IEEE Std 802.15.1™-2005
`(Revision of
`IEEE Std 802.15.1-2002)
`IEEE Standard for
`Information technology—
`Telecommunications and information
`exchange between systems—
`Local and metropolitan area networks—
`Specific requirements
`Part 15.1: Wireless medium access control (MAC)
`and physical layer (PHY) specifications for
`wireless personal area networks (WPA N s )
`IEEE Computer Society
`Sponsored by the
`LAN/MAN Standards Committee
`3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
`14 June 2005
`Print: SH95323
`PDF: SS95323
`DISH, Exh. 1008, p. 1

`DISH, Exh. 1008, p. 2

`Recognized as an
`American National Standard (ANSI)
`IEEE Std 802.15.1~-2005
`(Revision of
`IEEE Std 802.15.1-2002)
`IEEE Standard for
`Information technology(cid:173)
`Telecommunications and information
`exchange between systems(cid:173)
`Local and metropolitan area networks(cid:173)
`Specific requirements
`Part 15.1: Wireless medium access control (MAC)
`and physical layer (PHY) specifications for
`wireless personal area networks (WPANs)
`LAN/MAN Standards Committee
`of the
`IEEE Society
`Approved 31 May 2005
`American National Standards Institute
`Approved 14 February 2005
`IEEE-SA Standards Board
`DISH, Exh. 1008, p. 3

`Abstract: Methods for communicating devices in a personal area network (PAN) are covered in this
`Keywords: Bluetooth™, communications protocol, ISM, personal area network, WPAN
`The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA
`Copyright© 2005 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.
`All rights reserved. Published 14 June 2005. Printed in the United States of America.
`IEEE and 802 are registered trademarks in the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office, owned by the Institute of Electrical and
`Electronics Engineers, Incorporated.
`Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc.
`ISBN Cl-7381-4707-9
`ISBN Cl-7381-4708-7
`No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior
`written permission of the publisher.
`DISH, Exh. 1008, p. 4

`IEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating
`Committees of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. The IEEE develops its standards
`through a consensus development process, approved by the American National Standards Institute, which brings
`together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve the final product. Volunteers are not
`necessarily members of the Institute and serve without compensation. While the IEEE administers the process
`and establishes rules to promote fairness in the consensus development process, the IEEE does not independently
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`Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluotary. The IEEE disclaims liability for any personal injury, property or
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`The IEEE does not warrant or represent the accuracy or content of the material contained herein, and expressly
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`In publishing and making this document available, the IEEE is not suggesting or rendering professional or other
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`upon the advice of a competent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circum(cid:173)
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`IEEE standards shall make it clear that his or her views should be considered the personal views of that individual
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`Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affil(cid:173)
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`be addressed to:
`Secretary, IEEE-SA Standards Board
`445 Hoes Lane
`Piscataway, NJ 08854
`NOTE-Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject
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`ence or validity of any patent rights in conoection therewith. The IEEE shall not be responsible for identifying
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`ity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention.
`Authorization to photocopy portions of any individual standard for internal or personal use is granted by the Insti(cid:173)
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`vidual standard for educational classroom use can also be obtained through the Copyright Clearance Center.
`DISH, Exh. 1008, p. 5

