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`25/08, 51/28, 81/32
`<11) me/2>r;11$%~
`(43) l§l|%’.z}|3fi El
`l998’5l=-1 H 29 El (29.0l.98)
`(21) [§JI¥éfl1fi$%
`11>, US, Ek/Il4%%‘=F (AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FI,
`(81) ifiifi
`FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE).
`(22) 1a1e111m B
`199'/$75 l6E|(l6.07.97)
`(311) ~67
`19964157)? 18 El (18.07.96)
`an - 211111:
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`lkitsztt ;t:E{I:$E¥§%iF)?
`T 145 gnaw: EB lZHiafi1‘115T B 37-11 Tokyo, (JP)
`(72) %fH% ; 35:0
`(75) §§HH%‘/Hifijk (%lél;o1nT0>1»)
`{E} W §E7é‘(0KAuc1I1, Kanji)[JP/JP]
`T 145 imam: B3 lZEHl§l§fi5fi1‘ST B 37-10 Tokyo, (JP)
`(74) 1’<‘.EIiA
`#31: E ht! 9a't%(Y0sH1DA, Yoshiharu)
`T 105 3E1€%13?%1Z1fi: / F"l—T 1.3-,1 21%19%-
`amt: :fi / FE: E21/6l% Tokyo, (JP)
`(57) Abstract
`A cap-shape reagent container for analysis reagents, which makes a water quality
`analysis simple. A technical
`issue of the invention is to provide a cap-shape reagent
`container for analysis reagents, which enables a water quality analysis safely and precisely
`in a simple operation even in the absence of a chemical knowledge. A solution to a first
`technical issue of the invention is to provide a transparent container body enabling injection
`of a predetermined amount of test water from an opening thereof, a cap body capable of
`being mounted by tightening from a side of the opening of the container body, a reagent
`,_1__.1 :_.- .1._ :_.-_:,... .: ot...
`....... I....I.. A........A:..n .m.-... on anunnnl
`storage container loaded into the cap body for storing a predetermined reagent, and a cutter

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`W0 98/03265

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`WO 98/03265WO 98/03265

`international application No.
` A.
`Int. Cl
`B01L3/00, G0lN3l/00, GOIN33/18, B65D25/O8, B65D51/28,
`B 6 5 D 8 1 / 3 2
`According to International Patent Classification (ll’C) or to both national classification and lPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`Int. C16 B01L3/00, G0lN3l/00, G01N33/18, B65D25/08, B65D51/28,
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Jitsuyo_Shinan Koho
`1926 - 1996
`Jitsuyo Shinan Toroku
`Kokai Jitsuyo Shinan Koho
`1971 - 1997
`1996 - 1997
`Toroku Jitsu o Shinan Koho
`1994 - 1997
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable. search terms used)
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No,
`JP, 9—255047, A (Toppan Printing Co., Ltd.),
`September 30, 1997 (30. 09. 97),
`Claim; Figs. 1, 2, 5,
`(Family: none)
`Microfilm of the specification and drawings
`annexed to the written appliation of Japanese
`Utility Model Application No. 7434/1992
`(Laid-open No. 68865/1993)(Toppan Printing Co.,
`Ltd.) ,
`September 19, 1997 (19. 09. 97),
`Claim; Figs.
`1 to 3
`(Family: none)
` JP, 1-132571, U (Shiseido Co., Ltd.),
`September 8, 1989 (08. O9. 89),
`Claim; Figs.
`to 15 (Family: none)
` JP, 62-45170, Y2
`(Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd.),
`December 2, 1987 (02. 12. 87),
`Claim (Family: none)
`JP, 57-51640, U (Eiken Chemical Co., Ltd.),
`Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. D See patent family annex.
`Special tategoriu of cited documents:
` ‘T’
`later document published after the international filing date or priority
`date and not in conflict with the appliation but cited to understand
`“A" document defining the general state of the art which is not considered
`to he of particular relevance
`the prindple or theory underlying the invention
`"X" d0¢|||l1°l|l Of Pflflicllllf l'€l¢ViIn0€:
`lhe Claimbd invention GIIIIOI be
`earlier document but published on or after the international filing date
`'dered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive
`document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or which is
`cited to establish the publication date or another citation or other
`5”” ""’°“ "’° ‘°°""'°'“ '5 "k°" ‘""“
`special reason (as specified)
`“Y" document of particular relevance: the claimed invention ainnot be
`«On document nfemng ‘O m on] disdosun‘ me. exhibmon 0, 0","
`considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
`gzmbinal, with one or moreothersuch documents, such combination
`document published prior to the international filing date but later than
`mg 0
`“ms to I person sh ‘ed m me ‘n
`the priority date claimed
`"&" document member of the same patent family
`' "
`Date of the actual completion of the international search
`October 14, 1997 (14. 10. 97)
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`October 28, 1997 (28. 10. 97)
` Name and mailing address of the ISM
`Authorized officer
`Japanese Patent Office
`Facsimile No.
` Telephone No.
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1992)

