`Patent Owner
`Case No. IPR [Unassigned]
`U.S. Patent No. RE39,618
`Declaration of My-Linh Tran
`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Ex. 1030, p. 1
`Ex. 1030, p. 1

`Declaration of My-Linh Tran in Support of Petition for Inter Partes Review of
`U.S. Patent No. RE 39,618
`I, My-Linh Tran, declare as follows:
`I am a paralegal at Perkins Coie LLP and was involved in our
`investigation related to prior art presented as part of this petition for inter partes
`review of U.S. Patent No. RE 39,618. I have personal knowledge regarding all
`matters reported herein, except where I expressly note below that certain facts were
`relayed to me in conversation with a librarian at the Dudley Knox Library at the
`United Stated Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, or by a
`Cataloging Librarian at the New Zealand National Library.
`Facts Pertaining To Authenticity, Publication, and Public
`Availability of Dowling
`On June 1, 2015, I Visited the Dudley Knox Library at the United
`States Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California to investigate and copy a
`book in their collection: The Proceedings of the AIAA/IEEE 6th Digital Avionics
`Systems Conference, December 3-6, 1984, Baltimore, Maryland (“AIAA/IEEE
`Conference Proceedings”). Before arriving, I confirmed in the Knox Library’s
`online catalog that they had a copy of the AIAA/IEEE Conference Proceedings in
`circulation in their collection, and arranged with librarian, Ms. Irma Fink, to
`review it.
`Ex. 1030, p. 2
`Ex. 1030, p. 2

`I am not a member of the United States Navy or a student at the Naval
`Postgraduate School, and I have no affiliation with the Navy, the School, or the
`Knox Library that would grant me special access. I visited as a member of the
`public and an employee of Perkins Coie, and was able to access the Knox Library
`to View the AIAA/IEEE Conference Proceedings.
`Attached as Exhibit 1031 to Boeing’s Petition is a true and correct
`copy of the entire AIAA/IEEE Conference Proceedings in circulation in the Knox
`Library collection. I personally copied the AIAA/IEEE Conference Proceedings,
`and specifically affirmed that Exhibit 1031 is a true and accurate copy of the entire
`bound volume. The Dowling reference provided as Exhibit 1013 is at pp. 503-507
`within the full AIAIA/IEEE Conference Proceedings provided as Ex. 1031.
`Attached as Exhibit 1032 to Boeing’s Petition is a series of
`photographs I took of Exhibit 1031 during my visit on June 1, 2015 to better depict
`certain aspects of Exhibit 1031. The first three photos of Exhibit 1032 depict the
`front cover, spine, and back cover, respectively, of Exhibit 1031. The fourth and
`fifth photographs depict the first page of the table of contents (page III) that has a
`handwritten notation near the spine that says “M.W. 6-3-87.”
`The fifth picture in the Exhibit 1032 series is a close-up of this
`notation because the photocopy of this page in Exhibit 1031 did not depict the
`notation because the notation was in the fold near the spine. During my visit,
`Ex. 1030, p. 3

`Ms. Fink pointed this notation out to me, and she told me that it was the library’s
`practice to handwrite the initials of the intake librarian and the date the volume was
`originally received at the Knox Library. Ms. Fink told .me this notation indicated
`that AIAA/IEEE Conference Proceedings were received at the Knox Library on
`June 3, 1987.
`The sixth and seventh photographs in Exhibit 1032 depict the
`checkout cards and sleeve inside the back cover of Exhibit 1031. Ms. Fink told
`me during my visit that the Knox Library made and kept these cards for the same
`reason as almost every other library -- to document the checkout date at the time of
`checkout on a record the library kept in its normal business to track the book. The
`date stamps on these cards indicate the dates this volume of the AIAA/IEEE
`Conference Proceedings were checked out from the Knox Library. The first date
`the volume was checked out was June 25, 1987.
`Attached as Exhibit 1033 to Boeing’s Petition is a true and correct
`copy of the Knox Library online catalog record that I obtained. Exhibit 1033
`depicts the “MARC” data for the AIAA/IEEE Conference proceedings.
`understand that MARC stands for “Machine Readable Cataloging” and is a data
`standard defined by the United States Library of Congress.
`I discussed the Knox Library’s catalog entry for the AIAA/IEEE
`Conference Proceedings, including the MARC data reflected in Exhibit 1033, with
`030, p. 4
`Ex. 1
`Ex. 1030, p. 4

`Ms. Fink. She confirmed that field codes 090 and 950 show that the AIAA/IEEE
`Conference proceedings were cataloged in the Knox Library catalog on June 12,
`1 987.
`To further investigate the publication and public availability date of
`the AIAA/IEEE Conference Proceedings, I visited another government library
`website, that of the U.S. Air Force Academy at A true and correct
`copy of the search results are provided at Exhibit 1028 to Boeing’s Petition. They
`indicate that “publication” of the Proceedings occurred in 1984.
`Facts Pertaining T0 Authenticity, Publication, and Public
`Availability of Chetail and Dyson
`I was also asked to investigate two references in Boeing’s Petition that
`were published as part of a NATO conference proceedings: North Atlantic Treaty
`Organization Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development
`(AGARD) Conference Proceedings No. 448, Engine Condition Monitoring —
`Technology and Experience, Proceedings of Propulsion and Energetics Panel’s
`71st Symposium, held in Quebec City, Canada, May 30 — June 3, 1988 (“AGARD
`Conference Proceedings No. 448”).
`I searched two separate government technical publication databases,
`and ultimately obtained identical copies of AGARD Conference Proceedings
`No. 448.
`Ex. 1030, p. 5