`This introduction is not part ofIEEE Std 802.15.1-2005, IEEE Standard for Information technology-Telecommuni(cid:173)
`cations and information exchange between systems-Local and metropolitan area networks-Specific requirements:
`Part 15.1: Wireless medium access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications for wireless personal area
`networks (WPANs).
`This standard defines services and protocol elements that permit the exchange of management information
`between stations associated in a personal area network (PAN).
`Notice to users
`Errata, if any, for this and all other standards can be accessed at the following URL: http://
` Users are encouraged to check this URL for
`errata periodically.
`Current interpretations can be accessed at the following URL:
`Attention is called to the possibility that implementation of this standard may require use of subject matter
`covered by patent rights. By publication of this standard, no position is taken with respect to the existence or
`validity of any patent rights in connection therewith. The IEEE shall not be responsible for identifying
`patents or patent applications for which a license may be required to implement an IEEE standard or for
`conducting inquiries into the legal validity or scope of those patents that are brought to its attention. A patent
`holder or patent applicant has filed a statement of assurance that it will grant licenses under these rights
`without compensation or under reasonable rates and nondiscriminatory, reasonable terms and conditions to
`applicants desiring to obtain such licenses. The IEEE makes no representation as to the reasonableness of
`rates, terms, and conditions of the license agreements offered by patent holders or patent applicants. Further
`information may be obtained from the IEEE Standards Department.
`The following is a list of participants in the Wireless Personal Area Networks Working Group at the time
`this standard was approved.
`Robert F. Helle, Chair, IEEE 802.15
`Thomas M. Siep, Chair, Task Group 1 a
`Jon Adams
`Roberto Aiello
`Hiroshi Akagi
`Masaaki Akahane
`Richard Alfvin
`James Allen
`Anand Anandakumar
`Jong Hoon Ann
`Michimasa Aramaki
`Larry Arnett
`Arun Arunachalam
`Naiel Askar
`Venkatl Bahl
`Yasaman Bahreini
`Daniel Bailey
`Jay Bain
`James Baker
`Jaigancsh Balakrishnan
`Paul Ballentine
`John Barr
`Anuj Batra
`Dagnachew Birru
`Kenneth Boehlke
`Monique Bourgeois
`Mark Bowles
`Charles Brabenac
`Copyright© 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1008, p. 6

`Vern Brethour
`Ronald Brown
`Peter Cain
`Ed Callaway
`Pat Carson
`Kisoo Chang
`Soo-Young Chang
`Jonathon Cheah
`Chee Wei Chew
`Francois Po Shin Chin
`Aik Chindapol
`Sangsung Choi
`Yun Choi
`Craig Conkling
`Robert Charles Cragie
`David Cypher
`Kai Dombrowski
`Michael Dydyk
`Jason Ellis
`Shahriar Emami
`Dwayne Escola
`Mark W. Fidler
`Chris Fisher
`Reed Fisher
`Jeff Foerster
`Etsumi Fujita
`Taketo Fukui
`David Furuno
`Pierre Gandolfo
`Michael Genossar
`Ian Gifford
`James Gilb
`Tim Godfrey
`Sorin Goldenberg
`Martin Gravenstein
`Evan Green
`Bernd Grohmann
`Assaf Gurevitz
`Jose Gutierrez
`Dongwoon Hahn
`Thomas Hamilton
`Yasuo Harada
`Drew Harrington
`Allen Heberling
`Robert Heile
`Barry Herold
`Karl Heubaum
`Reed Hinkel
`Michael Hoghooghi
`Srinath Hosur
`Robert Huang
`Eran Igler
`Katsumi Ishii
`Phil Jamieson
`Ho-In Jeon
`J eyhan Karaoguz
`Masami Katagiri
`Joy Kelly
`Michael Kelly
`Stuart J. Kerry
`Kyoung-A Kim
`Myoung Soo Kim
`Young Hwan Kim
`Kursat Kimyacioglu
`Patrick Kinney
`Guenter Kleindl
`Toshiya Kobashi
`Bruce P. Kraemer
`Rajeev Krishnamoorthy
`Do-Hoon Kwon
`John V. Lampe
`Jim Lansford
`Torbjom Larsson
`Hyung Soo Lee
`Myung Lee
`Simon Lee
`Woo-Kyung Lee
`David Leeper
`Liang Li
`Susan Lin
`Hui-Ling Lou
`Steven March
`Frederick Martin
`Noriaki Matsuno
`John McCorkle
`Michael Mcinnis
`Michael McLaughlin
`James McLean
`Daniel Meacham
`Jim Meyer
`Leonard Miller
`Andreas Molisch
`Antonio Mondragon
`Mark Moore
`Anthony Morelli
`Steven Morton
`Marco Naeve
`Ken Naganuma
`Yves-Paul Nakache
`Chiu Ngo
`Erwin R Noble
`Christopher O'Connor
`John C. O'Conor
`Hiroyo Ogawa
`Eric Ojard
`John B. Pardee
`Jonghun Park
`Joon Goo Park
`Dave Patton
`Marcus Pendergrass
`Xiaoming Peng
`Robert D. Poor
`Paul Popescu
`Gregg Rasor
`Charles R.auell
`Glyn Roberts
`Richard Roberts
`Martin Rotheart
`Chris Rogers
`Gerald Rogerson
` Rypinski
`Shin Saito
`Tomoki Saito
`John Santhoff
`John Sarallo
`Yasufumi Sasaki
`Mark Schrader
`Tom Schuster
`Erik Schylander
`Michael Seals
`Kevin Shelby
`Stephen J. Shellhammer
`Shusalcu Shimada
`Cheol-Ho Shin
`Yuichi Shiraki
`Etan Shirron
`Gadi Shor
`William Shvodian
`Thomas Siep
`Kazimierz Siwiak
`Carl Stevenson
`Rene Stroik
`Hiroto Sugahara
`Robert A. Sutton
`Mltsuhiro Suzuki
`Katsumi Takaoka
`Kenichi Takizawa
`Teik-Kheong Tan
`Mike Tanahashi
`James Taylor
`Jerome Tjia
`Kiyohito Tokuda
`Jean Tsao
`Stephen Turner
`Hans van Leeuwen
`Bhupender Virk
`Thierry Walrant
`Jerry Wang
`Jing Wang
`Fujio Watanabe
`Katsumi Watanabe
`Matthew Welborn
`Richard Wilson
`Gerald Wineinger
`Stephen Wood
`Edward G Woodrow
`David Yaish
`Hirohisa Yamaguchi
`Wonyong Yoon
`Amos Young
`Song-Lin Young
`Serdar Yurdakul
`Honggang Zhang
`Copyright© 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1008, p. 7

