`i gur 2B
`Ex. 1034, p. 165

`.0 7
`G) 1.
`Figure 3
`Figure 4
`Ex. 1034, p. 166

`Dennis A. Myers and G. William Hog
`Pratt & Whitney
`P.O. Box 109600
`West Palm Beach, Florida 33410-9600
`This discumion reviews the development and operational experience of the FIOO-PW-220 Engine Monitoring System currently in service
`with the United States Air Force and other national defense air forces utilizing the FIOO-PW-220 engine and its derivatives.
`The FIOO-PW-220 Engine Monitoring System (EMS) is one of the most advanced logistics support tools in production for the Pratt &
`Whitsey P100 family of gas turbine engines. The highly successful
`introduction of the PW-220 EMS represents over ten years of diagnoetic system
`in aerospace electronic component design and digital. engine control system
`and maintenance technology development using
`the latest
`implenmentatior. The PW-220 EMS is a comprehensive engine support system that is hilly integrated with in-figt aircraft operating systems, as
`well as, ground-based maintenance and logistics systems.
`The PW-220 EMS was developed by Pratt & Whitney and Hamilton Standard, both of United Technologies Corporation,
`in conjunction
`with the F100 Digital Electronic Engine Control (DEEC). for the Aeronautical Systems Division, Air Force Systems Command, USAF. Many of
`the PW-220 EMS hardware and monitoring concepts were derived from an earlier developmen system, known as the FIOO Engine Diagnostic
`System (EDS), which acquired over 2500 flight hours of operational testing with F00-PW-100 engines in USAF F-15 aircraft. Experience from
`the initial F100 production engine monitor, the Events History Recorder (EHR), also contributed to engine usage algorithms for the PW-220 EMS.
`The lessons learned" from these early efforts, along with the improved data acquisition and self-testing capabilities of the DEEC system, provided
`she basis for development of an effective diagnostic. maintenance and logistic support System.
`PW-220 EMS development began in April 1982 and achieved an interim milestone with first production deliveries in November 1985.
`Engineering work continued through November 1987 to incorporate additional aircraft integration and logistics database compatibility features.
`System growth and improvements are an on-going effort, as field experience is accumulated.
`The primary objective of the PW-220 EMS is to provide information to assist in identifying faulty engine control system components,
`detecting and documenting engine operation beyond acceptable limits, recording normal engine usage, and tracking engine performance.
`Encompassed in this single objective a redesign goals which include: 1) Fully automatic in-flight operation. 2)Electronc data transfer to aircraft
`and ground systems, 3) No off-engine mounted flight components, 4)Modular component design for enhanced system maintenance, 5)Minimum
`dedicated flight sensors, 6) Field s'gradble software and flight ine reprogrammability, and 7) Engine and aircraft interchangeability.
`For the maintenancelogistics user, achieving the system objectives means fewer maintenance actions, fewer maintenance man-hours
`expended, fewer on-site spares required, increased maintenance effectiveness and increased engine/aircraft availability. For the operational user
`(pilot), a reliable EMS provides better real-time analysis of propulsion system integrity, higher probability of successful mission completion, and an
`overall reduced cockpit workload. For the engineer. the PW-220 EMS provides in-flight operational data automatically or on pilot request, without
`adding extensive nsrnmentation and specialized recording equipment; however, unlike earlier, less successful attempts, the PW-220 EMS is
`designed for maintenance support first. and engineering data acquisition is accomplished as a secondary benefit.
`The PW-210 EMS is comprised of five subsystems (Figure 1). There are two engine mounted units: 1) the digital control, DEEC. and 2) a
`dedicated engine monitor designated the Engine Diagnostic Unit (EDU). Two ground support units are used for flight line and uninstalled engine
`test stand operations: I) the Data Collecton Unit (DCU), and 2) the Engine Analyzer Unit (EAU). The fifth subsystem is the link to the user's
`engine logistics database system; in the USAF. this interface is called the Ground Station Unt (GSU).
`Digital Electroac Eagine Control (Fisure 2)
`During engine operation, whether installed in an aircraft, or a stand-alone test cell, the DEEC continuously transmits engine parametric
`and control system fault data to the EDU across a simplex, serial digital communication bus, at the rate of 9600 bits per second. Approximately 300
`individual pieces of information are transmitted every 250 milliseconds.
`In the process of controlling the engine, the DEEC is measuring and evaluating temperamres, pressures, speeds, positions and interface
`conditions to maintain stable, safe operation in response to the pilot's power lever or discrete input commands. If a failure is detected in the
`internal electronics of the DEEC. or in the sensor input circuits, or the DEEC is unable to maintain control. autonatic fault accommodation takes
`place to regain control or operate in a degraded capacity. The resulting fault data is utnsmitted to the EDU in the form of an eight bit "Fault
`Code-, for each failure.
`EngIne Diagnostic Unit (Figure 3)
`The EDU performs a passive function as an electrical junction box, routing analog electrical signals to the aircraft for display. In its active
`role, the EDU operates on a basic computational cycle determined by the update rate of the data being received from the DEEC; ie., 250
`milliseconds or four times per second. Within the nominal compute cycle, the EDU: I) receives serial data from the DEEC, 2) conditions and
`measures the analog cockpit signals. 3) evaluates the integrity of the data acquired, 4) execrites & pre-determined diagnostic logic sequence. 5)
`records in non-volatile memory the fault codes from the DEEC, data exceplios identified from the logic execution and data from the engine usage
`algorithms. 6) performs a comprehensive internal electronic self-test, 7) responds to high-speed digital communications from aircraft data systems,
`8) generates a real-tie serial digital data transmission for off-engine acquisition systems, and 9) activates aircraft-mounted engine status
`indicator, when faults are detected.
`Ex. 1034, p. 167

