`Pet., Exh. 1019, p. 1
`copyright© 1998 Harry Newton
`email: Harry_Newton@HarryNewton.com
`personal web site: www.harrynewton.com
`All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright conventions, including the right to reproduce this
`book or portions thereof in any form whatsoever.
`Published in the United States by
`Telecom Books,
`An Imprint of Miller Freeman, Inc.
`12 West 21 Street
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`ISBN Number 1-57820-023-7
`October, 1998
`Manufactured in the United States of America
`Fourteenth Considerably Expanded and Updated Edition
`Cover Design by Saul Roldan
`Printed at Command Web, Secaucus, New Jersey
`Pet., Exh. 1019, p. 2
`I execution of an application under development. At
`as1c level, a debugger lets you look at running mac
`ind fiddle around with the contents of memory~
`understand machine code (and are looking at mac
`ou've written from scratch). Not great if you don't k
`1e code, or are looking at machine code output
`:vel language compiler (e.g., Ctt compiler). A b
`lie debu9ger references the symbol table of an.
`:, providing readable variable names, function e
`etc., more or less as they appear in source. Easie
`1e-language folks (because of the labels). Not
`lor high-level language folks, because you're still
`~machine code. A source-level symbolic debugg
`> both the symbol table of an executable and v
`·oduced during compilation; and lets you work
`vel language source directly, during target pro
`on. Fully-integrated debuggers like this are built
`oil's Visual/)( products. Functions common to
`1ers include the ability to set "breakpoints" (i.e., run
`n until you reach this step, then stop), "watch
`(i.e., show me how the value of this variable cha
`I possibly stop if it assumes a predetermined v
`-step execution" (i.e., do this step and stop), ch
`i values in mid-execution, etc.
`olic language A computer programming lang
`express addresses and instructions with symbols
`to humans rather than machines.
`olic logic The discipline in which valid argu
`1erations are dealt with using an artificial Ian
`id to avoid the ambiguities and logical inadequa
`1etric Balanced in proportion. In the networked w
`tric or symmetrical (either is acceptable) can refer
`balance of bandwidth. For example, ISDN BRI prov
`tric bandwidth, as each of the two B channels pro
`s in each direction and the D channel operates
`1 each direction. Symmetric also can refer to the p
`ology of the network. For example, a point-to-po in
`1nnects one device directly to one other de
`etric, on the other hand, refers to something whi
`fectly balanced. See the next several definitions.
`:etric Connection A connection with the s
`Jth value specified for both directions.
`etric Multiprocessing SMP. A type of multi
`in which more than one processor can execute ke
`d_e at the same time. The degree of symmetry can
`mted, where there is very little concurrency of e
`the theoretically ideal fully-symmetric system
`ction can be executed on any processor at any
`:ors within the same system share all proce
`1g disk 1/0, network 1/0 and memory. Compa
`1ETRIC MULTIPROCESSING, wherein processo
`e or different systems are dedicated to specific t
`disk 1/0, network 1/0 or memory management.
`these tasks from the main system CPU, which
`responsible for running the operating system.
`or usually has its own dedicated memory. See S
`etrical Channel A channel in which the sen
`directions of transmission have the same data si
`etrical Compression A compression sy
`oquires equal processing capability for compres
`ompression of an image. This form of compression
`in applications where both compression and decompres(cid:173)
`ill be utilized frequently. Examples include: still-image
`ing, still-image transmission (color fax), video pro(cid:173)
`video mail, videophones, and videoconferencing.
`'etrical DiQital Subscriber Line See SDSL.
`etrical Pair A balanced transmission line in a mul-
`cable having equal conductor resistances per unit length,
`impedances from each conductor to earth, and equal
`ances to other lines.
`Syn Character, Synchronous Idle In synchro(cid:173)
`transmission. Control character in character-oriented
`ols used to maintain synchronization and as a time-fill
`absence of data. The sequence of two SYN characters in
`ssion is used to maintain synchronization following each
`rnaround. Contrast with flag.
`1. Synchronization character.
`portion of an encoded video signal that occurs during
`g and is used to synchronize the operation of cameras,
`rs, and other equipment. Horizontal sync occurs within
`nking period in each horizontal scanning line, and ver(cid:173)
`nc occurs within the vertical blanking period.
`Bits Synchronizing bits (more properly bytes or char(cid:173)
`) used in synchronous transmission to maintain syn(cid:173)
`ization between transmitter and receiver.
`Generator A video term. A device that generates syn(cid:173)
`izing pulses need by video source equipment to provide
`r equipment or studio timing. Pulses typically produced
`ync generator include subcarrier, burst flag, sync, blank(cid:173)
`& V drives, color frame identification, and color black.
`Pulse Timing pulses added to a video signal to keep
`'tire video process synchronized in time.
