Copyright (c) 1996 IEEE. See full copyright notice at the end of this paper.
`Parallelized Network Security Protocols
`Erich Nahum , David J. Yates , Sean O’Malley , Hilarie Orman , and Richard Schroeppel
`Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
`University of Massachusetts
`University of Arizona
`Amherst, MA 01003
`Tucson, AZ 85721
`Security and privacy are growing concerns in the Internet
`community, due to the Internet’s rapid growth and the desire
`to conduct business over it safely. This desire has led to the
`advent of several proposals for security standards, such as
`secure IP, secure HTTP, and the Secure Socket Layer. All of
`these standards propose using cryptographic protocols such
`as DES and RSA. Thus, the need to use encryption protocols
`is increasing.
`Shared-memory multiprocessors make attractive server
`platforms, for example as secure World-Wide Web servers.
`These machines are becoming more common, as shown by
`recent vendor introductions of platforms such as SGI’s Chal-
`lenge, Sun’s SPARCCenter, and DEC’s AlphaServer. The
`spread of these machines is due both to their relative ease
`of programming and their good price/performance.
`This paper is an experimental performance study that
`examines how encryption protocol performance can be im-
`proved by using parallelism. We show linear speedup
`for several different Internet-based cryptographic protocol
`stacks running on a symmetric shared-memory multiproces-
`sor using two different approaches to parallelism.
`1 Introduction
`Security and privacy is a growing concern in the Internet
`community, due to the Internet’s rapid growth and the desire
`to conduct business over it safely. This desire has led to the
`advent of several proposals for security standards, such as
`secure IP [2], Secure HTTP (SHTTP) [30], and the Secure
`Socket Layer (SSL) [14]. Thus, the need to use encryption
`protocols such as DES and RSA is increasing.
`This research supported in part by NSF under grant NCR-9206908, and
`by ARPA under contract F19628-92-C-0089. Erich Nahum is supported by
`a Computer Measurement Group Fellowship. David Yates is the recipient
`of a Motorola Codex University Partnership in Research Grant.
`This research supported in part by ARPA under contract DABT63-94-
`C-0002, and by NCSC under contract MDA 904-94-C-6110.
`One problem with using cryptographic protocols is the
`fact that they are slow. An important question then is
`whether security can be provided at gigabit speeds. The
`standard set of algorithms required to secure a connection
`includes a bulk encryption algorithm such as DES [1], a
`cryptographic message digest such as MD5 [31], a key ex-
`change algorithm such as Diffie-Hellman [7] to securely
`distribute a private key, and some form of digital signature
`algorithm to authenticate the parties, such as RSA [32]. The
`encryption and hash digest algorithms must be applied to
`every packet going across a link to ensure confidentiality,
`and therefore the performance of these algorithms directly
`affects the achievable throughput of an application. Fur-
`thermore, there are some services, such as strong sender au-
`thentication in scalable multicast algorithms, that currently
`require the use of expensive algorithms such as RSA signa-
`tures on every packet. For non-multicast services, the most
`expensive algorithms, RSA and Diffie-Hellman, need only
`be run at connection set-up time. They only affect the over-
`all bandwidth if the connections are short, the algorithms are
`particularly expensive, and/or the overhead of using these
`algorithms on busy servers reduces overall network perfor-
`A straightforward approach to improving cryptographic
`performance is to implement cryptographic algorithms in
`hardware. This approach has been shown to improve cryp-
`tographic performance of single algorithms (e.g., DEC has
`demonstrated a 1 Gbit/sec DES chip [8]). Unfortunately
`there are several problems with this approach, that indicate
`why one would desire to do cryptography in software:
`Variability. Systems need to support suites of cryp-
`tographic protocols, not just DES. For example, both
`SSL and SHTTP support using RSA, DES, Triple-DES,
`MD5, RC4, and IDEA. Hardware support for all of
`these is unlikely.
`Flexibility. Standards change over time, and this is one
`reason why the IP security architecture and proposed

`key exchange schemes are designed to handle multiple
`type of authentication and confidentiality algorithms.
`Security. Algorithms can be broken, such as knapsack
`crypto-systems, 129 digit RSA, and 192 bit DHKX. It
`is easier to replace software cryptographic algorithms
`than hardware.
