Paper No. 3
`Patent Owner
`U.S. Patent 7,765,482
`UNDER 35 U.S.C. 315(c) AND 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.22 AND 42.122(b)

`Rules and Statutes
`35 U.S.C. § 315(a)(11) ............................................................................................ 7
`35 U.S.C. § 315(b) ................................................................................................ .. 5
`35 U.S.C. § 315(c) .............................................................................................. 4, 5
`Other Authorities
`37 C.F.R. § 42.100(c)............................................................................................... 7
`37 C.F.R. § 42.122(a)............................................................................................... 4
`37 C.F.R. § 42.122(b) ............................................................................................. 5
`157 CONG. REC. 81376 (daily ed. Mar. 8, 2011) .................................................. 5
`PTAB Proceedings
`Dell Inc. v. Network-I Security Solutions, Inc.,
` IPR20 13-00385 …................................................................................................. 5
`Enzymotec Ltd. v. Neptune Techs & Bioresources, Inc.,
` IPR2014-0556........................................................................................................ 5

`Petitioner Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. ("Samsung") respectfully submits
`this Motion for Joinder together with a Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S.
`Patent No. 7,765,482 ("Petition"). Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. § 315(c) and 37 C.F.R. §
`42.122(b ), Samsung requests inter partes review and joinder with Google, Inc. v.
`Summit 6, LLC, Case IPR2015-00806 (the "806 IPR"), in which trial was instituted
`on Grounds 1 and 2 of the 806 IPR petition on September 9, 2015. Samsung’s
`petition is identical in all material respects to the 806 IPR petition, and is supported
`by the same expert declaration from the same expert. No new grounds, claims,
`prior art, arguments, evidence, or witnesses are added by Samsung’s Petition.
`Samsung’s Motion for Joinder and accompanying Petition are being filed within
`one month of the decision instituting trial in the 806 IPR, and are therefore timely.
`Samsung previously requested ex parte reexamination of the patent at issue
`in the 806 IPR and this petition. See Reexamination Control No. 90/012,987. In
`that reexamination, Summit 6 had appealed the final rejection of all claims at issue
`to the Board, and a hearing had been set for November 10, 2015. Patent Owner
`filed a motion to stay the Samsung-requested reexamination pending the 806 IPR.
`Paper No. 22, IPR2015-00806. Samsung’s request for leave to file an amicus brief
`in opposition to Patent Owner’s motion to stay was denied. Ex. 1015. On October

`7, 2015, the Board stayed the Samsung-requested reexamination pending the 806
`IPR. Paper No. 26, IPR2015-00806.
`Samsung is filing this petition and joinder motion to ensure that the
`instituted trial is completed in the event that the petitioner in the 806 IPR, Google,
`reaches a settlement with the Patent Owner. Joinder is appropriate here because
`Samsung’s Petition is the same as the 806 IPR petition on which the Board
`instituted trial. Additionally, joinder will not adversely impact the trial schedule in
`the 806 IPR, as Samsung’s legal theories and analysis are identical to those in the
`806 IPR and Samsung relies on the same expert declaration relied on by the
`existing Petitioners in the 806 IPR. Consequently, no additional expert discovery
`will be required if joinder is allowed, simplifying discovery. Furthermore,
`Samsung will adhere to all applicable deadlines set forth in the Scheduling Order
`currently in place in the 806 IPR, as modified by the stipulation of the parties.
`Papers 20 and 25, IPR2015-00806. Samsung will coordinate with counsel for
`Google regarding the consolidation of all filings and will not submit any separate
`filings, unless and until Google settles with Patent Owner or the 806 IPR is
`otherwise terminated as to Google. Google does not oppose this motion.
` This procedure and continued cooperation of counsel will greatly simplify
`briefing if the Board permits joinder. Moreover, Samsung would be prejudiced if
`the Board denies the motion for joinder because of the possibility that Google will

