Research in Translation
`Can Animal Models of Disease Reliably Inform Human
`H. Bart van der Worp1*, David W. Howells2, Emily S. Sena2,3, Michelle J. Porritt2, Sarah Rewell2, Victoria
`O’Collins2, Malcolm R. Macleod3
`1 Department of Neurology, Rudolf Magnus Institute of Neuroscience, University Medical Centre Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2 National Stroke Research Institute &
`University of Melbourne Department of Medicine, Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia, 3 Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United
`Animal experiments have contributed
`much to our understanding of mechanisms
`of disease, but their value in predicting the
`effectiveness of
`clinical trials has remained controversial
`[1–3]. In fact, clinical trials are essential
`because animal studies do not predict with
`sufficient certainty what will happen in
`humans. In a review of animal studies
`published in seven leading scientific jour-
`nals of high impact, about one-third of the
`studies translated at the level of human
`randomised trials, and one-tenth of the
`interventions, were subsequently approved
`for use in patients [1]. However, these
`were studies of high impact
`citation count, 889), and less frequently
`cited animal research probably has a lower
`likelihood of translation to the clinic. De-
`pending on one’s perspective, this attrition
`rate of 90% may be viewed as either a
`failure or as a success, but it serves to
`illustrate the magnitude of the difficulties
`in translation that beset even findings of
`high impact.
`Recent examples of therapies that failed
`in large randomised clinical trials despite
`substantial reported benefit in a range of
`animal studies include enteral probiotics
`for the prevention of infectious complica-
`tions of acute pancreatitis, NXY-059 for
`acute ischemic stroke, and a range of
`to reduce lethal
`injury in patients with acute myocardial
`infarction [4–7]. In animal models of
`acute ischemic stroke, about 500 ‘‘neuro-
`protective’’ treatment strategies have been
`reported to improve outcome, but only
`aspirin and very early intravenous throm-
`bolysis with alteplase (recombinant tissue-
`plasminogen activator) have proved effec-
`Research in Translation discusses health interven-
`tions in the context of translation from basic to
`research, or
`from clinical evidence to
`Linked Research Article
`This Research in Translation discuss-
`es the following new study pub-
`lished in PLoS Biology:
`Sena ES, van der Worp HB, Bath
`PMW, Howells DW, Macleod MR
`(2010) Publication bias in reports
`of animal stroke studies leads to
`major overstatement of efficacy.
`PLoS Biol 8(3): e1000344. doi:10.
`1371/journal. pbio.1000344
`Publication bias
`tempts to use systematic reviews
`to assess the efficacy of various
`interventions tested in experiments
`modeling acute ischemic stroke,
`leading to a 30% overstatement of
`efficacy of interventions tested in
`tive in patients, despite numerous clinical
`trials of other treatment strategies [8,9].
`Causes of Failed Translation
`The disparity between the results of
`animal models and clinical trials may in
`part be explained by shortcomings of the
`trials. For instance,
`these may
`have had insufficient statistical power to
`detect a true benefit of
`the treatment
`under study. For practical or commercial
`the designs of some clinical
`trials have also failed to acknowledge the
`limitations of efficacy observed in animal
`studies, for example by allowing therapy
`at later time points when the window of
`opportunity has passed [10,11]. Second-
`the failure of apparently promising
`interventions to translate to the clinic
`may also be caused by inadequate ani-
`mal data and overoptimistic conclusions
`about efficacy drawn from methodologi-
`cally flawed animal
`studies. A third
`possible explanation is the lack of exter-
`nal validity, or generalisability, of some
`animal models; in other words, that these
`do not
`sufficiently reflect disease in
`humans. Finally, neutral or negative
`animal studies may be more likely to
`remain unpublished than neutral clinical
`trials, giving the impression that the first
`are more often positive than the second.
`This article aims to address the possible
`sources of bias that threaten the internal
`and external validity of animal studies, to
`provide solutions to improve the relia-
`bility of such studies, and thereby to im-
`prove their translation to the clinic.