`Cost. Custom hardware is not cheap, ubiquitous, or
`Performance. Certain algorithms, such as MD5 and
`IDEA, are designed to run quickly in software on cur-
`rent microprocessor architectures. Specialized hard-
`ware for them may not improve performance much.
`An analysis of this is given for MD5 [37].
`Many approaches are available for improving software
`cryptographic support [23], including improved algorithm
`design and algorithm-independent hardware support. In this
`paper, we focus on how parallelism can improve software
`cryptographic performance.
`A common approach to parallelism is through sym-
`metric shared-memory multiprocessors. These machines
`are becoming more common, as shown by recent vendor
`introductions of machines such as SGI’s Challenge [11],
`Sun’s SPARCCenter [9], and DEC’s AlphaServer [10]. The
`spread of these machines is due to a number of factors:
`binary compatibility with lower-end workstations, good
`price/performance relative to high-end machines such as
`Crays, and their ease of programming compared to more
`elaborate parallel machines such as Hypercubes. In addi-
`tion, these machines make attractive server platforms, for
`example as secure HTTP (World-Wide Web) servers.
`In this paper we demonstrate that parallelism is an effec-
`tive vehicle for improving software cryptographic perfor-
`mance. We show linear speedup results of several different
`Internet-based cryptographic protocol stacks using two dif-
`ferent approaches to parallelism. Our implementation con-
`sists of parallelized versions of the x-kernel [15] that run
`in user space on Silicon Graphics shared-memory multipro-
`cessors. We give performance results on a 12 processor
`100MHz MIPS R4400 SGI Challenge XL.
`The remainder of the paper is organized as follows: In
`Section 2, we discuss several approaches to parallelism.
`Section 3 describes our implementation and experiments.
`In Section 4 we present our results in detail. Section 5
`discusses related issues.
`In Section 6 we summarize our
`2 Parallelism in Network Protocol Processing
`Parallelism can take many forms in network protocol
`processing. Many approaches to parallelism have been pro-
`posed and are briefly described here; more detailed surveys
` Layer
` Level
` Packet
` Level
` Flow
`Figure 1: Approaches to Concurrency
`can be found in [3, 13]. In general, we attempt to classify
`approaches by the unit of concurrency, or what it is that pro-
`cessing elements do in parallel. Here a processing element
`is a locus of execution for protocol processing, and can be a
`dedicated processor, a heavyweight process, or a lightweight
`thread. Figure 1 illustrates the various approachesto concur-
`rency in host protocol processing. The dashed ovals repre-
`sent processing elements. Messages marked with a number
`indicate which connection the message is associated with.
`In layered parallelism, each protocol layer is a unit of
`concurrency, where a protocol layer is defined by the ISO
`reference model. Specific layers are assigned to processing
`elements, and messages passed between protocols through
`interprocess communication. The main advantage of lay-
`ered parallelism is that it is simple and defines a clean sep-
`aration between protocol boundaries. The disadvantages
`are that concurrency is limited to the number of layers in
`the stack, and that associating processing with layers re-
`sults in increased context switching and synchronization
`between layers [5, 6, 34]. Performance gains are limited to
`throughput, mainly achieved through pipelining effects. An
`example is found in [12].
`Connections form the unit of concurrency in connection-
`level parallelism, where connections are assigned to pro-
`cessing elements. Speedup is achieved using multiple con-
`nections, each of which is processed in parallel. The ad-
`vantage of this approach is that it exploits the natural con-
`currency between connections, and only requires one lock
`acquisition, i.e. for the appropriate connection. Thus, lock-

`ing is kept to a minimum along the "fast path" of data trans-
`fer. The disadvantage with connection-level parallelism
`is that no concurrency within a single connection can be
`achieved, which may be a problem if traffic exhibits locality
`[16, 19, 22, 27], i.e., is bursty. Systems using this approach
`include [29, 33, 34, 38].
`In packet-level parallelism, packets are the unit of
`concurrency. Sometimes referred to as thread-per-packet
`or processor-per-message, packet-level parallelism assigns
`each packet or message to a single processing element. The
`advantage of this approach is that packets are processed re-
`gardless of their connection or where they are in the protocol
`stack, achieving speedup both with multiple connections and
`within a single connection. The disadvantage is that it re-
`quires locking shared state, most significantly the protocol
`state at each layer. Systems using this approach include
`[3, 13].
