` ________________________
` Before the Honorable Christopher L.
`Crumbley, the Honorable Lora M. Green, and the
`Honorable Robert A. Pollock, Administrative Patent
`Judges, via conference call, on the 1st day of
`June, 2016; commencing at 4:00 p.m., the following
`cases were called:
` Petitioner
` v.
` Patent Owner
` _________________________
` Case IRP2016-00084
` U.S. Patent No. 5,665,772
` _________________________
`Job No.: 113636
`Pages 1 - 38
`Reported by: Kimberly Anne Votta, RPR
`Ex. 1031-0001

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` Petitioner
` v.
` Patent Owner
` _________________________
` CASE IRP2016-01059
` U.S. Patent No. 5,665,772
` _________________________
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner
` _________________________
` CASE IRP2016-01023
` U.S. Patent No. 5,665,772
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Ex. 1031-0002

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner
` _________________________
` U.S. Patent No. 5,665,772
` _________________________
` Petitioner
` v.
` Patent Owner
` _________________________
` U.S. Patent No. 5,665,772
` _________________________
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Ex. 1031-0003

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` (Via Telephone)
` For the Petitioner Par Pharmaceutical, Inc.:
` Latham & Watkins, LLP
` 555 Eleventh Street, NW
` Suite 1000
` Washington, DC 20004-1304
` (202) 637-2200
` For the Petitioner Breckenridge
` Pharmaceutical, Inc.:
` Merchant & Gould, P.C.
` 1900 Duke Street, Suite 600
` Alexandria, VA 22314
` (703) 684-2500
` For the Petitioner Roxane Laboratories, Inc.:
` Goodwin Procter, LLP
` The New York Times Building
` 620 Eighth Avenue
` New York, NY 10018
` (212) 813-8800
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`2 3
`Ex. 1031-0004

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` A P P E A R A N C E S cont.
` (Via Telephone)
` For the Patent Owner Novartis:
` Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto
` 1290 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, NY 10104
` (212) 218-2100
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`2 3
`7 8 9
`Ex. 1031-0005

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: So as I said, this is Judge
` Crumbley. I have with me Judges Green and
` Pollock. We have a phone call today in five
` related IPRs, and I'll read the numbers. It's
` IPR2016-00084, 01023, 01059, 01102, and 01103.
` Go ahead and get the appearances from the
` parties, Counsel. So let's start with the
` Petitioner Par Pharmaceutical.
` MR. STRANG: Yes. This is Jonathan Strang
` from Latham & Watkins, and with me I have Marc
` Zubick, also with Latham & Watkins. And that's
` for Petitioner Par.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: All right. Good afternoon,
` Mr. Strang.
` Okay. And do we have someone from
` Breckenridge on the phone?
` MR. FEDOWITZ: Yes. This is Matthew
` Fedowitz on behalf of Breckenridge.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Hi, Mr. Fedowitz. Do you
` have anyone else with you representing
` Breckenridge?
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`Ex. 1031-0006

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` MR. FEDOWITZ: I have Mary Bram and
` Alireza --
` THE COURT REPORTER: I'm sorry. I did not
` hear you.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Why don't we get names --
` why don't we get their name spellings after --
` after the call, if that's all right.
` MR. STRANG: We'll take care of that, Your
` Honor.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: All right. Thank you.
` MR. ZULLOW: This is Keith Zullow, Your
` Honor, on behalf of Roxane.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Hi, Mr. Zullow. And who do
` we have from Novartis on the phone?
` MR. KALLAS: For the patent owner, Judge
` Crumbley, we have Nick Kallas, and with me is
` Ray Mandra.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: All right, Mr. Kallas.
` So I have an e-mail here -- actually, before
` we get underway, which party retained the court
` reporter?
` MR. STRANG: That's was Petitioner Par, Your
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`Ex. 1031-0007

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` Honor.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: All right, Mr. Strang. So
` do me a favor and when you receive the
` transcript provide a copy to the -- to the other
` parties, and file a copy in PRPS for us. And,
` actually, the other petitioners need to do the
` same in their cases as well.
` MR. STRANG: Yes, Your Honor. Would you
` like the parties to use a 3,000 series number or
` our own series of numbers?
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: No. I think it's okay for
` you to just use your own series of numbers.
` MR. STRANG: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: All right. Okay. So I
` have an e-mail here from the parties in the --
` so between Par and Novartis, but we decided to
` include Breckenridge and Roxane as well since I
` think the issues are relevant to their cases as
` well.
` The first issue in the e-mail is that the
` Patent Owner Novartis wants to extend due date
` one, currently set for July 29th, until late
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`Ex. 1031-0008