`Data Collection Unit (Figure 4)
`On the fightline. the LCU is used by the aircraft suppon technican to retreve and review Night data recorded in the EDU. The portable.
`battery-operated DCU is connected by means of an integral cable aseemibly to a readily accessible engine harnes. By following the menu-driven
`insuctiom displayed on the hand-held unit, the operator automatically downloads the recorded data into non-volatle memory devices housed in
`a removble cartridge within the DCU. Electrical power for the EDU. during the 30 second download operation, is provided by the removable DCU
`battery pack.
`Ift the engine status indicators, located in the aircraft, are tripped denoting faults detected during the flight, the technician may chooae to
`review the fault codes and event data recorded. The DCU will also evaluate the combinations of reported faults against an internal set of engine
`trouble shooting logic, and display a "maintenance code*, which is referenced to the detailed maintenance instructions needed to isolate and
`correct the fault. Normally, a single DCU with a fully charged battery pack and a clean memory cartridge has sufficlent capacity to service a
`complete squadron of aircraft.
`Engine Analyzer Unit (Figure 5)
`When an engine fault has been detected and the DEEC or EDU may be suspect, the EAU is used to assist in fault isolation. With access to
`the underside of the engine, special circuit simulator, stored on the EAU, are sbsiued for the normal electrical interfaces on the DEEC. Duplex
`serial communicaton is established between the DEEC and EAU, and. once again, by following the menu-driven itstructkis,
`the operator
`performs a complete check of the DEEC. executed by means of temporary diagnostic programs uploaded automatically from the EAU. The
`pass/fail results displayed to the technician either confirm the location of the fault within the DEEC, or direct further troubleshooting. A similer
`capability exists to test the EDU. and the EAU can be used to perform all the data retrievel functions of the DCU, except non-volatile data storage.
`Although the EAU requires an external electrical power source, it does supply conditioned power to the DEEC and EDU, when under test,
`to permit trouble-shooting without engine operation. If the fault isolation procedures do require engine operation, or for post-repair operational
`verification testing, the EAU may be used as a real-time monitor and display; data from the DEEC. EDU or both serial digital outputs may be
`viewed simultaneously. Changes to the programmed control law limits in the DEEC or the diagnostic constants in the EDU are also accomplished
`unng the EAU, with the components remaing installed on the engine.
`Ground Station Unit (FIgure 6)
`The OSU hardware may vary from user to user, but it is generally some microcomputer-based device capable of standard serial digital
`communication. For the USAF. the GSU is a desktop, conmercially available computer tandardied for use in multiple applications. It is the
`interfacv device to the base-level logistics system from, not only the flightline. but the various base maintenance facilities, as well.
`PW-220 EMS data products are downloaded to the OSU by electronic transfer from a DCU. The recorded memory cartridge is first installed in a
`local DCU. or the Irightlne DCU is carried to the aircraft maintenance support hangar and then connected by means of interface cabling to the
`serial port on the OSU microcomputer. Selecting the appropriate operating mode from the DCU menu, the OSU operator follows a second OSU
`menu of instructions to complete the data transfer to OSU memory. OSU software processes the EMS data to formulate engine history records,
`calculate engine life-limited part parameters and evaluate engine performance margins.
`Analysis of engine data in the PW-220 EMS is accomplished in real time, any time the engine is operating. Decisions concerning control
`system health and engine operating conditions are made continuously by the EDU during every computational cycle. (Figure 7). For some
`conditions, where the four hertz data rate from the DEEC is not adequate for the EDU to reliably capture high speed events, the DEEC, which
`operates on a shorter compute cycle, pe forms the event detection function in the process of accommodating the anomaly, and the EDU records
`the occurrence later, when notified in the DEEC serial data.
`The EDU uses the parametric data obtained from the DEEC for diagnostic logic execution. Data which the EDU acquires from its own
`measurements or from aircraft systems generally supplement the DEEC data, in case of communication failures or DEEC input faults. Prior to
`executing the diagnostic logic, data validity checks are performed to avoid erroneous conclusions. If a required parameter is determined to be
`invalid, a substitute parameter is selected, an alternate logic path is executed, or the logic function may be bypassed esnirely.
`At the end of each logic sequence, the results are evaluated against any faults previously stored during the current flight cycle, and, in the
`condition is the first occurrence during the flight, a fault code, similar in format to those transmitted by the DEEC, is recorded along with the
`relative time of occurrence in the flight. During each subsequent compute cycle in the EDU, the condition is re-evaluated. Depending on the type
`of anomaly in progress, raw and or computed data may accumulated, which descibes the severity of the condition or provides some key
`information necessary to accurately assess the effect of the occurrence on engine health or assist in directing post-flight investigation and repair. As
`an examplethe duration and maximum temperature reached is recorded, when a turbine over temperature event is detected.
`Engine Events
`The following table identifies the engine events recorded by the PW220 EMS:
`Table 1. FIOO-PW-220 EMS Engine Events
`Turbine Overtemperature
`Augmentor Anomaly
`Stall Detect
`Stagnstion Detect
`Dieout Detect
`Hot Ground Start
`Hot Air Start
`No Start
`Anti-icing System Overtemperatre
`Anti-icing System Failed Open
`Slow Turbine Temperature Probe.
`Low Rotor Overspeed
`High Rotor Overspeed
`Compressor % ane Flutter
`Control Auto-Transfer
`Low Oil Pressure
`High Oil Pressure
`Start Bleed Failure
`Inhibited Augmentor
`Low Thrust
`Anti-icing System Failed Closed
`.: . .. ..
`, ::. . . ...
`Ex. 1034, p. 168

