`c12) United States Patent
`Wood et al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,765,482 B2
`Jul. 27, 2010
`Inventors: Lisa T. Wood, Danville, CA (US); Scott
`M. Lewis, Danville, CA (US); Robin T.
`Fried, Berkeley, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Summit 6 LLC, Dallas, TX (US)
`( *) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 737 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/961,720
`(22) Filed:
`Oct. 8, 2004
`Prior Publication Data
`US 2005/0060180Al
`Mar. 17, 2005
`Related U.S. Application Data
`Continuation of application No. 09/357,836, filed on
`Jul. 21, 1999, now Pat. No. 6,895,557.
`Int. Cl.
`G06F 3100
`U.S. Cl. ....................... 715/744; 715/748; 715/769;
`709/201; 709/219
`Field of Classification Search .... ...... ....... 715/7 44,
`715/748, 769.704; 709/201, 219
`See application file for complete search history.
`References Cited
`4,802,008 A
`111989 Walling
`4,862,200 A
`8/1989 Hicks
`3/1991 Johnson et a!.
`5,001,628 A
`5,327,265 A
`7/1994 McDonald
`0930 774 A2
`Office Action dated Sep. 6, 2002 for U.S. Appl. No. 09/440,461.
`Primary Examiner-Tadeese Hailu
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Duane S. Kobayashi
`The present invention, generally speaking, provides an
`improved web-based media submission tool. As with some
`existing tools, operation of the tool is drag and drop or the user
`can "click" to browse a directory to select media objects.
`Unlike existing tools, the tool provides the user an opportu(cid:173)
`nity to confirm the submission, for example by generating a
`thumbnail image of an image file that has been dragged and
`dropped. Batch submission is provided for in which a user
`drags and drops a plurality of images or other media objects.
`Submission from a web page to a web page is also provided
`for. The submission tool is configurable to perform a variable
`amount of intelligent preprocessing on media objects prior to
`upload. In the case of digital images, the tool can perform
`sizing and formatting, for example. Information capture is
`performed with information being uploaded together with the
`media objects. In an exemplary embodiment, information
`capture is both user-transparent (e.g., user ID and/or pass(cid:173)
`word) and user-visible (e.g., the user can provide captions for
`media objects). The submission of information about the user
`and the media objects facilitates automatic integration of the
`media objects within existing databases.
`51 Claims, 5 Drawing Sheets
`Picture? PIC
`Digital Image Processing
`by PictureWorks
`D ($.25 charge) (optional)
`Adding a photo of your item
`Get better exposure for your items by including a picture. Its eas)l Just locate the
`folder on your computer containing your photos, and then drag a photo into the
`box below.
`~ Click Here to
`Select Images
`Digital Image Processing
`by PictureWorks
`D (S2.00 charge) (optional)
`Adding a SurroundView
`Really show off your item. Add a SurroundView. Its eas)l Just locate the folder
`on your computer containing your photos, and then drag up to six photos into the
`boxes below. The photos will be combined into an animated presentation.
`Click Here to Click Here to Click Here to Click Here to Click Here to Click Here to
`Select Images Select Images Select Images Select Images Select Images Select Images
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1001
`Page 1 of 15

`US 7,765,482 B2
`Page 2
`5,404,316 A *
`5,477,353 A
`5,555,388 A
`5,608,542 A
`5,666,215 A *
`5,678,046 A
`5,729,741 A *
`5,754,172 A *
`5,760,917 A
`5,761,404 A
`5,765,152 A
`5,778,164 A *
`5,778,198 A
`5,781,725 A
`5,781,773 A
`5,794,217 A *
`5,799,063 A
`5,802,314 A
`5,813,009 A
`5,819,032 A
`5,819,092 A *
`5,844,969 A
`5,845,299 A
`5,848,415 A
`5,852,435 A *
`5,859,956 A
`5,890,170 A
`5,897,622 A *
`5,923,846 A *
`6,012,068 A *
`6,017,157 A *
`6,018,774 A
`6,028,603 A
`6,035,323 A *
`6,058,417 A *
`6,084,581 A *
`6,085,195 A
`6,088,732 A
`6,104,468 A *
`6,119,101 A *
`6,125,352 A *
`6,128,600 A *
`6,128,655 A *
`6,133,985 A *
`6,167,382 A *
`6,167,568 A *
`6,177,934 B1 *
`6,182,116 B1 *
`6,182,279 B1 *
`6,199,082 B1 *
`6,202,061 B1 *
`6,233,590 B1 *
`6,237,010 B1 *
`6,281,874 B1
`6,301,586 B1 *
`6,301,607 B2
`6,330,572 B1
`6,343,302 B1 *
`6,374,260 B1 *
`6,381,029 B1
`6,456,591 B1 *
`6,489,954 B1 *
`6,489,980 B1 *
`6,505,160 B1
`6,510,418 B1 *
`6,516,340 B2
`6,522,418 B2 *
`6,535,296 B1 *
`6,539,420 B1
`6,542,936 B1
`6,567,983 B1 *
`411995 Klingler et al .............. 715/723
`1211995 Yamasaki
`911996 Shaughnessy
`311997 Krahe et a!.
