`Complex Innovations EX 1012
`IPR of U.S. Pat. No. 7,829,595

`Published by the American Pharmaceutical Association
`2215 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20037~2985. USA
`and the Pharmaceutical Press
`1 Lambeth High Street, London SE1 7JN, UK
`© 1986, 1994, 2000 American Pharmaceutical Association and Pharmaceutical Press
`First edition 1986
`Second edition 1994
`Third edition 2000
`Printed in the United States of America
`ISBN: O-85369-381-1 (UK)
`ISBN: 0-917330-96—X (USA)
`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Handbook of pharmaceutical excipients / edited by Arthur H. Kibbe.--3rd ed.
`; cm.
`Includes bibliographical references and index.
`ISBN 0—9l7330-96—X
`1. Excipients-1-landbooks, manuals, etc.
`Pharmaceutical Association.
`[DNLM: 1. Excipients--Handbooks. QV 735 H236 2000]
`RSZOLE87 H36 2000
`I. Kibbe, Arthur H. II. American
`A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
`All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or
`by any means. without the prior written permission of the copyright holder. The publisher makes no representation, express or
`implied. with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or
`liability for any errors or omissions that may be made.
`Managing Editor: Melanie Segala
`Paul Gottehrer
`Lillian Rodberg
`Roy Barnhill
`Cover Designer:
`Tim Kaage

`Excipient: Micrccrystalline cellulose
`Manufacturer: Penwest Pharmaceuticals
`Lot: 98662
`Magnification: 100x
`I02 Cellulose, Micmcryszalline
`1. Nonproprietary Names
`BP: Microcrystalline cellulose
`JP: Microcrystalline cellulose
`PhEur: Cellulosum microcrystallinum
`USP: Microcrystalline cellulose
`2. Synonyms
`Avicel; cellulose gel; crystalline cellulose; E460; Emcocel;
`_Fibrocel; Tabulose; Vivacel.
`3. Chemical Name and CAS Registry Number
`Cellulose [9004-34-61
`4. Empirical Formula and Molecular Weight
`Where n = 220.
`= 36 000
`5. Structural Formula
`6. Functional Category
`Adsorbent; suspending agent; tablet and capsule diluent; tablet
`8. Description
`Microcrystalline cellulose is a purified, partially depolymer-
`ized cellulose that occurs as a white, odorless, tasteless, crys-
`talline powder composed of porous particles.
`commercially available in different particle sizes and moisture
`grades which have different properties and applications.
`7. Applications in Pharmaceutical Formulation or
`9. Pharniacopeial Specifications
`Microcrystalline cellulose is widely used in pharmaceuticals,
`primarily as a binderldiluent in oral tablet and capsule for-
`mulations where it is used in both wet granulation and direct-
`compression processes.(“7) In addition to its use as a bind-
`erldiluent. microcrystalline cellulose also has some lubricant“?
`and disiutegrant properties that make it useful in tableting.
`Microcrystalline cellulose is also used in cosmetics and food
`Capsule binder/diluent
`Tablet disintegrant
`Tablet binder/diluent
`Concentration (96)
`Bulk density
`S 7.0%
`Loss on drying
`S 0.05%
`Residue on ignition
`S 0.1%
`Sulfated ash
`s 0.05%
`s 0.05%
`Ether-soluble substances
`S 0.25%
`_< 0.24%
`Water-soluble substances
`S 10 ppm S 10 ppm
`Heavy metals
`Organic volatile impurities —
`Microbial limits
`97.0 1 02.0%

`SEM: 2
`Excipicnt: Microcrystallinc cellulose
`Manufacturer: Penwest Pharmaceuticals
`Lot: 98662
`Magnification: 300x
`SEM: 3
`Excipienz: Microcrystalline cellulose
`Manufacmmr; I-‘MC Corp
`Magnificaiion: 100x
`Cellulose, Microcrystalline 103
`Table I: Properties of some commercially avallable grades of
`microcrystalline cellulose.
`10. Typical Properties
`Angle of repose: 34.4‘’ for Emcocel 90M.‘93
`Density (bulk):
`0.337 g/cm3;(‘)
`0.32 g/cm3 for Avicel P1-l—10l:(1°)
`0.29 g/cm?‘ for Emcocel 9OM.{9)
`Density (tapped):
`0.478 g/ci:i13;“3
`0.45 g/cm3 for Avicel PH-10I;“°)
`0.35 g/cm3 for Emcocel 90M.<9>
`Density (true): 1.512—1.668 g/cm3(‘)
`Compressibiliiy: See Figs. 1, 2, and 3.05
`Mechanical ProPc!fies(a)
`9.84 KN/cmz
`Compression pressure:
`0.8711 kN/cmz
`Tensile strength:
`Permanent deformation pressure:
`Brittle fracture index:
`Bonding index;
`Reduced modulus of elasticity:
`Flowability: 1.41 gls for Emcocel 90M.‘9)
`Melting point: chars at 260-270°C.