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` September. So -- and, Mr. Kallas, why don't you
` speak to that briefly, and then we can hear from
` the petitioner on that.
` MR. KALLAS: Yes, Your Honor. The
` scheduling issue here arises because there is a
` district court trial starting on August 29th of
` this year. That district court trial will occur
` after due date one, July 29th, which is Patent
` Owner's response, but before due date two,
` October 31st, which is Petitioner Par's reply.
` And just so you have it correctly, hopefully
` it's clear, due date one on July 29th is Patent
` Owner's response. There's a district court
` trial on August 29th. Due date two,
` October 31st; Petitioner Par's reply.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: And what are you seeking
` for the --
` MR. KALLAS: Well, we're seeking here,
` because there is going to be a trial on the same
` patent involving several of the same issues, and
` we -- we think it's only fair that both parties
` either get to use the trial testimony, or
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`Ex. 1031-0009

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` neither one of them gets to use the trial
` testimony. However, under the current schedule,
` Par will be allowed to use the trial testimony
` in its reply, or it will decline to use it if
` it's adverse to them, and -- and under the
` present schedule, the patent owner won't get the
` opportunity to use any part of that trial
` testimony. We'll be denied that opportunity.
` And all we're looking for is a reasonable
` resolution to this issue, because we believe
` there should be a level playing field. Either
` both sides get to use it, or neither gets to use
` it.
` And because of that, and we think it's
` unfair if Patent Owner doesn't get that
` opportunity, we made several proposals to Par.
` The first one was to extend the current
` schedule. And our proposal would be on the
` lines of, rather than having our paper due --
` due date one July 29th, we would move that back
` to shortly after the trial. We believe we could
` have our papers in on September 16th. And then
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`Ex. 1031-0010

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` we would give the Petitioner Par an extension of
` due date two from October 31st to, say,
` November 29th, and then no other dates really
` have to be moved. We think that would
` accommodate us in -- for us allowing having
` access and use of this relevant trial testimony.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Well, let me interrupt you
` for just a moment. So from what you just said,
` I'm reading between the lines, I take it that
` you're not intending to file a motion to amend
` in this case?
` MR. KALLAS: Yes. Yes.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Okay. Because --
` MR. KALLAS: We -- we would do that. We're
` hoping that we could work this out, but we've
` had -- we had several proposals on the table.
` We think the most fair one would be to move the
` schedule or change the schedule in the
` beginning, which doesn't appear to prejudice
` anybody, and it allows the patent owner the same
` opportunity that the Petitioner Par would have.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Right. Now, I take your
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`Ex. 1031-0011

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` point. I guess what -- the reason I asked that
` was, you said that you would -- you were going
` to propose moving due date two to where due date
` three, which is the reply to the motion to amend
` currently as set, which, to me, it says that
` you're not intending to file a motion to amend;
` therefore, we actually don't need due date three
` in the first place.
` MR. KALLAS: That is correct, Your Honor.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Okay. So the one thing
` that I think I'll point out here is that the
` parties do have the ability to move these dates
` by stipulation. And if there is this -- you
` know, if there's no need for due date three in
` the schedule as it stands right now, that --
` that might give you enough leeway to accommodate
` whatever -- whatever moves you're looking to
` make without the involvement of the Board.
` So let me -- I know you have a couple
` alternative proposals as well that are in the
` e-mail, but let me -- I want to turn to counsel
` for Par.
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`Ex. 1031-0012

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` Mr. Strang, do you -- do you have a response
` to that? Do you -- are you amenable to
` discussing, you know, these kinds of moving due
` dates between the parties, and if we're not
` needing the Board's involvement if they're not
` filing a motion to amend?
` MR. STRANG: Yes, we are, Your Honor. And
` had we heard these proposals before, we might
` not even be here today taking up your time. The
` previous proposal we had was, in total, what was
` in the e-mail to the Board, which was move due
` date two -- or, pardon me, move due date one,
` the patent owner response, back by two months.
` There was no discussion of what to do with the
` rest of the due dates.
` MR. STRANG: As a matter of fact, we -- when
` we looked at it, we weren't sure how we were
` going to manage this, because due date six and
` seven, we can't move. Due date six is right
` after the holidays. Due date five is 1/3,
` January 3, so we couldn't move that. So we
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`Ex. 1031-0013