`In functional parallelism, a protocol layer’s functions are
`the unit of concurrency. Functions within a single protocol
`layer (e.g., checksum, ACK generation) are decomposed,
`and each assigned to a processing element. The advantage to
`this approach is that it is relatively fine-grained, and thus can
`improve latency as well as throughput. The disadvantage
`is that it requires synchronizing within a protocol layer, and
`is dependent upon the concurrency available between the
`functions of a particular layer. Examples include [17, 28,
`In data-level parallelism, the pieces of data are the units
`of concurrency, analogous to SIMD processing. Processing
`elements are assigned to the same function of a particular
`layer, but perform processing on separate pieces of data from
`the samemessage. An example would be computing a single
`message’s checksum using multiple processors. The advan-
`tage to this approach is that it is the most fine-grained, and
`thus has the potential for the greatest improvement in both
`throughput and latency. The disadvantage is that processing
`elements must synchronize, which may be expensive. We
`are unaware of any work using this approach.
`The relative merits of one approach over another depend
`on many factors, including the host architecture, the cost
`of primitives such as locking and context switching, the
`workload and number of connections, the thread scheduling
`policies employed, and whether the implementations are in
`hardware or software. Most importantly, they depend on the
`available concurrency within a protocol stack.
`The most comprehensive study to date comparing dif-
`ferent approaches to parallelism on a shared-memory mul-
`tiprocessor is by Schmidt and Suda [34, 35]. They show
`that packet-level parallelism and connection-level paral-
`lelism generally perform better than layer parallelism, due to
`the context-switching overhead incurred crossing protocol
`boundaries using layer parallelism. In [35], they suggest that
`packet-level parallelism is preferable when the workload is
`a relatively small number of active connections, and that
`connection-level parallelism is preferable for large numbers
`of connections.
`In this paper, we restrict our focus to connection-level and
`packet-level parallel approaches to network cryptographic
`protocols on shared-memory multiprocessors. More fine-
`grained approaches to parallelized security protocols, such
`as functional parallelism and data-level parallelism, are out-
`side the scope of this work. We do discuss them in more
`depth in Section 5.
`3 Implementation and Experiments
`In this section we describe our implementation and experi-
`mental environment.
`Our implementation consists of parallelized versions of
`the x-kernel [15] extended for packet-level parallelism [24]
`and connection-level parallelism [38]. Our parallel imple-
`mentations run in user space on Silicon Graphics shared-
`memory multiprocessors using the IRIX operating system.
`In this study, we examine the impact of cryptographic
`protocols under the respective paradigms, and show how
`parallelism improves cryptographic performance. The pro-
`tocols we examine are those used in typical secure Internet
`scenarios. We briefly describe them here.
`3.1 Protocols
`The protocols used in our experiments are those that would
`be seen along the common case or “fast path” during data
`transfer of an application such as a secure World-Wide Web
`server. We focus on available throughput; we do not ex-
`amine connection setup or teardown, or the attendant issues
`of key exchange. In these experiments, connections are al-
`ready established, and keys are assumed to be available, as
`We use the terminology defined by the proposed secure
`IP standard [2]. Authentication is the property of knowing
`that the data received is the same as the data sent by the
`sender, and that the claimed sender is in fact the actual
`sender. Integrity is the property that the data is transmitted
`from source to destination without undetected alteration.
`Confidentiality is the property that the intended participants
`know what data was sent, but any unintended parties do not.
`Encryption is typically used to provide confidentiality.
`TCP is the Transmission Control Protocol used by reli-
`able Internet applications such as file transfer, remote login,
`and HTTP, the protocol used for retrieving hypertext doc-
`uments in the World-Wide Web.
`IP is the network-layer
`protocol that performs routing of messages over the Inter-
`net. FDDI is the Fiber Distribute Data Interface,a fiber-optic
`token-ring based LAN protocol.

`MD5 is a message digest algorithm used for authentica-
`tion and message integrity. MD5 is a “required option” for
`secure IP; by required option we mean that an application’s
`use of MD5 in IP is optional, but an implementation must
`support use of that option. MD5 is also the default mes-
`sage digest algorithm proposed for SHTTP; and is also used
`in SSL. In our implementation we use the standard MD5
`message digest calculation, rather than the keyed one. DES
`is the ANSI Data Encryption Standard, used for confiden-
`tiality, and is one of the required protocols used in secure
`IP, secure HTTP, and SSL. We use DES in cipher-block-
`chaining (CBC) mode. 3-DES is "triple DES," which runs
`the DES algorithm 3 times over the message. DES experi-
`ments can produce unrealistically good times on empty data
`buffers, since only a fraction of the 64KB Sbox is exer-
`cised, which may lead to artificially good cache hit rates.