`Moisture content: typically, less than 5% w/w. However, different
`grades may contain varying amounts of water. Microcrystalline
`cellulose is hygroscopic!” See Fig. 4"’ and Table L
`Pizrtz'a_:le size distribution: typical mean particle size is 20400 um.
`Different grades may have a different nominal mean pair
`ticle size. see Table I.
`Solubility: slightly soluble in 5% w/v sodium hydroxide solu—
`tion; practically insoluble in water, dilute acids, and most
`organic solvents.
`SP“‘fi‘ ”"f““ “’e"‘
`1.06-1.12 m2/g for Avicel PH-101.”)
`1.21-1.30 m2/g for Avicel PH-102.“)
`0-784-18 U12/2 for AW-C51 PH‘2O0-(a)
`(‘> Results of laboratory project for third edition.
`particle size
`Avicel PH~101l"
`Avicel PH-102“)
`Avicel PH.1o3<->
`Avicel PH-H2")
`AW" PH"”3(')
`A""’”l PH300“)
`Avicel PH~301(') 50
`1 PH-
`Ema”! 50
`Emmcel 90M(
`mm, 101“,
`ma“! M2 )
`WW“, 12¢,
`Vivace! 20“)
`Pamela Si" Analysis
`S 1.0
`S 30.0
`s 8.0
`2 45.0
`5 1.0
`S 30.0
`S 1.0
`S 8.0
`S 1'0
`5 30")
`2 100
`2 50-0
`S 1.0
`5 30°
`_ 8.0
`0 25
`: 3&0
`S mo
`g L0
`s 2.0
`S 0.1
`3 5_0
`5 5.0
`Suppliers: (3) FMC Corporation; M Edward Mendell Co Inc; (“l I. Reticu-
`maier 8: Saline Gmbl-I

`104 Cellulose, Microcrystalline
`1 20
`Mean applied pressure (MPa)
`Fig. 1: Crushing strength.
`(Reprinted with permission from Marcel Dekker, Inc., to be
`published in Compaction of Phamzaceutical Excipienrs by Metin
`Cclik, in press. 1999.)
`I : Microcrystalline cellulose, Emcocel 90M (Lot # 1037X.
`Mendell) at V = 100 mm/s
`A : Microcrystalline cellulose, Emcocel 90M (Lot # 1037X.
`Mendell) at V = 300 mm/s
`Pressure (MPa)
`Fig. 3: Heckel plot for micmcryslalline cellulose.
`O: Inl/(1—D)
`I: Hardness
`—A M
`Mean applied pressure (MPa)
`Fig. 2: Total work of compaction.
`(Reprinted with permission from Marcel Dekker, Inc, to be
`published in Compaction of Pharmaceutical Excipients by Metin
`Celik. in press, 1999.)
`I 2 Percentage porosity (E) vs. pressure plot for microcrystallinc
`cellulose, Emcacel 90M (Lot # 1037X. Mendell) at V = 100 mm/s
`A : Total work of compaction (TWC) vs. pressure plot for
`microcrystalline cellulose. Emcacel 90M (Lot # 1037X. Mendell)
`at V .-. 100 mm/s
`4050 so 7080 90100
`% Relative Humidity
`Fig. 4: Sorbfion-desorption isotherm for microcrystalline cellulose.
`C): Sorption
`I : Desorption
`11. Stability and Storage Conditions
`Mjcrocrystalline cellulose is a stable, though hygroscopic ma-
`terial. The bulk material should be stored in a well-closed
`container in a cool, dry, place.
`12. Incompatibilities
`Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents.

`13. Method of Manufacture
`Microcrystalline cellulose is manufactured by the controlled
`hydrolysis, with dilute mineral acid solutions of ot-cellulose,
`obtained as a pulp from fibrous plant materials. Following
`hydrolysis, the hydrocellulose is purified by filtration and the
`aqueous slurry is spray-dried to form dry, porous particles of
`a broad-size distribution.
`14. Safety
`Microcrystalline cellulose is widely used in oral pharmaceu-
`tical formulations and food products and is generally regarded
`as a nontoxic and nonirritant material.
`Microcrystalline cellulose is not absorbed systemically fol-
`lowing oral administration and thus has little toxic potential.