`911997 Fredlund eta!. ............ 3581487
`1011997 Cahill eta!.
`311998 Liaguno et al ........... 7071104.1
`511998 Kubota eta!. ............... 7151203
`611998 Sheridan
`611998 Murakami eta!.
`611998 Erickson
`711998 Watkins eta!. ............. 35811.18
`711998 Kadota
`7 I 1998 Saito
`7 I 1998 Vanderpool eta!.
`811998 Allen .......................... 705127
`811998 Krane
`911998 Tullis et a!.
`911998 Johnson et a!.
`1011998 De Vries eta!.
`1011998 Ferguson eta!. ............ 7171113
`1211998 Goldman et al.
`1211998 Arora eta!.
`1211998 Guck
`1211998 Vigneaux eta!. ............ 3451428
`111999 Sugiyama eta!.
`311999 Sidana
`411999 Blinn et al .................... 705126
`711999 Gage eta!. .................. 7091213
`112000 Boezeman eta!. ....... 7071104.1
`112000 Garfinkle eta!. ............ 3961639
`112000 Mayle et al.
`212000 Wang et al.
`312000 Narayen eta!. ............. 7091201
`512000 Hess eta!. .................. 7091219
`712000 Hunt .......................... 7151202
`712000 Hoyt et a!.
`712000 Smith eta!.
`812000 Bryniarski eta!. ............ 355118
`912000 Peckover ..................... 705126
`912000 Franklin eta!. ............... 705126
`1012000 Imamura eta!. .............. 705127
`1012000 Fields eta!.
`................ 7091219
`1012000 Garfinkle eta!. .............. 355140
`1212000 Sparks eta!.
`................. 705126
`1212000 Gandel eta!. ............... 7171176
`112001 Sugiura eta!. .............. 715/748
`112001 Namma eta!. .............. 7091204
`112001 Buxton ....................... 7171100
`312001 Ferrel eta!. ................. 7151205
`312001 Khosla et a!.
`.. .. ... ... ... ... .. 70713
`512001 Shaw eta!. ................. 7151201
`512001 Hui et al ..................... 7151205
`812001 Sivan et a!.
`1012001 Yang eta!. ............... 7071104.1
`1012001 Barraclough eta!.
`1212001 Sitka
`112002 Graham ...................... 7151205
`412002 Hoffert eta!. ............ 7071104.1
`412002 Tipirneni
`912002 Mishra ....................... 3701229
`1212002 Powlette ..................... 715/733
`1212002 Scott eta!. .................. 7151854
`112003 Levy eta!.
`112003 Case eta!. .................... 705126
`212003 Boys
`212003 Yokomizo eta!. .......... 35811.15
`312003 Oak .......................... 35811.15
`312003 Fields eta!.
`412003 Mayle et al.
`512003 Shiimori ..................... 7251105
`6,583,799 B1
`6,621,938 B1
`6,628,417 B1
`6,657,702 B1 *
`6,693,635 B1 *
`6,711,297 B1 *
`6,732,162 B1
`6,799,165 B1
`6,853,461 B1 *
`6,871,231 B2
`6,895,557 B1
`6,930,709 B1
`7,010,587 B1
`7,032,030 B1
`7,036,081 B2 *
`7,043,527 B2
`7,146,575 B2
`7,158,172 B2
`7,246,147 B2 *
`7,257,158 B1 *
`7,280,702 B2 *
`7,308,413 B1 *
`7,313,604 B2
`7,315,386 B1 *
`200210067 500 A1 *
`200510239454 A1
`200510262437 A1 *
`200810201236 A1 *
`612003 Manolis et al.