`To guard against this, we fill each buffer at the beginning
`of a test with a random sequence, with each test using a
`different initial seed value. Our protocols are taken from
`the cryptographic suite available with the x-kernel [26].
`3.2 Parallel Infrastructure
`The implementations for packet-level parallel protocols and
`connection-level parallel protocols are described in detail in
`[24, 38]. We briefly outline them here.
`In the packet-level parallel protocol testbed, packets are
`assigned to threads as they arrive, regardless of the connec-
`tions they are associated with. Correctness and safety is
`maintained by placing locks around shared data structures,
`such as the TCP connection state or a protocol’s set of active
`associations, termed the active map in the x-kernel. Threads
`must contend with one another to gain access to shared data.
`In the connection-level parallel testbed, connections are
`assigned to threads on one-to-one basis, called thread-per-
`connection. The entire connection forms the unit of con-
`currency, only allowing one thread to perform protocol pro-
`cessing for any particular connection. Arriving packets are
`demultiplexed to the appropriate thread via a packet-filter
`mechanism [21]. The notion of a connection is extended
`through the entire protocol stack. Where possible, data
`structures are replicated per-thread, in order to avoid lock-
`ing and therefore contention.
`The two schemes do have some implementation differ-
`ences that are necessitated by their respective approaches to
`concurrency. However, wherever possible, we have strived
`to make the implementations consistent. For example, both
`use the same TCP uniprocessor source code base, which is
`derived from Berkeley’s Net/2 TCP [18] with BSD 4.4 fixes,
`but not the RFC1323 extensions [4].
`We use a double-Sbox implementation in our tests.
`Figure 2: Sample Configuration: TCP/MD5/IP
`3.3 In-Memory Drivers
`Since our platform runs in user space, accessing the FDDI
`adaptor involves crossing the IRIX socket layer, which is
`prohibitively expensive. Normally, in a user-space imple-
`mentation of the x-kernel, a simulated device driver is con-
`figured below the media access control layer (in this case,
`FDDI). The simulated driver uses the socket interface to em-
`ulate a network device. To avoid this socket-crossing cost,
`we replaced the simulated driver with in-memory device
`drivers for the TCP protocol stacks. The drivers emulate
`a high-speed FDDI interface, and support the FDDI max-
`imum transmission unit (MTU) of slightly over 4K bytes.
`This is similar to the approaches taken in [3, 13, 20, 34].
`The drivers act as senders or receivers, producing or con-
`suming packets as fast as possible, to simulate the behavior
`of simplex data transfer over an error-free network. To
`minimize execution time and experimental perturbation, the
`receive-side drivers use preconstructed packet templates.
`They do not calculate TCP checksums, MD5 hash values,
`or encrypt packets for decryption. Instead, in experiments
`that use a simulated sender, checksums, signatures, and de-
`cryptions are all performed, but the results are ignored, and
`assumed correct.
`Figure 2 shows a sample test configuration, in this case
`a TCP/MD5/IP stack. Our test environment measures
`throughput through the network subsystem on the multipro-
`cessor; it does not measure external factors such as latency
`across the wire to a remote host.

`4 Results
`We present results for packet-level and connection-level par-
`allelism here.
`4.1 Packet-Level Parallelism
`Figure 3 shows the sender’s throughput rates for our packet-
`level parallel (PLP) experiments. Times given are in
`megabits per second for several protocol stacks. Our base-
`line Internet stack consists of TCP/IP/FDDI, representing
`protocol processing without any security. A second stack is
`an Internet stack with MD5 between TCP and IP, represent-
`ing the work done for an application that requires authenti-
`cation and integrity but no confidentiality. Our third stack
`uses DES above TCP and MD5 below TCP, which supports
`both confidentiality and integrity. Our fourth stack is the
`same as the third, except that we use triple-DES instead of
`These throughputs were measured on our 12-processor
`Challenge machine, using a single TCP connection with 4
`KB packets. For these and all subsequent graphs, each data
`point is the average of 10 runs, where a run consists of
`measuring the steady-state throughput for 30 seconds, after
`an initial 30 second warmup period. Throughput graphs
`include 90 percent confidence intervals.