`Consumption of large quantities of cellulose may, however,
`have a laxative effect, although this is unlikely to be a prob-
`lem when cellulose is used as an excipient in pharmaceutical
`Deliberate abuse of formulations containing cellulose, either
`by inhalation or injection, has resulted in the formulation of
`cellulose granulomasfim
`15. Handling Precautions
`Observe normal precautions appropriate to the circumstances
`and quantity of material handled. Microcrystalline cellulose
`may be irritant to the eyes. Gloves, eye protection, and a dust
`mask are recommended. In the UK, the occupational exposure
`limits for cellulose has been set at 10 mgIm3 long-term
`(8-hour TWA) for total inhalable dust and 5 mglrn3 for respi-
`rable dust; short-term limit for total inhalable dust has been
`set at 20 mglm3.“3’
`16. Regulatory Status
`GRAS listed. Accepted in Europe for use as a food additive.
`Included in the FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide (inhalations,
`oral capsules, powders. suspensions, syrups and tablets, top-
`ical, and vaginal preparations). Included in nonparenteral
`medicines licensed in the UK.
`17. Pharmacopeias
`Eur. Int, Jpn, Pol, and US.
`18. Related Substances
`Microcrystalline cellulose and carboxymethylcellulose sodi-
`um; powdered cellulose.
`Microcrystalline cellulose and carhoxymethylcellulose sodium
`Synonyms: Avicel RC-581; Avicel RC-591; Avicel CL-611; col-
`loidal cellulose; dispersible cellulose.
`Appearance: white colored, odorless and tasteless hygroscopic
`Pharmacopeias: Br and US.
`Acidity/alkalinity: pH = 6-8 for a 1.2% wlv aqueous disper-
`Moisture content: not more than 6.0% wlw.
`Particle size distribution: S 0.1% retained on a #60 mesh and
`S 50% retained on #325 mesh for Avicel CL~611; S 0.1%
`retained on a #60 mesh and S 35% retained on a #200
`mesh for Avicel RC-581; S 0.1% retained on a #60 mesh
`and S. 45% retained on a #325 mesh for Avicel RC-591.
`Cellulose, Micmcrystalline 105
`Solubility: practically insoluble in dilute acids and organic
`solvents. Partially soluble in dilute alkali and water (car-
`boxymethylcellulose sodium fraction).
`Viscosity (dynamic): 5-20 mPa s (5-20 cP) for a 1.2% wlv
`aqueous dispersion of Avicel CL-611; 72-168 mPa s
`(72-168 cP) for Avicel R058] and 39-91 mPa 5 (39-91
`cP) for Avicel RC-591 at the same concentration.
`Comments: mixtures of microcrystalline cellulose and car-
`boxymethylcellulose sodium that are dispersible in water
`and produce thixotropic gels are suitable as suspending
`vehicles in pharmaceutical formulations. The amount of
`carboxymethylcellulose present can vary between
`8.3—18.8% wlw depending upon the grade of material.
`Several different grades of microcrystalline cellulose are com-
`mercially available which differ in their method of manufac-
`ture,‘”“5) particle size. moisture,
`flow, and other physical
`properties.““3l The larger particle-size grades generally pro-
`vidc better flow properties in pharmaceutical machinery. Low-
`moisture grades are used with moisture-sensitive materials.
`Higher density grades improve llowability and weight unifor-
`M. Specific References
`1. Enéziau GM. Direct compression of tablets using microcrys-
`talline cellulose [in French]. Pharm Acta Helv 1972; 47:
`. Lerk CF, Bolhuis GK. Comparative evaluation of excipients
`for direct compression 1. Pharm Weekbl 1973; 108: 469-481.
`. Lerk CF, Bolhuis GK, de Boer AH. Comparative evaluation
`of excipients for direct compression II. Pharm Weekbl 1974;
`109: 945-955.
`. Lamberson RF, Raynor GE. Tableting properties of microc-
`rystalline cellulose. Mfg Chem Aerosol News l976; 47(6):
`. Lerlt CF, Bolhuis GK, de Boer AH. Effect of microcrystalline
`cellulose on liquid penetration in and disintegration of
`directly compressed tablets. J Pharm Sci 1979; 63: 205-211.
`. Chilamlturti RN, Rhodes CT, Schwartz JB. Some studies on
`compression properties of tablet matrices using a computer-
`ized instrumented press. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1982; 8:
`. Wallace JW, Capozzi IT. Shangraw RF. Performance of phar-
`maceutical filler/binders as related to methods of powder
`characterization. Pharmaceut Techno! 1983; 7(9): 94-104.