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` didn't quite see how to do -- do that. But we
` think in light of the new proposal presented for
` the first time today that we could be able to
` come to an agreement, and that would help us
` synchronize the schedules for the other
` proceeding also.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: And that was going to be my
` next -- next -- once we dealt with this topic,
` that was going to be my next point, which was
` that I think it might make our -- the issues
` with that -- with our second issue maybe a
` little easier to deal with if we do have this
` flexibility in the schedule in the first case.
` So what I would like the parties to do, I'd
` like Par and Novartis to do, in the 00084 case
` is just, once we finish today, either sit down
` together and discuss, you know, whether you can
` come to some sort of agreement now that we know
` due date three is not going to be in play, and
` then come up with a stipulated schedule that you
` could -- that you could file with the Court.
` And then, therefore, we wouldn't have to get
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`Ex. 1031-0014

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` into modifying the scheduling order in any way
` at this -- at this point.
` Does that sound okay to you, Mr. Kallas?
` MR. KALLAS: Yes, it does, Your Honor.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: All right. Well, I'll put
` that to you and Mr. Strang to do after we get
` off the call today.
` If there's nothing else on that issue, I
` want to turn to the second issue in the e-mail,
` which has to do with accelerating the due date
` for -- in the preliminary response in the 1059
` proceeding, which seeks joinder to the -- to
` the 84 proceeding.
` So I guess I'll turn it again -- this is
` your request, Mr. Strang. I'll turn it to you
` first to -- what are you -- what are you seeking
` from the Board on this -- on this issue?
` MR. STRANG: Your Honor, as we originally
` proposed in our motion for joinder, we sought an
` accelerated schedule for the POPR so that we
` would more easily synchronize the two
` proceedings' schedules together. And, in fact,
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`Ex. 1031-0015

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` since there's absolutely -- there's no
` difference, in our view, as we laid out in our
` petition, and I don't want to get into the
` merits here, but there's really no substantive
` difference between claims 7 and claims 1, 8,
` and 9, that it would be appropriate and
` reasonable for Petitioners to have a month for
` their POPR to the Board with them. We didn't
` seek to have to the Board's three months and
` then a month for the POPR. And then that would
` give us two weeks to address the additional
` issues that are just in that delta between
` what -- you know, what you possibly argue
` between claims 7 and claim 1 and 9.
` So we gave the parties -- you know, we gave
` them about a month for each of their responses,
` ourselves for two weeks, and we seen that was
` reasonable. We didn't get any sort of
` counter-proposal or how to integrate that with
` the existing schedule, and had we known that we
` were able to -- that the -- that Novartis was
` willing to move due date two and forego their
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`Ex. 1031-0016

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` motion to amend so we'd have plenty of time,
` I -- I don't really see why the parties can't
` come to agreement on that either, Your Honor.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Well, before we -- before
` we go down that road, and I have a couple of
` sort of preliminary questions. The first thing
` is for Mr. Fedowitz and Mr. Zullow. Are -- are
` Breckenridge and Roxane also seeking shortened
` dates in -- in those cases that are also seeking
` joinder?
` MR. FEDOWITZ: This is Matt Fedowitz for
` Breckenridge. We're interested in fully
` coordinating with Par on that, so whatever works
` out in that regard, we're -- we're fully on
` board with that.
` MR. ZULLOW: And, Your Honor, this is Keith
` Zullow on behalf of Roxane, and we -- we feel
` the same way. We want to coordinate fully, and
` think that all of these should be on the same
` schedule. So we believe we'll be fine, but
` whatever Par is able to work out with -- with
` the patent owner.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Ex. 1031-0017