`reach a settlement and successfully move to terminate the proceedings prior to the
`issuance of a final determination.
`Any additional costs incurred by the existing parties to the 806 IPR will be
`minor and do not outweigh the prejudice to Samsung that would result from a
`denial of joinder. Accordingly, joinder is appropriate and will not prejudice any
`party to the 806 IPR and will not inhibit the just, speedy and inexpensive
`determination of the proceedings.
`The ’482 Patent has been asserted in multiple infringement lawsuits as
`follows: Summit 6 LLC v. Research in Motion et al., 3:11-cv-00367, Summit 6
`LLC v. HTC et al., 7:14-cv-00014, Summit 6 LLC v. Apple, 7:14-cv-00106, Summit
`6 v. Twitter, 7:15-cv-0062, all in the Northern District of Texas.
`On or about March 9, 2011, Samsung Electronics Co, Ltd. agreed to
`waive service of a complaint in Summit 6 LLC v. Research in Motion et al. alleging
`infringement of the ’482 patent. Samsung’s wholly owned subsidiary at the time,
`Samsung Telecommunications America LLC (which subsequently merged into
`Samsung Electronics America, Inc.), was served with the same complaint on or
`about February 28, 2011. On September 21, 2015, the Federal Circuit issued an
`opinion in an appeal of that litigation. The mandate has not yet issued.
`Samsung filed a request for ex parte reexamination of the ’482 patent,

`which resulted in reexamination number 90/012,987. In that reexamination, the
`Board set a hearing on November 10, 2015 to hear argument regarding Summit 6’s
`appeal of the final rejection of all claims at issue. Paper 26, IPR 2015-00806
`(discussing history of reexamination).
`Google filed the 806 IPR Petition on February 25, 2015. Paper 1,
`The Board entered an order instituting trial in the 806 IPR on
`September 9, 2015. Paper 19, IPR 2015-00806.
`The Board stayed the Samsung-requested reexamination pending the
`806 IPR on October 7, 2015. Paper 26, IPR2015-00806.
`The present petition and motion for joiner are filed on October 8,
`2015, within 1-month of the institution decision in the 806 IPR.
`A. Legal Standard
`The Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) permits joinder of like review
`proceedings, e.g. an inter partes review may be joined with another inter partes
`review. 37 C.F.R. § 42.122(a). The Board has discretion to join parties to an
`existing inter partes review. 35 U.S.C. § 315(c). In deciding whether to exercise
`its discretion, the Board considers factors including: (1) the movant’s reasons why
`joinder is appropriate; (2) whether the new petition presents any new grounds of

`unpatentability; (3) what impact (if any) joinder would have on the trial schedule
`for the existing review; and ( 4) how briefing and discovery may be simplified.
`Dell Inc. v. Network-1 Security Solutions, Inc., IPR2013-00385, Paper No. 17 at 4
`(July 29, 2013).
`Samsung’s Motion for Joinder is Timely
`The instant Petition and this Motion for Joinder are timely under 35 U.S.C. §
`315(c) and 3 7 C.F .R. § 42.122(b). While, as a general proposition, a petition for
`inter partes review may not be filed more than one year after the date on which a
`petitioner is served with a complaint alleging infringement of the patent-at-issue
`(35 U.S.C. § 315(b)), the one year period does not apply when a petition for inter
`partes review is accompanied by a motion for joinder filed within one month of
`institution of the inter partes review for which joinder is requested. Id.; 37 C.F.R.
`§ 42.122(b). This Motion for Joinder and the accompanying Petition are timely, as
`they are submitted within one month of the institution of trial on the ’806 IPR.
`Joinder is Appropriate
`The PTAB has previously stated that it is "mindful of a policy preference for
`joining a party that does not present new issues that might complicate or delay an
`existing proceeding." Enzymotec Ltd. v. Neptune Techs & Bioresources, Inc.,
`IPR2014-00556, Paper No. 19 at 6 (July 9, 2014) (citing 157 CONG. REC. S1376
`(daily ed. Mar. 8, 2011) (statement of Sen. Kyl) ("The Office anticipates that

`joinder will be allowed as of right – if an inter partes review is instituted on the
`basis of a petition, for example, a party that files an identical petition will be joined
`to that proceeding, and thus allowed to file its own briefs and make its own
`arguments.")). Samsung’s Petition challenges the same patent claims on the same
`ground on which trial in the 806 IPR was instituted, and relies on the same legal
`theories and expert declaration relied on by the 806 IPR petitioners.
`Samsung is currently in communication with counsel for Google and the
`common expert declarant, 1 and will cooperate on all briefing and discovery.
`Google does not oppose this motion. No new claims and no new grounds will be
`added to the proceedings as a result of the Board allowing joinder. Patent Owner
`did not move for rehearing of the order instituting the 806 IPR. To the extent
`Patent Owner files a preliminary response to Samsung’s duplicative petition, it
`should not require a substantial amount of time to prepare. Because Samsung’s
`Petition is drafted to be materially the same as the petition upon which the 806 IPR
`trial has been instituted, joinder will result in no substantial additional cost to any
`party. Therefore, no party will be prejudiced if the Board permits joinder.
`Joinder will not alter the trial schedule currently in place in the 806 IPR
`because both Samsung and Google will address the same prior art using the same
`1 In support of its Petition Samsung has submitted the same Declaration of Dr. Paul
`Clark that was submitted in support of the 806 IPR petition.