`. Omray A, Omray P. Evaluation of microcrystalline cellulose
`as a glidant. Indian J Pharm Sci 1986; 48: 20-22.
`. Celik M. Okutgen E. A feasibility study for the development
`of a prospective compaction functionality test and the estab-
`lishment of a compaction data bank. Drug Dev Ind Pharm
`1993; 19: 2309-2334.
`. Parker MD, York P, Rowe RC. Binder-substrate interactions
`in wet granulation 3: the effect of excipient source variation.
`Int J Pharmaceutics 1992; 80: 179-190.
`. Callahan IC. Cleary GW. Elefant M, Kaplan G, Kensler T,
`Nash RA. Equilibrium moisture content of pharmaceutical
`excipients. Drug Dev Ind Pharrn 1982; 8: 355-369.
`. Cooper CB. Bai TR. l-leyderman E. Corrin B. Cellulose gran-
`ulomas in the lungs of a cocaine sniffer. Br Med J 1983'.
`286: 2021-2022.
`. Health and Safety Executive. EH40/98: Occupational Expa-
`sure Limits 1998. Sudbury, Health & Safety Executive, 1998.
`. Jain IK. Dixit VK. Vanna KC. Preparation of microcrystal-
`line cellulose from cereal straw and its evaluation as a tablet
`exeipient. Indian J Pharm Sci 1983; 45: 83-85.

`Colloidal Silicon Dioxide
`8. Description
`Colloidal silicon dioxide is a submicroscopie fumed silica
`with a particle size of about 15 nm.
`is a light,
`bluish—white colored, odorless, tasteless, nongritty amorphous
`SEM: 1
`Excipient: Colloidal silicon dioxide (Acrosil A-200)
`Manufacturer; Degussa
`Lot No: 87A-l (O4l69C)
`Magnification: 600><
`Voltage: 20 kV
`Excipient: Colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil A-200)
`Manufacturer: Degussa
`Lot No: 87A-l (0-4169C)
`Magnification: 2400><
`Voltage: 20 kV
`Colloidal Silicon
`1. Nonproprietary Names
`BP: Colloidal anhydrous silica
`PhEur: Silica colloidalis anhydrica
`USP: Colloidal silicon dioxide
`2. Synonyms
`light anhydrous
`Aerosil; Cab-0—Sil; colloidal silica; fumed silica;
`silicic acid; silicic anhydride; silicon dioxide fumed; Wucker HDK.
`3. Chemical Name and CAS Registry Number
`Silica [7631-86-9]
`4. Empirical Formula Molecular Weight
`5. Structural Formula
`6. Functional Category
`Adsorbent; anticaking agent; glidant; suspending agent; tablet
`disintegrant; Viscosity—increa.sing agent.
`7. Applications in Pharmaceutical Formulation or
`Colloidal silicon dioxide is widely used in pharmaceuticals,
`cosmetics, and food products. Its small particle size and large
`specific surface area give it desirable flow characteristics
`which are exploited to improve the flow properties of dry
`powders in a number of processes, e.g.,
`Colloidal silicon dioxide is also used to stabilize emulsions
`and as a thixotropic thickening and suspending agent in gels
`and semisolid preparations.” With other ingredients of similar
`refractive index transparent gels may be formed. The degree
`of viscosity increase depends on the polarity of the liquid
`(polar liquids generally require a greater concentration of col—
`loidal silicon dioxide than nonpolar liquids). Viscosity is
`largely independent of temperature. However. changes to the
`pH of a system may affect the viscosity, see Section ll.
`ln aerosols. other than those for inhalation, colloidal silicon
`dioxide is used to promote particulate suspension. eliminate
`hard settling and minimize the clogging of spray nozzles. Col-
`loidal silicon dioxide is also used as a tablet disintegrant and
`as an adsorbent dispersing agent for liquids in powders or
`Use Concentration (%)—
`Emulsion stabilizer
`Suspending and thickening agent 2-l0 _

`144 Colloidal Silicon Dioxide
`_n. O
`Masspercent N03OO
`% Relative humidity
`Fig. 1: Sorption desorption isotherm for colloidal silicon dioide.
`(Results of laboratory project for third edition.)
`0: Sorption
`I : Desorption
`9. Pharmacopeial Specifications
`Test PhEur
`Heavy metals
`Loss on drying
`Loss on ignition
`Organice voltile impurities
`Assay (on ignited sample)
`S 250 ppm
`S 25 ppm
`S 5.0%
`10. Typical Properties
`pH = 3.5-4.4 (4% w/v aqueous dispersion)
`Density (bulk): 0.029-0.042 g/cm3
`Density (tapped): see Tables I-III.