`I first searched the database of the Defense Technical Information
`Center (“DTIC”) at Based on my preliminary searching, I learned
`that that AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 448 were tracked under the DTIC
`accession number “ADA203800.” When I searched for that specific document, the
`website returned a search results page with two results as shown below.
` Nvotlv
`EAdvnnzud Swatch
`E Selccl Search
`Roeulls I
`1 Proceamngs ol Propulsion and Enorgelics Puml mmposinm (Hat) on Engine Condiliun Monilnring - Technology and Experience Held In Quebec City
`Cnnnda on 30 May 3 Jun
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`Psfrcv Memmznda
`I refer to this below as the “Search Results Page.”
`14. When I selected the first search result, a separate information page
`came up as shown below. Among other information, this shows that the date of the
`AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 448 was June 3, 1988, which corresponds to
`the final day of the conference.
`Ex. 1030, p. 6
`Ex. 1030, p. 6

`Clonlzuzi us-
` : DEFENSE TECHNICAL lnronwmou Cemsn
`G -"”‘°“*"-""'
`" “'
`Accosslnn Nunnm: ADAEOOSUD
`_ ,
`Tllloz Pmcecziings al Propulsion and Energenzs Panel symposium (H51) an Englne Con<1IlIanI.InnI1onng - Technology arm Experience Held in Quenct City Gamma nn no r.1ay«a Jun 1388
`ooscripuvo Non : l)0n5c!BI1CE pvcceedlngs
`Sunnu! r}aumenls-
`Full Tut : ml." ;N.\vm-dlk rusgeur (I:)r;’:i<!i’IADuADA?0343%
`Roper! Da1o:03 JUN 15438
`Ahslract: The cnnlerence Proceedings cunlain 40 papers plesenled at me Propulsion and Energenc Panel rm Bur:-auunln an Engine Condvlsun Monitoring - T|\;IIN‘UI;|' and Experience The sympasnnn was .1rmIunn1nlI\e rullovnng SBSSDWISZ
`DE? EH5-E Y‘-I-CIl.)fJCfl|.|h1'DRH.l nae: CEN'I'£fl
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`I refer to this below as the “Information Page.”
`I returned to the Search Results Page and selected the second search
`result which indicated a PDF was available. Attached as Exhibit 1034 to Boeing’s
`petition is a true and correct copy of the 483-page PDF provided by the DTIC
`I then returned to the Information Page above and selected the link
`n- 4 ._-..- “L1,... 41.. 11_:Lt\14tJl'1 “1:‘u11 Tavf” -mdmnmaixzgrl cm ids-nfinal AR?-
`Ex. 1030, p. 7
`Ex. 1030, p. 7

`the United States is the National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) but
`that applications for copies of AGARD publications should be made instead to the
`National Technical Information Service in Springfield, Virginia. I thus visited the
`website of the National Technical Information Service to obtain a copy of the
`AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 448 from a second government source.
`The United States National Technical Information Service (“NTIS”)
`maintains a website at wvvw.ntis. gov and a National Technical Reports Library at
` I logged on to this website and searched for a copy of the AGARD
`Conference Proceedings No. 448. The search results page provided by the website
`is depicted below.
`Ex. 1030, p. 8

`' -.
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`532 App: 3 PACER ~ Moniker
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`.1 Hum: Help -
`The highlighted text at left caused the information box at right to
`show up, and the box indicates that the AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 448
`have a “publication date” of 1988. Above that, I selected the “download” link and
`received a 483-page PDF in response. I compared the PDF I received from the
`NTIS’s National Technical Reports Library website to the 483-page PDF I
`received from the Defense Technical Information Service website, on a page-by-
`page basis, and verified that they were identical. A true and correct copy of the
`Ex. 1030, p. 9
`- I11 I‘ ‘ "‘ "'50
`liiipau Study on Inc Use ulJET A Fuel in Mililary Aircraft diirlng Opaialinns in Europa (Etude da Iimpaci (I2 I iilillsalion du
`rs des oueraliuns en Europe).
`W‘, H
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`Tacliniital Repnrl
`Title Nola Coiilaitiice paoceedinga.
`Ex. 1030, p. 9

`AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 448 that I received from both websites is
`Exhibit 1034 to Boeing’s Petition.
`The Chetail reference, which is Exhibit 1018 to Boeing’s Petition, can
`be found at pages 131 — 149 in the Exhibit 1034 AGARD Conference Proceedings
`No. 448, while the Dyson reference, which is Exhibit 1019 to Boeing’s Petition,
`can be found at pages 210 — 221 in the Exhibit 1034 AGARD Conference
`Proceedings No. 448.
`I also researched the AGARD Conference Proceedings No. 448 on the
`NATO website. The NATO Science and Technology Organization maintains a
`search page at My search for the conference proceedings returned the
`information page below.
`Ex. 1030, p. 10

