`Patent 8,155,342
`Patent Owner
`Patent 8,155,342
`Multimedia Device Integration System

`Patent 8,155,342
`Patent Owner has informed Petitioner that it intends to include highly
`confidential and extremely sensitive information in connection with Patent
`Owner’s Preliminary Response, including information related to Unified’s core
`business. Patent Owner identifies the following documents as central to its
`argument in Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response that Petitioner has not identified
`all of the real parties in interest in this proceeding. Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.14
`and 42.55, the parties hereby jointly move to seal Exhibits 2007-2011, which
`contain such information:
`Ex. # Exhibit
`2007 Member Agreement and Subscription Form
`2008 Member Agreement and Subscription Form
`2009 Member Agreement and Subscription Form
`2010 Member Agreement and Subscription Form
`2011 Confidential email from Kevin Jakel to Peter Lambrianakos.
`The parties also jointly move to seal Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response
`because it cites to and incorporates information from these documents. Exhibits
`2007-2011 contain highly confidential and extremely sensitive information related
`to Unified’s core business, including the identification of Unified’s members as
`- 1 -

`Patent 8,155,342
`well as the terms of their membership. As discussed in connection with the
`Protective Order below, Unified guards such information to protect its members as
`well as its own business. Unified has not and would never make this information
`publicly available. As discussed in connection with the protective order below,
`adverse consequences to Unified would result from public disclosure of this
`Unified agrees to publicly file redacted versions of the aforementioned
`Exhibits within a reasonable time after the submission of Patent Owner’s
`Preliminary Response. Patent Owner agrees to publicly file a redacted version of
`its Preliminary Response within a reasonable time after its submission. The parties
`believe that doing so will allow the public sufficient information to understand the
`In light of the facts that (1) the parties believe that the public will have a
`sufficiently complete record upon entry of redacted versions of the exhibits filed
`under seal, (2) as discussed below, disclosure of the information would result in
`significant harm to Unified, and (3) Patent Owner needs to rely on the information
`(as discussed above), the balance of these factors favor sealing, and the parties
`request that the aforementioned Exhibits be sealed.
`- 2 -

`Patent 8,155,342
`The parties have agreed upon entry of a Protective Order in this case. The
`agreed Protective Order is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The agreed Protective
`Order deviates from the Board’s default Protective Order in two respects,
`discussed further below.
`Limits on persons to whom material may be disclosed
`One way in which the agreed Protective Order differs from the Board’s
`default Protective Order is that it prohibits in-house counsel or other party
`employees from accessing certain classes of confidential information—designated
`submit that, in light of the reasons discussed above and herein, such limitations are
`necessary in this proceeding.
`Petitioner characterizes its business as follows: Unified’s core business is
`adverse to non-practicing entities (NPEs). It reduces NPE litigation risk by
`protecting key technology sectors. Companies in a technology sector subscribe to
`Unified’s technology-specific deterrence, and in turn, Unified performs many
`NPE-deterrent activities. See Petitioner’s Voluntary Interrogatory Response No. 1.
`Unified’s membership list is held in the strictest of confidence because members
`fear that if their identity were known, NPEs would retaliate. Such retaliation
`- 3 -

`Patent 8,155,342
`potentially subjects Unified’s members to NPE retaliation, including litigation, and
`would severely impact Unified’s ability to conduct business. That is why such
`information is subject to confidentiality provisions within the membership
`agreements. Unified accordingly seeks heightened protection for such materials
`disclosed in connection with this proceeding, and submits that such information
`should be kept under seal to protect not only Unified but also its members. These
`changes do not affect access to confidential information for employees and
`representatives of the Patent and Trademark Office who have a need for access to
`the confidential information.
`B. Application of limits only to confidential information marked
`The agreed Protective Order also deviates from the Board’s default
`protective order to expressly clarify that the limits in the Board’s protective order
`apply only to confidential information that is marked “CONFIDENTIAL -
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” in this proceeding. This clarifies that any
`documents produced in other proceedings or produced with different markings will
`not be affected by the terms of the Board’s protective order in this proceeding.
`Rather, the Protective Order will govern only materials marked “CONFIDENTIAL
`- 4 -

`Patent 8,155,342
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” in connection with this proceeding.
`With these revisions, noted in redline showing changes from the Board’s
`Protective Order in Exhibit B hereto, the parties move for entry of the attached
`Protective Order.
`'ed)’ate;its Inc.
`/ _
`B : / ( /“/
`Pa ‘
`Kizipatric < Townsend & Stockton LLP
`Two Embarcadero Center, Eighth Floor
`San Francisco, CA 9411 1
`Scott E. Kolassa
`Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
`1080 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Jonathan Stroud
`Unified Patents Inc.
`1875 Connecticut Ave., NW. Floor 10
`Washington, D.C., 20009