`expert, resulting in no additional expert discovery. Moreover, Samsung has agreed
`to adhere to all applicable deadlines set forth in the 806 IPR Scheduling Order and
`will coordinate with counsel for Google to consolidate filings. Unless and until
`Google settles with the Patent Owner, Samsung would take an understudy role; it
`will not submit any separate filings to the PTO. Since Samsung’s Petition
`challenges no additional claims, raises no new grounds of unpatentability, and
`relies on no new evidence, joinder should not unduly affect the Board’s ability to
`complete its review and issue its final determination within the statutory time
`limits under 35 U.S.C. § 315(a)(11) and 37 C.F .R. § 42.100(c). Therefore, joinder
`will have no adverse impact on the 806 IPR Scheduling Order. This is made even
`more certain by the fact that the parties to the 806 IPR have already stipulated to
`certain extensions in Due Dates 1-4. Paper 25, IPR2015-00806.
`Samsung is filing this petition and joinder motion to ensure that the trial is
`completed in the event that the current petitioners in the 806 IPR reach settlement
`with the Patent Owner. Samsung would be prejudiced if the Board denies the
`motion for joinder because Samsung’s interests may not be adequately represented
`under all circumstances in the 806 IPR, particularly in the event that all petitioners
`reach a settlement and successfully move to terminate the proceedings prior to the
`issuance of a final determination. Patent Owner’s serial litigation and settlement
`strategy, which has resulted in serial IPRs and may continue to result in additional

`IPRs, makes this a significant concern. Additionally, Patent Owner previously has
`attempted to stay the Samsung-requested reexamination in light of other petitions
`for IPR, specifically, IPR2015-00685, 686, 687 and 688, before those petitions
`were dismissed based on settlement. See, e.g., Exhibit 1029 in IPR2015-00685
`(transcript of telephone conference requesting permission to file a motion to stay).
`Given its history, Patent Owner may settle with Google to dismiss this IPR at any
`time, and additional, serial litigations may result in additional IPRs. This would
`result in an inefficient use of the Board’s resources, and could unnecessarily
`prolong the current stay of the reexamination.
`For the foregoing reasons, Samsung respectfully requests that the Board
`institute its Petition for Inter Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 7,765,482 and join
`the proceeding with Google, Inc. v. Summit 6 LLC, IPR2015- 00806. Although it
`is believed that no fee is required for this Motion, the Commissioner is hereby
`authorized to charge any fees that may be required for this Motion to Deposit
`Account 07-1896.

`Dated: October 8, 2015
`Respectfully Submitted,
`/s/ Brian Erickson
`Brian K. Erickson
`Registration No. 48,895
`401 Congress Avenue, Suite 2500
`Austin, TX 78701-3799
`Telephone: 512-457-7000
`Facsimile: 512-457-7001
`James M. Heintz
`Registration No. 41,828
`11911 Freedom Drive, Suite 300
`Reston, VA 20190
`Telephone: 703-773-4148
`Facsimile: 703-773-5200
`Attorneys for Petitioner

`The undersigned certifies service pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.6(e) and 42.105(b)
`on the Patent Owner by Express Mail of a copy of this Motion for Joinder and
`supporting material at the following correspondence address of record for the ‘482
`P.O. BOX 3207
`RESTON, VA 20195
`In addition, a copy of this Motion for Joinder and supporting material is being
`electronically served in its entirety on counsel for Petitioner and counsel for Patent
`Owner in related Case No. IPR2015-00806:
`Counsel for Petitioner:
`John Alemanni (
`Michael Morlock (
`Counsel for Patent Owner:
`Peter J. Ayers (
`John Shumaker (
`Brian Mangum (
`/s/ Brian Erickson
`Brian K. Erickson
`Registration No. 48,895
`401 Congress Avenue, Suite 2500
`Austin, TX 78701-3799
`Telephone: 512-457-7000
`Dated: October 8, 2015

`Facsimile: 512-457-7001

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