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`Library of Congress _Cata1ogiJ1g—in-Publication Data
`Academic Press dictionary of science and technology / edited by
`Christopher Morris
`. ISBN 0-12—200400—0
`2. Technology--Dictionaries.
`1. Science——Dicti0na.ries.
`11. Academic Press.
`111. Title:
`1. Morris, Christopher G.
`Dictionary of science and technology.
`Exhibit 3001 p. 2
`automatic stop
`automonitor Computer Programming. 21 program designed as a part
`the system operating software that measures performance of compu
`systems or computer programs; for example, throughput rates, comp
`nent utilization, number and types of input/output operations, and pri
`gram execution times.
`autcmorphic Petrology. describing igneous rocks whose minerals a
`bounded by their own crystal faces. Also, EUHEDRAL, IDIOMORPHIC.
`automorphic function Mathematics. a modular form of degree zer
`i.e., a functionfsatisfyingf((az + bl/(C2 + a‘)) =f(z) , where Im z >
`and a, b, c, and d are constants belonging to a discrete group of fra
`tional linear transformations such that ad — be : 1. f is said to be aut
`morphic with respect to the group of transformations.
`automorphic number Mathematics. a nonnegative integer a is said i
`be an automorphic number in the scale it with the index it if a2 — n 2
`(mod n " J; that is, if a2 e a is an integral multiple of nk.
`automorphism Mathematics. 1. an isomorphism from an algebrai
`structure to itself. 2. an isomorphism from a graph to itself.
`automcrphosis Petrology. the metamorphosis of consolidated, solid
`fied, igneous rock by intrinsic liquid heating.
`automotive Mechanical Engineering. 1. of or relating to a self—pro
`pelled vehicle designed for land transportation, such as an automobil
`tniclc, motorcycle, or bus. Thus, automotive engine, automotive fuel
`automotive transmission, and so on. 2. of or relating to any vehicl
`that is propelled by a self-contained engine or motor, such as a moto
`boat, helicopter, or airplane.
`automotive engineering Engineering. the development and study of
`various technologies relating to automobiles and other motor vehicles
`The design and management of the production of these vehicles.
`automotive industry Mechanical Engineering. the various companie:
`and enterprises involved in the design, development, manufacture, flllt
`sale of motor vehicles and related products.
`automotive vehicle Mechanical Engineering. 1. an automobile 0:
`other motor vehicle. 2. any other self-propelled vehicle used for the
`transportation of people or materials, including aircraft and motor boats.
`autonomic Physiology. self-controlling; functionally independent.
`autonomic movement Botany. any movement in response to internal
`rather than external stimulation; includes growth and chromosome
`autonomic nervous system Physiology. the part of the nervous sys-
`tem that controls involuntary actions, including the smooth muscles,
`cardiac muscle, and glands.
`autonomic reflex system Physiology. the autonomic fibers that in-
`nervate involuntary action of the smooth muscles, glands, and conduc-
`tive tissues of the heart.
`autonomously replicating sequence Molecular Biology. a DNA
`molecule that is found in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus but is not at-
`tached to a chromosome and replicates independently of the chromoso-
`mal DNA. Genetics. any of several DNA sequences required for
`chromosome replication in yeast cells.
`autonomous system Mathematics. :1 system of linear first-order dif-
`ferential equations of the form olx, lat = A, (xi, .
`. ,xn), where the func-
`tions A, are independent of t.
`autonomy stage Psychology. the second of Erik E1il(son‘s eight stages
`of human development, at about the age of two to three, when children
`develop a sense of independence and begin to control their impulses and
`autonomy vs doubt Psychology. the conflict that can arise during the
`autonomy stage of development, when the child may doubt his ability to
`become independent if his parents are overly critical or overprotective.
`Also, autonomy vs shame and doubt.
`autooxidation Chemistry. 1. a self-catalyzed oxidation reaction that
`occurs spontaneously in the atmosphere, initiated by light, heat, and so
`on. 2. an oxidation reaction initiated only by an inductor.
`autoparasitization Entomology. an unusual form of intraspecific inter-
`action in which one sex lives as a parasite on the other sex, as with cer-
`tain scale insects.
`Autopass Robotics. a robot language developed by IBM for their auto-
`matic programming system for computerized mechanical assembly.
`autopatch Electronics. a remote-controlled device that incorporates a
`radiocommunications system into a land-line telephone network.