`Patent 8,155,342
`Blitzsafe Texas, LLC
`Peter Lambrianakos (Reg. No. 58,279)
`Brown Rudnick LLP
`7 Times Square
`New York, NY 10036
`- 6 -

`The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing JOINT MOTION TO SEAL
`AND JOINT PROTECTIVE ORDER is being served on February 5, 2016, by
`e-mail at the following address of record for the subject patent:
`Peter Lambrianakos (Reg. No. 58,279)
`Brown Rudnick LLP
`7 Times Square
`New York, NY 10036
`Dated: February 5, 2016
`_\ /X
`E I/(T) \ >
`olassa, Reg. No. 55,337
`Kilpa rick Townsend & Stockton LLP
`1080 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025

`Exhibit A
`Exhibit A

`Patent Owner
`Patent 8,155,342
`Multimedia Device Integration System

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`WPIEREAS, Unified Patents, Inc. and Blitzsafe Texas, LLC (collectively
`parties” and, as the context requires “party”) are private entities that desire to
`keep confidential, in good faith, information that is not reasonably believed to be in
`the public domain; and
`WHEREAS, to promote fairness and efficiency in this proceeding
`without the need to seek a separate protective order for each competitively
`sensitive document and/or any competitively sensitive information requested or
`exchanged, including, but not limited to, trade secrets or other confidential
`research, development or other commercial information, the parties desire to
`voluntarily enter into this Protective Order.
`as follows:
`Confidential information” includes information (regardless of how it is
`generated, stored or maintained) or tangible things that would qualify for
`protection under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c) or any other
`applicable rule of procedure, evidence, and/or substantive law.
`2. Confidential Information shall be clearly marked “CONFIDENTIAL -

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY.” Confidential Information shall include
`information disclosed by one party to the other, which, if in written, graphic,
`machine-readable or other tangible form is marked as “CONFIDENTIAL -
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or which, if disclosed orally or by
`demonstration, is identified at the time of initial disclosure as confidential.
`Confidential Information shall not include any Information which (i) the
`parties agree, or the Board rules, is already public knowledge, (ii) the parties
`agree, or the Board rules, has become public knowledge other than as a
`result of disclosure by the receiving party, or (iii) is in the receiving party’s
`legitimate possession independently of the producing party.
`3. In the event that Confidential Information is made available for inspection.
`marking such infonnation CONFIDENTIAL - PROTECTIVE ORDER
`ONLY need not be completed with respect to inspected materials until
`copies of the materials are produced. Making documents and things
`available for inspection shall not constitute a waiver of any claim of
`confidentiality, and all materials provided for inspection by the party’s
`counsel shall be treated as though designated HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL -

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY at the time of the inspection, unless otherwise
`agreed by the parties in writing.
`4. Any party may challenge a designation of confidentiality at any time. In the
`event of a challenge, the parties shall attempt to resolve such challenge in
`good faith and must meet and confer directly in voice to voice dialogue in
`connection with doing so.
`may be disclosed only to:
`(a) Outside counsel of record for a party in the proceeding, including
`employees of outside counsel of record’s law firm(s) to whom it is
`reasonably necessary to disclose this information to assist outside
`counsel of record in connection with this proceeding, including
`members of their firms, associate attorneys, paralegal, clerical, and
`other regular employees of such counsel. All in-house counsel and
`other representatives of the parties (other than outside counsel of
`record) shall not be allowed to view HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL -
`(b) Experts. Retained experts of a party in the proceeding who are not
`employed by any party, not a competitor to any party, and not a

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`consultant for, or employed by, such a competitor with respect to the
`subject matter of the proceeding and certify in accordance with and
`sign the Standard Acknowledgment for Access to Protective Order
`Material (“Acknowledgment”), which is attached to this Protective
`Order as Exhibit A.
`(c) The Office. Employees and representatives of the Office and Board
`who have a need for access to the information shall have such access
`without the requirement to sign the Acknowledgement. Such
`employees and representatives shall include the Director, members of
`the Board and their clerical staff, other support personnel, court
`reporters, and other persons acting on behalf of the Office.
`(d) Support Personnel. Administrative assistants, clerical staff, court
`reporters, outside copying and exhibit preparation services and other
`support personnel of the foregoing persons who are reasonably
`necessary to assist those persons in the proceeding and who execute
`the Acknowledgement.
`only to the following individuals:

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`(a) Above Personnel. Those persons or entities identified in paragraph 5
`of this Protective Order under the conditions set forth in that
`(b) Parties to the Present Proceeding. Persons who are owners of a patent
`involved in the proceeding and other persons who are named parties
`to the proceeding, who sign the Acknowledgment.
`(c) In-house counsel. In-house counsel of a party who signs the
`(d) Other Employees of a Party. No more than two (2) employees of each
`party who have been designated to assist with this matter who sign the
`7. Persons receiving Confidential Information shall use reasonable efforts to
`maintain the confidentiality of the information, including:
`(a) Maintaining such information in a secure location to which persons
`not authorized to receive the information shall not have access;
`(b) Otherwise using reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of
`the information, which efforts shall be no less rigorous than those the

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`receiving party uses to maintain the confidentiality of information not
`received from the disclosing party;
`(c) Ensuring that support personnel of the receiving party who have
`access to the Confidential Information understand and abide by the
`obligation to maintain the confidentiality of information received that
`is designated as confidential; and
`(d) Limiting the copying of Confidential Information to a reasonable
`number of copies needed for conduct of the proceeding and
`maintaining a record of the locations of such copies.
`8. Persons receiving Confidential Information shall use the following
`procedures to maintain the confidentiality of the information:
`(a) Documents and Information Filed With the Board.
`(i) A party may file documents or information with the Board
`under seal, together with a non-confidential description of the
`nature of the Confidential Information that is under seal and the
`reasons why the information is confidential and should not be
`made available to the public. The submission shall be treated as
`confidential and remain under seal, unless, upon motion of a
`party and after a hearing on the issue, or sua sponte, the Board

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`determines that the documents or information do not qualify for
`confidential treatment.
`(ii) Where confidentiality is alleged as to some but not all of the
`information submitted to the Board, the submitting party shall
`file confidential and nonconfidential versions of its submission.
`together with a Motion to Seal the confidential version setting
`forth the reasons why the information redacted from the non­
`confidential version is confidential and should not be made
`available to the public. The nonconfidential version of the
`submission shall clearly indicate the locations of information
`that has been redacted. The confidential version of the
`submission shall be filed under seal. The redacted information
`shall remain under seal unless, upon motion of a party and after
`a hearing on the issue, or sua sponte, the Board determines that
`some or all of the redacted information does not qualify for
`confidential treatment.
`(b) Documents and Information Exchanged Among the Parties.
`Information designated as Confidential Information that is disclosed
`to another party during discovery or other proceedings before the

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`Board shall be clearly marked as “CONFIDENTIAL - PROTECTIVE
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY,” respectively, and shall be exchanged
`in a manner that maintains its confidentiality.
`9. Unless otherwise provided herein, redacted copies of documents may be
`produced where the redacted portions contain privileged matter. Any
`redactions must be conspicuous.
`10. All Confidential Information, whether marked as “CONFIDENTIAL -
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY,” shall be used only for this proceeding and
`shall not be used for any other purpose.

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`Unified Paints nc.
`Paul C. Mau^w
`Kilpatri(|k Townsend & Stockton LLP
`Two Embarcadero Center, Eighth Floor
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`Scott E. Kolassa
`Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
`1080 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Jonathan Stroud
`Unified Patents Inc.
`1875 Connecticut Ave., NW. Floor 10
`Washington, D.C., 20009
`i onathan@unifiedpatents. com
`Peter I^mbrianakos (Reg. No. 58,279)
`Brown Rudnick LLP
`7 Times Square
`New York, NY 10036

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`Case IPR2016-00118
`Patent No. 8,155,342
`Standard Acknowledgment for Access to Protective Order Material
`, affirm that I have
`read the Protective Order; that I will abide by its ternis; that I will use the
`confidential information only in connection with this proceeding and for no other
`purpose; that I will only allow access to support staff who are reasonably necessary
`to assist me in this proceeding; that prior to any disclosure to such support staff I
`informed or will inform them of the requirements of the Protective Order; that I am
`personally responsible for the requirements of the terms of the Protective Order
`and I agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Office and the United States District
`Court for the Eastern District of Virginia for purposes of enforcing the tenns of the
`Protective Order and providing remedies for its breach.
`Executed on

`Exhibit B
`Exhibit B

`Patent Owner
`Patent 8,155,342
`Multimedia Device Integration System
`The following Standing Protective Order will be automatically entered into
`the proceeding upon the filing of a petition for review or institution of a derivation:
`Standing Protective Order