`Internal Validity
`Adequate internal validity of an animal
`implies that
`the differences
`observed between groups of animals
`Citation: van der Worp HB, Howells DW, Sena ES, Porritt MJ, Rewell S, et al. (2010) Can Animal Models of
`Disease Reliably Inform Human Studies? PLoS Med 7(3): e1000245. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1000245
`Published March 30, 2010
`Copyright: ß 2010 van der Worp et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the
`Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
`medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
`Funding: This work was supported in part by the MRC Trials Methodology Hub and the National Health and
`Medical Research Council. The funders played no role in the decision to submit the article nor in its preparation.
`Competing Interests: Malcolm R. MacLeod is on the Editorial Board of PLoS Medicine.
`Abbreviations: ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; CAMARADES, Collaborative Approach to Meta-Analysis And
`Review of Animal Data from Experimental Stroke; CONSORT, CONsolidated Standards Of Reporting Trials
`* E-mail:
`Provenance: Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
`PLoS Medicine |
`March 2010 | Volume 7 |
`Issue 3 | e1000245
`Page 1 of 8
`Ranbaxy Inc. (Petitioner) v. Jazz Pharms. Ireland Ltd. (Patent Owner)
`Case IPR2016-00024

`Summary Points
`N The value of animal experiments for predicting the effectiveness of treatment
`strategies in clinical trials has remained controversial, mainly because of a
`recurrent failure of interventions apparently promising in animal models to
`translate to the clinic.
`N Translational failure may be explained in part by methodological flaws in animal
`leading to systematic bias and thereby to inadequate data and
`incorrect conclusions about efficacy.
`N Failures also result because of critical disparities, usually disease specific,
`between the animal models and the clinical trials testing the treatment
`N Systematic review and meta-analysis of animal studies may aid in the selection
`of the most promising treatment strategies for clinical trials.
`N Publication bias may account for one-third or more of the efficacy reported in
`systematic reviews of animal stroke studies, and probably also plays a
`substantial role in the experimental literature for other diseases.
`N We provide recommendations for the reporting of aspects of study quality in
`publications of comparisons of treatment strategies in animal models of
`allocated to different interventions may,
`apart from random error, be attributed to
`the treatment under investigation [12].
`The internal validity may be reduced by
`four types of bias through which system-
`atic differences between treatment groups
`are introduced (Table 1). Just
`like any
`trial, each formal animal study
`testing the effectiveness of an intervention
`should be based on a well-designed study
`protocol addressing the design and con-
`duct of the study, as well as the analysis
`and reporting of its results. Aspects of the
`design, conduct, and analysis of an animal
`experiment that help to reduce bias and to
`improve the reliability and reproducibility
`of the results are discussed below. As the
`impact of study quality has been studied
`much more extensively in clinical trials
`than in animal studies, the backgrounds
`and recommendations
`regarding these
`issues are largely based on the clinical
`CONsolidated Standards of Reporting
`Trials (CONSORT) statement, and to a
`smaller extent on published recommenda-
`tions and guidelines for the conduct and
`studies of acute
`reporting of animal
`ischemic stroke [13–17].
`To prevent
`selection bias,
`allocation should be based on randomisa-
`tion (Box 1), a method that
`is almost
`ubiquitous in clinical treatment trials. In
`part, this prevents the investigator from
`having to choose which treatment a
`particular animal will receive, a process
`which might result (consciously or subcon-
`sciously) in animals which are thought to
`do particularly well or particularly badly
`being overrepresented in a particular
`treatment group. Foreknowledge of treat-
`ment group assignment may also lead to
`selective exclusion of animals based on
`prognostic factors [13]. These problems
`can arise with any method in which group
`allocation is known in advance or can be
`predicted. Such methods include both the
`use of predetermined rules (e.g., assign-
`ment in alternation or on the basis of the
`days of the week) or of open randomisation
`schedules. Picking animals ‘‘at random’’
`Table 1. Four types of bias threatening internal validity.
`the risk of
`from their cages also has
`conscious or subconscious manipulation,
`and does not represent true randomisation.
`Randomisation may appear redundant
`if the animals form a homogeneous group
`from a genetic and environmental per-
`spective, as often is the case with rats and
`other rodents. However, it is not only the
`animal itself but mainly the induction of
`the disease that may give rise to variation.