`The availability of high-speed data but communications wisb aircraft systems, offers an excellent,
`relatively inexpensve data source for
`engine monioring purposes, a wel as. an opportunity to provide the pilot better indicatiaos of the propulsion system health. without the need for
`analyzing cockpit puges or stuffing indkitor panels with confusing bt.
`Through isteraction with the aircraft cockpit display and data
`management computer, the PW-220 EMS is capable of supplying real-time engine operating data to augment or replace normal analog dat
`systems. It also provides a continuously updated ae identfying every fauk detectad and each engine event recorded. In exchange, the EDU
`acquires aircraft akitude, speed and attitude information to supplement recorded event data.
`The F100-PW-220 engine entered production service in November 1985 wan USAF F-15 aircraft. During 1986 and 1987, F-16 aircraft
`were delivered with FIOO-PW-220 engines to the USAF, as well as, the air forces of South Korea and Egypt. Approximately 400 units have now
`accumulated over 20,000 flight hours in world-wide operationa,including scenarios ranging from routine training missions to full defense alert. The
`PW-220 EMS has also supported remote sitb deployments for extended time periods. In all applications, the performance of the EMS has met or
`exceeded Its operational objectives.
`System Performance
`EMS performance monitoring is primarily accomplished by tracking the detection of engine faults and events by both EMS and the pilot.
`Each report is evaluated for validity and then the pilot and EMS reports are compared to determine an interim classification of "HIT" or 'MISS",
`Valid EMS detected occurrence
`Invalid EMS detected occurrence, or
`Valid pilot detected occurrence. within the EMS detection criteria,
`but not detected by EMS
`These categories are further subdivided for detailed analysis as follows:
`ACTUAL, or INDUCED occurrences
`Real fault or event
`Real occurrence resulting from pilot or maintenance actions
`FALSE, or UNDETECTED occurrences
`Invalid fault or event
`Real occurrence not detected
`For the purpose of determining a figure of merit for EMS performance, two additional values are needed:
`Occurrence of undetermined validity
`Sortie (flight) with no occurrences
`From them statistics, two performance factors are derived:
`The first, system effectiveness, is a measure of the EMS capability to correctly detect occurrences or confirm the absence of them. In equation
`= I
`The second factor, confirmation rate, only considers the validity of detected occurrences, and is expressed as:
`Both performance factors are generally calculated as percentages.
`Field Results (Figure 8)
`Based on operations through August 1987, with 19043 total engine flight hours and 9502 sorties flown, the PW-220 EMS performance factors are:
`• . ,
`' .
`. .!
`sse emIm • i~emesslleassssmem eme-4'
`Ex. 1034, p. 169

