`An 515-5 |TC PFOGI?-m
`"To etherwe Set the Standard"
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`AR|NC1A— ARINC Standards
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`700 Series ARINC Characterisiics define digflal systems and equiprnent installed
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`Ex. 1037, p. 3
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`ARINC Stan-daldrs
`800 Series ARINC Specificanions and Rep-ms define enabfing ieciuvologies
`that pzwide a design foundation for eq1.n_ipmem specified per the ARINC 700
`Sexievs of digflai avionics syste-1m. Among the topics covered by
`Sp-e<'.rf:c"aliens are data link protocols
`‘fhese are19B items:
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`H aunganuqrnueupn ulgwnsm
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`so:-1 am.-mos nrnesagn and use of6uI1-
`I1 Tes1Equl:men1(Bn'E)
`EX. 1037. p. 4
`'3u_§tI.f1utAmIa_s Language 505 Users Guide Car ARIHC; E15 Aw-onkra
`suuseIaI'ATLA5 Language
`ans-1 _a_ua_:m:_a_ure_nqt_uu1a sename
`SUE-1 GJIOEIIOE Ill’ E|E¢I’0S1i|c Sensflve
`D2100! Ullzalnn and P10-EGIOII
`6(l2A—2 Tes1EquIpmenlGu|dance E

`E-JEA Gzlfdanoa hf Eaectosiauc Sensmne
`Utmzafan and F’i'O‘h3t21.'.<H1
`-5117-3 nesagn euiuanaemmmnlca
`' $1951.19 1:111:53
`607-3 Desiwgn Guidance 1:1: Aw-:1n£-1:5
`603.11 nessgil 5211113110! 1111 A'.'lun!csTes1
`Equipment F3111 -5ys1em Dveflnllun
`605.0. Ces:g11»3u5:la:1oe 1o1A‘m.~.1%Tes.1
`E-1111111111-a111, Pa:11 -Syshm Detnimn
`609 flesign Guidance 1:11 Arman Elecfical
`$196.00 PAP ER
`Flower Syalefliss
`609 Deszgn -SI.11da¢1oe 1‘a.r.¢1L:c.-!a11 Efiacnficas
`P-:1'ma~! S}’s.12:ms5
`610-1 s'3\1!da1nce for Desbgn and miagralon of $258.00 PAP ER
`Ntcra1lA1.€unk:s Equipmenun sIm11a1urs
`Equ?pme.n1a;nt.1 5‘-O-TM'a§'e H1 5§£'I}‘JE..i1’.'I-‘."‘5
` 5105 Guidance ‘I'll’ -USE omwanm
`Equtpmemaz1d S01'l'A‘aIE M Sfinwsaturs
`610543u‘:da:1c-a 1hr use afafannks
`EquEpn*a:11an-:1 5-:111wate 01 3211111131015
` 610C-Kaulnanoe mrneslgn afniuasl
`Equlpmeniand Satrlare R11‘ use I1 Tralnllg
` $356230 1'-‘Av’-‘EF.
`610-: Ga?-dance 13: Bes'£gn of.-umrafl
`Eqmpa ..-:11and safmare 11:11 use an Txaimng
`52-5-5 .Cl|C| PAD E R
`611-1Gu1clance 11111112 Design and
`11151313311011 -:11'F11e5 Quantlly .‘3'ys1em5
`61 1-1 -'3~;1EIda-r1ce ‘ab-r111e Zea."-g~n 331:1
`1:151a%:fa1.:-an o1F.1e5'Ou»:1¢11:-1;’ Sy's1am.»s
` E13 ~sua:1an-ae 1:1! Using me Ada
`Pmgrammang Language in .-'1'.1x1x11cs sweats
` 515-:1 A:-name Cmrnpulerflhgrl speed 13:1:
`EX. 1037. p. 5
`$1116.00 PAPER
`5208 ICICI
`610-1 Sui;-.1a.noe 1:1: Gesagn and 1n1agra12oen of
`Airman Aamnw-. Eq'u9.pmem211 Simuéams
`61ClA-1 -mldanoe RJFUSE Ofhflflflbs
`Equlpmemand somrare an smulaaors
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`615-»! Amaume calnpmat High Speed Daia
`615.0.-2 So1?A'ate Dena Loader using E1.'Ieme1
`515A-3 - Sumrare E5313 Loader ‘aJ6H1g
`515A-3 - 5:'J‘|'M'aS'>E D313 '.aa::Ier U‘5T~£1g
`E1.'Ie:ne1 M19330?
`516-5 Awanics suI1sse1aMT§..A5 Language
`$A'.52.C|fl PAPER
`515-7 AZ/§!.‘$O=.Jnv:l cnaracvtaumoraamed
`‘$452.00 PAPER
`r-‘ruinous Speczmamn
`muons specmatsan
`519-: Acme Ptamws 1am.-sum: End
` E20-5 D313 Lilli. G-f0'.J11d Ei)*51am Sundard
`and lmarraca 5psac.é15ca1$an.[B<35.‘3.'1Sj|
` EEG-E D613 Lh'lkGI'<l£.IlI€| S)‘s1ems1andaw
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`622-»: ATS L-31.3 '.:n.KP--:!DI»:‘.a1»:'
`CARS Amsraund Neuorx
`2-»: ms can um: Appmamnsom
`ACAFLS Au-Banana naemm $£,16.".lfl PAPER
`E2-3-3 Cnazaciar-or7«amaa A'l5'T¢'a1'EG Samoa
`{ATS} App§4cam:1s
`E23-3 cljarauer-Oabenied AH wamcsenece
`52a-1 nesagn Gu4.'w:I.3a1-::e Iavonuoard
`5.131311-3nam:>e 5‘}'s1-em
`624-1 Design Guidance 1hrOl'Il1<Jard
`Malmenanee 5;rs1em
`525--3 H1dlJS1!)' Guide Forcompom.-n1Tes1
`Be'-'92-n=pmen1a:1d Managemem
`626-3 standard ATLAS Language 1m
`MOII|'£lFi§' T231
`62l5~3 -Standard ATLAS Language R1!’
`Modvuiaw TES1
`$452.00 PAPER
`52?—2 Pzogzrammars S‘J3'v.'.|a 10! SMART TM
`£4)‘z1arn.-5 l.iS-5.419 ARIN‘-C.‘ 626 ATLAS
`S226 .-JCI
`627-2 Programmers Game 1hr SMART TM
`systems us.-mg ARIN-G 52:5 ATLAS
`628:’-"II-2 CED-in Equéprnea11In1ertar.:-2r5- 5'a!'l'J
`— -Cam‘-:1 Manage.'mem.a.-=1-:1 Emenaiznmem
`Symem - 0re.r.i:-2'.u.'
`-PA: = R
`5258 GE] FAFER
`Ex. 1037, p. 6
`625-3 mausw Guide For Comq:anen1Tes1
`D-avelupntvemand Managemenl
`$1-ii .(]r.'.|

`Tran, Paulina (Perkins Coie)
`Thursday, June 04, 2015 12:21 PM
`Tran, Paulina (Perkins Coie)
`Thank you for your recent order 20543.
`Thank you for purchasing from the ARINC Standards Store. Your receipt is printed
`You can now view your entire order history online, including this receipt. Just log in
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`please feel free to contact our ARINC gtandargs §!'Qi'£-3 Customer Service.
`Thank you,
`ARINC Standards Store Customer Service
`5 an ar
`i c.c rn
`06/04/2015 03:20 PM
`Paulina Tran
`erklnsc ie. 0
`Perkins Coie LLP
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