`Flowability: 35.52% (Carr compressibility index).
`Moisture content: See Fig.
`Particle size distribution: 7-16 nm. See also Fig. 2.
`Refractive index: 1.46
`Solubility: practically insoluble in organic solvents, water, and
`acids, except hydrofluoric acid; soluble in hot solutions of
`alkali hydroxide. Forms a colloidal dispersion with water.
`Specific gravity: 2.2
`Specific surface area: 200-400 mz/g (Stroehlein apparatus, single
`point); 50-380 m2/g (BET method). See also Tables I-HI.
`Several grades of colloidal silicon dioxide are commercially
`available which are produced by modifying the manufacturing pro-
`cess. The modifications do not affect the silica content, specific grav-
`ity, refractive index, color or amorphous form. However, particle
`Particle size, microns
`80 790 100
`Fig. 2: Particle size distributin of colloidal silicon dioxide.
`(Aerosil A-200)
`size, surface areas, and densities are affected. The physical prop-
`ertics of three commercially available colloidal silicon diox-
`ides, Aerosil (Degussa), Cab-O—Sil (Cabot Corporation), and
`Wacker HDK (Wacker—Chemie GmbH) are shown below in
`Tables I, II, and III, respectively.
`Table I: Aerosil physical properties.
`Specific surface aream
`130 i 25
`130 i 25
`200 i 25
`200 i 25
`300 i 30
`380 380 i 30
`*'“7’ BET method.
`Table II: Cab-0-Sil physical propertiesls)
`"3’ BET method.
`Specific surface areal”
`130 i 25
`150 i 25
`200 i 25
`325 i 25
`390 i 40
`200 i 25
`Density (tapped)

`Table III: Wacker HDK physical properties.*9’ ;
`Density (tapped)
`Specific surface area*(“)
`(ml/g) (g/Cm’)
`125i 15
`150 i 20
`200 i 30
`300 i 30
`400 i 40
`120 i 20
`170 1- 30
`250 i 30
`140 i 30
`120 1' 20
`200 i" 30
`100 i 30
`100 i 30H205OEP 0.20
`‘a’ BET method.
`11. Stability and Storage Conditions
`Colloidal silicon dioxide is hygroscopic, but adsorbs large
`quantities of water without liquefying. When used in aqueous
`systems at a pH between 0-7.5 colloidal silicon dioxide is
`effective in increasing the viscosity of a system. However, at
`a pH greater than 7.5 the viscosity-increasing properties of
`colloidal silicon dioxide are reduced and at a pH greater than
`10.7 this ability is lost entirely since the silicon dioxide dis-
`solves to form silicatesfsl Colloidal silicon dioxide powder
`should be stored in a well-closed container.
`Some grades of colloidal silicon dioxide have hydrophobic
`surface treatments which greatly minimizes its hygroscopicity.
`12. Incompatibilities
`Incompatible with diethylstilbestrol preparationsllo’
`13. Method of Manufacture
`Colloidal silicon dioxide is prepared by the vapor hydrolysis
`of chlorosilanes, such as silicon tetrachloride, at l800°C using
`a hydrogen-oxygen flame.
`14. Safety
`Colloidal silicon dioxide is widely used in oral and topical
`pharmaceutical products and is generally regarded as an es-
`sentially nontoxic and nonirritant excipient. However, intrap-
`eritoneal and subcutaneous injection may produce local tissue
`reactions and/or granulomas. Colloidal silicon dioxide should
`therefore not be administered parenterally.
`LD50 (rat, IV): 15 mg/kg‘“)
`LD50 (rat, oral): 3.16 g/kg
`15. Handling Precautions
`Observe normal precautions appropriate to the circumstances
`and quantity of material handled. Eye protection and gloves
`are recommended. Precautions should be taken to avoid inha-
`lation of colloidal silicon dioxide. In the absence of suitable
`containment facilities, a dust mask should be worn when han-
`dling small quantities of material. For larger quantities, a dust
`respirator is recommended.
`Inhalation of colloidal silicon dioxide dust may cause irrita-
`tion to the respiratory tract but
`is not associated with
`Colloidal Silicon Dioxide
`fibrosis of the lungs (silicosis) which can occur upon exposure
`to crystalline silica. In the UK, the 8-hour TWA occupational
`exposure limits for colloidal silicon dioxide are 6 mg/m3 for
`total inhalable dust and 3 mg/m3 for respirable dustf”)
`16. Regulatory Status
`GRAS listed. Included in the FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide
`(oral capsules, suspensions and tablets, transdermal and vag-
`inal preparations). Included in nonparenteral medicines li-
`censed in the UK.