`hronet Service Dedicated point to point and multi(cid:173)
`digital data transmission service offered by BellSouth at
`s of 2.4, 4.8, 9.6, 19.2, 56 and 64 Kbps.
`hronization 1. A networking term which means that
`tire network is controlled by one master clock and trans(cid:173)
`ns arrive and depart at precise times so that information
`her lost nor jumbled. For a bigger explanation, see NET(cid:173)
`ninterruptible power supply (UPS) definition. Specially
`ed circuitry is "synchronized" to your AC power outlet
`sure continuity of power. Without this feature, power
`sal can occur on the input.
`multimedia term. Synchronization is very precise real-time
`ssing, down to the millisecond. Some forms of multimedia,
`as audio and video, are time critical. Time delays that might
`e noticeable in text or graphics delivery, but are unaccept(cid:173)
`for audio and video. Workstations and networks must be
`le of transmitting this kind of data in a synchronized man(cid:173)
`here audio and video are combined, they must be time
`ed so that they can both play back at the same time.
`rt with a database on your server. Now, take a copy of part
`n your laptop -
`for example, your very own sales leads.
`aveling. Come back in a week. You want to update the
`ase with your changes. But you don't want to destroy other
`les' changes. Some people are calling this "file synchro(cid:173)
`ion." Synchronization is a critical part of what is increas(cid:173)
`being called "Groupware." See also REPLICATION.
`Video term referring to the timing of the vertical and hor-
`1 presentation of the multiple still images. Vertical
`h prevents the picture from flipping, or scrolling unnat(cid:173)
`ly. Horizontal synch keeps the picture from twisting. If
`vertical and horizontal are out of synch, the picture
`s truly wretched.
`Synchronization Bit A binary bit used to synchronize the
`transmission and receipt of characters in data communications.
`Synchronization Bits Bits transmitted from source to
`destination for the purpose of synchronizing the clocks of the
`transmitting and receiving devices. The term "synchronization
`bit" is usually applied to digital data streams, whereas the term
`"synchronization pulse" is usually applied to analog signals.
`Synchronization Code In digital systems, a sequence of
`digital symbols introduced into a transmission signal to
`achieve or maintain synchronism.
`Synchronization Pulses Bits transmitted from source to
`destination for the purpose of synchronizing the clocks of the
`transmitting and receiving devices. The term "synchronization
`pulse" is usually applied to analog signals, whereas the term
`"synchronization bit" is usually applied to digital data streams.
`Synchronize The word synchronize means "to cause to
`match exactly." When you're synchronizing, you're causing
`one file on one computer to precisely match another one on
`another computer. Why would you want to do this? Let's say
`you have a database of sales contacts on a file server. One of
`your salesman takes a copy of his sales contacts with him on
`his laptop. He travels and makes changes to his contacts. Now
`he dials into the office via modem and wants to "synchronize"
`his changed database with the now-changed main database,
`and make them both the same, i.e. into synch. This process is
`far more difficult than it sounds because it means allowing for
`the changes made at the server and by the salesman. You have
`to set up elaborate rules.
`In operating systems, such as Windows NT, the word "syn(cid:173)
`chronize" has a narrower meaning. Windows NT instruction
`manual defines "synchronize" as "to replicate the domain con(cid:173)
`troller to one server of the domain, or to all the servers of a
`domain. This is usually performed automatically by the sys(cid:173)
`tem, but can also be invoked manually by an administrator."
`See also REPLICATE.
`Synchronizing Achieving and maintaining synchronism.
`In facsimile, achieving and maintaining predetermined speed
`relations between the scanning spot and the recording spot
`within each scanning line.
`Synchronizing Pilot In FDM, a reference frequency used
`for achieving and maintaining synchronization of the oscilla(cid:173)
`tors of a carrier system or for comparing the frequencies or
`phases of the currents generated by those oscillators.
`Synchronous The condition that occurs when two events
`happen in a specific time relationship with each other and both
`are under control of a master clock. Synchronous transmission
`means there is a constant time between successive bits, char(cid:173)
`acters or events. The timing is achieved by the sharing of a sin(cid:173)
`gle clock. Each end of the transmission synchronizes itself with
`the use of clocks and information sent along with the transmit(cid:173)
`ted data. Synchronous is the most popular communications
`method to and from mainframes. In synchronous transmission,
`characters are spaced by time, not by start and stop bits.
`Because you don't have to add these bits, synchronous trans(cid:173)
`mission of a message will take fewer bits (and therefore less
`time) than asynchronous transmission. But because precise
`clocks and careful timing are needed in synchronous transmis(cid:173)
`sion, it's usually more expensive to set up synchronous trans(cid:173)
`mission. Most networks are synchronous these days. See
`Synchronous Completion A computing domain issues a
`service request and need not wait for it to complete. If the com(cid:173)
`puting domain waits for this completion, this is known as
`SYNCHRONOUS, but if it is sent off to another system entity
`Pet., Exh. 1019, p. 3