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Right. But -- okay. Okay.
` I think the issue is that -- that your
` petitions, or at least some of them, have come
` later, even later than -- than Par's second
` petition. So I -- I'm just trying to -- there's
` a lot of certain moving parts here, so I'm
` trying to figure out what all the parties want
` to do moving the schedule.
` Just another preliminary question, because I
` just -- I haven't looked that much into the
` merits, is, are you all past the one year 315(b)
` date for these joined cases? I'll ask you
` first, Mr. Strang.
` MR. STRANG: Yes. Yes, Your Honor. We're
` past our one year date.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: In the -- in the 1059 case?
` MR. STRANG: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Okay. And then,
` Mr. Fedowitz, just for your 1102 case, are you
` past your date as well?
` MR. FEDOWITZ: Yes, sir.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Okay. And Mr. Zullow?
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`Ex. 1031-0018

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` MR. ZULLOW: Yes, sir. Same thing.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Okay. So -- so in the
` absence of joinder, those -- those cases are --
` are barred. Okay.
` I guess the only other question I had for
` you, Mr. Strang, before I turn to Mr. Kallas --
` oh, I have -- I have a couple questions. One --
` one is, do you have a reason why you didn't
` raise claim 7 in the -- in the original petition
` in the 84 case?
` MR. STRANG: Your Honor, there was nothing
` strategic in -- in the decision. I wasn't at
` the team -- I wasn't on the team at the time,
` but it was an inadvertent omission. But I think
` the real point here is that joinder's
` appropriate because there's no discernable
` prejudice to the patent owner. We have exactly
` the same declaration as in the original
` petition. We have exactly -- we have the same
` arguments. All we basically argue is, claim 7
` essentially rises and falls for the same reasons
` as claim 1, 8, and 9.
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`Ex. 1031-0019

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: No. I take your point on
` that. I just -- it wasn't in your -- I didn't
` see it in your motion that it was, for example,
` a newly asserted claim in the district court
` litigation in our -- in the complaint, for
` example. That's not the case, is it?
` MR. STRANG: No, Your Honor, it is not.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Okay. All right. And the
` only other issue I have is -- is, you know -- so
` you haven't had a discussion with Mr. Kallas
` about this. So my question to you is, you know,
` does -- does short -- shortening the time period
` to a month not in some way harm Novartis's
` ability to respond to your petition? I mean, I
` know that you say that claim 7 stands or falls,
` but, I mean, don't they have the ability to
` introduce evidence? They're not bound to
` evidence in the -- in the first case. They --
` they're actually -- under our new rules, they're
` actually able to submit new testimonial evidence
` in response -- to form their response now.
` How -- how are they able to have a full
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`Ex. 1031-0020

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` opportunity to do that in a month?
` MR. STRANG: Well, Your Honor, I have two
` answers to your question. The first one is that
` they don't -- we can give them much more than a
` month now that due date two is going to move
` from October 31. Our previous schedule --
` schedule's goal, a proposed schedule as laid out
` in the motion for joinder, was to synchronize
` the petitioner's reply on October 31. Now that
` we've moved that back to November 29, or at
` least in that neighborhood, that gives it plenty
` more time for them to address the issues.
` And that leads to my second point. The only
` issue here, the only issue presented by the
` petition and the second petition, is that
` claim 7, in effect, rises and falls with
` claims 1, 8, and 9. So we don't feel that
` there's going to be an additional -- a
` significant amount of testimony or evidence that
` goes to that issue. Claim 7 is the compound of
` claim 1, with, your claims 8 and 9 are
` administering the compound, presumably with a
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`Ex. 1031-0021

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` carrier, to a patient.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: And I understand your point
` on that. I just am trying to -- and maybe --
` maybe this resolves itself if we have a little
` more time in the first case.
` But I want -- I want to give Mr. Kallas an
` opportunity to respond. I guess the first thing
` to ask you, Mr. Kallas, is, do you oppose
` shortening somewhat your time period for
` response to the petition in view of their --
` their apparent willingness to work with you on
` extending the first case?
` MR. KALLAS: Well, I don't know how much
` that somewhat is, Your Honor, but we do oppose
` not -- not getting our full time for this.
` First of all, let me just mention that we're
` allowed 30 days to oppose the joinder motion.
` And my understanding is that opposition is due
` on the 17th of June, and we are going to file an
` opposition motion. I won't get into the -- the
` merits of that. I'll save everybody on that.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: No. And I'm not asking you
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`Ex. 1031-0022

