination" to select
`it new destination or
`instructions. An example of such a display is
`shown in Figure 9.
`Figure 9. Example of a Navigation Function
`The ability to monitor key vehicle systems
`means that the Network Vehicle can detect and
`avoid proble

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