`For example, there is a large variation in
`infarct size in most rat models of ischaemic
`stroke not only because of interindividual
`differences in collateral circulation—even
`in inbred strains—but also because in
`some animals the artery is occluded better
`than in others and because the models are
`inherently vulnerable to complications
`that may affect outcome, such as peripro-
`cedural hypotension or hypoxemia. It is
`because of this variation that randomisa-
`tion, ideally occurring after the injury or
`disease has been induced, is essential.
`In clinical trials, automated randomisa-
`tion techniques such as random number
`generation are most commonly used, but
`manual methods (such as tossing a coin or
`throwing dice) are also acceptable as long
`these cannot be manipulated. By
`such manual
`should be performed by an independent
`In studies that are blinded throughout
`their course, the investigators and other
`persons involved will not be influenced by
`knowledge of the treatment assignment,
`thereby preventing performance, detec-
`tion, and attrition bias. Knowledge of
`treatment assignment may subconsciously
`or otherwise affect the supply of additional
`care, outcome assessment, and decisions to
`withdraw animals from the experiment.
`In contrast to allocation concealment
`(Box 1), blinding may not always be
`possible in all stages of an experiment,
`for example when the treatment under
`investigation concerns a surgical proce-
`Biased allocation to treatment groups
`Randomisation; allocation concealment
`Systematic differences in care between the treatment groups,
`apart from the intervention under study
`Type of Bias
`Systematic distortion of the results of a study that occurs when the
`person assessing outcome has knowledge of treatment assignment.
`Unequal occurrence and handling of deviations from protocol
`and loss to follow-up between treatment groups
`Blinding; intention-to-treat analysis
`Adapted from [12,13].
`PLoS Medicine |
`March 2010 | Volume 7 |
`Issue 3 | e1000245
`Page 2 of 8

`Box 1. Glossary
`N Allocation concealment: Concealing the allocation sequence from those
`assigning animals to intervention groups, until the moment of assignment.
`N Bias: Systematic distortion of the estimated intervention effect away from the
`‘‘truth,’’ caused by inadequacies in the design, conduct, or analysis of an
`N Blinding (masking): Keeping the persons who perform the experiment,
`collect data, and assess outcome unaware of the treatment allocation.
`N Eligibility criteria: Inclusion and exclusion criteria: the characteristics that
`define which animals are eligible to be enrolled in a study.
`N External validity: The extent to which the results of an animal experiment
`provide a correct basis for generalisations to the human condition.
`N Intention-to-treat analysis: Analysis of data of all animals included in the
`group to which they were assigned, regardless of whether they completed the
`N Internal validity: The extent to which the design and conduct of the trial
`eliminate the possibility of bias.
`N Power: The probability that a study will detect a statistically significant effect of
`a specified size.
`N Randomisation: Randomly allocating the intervention under study across the
`comparison groups, to ensure that group assignment cannot be predicted.
`N Sample size: The number of animals in the study
`Definitions adapted from [13] and from Wikipedia (,
`accessed on 9 November 2009).
`dure. However, blinding of outcome as-
`sessment is almost always possible.
`In clinical trials, the most common form
`of blinding is double blinding, in which the
`patients, the investigators, and the care-
`givers are unaware of
`the intervention
`assignment. Because the patient does not
`know which treatment is being adminis-
`tered, the placebo effect will be similar
`across the comparison groups. As animals
`are not susceptible to the placebo effect,
`double blinding is not an issue in animal
`studies. Notwithstanding the influence that
`unblinded animal handling can have on
`performance in neurobehavioural
`the fact
`in some articles of
`animal studies ‘‘double blinding’’
`is re-
`ported raises questions about the authors’
`knowledge of blinding as well as about the
`review and editorial processes of
`journals in which the studies were pub-
`lished [19,20].