`912003 Tanaka et a!.
`912003 Naito eta!.
`1212003 Chui eta!. .................... 355140
`212004 Yokomizo ................... 3451428
`312004 Chang eta!. ................ 3821240
`512004 Wood eta!.
`912004 Boesjes
`212005 Shiimori .................... 35811.15
`312005 Morris
`512005 Wood eta!.
`812005 Creamer eta!.
`312006 Shiimori
`412006 Codignotto
`412006 Powlette ..................... 715/747
`512006 Shiimori et a!.
`1212006 Manolis et al.
`112007 Kawaoka eta!.
`712007 Kim et al .................... 7091203
`812007 Figueredo eta!. ...... 3751240.01
`1012007 Chang eta!. ................ 3821240
`1212007 Tota eta!. ...................... 705/7
`1212007 Wood eta!.
`112008 Shiimori eta!. ............ 35811.15
`612002 Yokomizo eta!. .......... 35811.15
`1012005 Kawashima et a!.
`1112005 Patterson eta!. ............ 7151517
`812008 Field eta!. .................... 705126
`1076302 A1
`WO 97104353 A1
`WO 98149631 A2
`WO 99119811 A3
`Office Action dated Apr. 21, 2003 for U.S. Appl. No. 091440,461.
`Office Action dated Nov. 23, 2001 for U.S. Appl. No. 091357,836.
`Office Action dated Jun. 5, 2002 for U.S. Appl. No. 091357,836.
`Office Action dated Nov. 8, 2002 for U.S. Appl. No. 091357,836.
`Office Action dated Jun. 4, 2003 for U.S. Appl. No. 091357,836.
`Thilo Horstmann and Richard Bentley, "Distributed Authoring on the
`Web with the BSCW Shared Workspace System", Standard View vol.
`5, No. 1, pp. 9-16, Mar. 1997.
`Doug Dean, 15 Seconds: Down and Dirty Browser Uploading with a
`VB ASP Componenet, pp. 1-10, Mar. 11, 1999.
`Peter Persits, 15 Seconds: Browser-based uploading Under the
`Microscope, pp. 1-7, Nov. 21, 1998.
`Netscape Communications Corp., Help File ofNetscape Composer
`4.75, Copyright 1994-1998, p. 9.
`Emily Cohen, "Set Your Sites High," PC Magazine, May 26, 1998.
`Plante eta!., "The NCSA Astronomy Digital Image Library: From
`Data Archiving to Data Publishing," Sep. 21, 1998.
`Augot et a!., "Secure Delivery of Images over Open Networks,"
`Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 87, Issue 7, pp. 1251-1266, Jul. 1999.
`Persits, Peter, "Browser-Based File Uploading Under the Micro(cid:173)
`scope," 15 Seconds, Nov. 21, 1998.
`Dean, Doug, "Down and Dirty Browser Uploading with a VB ASP
`Component," Mar. 11, 1999.
`Horstmann eta!., "Distributed Authoring on the Web with the BSCW
`Shared Workspace System," StandardView, vol. 5, No.1, Mar. 1997.
`Netscape Communications Corporation, "Creating Web Pages," Apr.
`27, 1999.
`Steinberg, Jill, "New Start-Up Releases Java Application and
`Enabling Software," Java World, Oct. 1, 1996.
`Bilson, Rob, "Net-It Centrall.O," IDM, Jul. 31, 1997.
`Warp 10 Technologies Inc., Jul. 10, 1998.
`Pictra Incorporated, Nov. 11, 1998.
`Letter from Terry Anderson to Craig Hamway, Oct. 16, 1997.
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1001
`Page 2 of 15

`US 7,765,482 B2
`Page 3
`Picture Works ADP Demo, May 1, 1998.
`Letter from Terry Anderson to Ken Karutz, May 1, 1998.
`Email from Scott Lewis to Lisa Wood, Jul. 2, 1998.
`Email from Robin Fried to Scott Lewis eta!., Jul. 5, 1998.
`Email from Scott Lewis to Robin Fried, Jul. 8, 1998.