`Figure 3 quantifies the slowdown due to the use of cryp-
`tographic protocols. The baseline speed for the send-side
`TCP stack is roughly 138 Mbits/sec. Adding MD5 to the
`stack reduces throughput by nearly an order of magnitude, to
`a mere 18 Mbits/sec . Adding DES on top of TCP reduces
`throughput nearly 2 orders of magnitude, to 4.6 Mbits/sec.
`Using Triple-DES is 3 times slower at 1.5 Mbits/sec.
`Figure 4 shows the corresponding relative speedup for
`the send-side tests, where speedup is throughput normalized
`relative to the uniprocessor throughput for the appropriate
`stack. The theoretical ideal linear speedup is included for
`comparison. Previous work [3, 24] has shown limited per-
`formance gains when using packet-level parallelism for a
`single TCP connection, barring any other protocol process-
`ing, and this is reflected by the baseline TCP/IP stack’s
`minimal speedup. This is because manipulating a TCP con-
`nection’s state is large relative to the IP and FDDI processing
`and must occur inside a single locked, serial component. Of
`course, throughput can be improved by using multiple con-
`However, as more compute-intensive cryptographic pro-
`tocols are used, while the throughput goes down, the relative
`speedup improves. For example, the MD5 stack achieves a
`speedup of 8 with 12 processors, and the DES and Triple-
`DES stacks produce very close to linear speedup. This
`MD5 runs 30-50% slower on big-endian hosts [37], such as our
`Table 1: PLP Latency Breakdown (usec)
`is because the cost of cryptographic protocol processing,
`which outweighs the cost of TCP processing, occurs outside
`the scope of any locks.
`Figures 5 and 6 show the throughput and speedup re-
`spectively for the same stacks on the receive side. Again we
`observe successively lower throughputs but better relative
`speedups as more compute intensive cryptographic proto-
`cols are used. The speedup curve for 3-DES, which is the
`most compute-intensive, is essentially linear.
`Table 1 gives the latency breakdown for the various pro-
`tocol stacks. Latency here is calculated from the unipro-
`cessor throughput, to gain an understanding of the relative
`cost of adding cryptographic protocols. The table includes
`total time and incremental overhead for adding a protocol
`in addition to the baseline TCP/IP processing time. The in-
`cremental cost for MD5 is about 1500 usec, for DES about
`7200 usec, and for 3-DES about 21000 usec. Since these
`costs are incurred outside the scope of any locks, they can
`run in parallel on different packets.
`Given that the locked component of manipulating the
`TCP connection-state limits the throughput to about 200
`Mbits on this platform, we estimate that the TCP/MD5/IP
`stack would bottleneck at about 16 processors, and that the
`DES stack would scale to 30 processors. We expect that
`more compute-intensive protocols, such as RSA, would also
`scale linearly.
`We also ran similarly configured UDP-based stacks, not
`shown due to space limitations. In general, the results were
`similar, except that single-connection parallelism with the
`baseline UDP stacks exhibited much better speedup that the
`single-connection baseline TCP stacks. However, as crypto-
`graphic processing is used, the differences in both through-
`put and speedup between TCP-based and UDP-based stacks
`essentially disappear.
`4.2 Connection-Level Parallelism
`Figures 7 and 8 show send-side throughput and speedup re-
`spectively for our Connection-Level Parallel (CLP) experi-
`ments. In these experiments, 12 connections are measured,
`and the number of processors is varied from 1 to 12. The
`throughput graphs here show aggregate throughput for all 12
`connections. We use the same protocols and experimental

`Ideal Linear Speedup
`Figure 3: PLP Send-Side Throughput
`Figure 4: PLP Send-Side Speedup
`Ideal Linear Speedup
`Figure 5: PLP Receive-Side Throughput
`Figure 6: PLP Receive-Side Speedup
`Throughput (MBits/sec)
`Throughput (MBits/sec)

`methodology as with the PLP experiments, with the one
`exception that in some cases, the warmup period is longer
`than 30 seconds.