`The following members of the balloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters may have voted for
`approval, disapproval, or abstention.
`Jon Adams
`Roberto Aiello
`Hiroshi Akagi
`Richard Alfvin
`James Allen
`Richard Allen
`Anand Anandakwnar
`Jong Hoon Ann
`Larry Arnett
`Venkatb Bahl
`Yasaman Bahreini
`Jay Bain
`James Baker
`J aiganesh Balakrishnan
`Kannan Balakrishnan
`Paul Ballentine
`John Barr
`Anuj Batra
`Phil Beecher
`Dagnachew Birru
`Kenneth Boehlke
`Herve Bonneville
`John Boot
`Bruce Bosco
`Monique Bourgeois
`Mark Bowles
`Charles Brabenac
`Jennifer Bray
`David Brenner
`Vern Brethour
`Ronald Brown
`Peter Cain
`Ed Callaway
`Pat Carson
`Kisoo Chang
`Soo-Young Chang
`Jonathon Cheah
`CheeWei Chew
`Francois Chin
`Yu-Chang Chiu
`Sangsung Choi
`Yun Choi
`Chia-Chin Chong
`Manoj Choudhary
`Craig Conkling
`Celestino Corral
`Robert Cragie
`David Cypher
`Scott Davis
`Joe Decuir
`Javier Del Prado Pavon
`Kai Dombrowski
`Stefan Drude
`Eryk Dutkiewicz
`Michael Dydyk
`Jason Ellis
`Shahriar Emami
`Yossi Erlich
`Dwayne Escola
`Mark Fidler
`Chris Fisher
`Reed Fisher
`Kristoffer Fleming
`Etsumi Fujita
`Taketo Fukui
`David Furuno
`Ricardo Gandia Sanchez
`Pierre Gandolfo
`Michael Genossar
`Ian Gifford
`James Gilb
`Tim Godfrey
`Sung-Wook Goh
`Sorin Goldenberg
`Martin Gravenstein
`Evan Green
`Bernd Grohmann
`Assaf Gurevitz
`Dongwoon Hahn
`Julian Hall
` Hamilton
`Yasuo Harada
`Drew Harrington
`Jeff Harris
`Amer Hassan
`Vann Hasty
`Allen Heberling
`Robert Heile
`Barry Herold
`Karl Heubaum
`Jin-Meng Ho
`Michael Hoghooghi
`Srinath Hosur
`Patrick Houghton
`Chi-Hao Huang
`Robert Huang
`Xiaojing Huang
`Eran Igler
`Tetsushi Ikegami
`Yeong Min Jang
`Bruno Jechoux
`Ho-In Jeon
`Tzyy Hong Jiang (Chiang)
`Peter Johansson
`Jeyhan Karaoguz
`Masami Katagiri
`Joy Kelly
`Michael Kelly
`Stuart Kerry
`Jae Young Kim
`Young Hwan Kim
`Youngsoo Kim
`Kursat Kimyacioglu
`Matthias Kindler
`Patrick Kinney
`Guenter Kleindl
`Toshiya Kobashi
`Rajeev Krishnamoorthy
`Hahn Kupershmidt
`Yuzo Kuramochi
`Do-Hoon Kwon
`Taek:young Kwon
`John Lampe
`Jim Lansford
`Torbjorn Larsson
`David Leach
`Hyung Soo Lee
`Kyung-Kuk Lee
`Myung Lee
`Simon Lee
`Woo-Kyung Lee
`David Leeper
`Fabrice Legrand
`Israel Leibovich
`Henry Li
`Huan-Bang Li
`Iie Liang
`Susan Lin
`Yong Liu
`Hui-Ling Lou
`Steve Ma
`Tadahiko Maeda
`Frederick Martin
`Abbie Mathew
`Masafumi Matsumura
`John Mccorkle
`Michael Mcinnis
`Michael McLaughlin
`James McLean
`Daniel Meacham
`Jim Meyer
`Leonard Miller
`Hitoshi Miyasaka
`Andreas Molisch
`Antonio Mondragon
`Mark Moore
`Anthony Morelli
`Steven Morton
`Marco Naeve
`Ken Naganuma
`Hiroyuki Nagasaka
`Copyright C 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1008, p. 8