`Athougb syem performance citaer wer not stictly defined for the PW-220 EMS prior to initiatig tie design actviy, a gmena
`operational a of last than 10% unconfirmed occurmes at miductio was established. For purposes of operational trendig introducio
`baselined around 20,000 mnne fligl hom (EPH); whereas, system maturity is assmed after 1.000,000 EFH.
`Analysis of the system performance factors indicates that. even though the introductory confirmation rue has been achieved, the primary
`negative contributors are FALSE and INDUCED detections. As a result, changes to the diagnostic logic criteria have been identified end
`incorporated in the production EMS configuration. These changes, along with some related improvenens
`to other engine components. are
`mected to redmce the system unconfirmed rise to les than 1% at maturity.
`The direct effect of the EMS on engine maintenance is somewhat difficult to isolate from other factors such as improved component
`reliability, better component accessibility, and modular component design, which all infiuen e the number, durnatio and frequency of maintenance
`actions performed. The FIOO-PW-220 engine
`incorporated many changes.
`incuding EMS, which were
`intended to enhance overall
`Two of the more common maintenance measurement standards are: 1) the number of maintenance man-hours expended for each hour of
`flight time accumulated, and 2) the sortie generation rate, or aircraft availability. A comparison of the FI00-PW-220 engine with EMS to the
`remainder of the FI00 fleet reveala that the EMS-equipped engines ar averagig approximately 33% fewer maintenance man-hours per flight
`hour, and are in flight ready staums five times more often. (Pipure 9). Additional investigation with the EMS users indicates that a significant
`contributor to this reduced workload is the ability, with EMS, to rapidly isolate a control system anomaly to a faulty component. Coupled with the
`improved testability of the DEEC system, using the EMS ground support equipment. the fault isolation capability of EMS engines is expected to
`reduce maintenance manpower requirements to less than SO% of the non-EMS engines at maturity.
`Evaluation of the PW-220 EMS logistics support performance is also difficult to accomplish, due to the absence of valid comparative data.
`Not only are there few, if any. figures of merit available for the non-EMS engine support system, but some of the users have not fully implemented
`the electronic transfer features of the GSU subsystem. However, where the GSU is being used, no data discrepancies have been noted. and the
`users have submitted new requirements to expand the system functions.
`Some features of the FIOO-PW-220 engine and EMS represent development and design substantiation compromises, which, with
`extended operational experience, have been proven to need refinement or enhancement. The parametric data obtained by the EMS has been a
`valuable asset in analyzing engine and control sysem responses to unusual flight and aircraft conditions, and formulating hardware and software
`changes to tolerate those situations. In several cases, the EMS data revealed operational anomalies totally unknown, and for which no design
`consideration had been given. Engine system changes have been developed and verified in less than half the normal time, as a result of EMS being
`Development of the potential benefits of an EMS have been encouraged and supported by the F100 engine family users. (Figure 10).
`Upgrades to the PW-220 EMS were incorporated to permit aircraft systems to better utilize the data available and provide new methods of
`improving overall weapons system effectiveness. Additionally, derivative P100 engines are now in development with EMS hardware and diagnostic
`logic tailored for new engine and mission requirements. The EMS concepts have also been integrated with advanced engine control systems
`projected for full-scale development in the next five years. With the success of the PW-220 EMS, it is unlikely that any future Pratt & Whitney
`military engine will enter service without an EMS.
`The PW-220 EMS experience has not only demonstrated the capabilities of engine diagnostic systems to positively influence engine
`maintainability and logistics support, but it has also higligted the potential of EMS to improve overall propulsion system and aircraft integration.
`Having met system objectives and introductory performance goals, the PW-220 EMS is continuing to provide significant enhancements in failure
`detection, fault isolation, and repair verification. The PW-220 EMS is confirming the significant payback in reduced maintenance costs and
`improved logistics support offered by real-time engine monitoring.
`Ex. 1034, p. 170