`Sample Size Calculation
`Selection of target sample size is a critical
`factor in the design of any comparison
`study. The study should be large enough to
`have a high probability of detecting a
`treatment effect of a given size if such an
`effect truly exists, but also pay attention to
`legal requirements and ethical and practical
`to keep the number of
`animals as small as possible. The required
`sample size should be determined before
`the start of the study with a formal sample
`size calculation, of which the fundamental
`elements of statistical significance (a), effect
`size (d), power (1–b), and standard devia-
`tion of the measurements have been ex-
`plained in numerous articles [13,21]. Un-
`fortunately, the assumptions on variation of
`the measurements are often based on
`incomplete data, and small errors can
`lead to a study that is either under- or
`overpowered. From an ethical point of
`view, underpowered studies are undesir-
`able, as
`they might
`lead to the false
`conclusion that the intervention is without
`efficacy, and all included animals will have
`been used to no benefit. Overpowered
`studies would also be unethical, but these
`are much less prevalent.
`Monitoring of Physiological
`Depending on the disease under inves-
`tigation, a range of physiological variables
`may affect outcome, and inadequate
`control of
`these factors may lead to
`erroneous conclusions. Whether or not
`physiological parameters should be assess-
`ed, and for how long, therefore depends
`on the model and on the tested condition.
`Eligibility Criteria and Drop-Outs
`Because of
`their complexity, many
`animal models are inherently vulnerable
`to complications—such as
`blood loss during surgery to induce
`cerebral or myocardial
`are not related to the treatment under
`study but that may have a large effect on
`outcome. Given the explanatory character
`of preclinical studies,
`is justifiable to
`exclude animals with such complications
`from the analyses of
`treatment effects,
`provided that the eligibility criteria are
`predefined and not determined on a post-
`hoc basis, and that the person responsible
`for the exclusion of animals is unaware of
`the treatment assignment.
`In clinical trials, inclusion and exclusion
`criteria are usually applied before enrol-
`in the study, but
`for the reason
`above, in animal studies it is justifiable also
`to apply these criteria during the course of
`the study. However,
`these should be
`limited to complications that are demon-
`strably not related to the intervention
`under study, as this may otherwise lead
`to attrition bias. For example, if a potential
`for colorectal cancer
`increases instead of reduces tumour pro-
`gression, thereby weakening the animals
`and increasing their susceptibility to infec-
`tions, exclusion of animals dying prema-
`turely because of respiratory tract infec-
`tions may lead to selective exclusion of
`animals with the largest
`tumours and
`mask the detrimental effect of the novel
`Statistical Analysis
`The statistical analysis of the results of
`animal experiments has been given elab-
`orate attention in review articles and books
`[22]. However, even when data appear
`simple and their analysis straightforward,
`inadequate techniques are often used.
`Common examples include the use of a
`t-test for nonparametric data, calculating
`means and standard deviations for ordinal
`data, and treating multiple observations
`from one animal as independent.
`In clinical trials, an intention-to-treat
`analysis is generally favoured because it
`avoids bias associated with nonrandom
`loss of participants [13]. As explained
`above, the explanatory character of most
`the use of an analysis
`restricted to data from animals that have
`fulfilled all eligibility criteria, provided that
`all animals excluded from the analysis are
`accounted for and that those exclusions
`have been made without knowledge of
`treatment group allocation.
`Control of Study Conduct
`The careers of investigators at academic
`institutions and in industry depend in part
`on the number and impact of
`publications, and these investigators may
`be all
`too aware of
`the fact
`prospect of
`their work being published
`PLoS Medicine |
`March 2010 | Volume 7 |
`Issue 3 | e1000245
`Page 3 of 8

`increases when positive results are ob-
`tained. This underscores not only the
`importance of randomisation, allocation
`concealment, and blinding, but also the
`need for adequate monitoring and audit-
`ing of
`laboratory experiments by third
`parties. Indeed, adopting a multicentre
`approach to animal
`studies has been
`proposed, as a way of securing transparent
`quality control [23].
`Bias in Animal Studies
`The presence of bias in animal studies
`has been tested most extensively in studies
`of acute ischemic stroke, probably because
`in this field the gap between the laboratory
`and the clinic is both very large and well
`recognised [8]. In systematic reviews of
`tested in animal
`models of acute ischemic stroke, other
`emergencies, Parkinson’s disease, multiple
`sclerosis, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,
`generally about a third or less of
`studies reported random allocation to the
`treatment group, and even fewer studies
`reported concealment of treatment alloca-
`tion or blinded outcome
`[2,16,19,24,25]. Even when reported, the
`methods used for
`randomisation and
`blinding were rarely given. A priori sample
`size calculations were reported in 0%–3%
`of the studies (Table 2).