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`WHEREAS, Unified Patents, Inc. and filing ofBlitzsafe Texas, LLC
`(collectively “parties” and, as the context requires “party”) are private entities that
`desire to keep confidential, in good faith, information that is not reasonably
`believed to be in the public domain; and
`WHEREAS, to promote fairness and efficiency in this proceeding
`without the need to seek a separate protective order for each competitively
`sensitive document and/or any competitively sensitive information requested or
`exchanged, including documents and testimony., but not limited to, trade secrets or
`other confidential research, development or other commercial information, the
`parties desire to voluntarily enter into this Protective Order.
`AGREED, as follows:
`1. “Confidential information” includes information (regardless of how it is
`generated, stored or maintained) or tangible things that would qualify for
`protection under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 26(c) or any other
`applicable rule of procedure, evidence, and/or substantive law.
`2. Confidential Information shall be clearly marked "“CONFIDENTIAL -

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY.” Confidential Information shall include
`information disclosed by one party to the other, which, if in written, graphic,
`machine-readable or other tangible form is marked as “CONFIDENTIAL -
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” or which, if disclosed orally or by
`demonstration, is identified at the time of initial disclosure as confidential.
`Confidential Information shall not include any Information which (i) the
`parties agree, or the Board rules, is already public knowledge, (ii) the parties
`agree, or the Board rules, has become public knowledge other than as a
`result of disclosure by the receiving party, or (iii) is in the receiving party’s
`legitimate possession independently of the producing party.
`2. Access to confidential information is limited to the following individuals
`who have executed the acknowledgment appended to this order:
`(A) Parties. Persons who are owners of a patent involved in the proceeding
`and other persons who are named parties to the proceeding.
`(B) Party Representatives. Representatives of record for a party in the
`3. (C) In the event that Confidential Information is made available for
`inspection, marking such information CONFIDENTIAL - PROTECTIVE

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`EYES ONLY need not be completed with respect to inspected materials
`until copies of the materials are produced. Making documents and things
`available for inspection shall not constitute a waiver of any claim of
`confidentiality, and all materials provided for inspection by the party’s
`counsel shall be treated as though designated HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL –
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY at the time of the inspection, unless otherwise
`agreed by the parties in writing.
`4. Any party may challenge a designation of confidentiality at any time. In the
`event of a challenge, the parties shall attempt to resolve such challenge in
`good faith and must meet and confer directly in voice to voice dialogue in
`connection with doing so.
`may be disclosed only to:
`(a) Outside counsel of record for a party in the proceeding, including
`employees of outside counsel of record’s law firm(s) to whom it is
`reasonably necessary to disclose this information to assist outside
`counsel of record in connection with this proceeding, including
`members of their firms, associate attorneys, paralegal, clerical, and
`other regular employees of such counsel. All in-house counsel and

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`other representatives of the parties (other than outside counsel of
`record) shall not be allowed to view HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL –
`(b) Experts. Retained experts of a party in the proceeding who further
`certify in the Acknowledgement that they are not employed by any
`party, not a competitor to any party, orand not a consultant for, or
`employed by, such a competitor with respect to the subject matter of
`the proceeding and certify in accordance with and sign the Standard
`Acknowledgment for Access to Protective Order Material
`(“Acknowledgment”), which is attached to this Protective Order as
`Exhibit A.
`(D) In-house counsel. In-house counsel of a party.
`(E) Other Employees of a Party. Employees, consultants or other persons
`performing work for a party, other than in-house counsel and in-house counsel's
`support staff, who sign the Acknowledgement shall be extended access to
`confidential information only upon agreement of the parties or by order of the
`Board upon a motion brought by the party seeking to disclose confidential
`information to that person. The party opposing disclosure to that person shall have
`the burden of proving that such person should be restricted from access to
`confidential information.

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`(c) (F) The Office. Employees and representatives of the Office and
`Board who have a need for access to the confidential information shall
`have such access without the requirement to sign anthe
`Acknowledgement. Such employees and representatives shall include
`the Director, members of the Board and their clerical staff, other
`support personnel, court reporters, and other persons acting on behalf
`of the Office.
`(d) (G) Support Personnel. Administrative assistants, clerical staff, court
`reporters, outside copying and exhibit preparation services and other
`support personnel of the foregoing persons who are reasonably
`necessary to assist those persons in the proceeding shall not be
`required to sign an Acknowledgement, but shall be informed of the
`terms and requirements of the Protective Order by the person they are
`supporting who receives confidential informationand who execute the
`disclosed only to the following individuals:

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`(a) Above Personnel. Those persons or entities identified in paragraph 5
`of this Protective Order under the conditions set forth in that
`(b) Parties to the Present Proceeding. Persons who are owners of a patent
`involved in the proceeding and other persons who are named parties
`to the proceeding, who sign the Acknowledgment.
`(c) In-house counsel. In-house counsel of a party who signs the
`(d) Other Employees of a Party. No more than two (2) employees of each
`party who have been designated to assist with this matter who sign the
`7. Persons receiving confidential informationConfidential Information shall use
`reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the information.,
`(a) (A) Maintaining such information in a secure location to which
`persons not authorized to receive the information shall not have

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`(b) (B) Otherwise using reasonable efforts to maintain the
`confidentiality of the information, which efforts shall be no less
`rigorous than those the recipientreceiving party uses to maintain the
`confidentiality of information not received from the disclosing party;
`(c) (C) Ensuring that support personnel of the recipientreceiving party
`who have access to the confidential informationConfidential
`Information understand and abide by the obligation to maintain the
`confidentiality of information received that is designated as
`confidential; and
`(d) (D) Limiting the copying of confidential informationConfidential
`Information to a reasonable number of copies needed for conduct of
`the proceeding and maintaining a record of the locations of such
`8. 4. Persons receiving confidential informationConfidential Information shall
`use the following procedures to maintain the confidentiality of the
`(a) (A) Documents and informationInformation Filed With the Board.
`(i) (i) A party may file documents or information with the Board
`under seal, together with a non-confidential description of the

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`nature of the confidential informationConfidential Information
`that is under seal and the reasons why the information is
`confidential and should not be made available to the public. The
`submission shall be treated as confidential and remain under
`seal, unless, upon motion of a party and after a hearing on the
`issue, or sua sponte, the Board determines that the documents
`or information do not to qualify for confidential treatment.
`(ii) (ii) Where confidentiality is alleged as to some but not all of the
`information submitted to the Board, the submitting party shall
`file confidential and non-confidentialnonconfidential versions
`of its submission, together with a Motion to Seal the
`confidential version setting forth the reasons why the
`information redacted from the non-confidential version is
`confidential and should not be made available to the public.
`The nonconfidential version of the submission shall clearly
`indicate the locations of information that has been redacted.
`The confidential version of the submission shall be filed under
`seal. The redacted information shall remain under seal unless,
`upon motion of a party and after a hearing on the issue, or sua

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`sponte, the Board determines that some or all of the redacted
`information does not qualify for confidential treatment.
`(b) (B) Documents and Information Exchanged Among the Parties.
`Information designated as confidentialConfidential Information that is
`disclosed to another party during discovery or other proceedings
`before the Board shall be clearly marked as “CONFIDENTIAL -
`shall be producedexchanged in a manner that maintains its
`(j) Standard Acknowledgement of Protective Order. The following form may
`be used to acknowledge a protective order and gain across to information covered
`by the protective order:
`9. Standard AcknowledgementUnless otherwise provided herein, redacted
`copies of documents may be produced where the redacted portions contain
`privileged matter. Any redactions must be conspicuous.
`10. All Confidential Information, whether marked as “CONFIDENTIAL -

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY,” shall be used only for this proceeding and
`shall not be used for any other purpose.

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`Unified Patents Inc.
`Paul C. Haughey
`Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
`Two Embarcadero Center, Eighth Floor
`San Francisco, CA 94111
`Scott E. Kolassa
`Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP
`1080 Marsh Road
`Menlo Park, CA 94025
`Jonathan Stroud
`Unified Patents Inc.
`1875 Connecticut Ave., NW. Floor 10
`Washington, D.C., 20009
`Blitzsafe Texas, LLC
`Peter Lambrianakos (Reg. No. 58,279)
`Brown Rudnick LLP
`7 Times Square
`New York, NY 10036

`IPR2016-00118 Protective Order
`Patent 8,155,342
`Case IPR2016-00118
`Patent No. 8,155,342
`Standard Acknowledgment for Access to Protective Order Material
`I _________,__________________________________________, affirm
`that I have read the Protective Order; that I will abide by its terms; that lI will use
`the confidential information only in connection with this proceeding and for no
`other purpose; that I will only allow access to support staff who are reasonably
`necessary to assist me in this proceeding; that prior to any disclosure to such
`support staff I informed or will inform them of the requirements of the Protective
`Order; that I am personally responsible for the requirements of the terms of the
`Protective Order and I agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the Office and the
`United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia for purposes of
`enforcing the terms of the Protective Order and providing remedies for its breach.
`Executed on
`, 20__.

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