`Yves-Paul Nakache
`Chiu Ngo
`Erwin Noble
`Mizukoshi Nobuyuki
`Masaki Noda
`Richard Noens
`Christopher O'Connor
`John (Jay) O'Conor
`Hiroyo Ogawa
`Eric Ojard
`Philip Orlik
`Eiichiro Otobe
`John Pardee
`Bonghyuk Park
`Jonghun Park
`Joon Goo Park
`Young Jin Park
`Dave Patton
`Miguel Pellon
`Xiaoming Peng
`Robert Poor
`Paul Popescu
`Clinton Powell
`Ajay Rajkumar
`Gregg Rasor
`Charles Razzell
`Mark Rich
`Yuko Rilruta
`Benno Ritter
`Terry Robar
`Glyn Roberts
`Richard Roberts
`Martin Rotheart
`Christopher Rogers
`Gerald Rogerson
`Jaeho Roh
`Philippe Rouzet
`Chandos Rypinski
`Zafer Sahinoglu
`Tomoki Saito
`John Santhoff
`John Sarallo
`Yasufumi Sasaki
`Sidney Schrum
`Tom Schuster
`Erik Schylander
`Michael Seals
`Huai-Rong Shao
`Kevin Shelby
`Stephen Shellhammer
`Chih-Chung Shi
`Shusaku Shimada
`Cheol-Ho Shin
`Yuichi Shiraki
`Etan Shirron
`Matthew Shoemake
`Gadi Shor
`William Shvodian
`Thomas Siep
`Michael Sim
`Kazimierz Siwiak:
`Yoram Solomon
`V Somayazulu
`Amjad Soomro
`Carl Stevenson
`Marinus Struik
`Hiroto Sugahara
`Robert Sutton
`Mltsuhiro Suzuki
`Kazuak:i Takahashi
`Kenichi Takizawa
`Teik-Kheong Tan
`Mike Tanahashi
`James Taylor
`John Terry
`Kiyohito Tokuda
`Jean Tsao
`Stephen Turner
`Hans Van Leeuwen
`Bhupender Vtrk
`Timothy Wakeley
`Thierry Walrant
`Vivek Wandile
`Jerry Wang
`Jing Wang
`Yunbiao Wang
`Fujio Watanabe
`Chris Weber
`Matthew Welborn
`Richard Wilson
`Gerald Wineinger
`Andreas Wolf
`Timothy Wong
`Stephen Wood
`Patrick Worfolk
`Yu-Ming Wu
`David Yaish
`Hirohisa Yamaguchi
`Kamya Yekeh Yazdandoost
`Wonyong Yoon
`Yutaka Yoshida
`Song-Lin Young
`Hon Yung
`Serdar Yurdakul
`Honggang Zhang
`Frank Xiaojun Zheng
`When the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 14 February 2005, it had the following
`Don Wright, Chair
`Steve M. Mills, Vice Chair
`Judith Gorman, Secretary
`Raymond Hapeman
`Richard J. Holleman
`Richard H. Hulett
`Lowell G. Johnson
`Joseph L. Koepfinger*
`Hermann Koch
`Thomas J. McGean
`Daleep C. Mohla
`Paul Nikolich
`T. W. Olsen
`Ronald C. Petersen
`Gary S. Robinson
`Frank Stone
`Malcolm V. Thaden
`Doug Topping
`Joe D. Watson
`Chuck Adams
`Stephen Berger
`Mark D. Bowman
`Joseph A. Bruder
`Bob Davis
`Roberto de Marca Boisson
`Julian Forster*
`Arnold M Greenspan
`Mark S. Halpin
`*Member Emeritus
`Copyright© 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1008, p. 9

`Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons:
`Satish K. Aggarwal, NRC Representative
`Richard DeBiasio, DOE Representative
`Alan Cookson, NIST Representative
`Don Messina
`IEEE Standards Project Editor
`Copyright C 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1008, p. 10

`1. Overview .............................................................................................................................................. 1
`1.1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 1
`1.2 WP AN definition ........................................................................................................................ 1
`2. Normative references ........................................................................................................................... 3
`IEEE documents ......................................................................................................................... 3
`ISO documents ........................................................................................................................... 3
`ITU documents ........................................................................................................................... 3
`2.4 Other documents ........................................................................................................................ 4
`3. Definitions ........................................................................................................................................... 5
`4. Acronyms and abbreviations ............................................................................................................. 11
`4.1 Standard-based acronyms and abbreviations ........................................................................... 11
`4.2 Bluetooth specification names ................................................................................................. 14
`5. General description ............................................................................................................................ 17
`5.1 Newfeatures ............................................................................................................................. 17
`5.2 Changes in wording .................................................................................................................. 17
`5 .2.1
`IEEE language update ............................................................................................... 17
`5.2.2 Nomenclature changes .............................................................................................. 17
`5.3 S1ructure changes ..................................................................................................................... 18
`5.4 Deprecated features .................................................................................................................. 18
`6. Architecture ....................................................................................................................................... 19
`6.1 General description .................................................................................................................. 19
`6.2 Core system architecture .......................................................................................................... 20
`6.3 Core architectural blocks .......................................................................................................... 22
`Channel manager ...................................................................................................... 22
`6.3 .2
`L2CAP resource manager ......................................................................................... 22
`6.3.3 Device manager ........................................................................................................ 22
`Link manager (LM) .................................................................................................. 22
`6.3 .5
`BB resource manager ................................................................................................ 22
`Link controller .......................................................................................................... 23
`Radio frequency (RF) ............................................................................................... 23
`6.4 Data transport architecture ....................................................................................................... 23
`Core traffic bearers ................................................................................................... 24
`Transport architecture entities .................................................................................. 27
`Generic packet s1ructure ........................................................................................... 28
`Physical channels ...................................................................................................... 29
`Physical links ............................................................................................................ 32
`Logical links and logical transports .......................................................................... 33
`6.5 L2CAP channels ....................................................................................................................... 39
`6.6 Communication topology ......................................................................................................... 40
`Piconet topology ....................................................................................................... 40
`6.6.2 Operational procedures andmodes ........................................................................... 41
`Copyright C 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1008, p. 11