`17. Pharmacopeias
`Eur and US.
`18. Related Substances
`The incidence of microbial contamination of colloidal silicon
`dioxide is low.
`20. Specific References
`l. Lerk CF, Bolhuis GK, Smedema SS. Interaction of lubricants
`and colloidal silica during mixing with excipients I: its effect
`on tabletting. Pharm Acta Helv 1977; 52: 33-39.
`. Lerk CF, Bolhuis GK. Interaction of lubricants and colloidal sil-
`ica during mixing with excipients II: its effect on wcttability and
`dissolution velocity. Pharm Acza Helv 1977; 52: 39-44.
`. Gore AY, Banker GS. Surface chemistry of colloidal silica
`and a possible application to stabilize aspirin in solid
`matrixes. J Pharm Sci 1979; 68: 197-202.
`. Daniels, R, Kerstiens B, Tishinger-Wagner H, Rupprecht H.
`The stability of drug absorbates on silica. Drug Dev Ind
`Pharm 1986; I2: 2127-2156.
`. Sherriff M, Enever RP. Rheological and drug release prop-
`erties of oil gels containing colloidal silicon dioxide. J
`Pharm Sci 1979; 68: 842-845.
`. Ettlinger M, Ferch H, Mathias J. Adsorption at the surface
`of fumed silica [in German]. Arch Pharm 1987; 320: 1-15.
`. Callahan JC, Cleary GW, Elefant M, Kaplan G, Kensler T,
`Nash RA. Equilibrium moisture content of pharmaceutical
`excipients. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1982; 8: 355-369.
`. Cabot Corporation. Technical literature: Cab-0—Sil fumed sil-
`ica, properties and functions, 1990.
`. Wacker-Chemie Gn1bH. Technical
`the fumed silica, 1993.
`literature: Wacker HDK
`. Johansen H, Moller N. Solvent deposition of drugs on excip-
`ients II: interpretation of dissolution, adsorption and absorp-
`tion eharacteristics of drugs. Arch Pharm Chemi (Sci) 1977;
`5: 33-42.
`. Sweet DV, editor. Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Sub-
`stances. Cincinnati, US Department of Health, 1987
`. Health and Safety Executive. EH40/98: Occuptional exposure
`limits 1998. Sudbury, Health and Safety Executive, 1998.
`21. General References
`Yang KY, Glemza R, Jarowski Cl. Effects of amorphous silicon
`dioxides on drug dissolution. J Pharm Sci 1979; 68: 560-565.
`22. Authors
`E Morefield.
`.....tnummmhuhllllialtmntutmmtlulw .4.

`1. Nonproprietary Names
`BP: Crospovidonc
`PhF.ur: Crospovidon
`USP: Crospovidonc
`2. Synonyms
`Cross-linked povidone; Kollidon CL; Polyplasdone XL; Poly-
`plasdone XL—10; polyVinylpolypyrrolidone; PVPP; 1-vinyl-
`2-pyrrolidinone hornopolymer.
`3. Chemical Name and CAS Registry Number
`1-Etheny1—2-pyrrolidinone homopolymer [9003—39—8]
`4. Empirical Formula Molecular Weight
`> 1 000 000
`Crospovidonc is a water-insoluble synthetic crosslinked ho-
`mopolymer of N-vinyl—2—pyrr0lidin0ne. An exact determina-
`tion of the molecular weight has not been established because
`of the insolubility of the material.
`5. Structural Formula
`See Povidone.
`6. Functional Category
`Tablet disintegrant.
`7. Applications in Pharmaceutical Formulation or
`Crospovidonc is a water—insolub1e tablet disintegrant used at
`2—5% concentration in tablets prepared by direct compression
`or wet and dry granulation methods.("4> It rapidly exhibits
`high capillary activity and pronounced hydration capacity with
`little tendency to form gels.
`8. Description
`Crospovidone is a white to creamy—whitc, finely divided, free-
`flowing, practically tasteless, odorless or nearly odorless, hy~
`groscopic powder.
`9. Pharmacopeial Specifications
`pH (1% solution)
`Residue on ignition
`Water-soluble substances
`Sulfated ash
`Heavy metals
`Nitrogen content
`(anhydrous basis)
`S 5.0%
`S 1.5%
`S 400 ppm
`S 0.1%
`S 10 ppm
`S 0.1%
`5 0.001%
`S 0.1%
`Crospa vidone
`SEM: 1
`Excipient: Crospovidonc (Knllidmi CL)
`Manufacturer: BASF Corp
`Lot No: 80-3077
`Magnification: 150><
`Voltage: 20 kV
`_. 0)
`Int/(1-0) :0.—*(D_.