`Complications of
`the disease and/or
`treatment under study were reported in
`19% of the studies of hypothermia for acute
`ischemic stroke. All but one of these com-
`plications concerned premature death, and
`about 90% of these animals were excluded
`from the analyses [20]. In another review of
`several treatment strategies for acute ische-
`mic stroke, only one of 45 studies men-
`tioned predefined inclusion and exclusion
`criteria, and in just 12 articles
`exclusion of animals from analysis was
`mentioned and substantiated. It is difficult
`to believe that in every other study every
`single experiment went as smoothly as the
`investigators had planned [19].
`Two factors limit the interpretation of
`the above-mentioned data. First, the as-
`sessment of possible confounders in system-
`atic reviews was based on what was
`reported in the articles, and may have been
`incomplete because the authors considered
`these aspects of study design not sufficiently
`to be mentioned. In addition,
`definitions of
`randomisation, allocation
`concealment, and blinding might vary
`across studies, and, for example, randomly
`picking animals from their cages may have
`been called ‘‘randomisation.’’ Indeed, a
`survey of a sample of authors of publica-
`tions included in such reviews suggested
`that this was sometimes the case [26].
`Quality Checklists
`At least four different but largely over-
`lapping study-quality checklists have been
`proposed for use in animal studies of
`focal cerebral
`ischemia. These check-
`lists have included items relating first to
`the range of circumstances under which
`efficacy has been shown and second to
`the characteristics that might act as a
`source of bias in individual experiments
`Assessment of overall methodological
`quality of
`individual studies with these
`checklists is limited by controversy about
`the composition of
`the checklists and,
`more importantly, because the weight of
`each of
`the individual components has
`remained uncertain. For example, in the
`frequently used CAMARADES
`‘‘adequate allocation conceal-
`ment’’ may have a much larger impact
`on effect
`size than ‘‘compliance with
`regulatory requirements’’ [16].
`Does Methodological Quality
`Several systematic reviews and meta-
`analyses have provided empirical evi-
`dence that
`inadequate methodological
`in controlled clinical
`are associated with bias. Clinical trials in
`which authors did not report randomisa-
`tion, adequately conceal treatment allo-
`cation, or use double blinding yielded
`larger estimates of treatment effects than
`trials in which these study quality issues
`were reported [12,27–32].
`Table 2. Randomisation, blinded outcome assessment, and sample size calculation in systematic reviews of animal studies.
`Disease Modeled
`Heart failure [24]
`Emergency medicine [33]
`Ischemic stroke [19]
`Ischemic stroke [49]
`Ischemic stroke [50]
`Ischemic stroke [51]
`Traumatic brain injury [2]
`Year of
`Number of
`n (%)
`Blinded Outcome
`Assessment, n (%)
`A Priori Sample Size
`Calculation, n (%)
`6 (67)
`94 (32)
`19 (42)
`17 (23)
`8 (32)
`2 (7)
`2 (12)
`3 (38)
`9 (100)
`31 (11)
`18 (40)
`9 (12)
`1 (4)
`1 (4)
`3 (18)
`4 (50)
`0 (0)
`0 (0)
`Hemorrhage in surgery [2]
`Neonatal RDS [2]
`Osteoporosis [2]
`Ischemic stroke [16]a
`Parkinson’s disease [16]
`Multiple sclerosis [16]
`ALS [45]
`Brain injury [52]
`Ischemic stroke [25]
`Ischemic stroke [53]
`14 (25)
`5 (31)
`103 (36)
`14 (12)
`4 (2)
`21 (25)
`12 (67)
`3 (33)
`1 (5)
`3 (5)
`0 (0)
`84 (29)
`18 (15)
`20 (11)
`21 (25)
`7 (39)
`4 (44)
`5 (26)
`8 (3)
`0 (0)
`0 (0)
`1 (1)
`2 (22)
`0 (0)
`aSummarises the data of six systematic reviews of treatment strategies for acute ischemic stroke. There is an overlap of 18 publications between references [16] and [19].
`ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; N/A, data not available; RDS, respiratory distress syndrome.
`PLoS Medicine |
`March 2010 | Volume 7 |
`Issue 3 | e1000245
`Page 4 of 8

`The impact of methodological quality
`on the effect size in animal studies has
`been examined less extensively. In animal
`studies testing interventions in emergency
`medicine, the odds of a positive result were
`more than three times as large if
`publication did not report randomisation
`or blinding as compared with publications
`that did report
`these methods [33]. In
`systematic reviews of FK-506 or hypother-
`mia for acute ischemic stroke, an inverse
`relation was found between effect size and
`study quality, as assessed by a ten-item
`study-quality checklist [20,34]. The same
`review on hypothermia found large over-
`statements of
`the reduction in infarct
`volume in animal stroke studies without
`randomisation or blinded outcome assess-
`ment when they were compared with
`randomised or blinded studies, but a
`meta-analysis of 13 meta-analyses in ex-
`perimental stroke describing outcomes in a
`total of 15,635 animals found no statisti-
`cally significant effect of these quality items
`on effect size. In this meta-meta-analysis,
`only allocation concealment was associat-
`ed with a larger effect size [35].
`A limitation of the meta-analyses assess-
`ing the effect of study quality aspects on
`effect size is the fact that no consideration
`has been given to possible interactions
`between quality items, and that only uni-
`variate analyses were performed. Howev-
`individual quality aspects that may
`affect the results of meta-analyses of ani-
`mal studies are unlikely to operate inde-
`pendently. For example, nonrandomised
`studies may be more likely than rando-
`mised studies to disregard other quality
`issues, such as allocation concealment or
`blinding, or to use shorter delays for the
`initiation of treatment, all of which may
`affect study results. The relative impor-
`tance of the various possible sources of bias
`is therefore not yet known and is the
`subject of ongoing research.
`External Validity
`Even if the design and conduct of an
`animal study are sound and eliminate the
`possibility of bias, the translation of
`results to the clinic may fail because of
`disparities between the model and the
`clinical trials testing the treatment strategy.
`Common causes of such reduced external
`validity are listed in Box 2 and are not
`limited to differences between animals and
`humans in the pathophysiology of disease,
`but also include differences in comorbid-
`ities, the use of co-medication, timing of
`the administration and dosing of the study
`treatment, and the selection of outcome
`measures. Whereas the issues for internal
`Box 2. Common Causes of Reduced External Validity of Animal
`N The induction of the disease under study in animals that are young and
`otherwise healthy, whereas in patients the disease mainly occurs in elderly
`people with co-morbidities.
`N Assessment of the effect of a treatment in a homogeneous group of animals
`versus a heterogeneous group of patients.
`N The use of either male or female animals only, whereas the disease occurs in
`male and female patients alike.
`N The use of models for inducing a disease or injury with insufficient similarity to
`the human condition.
`N Delays to start of treatment that are unrealistic in the clinic; the use of doses
`that are toxic or not tolerated by patients.
`N Differences in outcome measures and the timing of outcome assessment
`between animal studies and clinical trials.
`validity probably apply to the majority of
`animal models regardless of the disease
`under study,
`the external validity of a
`model will
`largely be determined by
`disease-specific factors.
`Stroke Models
`As mentioned above, the translation of
`efficacy from animal studies to human
`disease has perhaps been least successful
`for neurological diseases in general and
`for ischaemic stroke in particular. As there
`is also no other animal model of disease
`that has been more rigorously subjected
`to systematic review and meta-analysis,
`stroke serves as a good example of where
`difficulties in translation might arise.