`.,,..,,,,,,,i(,,.,. application No,
`Relevant to claim No.
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`March 25, 1982 (25. O3. 82),
`Claim; Figs. 1,
`(Family: none)
`Form PCT/1SAf210 (continuation of second sheet) (July 1992)

`A. %%wE?6fiH®%fi(@%%fi%fi(IPC))
`E%wfi$% PCT/JP97/02472
`B. Wfififiofififi
`c. mgraaawenaxm
`mmxfiz RU-%®fimfl%fi¢6&§u\%®%fi#6fim®fi%
` E cmofiausxmmwasntwa.
`Q N%yb77iu—uM¢6mm&$%.
`* w$Immw?fiD—
`fAJfiK%E®b6IRTfl&<‘#$%&fimfi%iT FTJE%wEEXuE%E%K£fiéntImv&oT
`a%L<u&mwm&@$&mn+atwuam¢5 FYJ%KEfi@b6IR?boT‘fifiifikflmlu
`FPJE%wEBfiT.moE%%D$E®£%k&6wE V&Jfi~N?VF77iU—IR
`m %m
`$%§% 03-3581-1101 Wfi3421

`Efimfi$% PCT/JP97/02472
`C(&%). wmvaambensxm
`mmxmz &U—%wfififlm§+6&%m.%mw£¢bEmmi%
`fiitPCT/ISA/210 (fi2’\°-1‘/'V)fi§)

`Lid-like reagent container of analytical reagents
`"Technical field"
`The present invention relates to a lid-like reagent container of the analytical reagents have been
`so easily perform water analysis.
`"Background of the Invention"
`Many analytical techniques simple water analysis employs a colorimetric analysis.
`Colorimetric methods are used instrument is compact and lightweight, and it is inexpensive,
`since the result is that features such or visible to the eye as the color, the measurement results or
`earlier, widely used in industry . However, in such a colorimetric, for the use of chemicals,
`chemical knowledge, technology and experience, etc. are needed.
`Moreover, for many types using chemicals, the force that store only it is necessary to prepare
`several kinds or more reagents is also needed. Furthermore, in order to retrieve the necessary
`amount in order to use the reagents minute balance or a necessary like weigh scales or
`volumetric instruments, such as a graduated cylinder, and to or store stirred these It needs a lot of
`beakers and flasks kind.
`Therefore, when it is attempted to water analysis in the field, not only the work of preparative
`such reagents is extremely difficult, and in some cases may be impossible to water analysis.
`Reagents for conducting the water analysis, there are those of those of the liquid and powder. Be
`in the liquid form of the reagent, you can prep the reagent contained in the bottle of glass or
`plastic in Supo~i Bok of accessories, you can prep a dropper that has been built in a bottle of
`glass or plastic, and dropped in eye drops bottle and like there Ru how or to.
`On the other hand, the reagent of the powder, or have been filled with reagents, which is housed
`in a container of glass or plastic or fractionated in a lightweight spoon attached, depending on the
`case in the bag once Dzu~tsu laminating one Bok packaging material, or both ends the a or to
`have reagent packed in welded soft Plasti Kkuchubu, and a method of adding a packaging
`material to win Bok to the test water.
`Furthermore, there is a transparent glass or a transparent plastic colorimetric cell itself, while
`others advance one batch at a time of a liquid or powder reagent is sealed.
`In the case of using mixed store is not liquid or reagent powder of two or more, must be stored in
`a respective separate packaging, when performing the analysis of the test water in accordance
`with the method using the respective reagents It must be placed in a separate test water.
`Therefore, as the number of the reagent The more, analytical work industry becomes
`complicated, different procedure for each of the reagent user will Rukoto to confusion.

`On the other hand, with becomes complex also it is considered a force-on reagent that there are
`many structures that carry out the automatic measurement is automatically turned on a reagent in
`the machines, etc., in the same manner as described above, storage method of reagent is
`By the way, to save the reagents can not be mixed stored separately, there is one that has been
`devised to allow easily mixed at the time of use. In other words, it is not the reagent
`manipulation purposes for analysis, for example, a glass ampoule which was sealed a liquid
`reagent was put together with other reagents in the soft plastic tube to break the glass ampoule in
`by giving an impact to soft Burasuchi~tsu clause in use and is allowed have those so as to mix
`the reagents. Moreover, it is mixed and placed separately material not hear preserved double bag,
`the pressure from the outside in addition to the time of use, is only how such to damage the bag
`However, such a method of operation, since the careful operation is required and it is only
`operating method for each force

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