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`Word of the Day
`[verb em-yuh-leyt; adjective em-yuh-lit]
`W ord Origin
`verb (used with object), emulated, emulating.
`to try to equal or excel; imitate with effort to equal or surpass:
`to emulate one's father as a concert violinist.
`to rival with some degree of success:
`Some smaller cities now emulate the major capitals in their cultural offerings.
`a. to imitate (a particular computer system) by using a software system, often including a microprogram or another
`computer that enables it to do the same work, run the same programs, etc., as the first.
`b. to replace (software) with hardware to perform the same task.
`Obsolete. emulous.
`Origin of emulate
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`1580-90; < Latin aemulātus, past participle of aemulārī to rival. See emulous, -ate
`Related forms
`emulative, adjective
`emulatively, adverb
`emulator, noun
`nonemulative, adjective
`overemulate, verb (used with object), overemulated, overemulating.
`Can be confused
`emulate, immolate.
`1. follow, copy.
`Dictionary.com Unabridged
`Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2015.
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`Examples from the Web for em-u-late
`Contemporary Examples
`W e females believed that to be successful w e had to “man up” and emulate masculine emotional restraint.
`W hy Do W omen Cry More Than Men?
`Anne Kreamer
`December 17, 2010
`It w ill not take the Iraqis anyw here near as long as it took us, because there are examples for them to emulate, or to bew are of.
`Iraq's Political Miracle
`Tunku Varadarajan
`March 2, 2010
`W hy w ould w e say that they should emulate us, instead of the other w ay around?
`America Really Is Exceptional
`Megan McArdle
`September 25, 2012
`In Chicago, you have rappers like Chief Keef posing w ith guns, and the young kids there emulate that.
`Quincy Jones Talks Chicago’s Mean Streets, W hy Kanye W est Is No Michael Jackson, and Bieber
`Marlow Stern
`September 24, 2014
`Every four years, Republican president candidates promise to emulate Ronald Reagan.
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`How Romney Is Like Reagan
`Peter Beinart
`June 19, 2011
`Historical Examples
`They appeal to noble sons to emulate the heroes of this great conflict.
`The Little Lady of Lagunitas
`Richard Henry Savage
`The Prince praised the deeds of his ancestors, and called upon him to emulate them.
`Red Cap Tales
`Samuel Rutherford Crockett
`Some o' you jokers have got a fine richness of colour on your physiognimies that I don't pretend to emulate.
`W ith Edged Tools
`Henry Seton Merriman
`W as it something in a cast of character or a tenet of a creed, or w as it w hat any one could emulate?
`The Letter of the Contract
`Basil King
`Slow ly, the modern masses are learning to emulate their erstw hile masters in the art of eating.
`Cooking and Dining in Imperial Rome
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`British Dictionary definitions for em-u-late
`verb (transitive)
`to attempt to equal or surpass, esp by imitation
`to rival or compete with
`to make one computer behave like (another different type of computer) so that the imitating system can operate on the
`same data and execute the same programs as the imitated system
`Derived Forms
`Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
`© W illiam Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
`Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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`Word Origin and History for em-u-late
`1580s, back-formation from emulation, or else from Latin aemulatus, past participle of aemulari "to rival." Related: Emulated;
`Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper
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