`Eo~n Df
`wu AMA
`Fiur 1dca Fl* 00PPM0EnieMntogSse
`. Figita-22 Engine Monitoring CSysrem
`Ex. 1034, p. 171

`Figure 3. Engine Diagnostic Unit
`Data Col1ction lhk
`Figure 4.
`Ex. 1034, p. 172

`Figure 5. Engine Analyzer Unit
`FGrue6nrd n
`Ex. 1034, p. 173

`Figre EM
`Figure 7. EMS
`iagnsti Lerogice
`.... . . . .
`Ex. 1034, p. 174

`22z 24 1 2
`15 141 12 11 t
`Figure 9. Aircraft Tun-Around Time Improvement
`FI00-PW-220 EMS
`F1OO-PW-220 E
`Fl00-PW-200 DPI
`Figure 10. EMS Applications
`Ex. 1034, p. 175

`B.P. 83 - 91003 - EVRY CEDEX - FRANCE
`0 - Rdsumd
`1. Ddfinition des besoins utilisateurs
`2. Description des matdriels
`2.1. Matdriel embarqud sur avion
`2.2. Matdriels d'environnement au sol
`3. Utilisation et philosophie d'emploi
`4. Premiers rdsultats d'exploitation chez l'utilisateur
`5. Conclusion
`1 - Ddfinition des besoins utilisateurs
`Lheure de fonctionnement d'un rdacteur, bien que comptabiliste avec precision n'est
`pas tr~s reprdesentative de son vieillissement rdel.
`Sans faire, dans un premier temps, de savants calculs, on imagine qu'un moteur qui
`subit un vol de convoyage ne se fatigue pas de la mgme fagon que celui qui r~alise
`un vol de combat.
`Le premier qui est & rdgime constant, n'utilise pratiquement pas la pleine puissance
`alors que le second est soumis & tous lee svices
`- changement de rdgime,
`- utilisation fr4quente de la plelne puissance,
`- fonctionnement sous fort facteur de charge.
`Un ddcollage peut se rdaliser de deux manibres extrlmes trbs diffdrentes.
`- Ddcollage long, configuration ldgbre, puissance minimale,
`- Ddcollage court, configuration lourde, puissance maximum.
`Ainsi, il faut fournir & l'utilisateur un moyen dintdgrer dans l'heure de fonction-
`nement (que nous appellerons heure horloge) la sdvdrit4 de la mission et ddfinir
`d'abord l'unitd de comptage.
`La premibre idde qui vient & l'esprit serait de ddfinir des unit6s qui seraient des
`cycles complexes :
`- cycles thermiques,
`- cycles de fatigue mdcanique, olygocyclique, ou autre.
`Afin de ne pas bouleverser les habitudes des utilisateurs et de toujours conserver
`la notion de potentiel en heures et de faciliter la gestion de tous les 6ldments du
`moteur, ceux qui vieillissent en fonction du temps rdel inddpendamment de l sdvdritd
`de la mission et ceux qui, au contraire, sont sensibles h cette sdvdrit6, nous avons
`ddfini le concept :
`L'unit6 de comptage dtant d6finie, le matdriel permettant de calculer le vieillisse-
`ment du moteur doit Atre aussi peu contraignant que possible au niveau de l'utilisa-
`teur et en particulier ne dolt pas autoriser de faire des erreurs.
`Avant d'aborder la description des matdriels, ddfinissons l'unit4 de comptage.
`Le tableau ci-aprbs reprdsente la consommation relative de potentiel pour chaque
`type de mission.
`Si l'heure de vol de convoyage reprdsente 1 heure, on constate que linterception &
`partir de lialerte au sol reprdsente 39 heures de vol de convoyage et que la mission
`plastron reprdsente, elle, 81 heures.
`Ex. 1034, p. 176