`AGARD-CP-448 Engine Condition Monitoring: Technology and Expenenc:
`Imps:/flwlw cso mo int/‘Pubdrdp
`AGARD-CP-448 - Engine Condition Monitoring: Technology and Experience.
`Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, Neuilly-Sur—Seine (France).
`ISBN-92-835-o4Bx / ADA203800
`NATO Sdence and Technology Organization
`Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development, Neuilly-Sur-Seine (France).
`October 1988
`480 (excludes supporting material where applicable)
`This document is distributed in accordance with NATO Security Regulations and STD
`Topics addnss-.=<l iucluda: I11ll.'ll.‘I1‘\_.‘ o;>¢r.\t':ons: civil --x-pet-iae1u:v.-'. 1uauulaclumr's p+:rsp-retire;
`turboprops Ami uu'bosimlts: systems: dingnuusric methods". and .1cl\'.\I:co:l leclmologies.
`Questions and .\uenwI's of the tlimlssiolis lollow -i.'.'l(‘ll paper. For ind.iridu.1I titles. see
`NB9—16781 through NB916819.
`Activity Reference
`Originators Reference
`ISBN Reference
`Security Classification
`Where to find this report
`Presented at / Sponsored by
`Distribution Statement:
`Keywords / Descriptors
`Title or File Name
`last modified on 12 Feb 2014
`22. A true and correct copy of this document is filed with Boeing’s
`Petition as Exhibit 1026.
`Facts Pertaining To Authenticity, Publication, and Public
`Availability of the Ward Reference
`I was also tasked with investigating the authenticity, publication, and
`public availability of a paper by M.J. Ward called Power Plant Health
`M0m't0ring——The Human Factor, presented at the Royal Aeronautical Society
`(New Zealand Division), Tenth Annual Symposium, “Projections for the Year
`20l0—The Human Factor,” Wellington, New Zealand, February 13-14, 1992)
`EX. 1030, p. 11
`Ex. 1030, p. 11

`I Visited the National Library of New Zealand catalog at
`I searched for the library record regarding Ward, and was
`returned a webpage, a true and correct copy of which is provided as Exhibit 1027
`to Boeing’s Petition. The second page of this is the New Zealand National
`Library’s MARC data for Ward.
`I then spoke with Ms. Christine Todd, a Team
`Leader in the New Zealand National Library Cataloging Team, about this data.
`Ms. Todd told me that the second “035” data field that contains the entry “9
`zbm9304273 6” is a cataloging number that was generated by the library’s
`cataloging system at the time the reference was first placed in the New Zealand
`National Library catalog. In this instance, the cataloging number shows that
`“Ward” was cataloged in the New Zealand National Library sometime during
`1 993 .
`In response to an inquiry to Ms. Todd, I also received the New
`Zealand National Library’s copy of the cover and cataloging pages of the
`proceedings of the Royal Aeronautical Society Symposium in which Ward was
`published. A true and correct copy of this is filed with Boeing’s petition as Exhibit
`1 03 5.
`Facts Pertaining To the Authenticity of ARINC Standards
`I was also tasked with obtaining copies of several standards
`documents from Aeronautical Radio, Inc. (ARINC), specifically ARINC 624-1 and
`Ex. 1030, p. 12
`Ex. 1030, p. 12

`ARINC 702-6. I visited the ARINC website at http://www.aviation-
`, which explains ARINC and its standards, and
`provides a link to its “ARINC Standards Store.” A true and correct image of this
`website and the resulting ARINC Standards Store (http://www.aviation-
` o1*y.cfm‘?prod group id=1 ) is provided at Exhibit 1037 to
`Boeing’s Petition. The ARINC Standards Store offers separate pages for 600-
`series and 700-series standards. True and correct images of these, truncated to the
`document ranges I was looking for (e.g. excluding 600—series standards higher in
`number than 624-lare not shown) are provided later in Exhibit 1037. I purchased
`copies of ARINC 624-1 and ARINC 702-6 from this website, and included a true
`and correct copy of the receipt as the last page of Exhibit 1037.
`In signing this declaration, I recognize the declaration will be filed as
`evidence in a contested case before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board of the
`United States Patent and Trademark Office. I also recognize that I may be subject
`to cross-examination in the case and that cross-examination will take place in the
`United States. If cross-examination is required of me, I will appear for cross-
`examination within the United States during the time allotted.
`I hereby declare that
`all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and that all statements
`that I explained as being made to me by Ms. Fink of the Knox Library and Ms.
`Ex. 1030, p. 13
`Ex. 1030, p. 13

`Todd of the New Zealand National Library were made and are accurately reported
`above, and lastly that my statement in this declaration were made with the
`knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine
`or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title XVIII of the United States
`Executed on June 4, 2015 at Palo Alto, California.
`y-Linh Tran
`Ex. 1030, p. 14
`Ex. 1030, p. 14

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