`Physical layer (PHY) ......................................................................................................................... 45
`7 .I Scope ........................................................................................................................................ 45
`7. I. I
`Regional authorities .................................................................................................. 45
`Frequency bands and channel arrangement .............................................................. 45
`7 .1.2
`7 .2 Transmitter characteristics ....................................................................................................... 46
`7.3 Modulation characteristics ....................................................................................................... 47
`Spurious emissions ................................................................................................... 47
`7 .4 Receiver characteristics ............................................................................................................ 49
`7.4.l Actual sensitivity level .............................................................................................. 49
`Interference performance .......................................................................................... 49
`7.4.3 Out-of-band blocking ................................................................................................ 49
`Intermodulation characteristics ................................................................................. 50
`7.4.5 Maximum usable level .............................................................................................. 50
`7.4.6 Receiver signal strength indicator ............................................................................. 50
`7.4.7 Reference signal definition ....................................................................................... 50
`7 .5 Nominal test conditions ............................................................................................................ 51
`Nominal temperature ............................................................................................... 5I
`Nominal power source ............................................................................................. 51
`7 .6 Extreme test conditions ........................................................................................................... 51
`7 .6.1
`Extreme temperatures .............................................................................................. 51
`Extreme power source voltages ............................................................................... 51
`7. 7 Test condition parameters ........................................................................................................ 52
`8. Baseband (BB) ................................................................................................................................... 53
`8.I General description .................................................................................................................. 53
`Clock ......................................................................................................................... 53
`8.1.2 Device addressing ..................................................................................................... 54
`8.1.3 Access codes ............................................................................................................. 55
`8.2 Physical channels ..................................................................................................................... 55
`Physical channel definition ....................................................................................... 56
`8.2.2 Basic piconet physical channel ................................................................................. 56
`8.2.3 Adapted piconet physical channel ............................................................................ 61
`Page scan physical channel ....................................................................................... 61
`Inquiry scan physical channel ................................................................................... 64
`8.2.6 Hop selection ............................................................................................................ 66
`8.3 Physical links ............................................................................................................................ 75
`Link supervision ....................................................................................................... 75
`8.4 Logical transports ..................................................................................................................... 76
`8.4.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 76
`Logical transport address (LT_ ADDR) .................................................................... 76
`Synchronous logical transports ................................................................................. 77
`8.4.4 Asynchronous logical transport ................................................................................ 77
`Transmit/receive routines ......................................................................................... 77
`8.4.6 Active slave broadcast (ASB) transport .................................................................... 78
`Parked slave broadcast (PSB) transport .................................................................... 78
`8.5 Logical links ............................................................................................................................. 78
`Link control (LC) logical link ................................................................................... 79
`8.5.2 ACL control (ACL-C) logical link ........................................................................... 79
`8.5.3 Asynchronous/Isochronous user (ACL-U) logical link ............................................ 79
`Stream. logical link .................................................................................................... 79
`Logical link priorities ................................................................................................ 80
`8.6 Packets ...................................................................................................................................... 80
`Copyright CJ 2005 IEEE. All rights reserved.
`DISH, Exh. 1008, p. 12

`General format .......................................................................................................... 80
`8.6.2 Bit ordering ............................................................................................................... 80
`8.6.3 Access code ............................................................................................................... 80
`Packet header ............................................................................................................ 85
`Packet types .............................................................................................................. 86
`Payload format .......................................................................................................... 92
`Packet summary ........................................................................................................ 95
`8.7 Bitstream processing ................................................................................................................ 96
`Error checking ........................................................................................................... 97
`8.7.2 Data whitening .................

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