`Email from Robin Fried to Martha White, Jul. 9, 1998.
`Email from Robin Fried to Scott Lewis eta!., Jul. 9, 1998.
`Email from Don Strickland to Lisa Wood et al., Jul. 14, 1998.
`Emails from Scott Lewis to Lisa Wood eta!., Jul. 17-18, 1998.
`PictureWorks Technology, Inc. Board Update, Jun. 20, 1998.
`Letter from Terry Anderson, Jul. 22, 1998.
`Email from Don Strickland to Lisa Wood et al., Jul. 22, 1998.
`Emails from Don Strickland, Jul. 27 and Aug. 7, 1998.
`Email from Robin Fried to Scott Lewis eta!., Jul. 28, 1998.
`Email from Scott Lewis to Lisa Wood eta!., Jul. 29, 1998.
`Prioritized Activities For Enterprise Team, Jul. 31, 1998.
`Email from Don Strickland to Criag Hamway, Aug. 2, 1998.
`Board Update from Don Strickland, Aug. 7, 1998.
`Email from Lisa Wood, Aug. 10, 1998.
`Email from Scott Lewis to Terry Anderson, Aug. 13, 1998.
`Letter from Terry Anderson to Randy Kau, Aug. 14, 1998.
`Email from Kirby Lunger to Don Strickland eta!., Aug. 14, 1998.
`Email from Kirby Lunger to Lisa Wood, Aug. 26, 1998.
`Email from Terry Anderson to Don Strickland, Aug. 25, 1998.
`Email from Kirby Lunger to Lisa Wood, Aug. 31, 1998.
`Email from Robin Fried to Scott Lewis eta!., Sep. 1, 1998.
`Email from Scott Lewis to Lisa Wood eta!., Sep. 1, 1998.
`Email from Don Strickland to Terry Anderson eta!., Sep. 8, 1998.
`Email from Scott Lewis to Jeff Paradise, Sep. 11, 1998.
`Letter from Terry Anderson to Howard Latham, Sep. 15, 1998.
`Email from Scott Lewis to Jim McCarthy, Sep. 17, 1998.
`Email from Terry Anderson to Don Strickland eta!., Sep. 18, 1998.
`Email from Scott Lewis to Lisa Wood eta!., Sep. 22, 1998.
`Letter from Anthony Delli Colli to Wayne Mangold, Sep. 18, 1998.
`Email from Scott Lewis to Lisa Wood eta!., Sep. 23, 1998.
`Email from Robin Fried to Stu Roberson, Sep. 21, 1998.
`Letter from Terry Anderson to Sei-Wai Lee, Sep. 24, 1998.
`Email from Scott Lewis to Lisa Wood, Sep. 25, 1998.
`Email from Terry Anderson to Lisa Wood eta!., Sep. 29, 1998.
`Letter from Scott Lewis to Karim El-Fishaway, Oct. 2, 1998.
`Email from Anthony Delli Colli to Stu Roberson eta!., Oct. 2, 1998.
`PictureWorks presentation to eBay, Oct. 16, 1998.
`Letter from Scott Lewis to Gary Dillabough, Oct. 20, 1998.
`Email from Don Strickland to PWT Employees, Oct. 31, 1998.
`Press Release, Moore Data Management Services and Picture Works
`Technology Inc., Announce Partnership to Revolutionize Use of Real
`Estate Photos on the Internet, Nov. 6, 1998.
`Press Release, Picture Works Technology Inc., Streamlines Posting of
`Photos to the Internet, Nov. 6, 1998.
`Email from Laurie Fleming to Andrew Hunter eta!., Nov. 13, 1998.
`Letter from Scott Lewis to Wayne Graves, Nov. 16, 1998.
`Email from Scott Lewis to Terry Anderson eta!., Nov. 20, 1998.
`Screenshots from Prepare and Post Video, Nov. 20, 1998.
`Laura Roe, "New Software Gives Real Estate a View of the Future,"
`National Real Estate Investor, Dec. 1, 1998.
`PictureWorks Information, Dec. 9, 1998.
`PictureWorks Prepare & Post, Fourth Quarter, 1998.
`Prepare & Post Product Overview, Fourth Quarter, 1998.
`Letter from Terry Anderson to Neil Shafran, Jan. 12, 1999.
