`/* Sequential and Multithreaded Quicksort Function Definitions */
`/* */
`/* Written by: John Thornley, Computer Science Dept., Caltech. */
`/* Date: October, 1997. */
`/* */
`/* Algorithm: */
`/* ‐ recursive quicksort. */
`/* ‐ median of first, middle, and last item chosen as pivot in partitioning. */
`/* ‐ insertion sort of base‐case arrays. */
`/* ‐ separate threads for recursive quicksort calls. */
`/* ‐ sequential quicksort after enough threads created. */
`/* */
`/* Copyright (c) 1997 by John Thornley. */
`#include <stdio.h>
`#include <assert.h>
`#include <sthreads.h>
`#include <bool.h>
`#include "quicksort.h"
`/* Base‐case length (below which insertion sort is faster than quicksort) */
`#define BASE_LENGTH 64 /* 64 works well for 200 MHz Pentium Pro */
`/* Handle errors from Sthreads function calls */
`void handle_sthread_error(int error_code)
` char error_message[100];
` if (error_code != STHREAD_ERROR_NONE) {
` sthread_sprint_error(error_message, error_code);
` fprintf(stderr, "Sthread error: %s\n", error_message);
` }
`} /
`/* Insertion sort for sorting base‐case arrays */
`static void insertion_sort(int n, item data[])
` int i, j, k;
` item temp;
` assert(n >= 0);
` for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
` temp = data[i];
` k = 0;
` for (j = i ‐ 1; j >= 0; j‐‐)
` if (temp < data[j])
` data[j + 1] = data[j];
`IPR of Pat. No. 6,282,641
` else {
` k = j + 1;
` break;
` }
` data[k] = temp;
` }
`} /
`/* Swap two items */
`#define SWAP(x, y) {item temp; temp = x; x = y; y = temp;}
`/* Choose pivot value and partition data array */
`static void partition(int n, item data[], int *pivot)
` item pivot_value;
` int left, right;
` assert(n >= 3);
` SWAP(data[1], data[(n ‐ 1)/2])
` if (data[1] > data[n ‐ 1])
` SWAP(data[1], data[n ‐ 1])
` if (data[0] > data[n ‐ 1])
` SWAP(data[0], data[n ‐ 1])
` if (data[1] > data[0])
` SWAP(data[1], data[0])
` pivot_value = data[0];
` left = 1; right = n ‐ 1;
` while (true) {
` do left++; while (data[left] < pivot_value);
` do right‐‐; while (data[right] > pivot_value);
` if (right < left) break;
` SWAP(data[left], data[right])
` }
` data[0] = data[right];
` data[right] = pivot_value;
` *pivot = right;
`} /
`/* Sequential quicksort */
`void seq_quicksort(int n, item data[])
` assert(n >= 0);
` assert(BASE_LENGTH >= 2);
` if (n <= BASE_LENGTH)
` insertion_sort(n, data);
` else {
` int pivot;
` partition(n, data, &pivot);
` seq_quicksort(pivot, &data[0]);
` seq_quicksort(n ‐ pivot ‐ 1, &data[pivot + 1]);
` }
`} /
`/* Multithreaded quicksort (pragma version) */
`void multi_quicksort(int n, item data[], int t)
` assert(n >= 0);
` assert(BASE_LENGTH >= 2);
` assert(t >= 1);
` if (n <= BASE_LENGTH || t == 1)
` seq_quicksort(n, data);
` else {
` int pivot;
` partition(n, data, &pivot);
` #pragma multithreadable
` {
` multi_quicksort(pivot, &data[0], t ‐ t/2);
` multi_quicksort(n ‐ pivot ‐ 1, &data[pivot + 1], t/2);
` }
` }
`/* Multithreaded quicksort (Sthreads version) */
`typedef struct {
` int n, t, pivot;
` item *data;
`} block_args;
`static void statement_0(block_args *args)
` multi_quicksort(
` args‐>pivot, &(args‐>data)[0], args‐>t ‐ args‐>t/2);
`} s
` multi_quicksort(
` args‐>n ‐ args‐>pivot ‐ 1, &(args‐>data)[args‐>pivot + 1], args‐>t/2);
`tatic void statement_1(block_args *args)
`oid multi_quicksort(int n, item data[], int t)
`} v
` assert(n >= 0);
` assert(BASE_LENGTH >= 2);
` assert(t >= 1);
` if (n <= BASE_LENGTH || t == 1)
` seq_quicksort(n, data);
` else {
` int pivot;
` void (*statement[2])(block_args *args);
` block_args args;
` int error_code;
` partition(n, data, &pivot);
` statement[0] = statement_0;
` statement[1] = statement_1;
` args.n = n; args.t = t; args.pivot = pivot; args.data = data;
` error_code = sthread_block(
` 2, (void (**)(void *)) statement, (void *) &args,
` handle_sthread_error(error_code);
` }
`} /