`As with packet-level-parallelism,the throughputs decline
`asmorecompute-intensive cryptographic operations areper-
`formed. Previous work [38] showed good speedup for CLP,
`barring any other protocol processing. Figure 8 illustrates
`this in the baseline case (i.e., the TCP/IP stack). CLP ex-
`hibits good speedup when the workload has a sufficient
`number of active connections because each connection is
`serviced by its own thread, and there is no explicit synchro-
`nization between threads. Figure 8 also shows that when any
`cryptographic processing is added to the scenario, speedup
`becomes essentially linear. This is because speedup for
`CLP depends on the ratio of compute-bound vs. memory
`bound processing. The more compute-bound an application
`is, the better the speedup will be. The more memory-bound
`an application is, the greater the likelihood that memory
`contention between processors will limit speedup. Since
`cryptographic protocols are compute-intensive, CLP stacks
`using them exhibit better speedup.
`An interesting result is that while the two approaches to
`parallelism behave very differently in the baseline cases(i.e.,
`the standard TCP/IP stacks), as more cryptographic process-
`ing is done, the more similar the schemes appear in both in
`terms of throughput, speedup, and latency. For example,
`in the send-side experiment using DES, both schemes have
`a throughput of roughly 50 Mbits/sec with 12 processors.
`Again, this is because the cryptographic processing, which
`is similar in the two schemes, vastly outweighs differences
`between the two approaches, as well as the differences in
`the experiments (i.e., single vs. multiple connections).
`Figures 9 and 10 show that for the receive side, the base-
`line experiments show better throughput and speedup than
`for the send side. However, once cryptographic protocols
`are added, the same trends are exhibited.
`Table 2 gives the appropriate latency breakdown for the
`connection-level parallel stack. Again, incremental costs
`are relative to the baseline TCP/IP stack. The incremental
`cost for MD5 in this case is about 1550 usec, for DES about
`7100 usec, and for 3-DES about 21500 usec.
`Figure 11 shows how connection-level parallelism scales
`with large numbers of connections for the send side. In this
`experiment, 12 processors were used, and the workload var-
`ied from 12 to 384 connections. Two forms of connection-
`level parallelism were used here:
`where the number of threads is equal to the number of con-
`nections, and processor-per-connection, where the number
`of threads equals the number of processors Note that at 12
`connections the two schemes are equivalent.
`Previous work [38] has shown that, barring any other pro-
`tocol processing, thread-per-connection achieves higher ag-
`gregate throughput than processor-per-connection, but that
`Table 2: CLP Latency Breakdown (usec)
`processor-per-connection distributes the aggregate band-
`width more fairly between connections. Figure 11 shows
`that, as cryptographic protocol processing is added, the dif-
`ference in performance between the thread-per-connection
`and processor-per-connection versions of CLP disappear.
`this is because cryptographic computation over-
`whelms any costs due to memory referencing or increasing
`the parallelism by using more threads.
`5 Discussion
`In this paper we have shown how both packet-level and
`connection-level parallelism can be used to improve cryp-
`tographic protocol performance. We have not addressed
`functional parallelism or more fine-grained approaches to
`parallelized cryptography, such as using multiple processors
`to encrypt a single message in parallel. Such an approach
`would not only improve throughput, but might also reduce
`the latency as seen by an individual message.
`For example, DES in Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode
`can be run in parallel on different blocks of a single mes-
`sage. However, DES using ECB is susceptible to simple-
`substitution code attacks and cut-and-paste forgery, both of
`which are realistic worries in computer systems which send
`large amounts of known text. Thus, most DES implemen-
`tations use CBC mode, where a plaintext block is XOR’ed
`with the ciphertext of the previous block, making each block
`dependent on the previous one, and preventing a parallelized
`implementation. However, each 8 byte block of a message
`encrypted with DES in CBC mode could be decrypted in
`parallel, since computing the plaintext block requires only
`the key, the ciphertext block, and the previous ciphertext
`In practice, DES CBC must be used with some form
`of message integrity check to thwart cut-and-paste forg-
`eries. MD5 is not amenable to fine-grain parallelism, and
`this limits the opportunities for applying these methods.
`Some avenues for research include finding faster or paral-
`lelizable message integrity algorithms, and combining these
`with DES modes that allow finer-grain parallel encryption
`techniques, and especially modes that allow the sender and
`receiver to use different processing granularities.

`Ideal Linear Speedup
`Figure 7: CLP Send-Side Throughput
`Figure 8: CLP Send-Side Speedup
`Ideal Linear Speedup
`Figure 9: CLP Receive-Side Throughput
`Figure 10: CLP Receive-Side Speedup
`Throughput (Mb/sec)
`Throughput (Mb/sec)

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