`Letter from Stu Roberson to James Rowley, Jan. 29, 1999.
`Product Picks, Realtor Magazine, Feb. 1, 1999.
`Picture Works Kodak Presentation, Feb. 24, 1999.
`Letter from Don Strickland to Phil Ashe, Mar. 2, 1999.
`Picture Works ADP Presentation, Mar. 11, 1999.
`PictureWorks Press Release, "Picture Works Releases New Free
`Digital Imaging Software; MediaCenter Offers Essential Tools for
`Web Imaging," Mar. 31, 1999.
`PictureWorks Press Release, " to Give-Away 30
`Digital Cameras in 30 Days," Apr. 12, 1999.
`PictureWorks Press Release,
`"PictureWorks Technology's
`Picture Bay Solves# 1 Frustration of eBay Members, Adding Pictures
`to Auctions," Apr. 12, 1999.
`PictureWorks Press Release, "PictureWorks Technology's Rimfire
`Empowers any Website to Easily Accept, Process, and Display Visi(cid:173)
`tor Photos and Media," Apr. 12, 1999.
`Rimfire real-time integrated media brochure, Apr. 12, 1999.
`Letter from Terry Anderson to Jonathan Graff, Apr. 26, 1999.
`Sales Update, Apr. 30, 1999.
`"Picture Works Plans to Become Powerhouse in Internet Imaging(cid:173)
`Exlusive Interview with CEO," The Future Image Report, vol, 7,
`Issue 1, May 1, 1999.
`Email from Laurie Fleming to Terry Anderson et al., May 7, 1999.
`Roland Woerner et al., "eBay for Dummies," Chapter 12, May 10,
`Letter from Scott Lewis to Rolan Woerner, May 10, 1999.
`Letter from Stu Roberson to Jim Ferras, May 25, 1999.
`Rimfire real-time integrated media, May 27, 1999.
`Letter from Scott Lewis to Candace Gates, May 28, 1999.
`Letter oflntent between Picture Works Technology, Inc. and Auction
`Universe, May 31, 1999.
`Letter from Scott Lewis to Matthew Lengfelder, Jun. 1, 1999.
`"Casio and Picture Works Announce Co-Branding and Distribution
`Agreement; MediaCenter Offers Essential Tools for Web Imaging,"
`Jun. 3, 1999.
`Sales Update, Jun. 4, 1999.
`Email from Laurie Fleming to Terry Anderson et al., Jun. 7, 1999.
`Picture Works pricing for prototype, Jun. 9, 1999.
`Picture Works proposal, Jun. 9, 1999.
`PictureWorks scope of work, Jun. 9, 1999.
`Letter from Terry Anderson to Amazon, Jun. 9, 1999.
`"PictureWorks Announces Co-Branding and Distribution Agree(cid:173)
`ments with On-Line Photo Services Companies," Jun. 14, 1999.
`Picture Works Polaroid presentation, Jun. 15, 1999.
`Email from Lisa Wood to Don Strickland eta!., Jun. 30, 1999.
`East Bay Business Times, "PictureWorks Founder Keeps True to
`Original Vision," Jul. 2, 1999.
`Picture Works Technology Proposal, Jul. 9, 1999.
`Press Release, "Picture Works Releases New, Free Imaging Weblica(cid:173)
`tion; MediaCenter 1.1 Offers Essential Photo Tools for Internet Imag(cid:173)
`ing and Web Publishing, Ideal for Digital Camera Users," Jul. 19,
`Press Release, "Picturebay is the Fastest and Easiest Way to Add
`Pictures to Auctions," Aug. 3, 1999.
`Picturebay Screenshot, Oct. 13, 1999.
`* cited by examiner
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1001
`Page 3 of 15

`Homes Realtor Services
`Getting Started I Send Photos I Homes
`Financing Offer & Closing Help
`Today's Rates
`6.75% Adding Photos to your listings
`30-Year Fixed
`15-Year Fixed
`6.45% Get better exposure for your listings by including some pictures of the
`1-Year Adjustable
`5.6% property. Its easy! Just locate the folder on your computer containing Frequently Asked
`your photos, and then drag them into the boxes below. Select a
`•National average rates
`~Find a Loan~ ~ Rate News ~ descriptive caption for each photo and then click the "Send Photos"
`Welcome to Homes!