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` to -- to give us your position now, and we'll
` take that when we receive it. Are you going to
` oppose the joinder; for example, Breckenridge,
` on the claim -- you know, basically a copied
` petition from the first case?
` MR. KALLAS: Well, Breckenridge filed -- I'm
` not certain which Breckenridge petition you're
` talking about.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Well, the 1023 case, which,
` again, maybe I'm -- I haven't seen something
` different in there, but appears to have the same
` grounds that we instituted on in the 84 case.
` Are you intending to oppose the joinder of
` Breckenridge to the 84 case?
` MR. KALLAS: Your Honor, Patent Owner will
` oppose that as well.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: All right. And I'm not
` saying you can't. I'm just trying to understand
` what -- you know, what you're planning on doing.
` MR. KALLAS: Yeah. And -- and that's -- my
` reading of the papers is that what -- their
` grounds are not exactly the same.
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`Ex. 1031-0023

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: All right.
` MR. KALLAS: There's additional grounds in
` their paper. But we will --
` MR. FEDOWITZ: And just to clarify on the
` record --
` THE COURT REPORTER: I'm sorry. You just
` cut out there.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Yeah. And do me a favor.
` That was garbled for me as well, so was that
` Mr. Fedowitz?
` MR. FEDOWITZ: Yes, sir. To clarify for the
` record, the grounds are identical --
` THE COURT REPORTER: I can't hear.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: The ground are identical --
` for the reporter, I think he said the grounds
` are identical to Par's.
` Mr. Fedowitz, you're getting somewhat
` garbled on your line, so you may just want
` to --
` MR. KALLAS: Yeah. Your Honor, this is Nick
` Kallas again. I hope I didn't misspeak. I
` meant to say the evidence isn't exactly the
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`Ex. 1031-0024

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` same, and if I said the grounds were different,
` then I -- I misspoke.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: Okay. That's fine. So the
` other question I had for you is -- and, again,
` you know, without getting too far into the
` merits, I mean, is it your position that there's
` something about claim 7 that makes it separately
` patentable from claim 1?
` MR. KALLAS: Your Honor, I do believe it is
` separately patentable. We're looking at that.
` It may require a new type of expert that we have
` and need here, a formulation expert. Also,
` we're considering whether we need to or should
` amend claim 7 in the case. And all of this will
` take time to consider.
` I think you came up with the point that we
` were going to raise. Since we were able to
` respond on our first petition, or when we did
` respond, the rules have changed. Now we're able
` to go and vet this with an expert and put in an
` expert declaration, and -- and that will take
` time to prepare.
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`Ex. 1031-0025

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` But I'm not -- I believe you; the patent
` owner views the world much differently than the
` other petitioners. As I -- as we look at
` section 103 and obviousness, we compare that
` claim with the prior art that cited against it.
` We don't compare the validity of that claim with
` other claims that aren't prior art in the same
` patent. And we should be able to get the full
` opportunity to attack that prior art. I believe
` they're relying on five references. We should
` get the full opportunity to show to the Court
` why those five references don't make sense in
` invalidating claim 7. And that's why it's --
` it, obviously, cannot be done by June 20th,
` which is less than three weeks from today, which
` is the date that Par had proposed. And we
` realize by pushing back the schedule, there may
` be room in the schedule to line these up. We
` had not considered that before, and maybe it's
` premature to discuss that, and maybe the parties
` ought to take a step back and see if they could
` figure out some other schedule other than the
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`Ex. 1031-0026

`Conference Call
`Conducted on June 1, 2016
` one Par's proposed, and if they can't, then we
` come back to the Board and have the Board
` resolve that.
` But, again, I don't think we can say yes or
` no whether it will fit in the present schedule
` or not, because it wasn't an issue that was ripe
` for discussion today. Today it was, Par wanted
` a very fast schedule, which -- and our -- our
` thought was, it's not very reasonable, and
` certainly not fair to the patent owner. And,
` Judge Crumbley, you brought up yourself, we're
` allowed to bring in expert evidence now, and we
` didn't get that opportunity, unfortunately, with
` our preliminary response to the first petition.
` JUDGE CRUMBLEY: No. And I understand that.
` But, I mean, let's look at this in the big
` picture here, which is that there's something
` that you want, which is delaying due date one in
` the 84 case, and there's something that the

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