`autopath Neurology. a person who suffers from allergic disorders due
`to a sensitive autonomic nervous system. Also, autophil.
`autopatrol Mechanical Engineering. in self-propelled machine with a
`blade for shaping excavated surfaces to the desired shape or slope. Also.
`automatic stop Computer Technology. automatic cessation of com-
`puter operations upon detection of certain specified types of processing
`automatic switchboard Telecommunications. a system that has the
`capability of automatically processing traffic without operator interven-
`tion; it can recognize dial and pushbutton signaling, automatically route
`calls, handle precedences, dispose of incorrect calls, and switch incom-
`ing calls from line-to-line, trunk-to-trunk, and trunls:-to-line.
`automatic threshold closer see AUTOMATIC DOOR BOTTOM.
`automatic tint control Electronics. a color television receiver circuit
`that corrects phase errors in the chroma signal before demodulation in
`order to maintain correct skin tones.
`automatic titrator Analytical Chemistry. 1. a titration with a measured
`flow of the reactant. 2. electrically generated reactant with potentiomet-
`zic, ampherometric, or colorimetric end~point determination.
`automatic toll ticketing see AUTOMATIC MESSAGE ACCOUNTING.
`automatic tool identification Design Engineering. the process of
`using a bar code or other coded identifier on individual tools in order to
`provide for automated selection and retrieval of tooling.
`automatic train control Transportation Engineering. a rail system in
`which all operations, protection, and supervision are controlled electron-
`automatic tuning system Control Systems. an electrical or mechani-
`cal system for automatically tuning a radio transmitter or receiver to a
`predetermined frequency.
`automatic typewriter Engineering. an electric typewriter that has the
`capability to record information as it produces conventional typed copy,
`so that itlater can automatically retype the stored information.
`automatic voltage regulator see VOLTAGE REGULATOR.
`automatic volume compressor see VOLUME COMPRESSOR.
`automatic volume control Electronics. in a radio receiver, a device
`that maintains a constant output volume by adjusting the gain control
`automatically. The volume is thereby independent of the input signal.
`automatic volume expander see VOLUME EXPANDER.
`automatic weapon Ordnance. a weapon that repeatedly fires, extracts,
`ejects, and loads new rounds without power from an outside source, so
`long as pressure on the trigger or firing mechanism is maintained. Also,
`automatic weather station Meteorology. an unmanned weather sta-
`tion equipped with weather element recording and telemetric apparatus
`for transmitting data at predetermined times.
`automatic wet-pipe sprinkler system Engineering. a sprinkler sys-
`tem whose pipe network is filled with water at a pressure that is suffi-
`cient to provide an immediate discharge of water when the system is
`automatic writing Psychology. the writing of meaningful material un-
`consciously, as during hypnosis.
`automation Engineering. 1. the use of mechanical, electronic, or com-
`puterized systems to replace or augment human labor. 2. an industrial
`process in which machines operate automatically with minimal human
`automatism Biology. 1. spontaneous, automatic activity of body tis-
`sues. 2. a behavior or act that is not under control of the will, such as a
`reflexive response or an epileptic seizure.
`automaton [6 tiim’a tii'n’] plural, automata or automatons. Computer
`Technology. an abstract mathematical machine that performs actions in
`response to its preprogramming, memory contents, and inputs; used as
`formal models of real or theoretical computers. Kinds of automata in-
`clude finite automata, pushdown-stack automata, linear—bounded au-
`tomata, and turning machines.
`automechanism Control Systems. any machine or device that operates
`under automatic control or under control of a servomechanism.
`automecoic Cartography. of or related to true scale dimensions.
`autometamorphism Petrology. the metamorphic process in an ig-
`neous rock caused by the action of its own volatile water-rich liquid
`trapped within its impervious chilled border.
`autometasomatism see AUTOMETAMORPHJSM.
`automimicry Biology. mimicry within a species, as when some mem-
`bers of the species are unpalatable, and palatable members of the same
`species imitate them.
`automobile Mechanical Engineering. 1. a mechanical, four-wheeled,
`trackless passenger vehicle, generally designed for use on paved roads
`and propelled by electricity, diesel fuel, or gasoline. 2. of or relating to
`such a vehicle. Also, CAR.
`automobile industry see AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY.
`Exhibit 3001 p. 3