`We hope you en joy our site
`Please send us your
`Home & Rate T rockers
`Receive free e-mail updates
`Drag Photo
`Drag Photo
`Drag Photo
`Drag Photo
`II F rent View
`II v I
`Front View
`II v
`Front View
`II Front View
`II v
`Listing Name II
`FIG. 1
`~Send Photosll
`~ = ~
`~ = :-
`0 ....
`rFJ =(cid:173)
`('D a ....
`0 .....
`0'1 u.
`N = N
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1001
`Page 4 of 15

`Picture? PIC
`Digital Image Processing
`by PictureWorks
`0 ($.25 charge) {optional)
`Adding a photo of your item
`Get better exposure for your items by including a picture. Its eas}1 Just locate the
`folder on your computer containing your photos, and then drag a photo into the
`box below.
`~ = ~
`~ Click Here to
`Select Images
`~ = :-
`0 ....
`Digital Image Processing
`by PictureWorks
`D ($2.00 charge) (optional)
`Adding a SurroundView
`Really show off your item. Add a SurroundView. Its easY, Just locate the folder
`on your computer containing your photos, and then drag up to six photos into the
`boxes below. The photos will be combined into an animated presentation.
`~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
`Click Here to Click Here to Click Here to Click Here to Click Here to Click Here to
`Select Images Select Images Select Images Select Images Select Images Select Images
`FIG. 2
`rFJ =(cid:173)
`('D a
`0 .....
`0'1 u.
`N = N
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1001
`Page 5 of 15

`P WlmogeCon trol Interface:
`Interface Name Type
`function Scales on image in
`place or to a
`temporary file
`Deletes temporary
`file created with
`Name of file
`property shown in image well
`String value from
`imaoe cao tion box
`Clears the image
`from the display
`and redisplays the
`logo and
`instructional text
`bockgroundColor String
`Hexideciaml RGB
`property string value in
`format "FFFFFF"
`Hexideciaml RGB
`property string value in
`format "FFFFFF"
`or "1/FFFFFF"
`Clear Image
`destination Type as String,
`chongeDimensions as Integer,
`destWidth As Integer,
`destHeight As Integer,
`destQuolity As Integer, '0-100
`generateOutputFilename As Boolean
`) As String
`create tempfile
`fileName as String
`imageName as String
`Clear Image(}
`backgroundColor as String
`textColor as String
`FIG. 3
`~ = ~
`~ = :-
`0 ....
`rFJ =(cid:173)
`('D a
`0 .....
`0'1 u.
`N = N
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1001
`Page 6 of 15

`PKUedioSendControl In terfoce:
`I Type
`Interface Name
`I function
`I String
`UseriD As String, 'partner UID
`Password As String, 'partner password
`Service Type As String, '"HOSI or "MIRROR"
`IndustryCode As Integer, 'e.g., 65=reol estate
`MedioType As Integer, 't=image 2=video J=sound
`OpCode As Integer, '1=Add, 2=Update, J=Delete
`IPAddr As String, 'Destination IP address
`filename As String,
`'File to send
`MedioGroupiD As String, 'Used to build unique key
`MediaExtendediD As String, ' ""
`MedioSequenceNum As Integer, ' ""
`Desc1 As String, '255 chars
`Desc2 As String, '255 chars
`DescJ As String
`preScoled as Integer} as Integer '255 chars
`ServerRetString as String
`Transfers image
`and returns a
`status code. The
`action is
`successful if the
`return code is 0. If
`non-zero return
`code examine
`for a reason.
`Return value from
`If call mode on
`HOST service, this
`string contains the
`IMG SRC uri
`FIG. 4A
`~ = ~
`2' :-
`0 ....
`rFJ =(cid:173)
`0 .....
`0'1 u.
`N = N
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1001
`Page 7 of 15

`Usage Example (VB Script)
`tempFileName=Dragimage 1. Scale!mage(J20,
`result=Up/Handler. SubmitMediaRequest(
`Service Type,
`misNum. Value,
`imageCoun t,
`'delete the temp file
`FIG. 48
`240, 89, 1)
`'scale the image object 'Drag!mage1'
`'transmit to mad central
`~ = ~
`~ = :-
`0 ....
`rFJ =(cid:173)
`('D a
`0 .....
`0'1 u.