`L'unitd de compte ainsi d~finie"MISSION MIXEE* reprtsente 16 heures de vol de.
`C'est avec cette unitd que la SNECMA ddfinit les potentiels et les durdes de vie des
`4ldments du moteur, sans pour autant connaltre la s4vdritd rdelle A laquelle est sou-
`mis chaque moteur, en attribuant & chaque mission un taux d'occurrence et un pourcen-
`tage de temps dans le fonctionnement du moteur.
`Ces deux derni~res donndes n'ont pas 4t4 choisies au hasard. Elles reprdsentent une
`moyenne des missions dans l'Armde de l'Air Frangaise sur un type d'avion d4termin6.
`2 - Description des matdriels
`2.1. Matdriel embarqud sur avion
`Ii se compose d'un calculateur de potentiel qui enregistre les param~tres de
`fonctionnement du moteur et calcule le potentiel en heures de missions mix4es.
`Ci-dessous une vue du calculateur ouvert.
`- - "
`Ex. 1034, p. 177

`Vue avec Ilune des cartes d'd1dments dlectroniques
`La vue ci-dessous permet d'apprdcier les dimensions de cet dquipement.
`Ex. 1034, p. 178

`Ce calculateur est instalid dans une saute de l2avion, qut pourra d'ailleurs atre
`diffdrente suivant le standard de la cellule de chaque client.
`Ci-dessous est prdsentde une solution pour u~n standard donnd de cellule.
`Le choix de Vemplacement doit, bien sdr, rdsulter d'une discussion entre l'avionneur
`et le client.
`Le principe de linstallation sur lavion restera cependant toujours le m~lne
`canine ii est indiqu6 sur la planche ci-dessous.
`Ex. 1034, p. 179

`Apparalt dgalement le terminal do saisies do donn~es (T.S.D.).
`Ce matdriel est un siatdriel doenvironnement qui reste au So1 et Sur lequel je
`donnerai plus de ddtails dans le paragraphe suivant.
`Pour terminer la description du matdriel embarqud, nous avons ajoutd Sur le
`calculateur de r6gulation du moteur un connectour codd dlidentification lid au
`moteur qui pormet au calculatour de poteritiel de lire le numdro du moteur.
`Ceci dvite des erreurs lors des ddposes moteur du fait qu1e le calculateur de
`potentiel est Sur la cellule.
`Si le numdro du moteur no correspond pas & celui programmd dons le calculateur
`de potontiel, ce dernier se ddclare en panne.
`2.2. Hatdriels dlenvironnement
`Pour dviter toute errour, le chargelsent et l'extraction des donndes du calcula-
`teur do potentiol sont rdalisds automatiquement Sur Ilavion au iscyen du terminal
`de saislos do donndes (T.S.D.).
`11 est connect6 au calculateur do potentiel pour
`- extrairo los donndes dlabordes et trait~es par celui-ci,
`- initier ce Is~me calculateur lorsqu'on change do Isoteur ou do calculatour de
`Voici cet dquipement reprdsentd avoc le calculatour do potentiol.
`Ex. 1034, p. 180

