`The Authoritative Dictionary of
`IEEE Standards Terms
`Seventh Edition
`Published by
`Standards Information Network
`IEEE Press
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`Ex. 3001, Page 1
`Ex. 3001, Page 1
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`Ex. 3001, Page 2
`Ex. 3001, Page 2
`data abstraction
`Database Task Group
`(6) Representations of static or dynamic entities in a formal-
`ized manner suitable for communication. interpretation, or
`processing by humans or by machines.
`(SCC32) 1489-1999
`data abstraction (A) (software) The process of extracting the
`essential characteristics of data by defining data types and
`their associated functional characteristics and disregarding
`representation details. See also: encapsulation; information
`hiding. (Bl (software) The result of the process in definition
`(C) 610.12—l990
`data-access operation A processoninitiated load. store. or lock
`that involves a data-format copy and (for lock operations) a
`data-update action (such as swap or add).
`(ClMM) 159654993
`data access register A register that is used for arithmetic as-
`socialed with random-access of data.
`(C) 6101071994“t
`data acquisition (supervisory control, data acquisition. and
`automatic control) (station control and data acquisition)
`The collection of data.
`(SWG/PE/SUB) 999-1992“). Gill—1994. C37.lUU-1992
`data acquisition system {1) (supervisory control, data ac-
`quisition. and automatic control) (station control and data
`acquisition) A system that receives data from one or more
`locations. See also: teletnctering.
`(PE/SUB) C37. l-l994
`(2) A centralized system that receives data front one or more
`remote points—a telemetering system. Data may be trans-
`ported by either analog or digital telemetering.
`(SWG/PE) C37.1()t)~1992
`data administrator An individual who is reSponsible for the
`definition. organization. supervision. and protection of data
`within some organization. See also: database administrator.
`(C) 6105-1990“)
`data aggregate A collection of two or more data items that are
`treated as a unit. Synonyms: aggregate; group item. See also:
`composite data element.
`(C) 61tl.5-l99l)w
`data attribute A characteristic of a unit of data.
`(C) 610.5-l990w
`data bank (A) A collection of data libraries. Note: A record
`contains one or more items. a file contains one or more re-
`cords, a library contains one or more files, and a data bank
`contains one or more libraries. (B) A collection of data relat-
`ing to a particular subject area. Note: The data may or may
`not be machine-readable.
`(C) 6105-1990
`data bar polling An end-of-write indicator.
`(ED) 1005-1998
`database (DB) (1) (A) (data management) (software) A col-
`lection of logically related data stored together in one or more
`computerized lites. Note: Each data item is identified by one
`or more keys. See also: database management system.
`H!) (data management) (software) In CODASYL. the col-
`lection of all the record occurrences. set occurrences. and ar—
`eas controlled by a specific schema.
`(C) 61(1.S~199tl
`(2) A collection of data fundamental to a system.
`(ClSE) 1074-1995.»:
`(3) A collection of related data stored in one or more com—
`puterized files in a manner that can be accessed by users or
`computer programs via a database management system.
`(C/SE) .l-STD-Ulo-l995
`(4) A collection of interrelated data. often with controlled re-
`dundancy. organized according to a schema to serve one or
`more applications; the data are stored so that they can be used
`by different programs without concem for the data structure
`or organization. A common approach is used to add new data
`and to modify and retrieve existing data.
`(ClDlS) 12784-1997
`database access method A technique for organizing and storing
`a physical database in computer storage.
`(C) 610.5-l990w
`database administration (DBA) The responsibility for the def-
`inition. operation. protection. performance. and recovery of a
`(C) bllt.5-l99(lw
`database administrator (DBA) An individual who is respon-
`sible for the definition, operation. protection. performance.
`and recovery of a database. See also: data administrator.
`(C) 610.571990w
`database command language (DBCL) A procedural data ma~
`nipularion language used to access a database through a da»
`tabase management system. See also: database manipulation
`(C) 6105-199th
`database creation The process ol'rtaming. allocating space. for-
`matting. and defining a database. 5ch also: database defini—
`tion; database design.
`(C) 610.5-t99tlw
`database definition (A) The process of translating a conceptual
`schema for a database into a data storage schema. See also:
`redefinition; database design; database creation. (B) The rew
`sult of such a translation.
`(C) 6105—1990
`database description language tDBDLl See: data definition
`database design (A) The process of developing a conceptual
`schema for a database that will meet a user's requirements.
`implementation design. See also: database cre-
`ation: database definition. (B) The result of the process in
`definition (A).
`(C) 610.5—1990
`database engine A software engine that is specially designed
`for database applications; performs low-level database oper-
`atiotts such as record creation. editing. and deletion. See also:
`relational engine.
`(C) 6tt).ltl-1994w
`database extract A file, each record of which contains data
`items selected front a database. based on a particular criterion.
`(C) 61tl.5-l99tlw
`database integrity The. degree to which the data in a database
`are current. consistent and accurate. See also: data integrity;
`database security; integrity.
`(C) 610.5»199Uw
`database key A field in a database that identifies a record in
`that database.
`(C) 610.5—199llw
`database management system (DBMS) (1) A computer system
`involving hardware. software. or both that provides a system-
`atic approach to creating. storing. retrieving and processing
`information stored in a database. A DBMS acts as an interface
`between computers' programs and data files as well as be-
`tween users and the database. it may include backup/recov-
`ery. checkpoint processing, and rid-hoe query capability.
`(C) 6105-199th
`(2) An integrated set of computer programs that provide the
`capabilities needed to establish. modify. make available. and
`maintain the integrity of a database.
`(C/SE) .l-STD-Olo-l995
`database manipulation language [I)BMI.) See: data manipu-
`lation ltutguage.
`database organization The manner in which a database is
`structured: for example. a hierarchical organization. a rela-
`tional organization. See also: reorganization.
`(C) 610.5—1990w
`database record (A) A collection of data elements that are
`stored in a database. See also: record. (B) A collection of
`hierarchically dependent segments (one root and all
`its de-
`scendants) within a hierarchical database. See also: record.
`(C) 61054990
`database reorganization See: reorganization.
`database security The degree to which a database is protected
`from exposure to accidental or malicious alteration or destruc-
`tion. See also: database integrity; data security.
`(C) 610.5-199llw
`database segment See: segment.
`database server On a network, a sewer that provides access to
`a database at the record level; that is. the server sends and
`locLs only the records affected by a particular requestor. See
`also: file server: disk server: mail server: terminal server; net-
`work server: print server.
`(C) 610.7»1995
`database sublanguagc Sl’t’.’ data snblanguage.
`database system A software system that supports multiple ap-
`plications using a common database.
`(C) 610.5—1990w
`Database Task Group (DBTU) A task group of the CODA—
`SYL Programming Language Committee tltat established a
`set of standards for specification and design of network da-
`tabase structures. See also: CODASYL database.
`(C) 610.5—1990w
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`Ex. 3001. Page 3
`Ex. 3001, Page 3