`N = N
`FIG. 4
`FIG. 4A
`FIG. 48
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1001
`Page 8 of 15

`US 7,765,482 B2
`This application is a continuation of U.S. application
`Ser. No. 09/357,836, filed Jul. 21, 1999 now U.S.
`Pat. No. 6,895,557. Priority to or reliance on all
`other applications is expressly disclaimed.
`1. Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to the handling, manipulation
`and processing of digital content and more particularly to the
`transportation and Internet publishing of digital content, par(cid:173)
`ticularly image media objects and rich media.
`2. State oftheArt
`Much of the phenomenal success of the web is attributable
`to its graphical nature. Literally, a picture is worth a thousand
`words. The capture of digital images has become routine,
`using digital cameras and scanners. Nevertheless, although
`the handling of images by web-site creators has achieved a
`high degree of automation, for the average technology user
`(the "imaging civilian"), manipulating and sharing digital
`images over the Internet remains a cumbersome and daunting
`process. Piecemeal solutions that have been devised for han(cid:173)
`dling digital images require a level of sophistication that is
`beyond that of the ordinary user. For example, transferring a
`digital image may require first downloading a FTP program,
`then installing it, then running it and connecting to an FTP
`server by typing the server name in the connection dialog,
`then navigating to the proper subdirectory, selecting the files
`to be uploaded, making sure that the program is in binary
`transfer mode, then sending the files. For the imaging civilian,
`such an involved process can be daunting to say the least.
`Additionally, as technologies advance and casual users
`begin to experiment with other media objects, such as stream(cid:173)
`ing video, 3D objects, slide shows, graphics, movies, and
`even sound files that accompany imaging data, the processes
`required to share these rich media types on the Internet
`becomes exponentially more complicated and prohibitive. As 40
`the realization of the Internet as an interactive, content rich
`medium becomes more and more a reality, the need for
`enabling the use and distribution of rich content and media on
`the Internet will become the gating factor to its long term
`A broad-based solution to the foregoing problem requires
`a web-based media submission tool that allows for submis(cid:173)
`sion of media objects in a convenient, intuitive manner. A
`company named Caught in the Web, has attempted to create a
`broad-based media submission tool known as "ActiveUp(cid:173)
`load". Active Upload allows an arbitrary file to be dragged and
`dropped onto a web page control for upload to the web server.
`An Active Upload control allows users to, without leaving a
`web page, transfer files to a server (Internet or intranet) by
`selecting the files on the user's desktop that the user wants to
`transfer, then dragging them onto the web page. For example,
`a user, having visited a web page, can contribute pictures,
`documents, zip files, etc., without having to leave the web
`page and use an FTP program. Standard web authoring tools
`can be used to integrate ActiveUpload into web pages and
`change the behavior of the control.
`Although Caught in the Web's ActiveUpload tool simpli(cid:173)
`fies the user experience, it does little toward furthering "back(cid:173)
`end" automation in the handling and distribution of media
`objects and has no built in "intelligence" to streamline the 65
`process of handling and transporting rich media objects from
`the front end.
`The present invention, generally speaking, provides an
`improved web-based media submission tool. As with some
`existing tools, operation of the tool is drag and drop or the user
`can "click" to browse a directory to select media objects.
`Unlike existing tools, the tool provides several unique and
`valuable functions. For example, the tool provides the user an
`opportunity to confirm the submission with a visual represen-
`10 tation, for example by generating a thumbnail image of the
`rich media file that has been selected. Additionally, batch
`submission is provided to allow a user to drag and drop or
`select a plurality of images or other media objects. Submis(cid:173)
`sion from a web page to a web page is also provided for. Even
`15 more importantly, the submission tool is configurable to per(cid:173)
`form a variable amount of intelligent preprocessing on media
`objects prior to upload. In the case of digital images, the tool
`can perform sizing and formatting, for example. Information
`capture is performed with information being uploaded
`20 together with the media objects. In an exemplary embodi(cid:173)
`ment, information capture is both user-transparent (e.g., user
`ID and/or password) and user-visible (e.g., the user can pro(cid:173)
`vide captions for media objects). The submission of informa(cid:173)
`tion about the user and the media objects facilitates automatic
`25 integration of the media objects within existing databases.
