`31 July-5 August 1994
`III In nllllllfl “III
`Box 426800. San Francisco, CA 94142-6800. USA
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`ZEISS, et al., Ex. 1014
`G. W. Bailey and A. J. Garratt-Reed. Eds., Proc. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Microscopy Society of America
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`ISSN 0424-8201
`D.E. Becker*, H. Ancin*, B. Roysam* and J.N. Turner**
`*Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York 12180-3590
`“Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research, Albany, NY 12201-0509
`We present an efficient, robust, and widely-applicable technique for computational synthesis of wide-area
`images from a series of overlapping partial views. The synthesized image is the set union of the areas covered
`by the partial views, and is called the "mosaic". One application is the laser-scanning confocal microscopy
`of specimens that are much wider than the field of view of the microscope. Another is imaging of the retina]
`periphery using a standard fundus imager. This technique can also be used to combine the results of various
`forms of image analysis, such as cell counting and neuron tracing, to generate large representations that are
`equivalent to processing the total mosaic, rather than the individual partial views.‘-2
`The synthesis begins by computing a concise set of landmark points for each partial view. The type of
`landmarks used can vary greatly depending on the application. For instance,
`in the retinal
`application, the vascular branching and crossover points are a natural choice. Likewise, the locations of cells
`in Figs.
`1 and 2 provide a natural set of landmarks for joining these images. In the cell counting application,
`these locations would be computed anyway.‘ Even when no such ‘obvious’ landmarks are available, image
`processing can often provide useful landmarks.’ The next step in the processing aligns pairs of partial views
`by searching for possible correspondences between landmarks.‘ Associated with each set of correspondences
`is a spatial transformation (translation, scaling andlor rotation) relating the two partial views. Knowing which
`landmarks correspond allows us to transform one partial view to align it with the other. Feasible
`transformations are evaluated by counting the number of points that coincide in the aligned images, and the
`best possible transformation is computed. The two partial views are then merged, and duplicate landmarks
`are removed. Further partial views are combined with the resulting larger partial view similarly, until a
`mosaic consisting of all the partial views merged together results.
`The data collection requirements of this method are minimal. It only requires each partial view to have an
`adequate overlap with the adjoining partial view. Adequate overlap is needed to ensure a sufficient number
`of common landmark points. The partial views can be irregularly transformed relative to each other.
`1 and 2 are 2-D projections of representative confocally-acquired 3-D images of dopaminergic neurons
`from a rat's substantia nigra.5 These images were processed with an automated cell counting system.‘ The
`numbers on these figures indicate locations of detected cells. Fig. 3 shows the mosaic synthesized from Figs.
`1 and 2. This gives an accurate estimate of the cell counts in the combined area. The mosaic generation took
`less than one second on a Silicon Graphics workstation. Fig. 4 shows one of six retinal partial views that were
`acquired at differing magnifications by directing a patient
`to follow a movable lighted target. The
`superimposed dots indicate detected landmarks corresponding to vasculature branches.-‘crossovers. The
`resulting mosaic is shown in Fig. 5.‘
`1. B. Roysam et al., J. Microscopy, l'.~’3:2(l994)l03.
`2. A. Cohen et al., J. Microscopy, l73:2(l994)1lS.
`3. W. E. L. Grimson, Object Recognition by Computer, Cambridge:MIT Press (1990).
`4. L.G. Brown, ACM Compuririg Surveys, 24:4(l992)326-376.
`5. M. A. Chishti et al., Proc. Ann. M02. 0fSoc. Toxicol. (1993).
`6. Acknowledgements: Dr. H. L. Tanenbaum, D. H. Szarowski, NSF, DEC, AT&T Foundation.
`Figs 1-2: Projections of 3-D confocal microscope images of rat neurons. White numbers indicate cell locations.
`Fig 3: Mosaic resulting from synthesis of‘ Figs.
`1 & 2. The combination process is totally automatic.
`Fig 4: Representative partial view of retina taken from conventional fundus camera. Black dots are landmarks for
`Fig 5: Mosaic resulting from 6 partial views of the type shown in Fig. 4. Partial views have differing scales and