`Pressure (MPa)
`Fig. 1: Heckel plot of crospovidone.
`I :
`0 zhardness
`10. Typical Properties
`pH : 5.0-8.0 (1% W/\’ aqueous slurry)
`Comprervibilityz see Fig. 1.<“"
`Campression pressure; 20.39 l<N/cmz
`Tensile strength: 0.7471 kN/cmz
`Permanent deforrmmbn pressure: 140.4 kN/Crnl
`Brittle fracture index: 0.2371
`Bonding index: 0.0053
`Reduced modulus of elasticity: 10621
`Density: 1.22 g/cm?’
`Density (bulk):
`0.363 g/cm3 for Kollidon CL;
`0.213 g/cm‘ for Pnlyplasdone XL;
`0.323 g/cm3 for Polyplasdane XL-10.
`Density (tapped):
`0.534 g/cm3 for Kollidon CL;

`162 Croscarmellose Sodium
`The WHO has not specified an acceptable daily intake for the
`related substance carboxymethylcellulose sodium, used as a
`food additive, since the levels necessary to achieve a desired
`effect were not considered sufficient
`to be a hazard to
`See also Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium.
`15. Handling Precautions
`Observe normal precautions appropriate to the circumstances
`and quantity of material handled. Croscarmellose sodium may
`be irritant to the eyes; eye protection is recommended.
`16. Regulatory Status
`included in the FDA Inactive Ingredients Guide (oral capsules
`and tablets). Included in nonparenteral medicines licensed in
`the UK.
`17. Pharmacopeias
`Eur and US.
`18. Related Substances
`Carboxymethylcellulose calcium; carboxymethylcellulose so-
`Typically, the degree of substitution (DS) for croscarmellose
`sodium is 0.7.
`20. Specific References
`l. Botzolakis JE, Augsburger LL. Disintegrating agents in hard
`gelatin capsules part 1: mechanism of action. Drug Dev Ind
`Pharm 1988; 14: 29-41.
`. Dahl TC, Sue IT, Yum A. The influence of disintegrant level
`and capsule size on dissolution of hard gelatin capsules
`stored in high humidity conditions. Drug Dev Ind Pharm
`1991; 17: 1001-1016.
`. Gissinger D, Stamm. A comparative evaluation of the prop-
`erties of some tablet disintegrants. Drug Dev Ind Pharm
`1980; 6: 511-536.
`. Shangraw R, Mitrevej A, Shah M. A new era of tablet dis-
`integrants. Pharmaceut Technol 1980; 4(l0): 49-57.
`. Rudnic EM, Rhodes CT, Bavitz IF, Schwartz JB. Some
`effects of relatively low levels of eight tablet disintegrants
`on a direct compression system. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1981;
`7: 347-358.
`. Gorman EA, Rhodes CT, Rudnic EM. An evaluation of cros-
`carmellose as a tablet disintegrant in direct compression sys-
`tems. Drug Dev Ind Pharm 1982; 8: 397-410.
`. Rudnic EM, Rhodes CT, Welch S, Bernado P. Evaluations
`of the mechanism of disintegrant action. Drug Dev Ind
`Pharm 1982; 8: 87-109.
`. Gordon MS, Chowhan ZT. Effect of tablet solubility and
`hygroscopicity on disintegrant efficiency in direct compres-
`sion tablets in terms of dissolution. J Pharm Sci 1987; 76:
`. Gordon MS, Chowhan ZT. The effect of aging on disintegrant
`efficiency in direct compression tablets with varied solubility
`and hygroscopicity,
`in terms of dissolution. Drug Dev Ind
`Phurm 1990', 16: 437-447.
`. Johnson JR, Wang L—H, Gordon MS, Chowhan ZT. Effect of
`formulation solubility and hygroscopicity on disintegrant
`efficiency in tablets prepared by wet granulation, in terms of
`dissolution. J Pharm Sci 1991; 80: 469-471.
`. Gordon MS, Rudraraju VS, Dani K, Chowhan ZT. Effect of
`the mode of super disintegrant incorporation on dissolution
`in wet granulated tablets. J Pharm Sci 1993; 82: 220-226.
`. Khattab I, Menon A. Sakr A. Effect of mode of incorporation
`of disintegrants on the characteristics of fluid—bed wet-gran-
`ulated tablets. J Pharm Pharmacol 1993; 45: 687-691.
`. Ferrero C, Mufioz N. Velasco MV, Munoz-Ruiz A, Jimenez-
`Castellanos R. Disintegrating efficiency of croscarmellose
`sodium in a direct compression formulation. Int J Pharma-
`ceutics 1997; 147: 11-21.