`The present invention may be further understood from the
`following description in conjunction with the appended
`drawing. In the drawing:
`FIG. 1 is a diagram of an exemplary web page providing
`media object acquisition functions;
`FIG. 2 is a diagram of another exemplary web page pro-
`35 viding image acquisition functions;
`FIG. 3 is a table pertaining to a first portion of the Prepare
`and Post component design; and
`FIG. 4 is a table pertaining to a second portion of the
`Prepare and Post component design.
`The following describes the Prepare and Post™ tools,
`45 which prepares and submits media objects from inside a
`standard browser, referred to as the first location, to a second
`location or server. The media objects may be pictures (im(cid:173)
`ages), movies, videos, graphics, sound clips, etc. Although in
`the following description the submission of images is
`50 described in greatest detail, the same principles apply equally
`to media objects of all descriptions.
`The Prepare and Post tools refers to browser-side compo(cid:173)
`nents which together provide the ability to submit and trans(cid:173)
`port media objects over the web to be stored and served.
`55 Using the Prepare and Post tools, end users can submit images
`in an immediate, intuitive manner. No technical sophistica(cid:173)
`tion is required. In particular, understanding technical terms
`such as JPEG, resolution, pixel, kilobyte, transfer protocol, IP
`address, FTP etc., is not required, since the Prepare and Post
`60 tools handles all of these tasks for the user. The benefits of the
`Prepare and Post tool are:
`a) to the image submitter, the ability to submit media
`objects to web pages immediately without needing to
`overcome technical obstacles;
`b) to the image submitter, the ability to submit media
`objects to web pages "as is" without making modifica(cid:173)
`tions to the media objects prior to sending.
`Petitioner - Exhibit 1001
`Page 9 of 15

`US 7,765,482 B2
`c) to PictureWorks web site partner, access to a uniform,
`standardized, reliable and secure channel for media
`d) to Picture Works web site partner, access to contributed
`media "made to order", it meets their imaging specifi(cid:173)
`cations every time without human intervention;
`e) to Picture Works web site partner, the ability to provide
`web site visitors with an easy, error free way to contrib(cid:173)
`f) to Picture Works web site partner, access to contributed 10
`media in "real time" with no time delays.
`The two primary components used in the Prepare and Post
`tools which carry out these functions are 1) the media object
`identifier and 2) the media sender.
`In general, the media object identifier functions to provide 15
`a graphical interface for placing and associating a media
`object from a user's desktop onto a web page. The media
`sender carriers out the function of transmitting media objects
`to a second location.
`There are two ways media objects on the first location 20
`become associated with a media object identifier. The first is
`through a "drag and drop" behavior where the user clicks on
`a media object to select the one they want to submit. The
`media object is then dragged to the media object identifier.
`Releasing the mouse button associates the media object with 25
`the media object identifier. This behavior is allowed in web
`browsers that support drag and drop functionality. The Pre(cid:173)
`pare and Post tools enable these browsers to accept media
`objects via drag and drop by providing the media object
`identifier as an ActiveX component.
`The second way to associate a media object on the first
`location with the media object identifier is to click on the
`media object identifier to browse for media objects, then
`select the media object of choice. This method is made avail(cid:173)
`able for web browsers where the media object identifier needs 35
`to be a pure Java component. (Such "signed applet browers"
`like Netscape Navigator) In this instance, the user may be
`asked to choose a media object in a similar manner as when
`choosing a file to be opened, either by graphical navigation or
`by specifYing a path name. For example, a prompt associated 40
`with the media object identifier may be displayed prompting
`the user to click within the media object identifier. Clicking
`within the media object identifier brings up a browse dialog.
`Using the browse dialog, the user selects the desired media
`object, which is then placed in the media object identifier. The 45
`Prepare and Post tools will generate a visual representation or
`thumbnail of the media object, a feature currently not avail(cid:173)
`able in signed applet browsers.
`Real estate is an example of a prime application of the
`Prepare and Post tools. "Curb appeal" is of great importance 50
`in the realty industry and can only be judged by "drive-bys,"
`which are time-consuming and laborious, or by the availabil-
`ity of images. The Prepare and Post tools make real estate
`images readily available with a minimal amount of effort.
`Referring to FIG. 1, an example is shown of a realty web 55
`page featuring the described Prepare and Post tools function(cid:173)
`ality. The

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