`The incidence of stroke increases with
`age, and stroke patients commonly have
`other health problems that might increase
`their stroke risk, complicate their clinical
`course, and affect functional outcome. Of
`patients with acute stroke, up to 75% and
`68% have hypertension and hyperglycae-
`mia, respectively [9,36]. While it is im-
`portant to know whether candidate stroke
`drugs retain efficacy in the face of these
`comorbidities, only about 10% of
`ischaemia studies have used animals with
`hypertension, and fewer than 1% have
`used animals with induced diabetes. In
`addition, animals used in stroke models
`were almost invariably young, and female
`animals were highly underrepresented.
`Over 95% of the studies were performed
`in rats and mice, and animals that are
`perhaps biologically closer to humans are
`hardly ever used [16,19]. Moreover, most
`animal studies have failed to acknowledge
`the inevitable delay between the onset
`of symptoms and the possibility to start
`in patients.
`In a systematic
`review of animal studies of five different
`neuroprotective agents that had also been
`tested in 21 clinical trials including a total
`of more than 12,000 patients with acute
`ischaemic stroke,
`the median time be-
`tween the onset of ischaemia and start of
`treatment in the animal studies was just 10
`minutes, which is infeasible in the clinic
`[19]. In the large majority of clinical trials,
`functional outcome is the primary mea-
`sure of efficacy, whereas animal studies
`usually rely on infarct volume. Several
`studies have suggested that
`in patients
`the relation between infarct volume and
`functional outcome is moderate at best
`[37,38]. Finally, the usual time of outcome
`assessment of 1–3 days in animal models
`contrasts sharply with that of 3 months in
`patients [19]. For these reasons, it is not
`surprising that, except for thrombolysis, all
`treatment strategies proven effective in the
`laboratory have failed in the clinic.
`Other Acute Disease Models
`Differences between animal models and
`clinical trials similar to those mentioned
`above have been proposed as causes of the
`recurrent failure of a range of strategies to
`reduce lethal reperfusion injury in patients
`with acute myocardial
`infarction [6,7].
`The failure to acknowledge the presence of
`often severe comorbidities in patients, and
`short and clinically unattainable onset-to-
`treatment delays, have also limited the
`external validity of animal models of
`traumatic brain injury [2].
`Chronic Disease Models
`The external validity of models of
`chronic and progressive diseases may also
`be challenged by other factors. For the
`treatment of Parkinson’s disease, research-
`ers have mainly relied on injury-induced
`models that mimic nigrostriatal dopamine
`deficiency but do not recapitulate the slow,
`progressive, and degenerative nature of
`the disease in humans. Whereas in clinical
`trials interventions were administered over
`PLoS Medicine |
`March 2010 | Volume 7 |
`Issue 3 | e1000245
`Page 5 of 8

`a prolonged period of time in the context
`of this slowly progressive disease, putative
`neuroprotective agents were administered
`before or at the same time as an acute
`Parkinson’s disease-like lesion was induced
`in the typical underlying animal studies
`Based on the identification of single
`in the gene encoding
`superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) in about
`3% of
`the patients with amyotrophic
`lateral sclerosis (ALS), mice carrying 23
`copies of the human SOD1G93A trans-
`gene are considered the standard model
`for therapeutic studies of ALS. Apart from
`the fact that this model may be valid only
`for patients with SOD1 mutations,
`mice may suffer from a phenotype that is
`so aggressive and so overdriven by its 23
`copies of the transgene that no pharma-
`cological intervention outside of the direct
`inhibition of SOD1 will ever affect ALS-
`related survival. In addition, it has been
`suggested that these mice may be more
`susceptible to infections and other non-
`ALS related illnesses and that it is this
`illness rather than the ALS that is alle-
`viated by the experimental
`Consistent with this hypothesis, several of
`the compounds reported as efficacious in
`SOD1G93A mice are broad-spectrum
`antibiotics and general anti-inflammatory
`agents [40].
`Publication Bias
`Decisions to assess the effect of novel
`treatment strategies in clinical trials are,
`ideally, based on an understanding of all
`publicly reported information from pre-
`studies. Systematic review and
`meta-analysis are techniques developed
`for the analysis of data from clinical trials
`and may be helpful in the selection of the
`most promising strategies [16]. However,
`if studies are published selectively on the
`basis of their results, even a meta-analysis
`based on a rigorous systematic review will
`be misleading.

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