`Je m'dtendrai un peu plus sur son utilisation lorsque jdvoqueral les problbmes
`de gestion lids A 'esploi du concept calculateur de potentiel et les solutions
`que nous proposons pour les rdsoudre.
`Les informations ainsi extraites sont introduitea dans un micro ordinateur de
`gestion au niveau de la base adrienine, de mani~re automatique, pour dviter toute
`orrour de transcription.
`Une liaison vers un ordinateur central peut dgalement 8tre dtablie.
`Ainsi doit exister une, circulation permanente et en temps rdel d'',Q Los
`comise le montre le schdma ci-dessous, entre
`- l'avlon,
`le terminal de saisles de donndes (T.S.D.),
`le micro ordinateur do gestion et retour vera lavlon, via le T.S.D.
`3 -Utilisation et philosophie doemploi
`Uno bonno gestion do parc moteur dolt permottro une meilleura utilisation des moteurs
`at pour cola il eat ndcessaire, do
`- mettre & jour la base de donndes des pi~ces suivies par le calculateur do potential,
`- faire los prdvisions A court et moyen torme, des ddposes do moteurs pour envoi A
`V.atelier Z2ino dcbolon,
`- faire las prdvlsions do rotour do modules au 46me dcholon,
`- faire des analyses statistiques de consommation do places en fonction de la sdvdrltd
`des missions et des heures do vol rdelles,
`- connaftre 1' historique des pibces sulvios.
`Ex. 1034, p. 181

`3.1. Maintenance
`Pour atteindre cet objectif, il faut slasaurer du bon fonctionnement du calcula-
`teur de potentiel.
`Au niveau. de lavion, la maintenance s rdsume A
`- Ia aignalisation,
`- un diagnostic sur alluisage du voyant PR (porte de redondance du calculateur
`L'allumage de ce voyant doit 6tre interprdtd suivant Ie schtma ci-dessous du
`fait qulil a deux fonctions
`- porte do redondance du calculateur do rdgulation moteur.
`- demande d'intervention sur le calculateur do potentiel
`- soit parce qulil est en panne
`- soit parce qu'une Piace moteur est en limite de fonctionnement.
`-4 NON
`Pour distinguer l.'une ou Vautre fonction un "flog" s'allume aur le calcuJlateur
`do potentiel.
`3.2. Ispgratifs A respecter
`Le mode d'emploi 4tant dtabli, lea impdratif a & respecter sont lea suivanta
`Au premier dchelon
`- Prdvoir la ddpoae du moteur pour limits atteinte.
`- En aucun cas no ddpasser Ia limite do fonctionnement. Li lamps PR citde
`linstant nous Is garantit.
`- Maia aussi no pas so laisser surprendre, par cotte limito pour des raisons opd-
`rationnelles dvidentoa.
`Il faut donc ddfinir la pdriodicitd dextraction des donndes traitdos par le cal-
`culateur do potontiel.
`---_ -- -----
`Ex. 1034, p. 182

`Au deuxibme dchelon
`Si lea impdratifs citds pour le premier dchelon sont respectds, lea prdvisiofls
`de retour des modules au 46me dchelon pourront 6tre correctement rdalisdes au,
`26me 6chelon.
`3.3. Frdquence d'extraction des donndes
`Compte tenu de ces impdratif a, quelle doit Atre Ia fr~quence d'extraction des
`donndes ?
`La question reste posde et peut Atre diffdrente pour chaque utilisateur suivant
`les conditions d'emploi des avions.
`VoiCi simplement quelques 6l6ments gui doivent permettre h chaque utilisateur de
`d~terminer cette fr~quence en fonction de leur organisation et des impdratifs
`opdrationnels qui leur sont sp6cifiques.
`La graphique ci-dessous pr~cise lea diffdrentes donndes pour rdpondre A cette
`- En ordonnde, figure Ilendommagement en *pour cent" ainsi, lorsqu'une pibce
`arrive & limite, son endommagement est dit de 100%.
`- En abscisse figurent les heures de vol r~elles (temps horloge), dont on dis-
`- Durde de vie prddi

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