`. FAO/WHO. Evaluation of certain food additives and contam-
`inants: thirty-fifth report of the joint FAO/WHO expert com-
`mittee on food additives. Tech Rep Ser Wld Hlth Org 1990;
`No. 789.
`21. General References
`DMV International. Technical literature: Pharmacel XL. 1997.
`FMC Corporation. Technical literature: Ac—Di—Sol, 1995.
`Metsa-Serla Chemicals EV. Technical
`literature: Nymcel ZSX,
`22. Authors
`P] Weller.

`Magnesium Stearate
`SEM: l
`Excipient: Magnesium slearaie
`Magnesium Stearate 305
`1. Nonproprietary Names
`BP: Magnesium stearate
`JP: Magnesium stearate
`PhEur: Magnesii stearas
`USP: Magnesium stearate
`2. Synonyms
`572; Magnesium octadccanoate; stearic acid magnesium salt;
`octadecanoic acid, magnesium salt.
`3. Chemical Name and CAS Registry Number
`Octadecanoic acid magnesium salt [557-04-0]
`4. Empirical Formula Molecular Weight
`The USP describes magnesium stearate as a compound of
`magnesium with a mixture of solid organic acids and consists
`chiefly of variable proportions of magnesium stearate and
`magnesium palmitatc (C32H5ZMgO,). The PhEur describes
`magnesium stearate as consisting mainly of magnesium stear-
`ate with variable proportions of magnesium palmitate and
`magnesium oleate (C35H65MgO4).
`5_ Structural Fonnnla
`6. Functional Category
`Tablet and capsule lubricant.
`7. Applications in Pharmaceutical Formulation or
`Magnesium stearate is widely used in cosmetics, foods, and
`pharmaceutical formulations. It is primarily used as a lubri—
`cant in capsule and tablet manufacture at concentrations be-
`tween 0.25—5.0%. It is also used in barrier creams.
`M 8. Description
`Magnesium stearate is a fine, white, precipitated or milled,
`impalpable powder of low bulk density, having a faint odor
`of stearic acid and a characteristic taste. The powder is greasy
`to the touch and readily adheres to the skin.
`SEM: 2
`Excipient: Magnesium slearate
`Magnification: 2400x

`306 Magnesium Stearate
`9. Pharmacopeial Specifications
`Microbial limits
`Acidity or alkalinity
`Acid value of the
`fatty acid
`Clarity and color of
`solution of the
`fatty acids
`Color of solution
`Loss on drying
`Heavy metals
`Relative stearicl
`palmitic content
`Organic volatile
`Assay (dried, as Mg) 4.0-5.0%
`10. Typical Properties
`Crystalline farms: high purity magnesium stearate has been
`isolated as a trihydratc. a dihydrate, and an anhydrate.
`Density (bulk): 0.159 g/cm3(“’
`Den.rt'ty(tapped): 0.286 g/cm3(‘)
`Density (true): 1.092 g/cm3(“)
`Flash point: 250°C
`Flawabilityz poorly flowing, cohesive powder.
`Melting range:
`ll7-150°C (commerical samples);
`126—l30°C (high purity magnesium stearate).
`Moisture content: see Fig. 1.“)
`Solubility: practically insoluble in ethanol. ethanol (95%),
`ether and water; slightly soluble in warm benzene and
`warm ethanol (95%).
`Specific surface area: 1.6-14.8 mzlg.
`l‘) Results from laboratory project for third edtion.
`11. Stability and Storage Conditions
`Magnesium stearate is stable and should be stored in a
`well-closed container in a cool, dry place.
`12. Incolnpatibilitles
`Incompatible with strong acids, alkalis and iron salts. Avoid
`mixing with strong oxidizing materials. Magnesium stearate
`cannot be used in products containing aspirin, some vitamins,
`and most alkaloidal salts.
`13. Method of Manufacture
`Magnesium stearate is prepared either by the interaction of
`aqueous solutions of magnesium chloride with sodium stea.r-
`ate. or by the interaction of magnesium oxide, hydroxide or
`carbonate with stearic acid at elevated temperatures.
`Relative humidity (%)
`Fig. 1: Sorptiomdesorption isotherm for magnesium stearate.
`I : sorption
`Q : desorption
`14. Safety
`Magnesium stearate is widely used as a pharmaceutical ex-
`cipient and is generally regarded as being nontoxic following
`oral administration. However, oral consumption of large quan-
`tities may result in some laxative effect or mucosal irritation.
`15. Handling Precautions
`Observe normal pre

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